. WAXXED MISCELLANEOUS. -BirxrT- I ZTZ j " 111 : rOKXKKT. BUSINESS CHANCSS. f MVMS OUT I ,ggc,. ' T?i? AUCTION ROOMS BtTTS w. lurwiare. new or old. at 211 -- MOttC ASia $9EW. AJjTED- DELT.VERT HORSES. ABOUT nw wcism. asningiqn cream Co. FOR KENT. -Boom. NEW LANGS HOTEL. European plan; electric lights and bill. Bte&m beat KSlI PlPVntnr Voth fm. ot..,,-. rate 60c 75c and $1 per day; special rate " cc- -fc-iegant care ana bar in con nectkm. Corner 6th and Washington eta. fcam gauman, manager. F. Lance. Prop. WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD furnished room don't forget the Oxford roomlncr-hous 5 itrBrV. i. clean rooms for transients i housekeeping ouikco. prices rcasoname; also single rooms ii-a y weeK or month. Phone Hood awjs AUDiTORriTai. r.n st tipt Taylor and Salmon. 1 block south or Baker Theater Elegantly new furnished, steam heat, hot. cold running water In rooms; free u&ui. rooms witn private Datns; elevator; $3.60 week up; $1 day; tourists solicited. HOTEL ARMINIUS EUROPEAN, BRICK building, Just completed and elegantly fur nished, electric lights, hot and cold water u rooms, irec Datn ana phone; main car line iu imposition grounds; rates reasonable. iu4 aiornson t, cor. 11th. TOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED SUITE or j. rooms, rurnlture for sale; electric light, gas, hath, elevator; housekeeping privileges. Housekeeper, Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Telephone COMMERCIAL HOTEL NEW BUILDING with everything new throughout, elegantly furnished, sunny rooms, modern conveni ences; prices reasonable. 492 Washington. ROOMS! WHY SLEEP IN MUSTY. ILL- smeuing rooms, when they can be had In oran new moaern house at same price; cie gant location. 414 Jefferson, cor. 11th. HOTEL VAN NOY. 52JS 3D. COR. FINE fmwi xurmsnea rooms in city, ail moaern conveniences, hot and cold water, heat In all ana neiis; tatn tree; ti oay up. FOR RENT LARGE. PLEASANT, FBONT room for one or two gentlemen. 575 20th st , Portland Heights. Phone Main 4170. THE COSMOS. S. E. COR. 4TK AND ilQK rlson; best down-town rooms In the city; heat and service night and day; rates $3.50 per weeic ana up, including bath; $1 day. THE KINGSTON ROOMS, 190j 3D. AD- joining Baker Theater, centrally located. brick building; special attention given to the traveling puonc. Phone Hood 607. NEATLY FURNISHED 'ROOMS FOR GEN tlcmen or married couples; special rates to permanent roomers aunng Fair. 392H E. Burnrldc st. THE ELM. 121 AND 125 13TH. COR. WASH- irigwn tiegantiy furnished rooms; rates ior tourists; bath, phone. Mrs. Robertson manager. rIC"ELT FURNISHED ROOM. MODERN conveniences, aay or week: nrieos reason. able. 4S4',i Washington, opposite Columbia i neater. MCE FURNISHED ROOMS. CLOSE TO unco, ic&puiinuici uain ana pnone. si. Sacramento st. I'hone Union 54C3. NICE ROOMS. FINE FURNISHINGS. EJC tra good beds, all up-to-date. 50c to $1 a uayj raic oy wceu. ali Aiacr. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. PRIVATE RESI dence; modern; central; moderate; take S car depot, get off College. 420 3rd. THE TEMPLE, 34S'i YAMHILL ST.. Op posite Hotel Portland Nicely furnished rooms; transient rates reasonable. PLEASANT. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS In private family; bath and phone. 115 12th st., near Washington. FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED. WITH AL covc; private family. Lovejoy, between 23d and 24tb. D 79. Oregonlan. LARGE ROOM. CENTRAL AND CON lenlent; best location; bath, phone and tieat. 251 10th st. 664 SAVIER. COR. 17TH NICE. CLEAN rooms, 50 cents a night, or terms by week. Call 2 to 7 P. M. 435 ALDER. COR. 12TH NICELY FURXISH ed rooms, all conveniences; will reserve rooms for Fair. THE SANTA CLARA. 235 10TH ST. NICELY furnished rooms; modern; 75c up per dav. Main -3S62. 6 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO 1 room for restaurant. Cor. 3d and Market No. 254. FINE. LARGE FRONT ROOM. NEWLY FUR nlsbed. bath, phone, nice lawn; close In. 331 14th st. FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, with use of kitchen. 174 7th sL. corner of Taylor. NEWLY FURXJSHED ROOMS. MODERN, reasonable. 555 Filth street, corner Lincoln. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT FAIR grounds, 2Gth and Savler and 902 Thurman. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN conveniences, very- central. Phone West 2508. A LARGE FRONT ROOM: CENTRAL; SUIT- ame lor sampie-room. Phone East 453. Cheapest and beet-located rooms In Portland. (1 week up. Gilman. 1st and Alder eta. TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, quire 201 North 23d. Tel. Main 3658. 1SS 12TH-TWO VFURNISHED ROOMS IN modern fiat for gentlemen; central. 41 ELLA NEAR WASHINGTON, nlshed rooms, bath. gas. phone. AMERICAN EXCHANGE, 20SJ4 FRONT aT. Newly furnlehed rooms 2CEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. 16th. cor. Flanders. 9 NORTH Rooms With Board. ff!?J5 WOODLAND. STEEL'S RESIDENCE, 265 6th St. Centrally located in residence district, large, well-furnished cheerful rooms, modern conveniences; meals furnished If de sired: rooms reserved during Exposition if you write In advance. Thone Main 5250. THE COLONIAL. A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel. 165-167 jlOth St.. cor. Morrison. Steam heat throughout the house, porcelain baths line rooms, with nrst-class table and service; can accommodate a few desirable parties bv the day, week or single meals. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH year: rooms with board; use of sewing room; use of library; Woman's Exchange Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, superintend ent. 510 Flanders. PORTLAND "WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR rooms with board; use of sewing room; use of library: Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, superintendent, 510 Flanders THE LIND ELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market st.. bet. 3d and 4th.; steam heat, electric light, gas, porcelain baths; aU outside rooms; exceedingly low rates. THE ARGYLE. 193 WEST PARK BEAUT! fully located, central, modern, nteelv fur. liisbed; rooms with first-class board, reason- nuiv. i-iione .Mam livo. BOARD AND SUNNY ROOMS IN PRIVATE family; modern plumbing; gas and elec- nic iigm; nrsi-ciass table. 4B7 E. An keny. near th. . HOTEL TENNESSEE. 4TH AND MADISON. ironis i-iaza. parK &. City Hall; pleasant umic. ia mine, new. centrally located. HOTEL BROWN. 271H GRAND AVENUE Fleaeaat rooms, single or en suite; elevator: billiard-room: transients: both car lines. -il bul i UKMSHED ROOMS. WITH uuiu; nctsi tjia; pnvaie tamiiy; modern home; reasonable. 775 Irving st. FIRST-CLASS ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite; rood board; reasonable. 502 Ciav Phone Main 5099. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH Ttorxc with board: good home cooking; reason- ROOMS AND BOARD IN NEW. MODERN V?f,.:2Sar Falr; P"vat family. Phone Main 1925. GOOD ROOMS. . CHOICE BOARD; SELECT pmv boarding-house. 394 Columbia, Main 2219 THE OZARK. 225 11 Til ST. ROOMS EN suit or .single, board: hot and oold water. Flat. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. $35; furniture for sale; bargain. 331 H Mill st. Phone Main 5448. SBF00 TT; OAS, YARD. NEW. 626, Jefferson C: $20. Phone Main 4159. 15TrJ7LROOMS- NEATLY FURNISHED. Key 620 7th st. Fhone Main OX HewsekeeBg Koobh. 'ffl. HTHOUSEKECPING THE ONBONTA 187 17TTT ST. VPR TIM. sill New boase. elegantly furnished apart stents, la suites of 2, S and 4 rooms; not ana cota water; gas range In each kitchen: steam heat, baths; free phone- on each floor. TENT FURNISHED OR "UNFURNISHED camping facilities; large ground; charming views; healthful resorts. Lewis .and Clark -saping Grounds. Mount Tabor. Scott 375 FOR RENT THROUGH THE FAIR FUR nlshed and partly furnished' housekeeping rooms, on 7th and Oak. See Berry & Alcx- anacr, 4 sixth street. 372 1ST NEWLY PAPERED FURNISHED hay-window housekeeping rooms; week, or jnomn; reasonable; respectable people oniy, SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE- xeepicg rooms, with gs stova furnUaed; oniy x.a per week. 3SZ Tamhiii sc. 402 4TH ST. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- Ing rooms; quiet, respectable location, walk' rag distance; reasonable. THE ELM. 121 13TH. COR. WASHINGTON One or two furnished housekeeping rooms lor bummer u acsirea. THREE NICE. NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. The New Grant, 2d ana urant FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, with use of kitchen. 184 4th st., corner o; Taylor. FURNISHED SUITE HODSEKEEPrvn rooms, close In. single rooms. S6 10th, near WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House- Keeping rooms: transient; bath, electric light. O.M3 ROOM, FURNISHED FOR LIGHT nouseiceeping; bath and phone. 431 Main st TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEBP- ing rooms, aoa jenereon st. Houses. 8-ROOM HOUSE ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS, in ursi-ciass conaiuon. with all convenience. 493 21st St.. cor. Mvrtle: i45. Modern 9-room house. In beautiful location. moa iiui si. a snap at 40. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. 109 3D. FOR RENT TWO NEW HOUSES. C ROOMS just nnisneo; an moaern convenience; cor. E. 22d and Couch sts.: rent $30. Apply 14-ROOM HOUSE: ALSO 22-HOOM HOUSE: uoui ore. wiirnn nan diock oi Kair grounds. Inquire Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Tay lor st. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST.. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND renaoie piano ana larnitura movers. Fhoas Main 1CS5. Office. 110 N. 3d st. -ROOM MODERN HOUSE. EAST SIDE, on car line, for rent. $25 per month. Apply L. Y. Keady. S01 Dckum bldg. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN 5-ROOM COT. tage, 301 East lth st. Call at 303 Falling oiag. NICE 7-ROOM HOUSE. REA SONABLB. AT jihucoch. aec owners, a. iziu st N hOU. RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE: GAS. BATH ana nne lawn. 770 E. Yamhill, near 23d. A NICE 8-ROOM HOUSE. ?bo MONTH. CALL at iront st. ror particulars. Furnished Houses. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FULLY FURNISHED. walking distance; $20. Hatfield Si Smith. 1C5H 4th St.. room 32. PART OF CLEAN. WELL-FURNlSHEn cottage of 4 or 5 rooms; no children; refer ences. 5S4 4 th st. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED 10-ROOM nouso m best locality; undoubtedly the most desirable house to be had for the Fair period; possession given about June 10. Ad dress, with references. J SO, Oregonlan. WELL-FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE OF juwih in noruiwesi part oi city to pri vate family of adults for 3 or 4 months. P S3. -Oregonlan. 9-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED COMPLETE. oiocks irom postornce. Phone Mala COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3-ROOM COT- tace tor rent, call fefl North 10th st. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF ix.nnnr house; 6-room cottage, furnished, for rent: 14 rooms unfurnished; large store; all close to Fair grounds. Phone Main 0278. HOUSE TO RENT AND FURNITURE FOR b, oarnin. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. IS ROOMS For sopt cash and aulek sale. vt K..t ruonung-jiouse in cuy ai Dargain. Main 50 SI) or call 15 North 10th. ' 14-ROOM HOUSE. WELL FURNISH En central location; will soil at xarrifW nr roni. inmisnea. natneia & Smith, 165 FOR SALE FURNITURE OF EIGHT-ROOM iiuusc, new Boufo ior reni; walking dutance Apply 54S 3d st. Call after n a. r tm.: FURNITURE AND LEASE OF ELEGANT 12-room house for ale; 3 blocks from Port- tajju jiuieii reasonable, pnone Main 4554 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FURNITURE ot two 6-room cottages, -'near Fair; cheap """Biv. fluuran a m, uregorjian, NEW 6-ROOM FLAT. NEW FURNITURE, exira gooa. central location. $600. Hat- iioju oimin, lvoia -tin St., room 32. CO-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE : -S" ' iot fl" . bargain ir taken this mvo. uj ubcuu. e, uregonian. S-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED FOR ROOM, ers; rent $40; modern; $450. Haftleld & cumin, joj-.j n su. room a.. NEWLY-FURNISHED FLAT OF 5 ROOMS and basement; modern and clean: reasoaab'e ruit aiis-i:hkai FOR CASH. FURNI- i"' jwiit cwuisc; rem fi. inquire 408 FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE; CLOSE IN efp n.t; a11 11 taken at once. Phone' I . ' "ji1''":" MODERN P-ROOM ..vuv. jcaie iuu. 340 2d. cor. Market. Store. FOR RENT BRICK WAREHOUSE, 200 FEET "nj cumcr rraui ana vaugnn streets, on Oregon Sash and Door Co. Apply to F. E. Beach, corner First and Alder sta. CORNER AND INSIDE STORES. CO FEET ueep. in new Dr.CK Dulltllng. N. E. cor 0th and Everett. A. H. Blrrell. 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. 2-STORY BRICK BUILDING. IN GOOD LO catlon. 73 front st., cor. Oak; $75. Tortland 1 ubi ivv m sc. LARGE ROOM FOR RENT FOR OFFICE IN BuslnSs "crilegeY ' T5R,?0-1S IJf GOOD BUSINESS COR. ner. brick; cheap rents. 230 Russell st.. B. Oftces. WANTED DESKROOM IN OFFICE; REPLY, stating location and rent. Addrcos S S3. Oregonlan. ON WASHINGTON ST DESIRABLE LO catlon. Apply 314 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT-NICE LARGE OFFICES ON CTH u. near Washington. Inquire Star Theater. OFFICES AND NEWLY FURNISHED lodge halls. Allsky bldg.. 3d and MorrSSa. FOR RENT STORE IN BRICK BUILD Ing, east of Madison Bridge; good location. 2S0 ALDER. DESK ROOM OR PART OF ground-floor office: reasonable rent. Summer Resorts. FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS Ef OCEAN Park; $50 each; easy terms; free camping grounds for the season of 1605. S. SUnger land. Nahcotta. Wash. THE ORIGINAL GILBERT 2-STORY COT tage in Hermosa Park for rent, modern In everr way. Alexandra Gilbert. Jr.. Seaside, FOR SALE 5-ROOM COTTAGE FRONTING on the beach, at Seaside. Inquire Bruns wick Restaurant. 311 Washington. AN 8-ROOM SUMMER COTTAGE. FULLY iunu.neo. Besx jocauon, irightly. Seaside Or. Inquire 16 Deksso. FOR SALE OR RENT-SMALL COTTAGE FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED COTTAGES AT ..ltw' "un- W5 Savler. Phone Main GVi L THE MOBNIG OBEGOyiAN. MQyp'AY, SUMMER TENTINO Pnrvtr.pj;pcnpiT!Tt ful .outlook view; Heights car service: near v . Pnoae Main 4159. or Clfr rzZX 07 m4n charge of Judge " "iuij gronnast Pastarage for Kest. PORTLAND ; STOCK ALSO r tne month. 330 Sherlock bldg. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Iavited. uai. tun BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that on May 8. is3, the Common Counc I of the City of Athena passed the ,l!5lvcl- Tfaat - G. Chamberlain. City rtf?er' i "ihorled and Instructed to vuc iuuae i mc L-iiy ot Athena. Or., for the sale of tin nm ni,i r i.wZT bond. said bonds to be 20-year 5 per "1 , " v,, , jvj'ciir opuon, interest pajable eeml-annually. in January and July . , .r man io dc received up to u Sm M- Monday. June 5. 1905. All to, .sealed and indorsed 'Proposals for Clt of Athena Water Bonds each bid to be accompanied by cerUfled check for 5 per cent of amount of bid. said certified check rnrX,.. ParaM" K City of Athena, as . ur.e,m cvent 01 successful bidder fall if 'hI1? pay for said water bond "JtTJ y City of Athena. Right it eject any and all bids. 4? J . C. A. BARRETT. Mfr TiSP and Water Committee. Athena, Or.. May 8, 1905." vilursaa?1 i 83,(1 resolution, bids of tht kT JS?. iaracter therein menUoned will be received at my office in the City of Athena and will be opened there at C o'clock 1. M. on June 5, 1005. Dated May 12, l&Ou. O. G. CHAMBERLAIN. Recorder of the City of Athena. PBproSALS FOR COAL - DEPARTMENT " uuice oi inaiah Affairs. Washington. D. C. April 25? 1905. Sealed proposals, indorsed. "Proposal for coal" and addressed to tho Commissioner of In dlan Affalrfi. Washington. dT c7. wm received until 2 o'clock p7 m.. of ThursdaF - 1S05- tor furnishing and delivering as required at the vaWn,, and schools during the fiscal year ending June 30 1906. abSSt 4476 wna ofard cJal nmnn..i. : ."r "uomit ttnn 7? . uc"vf7 oi aii or any por- made out on CovS5imt m." t J cr'Sf S? Hf nti2.ea o ttTSreSl kinds u ,to.oe delivered at each agency and be L iorntahed "to0' In- w.mvw ii wuiusiga, jj. in the In. dlan warehouses at Noa. 113 and 121 Wooa- " '"" ioric v;ity; Na 265 South Can Chicago. No. CCC sSSth fS! neU.SL uxllB- Nos. 815 No i er "Jnana. .cb.; and r . . n "'. can Iran Cisco. CaL: to the wvprsl Tnrfl.n 7- 1 . school superintendents, and to the office C F. LARRABEB. Acting Commissioner.. IN THE DISTRICT rnrTTT nt- Ti.r. . t"rJiuc .uisinci ot Oregon In the Inat.tcr 2iLthe Estate of Robert Pebley. bank ft;, Th.e underslrncd will receive sealed bids for the stock of merchandise and flje- Y lo "e aiwve-named estate, having the Inventorj valuaUon of $1721.02! jucuica ai a-a iayctle. Or., up to 12 o'clock """"V JiUHiiy, jay lit. ivoo. Inventory may be seen at my office and the etock may be Inspected at La Fayette. Cash or a cer tified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid must accompany each offer and the right . V, XI, . J . . ' a oias. oatea at Portland. Or., this 3d dav of xt- iwi R. L. Sabln. Trustee, Front and Ankeny OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAST- v 7 . .-' Ma i. sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock A. M. May IS 1905 for redanklnc anDroaeh tn n-h.-r . 1? I Columbia. Wash. United States reserves the ricnt to reject any or all proposals. Plans can be .seen and specifications obtained at this otflcc Information furnished on appli cation. Envelopes should be marked "Pro ppsals 0r Repairs' and addressed Captain Goodale. Quartermaster. Astoria. Or CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S OF ?Sv cnlUVCr Barracks. Wash.. May 10. revived at iSto'ZmZ utii"?i't?wr1",i "! .iiK?" no,pcnr5 ,n tkc Presence of attending bidders, for the construction of a V wuoaiN ai inis post. The United States rcsorvt the rlrht tA dect any or all bids or any part thereof. In- lumiauuu ot iumisnea on application to the Constructing Ouartprmn.ii,. --,- .. ver Barracks, Wash. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING School District No. 1. will be received at the office of the Cit Si.rirtn 11 Schools. City Hall, until 1 p. m.. Monday. June 12, 1905. Specifications and snraples may l?.c :lce of thr City Superinten dent. The board resw-vro th -4v., ,A Ject any and all proposals Frank ltlgler, Su- WOOT. TWIT . THE UNDERSIGNED WILT. nppr.vr sealed bids it Sublimity. Or., up to " P iv iIay 17 ,B05 for a pool of Valley wool J1300 fleeces or more.) Said wool when sold to be delivered at Aumsvlllr. Or W re- w ii lr JTJw:l anr or all bids. VV. H. Downing. J. T. Hunt. E. B. PattM Sub lmlty. Or.. May 12. 1905 ' Miscellaneous. CONTRACTOR J. L. MARS IS READY TO buy and receive the material for the Ore gon Produce Company's cold-storage bulld fiio1 J. GJaln?e- 1 "imcture will be COxllO feet, brick and composition roofing cash on delivery; commence brick work 11NANCLVL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before . fcci. . iron us; no commission or Interest In advance; no mr, . doner rulrea. f Repay weekly, monthly o . ..... . .uiuimu irom 41 ana up wards, thus avoiding the payment of the nuu,s mum yui 01 any one pa j -cay. and NELSON & HINDLEYl 308 McKay bldg. kAi 21x153 TO SALARIED PEOPLE uu.w.ufc iiumcai positions ana responsible " , w"'"" ana in cuy conn dential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-homes s pedalty. JvEW tRA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. w Auiatira ouiiamg. THE STAR LOAN PA Any ralarled employe, wage-earner, can fet uio uuic, wunwii mortgage ConfldentlaL Month. LL.mnnh ii'. $50-Repay to us $133 or $6.65 or $3.25 $25-Repay to us $ 6.65 or $3.33 or $1.63 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 xmb ukwh;e.nt LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO- uiBii uiujs.. juioa money to reliable sales. i-t. uwumhj, laoiormen. conductors or other salaried employes, lust on hi not. la sums of $10 to $100. Returnable la con- cutcui wiuj w monuuy payments. Pay ments suspended In casa of slckaess. Conn, dential. No Inquiries. v'caa MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. - -icvuf ht, easy nay ments; largest business In 49 principal clUea. Tolmaa. 223 Ablngton bldg. Chf 175? LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL ealaried people; lowest rates; strictly confi- tv7 X. room jib, th LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL- nt ieuic, luncai rates; connaentlal Will advance money on any good ecurity. Room MONEY WITHOUT SECURITY Our plan relieves debtors and secures money for competent business men. The National Fi nancing Co.. 208 Marquam bldg. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND eta" fMA-uituv., mra. 0. w. gin, room 43 Washington bldg. Phone Mam 6IO0I $5 LOANS AND UPWARDS ON ALL KINDS of OM-iirltv. without o!v. TV iJl.Trf."3 room 10. " Washington bldg. day 1814. LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE pianos, ether securities. 443 Sherlock bide Phone Clay 528. Also real estate loaxa. $10,000 TO INVEST IN AN ESTABLISHED vr iuniu or Business en terprise. Address. V 63. Oregonlan. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. 5 AND o v wuu 11 in. uuiuuua, aiimg bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF EE- w,,si. ti. nw. m. . nuamnon bldg. State funds loaned. 6 per ceaL W. E. Thorn " --" " " -- warn, '-mm $500,000 TO LOAN AT S AND 6 PER CENT. Six per cent money to loan os Clackamas Co laads. D. F. Riley. e Cham, of Cessment $40,000 TO LOAN AT X4 REGULAR RATBS. The Portland Loaa OSlce. 74 31 st. BUSINRSS CHA'CBS. SALOON FOR SALE GOOD CORNER; LONG 01 iuic, Mcgaes. Apply 234 Tamhlll it. PARTNER TN ESTABLISHED DETECTIVE aaa gatroi owiaeta. ox c S3, Oregoalaa. FOR SALE CIGAR STORE. GOODLOCA- uw- inquire im Ajoer: price rtaroBible. ROOMING-HOUaB HEADQUARTERS. TAFT & CO.. 122-3-5-6 Ablsgtoa BUc Paoae Mala 156. m?ke a .specialty of roomlng-houie. vur ouwness me past week was far In ay Ior the past two months. " " n' jot inat in only one way r'3 1 UAV. iiit; BARGAINS. Read www ass juage ror yourself: Jf ."OOMS Swell f urBlshlngSL EXTRA wTir ,"JaV.1 ?d I-EASE. BEST tlon la city, clearing above all expenses muaia. x-nce $10,000. tw.,.n98rVeI1 furalsbed. 1 block from ""'ci. cneap rent, alwaya full; k. i. J,oId; any "asonable offer will not iJ!Ln0,0MS-Brick: ncw,r furnished; Rood lease: downtown n 1.1..-T.. i-v. aboT8 " expenses. Price now only trit. ROOMS-ce'r furnished: lease during "..oaly f 03: now clearing above all Pnsa $100 per month. Reduced from $1500 1 icw uajj. x-aix casa 11 aestrra. R09?I5rGoo1 locaUon on Seventh street nm xumisnea. only $375. 11 ROOMS-AU newly furnlihed. Rent only S35 nnlr trnn ;YViac7--ewiy lurmahed. right near rii r ciir' Mal paic uaul September l; KOOMS-Best location In city: finely furnished, steam heat; now clearing over uiunia. met, 4uOO. 19 ROOMS Newlv fnmiow n.ir ,.,' v.erTthlng clean and In good condition; rent w. wjia lease, nice, liyJO. 20 ROOMS New furniture, good location. 1 - uuunr, icaie. irnce, XV. 20 ROOMS P-1!..n(l.- I -n- v !?ift?nt. st" . Jsoo1 lea"s cheaP rent. "J wjm mi once. .Maxe an oner. 24 ROOMS-Vers- nicely furnished, right ; .C L' u" oi" ; rem oniy fia. This ueai Duy on me market at $3300. 26 ROOMS Very central, right down town. wvi mrmanings. steam neat, good lease. uickp rem; rcaueea price, now $2750. 51 ROOMS Brick building, corner, house always full cheap rent, good lease. $2950; takes only $650 cash; now clearing $200 per 23 ROOMS Good corner brick building, all 5", floor, long lease, very cheap rent. Price $1350; only $700 cash. Furnishings , " "OOMS Swell furniture, now clearing .w iicr fflonin; rent very reasonable and case, oniy jisou. FOR RENT VACANT. 60-room hoiut on Wachlnrtnn mt nr.ll !- I ml Inn- .,ra 1 . 1.-. " L. . r, ... ucm, uui turn turn aicr in all rooms; this best la city. 28 ROOMS At Fair grounds; this Is one wi me oest propositions in that vicinity. STORE in brick building on Third street. irood locauon. cheap ntf gSod 1 TSt! Call and Investigate. The above are all good, genuine bargains. !j2G.T Y 9OINC;.AY. WILL SAC W e can make terms on anvthlnr- offers I "ti0 - rooms, clears $150. for $2000. e guarantee all titles. Buyers protected aa weU as sellers. .i-Irt your houses with us If you. want nirm soia. we sold four last week, w e want houses of all sizes. wm TAFT & CO.. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Big. 106 Third St WELL-ESTABLJSHED millinery busi- e!n, gooa town of 5000 population. Fine daifV nlant tn V.nwtrm nr-nn irlth e?S1' towni Population 5000; revenue t-w ycr mull Lll. eerai cigar stands, rooming-houses. itiiaiiramr ana saloons BERRY & ALEXANDER. N. 0th, Opposite Postofflce. MANAGER W.OCTED-NEW YORK STATE corporation wants a. fintwiix mnn -v, n nVIiJ,hie,.,ab,e.r.erernc": w!" lw or K,ve coming financially Interested In the business. Position WOrth JIDMO snniT9ll - ui T vcJi c": 153 La Salle St., Chicago. ROOMING-HOUSES ! rooms: rent $S3; central 1- rooms; rent $53: well located... - rooms; rent $100 S rooms; strictly centra! S rooms; cheap rnt.... J. V. CREIGHTON it CO 105'i 3d sL. room A. ..$ S00 650 .. 2750 250 .. 500 17 ROOMS ON 11TH. NEAR WASH- iuKion st.: rent $80; lease. Price $1300 11-ruum nat. very fine 1030 i-iwia mraw, a snap 850 Nice restaurant, everything new. 175 !&aI.?tand. flnc location 450 FORD'S BUSINESS rMTAXTT mrvw 165 Fourth Street. ' . . I . d.w. i If you are looklntr for a rr.nr. In . I house, see Mr. Van Atsttne. who has a 30- room house, furnished complete, lighted by gas. everythlnr new. mvt fi fmm JP8.1.11 'S.'rajf8 or tho Thurman-st. entrance. Call 907 Thurman St., between 26th and -im sire eis. THE AMES MTT!r,."rrr -c- r-T-v---r- xiess chances, town and country: lUt open n , . "w-esi uuormauoa oa busl- I itiiit urns curing ode Tho Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. $1000 SECURES AN INTEREST TV T)pptt. laoie real estate ofnee now netting $600 monthly: party must be live man, as cucijr ib nceuca more man money; refcr ?n5?" "changed. J. Y. Crelghton & Co.. 16't 3d st, room A. OFFICE BUSINESS Partner wanted br a weii.tmonm ,j I liable real estate dealer. Experience not necessary beyond ability to list and show property, which is easily learned; small cap- "h-""-. iutu.j, -10 m aiarK st. SALOON Partner wanted by a reliable, e'nergetic saloon man. tral saloon with a growing trade, this sa- 11 juu iooung ior a cen- ion will please you; $1000 required; easy -v ' ,i o luiicu, ia;i aiarK St. WANTED MAN WHO HAS Slfton to iv. vent la a permanent business; man who has unu Business experience: one wno could take ciuirKc 01 orancn in Seattle. Address, stat ing business experience. B 87, Oregonlan. $500 BUYS V BEST PHOMlVEvr pivivi- old-establlshed business, city, clearing $350 jani lareiuatni Kuaranteea; ex perience not required: can't attend business moac. iiu. investigate, isiji Market St., A RELIABLE. WELL-KNOWN nnsivr?ss man wanu a partner for his business: $600 required, fully secured; owner, knowing the business, will guarantee purchaser $125 a """. run particulars -van Stark Ft. FOR SALE SNAP. Eight rooms, full of good-paying roomers. gooa lurniture, extra good location; will py ww a monin aunng Fair; price $525 Ellis & Gibson, room 21. 264 Morrison st. FOR FURNITURE AND TENT iTRVRrnTtn. a srouauj ena 01 i-ora-m. viaiinrr .k side of Heights car line: easily arranged for icuwuj, ior visitors lewis ana Clark Fair Phone Main 343 or 4159. BUSINESS WANTED; HAVE $1000. WH "iikt, iu inieai in touna, legiumate busi ness; state business, location, and particu lars In first letter, or no notice will be taken. F 79, Oregonlan. FOR SALE STOCK Ot GENERAL MFTR. chandlse; Invoice about $9000; doing a $15,000 business vearly; postofflce In connection; a money-maker. For particulars see Nordhr. 103 Sherlock bldg. uublMSSS VVAaTBD-HAVE $1500 WITH Ben-ices to invest in souna. legitimate busi ness: state business, location unrf mnui bars in first letter or no notice will h. tav.n I "tuuiu. 1 . I " o nAiti --v. 1 sua Jt itUil $50 TO I w to invest in a niKnir Drontania nnri.,-. 1 taking that -will stand Investigation, get J 11SIW.UU11 num. lUHHituu, iriggs & CO., I 55 ROOMS UNFURNISHED. In new modem building on one floor to be completed June 15. to rent, lease for sale 1260. Ellis & Gibson, room 21, 284 Morri son st. . THE NATIONAL FINANCING CO.. 266 MAR- quam diok., nannies nsnas. stocks mints, finances lfgitlmate enterprises, faralshes ate uTeiiBtsu secsres oaas. low rate. WILL SELL HALF INTEREST EC SPLEN- uia uuoik iiAiue, aa real estate toiun wciuua; pays WW a IBOBth for $300 If takes at oace. J 84, Oregoalaa! PARTY COMPELLED TO LEAVE CITY AC- coaai ot neaita win ecu tegitiasate Business for $3eee. where dsttete the asaoaat la la stgai. Aaareas tb. oregsataBt. $75s WILL BUY ELSGANTLY FURNISHED awt, teestea near f air grsvMs rest $ rr . J. V. Cre4ghte & v-5.. iwa n ma a. 'llAY 15, 1905. J. H. H. ANDERSEN. 181 MORRISON ST. Fboee Main 3810. Portland, Oregea. i.tiAJJUSU AGENT. PROTECT BOTH BUYER AND SELLER. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING HOUSES. HOTEL AND BUSINESS CHANCES OF ALT. fftvns 191 Morrison at., bet. Front and Water. NORTH IRVINGTOV lwr?TMPT ,.i0i7'Joc'm nouse. strongly built, lot 50i j.w. can casn, oaiance time Andersen. $175 One-half Interest in real estate and employment oaice; best location; cheap rent uu "ircucuca rcquirea Anaersen. Branch hakerv and Ilrht mwri, $300Reduced from $500, 2 furnished rooms, icuk special snap, see Andersen. Worklnrmen'a hotel 26-room hotel, bar. dining-room and larga &iicuea. grouna rent 520. lease for 3 7e: p'ace clears $250 monthly; prlco tvw naoenen. $225 Thlrd-st. restaurant; rent $25; great ire .vaucrscn, $175 Conf., fruit and cigars, large .stock. rcai; posiuveij- a saennce Andersen, Partner for saloon woo-one of the best East Side Saloon yjuiKramons j. a. h. Andersen. t $100. $100. bCCUres half-lnterAt In tll.uriTi Thil. st. restaurant; duties easily learned; come -' .luuowa. ivi jdomson st. Buying. Selling. Exchanging, Ho in. J. H. H, ANDERSEN. 191 MORRISON ST. IF YOU HAVH PROM lino Tn oon tv ""c x can snow you now ana wnere to emplor it so as to make a fortune In a icw years without risk In a legitimate busi ness enternrlsr T invii. i. . i investigation and am prepared to submit satisfactory evidence to convince the most Vot'V. IIV. Address. D. G.. P. O. Box No 1372, New York City. "WANTED ACTIVE restaurant; excellent chance for trtt .aa'.TOB small capital: best lo or ,b, Pa'r trade: thorough In vestlgaUon Invited. T 83, Oregonlan. S-AJj-OON ifAN NOW EMPLOYING HELP .iTT? 10 sood man who under stands the hi'slnoi- ... nUy;fli?1 5cntU J. v. Crelghton '& v,.ti ou au, room a. SPECIAL . ' v.". onQv.ay , Ior nergcUc man with . J ana make IS to $25 St v : "Pe1,1"6 unnecessary. Call 24Sa AolSFEi'KGA.:S,TI'Y FURNISHED ml.- 1. ..' ocua room ror 15 ' -J uiiiwa au, room I BEST 1S-ROOM nnOMlvn-HOTTOti iv r 1 " ! t LEart clt toe had at a bargain 3146. W 87. Oregonlan. Vu w e- '. "u i-none Red 17 ROOMS. UNFURNISHED. FaSLr ,r ,onger- E"ta 0'on, room 21, 264 Morrison st. y Ji vl ,u raouern. ready soon, to rent s00? xfrunV,hed room. nt $26. lease; $00. 191 Morrison bL 30-HOOM ROOMING-HOUSE. FURNISHED. iCt , lm main entrance of Tir unds. j Call 907 Thurman St.. be- 60 ROOMS. UNFURNISHED. In new brick hnllrfinr- 1. . COMPELLED 'X? j"1"" central, corner, rent $05; clear $2o day during Fair. See owner. 23Hi , . . w u uiwiiiunrj. Market L 16-ROOM HOUSE. PlTRXlSHPn rnt, housekeeping; rent $73: full of roomer. $1400. Hatfield & Smith. 165i 4th St.. room 32. GROCERY BUSINESS IN STATE CAP! PHnoNsHlirriH sales negotiated at Port Lit. e.i. - cured. West. Mfrs. Agncy. 121 13th. Portland. FOR SALE ROOMING-nouSE ctv it rooms; best location In town? nil r.,tt r roomers; price. $1300. Phone Black 3101. FOR SALE BY OWNER. FIRST-CLASS LIV- t., iuic, owns nne Dutiness: will take ral estate In part pay.- R 88. Oregoniap FOR SALE MEAT MARKET IN ONE OF tic wji towns in western Oregon; price $700. Address G 83. care OreronW v . 14 ROOMS. BOARDING AND LODGING cheap rent: good furniture; $800. Hat field & Smith. 10oM 4th st.. room 32. F011 SALE A GOOD-PAYING RESTAURANT reasonable If taken at once: cheap rent. long ..w x 10, urexonian. . . . BEST BARGAIN IN A HOTEL EVER OF- fered. Call at 251 U Yamhill .t . ,7. upstairs. S. E. Hamilton. TWO RESTAURANTS ANn T.noo.f VtSel0::TOe!LaUrant 5000 and one WOO. Call 485 H Washington st. , rinox-t:u.s5 I-IIUIT AND cigar stand on 6th st. Apply Immediately. Address G 7S. Oregonlan. FOR SALE-A GOOD-PAYING SALOON. LO- 7 ,f. , ', i! r months lease. luoi sell. REGARDLESS OF PRICE, A good rooming-house; central location; good lease. Y 86. Oregonlan. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE. Liv ing rooms. Call at store. Ids tTk T.i. Berry & Alexander. A GOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE . OR EX. change for real estate. Cause, sickness. Q 81. Oregonlan. FOR SALE RESTAURANT AXn TrZ pS Mln0 475L M0rrt8n Cbt j ROOMING-HOUSES AND FLATS THAT will double principal In 2 months. Phone BARBER SHOP FOR SALE HALF INTER, est in a good 3-cbaIr shop. Addrees H 63, GROCERY A GOOD STAND. FTvrr t rn a Uon. low rent; a bargain. P 88. care Ore- guiiiaii. TO INVESTORS G OO D BRICK AND NINE- iJUf! llUflBeil St., B. RESTAURANT FOR SALS OR RENT; LONG law i-iMn rant Ju n- v. i . ' . MlUlUUglDII. PERSONAL. SEXLNE FILLS ARE THE ONE THING that send new power to every part of your Tvi' IU" guarantee. Address Clemenson Drug Co.. 2d and Yamhill MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- n iitna uioouicx. une month s treat ment. $2; 3 months. $5. Sent securely sealed by raaiL Agents, Woodard. Clarke & Co. MANICURING BY NEW ROTARV pnnrrcc "Uiawnj uwy, iace, scaiD m ui - frwt rf.mon.lMilMn I'M . . . " o-. - - " w u...wn.4M.luUi I lunilonUul. rooms 2S-29, Lewis bldg., cor. Park and jiomwa sis. lAai- l-u it SL.na JKtiaxOKED BY Trria great Dr. Lorenx Nerve Tonic Tablets- 25c a box. 6 boxes for $L25. Write or call at cjiseu s raaraacy, ii AOmsOB St., bet. TRAINED NURSE. SWEDISH. HPr.nvn lura snwiMic, ywanivciy cures rheumatism and nervous disorders- by hand rubbing. 7 uia bv.. near Anaeny. Phone East 260. WANTED TEN LADIES -syir piT inm ivcayir, uycnciict; not necessary; four months work. Address fifll nin. on JDU -" 00 laicrrieweu. u i, oregonlan. LADIES. ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH X.ZZ i muut QrHgglsts; bot s -o.a rtcii axesis, lax ia SC. STNE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL. Washlngtos and Ath aad Morrison and 5th. Bole agtets far Alexandra kid gloves. "VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY D U PONT ET Cle's itoia Tasiets. Nature's great tonic for either sex. 25c by naall. Albert Bernl. 2d aad Was-hlngtoB, agent, Portland. Or, RHEUMATISM" CAN BE CURED. MRS. J M. wood, specialist. Facial aad geaeral massage. The Frances, West Park aad Mar. rise. Phcme Re 3S38. YOU DON'T SLEEP WELL: YOU ARK aenroes. Fauas Tablets saaraateed to eure AMresa Breaks Drug Ca,, 67 North 34 iL PerUaad. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT TOUR MuuiMi. xvenut, iiu. lei. Jaatx 4HC DR. PAUL CROXWXLL. THE COLOftSn speeUt- BaamrHMB, 127 IKfc, Mate hiti. I I . I VlTTCTV-rca nnrrnw ouau.RD3BECKE; GRADUATH ZZWZm' BC"HU"c. feataral cerreeUoa 1st. esauufler and T.ms.. . .4. .t 7. aallr free; every affllctloa tLd Tfrf-fac!, and scalp jwcceaafully ii.ainra, 'f.rfakle. car, blemishes, f04- Sanitarium and school ot Cer- ZrZ rrli u ,.cc"oa- riors 384 Morri' 77 WOMEN Vavtcti ctiu.i.... - Hrhi?ea.or "PP leucorrhw iwhlte) and all diseases of women, old or Mg, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 230 Yaa- 7Z" , ,1 w. rnvata waiting-room tVw VS ,-""iiion tree, wail or write. DISEASES OF MEN. uu;uiCKe GLEET. RVPnTr.TQ ctP1- OLD SORES. NIGHT Eiilil .11 - w "i-WU-liJ. H I urocele and JT t 1. ., private organs permanently 11 iuicr, .101 ist Sw rT .. 1 IRREGULARITIES YIELD uj our paimess metnod of treatment We UZat dlSeaSM of vnm.n null.. mii. e: Prlvste and strlcUy confidential. X Radium Institute, 3d & Mor. Aliaky Bldg. ?ND. 105. FOR "PATRIMONIAL REGIS ter, which describes 200 reputable resl 5ieIJ 2. Oregon who wish to marry; ex T.j . 10 Joi" society, terms, interstat lanuuuoag oociety, jor 1079. Portland. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT, ALL SIZES $1 t'tz tiuuiu cieanea ana in ?C muitun, unique uauor- nuaiarua, opp. cordrays. MRS M. GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL icaiaers ana do as cleaned, curled and dyed, best ot work; satisfaction guaran- i. low mi. roraana, ur. rnone Red 3161 Residence. 249 Harrison. Main 4443. TURK." BY OPIE READ (NEW) ; "THREE " Araan6a.w -; "xnrough Missouri on a Mnla'; "Good Gravy"; "Thoroughbred Tramp etc.. 25c each. Send for catalogues 11. suuaaie, is 1st. fiHOESt HALF-SOLED FOR BOC AT HOLLA- -"'72 yior. net. aa ana 4th. D!FE??rrVnrsl SERVICES SECURED BY AD mtjoimt xr. y. dox --0. Portland. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assayers and Aaalysta. iilJ J. n. FISK ASSAYING DTiTrirpr -u.,iicj aau v.Tawiora, analytical chemists u wjeiuuurgists, Washington st. ,M0E. ASSAYER AND ANALYTICAL """""j gom ana sliver, $1. 350 Ankeny st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 203 STARK ST. iwi. waiiutj; prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; bu.u uu oougnt. zzstt Stark st. Attorney s-at-Law. u. o. U. ilAROUAM CU -rVrnr Tff-TAT. uius. 1 maao specialty ot defeating tax titles. Business Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRIT- ug. lamoua Duaget bookkeeping, actual bus! ness practice: positions found for graduates: oay and night school. Holmes Business Col- "i A, bldg. Main 613. Carpet Cleaners. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and ;uu,i" cfeu air combined: carpets cleaned on nwi "uuoui removal. Main 5034. East 2594 CARPETS CLEANED ON THE FLOOR; WE u qusi. pnone Clay 331. Carpenters and Builders. CEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVES, aau repauea. -jun 4tn. Clay 174. W. L. BUCKNER, offlce. store fixtures, general jvuu.us. coniraciing. sso Stark. Main 5SSI. Commission Merchants. llt.U.MA.N METZGER. PURCHASER OP hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber nnd old metal an dgeneral commis sion merchant. Front st.. near Main, Port- iauu. ui. isn aavancea on consignments. XArLOK. YOUNG i CO SHIP BROKERS mi tummiMioa mercnants. anerlocfc bldg.. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO- uute Bwcnania front and Davis ata., Port land. Or. Contractors. KAILKOADS. GOVERNMENT WORK. CA- '""--1 wagon roacs, aucn es. logging roads and general jtradlng. Coast Contract Co., room jy. 1- j. kj. j: . mag., i'ortiana, ur. Chiropodist and Manicuring. DRS. O. O. FLETCHER AND J. A. EBNER j&ircn vojuiess cuiropouists, ivenmson ays tem of New York. Corns removed without yam; oumous ana ingrowing nails a spe cialty. 316 Allsky bldg.. cor. 3d and Mor rison sts. Phone Red 30S8. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE XJii uc cmropoaists: parlors rooms -uo urew Diag.. iu a st. i'hone iialn 1301. This Is the long-haired gentleman;' He Is iub uuu yuu are 100 King Ior. Clairvoyants. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. 3034 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. THE MOMENT YOU ENTER ms pat. LOR HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL AMIS. UUUrATIDX. V OTTT? MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME. AXn wwmr AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY and what you called for, without asking a question Will tell the name of your sweetneart or anyimng you want to Know. LOW FEE. 303i Washington St., cor. 3th. 3.1 ME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLUf. SCI- cauac reveaicr, leiis jlie irom cradle to grave. Consultation on all affairs Rn) vice, sure help, mistake Impossible; restores lost love and unites separated by sympathy locates burled treasure. Fe $1; letter SSl. 207 Park. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST permanently removes corns, bunions, cal louses, lagrown ana ciuo nail, oedlenrinir manicuring: .'ace and scalp specialist. Red 1S42. 10 Benson bldg., cor. 5th and Mor- rlEon- MME. FRANCOIS. CLAIRVOYANT, TRANCE 1 lueuiuui aau iuaii3u oin SL, nr. Alder. Dancing and Elocution. Mrs. Larowe's Hall Classes tilt July; private lessons all Summer. Tel. Main 2329 till 2 P. M. Electrical "Works. SAM'L F. PARR. ELECTRICIAN AND CON tractor; electric work. 305 1st; Main 2215. Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost frater nal society of N. W.; protects the llvlnu J L. Mltchel, Sup. Sec, 612-615 Marquam bidg Harness aad Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfrs., leather and saddlery hardware. SO-86 1st, Main 226. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfrs.. saddlery hardware, leather, all kinds. 72-74 Bth st. JOHNSON Sz LUTHER, CUSTOM-MADE harness, wholesale and retail. 54 6th st. Hotel. Reataaraat aad Camp Ranges. Crlbben & Sexton Co.. 17th and Upshur sts. Largest stock hotel, restaurant, camp ranges gasoline stoves and refrigerators In city. " Lest a er aad Xladlagg. J. A. STROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished IS 8. Leather and findings Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full Una Eastern Jumbos. ISO Front at THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. SOLE and upper leathers of all kinds; cut stock, findings and shoe store supplies. MedicaL LADIES $500 REWARD IF OUR REMEDY iana iv iciicic uciaycu raoniniy periods no matter how long suDDresaed: f. ..ir. $3. Women's Private Institute. L 185. Dear- Hotels. THE LIND ELL HOTEL. Entirely new. elegantly equipped. Amerlcaa plan. $1.60 day up. Market bet 3d and 4th. Junk. Hides aad Pelfs. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old nabbera metals aad sacks. 312 Frost at Marble aad Graalte. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS cent saved. At 730 Front cor. Hosier. Maeklaery. 2. TRENKMAN A CO.. MINTVn satc- salUa, loggiag machinery; hydraulic pipe. xnm. -w jkjuoo ioxucs. lHt j. 413, THE H. C ALB EE CO.. SECOND-HAND atacalaery. sawmill, etc 348 Gnusd a vs. Secoad-Haad "Manhfnorj. X. SIMON & BRO.. DEALERS IN ALL klBss oc aeea.sa aaacataery pipe. cak4er bHtar. ardwar: ktekeat arice.uu I 1 . O-rteopatay. DR. L. B. .SMITH. DR. CARYLL Tl SMTTK DRS. ADD DC NORTHRUP. 418 DEKUM bldg. Phone Mala 318. Examination free. Palats OQa aad Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils. lass. sash and. doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Lawyers. 1U C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN Patents; Infrlngesaent cases. 604 Dekura. Fastarage. Pasture Stock received on- Ladd's Canyoa tarro; don't cqeia Sunday. F. A. Miller, Supt. PASTURE; 335 ACRES. INQUIRE OF CHAS. S. Johnson. ML Scott. Rubber Stamps. PitSn -To Wv0RS' i,S "ALDER. TEL. ain,l0. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. Safes. SECOND-HAND SAFES-5 BANK SAFES: good as- new and 15 fireproof sates: assort ed sizes; prices from $25 to $150. Call and examine them at 84 3d. DIEBOLD manganeso circle doors, bankers comfort: Diebold fireproof and burglar-proof, the best; repairs and Jail work. Davis. 66 3d. Northwest Ylavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON ats. Call or send stamp for Health Book. Showcases. Bank aad Store Fixtures. THE LUTKB MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. 6th and Hoyt. Phone Mala I40S. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 348 1st. near Market. Phone Black 3133. Souvenirs. THE MORGAN CO.. 109-111-113 2d St., Third Floor. LEWIS AND CLARK SOUVENIRS Of Every Description. BOOTHS AND STREET STANDS COMPLETELY FITTED OUT. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reiiaDie medium: all in trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business. love, troubles: absent friends a specialty. 163H -th st.' Russel brdg,? hours 9 to 5. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CONSULT- ea aauy at 412 Alder, cor. 11th. Main 6170. MARION CORELLL PALMIST. CLAIRVOY- m aaa. trance meaium. 180H 4th st MRS. C. CORNELIUS. FOR FEW" DAYS oniy. 15 6th, room 21. Hood 103. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping and ship ped: all tiork guaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Offlcs 128 1st a M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. C O. PICK. OFFICE 88 1ST.. BET. STARK ana uaic. pnone oatt. Pianos and furnlturs moved and packed for shipment: commodi ous fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED. BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT st.. noosenom goods an-i furniture, pianos, trunks, tool cheats, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 54 THIRD ST.. wnoiesaie ana retail, -send for catalogue. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repairea. coast Agency. 231 Start Tel. 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN& LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY. cw. 11. xmai aaa uavis sis., x'oniana. ur. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE ORE- gonlaa will pay $10 reward for the ar rest and conviction of any one caught steal lag The Oregonlan from the doors ot Its subscribers. Circulation Manager. LOST-$50 CHECK. MADE PAYABLE TO the order or J. M. leates. Finder please return to 402Vj Clay st.. between 10th and 11th. new flat, upstairs. LOST LARGE BLACK PURSE CONTAINING money, jewelry and keys. Finder can keep money If they return Jewelry to 127 Park st. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- tressea renovated ana returned sams day. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST SILVER WATCH. NEIGHBORHOOD or 14th and Everett sts.; leave at Heitkem per's, 2S6 Morrison st.; reward. LOST U. C. T. PIN. ST. LOUIS COUNCIL. No. 26. Reward It returned to J. L. Kerr. Wadhams &. Kerr Bros. LOST P. H. S. PIN OF FEBRUARY. 1903. Please return to Allen & Lewis and re ceive reward. BANKS. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON .XU. iuy THIRD ST. The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000. General Banking Business Conducted. Savings Deposits Received. Time certificates issued, also certifi cates of deposit payable upon 10 davs' ea!! 30 days' call or 00 days call with Interest at 3U. 3 snd 4 per cent per annum, re spectively. .Call or send for book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJ. X. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK .Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA - Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS- ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorabl terms. Letters ot credit issued available In Europe and all points in the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers old on Xew York. Washington. Chimin sr Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various points in uregon. wasnington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exrhanze on London Paris. Berlin. Vmnv. fort. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. huix Assistant Cashier TKAXSAU1S A UJSTiEKAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit lssuad. avail. able in all parts of tho world. Collections a specialty. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE iieaa uince. xoronto. in?a Capital paid up s8.7O0.oaa Reserve J3.500.00O Transacts a general banking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of Jin and tin- ward and interest allowed on minimum month ly balances. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD. Manager Portland Branch-. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established 1864.) HEAD OFFICE. San Francisco, Cal. President HOMER S. KING Gen, Man. of Branches.. ...W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up........... $3,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits . 6,600 000 A General Banking mdExchanga Business Letters of credit Issued, available in all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and upwards: Portland Branch. Chamber of Commerce Blda- WM. A. MACREA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Northwest Cor. Third and Oak Sts Transacts a general banking business. Drafts Issued, available la all cities of ths United States aad Europe, Hong- Kong, and Manila. Collections made on favorablo terms. fres'deni' ; J. C. ATNSWORTH Vice-President TV. B. AYER Cashier R. W. SCHML'ER Assistant Cashier.. a M WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Desigaated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President - a L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK. Asslstaat Cashier W. a ALVORD Second Asslstaat Cashier.. .B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available la . rope and tha Eastern States. Sight exchaags aad telegraphle- traasfsrs seld oa New York. Boston. Chicago, st, Loals. St. Paal. Omaha, San Francisco aad th-a priaelBl. potets of the Narthwegt. Stgfct aad tlass bias drawa la auats to salt oa Loadea. Paris. Berils. Fraakfrt-.ta' Mala. HoST Ksg, YoksaaaM, Ceveahagea.' CarisUuiia. Stsekkote. St. Teien&rijZ cw. Zatieki. Jfeaotaiu. eras ire aad raetils. C4' Front Mala 24)4C. I Cometisaa ma s f4.rsra.bi tt