U-J THE MOUSING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, tMAY 9, 1905. 12 DAILY METEOXOLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, May & Maximum teaapera turew 58 deg.; minimum, 53. River reading at 11 A. M-. 5.8 leet: change In past 24 hours, fall, 0.8 XeeU Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. 0.1S Inch; total slace Sep tember 1, 1904, 29.51 inches: normal, 42.10 Inches; deficiency. 12.59 inches. Total sun shine May 7. 1905. 6 hours and 18 minutes; possible, 14 hours and 37 minutes. Barom eter (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M., 9.69. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. "Wind. 11 IZ- a STATIONS. k Z s o - So 2. 2- ? : ? Baker City Bismarck. ....... Boise Eureka... Helena. ......... Kamloops, B. C. North Head Pocatello. ....... Portland. , Red Bluff Roscburg Sacramento ... Salt Lake City.. San Francisco. .. Spokane. Seattle Tatoosh Island.. "Walla Walla...., ..1C0I0.O2110 NE E Rain 500.00j 20; 20 Clear Rain Cloudy Cloudy G40.04j 0.00 10 N T 112ISE 0.001 41SE 0.0630NW 0.06 4W Rain Cloudy Cloudy PU Cldy. Rain Cloudy , Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Rain Rain Cloudy Rain t ierw 0.041 4ISE 540.02jl4NW 02 T 12S iS T 10SE I3S10.0J 16IW 104)0.14 i 4 E 10E 36ITV 121SW 54)0.30 50 0.00 .'C410.74! T trace. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. Showers and thunderstorms have occurred generally today in Eastern Oregon, Eastern "Washington and in scattered portions of Idaho, duo to the presence of a disturbance of considerable magnitude, which is central this evening over Montana. Light showers have also occurred In "Western Oregon, "Western Washington and throughout North ern California. It is decidedly cooler this evening In all sections of the Pacific Northwest. The Indications are for continued unsettled weather with showers in this district Tues day. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours finding at midnight. May 9: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy with light showers at intervals; westerly winds. Western Oregon Partly cloudy, with light showers north portion; westerly winds. Western Washington Partly cloudy with showers; westerly winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Cloudy and unsettled weather with showers. A. B. WOLLABER, Acting District Forecaster. Prepare for Memorial Day. .ASTORIA, Or., May S. (Special.) Cunning; Post No. 14, G. A. It., o this city, has appointed a special committee to make arrangements for the proper ob pervanco of Memorial day. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baiter's Auction Mouse, cor. Alder and Park. Sale at 10 A. II. George Baker & Co., Auctioneers. Household Furniture at 413 Washington street. 10 A. M., by S. L. N. Gilman, Auc tioneer. MEETING NOTICES. A. & A. S. RITE, OREGON LODGE OF PERFECTION. NO. 1 Members are requested to at tend the, funeral of Brother H. E. Harris, 32d degree, at his late residence. No. 660 Hoyt street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. By order. Venerable Master. A. & A. S. RITE. OREGON LODGE OF PERFECTION, NO. 1. Meeting this evening social only. By order. Venerable Master. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. & A. M. Special communica tion this (Tuesday) evening. 7:30 o'clock. "Work in E. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. W. S. WEEKS. Secretary. THE MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE. A. F. & A. M.. OF OREGON. Special communication this (Tues day) afternoon at 1 o'clock, for ' the purpose of conducting the funeral ceremonies over the remains of our deceased right worshipful brother. H. E. Harris past Junior grand warden. AH M. M. are requested Grand Master. BORN. JOHNSON May S. to the wife of Arthur Johnson, a prominent dealer in meat at Forest Grove, a son weighing 12 pounds, the parents of whom are the best pleased couple In the world. Dr. C. L. Large at tending. DIED. BELL Patrick, native of Iceland, died at The Dalles. May i. Supposed to have relatives In Portland and California. Coroner Burget, of Wasco County, wishes communication with them. California papers please copy. FUNERAL NOTICES. WBIS Jacob C, member Oregon Fir Camp, No. 15085, Modern Woodmen of America. Funeral will be conducted by Modern Wood men from residence, 207 East Thirty-seventh street. Tuesday. May 8. All neighbors please arrange to attend. Meet at Hall Oregon Fir Camp 1 P. M. Tuesday. WEIS In this city, on May 7. 1905. at the family residence. 267 East Thirty-seventh street, Jacob Wels. aged 29 years 8 months and 4 days. Funeral today (Tuesday). May 0. 1005. Friends respectfully invited to at tend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. LEVY In this city, on May 8. 1005. at the family residence, 290 Lincoln street. Anna .uevy. oeioveu mower or Mrs. J. snemansky, Mrs. H. Blatt. Mrs. M. M. Obsu Miss TIIHe Levy. Mr. S. J. Levy. Harry and Louis Levy. Funeral today (Tuesday). May 9, J905. at 2 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited to attend, a'leass omit cowers. .VOBES In this city, on May 7. 1905. at the residence, 332 Fremont street, Mary B. Vobes. aged 63 years 2 months and 4 days. Funeral xocay (uuesaayj. May . JD05. at 3 P. M., from the above residence. Friends rwmcrt. fully Invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. DUNNING, McENTEE A GILBAUGH. successors to Dunning & Campion. under takers aad embalmers, modern la every de tail. 7th aad Pine, Psoas Mala A30. Lady as sis tan U EDWARD HOLM AN CO- TJadnrtaWor. .l embalmers, hare moved to their aew build ing, Xalrd aad Salmon, Lady assistant. Telephone No. 687. J. P. FTNXEY & SON. Funeral Directors, oar. 3d aad Madison. Office ef Ceaaty Cor oner. jaar aasuKABE. xelrphone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. Et Alder, juady assistant. Telephone East 62. 2ELLEK-BYKNES CO., UNDERTAKERS, jreBaiEBcrs, z.s xmm i; utt 1998; lady as't. CLASSIFIED AD. HATES. "Rooms "Rooms aad Board." "najue keeplng Rooms. -gitnatleae Wasted.' IS words er lest, 18 cents; 18 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 te 25 words. 25 cesta. etc No dis co Hat' for additional fatsertteaa. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," SO ceate foe 15 words er leu; 16 te 30 words. 40 cents; 21 te 25 word. 5 cents, etc first laaertiea. Each addideaal lasertloa. eae-haUt bo farther diaeeaat a cer eae aseath. "NEW TODAY (gasre measare arate). 15 eeats per itae, Brtt taserueat 19 cests pel uae el eaeta addiUeaal lasertlea. ANSWHRS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed eare The Orerealaa. aad left at thk eface. cheald always be laelesed la sealed enveiepes. ro stamp is repaired ea sack letters. The OregoaUa will not he reepoaasMe for errors la adrerusesaeats takes threach the tdeBheae. NEW TODAY. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 3IS Worcester Black Ceaeral raeUee. lareeMfatleaa, Estate work. Hassf l aad perledteal aadMa; ' - rM west IX. KB HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN Seems, 1.&0 to $8.99 Per Day According to Location. ff. P. DAVIES, Pres. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plas Reess -50c te $1.50 First-Class RestaHrant In Coaaectlen TiTe ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR. ANDERSON, Manager Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON Free 'bus to and from all trains Rates European plan, 50c,, 75c, $ 1 , $ 1 .50, $2 per day Sample rooms in connection AMUSEMENTS. THE GREATER MORRIS & ROWE CIRCUS Twice Larger Twice Bettrr Than Before. Big Menagerie Museum Hippodrome 2 Rings E LEVAlr ED STAGE Rings2 Complete New Circus Throughout. MULTNOMAH FIELD 2 DAYS Friday and Saturday 2 May 12-13 PERFORMANCES. 2 AND 8 P. 51. DAILY. acrobats i gymnasts! mid-Air performers 7 MARVELOUS BELFORDS 7 5IELNOTTE-LA NOLE-MELNOTTE FLYING LAVAN TROUPE DARING AERIAL WEAVERS 5 FLYING BANCRRODS 5 FAMOUS GARDNER FAMILY GRACEFUL Jl'DONALD TRIO SEVEN KISIUMONA JAPANESE SIX SUGI5IOTO JAPANESE LADY SWORDSWOMEN. FENCERS BAREBACK TRAINED RIDERS ANIMAL ACTS Rose Dockreli. Herd of Elephants. Dolly Miller. Coairress of Seals. Estelle Settler. '"fi'J riWJ5? M'He Jalien. J"' Frank Miller. Broken to HamrK- Geoixe nolland. Cake-Walklac Austin Klnr. Stallions. 100 Shetland Jos. Lyons. Pony Ballet and Herbert Kotnley. Drill. Wm. Dutton. Trained Pelicans. Lovls Berc Piir. 20 JOLLY CLOWNS 20 Ezcltlnc Hippodrome, Chariot and Hurdle itacett. Grand Big Street Parade PRICES Adult, SOc; Children. J5c. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE, Resident Manager. (PHONE MAIN 868.) Thursday, Friday. Saturday Nights, May II, 12. is, moo. Special-Price Matinee Saturday. GRACE VAN STUDDIFORD In the Romantic Comic-Opera Success "RED FEATHER." Evening Prlces Lower floor, $1.50. Bal cony, first 0 rows. $1: last 0. T5c and SOc Entire gallery. SOc. Boxes and loges. $10. Matinee Trices Lower floor. 51. Balcony. 75c and 50c Entire gallery. SOc. Boxes and loges, $.50. Seats now selling. EMPIRE THEATER. Twelfth and Morrison. Fifth Week of Tremendous Success. EMPIRE STOCK COMPANY In High Class Plays. ADMISSION 10 CENTS Dally Matinees. 2:15.. Evening at 8:15. This week the screaming comedy "OUR BOYS" One long laugh from beginning to end. STAR THEATER Sw. B'URBANO'S ROYAL ITALIAN BAND Different Selections at Each Performance. THE BREWERS McINTYRE, FLETCHER & McINTYRE KINZO JOHN DREW KERRERA ROSCOE AK BUCKLE STABOSCOl'E Shows 2:30. 7:30, 0 P. M. Admission 10c GRAND THEATER - MR. 4fc MRS. JOS. J. DOWLING BELL QUARTETTE ROBERT ELD RIDGE CLEVER CONKEY THE JAMES CHRISTOPHER .MR. ALF BONNER THE GRANDISCOPE General admission. 10c, reserved seats, 20c; Box seats. 25c BAKER THEATER WEEK COMMENCING TODAY. OVERTURE. BAKER ORCHESTRA MISS ANNIE ABBOTT 5 MUSICAL LOVELANDS S JEAN WILSON IMPERIAL COMEDY FOUR DON EMERSON DUO GENE LITTLE ANITA BAKEROGRAPH Price of admission, 10c, Matinee and Night. Lewis ar Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get off at Hawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. BBectric elevator. Most magnificent view In America. Sea Beautiful effect ot powerful searchlight from top of .tower. Open 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. ADMISSION. 19 CENTS. Rose Eytinge Equipped by 40 years of EucceasfuJ pro fessional experience, prepares pupils In elocution for stage, pulpit, platform or so ciety. Apply personally or by fetter. 261 Thirteenth St NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD, JEWELRY. BOUGHT. MADS ever, excaaagea: CMHnonds. precious tanv toose aaa EBouaiea: waicaes. Jewelry rrDalrcd. uacie jajers, we jwer, 14J &, ntar Alder. PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON PLAN First-Clan Check Restaurant Connected WHh He tel. C O. DAVIS, Sec a ad Tre. NEW TODAY. Imjwtai k Ctniraciirs, IrcWiscfs, BricMajrx imI ike IwM'm PrslessiM in Geft&ra). Our old and genial friend Dick Dun. the brick maker In Portland's early days, has again sued his castor in the brick ring and the builders of our city can And him with his jfhlncle out at 273 Washington street and able to All any order In the brick line from looo to 100.000 and at any old place from j'omana Heights to the summit of old ML Hood. NEW HOME We offer for tale the beautiful and sightly home of the late Dr. Herbert Cardwell. 25th and Johnson. There are about 2b lots with new 11 -room "dwelling, built after the lat est dealgn, and will be ready for occupancy about June 1. For particulars see Grind maff & Schalk. 240 Stark st. A BARGAIN Nice little saloon on the East Side, choice location. Good tran sient trade. Address A. A. A., care Oregonian. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Oar rrcerds ar complete aad 9 te data, xuraisa abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa Improved Portland Ktal Ealat. CECUiUTl' ABSTRACT TKUST CO. Sli-Slft Chamber ut Coataaercs FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A MOUNTAIN HOME NO HILLS TO climb; Just the place to take your family for the Summer: close to railroad and one hour' ride by new gasoline motor; spring water, bouse, bam, woouened, two miles cood fence, la acres clear ana in crop: orcn ard; fine view from railroad; the best of soil: can be made into goon value lor iruit. garden, dairy or poultry ranch; low price; possession at once; nall payment flown, u. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder St. FOR SALE FOLLOWING PROPERITES murt be sold: no reasonable offer refused Lot 14. block 15. Piedmont: lot 4. block N. Tabor Heights; Lota 15. 10. block 11. River side; lots J-y, subdivision 4. oiocic s, lots 0. b. block 8. Southern Portland: lots 2. 3. 6. block 1. lot 1. block C. Raven's View: east half lot 4, block 24. Stephen' Addition; lot io. block so. uarutners Addition, inquire 11. li. xortnup, wasmngton bidg. AN IDEAL FARM Take posserclon now. 143 acres In the most prosperous rural district on the west aide, not far from Portland; To acrea crop. 23 ready to clear; fine timber, good buildings. abundance of fruit, all implements, livestock, 0 dozen chickens and most of crop goes; up per end of Valley; having fine outlook over beautiful landscape; an for $33 per acxe. is. S. Cook &. CO.. 251 Alder. A GOOD BUY 16 ACRES AT SOUTH MT. Tabor in Al cultivation: would plat nicely: .good school, plenty of water. Inquire at South Mt. Tabor Real Estate Office; take reservoir car on 1st at. HERMOSA PARK. SEASIDE IMPROVED lots- for sale; graded streets, sewers and water main; finest residence property on Clatsop Beach. A. Gilbert. Jr.. Seaside. Or. HAWTHORN E AVE OWNER WILL SELL free of agent's commission, brand-new mod ern 8-room bouse with large lot. easy in lntlmnt tmq f T Otpnnln READY JUNE FIRST-NEW MODERN SIX. room home. 21st and Vaughn: owner will in free ot agent s commission; easy In bailment terms. K 72, Oregonian. FOR SALE $2000 MODERN 7-ROOM COT- tage. with 3 lota and barn, with or without furniture, on AVoodstock car line. Inquire Mrs. J. vv. -xayior, ivannoe sia. GOOD INVESTMENT. HOME COMBINED New apartment-house. 4 apartments. 7 iuuuii cfltu, uui-aicr neai; mooern mrougnoui. . - u, uregoman. COR. 23D AND YORK STS.. OWNER OF fers for Hle free of agent's commission new modern six-room house, easy install- mpnt tprni T . TV Or.pnnlflft "WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $50001 0-room modern bouse and full lot. 349 29th at., near Savler; easy terms. For full particulars pnone Main 31C 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS- Barcalna on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lenta, or. Take Mt. Scott car, 5c FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 rooms. 3o it. .race tow. owner. Mrs. W. A. JJalr. The Brown. 2714 Grand ave- FOR SALE STRICTLY MODERN 5-ROOM cottage, new. full basement, double floors and fireplace. 735 E. Main St.. near 20tU. BEAUTIFUL QUARTER BLOCK. NOTITW west corner 22d and Kearney; easy terms. i-ranK u. roKer. owner. Hamilton bidg. MODERN SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. STONE walks, basement. $200 cash, balance to suit. G1Z commercial bidg. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN. LOT fruit tM Miuk. ,' rrif LOTS. 50X100. NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE and 40th St.; J 200. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 $1750 WILL BUY COTTAGE, PARTLY iurnirneu iuh iui, noi aiac. easy terms. J2250 MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BO-FT. Ut -.tnnt mlluf rhnlr fnilf m 722 E. Ankeny. MODERN HOUSE JUST FINISHED. Holladay3 Addition. Owner must sell. 6$. Oregonian. IN FOR RENT OR SALE 2 NEW HOUSES 6 or 8 rooms, close to Fair Grounds. 23d ana liwcctau CORNER LOT. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. CAR v-cr Side; 21000. 1. n -r,.. . FOUR LOTS, FAIRVIEW ADDITION East Portland; make R)t an offer. F Oregonian. nv B 4SV TERMS. 5-ftOOV -rT-n TT $1050; G-room modern house, J1S00. Phone xmsi via IUI.V rxrr. WITH STORJ. anti nnnuo Johntoa it, sear JSth; a barcala. 334 StUU I - I ACREAGE NEAR CAR U-ME. SxILSS FROM 1 Jtorntoa u ariarc. v. jew aauara. Kllwxu km ur FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRE TRACTS! 5-ACRB TRACTS! 19- acre tracts! within 3 miles ef Peruaad; all planted in fruit aad Tegetahies; on car line, county road aad Willamette River; nothing like -It offered; oae crop will ateost pay for It. Phone Mala S36S, and we will taka you to ee It. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO., 222 Falling bidg. AQRB TRACTS WE MAKE A SPBCIALTI or sasojing acreage; caoice- acre tracts zor homes, within, the city limits or outside: terms to suit. A. C. Churchill & Co.. lie Second st. BEAUTIFUL HOME NEAR THE LEWIS mansion, 8 rooms, house built 3 years, thor oughly modern and complete: reaay to occupy; might sell furniture: $1660 will handle It and monthly payments balance; you can get $500 back during Fair. North rup &. King. 211 Commercial blk. FOR S ALB QUARTER BLOCK SOUTHWEST corner ism ana East star su, a-story 9-room house aad 2-story bara; $000; terms 31000 down aad balance in annual payments of $1006. Mall & Co.. 393 East Burnslde, or telephone Private Exchange 31. FIVE NEW. MODERN HOUSES IN HOLLA- aay rarK Addition; also i cnoica iou: sireeu lsaproved. cement walks, sewer, or will build house to suit customers. Se R. B. Rico oa premise. East 22d aad Wasco, or W. O. Beck, 307 The Falling bidg. BY OWNER WEST SIDE HOME. 25 PER cent below cost, good 7-room no oae. ail mod ern conveniences, abundance of fruits and rosea: healthy and sightly, oa S car line. S07 Corbett et. STOP PAYING RENT. fHOUSE AND LOT 4pn. J10O down, installments, i'none jiain 5003. FOR SALE FARMS. i UARANTEED AS ADVERTISED ISO acres, with 20 acres under plow, balance land, covered with merchantable fir timber; land lays well and soil rich; S-acre orchard, bearing: bouse, barn and other buildings; live water; goSd outside range; 1 mile from steamboat landing on Cowlitz River and 3 miles from town on N. p. Ry.; price, J 1500, with good terms. 80 acres, with 20 acres under plow, balance onen nasture land and easily cleared, rich oil; land lays exceptionally good; 100 bear ing fruit trees; new 7-room house, large frame barn, good fences; with place goes team ot mares, span of 3-year-old colts, one yearling colt, saddle horse, 14-bead cattle, of which 8 are milch cows, mowing machine, hayrake, plows, harrows and other farming tools; In good community, close to school and 4 miles from town on N. P. Ry. and Columbia luver; price. $2500. witb terms on part. IMUS A WILLOUGHBY, Kalama. Washington. ONLY $1000.25 BUYS SO ACRES ON LEWIS river, a mile from town and it. it., 12 acres cleared. In good cultivation in crop; 15 acres pasture, easily cleared, nearly level, 2 acies young orchard. i acre old orchard, live water, good county road through place. 30 acres 2d growth fir. free dally mally. store and' P. O. 2M miles, small houee and stable. J. Clark. Hayes, wasti. ONLY ONE MILE FROM TOWN. 160 acres good land, 40 acres cleared. 30 acres hay meadow. S acres plow land. 2 acres orchard; well watered: 6-room bouse, large barn, fruit house: $2500. 40 acres good land. $250. Cowlitz County Land Co.. Kelso, wasn. FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER .THE "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from state; write or call today; oooicicts and map tree. is. a. ixoa es. uo.. ai Aider st., port' land. Or. Open evenings. Bargains In real estate Improved and partly improved lorms in iiunnoman ana uiactca mas Cos. List of prop, will be fur, on ap plication. Roberts & WIrtx, Gresbam. Or. FOB SALE LAND SCRIP. WE HAVE PRACTICALLY THE ONLY valid toresi reserve scrip on tne market. We handle all kinds. Public land practice. Collins Lano o.. uoncora oiag. FOREST RESERVE SANTA FE AND OTH. r guaranteed land scrip oa hand ready to locate. Maglnnls & sou. ZZf ratling bidg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. in flttST.r'.t.ASH TKI.I.nW TIW. TTMTim Claims, wen luimtu, ust cnauce to se cure vaiuauic uuiuuuiiui iuuus al muc cost. Whltten & Bryant, 718 Marquam Diag. RELINQUISHMENT FOR SALE WILL CUT 5.0C0.0O0 yellow nr and iarcn, near Port- land. 395 Third su. city. LOCATE R GOING WITH PARTY TO OPEN- Ing Forest Reserv tbls montn; fin timber. Phone Main 5741. Can, locate homesteads, timber claims. .Cen tral Oregon. T. M. O'Connell. Prlnevllle, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. 52WM to $10,000: also business properties. $5000 to $20,000. Have buyers, l.. av. WhIUng & Co., 408 Ablngton bidg. WANTED 5 TO. 10 ACRES. 4 OR 5-ROOM boaie; fruit, garden, witnin a mile of car- line; Jilt) down, balance on time. V 74, urcgonian. WANTED TO RENT. WITH OPTION OF purchase, modern suburban home, 105 acres. near car; reasonable, pnone Main 1070. WANTED Full or fractional lot; West Suit; cicse in; tor cajiu u wzs. oregonian. TO LEASE. TO LEASE ONE BLOCK FROM FAIR. 27TH and xnurroan sis; ground iuuxiuo; $ioa Mrs. c tntr, iou . i.tn su. los An geles. Cal. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles aad Uaraess. HORSES. WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL kinds of vehlelts bougnt, sold and rented. Hubert & Hau. 264 Ul l'Con Main 220S. SIX-YEAR-OLD BAY MARE. STUDEBAKER light top buggy, harness, robe, complete out' nt; price, jiuu. i-none tAst wot. BROWN MARE; C-TEAR-OLD; WEIGHS 1200 lbs.; perfectly sound every way; price, $85. 23 N. 14111 SU WE WANT TO BUY 25 MEDIUMIZBD horses. Tomllnton & Casslday, 211 Washing' ton st. FOR SALE 1 SPAN OF HEAVY HORSES well matched. Phone Front 20S2, or 900 Arbeit. HORSE FOR SALE WEIGHT 1350 LBS., 8 years oiu; tiia. west woasi utuncrj, at. Jonna. LARGEST STOCK OF NBW AND' 2D-HAND vehicles oa coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. ONE GOOD TEAM AND - HARNESS: ALSO steady job. K 73. care oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP. A TOP BUGGY IN good order. VI Ku&eell st. FOR SALE FINE YOUNG PONY. 432 E. Burnslde et. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterite; It colls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or i Dingles; best rcr sew roou. Elaterite Roofing Co.. room 2, Hamilton bidg. BRAND NEW DRE3S SUIT AND DINNER Jacket, tailor made, silk lined, best materi al. cost $115: for man 5 ft. 10 In., weigh! 170 lbs.; will sell for $75 aad pay for al terationa. V 85 oregonian. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL- ltard and pool tables; easy payments; wa rent tables, with privilege of baying: modera bar Oxturec, cneap pneea. JsruBiwicx-iiiike-Jol lender, 4 3d u FOR SALE PAIR WHITE RATS. HALF breed Angora cat. large ccmblBatlcn for all. 351 H Stark C. room 8. Call about 2-M afternoons, rattles leaving city. 2 1X3-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH WITH all fixtures: also boathouse: ' 3i -horse power; price. $373. Inquire 271 Couch st. WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR men's cast-off clothing, shoes aad hats. Call at 73 4 Si. 3d; pboae Green 428. FOR SALE 90 TONS BALED HAY; ALSO some choloe CoLswo-ld sheep. Edward L. ayior, J-orest urove. or. 1S-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH: IN KXCEL- isat caaaKiea nice, soa. w. j. Cleaaeas, . iarK sx. FOR SALE NEW AXD 5JBCOND-H AND toa fouataiasu. Zsortarep BXargls, 8 Froat. NEW AND 2D-HAND CASK R5GISTERS aad safes; easy pay a eats.- 33 Aakeay at. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 334 caaatber ot cocamerca or peaae Mala 3MB. FO RSALSV-SET OF ALUMINUM CHIMES 39 notes, earoatauc n if, ore-goatas. FOR SALE. MlsceUaaeea. MANTLE BED (DOUBLE); WILL PAY TO investigate. X 71, oregoalaa, or call Frost 871. FOR BALE 8 MILCH COWS. IN Al CONDI- Itlon, with route. 23S K. 39th at. HELP WANTED MALE. LABORBRS WANTED. This section Is short of able-bodied men for general common labor tor a variety of work at $2 to $2.25 a day. Come to Portland. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 29 North Second street. WE, WANT FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS MEN to represent us in every city and tewa ot Oreron and Washington. It you want a good paying and steady business write for particulars. Address Box 477, Portland, Or. 2 CARPENTERS. 13.50. 8 HOURS; 4 PAINT- ers. S3, 8 hours; laborers, quarrymen. farm hands. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North Second Street. YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE WORK, COL- lege experience, fso raontn; one drapery sales man, one carpet salesman: boy, some experi ence window trimming. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 295 Morrison. WANTED 10.090 LABORERS. LOGGERS, mill aad railroad work. IX you want work come to Portland; wages, $1.40 to $3 per day and hoard. Canadian Employment Co.. 249 Burnslde st. A GOOD SIDE-LINE OF FIREWORKS ON commlaslca for bustler tarosgn Eastern Ore gon. Idaho. Washington. Willamette Valley and oa the Sound; glva reference. T 49, Oregon lan. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN flomelng trade. Coyne Bros. Co... School of 'ractlcal Plumbing. 4073-75 Easton ava.. St. Louts. Mo.; 107-9 W. 3d at.. Cincinnati, O. WANTED FOR THE FAIR, CHORUS GIRLS. comedians, sister teams, sxeten teams, il lustrated song singers, novelty dancers, musi cians. 33l Morrison, room 12. WANTED OLD CLOTHING, SHOES. Highest prices paid for men's cast-off doth. Ing, old shoes. Call CO 3d, near Pine. Phona Hood 1S92. Orders attended to. A STRONG HEALTHY YOUNG MAN. GOOD penman ana experienced in receiving gouds for wholesale grocery bouse, wadnams fc Kerr Bros., Front and Oak sts. CARPET. SHOE. DRYGOODS SALESMEN otnee men, otner openings, fair ground ana out ot town secured. Business Men s Clear ing House. 504-5 McKay Bidg. WANTED A GOOD RELIABLE MAN WITH a little money, to manufacture and handle tne oest seller on tne coast; sometning new. m 1 3, oregonian. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. COMMISSION. newspapers, periodicals, publications. Clyde s special Agency. B3S cnamber of commerce. Established 1S96. MEN TO LEARN THE DETECTIVE BUSl- ness: paid while learning and work guar anteed: open evenings. Barrett. 2ti5 Morrison st., room 301. WE SELL 8ICK AND ACCIDENT BENE- flts that people want; splendid proposition to agents, union Mutual Aid Association, U5 Marquam. W'ANTED-CAPABLE MAN TO REPRESENT local institution; Al reference as to ability and character required. Address J 75, Ore gonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN wnoicsate waupaper noue; must, oe a wonter; state age and experience. R 74, care Ore- WANTED MATTRESS MAKERS AND BOYS to learn mattress making; good wages. Pe ters & Roberts Furn. Co.. 43 Front, corner uavis. Wanted Men to learn barter trade; steady practice: expert instructions: write for terms. Clllman'i College. C27 Clay at.. S. F. Columbus California wine depot: headauar- ters cooks, waiters, oartenaers. All wines sc per guts. p. LoratL 148 4th. Clay 1303. LOGGERS, MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS. laborers, otners work. See us. U. S. Env ployment Co.. 193 Morrison. Main 1322. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write. 007 McKay bidg. TRAVELING SALESMAN. CALLING ON SA loon and grocery trade, to handle good side line. W. H. coffin Fish Co.. Seattle. HERBERT J. BAUMANN. ADVERTISING solicitor, report with that advertising cut quick. 638 Chamber of commerce. $25 TO $65 PER WEEK MADE SELLING sick and accident benefits for the Union Mu tual Aid Am n. 705 Marquam Bidg. WANTED GOOD STOVE SALESMAN, travel apoKane territory; rererencea vt quired. Box 740, city. EXPERIENCED HAND FOR ALTERATION department suits, skirts, etc.; steady posi tion. 171 Bd si. CARPENTER; CAPABLE OF DOING GOOD nnisn woric Apply on job, Pettygrove, bet, Mta ana -isr. WANTED 3 FIRST-CLASS MARBLE AND granite cutters. Blaeslng Granite Co., 2tI7 xnira st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WOODTURNER. Address Aberdeen Mfg. Co., Aberdeen. Wash. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CABINET- maker and finisher. Apply I. Gevurtz Si Sons. 50 MEN AND BOTS TO WORK IN BRICK yard. 1209 E. Division st. Tel. Union 173. CAN USE A jGOOD TALKER ON A NEW proposition. Call today. 402 Mohawk Bidg. WANTED A FEW FIRST-CLASS SALES men; fastest seller on market. 427 Salmon FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUX try; big wages. 215 Commercial block. YOUNG FRENCHMAN WANTS PRIVATE teacher In Englleh. P 74. Oregonian. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT ONCE; reference required. 232 Stark at. BRIGHT BOY; 16 YEARS; STEADY Posi tion. Apply ill 3d st. DR. WALKER. 1S1 1ST, CURES ALL PRI vaie ciseaees 01 men. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN SMALL FAM- ily; muat know how to cook and not be afraid of work: suitable wages for girl of tills Kind, can for Mr. Bowman at the Brownsville woolen Mill Store. WANTED A TEACHER FOR SCHOOL DI3 trict No. 11. Wahkiakum County. Washing' ton: wage", $ a montn: length of term 0 months. Address Q i4, Oregonian. GIRLS DT IOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to sea us. Over 1080 positions every montn. Call aad register. Canadlaa Parlor, S2tf)a uemscn. Main isas. RAPID FREE-HAND PYROGRAPHIC BUR ner tor wood and leather: muat. furnish samples ot work. Address G 60, Oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY RE PRE seatatives In Portland and throughout state good pay. cau or write got McKay bidg. WANTED EXPERIENCED STARCHE RS. also body machine operator. Apply Star Laundry Co.. Union ave, and E. Ankeny. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; REF erence required. Apply S. E. cor. E. 12th ana scnuyier st.. or pnone East -Mtfii. WOMAN OF INTELLIGENCE AND REFINE- meat to travel for. old-established business house; references. Q 54, Oregonian. WANTED G IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking. Apply 645 Hancock et. tirvington). bet. a and 12 A. M. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO sell la sew telep&Bse Index. laqum W. J. uemeaa, za btarK C WANTED A GIRL IN PRIVATE FAMILY for general housework; must know how to cooic 427 wasalagton et. GIRLS FOR RESTAURANT AND HOTEL work, several housemaids. Alpine CO., 152. rirai su Jdain 191 1. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK. " wining to go to Coast July and August. ,,461 NEAT GIRL. GENERAL HOUSEWORK small family. Apply lw E. Davis, cor . 1V1B SU WANTED EXPERIENCED SEWERS AND apprentices. Mrs. Rolf sea. room 26 'Hamil ton maz- GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN cottage; family of two, K E. Mala, cer. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL. HOUSE- woric aad ceeiclag. 712 Hsyt; cor. 23d. WANTED GIRL TO WASH DISHES IN seartfiag-aeese. At 199 North 7th at. WANTED A GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN seuii laaaiiy. Apyly 39S Morrises. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HAVB YOU SECURED POSITIONS AT Fair? Ladiea aad ftestlemen wanted Imme diately for chorus, stage dancing, etc Stage eancing, vaudeville acting, singing, sKeicnes tangat; posit lona secured. Newraaa's School of Acting. 361H Morrison. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, WAIT- cra, csuaBcnsaios. general workers, au Louis Agency. 230H YamhilL Phone Main 5413. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK TO sceep at Dome; must have reference. 461H 6th st. YOUNG NURSB GIRL CARE FOR CHILD; imau sum per weeic. 4 Main. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worK; good wages. 803 Lovejoy. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL nouseworx. Apply 723 Gllsan st. f ANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 15 E. 17th. cor. E. Ash. GIRL FOR SECOND WORK.' PRIVATE FAM- iiy. wan moimngs, s ntn at. A YOUNG GIRL TO DO LIGHT HOUSE- work. Apply 224 E. 2d et., N. WANTED FIRST-CLASS VEST NIcoU, the Tailor. 108 Third st. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS; DE- cent ana steady. 212 2d st. GIRL FOR CHAMBER WORK. AT BAU- mann Hotel. 412 N. 10th. WANTED G IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB- work. 181 East 16th eU TAILORESS WANTED TO HELP ON coats. 120 7th st. WANTED A MILLINERY MAKER. AP- ply 352 Morrison. COOK WANTED GOOD WAGES. 721 FLAN- cers st. 1 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN watchmaking, engraving, jewelers work; only practical working school for jewelers; money made learning. Seattle Watchmaking and Engraving School, P.-L building, Seattle. BOOKKKEEPERS I HAVE A SYSTEM for checking calculations and posting with which an error is impossible. Will send to you for $X 8. O. Talt. Marlanna. Ark- 3 WAITRESSES, CHAMBERMAIDS. HOTEL cierits, starcher. housekeeper, Chinese, Jap anese, rarmnana, waiter, porter. Orakes, 2G5 Washington. WANTED PARTY TO INTERVIEW WELL- to-do class; what they say to carry weight; big money; steady position. Room 2. 43H 2d st. WANTED PIANIST FROM 3 TO 8 EVBN- Ings, immediately. Commercial Dining-room, 4ts3 wasnmgton st. WEAVERS WANTED BY THE PORTLAND Woolen Mills. Apply at the mill, St. Johns. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. A STENOGRAPHER OR BOOKKEEPER. OR both, by experienced young man. Al refer ences; machine furnished. G 75, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN (23) DESIRES clerical or officer work. O 74, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MAN OF GOOD EDUCATION AND AD dress seeks employment where Integrity and ratthrul services would aid advance' ment; references. . E 73, Oregonian. GOOD HARPIST AND VIOLINIST, MAN AND wife, desire engagement In cafe, restaurant or otner places. Address E. acnoncman, ucnerai oeuvery. uaxiano. cat. PIANIST FIRST-CLASS SOLO PIANO PLAY- er desires permanent engagement. Write to B. ue Bercey, parK Hotel. Court St., nut falo. N. Y. A FIRST-CLASS JOURNEYMAN M1LL- wrlght wants work: prefer flour mill work. Address B. U O.. Vlsla Mills, Viola. Or. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers, all kinds of beip. Black sez, 2B3 Everett st. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION EV- ery afternoon: housework, dish washer and porter. 4 j. 1st su BY YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED IN grocery and coffee business; knows the city Phone Main 4544. JAPANESE COOK WANTS SITUATION IN famliy, wasn disnes or nouseworic, any piace. 273 Burnslde St. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN 10 uiks care ql uurcs aau law us. x. ., YOUNG MAN WANTS TO WORK FOR FIRST- class shoesblner; good experience. Y i4 Oregonian. JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS COOK. WANTS situation to do cooking. 45 N. 1st st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. WANTED BY REFINED. MIDDLE-AGED woman, light housework In homelike fam ily: good, home preferred to big wages li ,5. care oregonian. ctTn 1 Tinv to a VTCn MnrtiPR a xn daughter, cooking and second work; private .-.il.. -11' -Vo Villl hstnn Xfoln REFINED MIDDLEAGED WOMAN DESIRES to assist housework-; small nomelike tamny 230!$ Yamhill, phone Main 5413. GIRL WANTS PLACE AS COOK. IN RBSTAU- rant. hoarding-house or notel. 508 Tburman Housekeepers. housekeeper by a acotcn iaay; iuiiy capame owers lamuy. tan ai .ws ji . ruum VERY REFINED. CAPABLE LADY DESIRES situation, managing houssKeepmg. notei, widower's family or care of Invalid. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. Dressmaking. FASHIONABLE MILLINER, 348 YAMHILL . i will visit your nome dy tne aay. ite modeling a specialty. Prices reasonable-. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED BY REFINED, competent German lady with child 10 years; good Housekeeper. Address a 75, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED CHAMBERMAIDS. cooks, nouseworic ginz. nunn, wwitcac!, second girls.' 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. -n- 1 -V-T-t-O CTTTT ITIdV flV T.VTR RROirVD. can hold position of trust; references- Ad dress L. -ta xnira su, city. ivTr.wTTrvr,prn vnirKCi UDT. WITH REF. crences. wants position In millinery store as saleslady. Y. W. C A. YOUNG LADY DESIRES TO DO OFFICE work: can operate a maenme. T 74, care Oregonian. EXPERIENCED COOK "WISHES SITUATION In hotel or boarding-house. B 67, Oregonian. NORWEGIAN WOMAN WANTS POSITION as cook for camp. k. i4, oregonian. LACE CURTAINS AND FANCY LAUNDRY done at home. Phone East 38SS. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED IN FIRST- class style. Phone Union 2127. 1 WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED. To sell our 5-plece set of Bohemian Sanitary Cooking Vessels to consumers. The greatest, money-making proposition ever offered to a canvasser.- . . One agent made over $2400 In Jess than three IC you mean business, send .25 cents to cover postage on complete canvassing ouim wun which to begin work. THE J. W. M'COY POTTERY CO., ROSEVirXE, OHIO. WANTED TWO LADIES FOR CITY AND two to travel. Call room 2, 22S 5th su. from 19 A. M. to 5 V. M. LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW. GOOD B!r. big wages. 2IS Commercial blk. WANTED TO RENT. SIX. TO EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. BY JUNE 1. permaneat oauple no children. Addrses -471 Morrises. HOUSE WITH ABOUT FIVE ROOMS WANT , ed. P 72. Oregsalaa. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Rooms for the Exposltiott f tla all parts of the- city. Apply Exposition Accommodation Bureau. 200 to 203 Goodnough building. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Exposition Corporation. , Phone Mahu6293. ROOMS. Owners of private residences in Su Louis took advantage of the Fair and made lout of money renting their rooms; why not you? We guarantee to send you. first-class peopl wno pay first-class prices for nicely fur nished rooma. Book now with H. C. bowers. Portland Hotel, or the LewUt and Clark Ho tel Co.. 133 Sixth su. Oregonian bidg. Phona Main 298. ELLIS & GIBSON. Room 21. Cambridge bidg.. S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. Pnone Main 4775. will rent your furnished house for the Summer; we have the- right-kind of ten ants. WANTED FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD in private family, by young? lady attending business college. Address G 74, care Ore gonian. FOR FIVE MONTHS 9 TO 10-ROOM HOUSE. furnished, select neighborhood, modern, near , transportation: an exceptionally good ten ant. Al 81. Oregonian. WANTED BY 2 YOUNG MEN. A SUITE OR 2 single rooms, with modern conveniences. In a private family; board Included. Address W 74. care Oregonian. WANTED A SMALL NICELY FURNISHED cottage or flat, by man and wife, baby 1 year old, best of references; prefer suburb. D 74, Oregonian. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE. FIVE TO seven rooms, in or near Portland, from June to October; family ot four adults. C 6S, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED 5 OF 6- room house or flat. West Side; walking dls taonc;; reasonable rent. H 74, Oregonian. WANTED TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; iumisned;. -walking distance union Depot, u 75, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. . THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUYS all kinds of furniture, new or old. at 211 1st su Phone Main 5655. WANTED A SMALL PONY FOR LITTLE girl aged S years; must be kind and gentle. Addrees P. O. Box 215. Vancouver, Wash. wanted men's cast-off clothino and shoes; highest price paid. Call at u "Fair DeaL" t!2 N. 3d. Pnoaa Hood 517. USE OF HORSE FOR LIGHT DELIVERY for his feed; good care. Address j 71. Ore gonian. WANTED-ONE TO 200 CHICKENS. MUST be good layers. Address S 74, care Ore gonian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tla ot all kinds. Phona East 2231 WANTED A LITTLE BABY ONE WEEK old to keep. S 74, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE AUDITORIUM. 20Stt 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon, 1 block south of Baker Theater Elegantly new furnished, steam heat, hot. cold running water In rooms; frea bath, rooms with private baths; elevator: $3.50 week up; $1 day; tourists solicited. HOTEL ARMINIUS EUROPEAN. MODERN. brick; Just completed and elegantly furnlsneU; electric lights, free bath and phone, hot and cold running water In rooms; tourists and traveling men llclted: rates reasonable. 410Vi Morrison st.. cor. 11th. COMMERCIAL HOTEL NEW BUILDING with everything new throughout, elegantly furnished, sunny rooms, modern conveni ences;, prices reasonable- 492 Washington. HOTEL VAN NOV, 52 3D. COB, PINE ' Finest furnished rooms In city, all moaern conveniences, hot and cold water, heat in all room and bells; bath free; $1 day up. ROOMS! WHY SLEEP IN MUSTY. iL. tu nnelling rooms, when they can be hau In bran new modern bouse at same price; ele gant location. 414 Jefferson, cor. 11th. THE COSMOS. S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOK- rlson; best down-town rooms in tne city; utt and service night and day; rates $3.50 per week and up. Including bath; $1 day. THE KINGSTON ROOMS. 100 3D. AD- Jolning Baker 'l neater, centra uy locaieu. brick building; special attention given to tho traveling public Phone Hood 057. THE MAYFAIR ELEGANTLY FURNISHED transient rooms; new building, an modern conveniences. 293 Stark su, corner 5th. Phone Main 2057. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLEMAN; central location; pleasant surroundlngd; price reasonable; gas, phone and bath. 41 E. 8th st., N. THE ELM. 121 AND 125 13TH. COR. WASH- ington raeganuy mruiaiicu for tourists; bath, phone. Mrs. Robertson. manager. FINE LARGE FRONT ROOM. $1.30 PER night, or terms by week; phone, bath, -lsftga veranda, private family, central. 394 Yam hill. TWO LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, one with alcove, hot, cold, running water in rooms, near Washington su 86 Park su NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR TRANS ient; bath and free phone; 50c, 75c and $L per day. 200 Jefferson, opposite City Hall. 251 ALDER. NEAR 8D ST. NEW BRICK building; pleasant furnished rooms; new, up-to-date; $2.50 to $4 week; 50c to $1 day. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GEN tleraan; bath, phone, walking distance, one block from Morrison. 187 Chapman. FURNISHED ROOMS: MODERN. NEW house, bath, gas, phone; half block from car line. East Side. Phone East 3110. 2 DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR RENT TO PER manent people through Exposition; 10 blocks from entrance. 764 Kearney su 433 ALDER ST.. COR. 12TH NICELY FUR nUhed pleasant front rooms, convenient and central. Phone Main 3994. STRANGERS WHILE SEEKING LOCATION3 will find pleasant rooms four blocks from. Hotel Portland. 230 6th. NICELY FURNISHED BAY-WINDOW FRONT room. In private family; centrally located. Inquire 505 Everett su 163 10TH NICELY FURNI3HED FRONT and side rooms: running water; by the day or week. 230 7TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED room for rent; suitable for two; gas, bath, phone. NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOM; PHONE, bath; private house: references; close In. 2W 7th st. WELL-FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOMS; REA sonable. 445 5th st. Take 5th-au car from depot. 170 10TH. NEAR MORRISON NICELY FLR nlshed rooms; gas, phone, bath; day or week. 27 WEST PARK NICELY FURNISHED rooms; light and clean; use ot bath. Mala 1351. FOR RENT A VERY LARGE ROOM. CEN traL suitable for sample-room. Phone East 433. LODGING. 50C UP. 504 WASHINGTON st , beU 15th and 16th; also 235 Clay, cor. 2d. 3S9 ALDER ST. LARGS FRONT ROOMS, with or without hoard, all conveniences. FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH AND ALL modern conveniences. 67 North 20th U 393 12TH NEWLY FURNISHED; PRIVATE family:-Jath. gas, phone: reasonable FOR RENT SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED, rooms. The Jefferson, 5th and Jefferson. Cheapest and beat-located rooms In Portias!, $1 week up. Gilman. 1st and Alder sts. ROOMS FURNISHED OR-UNFURNISHED; adults only. 2t 14 th. near Jefferson. 41 ELLA. NEAR WASHINGTON. FUR nished rooms, oath, gas, phone. THE STERLING. 533 COUCH. COR. 16TH St. Rooms and boards Phone Main 439. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS board; gas, bath, phone. 38 7th. WITH FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD, $IT per month. 515 Nor thru p. A'MBRICAN EXCHANGE. 298 FRONT ST. Newly furBlshed rooms. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM: street. 22s, FIFTH