3 - V THB MOHNLNQ OBEGOKIAN. FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1905. L2 E MRS. EVANS WOULD KEEP HUS BAND FROM SEATTLE HOME. She Says She Is Armed and "Wants Nothing to Do With Re turned Kiondiker. SEATTLE, Wash., May 11. (Special.) In each of the four Seattle daily papers Mrs. Percy Evans, of 2724 Yesler Way. advertised ior two thoroughbred blood hounds or mastiffs, "young and fierce." explaining that old ones, well trained, would be accepted. Mrs. Evans insisted price was no object. Mrs. Evans Is attempting to keep her husband, recently returned from Alaska, away from the house. She states in an interview that she Is well armed and that even though she may fail to get the dogs she wants, she Is prepared to drive out the' objectionable husband. Four detectives of aroaterulsh action are accused by Mrs. Evans of loitering at times about her house, watching her in the interest of her husband. She insists that she wants to be rid of her spouse and that he will not allow her to go. As a result she seeks an opportunity of protecting herself in her own way. Mrs. Evans says that If the dogs are secured she will station them about her home and if the detectives do not leave her, or her husband attempts to come near, she will start the dogs after them. There is nothing "queer" about Mrs. Evans. She talks as though the adver tisement for fierce dogs was inserted more as a bluff than a matter of fancy, and insists she Intends to be rid of a troublesome husband. Change Observance of Day. UNIVERSITY OP OREGON, Eugene. May 1L (Special.) At a. meeting of the associated students, held today, a decision was made to the effect that the second Friday in May will here after be a general student holiday In stead of a "day of contest between the sophomores and junior classes con cernlng the hoisting of a Junior flag. In previous years junior day 5ias been a day when the strength and numbers of the sophomores and juniors were pitted against each other. It has been a time-honored duty lor the sopho mores to prevent the appearance of junior colors about the campus. Instead of 6uch a contest an effort will be made to make a labor day of junior day. An attempt will be made to beautify the campus by perfecting the walks and cleaning up about the university generally. Survey to Bear Creek Mines. BUTTE. May 11 A Billings dispatch to the Miner says: The survey of the line of railroad which will extend from Bridger to the Bear Creek coal district began to day. It is said that contracts for grading the roadbf-d will be let within a fortnight and actual construction will begin about June 1. The Bear Creek coal district is one of the best in the stale and covers over 10,000 acres. The principal owners are the Amalgamated Copper Company, the Northwestern Improvement Com pany, the Montana Coal & Iron Com pany, the International Coal Com pany and the Bear Creek Coal Com pany. The road will be completed, it is believed, in the early Autumn, and it will be extended to Cooke City. Robberies Make Police Desperate. BUTTE, Mont., May 11. A moral wave has struck Butte, Chief of Police Mulhol land giving orders to arrest every woman or man In the red light district who has ever been convicted of robbery or even suspected, the prisoners to be confined on vagrancy charges until they are willing to leave the city. The order was Held in abeyance 24 hours to afford all question able characters an opportunity to leave Butte. Police officials have become des perate at the growing number of rob berles in the red light part of town. Three or four cases are reported nightly, with evidence so slight that it is only in very rare Instances that conviction can be had Dost in Lewis County "Woods. CENTRAL.IA. Wash.. May 11. (Spe cial.) F. E. Fuller, a prominent at torney of Seattle, in company with Judge F. T. Merrltt, of Centralla, and Cruiser Ira Honeywell, also of Cen tralla, were lost in the woods of Lewis County for eight days. They started out to be gone three days on a hunt for timber claims and returned 'today. nearly starved. The last day in the woods the party marched all day with nothing to eat but two small pancakes each. Other "Witness Took Poison. FORSYTH. Mont., May 1L The trial of William McClure, charged with the murder of William Aughey. a month ago, has been begun. Aughey was found lying face downward with a bullet-hole through the back of his head and a Jug of whisky under his body. McClure alleges he accidentally killed Aughey. The only other person at the ranch was a colored woman cook who committed suicide when the officers told her she would be wanted as a witness. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RE FORT. PORTLAND. May 11. Maximum tempera ture, SO org.; minimum, 45. River reading at II A. SI.. 5.2 feet: change In past 2 hours, rl6e, OS feeu Total precipitation. P. M. to 5 P. 0.35 Inch: total since Sep tember 1. 1904. 29.P4 Inches; normal, 42.34 Inches; deficiency. 12.40 inches. Total sun thine May 10. 1005. 6 hours and 36 minutes possible, 14 hours and 45 minutes. Barom eter (reduced to aa level), at 5 P. M., 30.01. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. STATIONS. Baker City. BUmu-ck........ Boise. ........... c Eureka.......... Helena . Kami oops. B. C-. 4S10.0O1 5010.00 W Cloudy- NW Cloudy 58i0.00j N N W Cloudy Clear 54 0.02 44 0.08 Rain PU Cldy. 0.00 North Head J 54 0.00 j26 54 0.011 8 xw PL Cldy. ocateuo. -. ... . Portland Red Bluff Roseburg. . . . . . Sacramento... s Pt. Clay. Cloudy Clear 0.02 6 NW 68'0.14 4 vr 600.10 w Cloudy Rain Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy 66 T 114 SE W San Francisco -58 T (24 Epolcane ;H6 0.08' S s w NW SE Seattle -j&sio.ooi is Tatoosh Island. . . . .38 0.00 18 Walla Walla. 640.00 S Pt. Cldy T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Good reins hare fallen in Western Oregon and Western Washington during the last hours, while light scattering showers hare occurred generally in Eastern Oregon. East' ern Washington. Idaho and Northern Call fornla. Cloudy unsettled weather continues In this district this evening and the- In ilea tlons are that the weather will continue showery over the greater portion of the Pa cific Northwest Friday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 2 hours ending at midnight. May 12: Portland and vicinity Cloudy to partly cloudy with Showers at Intervals. Winds mostly westerly. Western Oregon and Western Washington Cloudy to partly cloudy with showara. Winds mostly westerly. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Showers.. -A, J3. W UXOA.K. Acting District Forecaster. Many cutters cannot fit a carpet properly. Many layers are mere botchers. You have probably found this out. Fine mechanics cost more and turn out less work. We employ them because" they bring us new friends and hold all our old ones. EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. MACK & GO. 86-88 THIRD STREET. IfHRI iM UUKMfM mMTt. MTUH, UNM umpftn Flu THE BEST WAY TO Sizes to accommodate 4. 6. 9. 18 and AUCTION SALES TODAY. Br J. T. Wilson at salesroom 160 First street. at 10 A, M. Groceries. J. T. "Wilson. Auctioneer. At Baker Auction House, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 2 P. 11. Geo. Baker & Co.. Auc tioneers. At Oilman's auction-rooms. 413 Washington street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gllman. Auctioneer. .t rtm. Portland Auction Rooms. 211 First Htreet. between Taylor and Salem. Sale at 2 P. M. sharp. C. L. Ford. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. A. & A. B. RITE Member are requested to attend the funeral of their brother. Perry Hlnkle. 32 degree, at Holman's Chapel, Third and Salmon streets, this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. By order Yen. Master. MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO. 15. O. K. 6. Officers and members are request ed to attend the funeral of the late Perry Hlnkle. husband of Sister Lll 11 Hlnkle. at 2, o'clock, Friday. May 12. By order W. M. H. J. GALLOWAY, Secretary. MYRTLE CHAPTER, NO. 15. O. E. S. Regular communication this (Friday) evening. In Masonic Temple, at 8 o'clock Social. Br order W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY, Secretary. AL KADEJR TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. Nobles: Bu&lneaa session will be held In Com mandery Hall, Masonic Tem ple, corner Third and Alder streets, tomomw. Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock. Upon this occasion we will extend the glad hand to our visiting nobles, many of whom are now In the city, and who are cordially Invited to be present By order of the Illustrious po G. WHITEHOUSB, Recorder. tentate. B. ...i-jni t nrxTf-. vo. 15. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this. Friday evening at 8 o'ciock. iri ' V; v- a - nMni MOUNT TABOR LODGE. NO. 42. A. F. & A. M. Stated meeting this (Friday) 8 P. M. East Burnslde and Grand avenue. F. C degree. All F. C Invited. By order W, M. GEORGE P. LENT, Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 65 A, F. & A. M. Special communication this. Friday, afternoon, 2 o'clock sharp, to conduct the funeral services over the remains of our late brother Perry Hlnkle. All members and Masons re quested to attend. By order "W. M. I. W. PJtATl, secretary. FUNERAL NOTICES. HINKLB Perry Hlnkle. formerly of this city. died at Cslco. Cal., May 7. xn remains reacn Portland this morning over the Southern Pa cific Railroad. The funeral service will be conducted at Holman's undertaking parlors this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Friends re spectfully Invited to attend. COLEMAN In this city on May 10. 1003, Mrs. Mary Coleman, aged 41 years. Fu neral Saturday, May IS. 1905. S:30 A, M-. from Holman's chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets; 9 AM. from St Lawrence Church, corner Third and Sherman streets. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. In terment. Mt. Calvary Cemetery. DUNNING. MeENTEE GXLBACGIL caccessors to Dunning & Campion, aader takers and embalm ert, modem la every de tail. 7th and Plae. XBeae Mala 430. Lady aJtistaat. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers asd embalmers. haTe mered. to their sew build la;. Third and Salsaea. Lady asslstaat. Telephone No. 587. J. P. ITNLEY & SON. Faaeral Director, cor. Sd asd Madison. Offioe of County Cor oner. Ladr assistant. Xelcaaae No. 9. F. 6. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder, ladr assistant. Xeleehesa East 32. ZELLER-BYRNES CO, UNDERTAKERS, Embalmers. 273 Kasl; East IMS; lady aVt, NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY, BOUGHT, MADB over, exchanged; diamonds, precious stones loose and mounted: watches. Jewelry repaired. Uncle Myers, the Jeweler. 143 Sd. near AMer. COUNTRY CLUB INN. HOOD RIVER, OR. Now open under new management. Terms reasonable. Pure water, good table. At a Sacrifice- Xice, new, clean, little saloon; good location; rent $15 per month. Will sell cheap on account of illness of proprietor. "Will bear investigation. A rare snao if taken at once. Ad- ... .... J OTCSS- 2 . ' O, UregOni&n. For buying your carpets from us is this : We make and lay them perfectly. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00pr Day SEE PORTLAND Is byTally-Ho, Cabriolet, Boulevard Wagon, or Landau. PHONE MAIN 22t UNITED CARRIAGE coKfn: 28 people. 11th and MOBfilSQH StL CLASSIFIED AD. EATES. "Rooms, "Rooms and Board. "IToBie keeplag Room." "Situation Wanted, IS wards or less. 15 cents: 1C to 20 word. 20 cents: 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dls- count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today." SO cents for 15 words or less: 10 to 20 words. 40 cents : 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-balf; no further discount ub- der one month. "NEW TODAY (range mraitire agate). 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10. cents per line of each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Orrgealaa. and left at this office, should always b Inclosed la sealed envelopes- No stamp Is required oa such letters. The Oregonian will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken thro nth tits telephone. NEW TODAY. WHERE One Man Rich Gets Through hazardous speculation a hundred set poor. Where one man stays poor by slow but steady saving A Hundred Men Get Rich The wise man chooses the better part and places his money with THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON." Resources Over $1,000,000 Three per cent Interest on savings accounts. 3 to 4 per cent Interest on certificates of de posit that may be drawn at any time on giving a certain number of days' notice. Call on us or write for our book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Street. BEN" J. I. COHEN.. H. L. P1TTOCK..., B. LEE PAGET. ... J. O. GOLTRA Phone Main 453. President Vice-President Secretary .Assistant Secretary Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards Real Estate, City and Farm 'Insurance In All Lines A. H. BIRRELL, 262-S McKay bldg.. Third aad Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., C aad 7 Chamber of Commerce. NEW HOME We effer for eale the beautiful and sightly home of the late Dr. Herbert Cardwell. 25th end Johnson. There are about 2Vj lots with new 11 -room dwelling, built after the lat est design, and will be ready for occupancy about June 1. tor particulars see Grind' ceart & Schalk. 240 Stark st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE ON TIME. 20 ACRES OF LAND. 2 or 3 acres cleared. A tcnall bouse: best of soil: nicely located. lor sow. only J100 down. balance $50 per jear. A good man can wcrk the payments out. Address "Will E. Furdy, isewoerg, ur. $3000 9-ROOM HOUSE AND FULL LOT on ICth st.. near Marshall; lot alone Is worth nearly tne price; loth it. is lmnrov Ing. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. GOOD INVESTMENT, HOME COMBINED New apartrnent-nouse. 4 apartments. rooms each; hot-water heat; modern throughout, ei. uregonian. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $3000 10-room modern house and full lo 348 29th ot. near Savler: easy terms. For full particulars phone ataln aiu. CHOICE NEW. MODERN. S-ROOM REST, dence. northwest corner Fifteenth and East Taylor street. J. v. raiieii, J tenwn oicg. FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 rooms. Xla 23d sc Pries law. Owser. Mrs. w. A. Xaly. Tae Brown. 2ilVi urasa are. AMUSKMKXTS. THE GREATER NORRIS & ROWE CIRCUS Twice Larger Twice Better Than Before. Big Menagerie Museum Hippodrome 2 Rings elsetvaagteed Rings-2 Complete Xew Circus inroutooBi. MULTNOMAH FIELD DAYS Friday and Saturday 2 May 12-13 PERFORMANCES. 2 AND 8 P. M. DAILY. ACROBATS I GYMNASTS I MID-AIR PERFORMERS 7 MARVELOUS BELFORDS 7 MELNOTTE-LA NOLE-MELNOTTE FLYING LA VAX TROOTE DARING AERIAL WEAVERS 5 FLYING BANUBRODS 3 FAMOUS GARDNER FAMILY GRACEFUL M'DPNALD TRIO SEVEN KISHIMONA JAPANESE SIX SUGLMOTO JAPANESE LADY SWORDSWOMEN. FENCERS BAREBACK TRAINED RIDERS ANIMAL ACTS Rose DockrelL Dolly Miller. Eatelle Settler. M'lle JuUea. Herd of Elephants. Congress of Seals. Fierce Siberian Bears. Camels, Llamas, Dromedaries Broken to Harness. Cake-Walking Frank Miller. George Holland. Austin Klag. Jos. Lyons. Stallions. 100 Shetland Pony Ballet and Drill. Trained Pelicans. Pigs. Herbert Romley. Wm. Dutton. Loris Berc. 20 JOLLY CLOWNS 20 Exciting Hippodrome. Chariot aad Hurdle Races. Grand Big Street Parade PRICES Adults. 50c; Children. 23c. IlldiqUdlll UIOIIU IllCdlU InHeal Hjsiiir PHONE MAIN 5G5. (Morrison st, bet. 0th and 7th) TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT Special-Price Matinee Tomorrow GRACE VAN STUDDIFORD IN 'RED FEATHER" A Romantic Comic-Opera. Evening Prices $1.50. $1, 75c and 30c Matinee Prices 51.00. 73c and 60c Seats Now Selling. EMPIRE THEATER Twelfth and Morrison. Fifth Week of Tremendous Success. EMPIRE STOCK COMPANY In High Class Plays. ADMISSION 1 0 CENTS Dally .Matinees. 2:15.. Evening at 8:15. This week, the screaming comedy "OUR BOYS" One long laugh from beginning to end. 5tad Thcatcd SUPERIOR I 1 li-V-l VAUDEVILLE D'URBANO'S ROYAL ITALIAN BAND Different Selections at Each Performance. THE BREWERS McINTYBE. FLETCHER McINTYRE KINZO JOHN DREW KERREKA ROSCOE ARBCCKLE STAROSCOPE Shows 2:30. 7:15. U P. M. Admission 10-2O-25c GRAND THEATER MR. & MRS. JOS. J. DOWLING BELL QUARTETTE ROBERT ELDRIDGE CLEVER CONKEY THE JAMES CHRISTOPHER .MR. ALF BONNER THE GRANDISCOPE General admission. 10c; reserved seats. 20c: .box seats, -oc BAKER THEATER iflf WEEK COMMENCING TODAY. OVERTURE. BAKER ORCHESTRA 3 MUSICAL LOVELANDS 5 JEAN WILSON IMPERIAL COMEDY FOUR DON EMERSON DUO GENE LITTLE ANITA HAKEHOGRAPH ' Price of admission, 10c Matinee and Night. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE TORTLAND HEIGHTS Now ocen. Take rortlana uelgbts car and aet off at Hawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator. Most magnificent view in America. be beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from top ot tower, open 8 A. m. to v f. 2 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 1-ACRE TRACTS! 5-ACRB TRACTS! 10- acre tracts! within 3 miles of Portland; ait nianted in fruit and vegetables: on car line. enuntv road and Willamette River: nothing like it offered; one crop will almost pay for it. Phone Main 53S3, and we will take you to see It. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO.. 222 Falling bldg. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of handling acreage; choice acre tracts for homes, within the city limits or ouisice; Hue, 110 terms to suit. A. C Churchill & Co.. Second st. 10 ACRES. 3 MILES FROM CITY LIMITS, oh new Hlllaboro trolley line; best of land; will grow anything raised la Oregon; no gravel, no rock, spring wter, fine building .4.-- .ill nav hit- m investment. ihiO J355 cah, balance $100 per year at tf per cent, owner, ia iicivay oiug. r.vrfwA CLIENT OF OURS IS BUILDING an 8-roora house on 22d St.. close In; rtady about June 1; modem In every respect, and you can Inspect the construction and have It altered to suit you: win rem. tor ou. W. Whiting & Co., 408 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE QUARTER BLOCK SOUTHWEST comer 12th and East Stark et,, with 2-atory II-mom house and 2-stonr bam: 35000: term J 1000 down and balance In annual payments of 31000. Mall & Co., 383 East Burnslde, or telephone private rrrcnange ji. FIVE SEW. MODERN HOUSES IN HOLLA- day Park Addition; also 14 choice lots; streets Improved, cement walks, sewer, or will build bouse to suit customers. See R. B. Rice on nremlses. East 22d and Wasco, or W. G. Beck. 307 The Falling bldg. mn ctt- ur OWNER NEW MODERN room house, porcelain plumbing, cement aide walka stationary washstand and two lots. J2200.'No. S66 East Twenty-first etreet near V . . in.... f.. JGOCO 2 HANDSOME MODERN 6-ROOM flat lust building on Northrup. near 22d: ready about June 1; will alter If necessary and cuaraniee 1 prr mi oa lavcu- ment. L. W. Whiting & Co., 408 Ablngton Bldg. BY OWNER WEST SIDE HOME. 23 PER mhi hlaw cost, rood 7-room house, all mod ern conveniences, abundance of fruits and rotes; healthy and sightly, on S car line. S07ICortett st. t rrton Birr 18 ACRES AT SOUTH MT. Tabor In Al cultivation; would plat nicely; good school, plenty f water. Inquire at South Ml Taor Real Estata OSes; take reservoir car on 1st st. , cvr c i 1 .V. 13000 MODERN 7-ROOM COT- tage. with 3 lota and barn. wltB or without furniture, oa Woodstock car iiae. .inquire Mr, J. W. Taylor, Ivaaboe Eta. -ruwa uriTVKRV A.ROOM HOUSES. CLOSB In- yearly lacetse, J0Q; terms; East Side. W i JV ... FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BERMOSA PARK. SEASIDE IMPROVED lets fer sals; graded streets, sewers aas water main; finest read-nca property oa Clatsop Beaca. A. Gilbert. Jr.. Seaside, Or. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS .Bsrxalna on O. W. P. electric line. O. J. Additon. Lenta. Or. Take Mt. Scott car, oc. SIGHTLY. ELEVATED LOTS. 44 BLOCKS from "S Une. West Side. $300 to J330 each. G. W. Watt, owner. 419 McKay bldg. SUNNYSIDE. CORNER LOT 30X100 AND 6-room house, near car line; price IliOO. B. S. Cook & Co.. 231 Alder sr. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN. LOT fenced, fruit trees, 2 blocks from car; cash or terms. Ryder, Mcntaviiia. ,- LOTS. 50X100. NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. and 40th St.; S200. B. S. Cook. & Co.. 231 Alder st. Open evenings. 6 ACRES INSIDE CITY LIMITS. ADJOIN- ing car line; price for quick sale. 33100 cash. W 77, Oregonian. J2230-MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 60-FT. lot. cement walks, cnoice fruit and sowers. 722 E. Ankeny. MODERN- HOUSE. JUST FINISHED. IN Holiaday's Addition. Owner must sell. F 68. Oregonian. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE, S MILES FROM Morrison st. entire. (J. Ballard. Miiwau- kle. Or. 5-ACRE CITY LOTS. JUST THE PLACE TO double your money. Call 204 Macleay bldg. FOR. SALE FARMS. 1000-ACRE STOCK. GRAIN AND GRASS farm, convenient to railroad, 40 miles from Portland; will make lour fine farms; J23 cer acre. 160 acres, zo miles rrom rortiana on en W. P. line: a bargain. 137 acres convenient to city, only 37000; easy terms. :40 acres, well improved, 7 miles of Grant's Pass, only JJ300. DAVIDSON. WARD St CO.. 40S Chamber of Commerce. ew t t oiuix t XTTI.P"J CTin winrt ivn 15 acres all in cultivation; nne orcnaru; good house: large, bam; iume beaver earn land: a fine chicken rancn in lull running oraer. in quire Owner, 333 East 1st., near Weldler. S340O-66 ACRES; 40 CULTIVATION; LARGE new 7 room nouse; new oaro; 11 neaa came; 13 boss: farming implements; crops; well; creek; county road two sides; li miles elec tric line; terms, lots a. via. FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER THE "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed -direct from mate; write or call today; booklets and map free. B. S. Cook & Co., 231 Alder st., in land. Or. Open evenings. Bargains In real estate Improved and partly lznnrovsd zarms in ituitnoman ana Clacka mas cos. ust or prop, win be lur. on ap plication. Roberts & wrtz. urea bam. ur. FOR SALE 330-ACRE FARM: WELL IM- nraved: bottom: on Columbia Klver. Will fted 75 cows. M. P. Whalen, Woodland, V ash. HOMESTEAD AND DESERT CLAIMS GOOD location; very low fees. A. U. i'lircer, Oregonian bicg. FOR SALE A NICE HOME AT BEAVER- tun; 13 acres; one-third caan. Vox 3, Beav- erton. Or. FOR SALE 50-ACRB FARM NEAR OSWB- go. Max Smith, the Savoy Restaurant. loS 5th su FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. WE HAVE PRACTICALLY THE ONLY valid forest reserve scrip cn the market. We handle all kinds. Public land practice. Collins Land Co.. concom biag. rOKEST RESERVE, SANTA PS AND OTH- r guaranteed land scrip on sand ready lo Ibcais. Maglnnl U Son. ZZ tilling blag. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE 5 FULLY-PAID DIVIDEND- paying shares in one ot Mexico s best ruober and coffee plantations: value $900; country realty vicinity Portland; no agents. Address C L., 27S Fremont et., Chicago, 111. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, $21)00 to 31U.COO: also ouiinejs properties, xsouu to 120.000. Have buyers. 1 w. waiting & Co, 40S Ablngton mar. WANTED TO BUY A HOUSE AND LOT. Wet Side; pay $4000; must be a bargain. P 7t. oregonian. WANTED Full or fractional lot: West 3a; cIom m; lor cain. ix i, oregonian. TO LEASE. TO LEASE ONE BLOCK FROM FAIR. 27TH and Thurroan sis: grouna luuxiuo; siuu. Mre. C Frier. 1017 W. 17th su, Los An geles, Cal FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. A DOUBLE-DECKED AJiD f ULLMAN FIX- Ish Inside, tally-Do wagon, tor particulars call on or write to s. A. Arbuckie, 174 Ches ter street, rortiana, or. FOR SALE GRAY MARE, SOUND. GENTLE and well broken, 1230 pounds, inquire Elk Stable. Fourth and Burnslde. or Dr. C. E. Brown. 2b7 Burnslde. HORSES. WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL Unas ot vehicles bougnt. sola ana rsntea. Hubert it HalL 284 4th. Pbons Main 22U3. FOR SALE EXPRESS WAGON AND STAND with good business: win bear investigation. Call phone East 3374. or at lWi u. avenue. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND ZD-HAND vehicles on toast for sals or hire. 211 Wash. TWO SPAN GOOD YOUNG MULES; W broke and hard. At the stock Yards. ONE GOOD TEAM AND HARNESS; ALSO steady Job. K 73. Oregonian. Miscellaneoas. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK7 Repair It with Eiatente; it roue, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or aningies; nest ior new rooiA. Elaterite Roofing Co.. room 2, Hamilton bldg. BRAND NEW DRESS SUIT AND DINNER Jacket, talldr made, 'Uk lined, beat materi al, coot 3113: for man 5 ft. 10 In., weight 170 lbs.; will seu for 373 and pay for al terations. W 63, oregonian. FOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL- llard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modem bar fixtures, cneap pneea. urunswiuc-uaiKe-voi- lender. 49 3d st. WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR men's cast-off clothing, shoes And hats. Call at 73 Vj N. 3d; phone Green 428. FRENCH RANGE, WATER PIPES, 12 TA- bles, 3 dozen chairs, dishes and black wal nut furniture. Inquire 60 N. 3d. FOR SALE FOUR CHINA PHEASANT roosters. 2 hens; hand-raised; make offer. Box 9. Hubbard. Or. 18-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH: IN EXCEL- lent condition, price, fra. w. j. Clemens. 273. Stark sr. FOR SALE A TUFT CARBONATOR, FIRST class. Address M2 upsnur street. Phone Main 3940. MANTLE BED (DOUBLE); WILL PAY TO Investigate. Call 570 Mill or phone Front 671. FOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND soda fountains. Northrop & Bturgls, 6 front. NEW AND 2D-HAND CASH REGISTERS and safes; easy payments. 333 Ankeny st. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 32 Chamber of Commercs or -pnone Main zjg3. FOR SALE NEW 8x10 BROWN TENT; COST S15: sell reasonable. A 77. Oregonian. FRESH COW FOR SALE. $35. INQUIRE D. Gaston, end Portland Heights carllne. J1500 FOR A 3200 UPRIGHT SHOWCASE, giaes sneives. zro xtumsice street. FOR SALE 8 MILCH COWS. IN Al CONDI- ltlon, with route. 228 EL 35th st. FOR SALE MEDIUM-SIZED SAFE. cneap. -u .Marquam oiag. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED MATTRESS MAKERS AND BOYS to learn mattress making; good wages. p. ters & Roberts Furn. Co.. 49 Front, comer Davis. OFF-BEARERS WANTED. MRS. HOWE BricK uo.. uivisioa su union 173. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. OOUN- try: big wagea. 21a commercial block. WANTED A GOOD COREMAKER. APPLY to Douglas -uro3.. ADeraeen. wash. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT ONC3; rexercBCo riaum- juus ac. WANTED A YOUNG MAN WITH SOME BX- 1 mc- ' - HELP WANTED MALE. 5860 STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED at Hood River, Or.; parties must coma -with camp outfit, tents, bedding asd cook ing utensils; growers furnish camping ground, wood and water, and will meet you at train or boat and haul you to fields free. Pickers are paid 1H cents per quart; packers. H-cent per quart; write us and we win hand your letters to growers, who will write you direct when to come and give you further particulars. Picking will oegin aDout June 13 to 20. Hood River Fruitgrowers Union. E. H. Shepard. Sec LABORERS WANTED. This section Is short of able-bodied men for general common labor for a variety oZ work at S2 to 123 a day. Come to Portland. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North Second street. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED. unmarried, men. between the ages of IS and S3, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information ap ply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak. sis.. Portland. Or. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN watchmaking, enffravlng. Jewelers work; only practical working school for Jewelers; money made learning, geattla watenmaaing ana engraving School. P.-I. building, aeatue. WE ASSIST COMPETENT OFFICE MEN. bookkeepers, stenographers, cashiers, collect ors, salesmen, general clerical and commer cial men. Business Men's Clearlng-House, 304-5 McKay bldg. WANTED 10.000 LABORERS. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. If you want woric come to Portland: wases. 31.40 to 33 per day and .board. Canadian Employment Co.. Z4U Burnslde st. A GOOD filDE.I.INT OP" nREWOnKS ON commission for hustler throuxh Eastern Ore gon. Idaho. Washington. Willamette Valley ana on tee sound ; give references. T 49, Oregonian. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOTTLER aa first hand for beer bottling; good wages and permanent position for right party: state ex perience. Aaaress . u. Box 2U3, Tacoma, wain. 23 GOOD LABORERS CAN FIND JOB WITH work train on The Dalles Portage Road. 3 miles from The Dalles: waxes 32.25. AddIt office. Nelson A- White, contractors, on the worasL WANTED FOR THE FAIR. CHORUS girls, comedfans, sister teams, sketch teams, illustrated song singers, novelty dancers, musicians. 331 ii Morrison, room 12. ACTIVE FIRE INSURANCE SOLICITORS wanted: exclusive agency for Portland open to tne right man for a large Eastern nre in mi ranee company. Address E 78, Oregonian. WE PUT YOU ON THE STAGE STAGE dancing, vaudeville acting, sketches; sing ing, etc. taught: terms reasonable. New man's Theatrical Circuit. 351Vi Morrison. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN TO HAN- die special edition of live paper near Port land; must be strictly reliable and a hustler; gooa proposition U 79, care uregonian. TRAVELING JEWELRY SALESMAN WITH a trade acquaintance In Washington. Oregon and Montana. Address, with reference!. Reed Bennett Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. Highest prices paid for men's cast-off cloth' lng. old shoes. Call 50 3d, nar Pine. Pbons Hood 18C2. Orders attended to. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS FOREMAN PAT- tern keeper, to take charge of shop; perma nent work and good salary. Apply Box 1139. Seattle, wash. . MEN TO LEARN THB DETECTIVE BUSI ness: paid while leaning and work guar. anteed; open evenings. Barrett. 285 Morrison st.. room mi. WANTED AT ONCE TOUNG MAN TO travel and organize for old firm, previous ex perience not essential. Address Box W 73, Oregonian. . I WANTED YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN wholesale wallpaper house: must be a worker; state age and experience. R 74. care Ore gonian. Wanted Men to learn barber trade; steady practice: expert Instructions; write for terms. Glllman's College. 627 Clay St.. S. F. Columbus California wine depot; headquar ters cooks, waiters, eartenaers. All wine: 3c per glass.. P. Loratl. 14S 4th. Clay 1303. LOGGERS. MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, otners worK. sea us. u. s. .Em ployment Co., 193 Morrison. Main 1222. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit bust ness. Call or write, 607 McKay bldg. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS DRY PRESS brick setter. Apply to Portland Brick & Tile Co., 102 1st at., Portland. Or. 325 TO $U3 PER WEEK MADE SELLING aizx ana acciaent oenents ior tne union iiu- u al Aid Acs n, 705 Marquam Bldg. WANTED UPHOLSTERS AND CARPET layers. Inquire J. B. ilorrey, U. S. Govern ment bldg.. Exposition grounds. WANTED GOOD STOVE SALESMAN. travel Spolrme territory; references re quired. Box 740. city. WANTED A CLEVER AMATEUR TO JOIN team for vaudeville sketch; give experience. B 77, Oregonian. WANTED TWO GORDON PRESS-FEEDERS by the Independent Printing Company, 243 Ash etreet. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WOODTURNER. Address Aberdeen Mfg. Co.. Aberdeen, Wash- CARPENTER WANTED HOTEL BUTLER. 409 Washington st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BARBER; STEADY Job. 209 Mac won et. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST. CURES ALL PRI vate diseases of men. WANTED A BOY ABOUT 15 OR 16 YEARS old. Apply 1 3 Front. BARBER. SATURDAY MAN. INQUIRE 228 Washington st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to ace ua Over IOOO positions evsry month. Call and register. Canadian Parlor, 22V) Morrison. Main 1323. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOU3E- work In small family. Good wages. Call at 690 Tillamook sU, take Irvlngton car on Third street. I WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT- ers. chambermaids, general workers. SU Louis Agency, 230& Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. RAPID FREE-HAND PYROGRAPHIC BUR ner for wood and leather; must furnish samples of work. Address G 60, Oregonian. WANTED CAPABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; rnunt be good cook; good wages. 834 Kearney su, cor. 23th. Call mornings WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE- sentatlves In Portland and throughout state; good pay. can or writs 607 McKay bldg. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED SALES- girls for notions and fancy goods depart menu Boston Store, 1st and Salmon. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO sell the sew teispnon index, laqnir W. j. demesa. xta utarx u WANTED A GIRL IN PRIVATE FAMILY for general housework; must know how to cook. 427 Washington st. WANTED EXPERIENCED CLERKS IN laces; fine opening. Clerks' Registration Bu reau, -ZXt Morrison eru WANTED TWO TALENTED PIANISTS WHO wish to teach In Portland; state age Ad dress J 78. oregonian. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK. willing to go to Coast July, and August, 461 Rodney ave. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SEAMSTRESS FOR tailor sklrta. Apply Mrs. Ditch burn. Wash ington bldg. NEAT GIRL, GENERAL Apply 495 HOUSEWORK; small family. EL 10th sU E. Davis, cor. GIRLS WANTED TO FINISH PANTS. Ap ply to room 210, Aiiry Diag., cor. sa ana Morrison ets. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; must be good cook. 123 N. 23d et. GOOD WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK TO GO to be&cn. immediately, it 40,- uregonian. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. Apply za su WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, SMALL family. Apply oi -trine, cor. low. WANTED A GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN small family. Appiy jo- jdornsqn. WANTED FIRST-CLASS VEST MAKERS, Nlcoll. the Tailor, les TBird su HELP WANTED IN DRESSMAKING PAR lors. inquire Ml .Morrison su I WANTED WOMAN COOK. 398 Twenty-sdxtb street, nesiaurani wora. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED LADY CASHIER, BUNDLS wrapper aad typewriter. Must be- accurals m making change and capable of taking caarga of a cash desk In a busy clothing- store. Ap ply with references, XYZ, care Oregonian. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOK- Ing and general housework. Family four adults: small houee; good wages. Call 3&) Harrison street, between Tenth and West Park. WE PUT YOU ON THE STAGE STAGE dancing, vaudeville acting, sketches, sing ing, etc. taught; terms reasonable. New man's Theatrical Circuit. 351 H Morrison. WANTED CHAMBERMAIDS AND WAIT- resses; must be first class: also women to work by the day; wages 20c per hour. Scan dlravlan Employment Co.. 2T0 Burnslde. WANTED A TEACHER FOR SCHOOL Dis trict No. 11. Wahkiakum County, washing ton; wages, S40 a month: length of term. S months. Address Q 74. Oregonian. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL OR woman as nurse for Infant. Apply 729 GUsan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB- work. 181 East, loth at. WANTED WAITRESSES. K. COFFEE House, 282 First street. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND. TYPE- wrttlng. arithmetic English, spelling, by experienced teacher and, office man; pre pares joung people for Civil Service exam inations; day and night. S 21. Oregonian. BOOKKKEEPERS I HAVE A SYSTEM for checking calculations and posting with which an error Is Impossible. Will send to you for $3. S. O. Tait, Maxlanna. Ark. WANTED PARTY TO INTERVIEW WELL- to-do class; what they say to carry weight; big money; steady position. Room 2, 43 2d st. WANTED STENOGRAPHER AND BOOK- keeper familiar with card system; give ref erences and salary expected. K 78, Orego nian. NEAT. QUICK WAITER WANTED; YANKEE boy. Front and Columbia. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. ; TUATION WANTED EVENINGS BY young man. bookkeeping or salesman; ex perienced and competent; highest refer ences. Address B 79. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. ENGINEER. JUST FROM THE EAST. 10 years experience witn compouna condensing, engines and all kinds of boilers; have chiefs papers from Minnesota; no objections to leav ing the city. J 77. Oregonian. MAN OF GOOD EDUCATION AND AO dress seeks employment where integrity and faithful services would aid advance ment; references. E 75. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED MAN. STEADY. WISHES position In hotel or boarding-house; kitchen preferred: city or country. V 78, Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers, all kinds of help. Black. 892. 263 Everett st. SITUATION WANTED BY AN Al OPER ctor of Elliott-Hatch Book Typewriter; also good repair man. K 77, Oregonian. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION AT GEN eral housework in small family; country preferred. K. M.. 245 Everett. ARCHITECT AND CONTRACTOR. EXPE rienced In booth-making. Shop 345 East Oak; phone East 33S0. PIANIST (MALE) WANTS WORK. CAN play shows. W. Payne. 005 West Bannock St., Boise, Idaho. JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS COOK. WANTS situation to do cooking. 45 N. let st. CARPENTER WANTS JOB AND REPAIR work. Main 3093. TOUNG MAN WANTS JOB AS COLLECTOR. L 78. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. CAPABLE MIDDLE-AGED SWEDISH GIRL, references, desires situation, upstairs work and care of children, good wages. 230 TamhllL Phone Main 5413. CAPABLE GIRL. GERMAN. DESIRES situation; nursery governess or lady's maid. 230 ii Yamhill. Phone Main 3413. SITUATION WANTED BY NEAT GIRL. 230 18. assist housework and cooking. Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS PLACE FOR cooking and housework; good cook; state wages. O 78, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED. GIRL TO ASSIST in general housework, small family. X 78. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL WANTS A place; private family. Aaaress n o, urego nian. TWO GIRLS WISH SITUATION AS COOhj. 430 Burnslde. Housekeepers. VERY REFINED. CAPABLE LADY DE- sires situation, managing nouseKeepmg. no tel. widower's family or care of Invalid. 230i Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. CAPABLE MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN. GOOD housekeeper. aesires situation wiaowcr a family. 230& Yamhill, Phone Main 5413. WANTED SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER by a lady In rooming-nouse or wiaowers family. Call at 203 1st u, room 1. FRENCH EXPERIENCE HOUSEKEEPER. or to take charge of a rooming-nouse. ao dress 800 Water aU Miscellaneous. YOUNG LADY EMPLOYED IN CITX would like make home with parties, max lng herself useful mornings and" evening part payment board. R 77. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED CHAMBERMAIDS. cooks. houseworK gins, nurses, waitresses, second girls. 230 sr Yamhill. Phone Mala 5413. LACE CURTAINS AND FANCY LAUNDRY done at home. Phone East 3SS6. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED IN FIBST- class style, pnone union si. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS TO SELL THB BEST. MOST POPU- lar faucet water niters maae. ij ku good proflu Jones Manufacturing Co., Box 700, Helena, Mont. LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW. GOOD leller. big wages. 215 Commercial bile WANTED TO RENT. WANTED ,.. Rooms for the Exposition In all parts of the city. Apply Expcsltloa Accommodation Bureau. 200 to 203 Goodnough building. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Exposition Corporation. Phone Mala 62-S4. ROOMS. Owners of private residences In SU Louie took advantage of the Fair and made lots of money renting their rooms; why not you I We guarantee to send you flrst-clasa people wno pay first-class prices for nicely fur nished rooms. Book: now with H. C Bowers, Portland Hotel, or the Lewis and Clark Ho tel Co., 133 Sixth, su, Oregonian bldg. Pnoat Main 298. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD WITH genteel private family for 'gentleman and wife; prefer Willamette Heights; best ot references. Address A. L. S.. General Press Bureau. Fair Grounds. WANTED FOUR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms or small cottage, furnished, gas range preferred, latter part June or July lsU; references; no childreri: must be reasonable; state price. Y 76. Oregonian. WANTED TWO CLEAN UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, East Side; business man and wife; permanenU Address John Smith, 249 Yamhill streeU WANTED TWO OR THREE ROOMS COM pletely furnished for housekeeping la pri vate family; state full particulars. Q 77. Oregonian. 4. OR 5 YOUNG GENTLEMEN WOULD LIKE board In private family; 5 minutes' walk from Oregonian bldg. Address T 77, Ore goniaa. WANTED TO RENT, FURNISHED HOUSS at Seaside for season; state price. Wheeler, 711 Dekura bldg. Phone Main 6209. WANTED ROOM WITH PIANO BY YOUNG man. Private family. C 78, OregoaUa.