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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1905)
THS -MOBNING OBEGQyiAK. .MONDAY, K&Y 15, 1905. BILKED BY A ' : : PSEU D 0 QUEEN Italian Colony in Boston Gives Thousands to a Crook ' and Confederates. TITLES PROMISED FOff COIN "Woman Said She Was Carlolta, AVlfe prcx-Empcror Maximilian, aad ' Dispensed Smiles From a Tinsel Throne. BOSTON. May 14. A -woman who claimed to be Carlotta; -wife of Maxl tailian, ex-Emperor of Mexico, and brother of Francis Joseph, present Emperor of Austria, has, according to the Herald, left the city, after securing $10,000 from members of the Italian colony on the pretense that she -was rightfully claimant to the Austrian throne. "She is," the Herald says; "being sought by over 100 residents of the North End district, who for almost eight years have been paying her money to enable her, as they supposed, to gain possession of the Austrian throne, upon which event taking Slace sho promised that -those who helped her would be made ministers and nobles and be given vast estates. 'One woman, the -wife of a prominent Italian, gave her $3000 on the strength of the promise that she should be made a duchess. An organ grinder contributed a few hundred dollars, all his savings, with the understanding that he would be made court musician. Others contributed tens and hundreds on similar assurances. "Many Italian residents secretly visited her at Jicr royal headquarters, a hand somely furnished room in a dwelling house on the corner of Two South End street, where the pscudo queen sat on an imposing throne, resplendent in red cloth and tinsel and graciously allowed them to kiss her hand on the occasions on which they brought her tributes of money. At each side of the throne stood cour tiers and a bodyguard who clanged stage arnis, "Mysterious secrets such as would over throw the present Austrian ruler were credited to the woman. "When she ap peared in Boston eight years ago it was mysteriously whispered among the few in the North End that Carlotta, sister-in-law of Emperor Francis Joseph, .was in Boston In disguise, having es caped" from Brussels, where she had for many years been confined In an asylum. "When they were told that Carlotta had come here to collect a Jew faithful fol lowers on whom she could rely, and enough money to return to Austria and use in connection with her all powerful secrets, and that those who aided her would bask when she gained her throne, in her royal favor, the Italians believed their fortunes were made. "Carlotta's aids in tills vast enterprise were a number of select and dashing young- men of various nationalities, among'. whom one, Moriarty, represented lilmscTf to be Crown Prince Rudolph, old est goft of Francis Joseph, who in Jan uary. US$3. shot himself. "Latterly the Italians become suspicious and begun to hint openly that 'Carlotta and her henchmen were delaying matters. It was disclosed that the woman had left recently." VEILED WOMAN KEEPS SECKET Convicted of Murder of Man and Wife in 1853. NBWBURG, N. T., May 14. Mrs. Hen rietta Robinson, S9 years of age, who was known as the veiled murderess, died at the Mattcwan State Hospital today. She was convicted of the murder of Timothy Lianagan and. Catherine Lubce in Troy, in 3S53. During the trial she wore a heavy vail, and said that she would rather have any verdict pronounced than to remove it. At the close of the trial she drew the vail for an instant, and, smiling at the jury", again drew It. She was sentenced to be hanged on June 19, 1S53. Her sen tence was afterward commuted. She was ent to Auburn State Hospital for the In. sane in 1S73, and later transferred to Mattowan. When a few days ago it was certain she must die, the physicians endeavored to have her reveal her identity, which she had kept hidden since her commitment, and she refused, saying that she had kept he secret for CO years, and might as well lot It die with her. Only once in her long confinement did she ever reveal anything about herself, and then she told a physi cian that she came from the English royal family. Old Resident Kills Himself. PHOENIX, Ariz.. May 14.-Henry Wlck enburg, S6 years of age, was found dead today in a grove near his residence at WIckenburg. a smalt town which bears his name. In his right hand was a 32 calibcr revolver and a powder-burned wound in the temple indicated suicide. He was one of the oldest residents of Arizona and was widely known, not only as one of the picturesque characters of Arizona frontier history, but for the dis covery of the famous Vulture mine in 1S63. , Killed Man Who Attacked Jlcr. CHICAGO. May 14. Eva Dakin. a con cert hall singer, shot and killed one of two men who attacked her today and tried to rob her. The man she killed was --recognized later by detectives as Charles -Bennett. The woman was locked up at the Police Station pending an ln i estlgation. The police say witnesses have been found who corroborated the woman's statement. Accused of Awful Crime. CHICAGO, May 14. Accused by his 7- car-old stepdaughter of having killed his Rife and infant child by pouring kero sene over their bed as they lay asleep and then setting fire to the bed clothing, Joseph Lidlng. a brass finisher, was ar rested here today and is being held while an investigation of the affair Is being made. He says the fire was accidental. Triple- Tragedy at Memphis. MEMPHIS. Tenn., May 14. Thomas Mc Call, a nightwatchman for a railroad, shot And killed Edith Ferguson and Hal Williamson, tonight, and then shot and killed himself. McCall is said to have been. Jealous of "Williamson's attentions to- "tlie -woman. Pcderatlon of Citizens Alliances. SAN FRANCISCO, May 14. (Special.) At a Tweeting of the state executive com mittee of the State Federation of Citi zens' Alliances held yesterday afternoon, Stat- President "W. E. Alexander an nounce that the meeting was called to co&cMfr matters in relation to the fed-eratkm-f the Coast states and aaother mtSRg a few weeks later will be called for-tht? purpose of effectiBg. the consolida tion of interests la Oregon, "Washington, and California. ON .CAYUSE - INDIAN WAR Writer Thinks Those Who Served Should Be Rewarded. PORTLAND, May 13. (To, the Editor.) The communication in The Orcgonian of liay 10, headed "Long Fight Is "Won will be read "with satisfaction by many of the few soldiers of the first Cayuee War that are left, and of their widows that are left, who are perhaps more numerous. From the number of letters the writer feas received from the attorneys of wid ows of men who saw service against the Cayuscs it Is his conclusion that the need Is great, that the relief ?S a month would give should e extended without such ab surd rules of proof or settlement for serv ice with a paymaster of the United States Army. There was not a United States officer of any kind or grade in Oregon when the Urst Cayuse "War was entered upon and closed. The last application for my aid as a witness for a Cayuse War widow's appli cation was from a. woman who was mar ried at Salem, and of which I had knowl edge, but was not an eye-witness, and the rules covering such a fact have been as absurd as that requiring prof of having settled with a paymaster of the United States Army two years before such an officer was in Oregon. The absurdity of the rule as applied to these very' old peo ple 57 years after the service was rendered is much increased when it is remembered how very few of them ever asked a settle ment of any one. The cases of Hiram Carnahan and the writer's brother-in-law will show the extremes of experience. Carnahan was in the first company leav ing Oregon for the Cayuse country, and. as the record shows, staid under orders 6 months and 16 days. This service was long enough to Justify claim for time. The service being one of maintaining a force in the enemy's country, to catch the murderers, should they return from the mountain fastnesses . to which they fled from the Bostons. The rank and file of Gilliam's command had returned to "West ern Oregon, and I venture the assertion that not one-half of them ever saw an accounting officer, as it was well known that nearly everything that could be spared from the homes had been 'contrib uted to start thern to the field. Carnahan was not married until after the gold dis coveries in California. The effect of that discovery on the impoverished Oregon has never yet been much noticed by histori ans. Few of those who went under Gen eral Gilliam got home in time to make a full crop. The news of the gold discover ies came in October, and many a home was left by its working force before the limited harvest was gathered. The writer was married in July, 1S47. The Whitman massacre occurred the fol lowing November. I felt myself too poor to respond to the first call, but gave ray gun and one of three new blankets Mrs. Carnahan's oldest sister and I had to be gin our cabin life with. But noi being one to endure war sounds or war news witfi patience, in mid-January, 3848, I put my young wifo to board with our nearest neighbor, Horace Hold and wife, Mary, who had already put part of her wedding garments, a Boston bride, into an 'Ameri can flag for the Oregon Rangers who trained under Captain Charles Bennett on the Waldo farm in 1B46. I took with mc to the field our two remaining blankets, traded, some of my little property for a saddle-horse, took a long and heavy rifle from Rev. James Wilbur as his contribu tion to the cause and started to join the troops gathering at Oregon City. I was overtaken on the way by A. E. Robinson, Lieutenant of Captain Levi Scott's com pany, ana pressed to become one of the IS men detailed by Governor Abernethy to escort. Hon. Jesse Applegate as his message-bearer to California, overland. We were Joined by Mr. Applegate on the bank of the Rickreall, near where Hon. J. W. Nesmlth is buried, and were fur nished with five pounds of lead, one pound of powder, one box of caps, SO pounds of flour and 39 pounds of bacon each, and started, knowing that It had cost Com missioner Fulkerson great effort to secure that supply of ammunition and food for us. We had no shelter tents. The only ferry then between Salem and California was a rude fiatboat across the Long Tom. It is a matter of history. "We failed to overcome the snows In the Slsklyous. We were ordered home by Captain Scott. By the way. we chose from a point near the present Eugene, and Walter and Thomas Monteith. James Campbell, "William Gil Ham and myself crossed the Willamette at Spourcs and got home via the cast side of the Valley. That was the last I ever saw of my officers In that war. The pay I got was such as makes my heart thrill yet. My wife had hired her services to the wife of Mr. Brewer, an assistant mis sionary, who used his contract with the Mission Board to return with his family to New York, giving me his opinion that fruit would never grow in Oregon as his reason for leaving It. I sought my working oxen the next day, and meeting William Gilliam on the sec ond day of the hunt, learned that he re ceived notlfc of the trouble with the Klamath Indians on the Ablqua while eat ing supper, the evening he reached home, and started to that trouble next morning. He also informed mc of his uncle's death by accident when retiring with his com mand from the Cayuse country under or ders from Governor Abernethy. This was in March, 1848, and gold was found in the May following, in flooding a mlllracc con structed by James Marshall and identi fied by Captain Charles Bennett, both im migrants to Oregon in 1S14. By March, 1849, I think It a safe estimate to say three-fourths of the Cayuse War soldiers were washing out gold In California, and fully that proportion, like myself, never thought of seeking a settlement for their services. But of course such of them as rendered service are entitled to the honor of the record of American soldiers. And it seems now that the best source of such record Is the roster of those serving found in the state history of the early Indian wars of Oregon, as written by the late Mrs. F. F. Victor. At the request of a member of our State Senate during the recent session, I drew up a joint resolu tion, or memorial, which I am Informed passed both bodies, asking that the Ore gon records be used, and indicating that Hon. William Waldo should be made the pension agent. He was in the service and, though young at the time, would be now more likely than a man then older to re member men who served. JOHN MINTO. Carlines Are Ladles Xow. Guardian. All things come at last to those who know how to wait, but the interval Is sometimes long and tedious. Three hun dred years ago there was a little group of ladles In Scotland who tried to obtain something and failed. Last week their successors at length obtained their hearts' desire. When James I found that the wives of the Lords of Session were try ing to get themselves called "my lady," he would have none of it. "True," he said. "I made the carls lords, but who made the carlines ladles?" His descend ant and successor. King Edward VII, has made the carlines ladies at last, and joy reigns in more than one feminine bosom beyond the Tweed. It is. no doubt, an anomaly that a husband should be "your lordship" and his wife plain "ma'am." but it is one from which bishops' wives suffer to this day, and from which they will probably continue to suffer. Ducal Polygamy. . London Saturday Review. Since the whole British Empire can only produce eome 3) Dukes, .if every youiur lady in a novel is to have one for a hus band, Mrs. Humphry-Ward and Mrs. Glyn will, before they have done, have aarried all the Dt&es in existence three or four tissee over, JANGLE IIT CLOSE Railway Congress Delegates Blame the President. BAD TASTE IS ALLEGED Taft Speech Occasions Mucli Ill-Feel-ing Friends of Executive Re ply With Charges or Dis courtesy hy Managers. WASHINGTON, May 14.-(Special.)-The close of the International Railway Con gress has been marred by bad feelings. Delegates charge the Administration with bad taste in injecting Into a social gath ering such a question as railroad rate legislation, while the friends of the Pres ident charge the managers of the con gress with casting a slight upon President Roosevelt because his views were not in accordance with the congress on the question of Governmental regulations of railroads. The railroad people are 'charging the President with discourtesy in not visiting the exhibition of the Railway Appliance Association, although it was upon the President's request that Vice-President Fairbanks received the delegates formally at the White House during the President's absence, and Mrs. Roosevelt entertained in honor of the delegation. The officers of the Appliance Associa tion had made arrangements for closing their exhibit Friday night in a blaze of glory, in the expectation that the Presi dent would visit the grounds. But he did not. Sunday morning Mr. Locb, secre tary of the President, called up on the telephone George A. Post, of New York, secretary of the exhibit: "Say to Mr. Locb," was Chairman Post's direction to tho messenger, "that I am at breakfast. If he wishes to call me up In a half hour, I will talk with him." This message was repeated over the telephone to the White House office. "Does Mr. Post understand that Mr. Loeb at the White House wishes to speak with him?" said the man at the White House end of the line. In apparent aston ishment. "I am sure he docs," was the reply, "and he did not say he would call Mr. Loeb up. I have repeated the message exactly as It was given to mc." . Half an hour later the telephone bell rang again for Mr. Post, and he respond ed. Secretary Loeb wanted to speak with him. "The President Tegrets that he was un able to view the exhibit on the Monument lot," said the secretary. "He wishes to know whether it cannot be arranged for him to view it this morning." "We should have been very glad to wel come the President at the Monument lot." replied Mr. Post. "If we could have seen him yesterday when we called. I am certain it could have been arranged. Could we have known in advance that he would like to view the exhibit, we would have been pleased to arrange for his visit. We would have kept tho exhibit open another day gladly. But that is Impossi ble now." RESULTS OF THE CONGRESS Tariffs Should Be Based on Commer cial Principles. WASHINGTON. May 14. The conclu sions adopted by the international Rail way Congress, which closed its seventh session here yesterday, were officially an nounced today. The most Interesting of the conclusions relate to railroad rates, on which, after a prolonged discussion in which cverj country' in which railroads arc operated was represented, the Con gress unanimously cxprescsd Its conclu sions, as follows: "Tariffs should be based on commercial principles, taking into account the special conditions which bear upon the commer cial value of the services rendered. With the reservation that rates shall be charged without arbitrary discrimination to all shippers alike under like conditions, the making of rates should as far as pos sible have all the elasticity necessary to permit the development of the traffic and to produce the greatest results to the public and to the railroads themselves." These conclusions were ratified at the close of the session, after President Roosevelt's speeches had been a topic of discussion, and two days after Secretary Taffs address oa freight rates at the banquet of the congress. Regarding methods of treating railway sleepers chemically or otherwise to pro tect them again Ft deterioration and de struction by wear and by the elements, and in that way to lessen the draft on the country's forest supply. It was de termined that some method of preserv ing sleepers was desirable, and it was urged that careful records of experiments should be kept. With regard to locomo tives the conclusion was that "the power of locomotives is more limited In Europe than In America, owing to the lower al lowance of weight per axle- European engineers generally agree In thinking that compounding admits of the construction of engines giving a maximum of power and economy." There is a tendency to extend the use of steam-heating in many countries. To ob tain sufficient heat for long trains when tho temperature Is particularly low. It was deemed advisable to use special pipes or to mix compressed air with the steam. Light railways (branch roads) merit in the highest degree the attention of the public authorities, the report concludes: "Their construction makes it possible to encourage the progress and development of districts which have previously re mained in the background, and it is ac cordingly not only tho intent, but the duty of the governments to assist them. It is desirable, therefore, not to adhere to old types and old methods of construc tion, operation and regulation, but to in troduce every facility possible adaptable to local needs and available resources. "It is also desirable that state govern ment and local authorities should abcord to light railways, either under the form of subsidies, relaxation of requirements, or other methods of assistance, the sup port which they need for construction and for operation, so that all parts of the country may be adequately served." The congress expressed tho wish "that the present tendency of legislation to estab lish more liberal regulations, that light trains may become more general and ef forts of the management to equip their light traffic lines with more economical organization, which promise to give re markable results, be continued." The movement toward the electrification of certain American railway lines lends additional interest to the consideration by the delegates of automotors. The con gress declares that experiments with this class of vehicles should be continued. "It may be expected." the conclusions say. "that from now on automobile cars and autoraotors hauling trailers will con stitute a valuable means of transporta tion, which on some lines will have a great future. Owing to the saving In the number of employes required, the prob able reduction in cost of maintenance, the material reduction la the cost of traction and better utilization of rolling stock and the smaller extent of station Installations required. It will be possible materially to reduce the cost of working lines with little traffic, and will. In the cases of. other liaee. result la a material Isspcove- SALE OF EX CHANGED PIANOLAS A Number of Good Ones to Go for a Song. Here Is ai Opportunity to Remedy That Sliest Plan. Moderate Terns sf Payment May Be Arraaged. If you want the finest piano-player made at a greatly reduced price, now is your time to buy. The Pianolas that we arc going to sell at a radical reduction from the .estab lished price, have been accepted by us from purchasers who were anxious to se cure the latest model Metrostyie Pianolas. But there are many Deonle who refer to jjcuiuvate tneir own musical taste in piay ing the nlano. and to them these Piano 3ls las will answer admirably.. The saving In cost Is considerable, and should the pur chaser ever desire to do so, tne Pianola can be turned back to us In part payment for one with the Metrostyie attachment at a liberal valuation. PRICES The littlest priced one goe3 for ?130, a trifle over half its original cost. It Is in good condition throughout and has a great deal of wear in it. There is one cased In mahogany for $146. another one In a very dark mahogany case for $175. an almost new one in walnut, price only X9. and one used but little for $183. and still an other one for the little price of only 5120, A small cash payment is all that Is re quired, balance of purchase to be made by moderate monthly installments. If more convenient. Every Instrument guaranteed just as represented or no sale. The Pianolas go on sale this morning, and we do not anticipate that by evening there will be a single one left. At all events, the early buyer will get the pick. Out-of-town parties ordering by mail should send check for at least $30. Phone orders will be held only 24 hours, await ing first payment. Ellers Piano House. 351 Washington street, corner Park. ment In the working of some classes of service. Their use will certainly effect a change in the system of operation In the case of a great number of lines and ap pears to have a real future before It." PLEASED "WITH Fit EE VOICE French Ambassador Speaks or Taft Flsh Incident. WASHINGTON, May U. Ambassador Jusserund. of France, speaking on be half of the French delegates to the In ternational Railway Congress, today expressed deep regret over a rumor that his countrymen were displeased by the injection of a discussion of the railroad rate question in the social functions attendant upon the Congress. He has taken occasion Jo confer with all of the delegates from France, and has learned that the discussion between Secretary Taft and Stuyvesant Fish, president of the Illinois Central Rail road, invoked their keen interest. They were Impressed particularly by the freedom with which questions of this character are discussed in America. "The delegates from France were en chanted with the reception received in this country and with everything American." said the Ambassador. "That was shown by the banquet given by the French delegates to the American col leagues. At that banquet Mr. Mare Joules. cx-Minislcr of Public Works In France, and h personal friend of Presi dent Loubct. voiced the unqualified gratitude of the delegates to the Amer icans." COSSACKS CHARGE GIRLS (Continued trom Fir Face.) was in direct contrast to many that have preceded it. Early in the day the police on the streets were reinforced to such an extent that the usual reserve force in the station com pletely disappeared and their places were taken by soldiers detailed for that pur pose. All of the routes known by the processions were lined with police who watched the paradcrs carefully and made a few arrests of persons who, they alleged, were carrying incendiary banners. These arrests inflamed the crowds and were re sponsible for the three or four minor fights, but these were quelled In their Infancy by the police. All of those ar rested were later let go free. Some minor disturbances were also re ported from South Russia, but up to the present lime no news of any serious riot ing anywhere in the empire has been re ceived here. rOLES CAN HOLD LAND. Concession Granted by Emperor After Many Years. ST. PETERSBURG. May H. (10:33 P. M.) Following the policy of trying to Im prove the condition of. the Poles, Emperor Nicholas has sanctioned an Important law permitting them to purchase land In the Kingdom of Poland. They were deprived of this rlghtvaftcr the insurrection of 1S63. the land tenure of Poles being limited to land acquired by direct inheritance. The inability to buy land has been ever since one of the chief grievances of the Poles. Soldiers Pillage Jewish Houses. KISHINEFF. May H. Saturday night some, soldiers belonging to the Fifty-third battalion of the infantry reserve pillaged several Jewish houses in Nicholas street. The inhabitants sought refuge in cellars and outhouses while the soldiers smashed windows and furniture. The disturbance lasted several hours, and the police were powerless until-the military patrol arrived and quelled the riot. Warsaw Jews Were Guarded. WARSAW. May U (Midnlght).-Sunday passed quietly in Lodz and Warsaw. Strong forces of troops guarded the Jew ish district throughout the day. The Socialists are reported to bo trying their utmost to create new strikes, but the workmen are disinclined to engage in such a conflict. Itich Jews Leave City. ALEXANDROVSK. Russia, May 14. This city is disturbed by rumors of approaching Jew baiting1. In conse quence of which rich Jews are leaving the city. Permission has been Riven the municipality to organize militia to preserve order. Big Crowds at Moscow. ilOSCOW, May 14. In spite of pre dictions of trouble, today passed quiet ly in Mofcow. Tha traditional 'prome nade of workmen was held In Sokol nlky Park. There were bigr crowds, but no disorders. Jewish Shops Burned. SIMFEROPOL, May 14. -The incen diary fire which started here on Satur day destroyed more than 149 shops, mostly belonging" to Jews. A girl do-sn't return a. fellow's love when tkt aaa bo ler it. Pklli4e9fela':RMnl. Artlitic Picture FramtogHigh-Grade Watch Repairing $3.50 Drawnwork Waists $1.98 $18.50 English Topcoats $9.50 Silk Shirtwaist Suits $15 Linen Tailor-Made Suits $12.50 Suspender Silk Shirtwaist Suits $25 $9 to $5 Trimmed Hats $3.85 Silk and Dress Goods Bargains 75c Pongee Silk 55c 85c Pongee Silk 67c $1.10 Pongee Silk 85c $1 Chiffon Taffeta 85c, $1.25 and $1 Colored Dress Goods 69c Marvelous Lace Bargains $1 Net Top Laces 33c $125 Allover Laces 73c $1 Venise Galoon 29c 65c Plain Bobinet 43c 75& Allover Laces 53c 35c Lace Galoon 9c 12c Trimming 121c 36-inch Linen-Finish 20c Boxes Paper 5c 50c Music Folio 17c BROKE 1 PLEDGE Smoot in Bad Odor With Sen ate Committee. DODGED POLYGAMY ISSUE Promised to 1'orcc Investigation "by Conference, but Kan Away and Allowed Polygamous Apos tles to He Indorsed. OltEGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. May U. Senator Reed Smoot of Utah has Injured his standing before the Senate committee on privileges and elec tions, which must primarily, pass upon his right to a scat In the Senate, and while this fact does not necessarily mean that the committee will be able to force a vote against him In the Senate, It does mean that the majority of the commit tee Is very apt to report against hlm. The Smoot Investigation, so-called, which has been running for two years on and off, developed In the last session Into an Investigation of the Mormon Church, rather than an Investigation of Senator-Apostle Smoot. During that In vestigation the charge was made and sustained, that two apostles of the church, Matthias Cowley and John W. Taylor, had violated the Woodruff mani festo of 1S30 and had each taken plural wives since that date. This charge was more a reflection on the church tharr on Senator Smoot. If true, it showed that the Mormon Church was not acting in entire good faith with the government, but was sanctioning polygamy In viola tion of its agreement, and this on the part of high church officials. Pledge and Its Brcacli. When he "was before the committee in February, Mr. Smoot told the Senators that he would return to Utah and force an Investigation of the charge- of polyg amy against Messrs. Cowley and Taylor. Ho Intimated that. If these two apostles had violated the terms of the Woodruff manifesto, he, as, an apostle, would vote against them in conference. But at the recent Mormon conference In Salt Lake City, Mr. Smoot was con spicuous by 'his absence. Two days be fore the conference convened he had a sudden call to look after private busi ness in San Francisco and he did not get home until it had adjourned. And. It was noted that there was no Investiga tion of the charges against the two apostles, but on the contrary they were both sustained by the unanimous vote of the conference. Members of the Senate committee say th charge of polygamy against Cowley and Taylor has been fully proven, and, In face of the fact that both are living in polygamy in open defjance. of law, both were upheld -by the church they represent. This Is a serious reflection on the church and will make the Mormons even more- unpopular than they were church, by sanctioning preeeat day Today's Bargain Bulletin Cloak Store Bargains Braid 5c 25c Trimming Braidl5c TrpmaruWol-fe SCo. polygamy. Is getting baC to Its moorings of fifteen years and more ago. But what will Injure Mr. Smoot's stand ing with Senators more than anything else will be. the fact that after giving his promise to force an investigation of the charges against his two fellow apostles, he failed to keep that promise in person or through other church of ficials, but deliberately absented himself at a time when he should have been In Salt Lake City to carry out his pledge. The United States Senate Is a most dig nified body: It Is jealous of Its reputation, and It hates to be sold out or grossly deceived. Even if, on a vote, Mr. Smoot should be seated, he will never become a power ful Senator, for his recent abrogation of a pledge to a Senate committee Is a very grave offense In the eyes of Senators, and will not be overlooked. And if he should be seated after being adversely reported upon by the Senate committee, his Influence would be doubly curtailed. Committee Is Against Him. The committee that will vote upon the Smoot case next session, (and it Is now believed the committee will vote before the session is very old.), will be virtually the same that considered the cas last session. There will be but one new member, a successor to Sena tor McComas, of Maryland. The oppo nents of Mr. Smoot say they already have seven or eight votes, as all five Democrats will be against hlm, and cer tainly two and probably three Republi cans. Seven votes is a majority. But the anti-Smoot Senators hope to gain converts from among the other Repub lican members, anJ look to Mr. Smoot's violation of his promise to -secure these votes. The new Senator will not be able to sway the committee if the pres ent estimate Is correct. Present prospects certainly favor an adverse report frpm the committee; what action the Senate may take is more of a problem. CLAIM MOST OF TOWN Southern Pacific Gives Notice to Kcnnctt Property-Holders. REDDING. Cal., May 11. (Special.) The Southern Pacific Company claims the best part of the townsltc of Kennett. the new and growing smelter town 13 miles north of Redding. Roadniaster Hart notified the property-owners who have built business-houses along the railroad, which runs through the main street of the town, that the company claimed a right of way of 100 feet on each side of the main line. It has hitherto claimed only 50 feet on each side, and nearly every business-house In the town is built up close to" the 50-foot limit. According to the claim now made by the railroad company, every business block of the town Is on the right of way. Road master Hart informed the business men that no more buildings would be allowed to be erected closer than 100 feet from the main line. Those already built will bo allowed to stand, but the company would demand a nominal rental to main tain its title to the ground. The announcement came like a bomb shell -upon the thriving town. Property owners dread a conflict with the railroad, yet there was much talk of banding to gether to resist the claim. The company has never before claimed more than 50 feet on each side of the track. The new claim Is based, Roadmaster Hart says, on the Congressional act of 1865, chartering- the road, and allowing a right of way of 109 feet. Roadmaster Hart said today that there are other towas up. tha canyoa where the company Very ReasonablefPrke Cambric 81c1 will make the same claims as It set up In Kennett today. He cited Sisson, -Gazelle. Castclla and Castle Rock as Instances. ADMIRAL DEWEY WAS ILL Unable to Attend Banquet as Guest or Honor. -NEW YORK. May 11. Admiral and Mrs. Dewey today left the ambiilge, where they have been staying since. Thursday. Their Jestination-"was not announced at the hotel, but it Is be lieved that they returned to 'Washing ton. Admiral Dewey came from Washing ton Friday to attend the annual, meet ing of the Order of tho Founders and Patriots of America, at whlcli-he was elected governor-general. Owins to sudden illness, he was una5feo-' be pmiont at the meeting or at-the-ban-quct last night of the New York Society of the order, at which he was to hae been the guest of honor. "WASHINGTON, May ll.-Admiral and Mrs. Dewey reached Washington late this afternoon from heir brief visit to New York, and went directly to thir city res idence. The Admiral still suffers from the sore throat and cold In the chest which ho contracted while away, and after ob taining medical attention he retired for the night It is believed that ifce.' indis position Is but temporary. --, lrcnch Honor a New Yorker.. WASHINGTON, May U. The French government has charged Ambassador Jus scrand with the duty of Informing James Stlllman, president of the City National of New York City, that the Superior Council of Instruction In France has votCd unanimously to engrave Mr. Stilt man's, name on the walls of the Ecole des Beaux Arts at Paris. 4 -jt Giro Instant relief in -w inflammation, soothe and heal mucous membrane, aweeten the breath. Best gargle for sora throat 5C Broggistaorxnail. Y 1 Quickly relleTe Sour lVSD6Dl6tS 6tomach.Heartburn. J I VrV XanMA. alLforas of Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Sagar-coated tablets. 10c. or 23c. C. I. Hood Co.. Lowell. Mas. If Made by Hood It's Good. Tutt's Pills Cure AH Liver His. Tried Friends iSest For thirty yearsTutt's Pills haya proven a blessing to the invalid. Are truly the sick manVfriencL A Known FacfM Forbilious headache, dyspepsia sour stomach, malaria,cpnstipa' tion and all kindred diseases.. TUTT'S Liver P3.LLS AN ABSOLUTE CIMF -.v