10 THE MOByESG 'OBEGOmjr, MONDAg, MAY 15, , 1905. Mattings for Summer CHINA MATTINGS, in stripes and mottled effects, per yard 15 to 25 JAPANESE MATTINGS, fine" straw, close warp, plain, inserted and carpet patterns 2op to .60 CREX MATTING, made from prairie grass, odorless and extremely durable; sewed, lined and laid. . . .75$ SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL MATTINGS BOUGHT BY THE ROLL. J..G. MACK & CO. 86-88 THIRD STREET. ITXZL XETSCKAX, Em. tram ub ruifRH mm, warns i, turn European Plan $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day THE BEST WAY TO filzen to accommodate 4, 6. 9, 16 and DAILY METEOROLOGICAL EEPOBT. PORTLAND. Or.. Hay 14. Maximum tem perature. 01 deg.; minimum, 52. River read ing at 11 A. M., C.7 feet; change in past 24 hourF, ri6e 0.5 .feet. Total precipitation. 5 I'. M. to 5 P. M.. t.02 inch; total since Sep tember 1, 1904. 29.07 Inches: normal since September 1. 1904, -12.58 inches; deficiency. 32.61 inches. Total sunshine May 13. 1905. 4 minutes; possible sunshine, 14 hours and 53 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 5 P. M.. :0X2. PACIFIC COAST- WEATHER. Wind. STATIONS. Baker City. Boise , Eureka North Head.,.. Pocatello Portland Red Blurt Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City, an Francisco. . Spokane... Seattle Tatoosh Island.. W&lla Walla... '6410.00: S'NE lOS'o.oo 8 N I5S0.00 1SN .152 0.O01J21NW 04 0.)AlsiSV laear Cltar Cltar Clear Clear 6410.001 6'XW Clear StiiO.OO- 4tfiE Clear Clear ISljO.OO 4 SW .lOGjO.Ow! O'NW j72o;oo'i4tw .62 0.O0i2R W 1580.001 S'N J540.101 GkW osio.ooioisw Clear Pt, cloudy Clear Clear Pf, cloudy Cloudy Clcar T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The weather In the North Pacific States has Tnecome more seasonable and no rain of con sequence has occurred in this section today. Light showers fell during the night in the Willamette Valley and the Sound country. It is slightly warmer in all portions of the Pacific Northwest this evening. The Indications are for fair weather in this district Monday with rising temperature. Light frosts are probable Monday morning cast of the Cascades. WEATHER FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; warmer during th afternoon: northwesterly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Fair: warmer during the afternoon; winds mostly northwesterly. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair, with rising temperature. A. B. WOLLABER. Acting District Forecaster. Explains Power of Habit. Special services for children were held last evening In the Third Presbyterian Church, East Thirteenth and Pine streets, when Rev. Andrew 3. Montgomery preached. A brass band, composed of the young men of the church, furnished mu sic, and the choir sang. Rev. Mr. Mont gomery's talk was to show the power of habit for evil or good. Different kinds of bridles used on horses and mules were shown by way of Illustration, up to the vicious and cruel bridle used by some cowboys. Mr. Montgomery then talked of the power of habit, and gave several Inci dents to show It affects the child life, either for good or evil. The sen-ices were well attended, and Mr. Montgomery -will hold similar services about once a month. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At 293 Grand ave.. at 2 P. M.. by the Port land Auction Rooms. C 1 Ford, Auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom, ISO First st., rtt 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. 1VANHOE LODGE. NO. 10. K. OF. P. Regular convention tonight at 8 o'clock In Pythian Hall, eighth floor, Manjuam bldg.: Knight rank; special Invitation extended to visiting conductors, who are members or the order and other visiting Knights cordially In vited: L. VEYSEY. C. C. FRED P. HOLM. K. of R. and S. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 11L A. T. A. M. Regular coram unlcatloa this (Monday) evening at 8 o'clock. Work E. A. degree. All M. M. wel come. C E. MILLER. Secretary. CAM ELI A CHATTER, NO. 27, O. E. S. A stated communication this (Monday) evening. S o'clock. Hill's HalL By order W. M. ESTHER KANE, Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2 A. F. & A- M. Stated communication kthls (Mcroaay) evening at 7:30 o'clock. M. W. J. W. Hodson. P- O. 31.. -will deliver an address on "Masonrr: Its History and Isfluence." The officers and members- of coacurrent lodges- sd all visiting brethren la the city "are cordially invited "to attend "thl meetlsg. A full attendance ox meBfeefS is desired. By enter of the W. M. TV. S. IWBEKS, Secretary, MATTINGS are pretty, easy to keep clean, and cheap. For the bedroom floor they are cool, sanitary and artistic. Now is the time to buy them. 6. W. JErOWXE, Mgr. SEE PORTLAND Is byTally-Ho, Cabriolet, Boulevard Wagon, or Landau. PHONE MATS' 22i UNITED -CARRIAGE --tmmu 28 people. 1M and UBERIS8K Sts. DIED. RADER In this city, at her late residence. 1774 East ftth St.. May 14. 1903, Mrs. Annie Rader. aged 34 years 10 months and "1 days. FUNERAL NOTICES. WILLTAMS At the residence. 11 East Tenth N.. May 14. 1905. Alice, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Williams, aged 10 months and 20 days. Funeral will take place today. May 15, at 3 P. M-, from F. S. Dunning. Chapel, corner East Alder and East Sixth streets. Friends invited. MEYERSTEIN-In this city. May 12. 1903. Rebecca Meyerstcln, aged 49 years 2 months and S days. Wife of Julius Mcyersteln and daughter of Mrs. Jacob Rich, of this city. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Finlcy's Chapel today at 2 P. M. Please omit flowers. DUNNING, McENTEE & GIXBAUGIL successors to Dunning & Campion, BBder takers and embalmers, modern la every de tail. Ttli and fine, 1'b.oae Mala 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD nOLMAN CO.. Undertakers sad embalmers, have moved to their sew baUd Icg. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. C87. jr. P. FTNLEY & SOX. FaBeral Directors, cor. Sd aad Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 62. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., UNDERTAKERS, Embalmers. 27$ But'l; East 1088; lady as'C AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater W. T. fAHSLE tesiitttt Kuitsr FHOMS MAIN b6S. Wednesday Evening, May 1", 1905. VIOLIN RECITAL. MR. REGINALD L. HIDDEN. Edgar E. Counrn, Accompanist. Trices Parquette. $1; parquette circle. 75c; balcony. 75c and 50c; boxes and lores, $7.60. Advance sale of peats will open tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 10 o'clock. Morrison. Milton TV. Seaman. Resident Manager. ' THE EMPIRE STOCK COMPANY, Presenting High-Class Plays. 10 ADMISSION CENTS. Matinee every day. 2:15; evening at S:1S. All this week another big success, pack ing the house to capacity the powerful 5 act melodrama, "A WOMAN'S REVENGE." STAR THEATER HEADLINE WEEK 7 ZINN'S FAMOUS TONY BALLET 7 OTTO riECHTL'S TYROLEAN QUINTET. TOM MACK. HELM CHILDREN, CREATORE. DAISY VERNON. THE COUNTERFEITERS." Shown by the Staroscope. Shows 2:30. 7;30, 3 P.M. Admission, 10c 20c and 25c. GRAND THEATER ANNIE ABBOTT. THE GREAT RICHARDS. ORRIN 3TKNIGHT. MR. AND JIBS. J. P. LEE AND LITTLE MADELINE. MARVELOUS SEYMOURS. SIGNOR CHENOWITH. MR. JOSEPH BONNER. THE G RANDISCO PE. Lewisand Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS New open. Take Portlasd Heights ear and get oS at Hawthorne Terrace, one block from car Use. No climbing. Electric elevator. Most marnlflceat view la America. Sea Beautiful e&ect of powerful aearchllrht Sroa tap of tower. Open 8 A. M. to 8 P. H. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. NEW TODAY. TO LEASE 25-ROOM HOTEL IN CITT. FUR nlshed or unfurnished. Apply to C. H. Pig srott, lawyer, onwer. 4 Wullcey bldg cor. 2d and Morrison sta. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate, Cltysnd Farm Insurance In All Lines A. H. BIRRELL, M-S XeKar TJsW mm 'Btek, CLASSIFIED AD. SATIS. keepta Xtew." -fillualtuai Waated. IS words er leea, US eeets: IS t St werstf. St eat: SI to I ward. VS eewti. ete. Xe dU coast far aiiTWonnl fawcrtlea. TCXDZK ATT. OTHER HEADS. exset TNrw Todsj-," 9t casta far 15 frersta er Umt IB to SO wori. 40 ceaUt XI to tS irerek. Bt eearfs. 4cv fes leseriiea. Xaeh addktesal fasertkm. ese-aalf; bo farther eUseeaat as- XEW TODAY (rasge measure agate). IS eeais per liae, first laserUos: It oests e Ilae of eack addlOeBal huertiem. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed eara The Orecealaa. aad left at thb efSce. sheald always he JaeJesed Is sealed crreleee. No stamp U repaired eoa such letters. The Oregoalaa will set be Teaponsthle fer errors la adrertisesaeeU takes threagh tha telephaae. NEW TODAY. Correction of Bates of Auction Sales BY THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS FOR THIS WEEfc MONDAY, MAY 15, 2P.M." At 293 Grand Ave. TUESDAY, MAY 16, 10 A. M. At 211 First SI. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 10 A. M. At 7S2 Kelly St. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 10 A. M. At 211 First St. FBIDAY, MAY 19, 2 P. M. At 211 First St. C. L. FORD, Auctioneer. See daily papers, Sunday, May 14, for particulars of sales. P. A. R. The Secret of Success Is Saving "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON." RESOURCES OVER $ 1 ,000,000 IS THE PLACE TO DETOStJ. WE PAY 3 PER CENT ' ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. And from 34 per cent to 4 per cent on' certificates of deposit that can be drawn at any time by giving a certain number of days notice. Send for our book of "UXUSTRATI ONS." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Street. BEN J. I. COHEN President H. L. P1TTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary Ardmore The most desirable building site in Portland; surrounded "by palatial homes with an unobstructed view of our famous mountains; the only ex clusively high-class residence property supplied with bitulithic streets, ce ment sidewalks, Bull Bun water, sewer and gas laid to each lot Take Washington-street car to City Park and get off at Park Ave. Por plats and prices call on or address Grindstaff & Schalk 216 STARK STREET. Holladay's Addition The geographical CENTER of Portland. The most DESIRABLE ar.d only EXCLU SIVE residence district in the city. Has Improved streets, gas. electric lights, water mains, trolley lines and sewers. Lots sold on advantageous terms to home builders. Seeing Is believing. The Oregon Real Estate Co. Third Street, Room 4, Portland, Oregon. California -"Bliss Lands" Small farms for settlers. 92u0 acres of irri gated land In 20-acre farms at $50 to $70 per acre one-fourth cah. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulare City. 2 miles from BIl-s Lands. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous fruit, vege table, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from Bllm Lands (Inc.), care Sullivan & Sul livan. Lawyers, 010 rarrott bldg., San Fran cisco. At a Sacrifice Nice, new, clean, little saloon; good location; rent $15 per month. Will sell cheap on account of illness of proprietor. "Will bear investigation. A rare snap if taken at once. Ad dress X1 76, Orcgonian. NEW HOME We offer for sale the beautiful and sightly home of the late Dr. Herbert CardwelL ,23th and Johnson. There are about 2 lota with new 11-room dwelling, built after the lat est design, and will be ready for occupancy about June 1. For particulars see Grind etaff & Schalk. 248 Stark at. Good Investments West Side: $5300 ( house, close Inf rent $55; brtnp 1S& per ccnL Fine Dtislncss corner close In, $$500. Eaft Side: Cast Ankeny, near Gra.nd ave., Cull lot. mammoth fruit trees, 6- roora house, $2600. F. FUCH8, 149 First Bt. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa Pertiaad real estate at lowed rate. THles iBsared. Abstracts Xarakaed. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 6 aad ? Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CHOICE CORNER LOT. CENTRAL. WEST Side, sood baUdtng. Income $500 per month. y 8i. Oregonian. $20-MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 60-FT. lot. cement walks; choice fruit and flowers. 722 E. Askenr. MODERN HOUSE JUST FINISHED IN Hollsday'a Addition. Owner must telL F 66. Oregonian. ACREAGH XRAR CAR LINE, MILES TROM Morrisaa st. bridge. C K. SaUard. MUwaa kte. Or. $1990 BBAUTDTUL 5-ROOM COTTAGE CAR lice; liberal terms-. 326 E. 11 IK Owner at place. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE AND FULL LOT AT Me9 Desver ave. aear .acxa jumu; $eoo. Owner. TOR SALE REAL 'ESTATE. DO TOU KNOW Tbat tae White Salmoa Valler He opposite Hood River, with a southern slope; tbat It ralces liner, berries ten days earlier, than Hood River; that oar berries are ripe now; that we do not have to Irrigate; that we aave a, better climate aad richer soli than Hood River; that oar cherries, peaches and apples are hard to excel both la quality and quantity of production; that from one O-year-old tree Captala C H. Cook gathered 27 boxen of SpiUeaberg apples; that you can buy fine berry and orchard land for less than la Hood River? If you don't know these- facts, send for our book of bargains. White Salmon Land Co.. White Salmon. Wash. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city- limits or outside. Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month with water. A. C. Churchill & Co., "Inc.." 110 2d et. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Only 12 of our lots lefL Thejare the best and the cheapest on the Heights. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO., 222 Failing bldg. Phone Main 53S3. SEEING IS BELIEVING PORTLAND Heights Is the most desirable residence sec tion of Portland; will sell Iota close in on car line, "unobstructed view, at half ruling prices; investigate; special Inducement to person who will build good residence. F. A. Insley, 4 IS Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE QUARTER BLOCK SOUTHWEST corner 12tb and East Stark et., with 2-story 8-room house and 2-story barn; $5000; terms $1000 down and balance In annual payments or S1000. Mall Si Co.. 333 East BurasJde. or telephone Private Exchange 3L FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN. LOT fenced, fruit trees two blocks from car; cash or terms. Ryder. MontavlUa. Thone Main BARGAIN NEW. MODERN. COLONIAL residence, close in. East Side; also 7-room house, nearly new. Address Gordon. 49S East 17th. HOUSE OF 0 ROOMS AND LOT 50X100; 211 I2th st. Apply to J. P. Bronaugh, 11 4 th. FOR SALE LOT 50X100 AT RICHMOND; low price. Owner, 3S0 Water st.. West Side. FOR SALE BY NON-RESIDENT, 3 ACRES all in hlght otate of cultivation; 5-room house; city water: on car line; near University. Apply 11. C Smlthson. owner. 221 Washing ton at., near 1st. HERMOSA PARK. SEASIDE-IMPROVED lots for sale; graded streets, sewers and water main; finest residence property on Clatsop Beach. A. Gilbert, Jr.. Seaside. Or. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. tnwv-jviuuiu mvacni uouza ana lull lot. 310 29th Bt.. near Savler; easy terms. For full particulars phone Mala 316. CHOICE NEW. MODERN. S-ROOM RESI dence. northwest corner Fifteenth and Eaot Taylor street. C. W. Pallctt, SOI Fenton bldg. FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 rooms. 315 22d st. Price low. Owner, Mrs. W. A. Dalr. The Brown. 271 Grand ave. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A 6-ROOM MOD em house, fine location; 51500; small pay ment: balance to suit. Phone Union 3552. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lenta, Or. Take Mt. Scott car. Sc. NEW S-ROOM HOUSE, $2750 EAST MADI son. near E. 29th; full lot; terms to suit. James N. Davis, owner, 7 First Bt. 6-ROOM HOUSE AND 0 LOTS, IMPROVED and fenced, at Woodlawni price $1250. Town send. Drlggs & Co., 2SD Alder st. BARGAIN A FINE LOT ON UNION AVE.. near Russell st.. only $000. Hatfield & Smith. 105j 4th sU. room 32. LOTS. 50X100. NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. and 40th at.; $200. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st. Open evenings. $7500-3 MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSES. CLOSE In; yearly income, $000; terms; East Side. Apply 05 E. Sth at.. N. A BARGAIN LOT ON WILLLVMS AVE.. near Hancock. See owner. J SO. Oregonian. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS. - FARMS. TAFT &. CO. FARMS. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Blk. Main 13d. FEW SELECT BAHGA1NS. 62S ACRES Polk County. 1 mile from railroad station: 200 acrt! under high state of cultivation: 100 acre now rndv for nlotv: balance of land in oak; plenty of wood to ' payfor clearing land; good house. 3 rooms; -waierea ay wen ana ,inngs: one or oest fenced farms In the slate: R. F. D.: also phone. High-class ranch In every rcsjtect. Very easy terms can be had. Price. $16 per acre. 13S ACRES Near Dallas. Polk -County: 45 acres in cultivation, 20 acres more slashed and cleared: balance In wood; lots of choice fruit In good bearing; good 6-room house. 2 barns; good springs; lots of farming tools, 8 head of cattle. 37 goats. 5 hogs. 2 horses. Everything complete. -Good, modern, up-to-date farm. Price, only $3500. SO ACRES Near Hlllsboro. 33 acre, in cultivation; balance In timber: S-room house, good barn, all kinds of outbuildings; 7 cowz. good team of horses, wagon and all kinds of tools necessary on rood farm; fine crop on place now; splendid orchard. This is bar gain at $3000. 320 ACRES Well-improved, good build ings; best-located farm In Polk County: all good land. Will exchange for Portland property. 30 Vi ACRES Good new 7-room house, large new barn. 12 acrea hops: all in cultivation and In crop; nice young orchard; $3000; terms. 33 ACRES Good house and barn, all well fenced: 30 acres In cultivation: 2 horses. v 2 cows, wagons, plows, harrows and lots small tools; lots chickens: ome fruit; 1 mile of good live town. Polk County; $3000. 60 ACRES-AU In cultivation; good new bou!e. big barn, plenty or fruit; 40 acres in grain; well fenced; 3 hones, 2 cows, mower, raker, harness, plows, harrow, all necessary tools; lots hay In barn; a beautiful little home; i-mlle from good live (own. Polk County; price for everything, only $4500. TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block Main 156. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED A nice little home, located In one of the additions to the City of Kalarna; 40 acres in all. with 30 acres In cultivation; land lays exceptional!)- good, soil black loam: large bearing orchard: land fenced and cross-fenced; G-room frame house, with Plenty pure spring water piped to it; largo frame barn, with 21 stall?; fine view of Co lumbia River: most of land can be Irrigated; fine for gardening, poultry or milk ranch. Price, $1500; terms on part. 120 acrvwlth 30 acne under plow, bal ance open pasture land; land lays nicely and soil very rich; live water; large bearing or chard; fenced and cross-fenced; good 5-room house, large frame barn and other build ings; with place go large team of horses, harness and wagon, 11-head cattle, of which 6 are milch cows, 2 pigs, chickenx. cream separator, plows, harrows, saws, axes and numerous smaller .tools, besides household furniture; close to school, on good county road. 4 miles from town on N. P. Ry. and Columbia River and C miles from Kalama. Trice. $2500. with terms on parU IMCS & WILLOUGHBT. Kalama Wash. GET ACREAGE CONVENIENT TO FORT LAND $200 DOWN: $100. one, two and three years or labor, buys 10-acre tracts, choice hop. fruit or garden land; good train serv ice now and motor car soon. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder at. Open evenings. FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER THE "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from state; write or call today: booklets and map free. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder at-. Port-' land. Or. Open evenings. 225 ACRES. 1 MILE FROM RAILROAD STA tlon; good buildings, water In house, large bearing orchard. 30 acres In meadow; imme diate possession; price $3000. Townsend. Drlggs &. Co.. 2S3 Alder st. FOR SALE 3 ACRES OF FINE LAND ON Johnson Creek at $50 per acre; close to Lents. J. L. Wells Co., 94 Grand ave. FOR TIMBER CLAIMS OR FARM HOJIf Rteads. call on or address A. C Palmer, 315 Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE A NICE HOME AT BEAVER ton; 13 acres; one-third cash. Box 73, Beav ertoa. Or. FOR SALE CO-ACRE FARM NEAK OSWB--go. Max Smith, the Savoy Restaurant. 160 Sth st. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE 5 FULLX-PADD D I VXD EN D paylng shares In one of Mexico's best rubber and coCee plantations: value $900; country realty vicinity Portland: no agents. Address C. L.. 276 Fremont it-. Chicago. IU. TO EXCHANGE FOR SAN FRANCISCO property, choice Improved quarter block la northwft part of Portland, value $12,000. C. H. KorelL 231 Washlngtoa at. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE TO TRADE for good milk ranch near city. Q 82, Oregonian. TO T.EASE. TO LEASE-ONE BLOCK FROM FAIR. 27TH aad Thunaaa sia: ground leexlOOr $700. Mrs. C. Frier. 117 W. 17ta at, Lm Ab retec, CaL FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH ES en t. 25 acres good apple laud. 5 miles from Columbia River, la Hood River dis trict; 3.000,000 feet fir timber;" stream of water on place. Call or address 34 E. 7th st FOR SALE HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH meat. Q 76. Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. RESIDENCE PROPERTIES EVERY WH ERR. especially West Side; also business proper ties and rentals for customers. Townsend, Drlggs & Co.. 2S3 Alder, ground floor. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. $2009 to $10,000: also business properties, $5000 to $20,000. Have buyer. L. W. WfalUnx St Ox. 408 Ablngtoa bldg. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. WE HAVE PRACTICALLY , THE ONLY valid forest reserve scrip on the market. We handle all kinds. Public land practice. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OT ti er guaranteed land scrip on eaad ready u locate. Maglnnl Is. Sea. 221 Falling bldg. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles aad Harness. HORSES FOR SALE. Two with records, which can be lowered; others naturally speedy, that can take fast records this season; matched teams, alnsle drivers, actors, strictly trottlng-ered of very best and most fashionable families, and sec ond to none. Call on Mr. H. L. Miller at Irvlngton Track. Brook-Nook Stock Ranch. C. X. Larrabee. SS& 3d st. FOR SALE A FTRST-CLASS SPAN OF mules, weight about 1100 pounds. Inquire May 17 and 18 at Popp-DIcJc Co., 234 2d eC. cor. Main. HORSES. WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL kinds of vehicles bought, sold and rented. Hubert & Hall. 2S4 4th. Phone Main 220S. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND ZD-HAND vehicles on coast for sale or hire. 211 Wain. Plaaos. AN UPRIGHT FISCHER PIANO, FINE piano, cheap for cash; will deliver. 421 Jefferson.-- Phone Main 5309. GOOD PIANO FOR SALE. CALL AT GO N. 11th st. Mlscellaaeous. PORTLAND BIRD CO.. 127 NORTH CTH. near Union Depot, carries the largest ,e took of birds, animals and reptiles on the Coast; hundreds of monkeys and parrots to select from; we ship all over the U. S. and guar antee satisfaction. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterlte; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofif. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. room 2, Hamilton bldg. BRAND NEW DRESS BUTT AND DINNER jacket, tailor made, silk lined, best materi al, cost $115; for man 5 ft. 10 In., weight 170 lbs.; will seU for $75 and pay tor al terations W 65, Oregonian. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL llard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent table, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures, cheap priced. Brunswlck-Balke-Col-lender, 40 3d st. WILL TAKE $00 FOR 20 CORDS. MORE OR less; of second-growth wood on the Kennedy road. G miles due east of Morrlson-st. bridge. Frank C. Baker, owner. Hamilton bldg. SOLID OAK BOOKCASE, WITH ADJUST able shelves and curtains. 5 feet 6 by 5 feet 3. for sale cheap. Inquire 783 Northrup st MANTEL BED t DOUBLE); WILL PAY TO Investigate: also 2-burner gas heater with tubing. Call 570 Mill or phone Front 671. WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR men's cast-off clothing, shoes and hats. Call at 73fi N. 3d; phone Green 423. FOR SALE ONE EDISON TRIUMPH PHO nograph. 20 dozen records, everything com plete. Phone East 1733. 18-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH: IN EXCEL lent condition. Price. $325. W. J. Clemens, 273 Star st. $17 FOR A $20 KINGERY CORN-POPPER and peanut roaster. 2S5 Lamfbee St.; call afternoon. NEW AND 2D-HAND CASH REGISTERS and safes: easy payments. 333 Ankeny st. FOX TERRIER PUPPIES FOR SALE CHEAP 919 East Everett st. Phone East 1712. SPACE 14 BY 20 IN MANUFACTURERS building; booth all read. X 110. Oregonian. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 024 Chamber of Commerce or phone Main 23C3. FOR SA LE HALF-INTEREST IN NEW 30-ft. launch. E S7. Oregonian. FOR SALE S MILCH COWS. IN Al CONDI Itlon. with route. 22S E. 36th st. lO-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH. Ea;t 22S3. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A YOUNG MAN WHO IS SOBER and understands tinning, plumbing and gen eral jobwork; steady Job. Address O. O. Hodsun. McMlnnville. Or. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN TO sell bonded whisky on commission to retail trade. Addreu Ronnie & Co.. 640 W. Main St.. Louisville. Ky. WANTED BRIGHT. ENERGETIC MAN. capable of earning $1200 per year. Apply to J. C. Slater, Portland Hotel, after 0:30 Monday morning. MEN TO LEARN THE DETECTIVE Busi ness; paid while learning and work guar anteed: open evenings. Barrett, 265 Morrison t. room 301. WANTED TWO GOOD BENCH HANDS; hUo a man who understands setting up stain-. Call 575 Vaughn St.. cor. 18th. J. B. Hepp. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN wholesale wallpaper house; must be a worker; state age and experience. R 74. care Ore gonian. WANTED MATTRESS MAKERS AND BOT3 to learn mattress making; good wages. Po urs & Roberta Furn. Co., 43 Front, corner Davis. Columbus California wine depot; headquar ters cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines 5c per glais. P. Loratl. 14S 4th. Clay 1503. WANTED A SALESMAN FOR WHOLESALE cigar and tobacco house; state salary and experience. Address A 80. Oregonian. LOGGERS, MILLHAND9. FARMHANDS, laborers, others work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co.. 193 Morrison. Main 1322. AVERTISEfG REPRESENTATIVES. OcFI clal Exposition Journcl, $50 weekly; before 10. after 4. 638 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write. 007 McKay bldg. WANTED YOUNG" MAN (SINGLE) TO travel and learn good-paying business. Call 10 to 4, room 7. 413 Washington. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS DRY PRESS brick setter. Apply to Portland Brick & Tile Co., 102 let sc. Portland. Or. $23 TO $65 PER WEEK MADE BELLING side and accident benefits for the Union Mu xuel Aid Ass'n, 705 Marquam Bldg. WANTED 1000 MEN TO SHAVE DAlLYf best snave in the city ror 5 cents; largest shop in city. 267 Flanders. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS ON official World's Fair magazine; $50 weekly. 63S Chamber of Commerce. WANTED GOOD STOVE SALESMAN, travel SpoVnce territory; references re quired. Box 740. city. A BONANZA SIDE LINE FOR LIVE TBAV ellng men. George M. Cole Co.. North Yamhill. Or. WANTED PRACTICAL QUARTZ MINER TO accompany prospectors. Address N 60, Ore gonian. CO ATMAK ER WANTED. DEVERLtNG Cz Padden. 505-510 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN, CITY, COUN try; big wages. 215 Commercial block. BOY. AGS T.6 TO IS, AT DEFIANCE TEA Co., 2d and Ankeny ats. Call 8 A.M. WANTED BRIGHT AND ENERGETIC MAN. $14 per week. Address X 88, Oregonian. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT ONCB; reference required. 232 Stark st. BOY WANTED APPLY SHEBHY BROS. 3S2& YamhllL near 4th. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST. CURES ALL PRI rate diseases of mes. DISHWASHER WANTE D G ERM AN CAFE. 286H Stark. CARPENTER APPLY 231 STARK. MONDAY atteraoea. OY WANTED. 15-39 FRONT ST. HELP WANTED MALE. 5000 STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED at Hood River. Or.; parties must earns with camp outfit, teats; bedding and cook ing utensils; growers furnish camping ground, wood aad water, aad will meet you at train or boat aad haul you to fields free. Pickers are paid 1 cents per quart: packers, -cent per quart; write us and we will band your letters to growers, who will write you direct when to come and give you further particulars. Picking will begin about May 20 to 25. Hood River Fruitgrowers Union. E. H. Shepard. Sec. WANTED TEA AND COFFEE AGENT; A hustling, capable man of large acquaintance to work up a wagon route. In cltr or coun try, for established firm: largest retailers of the United States. Splendid inducements offered to the trade: no graft. Good pay to right party. Address, stating experience and references. Grand Union Tea. Co.. Seattle, Wayh. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO TRAVEL FOR wholemle home: previous experience not necessary; good chance for advancement; per manent position: $16 to- $20 per week, ex penses and small commission; references re quired. Address, with stamped envelop. Su perintendent Travelers, 007 Sykes block, Min neapolis, Minn. 3 BRICK MASONS WANTED BY J. L. MARS at La Grande, Or., by May 16; 2 months" steady work without delay; have all the material" and money ready; wages $5 and up; 1t depends how much a man does; all plain, common work: need 3 more brick mason by June 1; could let subcontract to the right men; nonunion desired. LABORERS WANTED. This section is short of able-bodied men for general common labor for a variety of work at $2 to $2.25 a day. Come to Portland. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North Second street. WANTED FOR "U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED, unmarried men, between the ages of 13 and 35. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speaX read and write English. For information ap ply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak sis.. Portland. On WANTED EXPERIENCED PLUMBERS. A long, steady Job. with good pay, will be offered to the right kind of men. Call Sunday or Monday, between 10 A. M. and 3 P. M.. room 203. St. Charles Hotel. Front and Morrison st. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN watchmaking, engraving. Jewelers work; 'only practical working school for Jewelers; money made learning. Seattle Watchmaking and Engraving School. P.-I. building, Seattle. WE ASSIST COMPETENT OFFICE MEN, bookkeepers, stenographers, cashiers, collect ors, salesmen, general clerical and commer cial men. Business Men's Clearing-Houue, 501-5 McKay bldg. WANTED 10.000 LABORERS. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. 'It you want work come to Portland; wages. $L40 to $3 per day and board. Canadian Employment Co., 240 Bursslde st. A GOOD SIDE-LINE OF FIREWORKS ON commission for hustler through Eastern Ore gon. Idaho. Washington. Willamette Valley and on the Sound; give references. T 49. Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN. FROM 17 TO 23 years of age, for physician's laboratory; one wltn some knowledge of drugs preferred; opportunity to study medicine. E S3, Ore gonian. WANTED AN" EXPERIENCED BOTTLER as first hand for beer bottling; good wages and permanent position for right party; state ex perience. Address P. O. Box 205. Tacoma, Wash. ACTIVE FIRE TNSURANCE SOLICITORS wanted; exclusive agency for Portland open to the right man for a large Eastern fire in surance company. Address E 78. Oregonian. WE PUT YOU ON THE STAGE STAGE dancing, vaudeville acting, sketches, sing ing, etc.. taught; terms reasonable. New man's Theatrical Circuit, 351 Morrison. WANTED FOR THE FAIR. CHORUS GIRLS, comedians, sister teams, sketch teams. Illus trated song singers, novelty . dancers, must clans. 3514 Morrison, room 12. WANTED OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. Highest prices paid for men's cast-oft cloth ing, old shoes. Call 50 3d. near Pine. Phone Hood 1S62. Orders attended to. Wanted Mn to learn barber trade; steady practice: expert Instructions: write for terms. GUlman's College. 627 Clay st.. S. F. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND downstairs work; references required: wages $30. Apply 181 14th St.. cor. Yamhill, be fore 12. Phone Main 2615. A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. must be good cook: first-class wages to right party. Apply 12th and Davis, Pa cific Coast Biscuit Co. GIRLS DT YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, X Morrison. Mala 1223. WANTED 10 GIRLS, 16 TEARS OF AGE OR older to tend spinning machines; good wages. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup, "S" car. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT ers. chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230 YambiU. Phone Main 5413. 3 LADY DEMONSTRATORS OF GOOD AD dress; experience not necessary: good wages. Call Monday between 10 and 12, 410 Dekum bldg. GIRL WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; willing to go to country; good wages. Call 795 Park ave., near City Park. RAPID FREE-HAND PYROGRAPHIC BUR ner for wood and leather: must furnish samples of work. Address G 60. Oregonian. WANTED CAPABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: must be good cook; good wages. Call mornings, S34 Kearney St., corner 20th. LADIES EARN $20 PER HUNDRED WRIT lng short letters. Enclose stamped envelope. American Batavla Works, Batavia. Illinois. WANTED FIRST- CLASS LADY BEPRE sentattves In Portland and throughout stats; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED FOR THE SUMMER. A COMPE--tent woman for putting up fruit, making jelly and Jams. W 79. Oregonian. WANTED A GIRL TO GO TO THE BEACH. Apply early today. Hotel Eaton, cor. Morri son and East Pork, room 303. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO tell the new telephone Index. Inquire W. J. Clemens. 273 Stark at. WANTED A GIRL IN PRIVATE FAMILY for general housework; must know how to cook. 427 Washington st. A .GERMAN GIRL FOR GERMAN FAMILY to assist In general housework. 574 E. Taylor. Phone East 2005. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: also nurse glrL Apply after 10 o'clock. 31 E. ISth. near Ash. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; wages $25. Cor. EL 12th and Schuyler sts., or phone East 2462. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER FOR A family of 3, la the country. Address F SI. Oregonian. IMMEDIATELY GIRL ABOUT 16 TO As sist with Infant for few hours daily. Apply 215 12th st. NEAT GIRL. GENERAL HOUSEWORK: small family. Apply 495 E. Davis, cor. E. 10th sL WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS at 163 12ilr at. Apply Morrlson-st, en trance. WANTED BRIGHT AND ENERGETIC WO man, $14 per week. Address W 83. Orego nian. WANTED LADY TO ASSIST IN TAILOR shop at 231 Alder St., bet. 1st and 2d. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. FAM lly of two; good wages. 302 Park st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE worlc 450 Larrabee St.. East Side. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS. ST. Charles Restaurant. 200 Morri9on. WANTED 2 LADY AGENTS; BIG MONEY to right party. 404 Ablngton bldg. - WANTED DRESSMAKERS. AT 441 MULT nomah st,; call early Monday. WANTED EXPER'PVD WAITRESS. Watson's restaurant, 189 4tV. WANTED FIRST-CLASS VEST' MAKERS. Nlcoll. the Tailor. 108 Third St. A WOMAN COOK WANTED AT 50 NORTH 6th. near Davis; restaurant. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU8E work. Call 24 Adams at. WANTISD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 131 East 16th st. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SECOND GIRL - at 53 N. 18th st. GinL'FOR GTSNSRAL HOUSEWORK. CALL 712 Hayt st. . ' KELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED--A THA CHER FOR SCHOOL Dis trict No. 11, Waakiaiuai Cosaty. Washing ton; wages, $49 a month; length of term, S months. Address Q 74, Oregoaiaa. WANTED FOR THE FAIR. CHORUS GIRLS comedians, sister teams, sketch teams. Illus trated song- stagers, novelty oancers, muM siclans. 351 Morrison, room 12. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking; good, wages; small fam ily. 340 Clifton, ear 7th, bet, Jackson and Lincoln. Phone Main 3016. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN CASHIER FOR wholesale house: experience- and references required. C S6, care Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. BOOKKKEEPERS X HAVE A SYSTEM for checking calculations and posting with which an error is impossible. Will send to you for $3. H. O. Talt. Marlanna, Ark. CLYDE'S SPECIAL ADVERTISING AGENCY desires newspaper advertising solicitors, sub scription hustlers; commission. 63S Cham ber of Commerce. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers aad Clerks. STENOGRAPHER WITH LONG EXPERI- -ciiic tstiu auu o;uraic; lanes nidation on machine; familiar with all kinds of office work, wants work. Phone East 1219. flATION WANTED EVENINGS BY young man. bookkeeping or salesman; ex perienced and competent; highest refer ences. Address B 79. Oregonian. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN WHO SPEAKS and writes English. French. German and the three Scandinavian languages, would like position. Y 32, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. clerical work of any kind; collector or cash ier: highest references furnished. .Addrees Q SS. Orcgonian. WANTED POSITION AS SALESMAN; CAN" sell anything wholesale or retail; best ref erences. H 83, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER OR general office work; first-class references. G 86, care Orcgonian. Miscellaneous. ENGINEER, JUST FROM THE EAST. 10 years experience with compound condensing engines and all kinds of boilers; have chiefs papers from Minnesota; no objections to leav ing the city. J 77, Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers, all kinds of help. Black 992, 263 Everett st. PIANIST (MALE) WANTS WORK. CAN play shows. W. Payne, 605 West Bannock at.. Boise. Idaho. SITUATION WANTED FOR FIRST-CLASS pastry cook; hotel or confectioner!". Inquire 14S 4th st. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO cooktng or housework; any place. M 86, Oregonian. COMPETENT JAPANESE COOK WISHES, position in family. Address P.-O. box 778. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO any kind work without cook. Black 142. JAPANESE BOY WANTS HOUSEWORK OF any kind. P. O. Box 549. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. GIRL WANTS PLACE TO DO GENERAL housework and plain cooking. 515 Northrup street. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN WANTS work, assistant cook and dishwasher, all day or at meal times. State wages. N S2. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED CHAMBERMAIDS, cooks, housework girls, nurses, waitresses, second girls. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. FASHIONABLE MILLINER, 348 YAMHILL st, I will visit your home by the day; hats to order; remaking a specialty. HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS Phone Scott 3846. Mrs. S. Scott, LACS CURTAINS LAUNDERED IN FIRST class style. Phone Union 2127. WANTED AGENTS. THE CONSERVATIVE LIFE INSURANCE Company wants industrial and Intermedi ate agents to sell their intermediate poli cies; the most liberal agency and policy contracts on the market. Apply room 6. Stearns bldg.. 6th and Morrison sts. AGENTS TO SELL THE BEST, MOST Popu lar faucet water filters made. Easy sellers, good profit. Jones Manufacturing Co., Box 760, Helena, Mont. WANTED BOOK, PICTURE AND PORTRAIT hustlers. Rembrandt Studio. Ablngton bldg. LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW, GOOD seller, big wages. 215 Commercial bile WANTED TO BENT. WANTED Rooms for the Exposition In all parts of the city. Apply Exposition Accommodation Bureau. 200 to 203 Goodnough building. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Exposition Corporation. Phone Mala 6266. WANTED TO RENT. HOUSE CLOSE TO business center in respectable neighborhood by small family of adults; will rent for short or long period, and guarantee excellent care: rent must be reasonable. Addresa P. O. box 137. WANTED A NEATLY FURNISHED MOD ern flat or cottage for 3 or 6 months; $35 a month; must have two bedrooms; preferable In Portland Heights or in fashionable suburb near car line. Address P. Rossi, room 430, Portland -Hotel. WANTED TO RENT FOR FAIR PERIOD, furnished house. 12. 15 or 20 rooms, in good location, or two houses adjoining, 10 to 15 rooms each, by responsible Eastern party with references. H 86, Oregonian. SINGLE GENTLEMAN DESIRES ROOM AND board In strictly private family in refined neighborhood; must be close to business cen ter; highest references furnished. Addresa B 86, care Oregonian. WANTED ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN WITH ln walking distance of business section; per manent; outside room with private bath pre ferred. Address P 80, Oregonian. CALD70RNLV GENTLEMAN DESIRES ROOM and board, modern conveniences, permanent, private family preferred; references given. Address H 85. Oregonian. WANTED TWO GENTLEMEN DESIRE 2 single rooms and board with private fam ily; permanent, central location; state v terma. E 84. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN WANTS COMFORTABLE room, close In. privilege of bat'i.- with or without board; state particulars. Address. C 80. care Oregonian. WANTED TWO OR THREE NICE HOUSE keeplng rooms by a married couple; good, location; will pay $40 a month. S 88, care Oregonian. 4 OR 5 YOUNG GENTLEMEN WOULD LIKE board In private family; 5 minutes walk from Oregonian bldg. Address T 77, Ore gonian. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL COTTAGE AT Seaside, part or all season. 321 Chamber of Commerce, or phone Main 2363. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD. PRIVATE family, within 8 blocks Eastern sawmill; work nights. F 85, OregonIan WANTED TO RENT, A BARN CENTRALLY located, suitable for stalling 40 to 50 head of horses. Inquire 108 7th st. SUBURBAN HOUSE. FURNISHED. WITH good water, garden, barn, near car line. Ad dress B 89. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT HOUSEBOAT FOR Summer: say If furnished or unfumlehed. Y 79. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT SMALL FURNISHED cottage; suburb or city; man and wife. F 80, Oregonian. FURNISHED COTTAGE. 2 ADULTS, WEST Side; state price. T 88. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHINfJ aad shoes: highest price paid. Call at tin -r . Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood SIT. - 'V WANTED LOAN OF $2000 AT 7 PER CENT' on well Improved suburban acreage. H SS, Oregonian. ; WE CALL FOR DSAD HORSBS AND CAT tit DC all kinds. Phaaa'Eaat 2233. I