THE MORKING OREGONIAlf. MQKDAT, MAY 15, 13- TACDMfl WINS BY BUNCHING HITS Lynch's Error in Field Saves McCredie's Men From a Shut-Out. EAGAN CLEARS THE BAGS Home-Run Hit in the First Brings in Sheehan and Xordyke, Who Had Each Made a Single. Large Attendance. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Yesterday's Scores. Tacoma, 6; Portland. 2. Seattle. -3; San Franciseti, 4-2. ' Los Ancelcy. 4-0: Oakland, "z'. Standing or the Team. Won. Lost. P.C Tacoma .25 J." .625 Oakland 24 18 .."! tan FrancVsco 22 21 .M2 lAi Angelos J$ 20 .474 Feattlc IK 25 .433 Portland 10 24 . 400 TACOMA, Wash.. May 14. (Special.) In a game filled with Rood fielding ,and fast pitching. Tacoma won by bunching hits. Keefe had the better of the argu ment and had better support. He was en t.tled to a shut-out, however. Portland' ricns being a gift from Lynch, who dropped Mitchell's long fly In the sevonth inning. Householder, who had been hit bv a pitched ball and "Schlafiy given his base on balls, scored on this play, after Mc Credie had sacrificed and McLean had Kwung at three strikes. Eagan earned a week's salary in the first by his home run, which also scored Sheehan and Nordyke. each of whom reached first base on singles. The Tigers added another score on Doyle's hit. Shce han's sacrifice, a wild pitch and McLean's i wild throw to third to catch the runner. i ne last lor the I a coma team were made by Doyle and Sheehan. The former hit safely and Schlafly's error let Sheehan live. Nordyke's two-bagger brought them home. Owing to a misunderstanding there was no morning game in place of yesterday's postponed. The Tacoma management billed It, claiming McCredic had assented. The latter's men said they did not care to play, so the Webfooters were not on -4rihe field, and a large crowd of fans was disappointed. The Tacoma management asserts that Portland deliberately threw it down. The score: TACOMA. AB. K. IB. PO. A. E. Dojle, rf Sheehan, 3b.... Nordyke, lb. . . . Eagan. ss McLaughlin." If.. Lynch, cf...... I aery, 2b G-aham. c Kecfc, p Totals ........ 1 JU I 0 0 0 27 6 7 .27. 10 1 PORTLAND'. " " 1 'A B R.flB.' PO.V. B. Atz f. . 4 ' 0 O 0 1 U A an Buren, If 4 o u 2 u O Householder, cf :: 1 i 1 0 O S'hunj. 2b :: 1 1 4 tl 1 Mc'rcdie. rf...' n O 3 1 0 0 McLean, c 4 u 1 7 4 1 Mitchell, lb 3 0 0 5 2 0 Runklc, 3b. 3 0 0-320 Estlck, p 3 0 O 1 O o Totals CO 2 5 24 0 2 SCORE BV INNINOS. Portland 0 o O 0 0 u 2 0 02 HU 0 2 0 0 1 O II 0 2-5 Ta oma 3 0 1 O 2 O rt 0 Hits 3 0 1 0 2 O 0 1 7 SUMMARY. .-'tii-cfc out By Kecfc, 0; by Ksolck, 7. liases on balls Kcefe, 2: Rsslck. 4. lilt b pitcher Lynch, Householder. Wild pitch By Bsslek. 1. Stolen baF( McLaughlin. Deyle. Sacrifice hits Sheehan. McLaughlin, McCre dle, Tuo-baw hits Nordyke. McCredte. Home run Easan. P'lrht ba on error. Tacoma. 1; Portland. 1. Double play Kefe to Eagan to Nordyke. Left on basts Titconia. 4: Portland. 5. Time of same One hour and 30 mlnutos. SEATTLE WINS AND LOSES. Corbctt Is Easy and Hall Lets Down in Errort. SEATTLE. May 14. Seattle took the first and San Francisco the second of a double-header played here thlf afternoon. In the first game Corbett was generous with base? on balls, and this, combined with errors, made it easy for the local team. In the second game Charley Hall made costly errors and slackened up somewhat In his pitching, and San Francisco scored four in the sixth. Seattle took two la the swrae Inning, which ended the run getting. The scores: First game R. H. K. Seattle 1 2010020 6 G 3 San Francisco 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 S 12 3 Batteries Roach. Hall and Dashood; Corbett and Shea. Second game R. H. hi Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 6 5 San Francisco 0 0 0 00 4 0 0 04 6 0 Batteries Hall and Frary; W'halen and Wilson. Umpire Davis. Attendance SOW. ... OAKLAND MEN AVIN TWICE. Iiuneh Hits on Angels In Morning and Afternoon Games. SAN FRANCISCO. May 14.-A peculiar ity in both of today's games was that Oakland ssorcd only in one inning of each contest, .yet piled up enough tallies in each Instance to give victory. In the morning play th.e Southerners had Oak land blanked up to the seventh, when the Los Angeles stone wall infield crumbled and on three hits, aided by a series of misplayj?, the home players scored seven runs. In the afternoon Oakland fell upon Hall's curves- and on five hits scored five runs. Hall was displaced In the third and Toren for the balance of the play did not allow a hit TJie scpres: Morning game Los Angeles 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 S 4 Oakland 0 0000.7 00 7 S 1 Batteries Goodwin and Eager; Moski raan. Lehman and McMurray. Afternoon game R. H. B. Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 Oakland 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 0 Batteries Hall, Toren and Spies; Schmidt and Byrne6. 3 tJreplre Perrine. NATIONAL LEAGUE. I PittsbHrr 5. Brooklvn 1. XSOOiCLYNt . Max -"--At - WasMastc Park today the Plttsburgs Von from Brooklyn "by a score of 5 to 1. The locals -were outbattcd and. Leever outpltchcd Eason. The attendance was 7590. The score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Brooklyn... 1 3 lj Pittsburg... 5 8 1 Batteries Eason and Bergen; Lcevcr and Carisch. Umpires O'Day and Emslie. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago 9, New York 3. CHICAGO. May 14. Chicago defeated New York today. Putnam was unsteady, allowing Chicago to make five two-base hlta and giving five men their bases on balls, three of whom scored. The at tendance was 35,400. The score: rhe; r h e Chicago 9 12 l New York 3 S 1 Batteries Altrock. and McFarland; Put nam and McGulre. Philadelphia 10, St. Louis 2. ST. LOUIS. May 14. Philadelphia today punished two of the local American pitch ers and assisted by many errors by the home team -won handily. The attendance was 10,100. The score: R H EI RHE SL Louis 2 4 3 Philadelphia. 1011 0 Batteries FiudhofT, Pelty and Weaver; Plank and Powers. PACIFIC NATIONAL LEAGUE. Ogdcn 8, Salt Lake o. SALT LAKE CITY. May 14. In an 11 inning game today Ogdcn again defeated Salt Lake City. In the eighth inning Pitcher Hastings was removed by Umpire Sctley, and Hoon. who succeeded him, was hit by the local playcra for three runs. Ogden tied the score in the ninth inning. In the tenth neither team scored. A batting rally and errors by the local team in the eleventh gave Ogdcn the vic tory. The attendance was 3009. The score: R.H. K. Ogden 1 200000020 3-S 13 2 Salt Lake 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-5 31 6 Batterici Hastings, Hoon and Hauscn; Durham and Leahy. Spokane 7 i, Boise 2-3. SPOKANE. May 14. Spokane took two games from Boise today, the first becauf Dammann was hit hard and timely, the second because of poor playing by the Boipe battery in the first inning. Spo kane's pitchers, morning and afternoon, were quite effective except one inning each. Two sensational catches in the outfield by Lewis and the all-around work of Captain Mclntyrc, of the Boise team, were the features in the afternoon. The feature in the morning was the scientific batting of the locab?. The scores: Morning game R. II. K. Spokane 3 12 0 1 0 0 0 7 18 2 Boise 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 3 2 Batteries Gilpatrick and Stanley; Dam mann and Hanson. Afternoon game R. H. B. Spokane 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 6 0 Boise 0200 00 00 1-y 6 4 Batteries Kllnkhammer and Stanley; McFarland and Ilanron. Umpire McRac. Hail and Wilson Trade Pitchers. SEATTLE, Wash... May 14. (Special.) Russ Hall today traded Nick Williams to Park Wilson for Roscoc Miller. The deal in pitchers grows out of the fact that neither has been able to win for his old team. Williams has had trouble all the reason In growing accustomed to the balk rule, and has been wild in the games he has pitched. When lie has been able to lo cate the plate he has been effective, but In the last game he pitchd for Seattle he walked four men in one inning. Miller is out of faster company and a corking good pitcher when he is righL On the northern tour he seemed to pitch good enough ball, but San Francisco could not win with him. The shake-up was wanted by both clubs. Aberdeen Is Outbattcd. MONTESANO. Wash.. May 14.-(Spe-clal.) Montcsano defeated Aberdeen. In the Southwest League scries today. 3 to 3. Three of Montesano's scores were earned. The Montcsano team played the most consistent ball and had the game In hand all the way through. Montcsano now has two games won. one losL The batteries were Law and D. Bocttlser, for Montcsano. O'Brien and Whalon for Aber deen. Law's box work and Bocttlgcr's catching were the features of the game. The Montcsano team batted heavily, get ling eight hits to three secured by Aber deen. Knin Prevented the Game. DAYTON. O.. May 14. The game that was to have been played here today be tween the Detroit and Boston clubs, of the American League, was postponed on account of rain. Close Score at Hood River. HOOD RIVER. Or.. May J4.-(Spcclal.) In a game characterized by errors the locals lost this afternoon to the O. R. & N. nine by a, score of 2 to 1. Lebanon Tcnm Defeated ALBANY. Or.. Mav 14. fSnfHalA The Maccabce baseball team, of Albany, today defeated a team from Lebanon by a score of 7 tq 1. Multnomah Club Shoot. Members of the Multnomah Rod and Gun Club enjoyed one of their regular Sunday shoots yesterday afternoon and entertained a number of Eastern crack shots. Among those who shot at the blue rocks, and by the way made remarkably high scores, were Miss Snider. Miss Pat tison and Miss- Harris. The three women are visiting friends in Portland and will take part in the coming tournament. Miss Snider broke 94 birds out of a possi ble 100. Miss Pattlson broke 52 and Miss Harris K. They were the high guns of the afternoon s shoot. Mr. Lougec made the longest run and broke 3S without a miss. The scores follow: Shot at. Broke. P.C. ML-W Snider Km 94 .34 Mlwi Paulson KM JC .V2 Mlf Harris , loo : .SO Abraham ..100 M .83 Collier H 82 .SZ Lougee - 100 81 .si Carlon : 100 SI .si Snider 100 79 .70 Hlllis 50 38 .76 Hudeon oo 3S McRenolds - 23 17 .OS Buckley 90 SS .65 Laccy -60. 3S .04 "WclUs 50 31 .62 raman 50 31 .C2 Crimp 75 41 .35 Norwood 100 7 .4 Reckard 65 29 .15 Corbln 25 1 .04 Champion Wrestler Very III. ST. LOUIS, May 14. George Hacken schmidt. -world's champion wrestler. who had been confined to his room for the past two days, departed tor New York yesterday. He has been suffer ing from a high fever and the attend ing physician stated tonight that the wrestler Is threatened with typhoid fever and said that be Tegards his con dition as serious. There's only one sood thine about that young puppy that came to see you last wight." said the irascible father, "and that Is he healthy." "fm surprised, to hear jou admit that . much." replied the dutlfu daughter. 'I wouldn't except for the fact that I heard you say. "Ob, George, how ?cold your nose Is!' ClnclaU Commercial Trib BY A FAKE Germany and Austria Stirred by. False News. HAD U.S. TREASURY LOOTED Berliner Taseblatt Dispatch Told How Submarines Had Carried Off $269,000,000 Many Papers Heprlnt Story. All Germany and Austria were recently stirred by the sensational news that the "United States Treasury had been looted by burglars in the employ of American millionaires of every dollar It contained. While the happy American people were living in ignorance of such an abomina ble crime, the papers all over Germany and Austria, with flaring headlines, told about the bold "robbery of millions from the United States Treasury." At the pub lic resorts this villainy of American mil lionaire criminals was discussed and for a few days excitement ran high, even In financial circles, about the sensational story published by the papers of Emperor William and Emperor Francis Joseph's realms. Many papers even published Illustra tions, showing features of the incredible deed, and a reader of the Brooklyn Dally EaglJ who Is traveling in Emrope has sent the accompanying picture' taken from one of the German papers. In his letter he stated that the paper expressed tho hope that the North American squad ron that was said to be In pursuit of the robbers might succeed in recovering the stolen treasure In order to prevent an Im pending calamity that might even Inter fere with the good commercial relations existing between the old country and the Land of the Future. And all that excitement, which startled jtherwlee cool-headed people of two na tions, sprang from an article in the Ber lin Tageblatt, one of the principal Ger man papers. The Stupendous ''News'' as Told. Under the headline. "Der Mllllardenraub im Bundes Schatzamt." the following story, credited to tne regular New York correspondent of the paper, was pub lished; "A most aborr.mable crime which has no parallel in the annals of the world, one almost Incredible, and with ijonsequcnces which cannot yet be estimated, was per petrated the night before last in Wash ington. A gang of criminals, working with many millions of capital, has suc cessfully carried through what was al ways considered impossible, namely, to rob the United States Treasury and to take from it $2).00C,000 in gold and silver by way of a subterranean tunnel. "Up to tho present time the fact has been kept secret from the press, and I. myself, became acquainted with It by an absolutely authoritative person during my presence in the National capital. The whole thing is to be kept secret as long as possible, at least, until the Govern ment has succeeded In finding traces of the criminals, who have fled across the ocean on their own ships, as far as It may be at all possible to find such traces. If this can be accomplished, there- may be some chance of getting the treasure back entirely or in part. "The millions o the United States Treasury were protected through a very' complicated Invention called the Holme's electric protector in such a manner that burglary' was considered ImpoBslble, for. through this protector, alarm signals are fixed on each of the 13 main treasury vaults, consisting of a system of clectri- cally worked Indicators. The very mo ment such an alarm signal sounds no fewer than 150) special guards of the Secret Service, policemen and soldiers of the garrison, who happen to be on duty. are called simultaneously to the Trcas ury. "The fact that this apparatus, having been in use 15 years, did not work, al though in this month several cxamlna tlons were made, leaves no doubt that the criminals had accomplices among the highest officials of the Treasury, for only thus can It be explained that the electric current lost Itself In the ground Instead of givlnjr the alarm. "It must be considered less remark able that the 6S night watchmen did not hear anything, or did not want to hear anytnlng. because these line offl cials know only one care, to draw their salaries on the first of the month. It may. however, be also the fact, that their attention was not called to any thing remarkable, for the machines used by the criminals were perfectly noiseless. Now the Treasury vaults have been robbed of their entire con tents, they are shown during the usual hours to the public without any visitor suspecting- anything amiss. "The obominable deed was carried out in the following diabolically re fined manner. The criminals, who, as it is believed, acted on the Instance of certain American millionaires and had millions and millions at their disposal, had built an electro-technical factory In the year 1902 on the left bank of the Potomac, opposite Fifteenth street, on which the Treasury is situated. This factory, which showed the firm name of Myers, Mead & Co., -seemingly was nothing but a plant for electric ap paratus and machines. In fact and f truth, however. It was the main pur pose of tne whole building, which is today entirely abandoned, to hide the subterranean tunnel, which was to be dug from there to the scene of the bur glary. Tho Subterranean Tunnel. "From the factory grounds a tunnel was dug almost an English mile lone 30 feet below the river bed and ending directly under the Treasury in a large caisson. From here 13 shafts were dug upward, each ending directly unJer one of the 13 Treasury vaults. Thus It was possible to cut out th foundations sim ultaneously in all chambers and remove their contents within a very short time into the tunnel, where the gold was transferred to electric cars and In this manner carried to the factory. From there transportation was effected by means of a fleet of at least 20 subma ine boats to the large khips, waiting In the open sea. The submarines were probably built in Europe for this spe cific purpose. Evidently they were fitted up in the same manner as the ships whlch are used for the purpose of lifting lost treasures from the bottom of the sea. Certainly. there were con trivances, by means of which the car goes of the electric cars were trans mitted very quickly, by means of com pressed air. to the submarine boats, whereupon these ships with their car goes immediately moved off at full speed. "It has been positively ascertained that these ships went through Chesa peake Bay to the ocean, where not fewer than three and probably live larse steamers were lying under steam. These vessels took on board the preci ous freight as well as the transport boats with all their crews. "As to the robber fleet some very in teresting facts have already been as certained. The fleet probably was com posed of three Colombian and two Chi lean cruisers, some vessels, in re gar J of which n nnws fcaft feeen-heard s4ae last year. It mM tb&t tae c rub ers were sold to BassI and a denial the Russian government was aet be lieved. 1n connection with this, a story, that wan cabled last year, may be of great Importance. As will be remembered, the story was also cleverly launched in the American press In regard to a mu tiny by the crews on board of several Colombian ships. It was said the men intended to go on a piratical expedi tion. In truth, however, it is now be lieved that ships were purchased by agents of the conspirators and brought to a hiding place somewhere in Poly nesia or the Islands of Patagonia, whtre the same were fitted up for the ( expedition to carry the treasures of gold and silver away from Washington.. "The whole North Atlantic squadron has been ordered to search for the bur glars on every route which the crim- inals could have taken. All the cruis ers in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as fn the Caribbean Sea will Join In the chase. In addition to this the fastest ships stationed in the Pacific ports have been sent south with orders to await further instructions In Chilean ports. The honor of the United States Is at stake, and everything will be done to 7iave the abominable crime punished as well as Its perpetrators, and hrlng back the treasure of loot to this country." Two Nations Were Duped. All Berlin was amared by the story and within two or three days it was copied and published all over both coun tries, and. despite its crudity and Ger man papers fall easy prey to the wildest and most incredible of all In regard to American conditions and happenings. A collection of ' clippings, telling about curi osities to b found in. America might fur nish Interesting material for American readers. Anything that may be told about what Is found in this "country' of unlimited possibilities" may find Its way Into even responsible Journals that have been often Imposed upon by so-called cor respondents who give descriptions of parts of the country- they never saw anything of after they have been In America only a few weclm and probably have never come further than from City Hall to One Hundred and Twcrity-flfth street, In Man hattan, or have only gained their Infor mation in the barrooms along the Bowery and Fourteenth streeL It has been only during the last few years that regular correspondents have been employed bj the great German Jour nals, and much has been done by these to further the knowledge of America and American conditions In Germany and Aus tria. As seen from the foreign mall just re ceived all the papers that copied the story, published first by the Berliner Tageblatt. have become laughing stocks, and roanj a clever jay was heard saying afterward. "I knew It right away, but I don't want to Interfere with others." when It became known that there was no truth whatever In the story, and that everybody had overlooked the fact that the tale pub lished on the first day of April was a clever April fool joke. Well-Known Correspondent's Joke. Nobody had taken pains to ascertain the truth. The story was signed by L Trlang. which Is the nom de plume of the correspondent of tne Berliner Tageblatt, a well-known former member of the Ger man Reichstag. He is the real author of the story. And. furthermore, the German editors who were taken In so easily, knew that America was the land of the millionaires: that the country" was sale to be In the hands of the millionaires, and that the building of tunnels was one of their principal cngit ecring feats. All these were farts and pitfalls for the crcdulcus editors, who did not take into consideration the custom of publishing fake stories on April tho flrsL -The same papers once before published a story about the Invention of a wonderful ap paratus by which all sorts of movements could be heard. The growing of grass sounded like the light reports of a cannon. and the pulling In by water bugs of their feelers made a noise similar to the opn Ing and closing of an umbrella. It was not until the eleter copyists had been reminded that the invention was made on April Fool" Day. that they learned the publication had only been a fake. Tn geographical knowledge, not much could b expected, and for this reason It was easily believed that the robber fleet's vessels were Colombian or Chilean cruls era. and were fitted up for the expedition in the almost unknown parts of Polynesia or even on the coast of Patagonia, where hardly ai y accommodations may be found to do such work. It must, however, be considered a poor excuse made by those German papers. which claimed aiterward that the story- was not printed as a mere news .Item. and that fake stories appearing in Ger man papers would, more easily, be copied oy the yellow journals of America. Imitation of Lewis Story. it may be noted that not nil of- the All Fools day fake originated with the Ber liner Tageblatt's correspondent. In a re cent novel by Alfred Henry Lewis, an un principled Russian nobleman. a. cicty figure In Washington carries out the plot to loot the treasury. He learns that an old sewer runs close to the vaults, im buys a fast yacht, employs crooks from New York to do the work, and Ingenious ly devises rubber bags to be blown up aa wanted by the man who has broken into the vaults from the sewer. Each bag will carry 20 pounds of gold and will float down the slow stream of the sewer to its mouth at the Potomac There, in dead of night, rowboats will take the gold to the yachL The plot is foiled only after the vaults are broken Into. Mr. Lewis is the biographer of Richard Crokcr. His story was not a Joke-. It was perhaps a trifle more Ingenious than the German journalist's Imitation. The Dog Ambulance. Motor Car. It I a rather sad commentary on Brit ish municipal conservatism to find that an Injured dog in the streets of Paris can be more promptly removed to hospital than a human being who Is injured in the streets of London. The contrast in methods does not cast any reflection on tho manage ment of our hospital or on the human Ity of the British people. It simply means that In Paris more up-to-date methods of transit have been adopted, and thus very valuable time is saved. In street acci dents time Is a vital matter, and it needs little proof to show that a swift and smooth-running motor ambulance Is much better than the contrivances still employed In London. A type of motor ambulance has been specially constructed for the ser vice of the dogs' hospital of, Gcnnevilllers, near Paris. This vehicle was supplied by James Gordon Bennett, and it is al ways ready to start on a telephone call from its station in 130 Avenue ds Champs Elysees to fetch any Injured dog found In the streeL Lost and wandering dog3 are also brought by It to the hospital from the various police stations, and thus it fills many useful purposes in "the best pos sible manner ana witn tne least delay. Cannot See Yachts Start, w a R H rvGTON. Mav 14. Imnortant en nvnmmM will nrevent 'Baron Srjeck von 3mtwrtr. the German Ambassador, from going to New York to witness the start Tuesday of the trans-Atlantic yacht race for the Emperor s cup. -tie wm do rep resented by Wffecounsellor and arst sec retary oaron -wen uerauusiic iiaoaen -hauscn who left Washington tonleht av companled by Second Secretary Robert R. Scheller-steinwartz aaa Major utto von TJtTl thA mUltarv attache. rTrtrnmander Hans Georec Hebbinrhan the naval attache, who Is a member of the committee on arrangements, is now ILL. - " AV.n. "Don't make your nest of tkat." warned tae flr moaee. "why net; queried th other, "'ho wa lruHy tearing a, piece- I saner to Mta. Taat'a a l4ece of "Wac- aerr mafic a It'll rive InMumta." ADVERTISED. Free delivery of letters lay carrier rt&McBce of owners raay ba secured by ob serving th followlnr rules: Direct plainly to the street and number of tae aosse. Head letters with the Writer's full address. lacludlns street asd aambtr, sad request aswer to be directed accordingly. Letters to strancers or transient visitors in the city, whose special address may be unknown, should be marked la the left hand corner, "Transient." This will prevent their belag delivered to persons of the same or similar names. Persons calling for these letters will Please state date on which they were ad vertised May 15. They will be charged for at tne rate 01 1 cent lor eaca aavertuement called for. WOMEN'S LIST. Mrs S E Abbey Mrs Mary Loomls Mrs H M. Adams Mary II Lynch Mrs M Algeo Mrs A A Low Mlis Garnet AlbrlshtUrs Marsarett lie- Mrs Clara Aldrlch Walters Mlts E T Alien Miss Lorla McXaur Mlis Katie AndersonMIss Mabel McChes- Mlts Merle Anderson ney Mrs Kittle Andrews Mra E T McConnclI Mlis Ida S Arns Mrs J McEvoy Mrs Joseph A?lo Miss Winnie McLratb Mies Ilctml AJala (2)Mlss May McKinlcy Mrs Moddlc Ballcy Dr Mary McLachlan .Mits u Bailey sirs J .Mcaiuuin Mrs C A Banghart Mrs O M McManus Mlis Hattle Barnes Mrs W B Maltland Mrs S J Basler Miss Amy J Magulre Miss Mary C Burtr Mrs S F Maltngren Mrs Minnie Benson Mrs Grace Mann Mrs Thlna Berg Mrs Chris Mayer MUs Hattle Bigger-Mrs Magle Meriwether staff Misses Micheal Miss Blanche Bllllnssillss Grace MlKi- Mrs Lizzie Becker more (21 Sarah Bunnell Evalyn Miller Mrs H Burtls Mrs H Mall Ml;a Dollye Boswell Mrs H C Moore Mrs George Blair Miss Dorothy Moore Pearl Blackwell Mrs F I Morgan Mra P. Boswell Miss M Morris llta Emma K BordecMrs Fannie Myers Miss Myrtle Boen Donna M Moffatt Mrs M L Bryant Mrs II B Mitchell Mra T s Brycr Mrs Z W Mitchell Mrs Theresa BradleyMiss Rosa Naret (2) Mildred D Breard Mrs D A Nary Mrs E BriKham Mrs Ellen Norcross Miss Minnie Bridgcn Mrs E Oliver :uis trances Brogaaiiiss Bedelle o Brine j&n u H Brooke 3irs L.ou palmer Mls Brownlnt: Miss M Patterson Miss Sal Bromberg Mrs Mary Patterson Emma Brown Miss Clara. Paulsen Mies H Z Brand Mrs Addle Pec be Miss G Buker Mrs L A Phillips Miss Nora Bunnegan-2Mlss V Phillips Mrs Gertrude Burns Mrs Llllle Phillips . airs .-Nciue u (jerviceMirs Annie Pike Mrs Andrew Carrlck Mrs A L Pltney Mrs Maggie Church Mrs Llllle Portwood Mrs Viola Class Miss Lillian Preston Mrs F Cohen Mrs John G Drtnslc Miss Hatty Cocks Mrs R H Push Mrs L C Cooke Miss Gertrude Ilas- Mrs Jessica Cox musscn (2) Mrs Fannie Crozlcr Miss Elsie Ravmond Mrs S N Cross Mrs Mettle Bead Miss Crowe Miss Hallle' Reynolds Grace Dally Mrs Frank RlRSs Mrs Emma Daniel Mrs Hester Rldler Mrs F C Davis Mrs James W Rlppey Miss C Z Davis Miss Gertrude Itobln- Ml7s A Davis son Miss Mamie Davis Miss Vera Roberts Mrs M Davis Mrs Aurthor Robbliis Miss Minnie Davis Mrs Luticia Robinson Miss OlU-e Davis Pearl Rook Miss Bessie De XoonMIss Mary Ruby Marie Dilg Miss Velma. Rukcl Mrs. MatUe Doyle Mrs Susan E Russell Miss Mabel Dobson Mrs Pauline S Russell Miss Carrie M Donald-Miss Agnes Rutzke son Miss Adele Sarlcs vsS Leon a DruroellerMrs Hattle Sands Mrs Belta Duban Mrs M B Sackett Miss Florence East-Mrs M E Segar man Miss Jane AIdIr Sea- Mrs Henry Edcy men Mrs Charles Elklns-Mr Fannie Sefour ton Miss Mildred Sharp Miss Anna Ellis Miss Sadie Shell Mrs Ellis Anne Sllvcy Miss Martha EspinecrAnna Simmons Daisy French Mrs Ella Deerlng Miss A J Frfnkson Smith Mrs Mark J FontanaMrs W D Smith Miss Claris l&h Mrs S J Somhall Mrs W G Fitzgerald Mrs L A Stafford Miss Mablc Foster Mac B Stanley Mrs H M GfUIam Mis Wlunle StaunTer Mrs M A Godfrey Miss Madeline L Stona Mrs Ella Gow Mrs I.uclla Stooos Mrs Gladys Goggin Miss Grace Struckman Miss L L Giten Mrs L Stratford (2) Mrs L W Green Mrs M A Summers MUs S S Greene Miss Fannie Suttrn Mrs J E Grlffls Mrs Karln Swansson Mrs Ella Hall Mra Nanna Tornbcrg mtk It V ttuno n Miss Maud Xeclv Miss Jean Harden Thomas Mae Hanancr Meslle E Thorough- Mrs D J Harris man Mrs E B Herrir. Mrs M IX Thnmnnn Mrs A Heman Mrs Mae Tulters Llllle Harding Mrs Frank Traeger Miss Maggie Harris Miss Alice J Tripp MJss Lillian Harris Miss Van Borden Miss L Hartman Lantha A Vtn Fleet Mis Bertha Hayes Mrs E Vivian Annie Has-s Miss Antonle Verstad Mrs uora ueath Mlsa Bertha Wyss Mrs E Hedges Mrs Kuthl Walling Miss Welstlna Hegll Ml Myrlle Walters Mrs Lefle Hess Mrs Jessie Walton Miss Clara D HldginMrs William Warren Mrs Houston Miss Mabel Waters Miss Mary HumphreyEstelle Wasson Miss Mattle Humter Mattle Weaver Miss Alice Hunting-Mrs E M Weatherlll ton Mra Haner Weeb Mattle Hunter Mrs Whltmore Viola Mulchings Mrs E J Wilber Mrs H Husted Mrs Maude William Mrs A D Hill son Mrs E Hoger Mrs Williamson, W Mlntle Hollcy Russell St Mrs George Irwin Miss Cora Wilcox Mrs L E Johnson . Miss Lousle Williams Mrs A W Jones Mra Onle R Williams Mrs C M Jameson Mrs C M Wilson Mrs Lillian Jone5t Miss Bernlce Wilson Miss Leuetta Keck Mrs Dolley Wilson Miss Bessie Kennej Lottie Wilson Mrs Earl Keys Ada Wilson Mrs V E Kitchen Miss Wlndmane Miss Lee Lawrence Mrs A H Wood Mrs A F Leary , Mrs S D Worden Miss Lee. 20th and Mr Mary D Wright Washington Mrs C A Wheeler Miss Estw Linn Mrs Albert Young Mise Mcrgaret Lough-Mrs Zulander ridge MUs W B Zeller MEN. F C Ackerman Mr McKune. 3H East waverly Addltina 16th St Ch Allenback W M MacLeod V T Allyn Chester A McLeod Albert Anderson J R McMillan Ernest M Anderson .Clyde McMllIen Erlck Anderson .McQueen & Baker Oscar Anderson Chris McRae J A Applewhite W T Maddox Charles Art J J Mannlon H M Asler A J Marshall Tom Ashton Frank Marsh S G Atchison Mat Martin Dr T C Avery W S Mateer Neltl Helml -AiJala J P Maxwell T H BJarnson G T Mayo Crl Anepiiky William W Mead Charley Baker Linn Menanne A Banduln Wm Merritt Neil Barnett H A Metzger James Barnett C C Meyn J M Barnell A L Mldgelery Fred G Barnhardt Sanford Mills D L Barnes Clifton Miller James E Barnett Cbas Miller P A Bequette T Miller C D Benson Delbert J Miller Raymond Bantley Herbert Miller (2) E P Bergman H Miller Clyde Bergman H Mitchell W J Berghouse mund Montleth (2) Michal Billk G W Mone'l Rudolph Biech R W Montgomery W R BIgby J S Moon Dr G Bllilngton Thumper Moody W Blalack W E Morris Ray Blair Olof Marten J E Bloame J A Mortenson Co A M Boiler Herbert Moss A Bonna F E Murdock Geo H Bonville E P Murphy George F Borer F H Myers Walter Bowen T M Myer 'Johnny Brynd Albert Nadeau Richard Braun C M Xash Harry Brace Jas Negrone Walter Bradley Ernest Neher Mr Brandt. ,82 Stark Nels Nelson Dr G S- Brearley Wm S Kelson C Brenchley J W Xewbern M C Brlgg A W Newman Byron Brooke Henry Newman R R Brotherton Jchn Nickelson W B Brooke. Eramett Koonan Otto Brooks C M Nodlne Mr & Mrs M R BrownJohn H Northey Mr Brown, care- Olds.Fred A Northwall Worthman Jfc King Northwest Calumet T C Brown Frank Norwood Brown & Co .HA Olsen Jl P Brown S Obermaier Jas Buck F A Olson J E Buchanan A X Onutt Tlnrfnrd Bnnn C W Orick Burns & Christian 'Mr Owens. -135 Flan- Joe Burnett dera St Fosco Burt Otis Galloway Gordon Burt Chas O'Nell Prof S E Buswell (3)BIIly Obrlen H H B Clprico Co James O'Connor F H Cels Wm Paeke Caplan Bros Alexander Palm ai Cai James Parka A M Callyer Mr Parker. 341 Yam- Peter Decamaris hill St Jao C Campbell R W Pattyson C Canyctte Harry Patterson F R Canel W T Peoples. David Corsoa Isalc Pedcrson Chester M Carty B W Peales Casper Ticet BrcckerB E Peterman and Realt Herman Petterson Chsm F Cah EM .Phillip . HMArto Chelae L TfcWHps ,L W CHeyes , J K PkffMfi . , Xaward Clair c PIteaford I Frea Clay 11 T Pal Taamas F Clagett Al Poaa F A Clark Ntr.i Portmaa E T Clark . L A Porter Ned Clerk J n Powell G Cltrend J K Powell ! C Cllae Mr Prandfot William Colquaoua G L Proctor j Joe Colllar Dr Pratt Harmon Cohia Frank Pratt J W Colment Eugene Prlts .VI Coleman Fred Purath Spencer Con son David Putnev Thos H Cook W E Purdr Chas B Cowan Radks & Bratton R F Crittenden Aboo Rapthone R Crittenden Wm RafTerty Richard Crittenden Geo Raon A P Cram John Ransold Jasper Crouse Bade Rapalc A F Crocker t W m E Ramsey E N Cutter Ralph Rankin E N Cuthe . J" J Ray Mr Davis W Reld Mr Daley. S Park StG M Rees John Dalton John Reece Andrew Dana H W Reynolds J A Daniel Joseph F Renner . Mr Davis A E Runo Geo J Davis - F A Reynolds Robt Day F H Rice F W Delts T RIceman Frederick H DeShonLewls H Richards llev S H DeWart A Richardson J B Dlnsmore A C Rich & Son J R Dowcll 1? Richardson Chas Dreisbach Jr (2)W R Rlgby By C Drcyer Martin Riley A P Du Mond Ed Rengherm C C Dunn Kd J Ritchie Albert Dvrant W Robenow J W Epley J D Robb vm Eckenrode 1 n KObim L V Eberhart F G Robeson James Edmonds Mamie Roberts William Edwards Henry Robertson Tabbott Edwards C H Robison G Ehman Glord Robertson Gtorse Elm heck Richard Roblmon . Ellison & Moore Arthur Rocnua Y Elliott F C Rostad Wm Ellis Rosalia Bar C B Ellis Milton Rosenblatt W S Evans Charle. Ross Joe Fay M W Roth J K Frlsbee Earl Rowland C M Fade Thos Rowan Arthur C Feston James G Rand Frau Martha FelilowGus Routh X E Fergason John Rudden J Fields A E Runo L Forsyth Patrick Rush Dr Teddie Fox R E Russell C Franklin Mr Russell. Chamber C J Freeman of Commerce Fred A Frishkorn L A Ryrle idam Eugen Gleb Thomas Ryan James E Gibblng M Segan G B Giles Sahl & Ccvll H Glllnctt E D Scblappi Henry Goetr Pratt R Skinner Paul Goldsmith F E Sanders W L Good rum Jno Saven William Priv GordonC C Sayre J Gordon H J Scabrook F W Grace Hana Schmidt Mr & Mrs W E GravesE R Schute W B Grace Afiolf Schultz J L Gray James Scott Richard Grunits Baipli scott - W S-Grey C S Scamann. M D Chas R Griggs John B Scoggin Thomas Hale George Sedwcll J H Hanback Will -SelIeck Chas A Hansen Aunewoldo Sempllno Emanuel Hanson G L Shannon D J Harris Lee Sharprougb J E Harris &. Son W B ShafTer W A Haskins Jehn Sharp Emory Hatfield D L Shely Frank Havird F D Slpe Waller Haynea A Slgentla R W Hayes W S Simmon J W Headen J Walter Sims John Helgeson David J Smith Hemsworth & Rlch-J J Smith ards John Smith (2) P J Harney Lewis Smith Hlrschcr & Cox K D Smith C V Henry R B Smith Lumber Co Jake Hendrikson William Smith Alex Herbert C H Snyder A Hctland Jas Sorenson Charles Hochn Pawel Sprawcotf (2) E B Hodgman (2) St Louis Agency F O Holman Hartlc Stark Herbert Holrapfel Jos Starlna Albert J Haskins, M DJames G Stephens Harry G Hostetler (2) A T Stevenson John T Houscr C H Strobrldge John Howerd S P Strang Ed Huff Joe Sugden S B Hugiies L Susman J Humphrey A Sutherland A A Hunsakcr u Bd button j Master James Hunt Samuel Sntten William Hunt Stonewall Sutherland A B Hutchinson Calvin Sweet W F Hypes I H Taffe C G Jacobs Joseph -ryiaesieg W E Jackson 2) C J Taylor James &. Bushnell A Y Frankson Tcln Jesse Jarvis Terry & Casse G W JcfTers Mcvenette Thayer (2) George Jessup J H Thornton C Jenkins Burt Thorm Lucy Jenkins Wilson Thornton A A Johnson P L Thompson Robert Johnson John M Tlnkhant Sam Johnson S W Tompkins Jones & Frey E J Tonhy S A Kaason Martin Travers Louis Kadow Peter F Traynor Jos Kalm J G Tuercb P J Kaufmann N P Tuttle J J Kenny Union Employment Jack Kennedy Office Rev Dr Solomon Lawrence Vail Clever R N Vuison Keys & Buckley 31 F Valk H A KUHam Wm Vandergoot B F King David Van II out en William Larson Cap Vickers Andrew Larson Chas Vogelsang J W Lawrence W E Wunderli E Leandy Ward Walter Chas A Lee Chas Warmath S Lee J D Ward F E Lemley Warren Therapeutic A Levltle Co Harry Lewis Rev F J Warren J L Lewis George W Watkins S B Lelghton W J Washburn Ferdinand Llngohr D S Webb Paul Llnarc William Weber G A Lines I Wels Wm Lochlngton Julius Weild M T Lorlng Wm L Wells G H Lukcnbill (2) J C Westergaard Lyceum Theater C F Wrst A D Lynch H West Mr James P Lytic C N West Claude McClure E T Wett Fred McCutcheon J W Wetmcre B R McCurry A L Wheeler Jas McCann J Whetzel Mrs McCarley. 50 A Williams E Street .James Williams McCarthy & LeonardLee Williams X B McComas W A Wills Geo K McCord George WItie Dan McCormlck Henry. Witzler Albert McDaniel Charles Woodcock A McDonald Ralph J Wooden A J McFadden Clarence Wright W J McFadden Wright & Abbott McElroy Grocery Co Vick Yey N W McGee R B Young E E McGinn W H Young J D McOarv Sam Xanos Hugh Mclntyre Mark Zoltt JOHN W. MINTO. Postmaster. Lacrosse. And so the lacrosse game between the two British Columbia clubs, the Vancouv ers and New Westminlsters, ended in a victory for the New Westminsters by 5 games to 4. But the game was played at New Westminster, and the Vancouvers were not on their own heath. Wait until the next match Is played at Vancouver. B. C Saturday's game doesn't settle the Question of supremacy between these bit ter rivals. It will also be In order to watch how the Portlands begin to sit up and take notice. TRAVELERS GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLIND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers Steamers leave Portland dally, exceat Sunday. A. M- connecting at Lyle. wash., with Columbia Biver & -NortUirn By. Co. for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. Round trip to Cascade .Locks every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Landing root of Alder at. Fnone uain 314- S. MDQNALD. Agent. City Ticket OfUce, 122 Xhlrd SL, Phess fiM. 20VEKLA2TC) TSALKS DALLY O Ttta River and tfcA Fast Mall. mm SPLENDID SERVICE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COUXTBOUS EMPLOYES For tickets, rates, folders and full inter mattsn. call on or address H. DICKSON, City Passenger asd Ticket Agt.. 122 Third street, Portland. Or. JAPAN-AMERICAN LINE 8. . ITO MABTJ. fW Japaa, Calaa. and all Asiatic Prts, will Uave Sttttle AlMet Mar 1. rKAviLxifs auiDx. aim OBEfUMf ShopjUjw ax UNION &HCIFMC 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAUiTf Throuzh Pullman atandlrdr a.nA tourist sleplag.cara daily to Omaha. Chicago. Spo kane: tourist sleeping-car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair-cars (seats tree) to the East dally. JBQK UNION DEPOT. Leave Arrive CHICAGO-PORTLAND 8:15 A. m7 5:25 P. M. SPECIAL for the East Dally. Daily. Ala Huntington. SPOKANE FLYER allV" For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla. Lewiston. Couer d'Alene and Great .Northern points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS t m ?-ik 4 -v fngton? E"t Vla H"at- 7 Dally RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and S:00 P. M 5:00 P. M. way points, connecting Daily. Dally, with .steamer for llwa- except except co and North Beaeb Sunday. Sunday, steamer Hassalo. Ah- Saturday, st. dock (water per.l 10:00 P. M. FOR DAYTON. Ore- 7;00 A. M. 5:30 P. M. gon City and Yamhill Dally Dally. River points. Asto-st- except except dock (water per.) Sunday Sunday. 4:00 A-M. About ' FOR LEWISTON. Monday. 3:00 P.M. Idaho, and way points. Wednesday Tuesday, from Riparla, Wash. Friday Thursday.- Sunday. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. Telephone Main 712. C W. Stinger. City Tick et Agt.; A. L. Craig. General Paesenger ASt- SAN TRANOISCO & PORTLAND . S. S. 00. Operating the Only Passenger Steamers for San Francisco direct. "Columbia" May 16, 26; June 5. 15. 25. -St. Paul" May 21. 31: June 10. 20. 30. AINSWORTH DOCK AT S P. M. in lTniti ci.t.. Tovli-n Ontrai and pan. the Philippines. Australia. New Zealand and iiound-tne-woria 10urs. JAS. H. DEWSON. Agent. Phone Main 268. 24S Washington at. EAST to SOUTH UNION DEPOT. OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS for Salem, Rose burg. Ashland. Sacramento, Og dcn. San Francis co,. Mojave. Los Angelea. El Paso. New Orleans and the East. Morning train connects at Wood burn dally except Sunday with train for Mount Angel, Sllverton. Browns ville. Springfield. Wendllng ana Na tron. 8:30 P. M. '8:30 A M. 5 .C5 P. i 4:00 P.M. Albany passenger 10:10 A M, connect at woou- burn with ML An gel and Sllverton local. T:30 A M. 114:50 P. M. Corvallls passenger Sheridan passenger 5:50 P. MI 8:2S A. M. Daily. I Dally, except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICS AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland daily for Oswego at 7:30 A. M.. 12:30. 2:05. 3:55. 5:20. 6:25. 7:43. 10:10 p. M. Daily, except Sunday. 00. 6:30, 8:30. 10:25 A. M.. 4:10, 11:30 P. M. Sunday only. fl A. M. Returning from Oswego, arrives Portland dally S:30 A M.. 1:55, 2:05, 4:53. 6:15. 7:35. 9:55, 11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday, :25. 7:25. 9:30. 10:20. 11:45 A. M. Except Mon day, 12:25 A M. Sunday only. 10 A. M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and In termedials points dally except Sunday. 4:10 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:10 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlie. con necting with S. P. Co. trains at Dallas and Independence. First-class fares from Portland to Sacra mento and San Francisco. $20: berth, 35. Second-class tare, $15; decond-claas berth. 2.50. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan. China, Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 712. TIME CARD OFTRAINS PORTLAND Denart. ' Arrive. Puget Sound Limited for Tacoma, Seattle, Olym- . pla. South Bend and Gray'a Harbor points SioOara 4:45 jaa North Coast Limited for Tacoma. Seattle, Spo kane. Butte. St. Paul. New Tork. Boston and all points East and Southeast 3:00 pm- T:00 anf Twin City Express for V Tacoma. Seattle, Spo- kane. Helena. St. Paul. Minneapolis. Chicago. New York. Boston and all points East and . Southeast 11:45 pm 7:00 pnfl, Puget Sound-Kansas City- SL Louis Special, for Tacoma. Seattle. Spo kane. Butte. Billings; Denver. Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis and alt points East and South- iSt 5:30 aa. 7:00 arft All trains dally, except on South Bead branch. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas senger Agent. 255 Morrison st,, corner Third. Portland, Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves, t UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Dally. For Maygers. Rainier. Dally. Clatskanie. Westport, Clifton. Astoria, War renton. Flavel, Ham 8:00 A. M. mond. Fort Stevens, H:10AM.' Gearhart Park. Sea- side. Astoria and Sea shore. Express Dally. 7:00 P. M Astoria Express. 8:40 P.M. Dally. a A STEWART. J. C. MAYO, ComnVl Agt. 248 Alder st. G. F. & P. A. Phone Main 906. For South -Eastern Alaska Steamers leave Seattle. 1. S. Humboldt. S. s. City of Seattle. S. S. Cot age City, May IS. 22. 24. 29. Excursion S. S. Spokane leaves June 8-22. July tJ.2. August 3-17. .Belliagham Bay Route.: Daily except Saturday at 16 A. M. VaaemverjL C. Reuta: Moaday, Wednes day aad Friday, 19 JVM. " Porthuid ofAee. 24 Wasfcktgtea at. C. D.. DUfTANN. 6. P. A. . 38 FraaiisJt'