THE MOANING OBEGOXIAtf, MONDAY, MAT 8, 190o.. 11 em i. m OUT OF THE BOX Siwashes Also Get Busy With Jones, Who Goes In in the Eighth. ROACH STEADY IN PINCHES With Men on Second and Third in the Sixth the Seattle Pitcher Strikes Out Three of the Giants. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Yesterday's Scores. Portland, 4; Seattle. 9. Tacoma, 0-0; San Francisco, 11-4. Standing of the Teams. Won. Lost. P.C. Tacoma .22 13 .r620v Oakland 19 10 -M3 San Francisco 19 17 .528 Ivw Angeles 15 10 .461 Portland 14 21 .400 Seattle 14 21 .400 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Standing of the Teams. Won. Lost P.C New Tork 14 4 .776 Pittsburg 11 7 .U Chicago 12 8 .600 Philadelphia S S .600 Cincinnati 9 9 .500 Brooklyn .. 9 12 .429 Boston 6 13 .316 St. Louis 5 13 .278 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Standing of the Teams. Won. Loj. P.C. Cleveland 10 7 .560 St. Louis .....10 7 .560 Philadelphia 9 7 .f.58 Washington .10 9 .520 Chicago 8 8 .500 New York 7 8 .467 Detroit 7 11 .389 Boston 7 11 .SS3 SEATTLE, Wash.. May 7. (Special.) Seattle made it fQur out of six by bat ting Garvin out of the box today. Jones, who replaced him in the eighth Inning, was very wild and the locals cinched the game by making four runs off of three passes, a sacrifice and three hits. Roach was hit hard, but was very steady in the pinches, and he was given gilt-edge support. With men on second and third in the sixth inning, when a hit would have tied the score. Roach struck out McLean, Runkle and Mitchell in a row. He also struck out McLean and Mitchell in the eighth when any kind of a hit would have given Port land tr.e lead. Johnny Kane led the procession at the bat. He gave his teammates confi dence in the first inning by rapping Garvin for a two-base hit his rlrst time up. The locals were downcast because Portland had made two runs In the opening inning and when Garvin Is right, two runs are enough to win. Kane got a single off Garvin in the seventh and he faced Jones for the first time in the eighth, with two men on bases. Jones gave him one on the outside corner, and he rapped it to right field for three bases. That broke up the party, for McLean, Schlafly and the rest simply laid down and quit be hind Jones. There was a bumper crowd and the game was enjoyed, for there were lots of hits, lots of runs and plenty of er rors. Mitchell at first was very weak. Houtr got out of the game in the third because of a sore heel. Shields replaced him and made one swell catch and two nice hits. The score: SEATTLE. AB. R. Hi. PO. A. E. Kane. 3b...... 5 3 3 1 10 Miller, rf .. 3 3 3 2 O 0 Houtz. If 2 0 110 0 Shield?. If 3 0 2 1 0 0 Kemmer. lb 4 0 1 4 o o Frary. c 4 0 1 11 3 1 McHale. cf 4 1 12 0 0 Khali, 3 10 110 Burns. 2b 4 114 4 1 Roach, p 3 0 10 10 Totals 35 9 13 2Q 10 2 Schlafly out, bunted third strike. PORTLAND. AU Atz. M 3 Van Buren, if 5 Householder, cf 4 Schlafly. 2b 5 McCredle. rf 4 R. IB. PO. A. E. 2 113 1 1 3 4 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 1 1 O 0 0 0 15 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 1 0 1 0 3 2 0 110 0 4 13 24 9 5 Runkle. ss 3 Mitchell, lb 4 Garvin, p ... s Jones, p 1 Totals 3(j SCORE BY INNINGS. 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 4 9 Seattle Hlti Portland ...... Hits ....a 0 1 1 0 2 3 3 13 ...-2 O10 0OO1 -O 4 ....2 0 3 1 1 1 2 2 1-13 SUMMARY. Earned run Portland, 1. Tw o-baw hits Kane. Kemmer. Houtz. Mc Lean, Householder. Thee-bi? hit Kane. Sacrifice hits Miller. Roach, Householder. McCredie. Stolen bases-Miller. McIIale, Burnc Atz. van Buren. Inning pitched by Garvin, 7: hits, 10; runs. U ilruc .out' 5; baecs on balIs. 1; it by pitched ball. 1. Innings pitched by Jon. 1; runs. 4; bit. 5 . ba,lfl- s- w,,d Pitches. 1: struck ,, by Kach. 11; bawsa on balls, 3; passed balls. Fran- 1, McLean 1. Left on bases Seattle 10; Portland. 10. Time of game One hour and 55 minutes. BREAK EVEN AT TACOJIA. Batsmen of Seals and Tigers Take Turns at Pitchers. TACOMA. May 7. Tacoma and San Francisco broke even on today's double header, the home team winning four of the series of six. In the morning. Kecfo got a bad start, retiring after one 'inning. Fitzgerald lasted but one inning and Lynch pitched the remainder of the con test The Tacoma players could not hit "Whalen to advantage and were shut out. In the afternoon the Tacomas had on their batting clothes. Eagan making two home runs in succession. The visitors tried hard but could not overcome Ta coma' s lead. The scores: Morning game R.H.E. Tacoma ...000000000-0 6 6 San Francisco 55000100 11 11 0 Batteries Keefe, Fitzgerald. Lynch, Graham and Hogan; Whalen and Shea. Afternoon game R.H.H. San Francisco 0 10 0 0 2 01 04 6 2 Tacoma 2 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 9. 13 0 Batteries Wheeler. Wilson and Shea; Fitzgerald and Graham. Umpire Klopf. PACIFIC XATIOXATj IjEAGUE. Spokane 7, Ogden 5.' SPOKANE. May 7. After having the gume all but won, Ogden weakened In the sixth Inning. Spokane hitting the ball hard. Together with passed balls, two errors by Glmlin and a fancy home run. the locals made five runs. In the next Inning another four-bagger netted two runs for Spokane. Thompson was mis erably supported. Score: R.H.E. Spokane 0 0000520 0-7 72 Ogden 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0-5 U 5 Batteries Thompson and Hansen: Gil patrick, Mclnnis and Lewis. Umpire McRae. Boise 14, Salt Lake 5. BOISE. Idaho. May 7. The Boise men started In today to even up the defeats of the two previous days and slaughtered the Salt Lake visitors. The latter could do little with Stelz's delivery, while Dur ham and Quick were hit freely. The score: H.H.E. Boise 4 0 2 8 0 5 0 0 "14 10 3 Salt Lake ...0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 6 2 Batteries Stelz and Hanson; Durham, Quick, Leahy and Suess. XATIOXAIi IiEAGUE. Brooklyn 4, Philadelphia 2. BROOKLYN, May 7. A batting rally by the local men when two were out in the seventh inning brought in three at a stage when the visitors seemed to have the vic tory well in hand. The attendance was 10.000. The score: R.H.E.1 R.H.E. Brooklyn 410 l Philadelphia ..2 3 2 Batteries Scanlon and Rltter; Duggleby and Dooin. Chicago 3, St. Louis 0. CHICAGO, May 7. Chicago made it four straight from St. Louis today. Tay lor's only pass was turned into a run. his wild pitch gave another, while Schulte's triple and a fumble by Brain scored the third. Two pretty double plays spoiled all chances for St. Louis scoring. The attendance was 14,000. The' score: R.H.E.1 R.H.E. Chicago 3 3 3SL Louis 0 5 2 Batteries Brlggs and O'Neill; .Taylor and Grady. Umpire KleL Pittsburg: 4, Cinclnnutl 3. CINCINNATI. May 7. Ewing's spit ball failed to obey instructions today, and the Pittsburgs won out In the tenth Inning. Three of their four runs were scored -on bases on balls and wild pitches. Robert aille was hit hard, but poor base-running prevented the Cincinnatis getting much benefit therefrom. The score: R.H.E.1 R.H.E. Cincinnati ....3 10 3Plttsburg 4 6 2 Batteries Ewing and Schlel; Robertaille and Peltz. Umpires Auswine and Emslie. AMERICAN LEAGUE. St. Louis 2, Detroit J. ST. LOUIS, May 7. SL Louis won to day, making a clean sweep of the scries. Sudhoff and Mullin did the pitching, and Sudhoff won through fast fielding behind him. Three double plays from the out field, two of them engineered by Koeh Hnger. were features. ThCy.attcndance was 11.200. The score: R.H.E.1 R.H.E. St. Louis 2 7 l Detroit 1 7 1 Batteries Sudhoff and Weaver: Mullin and Drill. Cleveland 2, Chicago 0. CHICAGO. May 7. Chicago was unable to hit Rhodes, who pitched in good form, allowing only two scattered hits. The at tendance was 1S.7). The score: R.H.E.1 R.H.E. Chicago 0 2 2 Cleveland 2 7 1 Batteries Owen and McFarland; Rhodes and Bcmis. Hoquiam Wins in New Park. ABERDEEN. Wash., May 7. (Special.) Several thousand persons attended the opening of Electric Park today, which was dedicated by the Hoquiam and Ab erdeen ball players. The day was fine and the street-car service was taxed to carry the crowd. The park, on which the street railway company Intends to spend 130,000 and for which a landscape gardnener from Portland has been en gaged, lies between Hoquiam and Aber deen and will be the only park that Gray's Harbor boasts of. Besides the throng of persons from both cities there were present the Councils and Mayors of the two towns. The ball park Ls one of the finest on the Pacific Coast, and its completion will add much to the Interest of baseball on the harbor. The game today resulted In a score of 4 to 1 in favor of Hoquiam. Iieapue Formed at North Yakima. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. May 7. (Spe cial.) Representatives of the ball teams of Ellcnsburg, Prosset. Pasco and North Yakima met here this evening and or ganized the Yakima Valley Baseball League. A merles of games will be ar ranged "between the club for tiie season and outside clubs will be challenged to play. The game here today between Prosser and North Yakima resulted in a score of 4 to S in favor of Prosser. Golns, for merly of the North Yakima team, pitched for Prosser. and Rooney, formerly of Seattle, pitched for North Yakima. The first game of the league will probably be played next Sunday at Prosser between that team and the team of this place. Olympla Scores the Most. OLYMPIA. Wash., May 7. (Special.) In the Southwest League game here to day the score was: RHE R HE Olympia 5 5 4Montesano.... 4 3 4 Batteries Clark and Boe'ttlgor: Porter and Edwards. AUTO - BOATS LEAVE ALGIERS Choppy Sea at Start or Loup Race to Toulon. ALGIERS. May 7. Seven auto-boats started today in the long-distance race from this port to Toulon. The boats left the harbor at 6 o'clock this morning. Lewis Nixon's Gregory, which was to represent the United States In the con test, was not present. Every precaution has been taken to prevent mishaps, two cruisers and seven torpedo-boat destrov crs accompanying the racers. The sea was somewhat choppy, which Interfered with the progress of the boats. A mail steamer which arrived here this afternoon reports passing the boats, two of which were being towed. Their arrival at Port Mahon is expected tomorrow. WEBB WINS MATCH RACE. Barney Oldflcid and Earl Kiscr Were His Opponents. ST. LOUIS. May 7. By winning two heats, the last an extra, necessitated by winning one race, A. C Webb, driving a "Stock" car. today defeated Barney Oldfield and Earl KIscr In their three cornered special match, the feature of the automobile races held at Delmar race track. The summary: First heat, three miles A. C. Webb won: time. 4:56 4-5. Second heat, two miles Barney Oldfield won: time. 2:5S. Third heat, two miles Earl Klser won: time. 8:31. Final heat, two miles A. C Webb won; tune. 3:30. Tired and nervous women find held in. Hood's "Sarsapartll." Ia enrich ee their Woo. STEM ENTRIES Nominations for Big Events at Irvington and,Meadows. EASTERN MEN ARE ANXIOUS Ask That Stakes Be Reopened That . They May Come in Too, but This Is Refused by Presi dent Williams. SEATTLE, Wash.. May 7. (Special.) The stake-book, containing the nomina tions for the big stake events which will be raced for at Irvington track at Port land and at the Meadows, are out and show that the list is made up of some of the best horses that raced In California. It took considerable hustling last year to get the stakes all filled, but this year, on account of the turf war. in the Middlo West, owners and trainers have Jumped at the chance to enter their horses in the various stakes. Since the stake-book has been Issued. President Williams, of the California Jockey Club, under whose auspices the northern racea are conducted, has re ceived several telegrams from Eastern horsemen, asking that the stakes be re opened, so that they could make nomina tions. This was refused because It would not be fair to those who remained on tho Coast and placed their nominations when the entry blanks were passed around. Barney Schreiber. owner of a stable of splendid two-year-olds, has wired, asking for stalls, and will send between eight and ten youngsters to Portland. Schrie ber would like very much to enter a couple of his baby racers in the kinder garten stakes which the Irvington Fair Association have on the HsL He cannot do this, but In all probability special stake events will be arranged during 'the meet ing by Handicaper Horace Edgbert, with the consent of the association. Among the old favorites, horses that are well thought of In Portland, entered in the various stakes, will be Bummer, Forest King, Instructor. Suburban Queen, MIsty's Pride and many others. Sad Sam, Hulford, Bombardier, Horatius. Judge and a host of other new horses, all of which In the past " have beon shipped East to race, will face Starter Fred Mt:Ihol!and. Following are the stake events and the entries: Opening Handicap, $750. Seven Furlongs. For 3-year-olds and upward; $7.50 to accom pany the nomination: $25 additional to start. The Multnomah Fair Association to add an amount sufficient to make the total value of the stake $750. of which $100 td eecond and $50 to third. Weights' to be announced Wednesday. July 19. To be run Saturdey. July "f. E. Baird'A Bailey, ch. g., 3. by Tyrant Sheena. Van. Baker City Stable's Charley Schweizer. b. g.. 4, by Libertine AUMsa. Mrs. T. H. Boyle's Step Around, ch. m.. 3, by St. George Gadabout. J. IL Brannan'a Hulford, ch. g.. 4, by Crelghton Nellie Belle. Cleal &. Sturgeon's Mentelcnc, b. f., 3, by Gymnast Montolla; Wenrick. ch. h., 4, by Pirate of Penzance Mis Celestlna. J. P. Clifford's Angelica, b. f., 3, by Mon tana Angellque. Mrs. J. Coffey's Ocyrohc, b. fc., 4. by Dr. McBrlde Ocypetc. John C Davidson's Mogregor. b. c. 3, by ML McGregor II Model II. A. T. Dobcon'a .Epicure, b. g.. 5. by Dare bin Fclukah. W. P. Fine's Barkyllte. b. g.. C, by Star Ruby Hinda Dwyer. Flour de Lis Stable's Alice Carey., b. in.. 3, by Trappean Abbio F. Mrs. F. Gabriel's Dod Anderson, b. m., 4, by The Comomner Leola. Vic Gilbert' Whoa Bill. -b. h., 4, br Yo EI Itcy Maintop. . Jamr Henderson's Red Tip, b. h., 0, by Or der Zantlppa. Jones & Co.'s Tam O'Shantcr. b. g.. 5, by Kingston Ben Ma Chrec. J. Madbton'a Tocalaw. ch. h., 4, by BasseUaw La Toqucra; Sol Llchtcnsteln. Wk. g.. 6. by St. George Ada. H. EL MaglH's Prickles, ch. L, 3, by Knight of the Thistle Medallion. W. P. Magranc's Ed Lllbum, eh. g.. a., by Bright Phoebus Lovellght. Multnomah Stable's Major Tcnny, b. g 6, by Tcnny Rose; Oronte, br. h.. ft, by Orna mentJudith. P. Murphy's Dutiful, sr. h.. 4. by Faraday Slipalong. J. C McCIary & Co.'e Tart, b. t.. 3, by Tar coda In o. T. E. McLaughlin's Sea Air, br. I., 3, by Pirate of Penzance Fragrance, McGlttrick & Crysler"s Briarthorpe. blk. g., 4, by Meadowthorpc Bramble Leaf, Need more Stable's Instructor, br. h.. 4, by B rutin Initiation. J. PeKcrs Golden Light, ch. g.. a., by Flambeau Experiment B. J. Ranwey's Baker, b. c. 3. by Sir Mo ri red Quadrant; Bombardier, b. g.. 4. by Maxio Middle Dwyer; Judge, Wk. r.. 4. by Athellng Judy. P. S. Hickman's Pure Dale. b. ra., a., by Puryear D. Alma Dale. H. E. Kowell'a Hush McGovran. ch. c. 4, by Slcipner Sieve; Iredus, b. h., 6, by Golden Garter Iris; Corn Blossom, b. c, 3, by A hereon-. Thankful Blaisom; Llllltus, A. c, 3, by Brutus Llllita. Stockton Stable's Indina. b. m., 5. by Indlo Vestlna. G. Summers & Co.'s Indicate, ch. c. 8, by Kismet Victoria; Robert Mitchell, b. c, 3, by Kismet Carrie Dare. L. H. Tarpley' Constanza. br. m., 4, by Emperor of Norfolk La Plata. J. F. Winter's Suburban- Quran, ch. ra.. 5, by Ornament Lucy Crockett; Whiskey King, ch. n.. 5. by Kantaka Genevieve, The Oregonian Handicap, $G00. lire Fur longs. A handicap for 2-year-olds (foals of 1003): $5 to accompany the nomination; SZ0 addi tional to start. The Multnomah Fair Associ ation to add an amount sulflcient to make the value of the stake $600. of which $100 to sec ond and $50 to third. Weights to be announced Wednesday, July 26. Winners of other than a selling race after the weights are announced to carry 5 pounds extra. To be run Satur day, July 29. F. H. Bell's ladora, ch. f.. 2. by Sir Walter JltansI McKenna. E. E. Burnett's Rotreu. ch. g., 2, by Rouv seau Tillle Andrew; Puladla, ch. f, 2, by Pa ladin Wllda, D. S. Fountain's Boloman, b. c, 2, by David Tcnny Ella Boland. Garden City Stable's Novi. ch. c, 2, by VI shun Nonle. V. Gilbert's April's Pride, ch. f 2, by Lleber Karl Margaret A. Ira Glarccock's Ralncloud, b. f., 2. by Rain bow Reeca. H. Green's Ebel Thatcher, b. c. 2. by Pirate of Penzance Rosanna; Miss Spokane, b. f.. 2, by Inspector B. Nautllla; Major ltoth. b. f.. 2, by Ed Farrall-Klnks. J. Hanna & Co.'s K If brook, br. f., 2, by Kismet Brook. S. Judge & Co. Legal Form. b. c, 2. by Eddie Jones Mortgage. Mrs. J. Kenny's Temptation, ch, c. 2, by Salvation Sunny Plains; Dubois, Jr., chT c., 2. by Salvation Idanlla. ' J. Dc La Montanya'a Lorena M.. ch. f. 2. by The Elector Clara Fields; James L. M., ch. c. 2. by Charade Fig Leaf. P. Murphy's Dick Wilson, br. c,, 2, by Hawthorne Emma Scott. P. McAullffe's First Lake. ch. f., 2. by First Tenor Lake Co. J. C. MeClary & Co.'s Gold Dart, oh. g.. 2, by Rnlnsrt Iro. T. E. McLaughlin's Santee. br. c, 2. by San tello Loyaaa. Ncedmore Stable's Meteor, ch. b,. 2 by Bru tus CypieUe. J. Quintan's Alma Boy. ch. c. 2. by Salva tion Sweet CaporaL J. U. Spratt'A Southern Lady II. b. T.. 2 by Kismet Elleena. H- Stoyers Canopa. b. f, 2. by Canopus Jo Viva. G. Summers & Cc'a Equorum Rex. b c. 2. by Brutut Ledalia; Arestallator, b. c, 2. by In stallator Arethusa. Multnomah Handicap, S750. One Mile. A handicap for 3-jear-olds and upward; $7.50 to accompany the nomination; $25 additional to start. The Multnomah Fair Association to add an amount sufficient to make the value of the t take $750, of which $100 to second and $50 to third. Weights to be announced Wednesday. August 2. Winners of other than a selling race after the weights are an nounced to carry S pounds extra. To be run Saturday. August 5. F. E. Balrfi's Freesals, ch. h.. 4. by Haw thorne Miss Mayma. Baker City Stable's Mindanao, b. z.. 4. by St. Andrew Illuminating; SUIIcho. b. g., 5, by St. Andrew Angellque. L. A. Bansack's Blfesful, cb, so., G, by" Magnet Bliss. Mrs. T. II. Boyle' Step Around, chl m.. -3, by St. George Gadabout. J. H. Sreaiiaa's Hulford, ch. g., 4, by Crelgh oton Nellie Belle. O. Wi Cabin's Los Angeleno. b. g.. S. by P-ey el Santa Anita Loa Angeles. deal & Sturgeon's Wenrick. ch. h., 4, by Pirate of Penzance Miss Celestlna. Mrs. J. Coffee's Ocyrohe, b. h.. 4, by Dr. McBrlde Ocypcte. John C Davidson's Metre ror, b. c, 3, by Mt. McGregor 11 Model II. A. T. Dobson's Epicure, b. g., 5, by Dare bin Felukah. Fleur de Lis Stable's Moor. ch. 5., 6 by Mo rocco Klsbern; Briers, b. m., 5, by PcrblaUe Bramble Leaf. D. S. Fountain's Hooligan, b. g., 3, by Eddie Jones Hoolou. V. Gilbert's Whoa. Bill. b. b,. 4, by To El Rey Maintop. Jones Sc. Luak'fl Tam O'Shanter, b. g., by Kingston Ben Ma Chrec. Fred Justice's Platonlus, ch. g.. 6, by Rous eeau Young Flush. J. A. Lynch & Co.'s Harry Beck. b. g., 6, by Jim Gore Melody. J. Madison's Tocalaw, ch. b., 4, by Basset law La. Toquera, W. P. Magrane's Magrane, blk. h., 4, by Balgowan Amelia May. Multnomah Stable's Oronte. br. h., 5. by Ornament Judith; Major Tenny, b. g., 6, by Tenny Rose. P. Murphy's Dutiful, gr. h., 4, by Faraday Sllpalong. J. C. McCIary & Co.'s Tart, b. m., 3, by Tarcoola lno. McGlttrick & Chrysler's Briarthorpe, blk. g. 4. by Meadowthorpe Bramble Le&f. TJ E. McLaughlin's St. George. Jr.. blk. h., 4, by St. George Gadabout. Needmorc Stable's Instructor, br. b,, by Brutus Initiation. J. Pclter's Ralph Toung. br. b,, 4, by Oak wood Freyja. E. J. Ramsey's Judge, blk. b,, 4. by Athel-Ing-Judy; Bombardier, b. g., 4, by Maxio Middle Dwyer. H. EL Rowell's Iredus. b. h.. 5. by Golden Garter Iris; Corn Blossom, b. c. 3. by Aber corn Thankful Bloeom; Hugh McGowan. ch. g.. by Slcipner Sieve; Llllitua. b. c, 3. by Brutus Lllllta. Stockton Stable's Indina, b. m., 5, by Indlo Vtstlna, G. Summer & Co.' a Robert Mitchell, b. c. 3, by Kismet Carrie Dare; Cardinal Sarto, b. g.. 3. br Reggie Tyrona. J. F. Winters' Whiskey King. ch. b-, 5, by Kantaka Genevieve; Suburban Queen, ch. ra., 5, by Ornament Lucy Crockett. Tho , Irvington Handicap! S1200. One Mile and a Furlong. A handicap for 3-year-olds and upward; $10 to accompany the nomination: $40 additional to start. The Multnomah Fair Association to add aa amount sufficient to make the Talus of the stake $1200, of which $200 to second and $100 to third. Weights to be announced Wednealay. August 9. Winners of other than a selling race after the weights are an nounced to carry 5 pounds extra. To be run Saturday. August 12. Baker City Stable's Mlndano, b. g.. by St Andrew Illuminating; Stilicho. b. g., 5, by St. Andrew Angellque. L. A. Bonsack's Blissful, ch. m., 5, by Magnet BlUs. Mrs. T. H. Boyle's Step Around, ch. m., 5, by St. George Gadabout. Cleal & Sturgeon's Wenrick, ch. h., 4, by Plrate of Penzance MIsa Celestlna. Mrs. J. CoffeyV Evea G., ch. m., a, by Juvenal Sister Geneva. J. C. Davidson's Mogregor, b. c., 3, by Mu McGregor II Model II. A. T. Dobson's Epicure, b. g., 5, by Dare bin Felukah. W. P. Fine's Barklylte, b. g.. 6, by Star Ruby Hinda Dwyer. Fleur de Lis Stablc'a Sandstone, br. c., 3, by Sandrlngham Emotional; Briers, b. m.. 5. by Perblalse Bramble Leaf: Moor. ch. g., 0. by Morocco Klsbern. D. S. Fountain's Hooligan, b. g.. 3. by Eddie Jones Hoolou. C. A Holcomb's Discus, b. h.. 5. by Tenny The Puffer. S. J. Jones' Foretst King. br. h., 6. by Hand some Superba; Al Waddle, b. h,, 4. by Com mercial Traveler Lass of Tam ale?. Fred Jubtlce's Platonlus. ch. g., 0, by Rous seauYoung Flush. J. A. Lynch'a Harry Beck. b. 5., 6. by Jim Gore Melody. W. 1L Lynch's Dotterel, b. m., 5, by Gov. Foraker Queen Bird. W. P. Magranc's Ed Llllburn. ch. h.. 5. by Bright PhoebusLovellght. Multnomah Stable's Major Tenny. b. g.. 6, by Tenny Rr-e; Veterano, b. h,, 5. by Rey ol Santa Anita Orange Leaf. T. E. McLaughlin's St. George. Jr., blk. b 4, by St- George Gadabout. Ncedmore Stable's Instructor, br. h,, 4, by Brutus Initiation. E. J. Ramsey's Bombardier, b. g.. 4. by Maxio Middle Dwyer; Horatius; b. h.. 5. by Odd Fellow Kin da. H. E. Rowell'H Hugh McGowan. cb. g.. 4, by Slelpner Sieve; Corn BIom. b. c, 3, by Abercorn Thankful Blossom; Llllitux, b. c, 3, by Brutus Lllllta: Mistress of, Rolls, b. f.. 5, by Eher Bettle WaddeJL G. Summers & Co.' Robert Mitchell, b. c 3. by Kismet Carrie Dare; Cardinal Sarto. b. g.. 3. by Reggie Tyrona. J. C. Turner's Hogarth, ch. g.. 4, by Bal gowan Battle C. J. F. Winter's Suburban Queen, ch. m.. 5. by OraaiMcnt Lucy Crockett. A. Yhrs Bob LewU. b. c, 'J. by - Wads worth Mabel Ellsworth. The Oregon Dally Journal Selling Stakes, $300. For 3-year-olds and upward: $5 to accom pany the nomination; $20 additional to start. The Multnomah Fair Association to add an amount sufficient to make the value of the stake $50u. of which $70 to second and $30 to third. $1500. weight for age; 1 pound al lowed for each $100 lees to $1000; then 2 pounds for each $100 to $400. To be run Sat urday. August 19. J. II. Brannan's Sad Sam. ch. a., by Raneocas Heely; Hulford. ch. g., 4, by Crelgh ton Nellie Belle. Cleal &. Sturgeon's Montolcnc, b. f.. 3, by Gymnast Montolea. Grant Edlron's Ijdy Bimbo, b. m 5, by Bimbo Mardcn's Pet. J. J. Ellerd's Huachua. b. c. 6. by Em peror of Norfolk La Plata; Ktngthorpc, blk. c. 3, by Meadowthorpe MUs Hattle. W. P. Fine's Conreid. ch. c, 3, by Bcndoran Muelc T. Fitzgerald's Bell Reed. ch. g.. 5, by Cap tive MIm Gentry- Fleur de Lis Stable's Alice Carey, b. m., 5. by Trappean Abble F. Mrs. F. Gabriel's St. Wlnlfrcde. ch. m., 5, by St. Carlo Santa Cruz. Ira Glacacock's Brigetta, br. f., 3, by Sain Nance O'NclI. Al Goodln's Happy Chappie, b. g., 5, by The Hero Maudle. Hall & Marshall's Smithy Kane, ch. g, 3, by Rancocan Red Nellie. ' James Henderson's Red Tip. b. h., G, by Order Zantlppa. C. A. Holcomb's Whltestone, b. c, 3, by Sainfoin Beauty Stone. Mn?. L. Hull's Rublana. b. .. 3,- by Rubi con Sebastians. Jasper Madison's Tocalaw, ch. b., 4, by Bansetlaw La Toquera. H. E. MaglU's Tramway, b. g., 4, by Robin Hood U Ollie M. L H. 'Miller & Co.'s Prince Magnet, b. c, 3, by Magnet Terba Buena. G. T. Moore's Judge Hughes, ch. h., o, by Friar Tuck Clara. L. H. B. Mulkey & Co.'s Queen Cup. ch. m., 3, by King Faustus Octavia, Multnomah Stable's Oronte, br. h., t5, by Ornament Judith. J. C McCIary & Cc's Agnes Mack, br. ra.. 5, by Tho Hero Miss Rhodes. A. Ncal'9 My Surprise, b. g., 5. by Florist Katie G. William Neville Vlnce, br. g., a, by De ceiver Cornelia II. E. J. Ramsey's Baker, b. c, 3, by Sir Mo dred Quadrant. H. E. Rowell's My Order, b. g., 3. bv Or der Mollle B. B.; Haven Run. b. g.. 4, by Prig Handy Cup. W. J. Spelrs & Co.'s Dorado, ch. g., 3, by Amago Fame. M. A. Stephenson's Sequel, ch. m.. 5. by Uncle Jess Minnie IL Stockton Stable's Sterling Towers, ch. In.. 6, by Kitzjames Quadruple!. George Strobel's Mclar, b. f.. 3. by Foul Shot Nora Ives. G. Summers Sz Co.'s Robert Mitchell, b. c. 3, by Kismet Carrie Dare; Indicate, ch, c, 3. by Kismet Victoria. L. H. Tarpley'n Constanza, br. m., 4, by Emperor of Norfolk La Plata. J. F. Winters' Bummer, ch. h., a., by Register Emma Gregg; Whiskey King, ch. h., 0, by Kantaka Genevieve, The Lewis and Clark Ei position Handicap, $1500. One Mile and a Quarter. A handicap for 3-year-olds and upward: $10 to accompany the nomination; $40 additional to start. The Multnomah Fair Association to add an amount sufficient to make the value of the stake $1500, of which $200 to second and $100 to third. Weights to be announced Wednesday, August 23. Winners of other than a selling race after the announcement of weights to carry 5 pounds extra. To be run Saturday. August 23. Baker City Stable's Mindanao, b. g., 4, by St. Andrew Illuminating: Stilicho. b. g., 5, by St. Andrew Angellque. L. A. Bosnack'6 Bllrsful. cb, m., 5, by Mag netBliss. O. W. Cahlll's Los Angeleno, b. g., 6, by Rey el Santa Anita Los Angeles. Cl-al &. Sturgeon's Wenrick. ch. h., 4, by Pirate of Penzance MUs Celestlna. Mrs. J. Coffey's Evea G.. ch. ra., a,, by Juvenal Sister Geneva. John C. Davidson's Mogregor, b. c. by Mt. McGregor II Model II. A. T. Dobton's Epicure, b. g., 5. by Dare bin Felukah, W. P. Fine's Barklylte, b. g.. 6,- by Star Ruby Hinda Dwyer. Fleur de Lla Stable's Sandstone, br. c, 3. by Sandrlngham Emotional; Moor, ch. sr., e. by Morocco Klsbern; Briers, b. m, 5, by Perblalse Bramble Leaf. D. S. Fountain's Hooligan, b. g., 3, by Ed die Jones Hoolou. Mrs. F. Gabriel's Invlctus, blk, g., a., by Inspector B. Iowa. H. Green's Royalty, b. g.. C by Cavalier. Empress of Norfolk; Diderot, ch, g., a., by Rousseau 'La Relna. Mrs. R. Gutter's Circus. bt h.. 8, by Cha raxus Nlooe. C. A. Holcomb's Discus, b. h., 5. by Tenny The Puffer. S. J. Jones' MIsty's Pride, cb, a., it by Handsome MUty Morn: Forest King. br. h., 6. by Handsome Superba. SL Judce & Co-.'s "K4eciar. "br. S., 3. by Eddie Joaes Bhata Water. J. A. Lynch & Co.' a Harry Beck, n. g., by Jim Gore Melody. H. E. Maglll'a Prickles, ch. f.. 3, by Knight of the ThUtle Medallion. W. P. Magrane's Ed Llllburn. ch. h., 3, by Bright Phoebus Lovellght. J. Martin & Co.'s Ccleres. ch. c. 3, by Maxio Vestlna. Multnomah Stable's Major Tenny. b. g.. 6. by Tenny Rose; Veterano. b. h., 5. by Rey el Santa Anita Orange Leaf. T. E. McLaughlin's St. George, Jr.. blk. h.. 4, by St. George Gadabout. Needmore Stable's Instructor. Sr. b,, 4. by Brutus Initiation. J. Pelters Ralph Young, br. h., 4. by Oak wood Freyja; Harbor, br. h.. 4, by Hand spring Astrid. . EL J. Ramsey's Horatius. b. b,. 5. br Odd Fellow Kinda Bombardier, b. g., 4, by Maxio Middle Dwyer. H. E. Rowell's Com Blossom, b. c. 3. by Abercorn Thankful Blossom; LIUltus, b. c, 3. by Brutus Lllllta; Hugh McGowan. ch. g.. 4. by SlelDner Sieve: Mistress of Rolls, b. f.. 3. by Esher BetUe Waddle. . J. spelra & Co.'s Diamante, n. g., O, ny Santiago Lady Diamond. G. Summers & Co.'s Examiner, ch. r.. 5. by Inspector B. Great Lawn. L. Wulf & Co.'s Autohood. b. c., 3. by Or nament Elg Leaf.. A. Yehl'a Bob Lewis, b. c, 3. Wadsworth Mabel Ellsworth. The Evening Telegram Selling Stakes $600. Seven Furlongs. For 3-year-oida and upward: $5 to accom pany the nomination; $20 additional to start. The Multnomah Fair Association to add an amount sufficient to make the value of tho Kake $CC0. of which $100 to eecond and $50 to third. $2000. weight for age; 1 pound allowed for each $100 less to $1200; then 2 pounds for each $100 to $400. Winners of six races or of a sweepstakes in 1005 not to be entered at less than $S00. To be run Saturday. Septem ber 2. F. E. Balrd's Bailey, ch. g., 3, by Tyrant Sheena Van. Baker City Stable's Budd Wade, b. g., 6, by Balgowan Marjorie. L. A. - Bonsack's Bll9ful, ch, m., 5, by Magnet Bliss. Mrs. T. H. Boyle's Step Around, ch. ra., 6, by St. George Gadabout. J. H. Brannan's Sad Sam, ch, g.. a., by Rancocas Heely; Hulford, ch. g.. 4, by Crelgh-ton-Nellle Belle. Cleal & Sturgeon's Sugden. ch. g., a., by St. Leonards Lucille. J. F. Clifford's Angelica, br. f., 3, by Mon tanaAngel Ique. Mrs. J. Coffey's Ocyrohe, b. h.. 4. by Dr. McBrlde Oeypet'e. J. C. Davidson's Mogregor, b. c, 3. by Mt. Mogregor II Model II. A. T. Dobson's Epicure, b. g., 5, by Dare bin Felukah. J. J. Ellerd's Klngthorpe. blk. c. 3, by Meadowthorpe Miss Hattle: Huachuea. b. g., 6, by Emperor of Norfolk La. Plata. J. Finch's Susie Christian, b. m.. 4. by Wy aluslng Gift W. p. Fine's Conreid, ch, c, 3,. by Bendoran Music. T. Fitzgerald's Edrodun. b. g., 3, by Eddie Jones Miss Rowcna, Mrs. F. Gabriel's Dod Anderson, b. m., 4. by The Commoner Leola, V. Gilbert's Whoa Bill. b. h., 4, by Yo El Rey Maintop. Ira Glasscock's Blue Ridge, b. m.. 5, by Jullen Blue Bells. Mrs. M. Groseheim'n War Times, blk. ra., 4. by Artillery Virginia Dare. James Henderson's Red Tip. b. h., 6. by Order Zantlppa. H. W. Hoag6 El Piloto, b. g.. a., by Gano Clodomlro. Mrs. L. Hull's Dorice. br. m., 4. by Sain Jennie McFarlane. S. J. Jones' Al Waddle, b. h.. 4, by Com mercial Traveler Lass of Tamales. Jones & Cc's Tam O'Shanter, b. g., 5, by Kingston Ben Ma Chree. S. Judge & Coa Edgecllff, br. g.. 3. by Eddie Jones Shasta Water. W. D. Larsen's EI Principe, ch m.. 4, by Amlgo VIoletU. W. H. Lynch'a Dotterel, b. ra., 5, by Gov. Foraker Queen Bird. J. Madison's Tocalaw, ch. It., 4. by Basset law La Toquera; Pol Llchtcnsteln. blk. g.. 6. by SL George Ada. II. EL Maglll's Prickles, ch, f., 3. by Knight or the Thistle Medallion. W. P. Magrane's Ed Llllburn, ch. g.. a., by Bright Phoebus-Lovellght. I. H. Miller & Co.'s Prince Magnet, b. c.. 3, by Magnet Yerba Buena. Multnomah Stable's Oronte. br. h.. 5. by Ornament Judith; Major Tenny. b. g., 6. by Tenny Rose. P. Murphy's Dutiful, gr. h., 4. by Faraday Sllpalong. J. C. McCIary & Co.V Bath Beach, ch. h.. 4, by Ben Strome Irvana. P. McKennlp's Bucolic, ch. g 5, by Gold Fl nch Confidante. T. E. McLaughlin's Lady Athellng. ch. m.. 4. by Athellng Pilgrimage. A. Neal's My Surprise, b. g.. 5. by Florist Katy G. J. Pe!ter',Go!den Light, ch. g.. a., by Flam beauExperiment. E. J. Ram.ys Judge, blk. h.. 4. by Ath ellng Judy; Baker, b. c. 3. by Sir Modred Quadrant H. E. Rowell's Corn Blonsom. b. c. 3. by Abercorn Thankful Blosmm; Hugh McGowan. ch. g.. 4. by Slelpner Sieve; Ircdeus, b. h.. '. by Gold Finch Iris; My Order, b". g.. 3, by Order Mollle B. B. M. A. Stephenson's Frank Fcnrce. ch. g., a., by Equador Planetta. Stockton SUble's Sterling Towers, ch. m.. . by Fltzjames-Quadruplex; Indina. b. m., by Indlo Vestlna. George Strobel's Mabel Bates, b. m.. 3. by Artllri' Loch Katrine. G. Summers & Co.'s Cardinal Sarto. b. c, 3. by Reggie Tyrona: Indicate, ch. c. 3. by Kismet Victoria; Robert Mitchell, b. c., 3, by Kismet Carrie Dare. J. F. Winter's Bummer, ch. h.. a., by Reg-Istw-Emma Gregg; Suburban Queen, ch. m., 5, by Ornament Lucy Crockett. The Labor Day Handicap. S1000. One Mile. A handicap for three-year-olds and up ward: $10 to accompany the nomination; $30 additional to start. The Multnomah Fair .esociation to add an amount sufficient to make the value of the stake $1000, of which $200 to second and $100 to third. Weights to be announced Thursday. August 3L Win ners of other than a selling purse after the weights arc announced to carry five pounds extra. To be run Monday. September 4. Baker City Stable's Mindanao, b. c, 4. by St. Andrew Illuminating. Baker City Stable's Stilicho. b. g.. 5. by St. Andrew Angellque. . . I A. Bonsack's Blissful, ch. m., 5, by Magnet Bliss. , Mrs. T. H. Boyle's Step Around, ch. m.. .3, by St. George Gadabout J. H. Brannan's Hulford. ch. g., 4, by Crelghton Nellie Belle. Cleal & Sturgeon's Wenreck. ch. -h., 4, by Pirate of Penzance Miss Celestlna. John C. Davidson's Mogregor, b. c. 3. by Mt. McGregor II. Model II. A. T. Dobron's Epicure, b. g., 5, by Dare bin Fclukah. J. J. Ellerd's Klngthorpe. blk. c., 3. by Meadowthorpe Miss Hattle W. P. Fine's Invoice, blk. c., 3, by Order The Task. Fleur de Lis Stable's Briers, b. m., 5. by Perblalse Bramble Leaf. Fleur de Lis Stable's Sandstone, br. c, 3, by Sandrlngham Emotional. D. S. Fountain's Hooligan, b. g., 3, by Eddie Jones Hoolou. V. Gilbert's Whoa Bill. b. h.. 4. by Yo EI Rey Maintop. Jame Henderson's Red Tip, b. h.. 6, by Order- Zantlppa. S. J. Jones Al Waddle, b. h.. 4. by Com mercial Traveler Lass of Tamales. S. J. Jones' MIsty's Pride, ch. m., 5. by Handsome Misty Morn. S. J. Jones' Forest King, br. h., C. by Handsome Superba. Fred Justice's Platonlus, ch. g:, 6. by Rousseau Young Flush. ' J. A. Lynch & Co.'s Harry Beck. b. g., 6, by Jim Gore Melody. J. Madison's Tocalaw, ch. h., 4, by Basset law La Toquera. W. P. Magrane's Magrane. blk. b,, 4. by Balgowan Amelia May.. Multnomah Stable's Oronte. br. h.. 5, by Ornament Judith. Multnomah Stable's Major Tenny, b. g.a 6. . by Tenny Rose. v P. Murphy's Dutiful, kr. h.. 4, by Fara day Sllpalong. T. E. McLaughlin's Sea Air. br. f.. 3. by Pirate of Penzance Fragrance. Needmore Stable's Instructor, br. h.. 4. by Brutus Initiation. J. Pelters Harbor, br. h., 4, by Hand spring Astrid. E. J. Ramsey's Judge, blk. h., 4. by Athellng Judy. E. J. Ramsey's Bombardier, b. g.. 4. by Maxlo Middle Dwyer. U. E. Rowell's lredeus. b. h.. 5, by Golden Garter Iris. H. E. Rowell's Corn Blossom, b. c. 3. by Abercorn Thankful Blossom. IL E. Rowell's Hugh McGowan. ch. g., by Slelpner Sieve. IL E. Rowell's Llllltus. b. a. 3. by Brutus Lllllta. Stockton Stable's Indina. b. m.. 5, by In cHo Vestlna, G. Summers & Co.'s Examiner, ch. g., 5. by Inspector B. Great Lawn. J. F. Winters' Whiskey King. ch. h., 3, by Kantaka Genevieve. J. F. Winters Suburban Queen, ch. m., 5, by Ornament Lucy Crockett, L. Wulf & Co.'s Autohood, b. c, 3, by Ornament Fig Leaf. The Willamette Handicap, $750. One Mile aad Seventy Yards. A handicap for 3-year-olds and upward: $7.50 to accompany the nomination: $25 additional to start. The Multnomah Fair Association to add an amount sufficient to make the value of the stake $750. of which $100 to eecond and $50 to third. Weights to be announced Wednesday. September 6. Winners of other than a selling race after the weights arc announced to carry 5 pounds extra. To be run Saturday. September a Baker City Sable's Mindanao, b. g 4. by SL Andrew Illuminating: SUIIcho.- b. g., 5, by St, Andrew Angellque. L. A. Bonsack's Blissful, ch. m., 5. by Magnet Bliss. Mrs. T. IT. Boyle's Step Around, ch. as., 5, St, George Gadabout J. H. Brannan's Hulford. ch. g., 4, -by Crelghton Nellie Belle. . - Cleal tc Sturgeon's Wenrick, ch, a., 4." fey Pirate of Pcr3bcs MIm Cel-HtUae. Mrs. J. Coffey's Ocyrohe, b. h,. 4, by Dr. McBrlde Ocypet. John C. Davidson's Mogregor, b. c., by Mt, McGregor II Model IL A. T, Dobson's Epicure, b. g., 5. by Dare, bin Felukah. Fleur de Lis Stable's Moor. ch. g., 6. by Morocco KIrbern. H. W. Hoag's El Piloto. b. g., a. by Gaao Clodomlro. S. J. Jones' Misty Pride, cb, m. S, by Handsome Misty Mora; Forest King. br. b,, 6. by Handsome Superba; Al Waddle, b. h.. 4, by Commercial Traveler Lass of Tamales. Fred Justice's Platonlus. ch. g.. 6, by Rous seauYoung Flush, J A. Lynch & Co.'s Harry Beck. b. g 6, by Jim Gore Melody. W. P. Magrane's Magrane. blk. h., 4, by Balgowan Amelia May. Multnomah Stable's Major Tenny. b. g.. 6. by Tenny Rose; Veterano. b. h., 5. by Rey el Santa Anita Orange Leaf. P. Murphy's Dutiful, gr. h.. 4, by Fara day Sllpalong. McGlttrick fc Crys!era Briarthorpe. blk. g., 4. by Meadowthorpe Bramble Leaf. J. Pelter's Ralph Young, br. h.. 4. by Oak wood Freyja. E. J. Ramsey's Horatius. b. h.. 5. by Odd follow Klnda; Bombardier. b. g., 4. by Maxio Middle Dwyer. H. E. Rowell's lredeus. b. h,. 5, by Golden Garter Iris; Corn Blossom, b. c. 3. by Ab ercorn Thankful Blossom: Llllltus. b. c, 3. by Brutus Lllllta; Hugh McGowan. ch. g., 4. by Slelpner Sieve. Stockton Stable's India, b. m.. 5, by Indlo Vestlna. G. Summers 4 Co.'s Examiner, ch. g.. 5, by Inspector B. Great Lawn: Robert Mitch ell, b. c. 3. by Ktemet Carrie Dare. J. F. Winter's Suburban Queen, ch. m.. 3. by Ornament Lucy Crockett; Whiskey King, ch. h.. 5. by Kantaka Genevieve. The Farewell Handicap, $750, One Mile and a Sixteenth. A handicap .for 3-year-olds and upward; $7.50 to a company the nomination; $25 addi tional to start. The Multnomah Fair As sociation to add an amount sufficient to make the value of the stake $750. of which $10T to second and $50 to third. Weights an nounced Wednesday. September 13. Win ners of other than a selling race after the weights are announced to carry 5 pounds ex tra. To be run Saturday. September 16th. F. E. Balrd's Freslas. ch. m.. 4. by Haw thorne Miss Mayma. Baker City Stable's Mindanao, b. g 4. by St, Andrew Illuminating; Stilicho, b. g., 5. by St, Andrew Angellque. L. A Bonsack's Blissful, ch. m., 5. by Magnet Bliss. Mrs. T. H. Boyle's Step Around, ch. m., 5. by St. George Gadabout. Cleal & Sturgeon's Wenrick, ch. b.. 4, by Pirate of Penzance Miss Celestlna. 5Irs. J. Coffey's Ocyrohe. b. h.. 4, by Dr. McBride Ocypete. J. C. Davidson's Mozregor. b. c 3. by Mt, McGregor II Model II. A. T. Dobson's Epicure, b. g., 5. by Dare bin Felukah. Fleur de LU Stable's Briers, b. m., 5. Perblalse Bramble Leaf. H. Green's Royalty, b. g.. 6. by Cavalier Empress of Norfolk; Diderot, ch. g.. a., by Rousseau La R'lua. J. Guthrie's Merwan. b. g.. 5, by Oddfel low Chauntress. S. J. Jones' Forest King. br. h.. 6. by Handsome Superba: Al Waddle, b. b.. 4, by Commercial Traveler Lass of Tamales. Fred Justice's Platonlus. ch. g.. 0, by Rous seauYoung Flash. J. A. Lynch's Harry Beck. b. g., 6. by Jim Gore Melody. W. P. Magrane's Ed Llllburn. ch. h.. 5, by Bright Phoebus Lovellght. Multnomah Stable's Major Tcnny, b. g.. 6. by Tenny Rose; Veterano. b. h., 5. by Rey el Santa Anita Orange Leaf. P- Murphy's Dutirul. gr. h.. 4. by Fara day Siipalong. T. E. McLaughlin's St. George Jr.. blk. h., 4. St, George Gadabout. E. J. Ramsey's Bombardier, b. g.. 4. by Maxio Middle Dwyer: Horatius. b. h.. 5. by Oddfellow Klnda. H. E. Rowell's Hugh McGowan. ch. jr.. 4. by Slelpner Slevp; Com Blosson. b. c. 3. by Abercorn Thankful Blossom: Llllltus. b. c. 3. by Brutus Lllllta: Mlftstress of Rolls, b. f.. 3. by Esher Bettle Waddell. Stockton Stable's Indina. b. m., 5. by Indlo Vestlna. G. Summers & Co. Examiner, ch. sr.. 5. by Inspector B. Great Lawn: Suburban Queen, ch. m.. 5. by Ornament Lucy Crockett, J. F. Winter's Whiskey King. ch. h.. 5. by Kantaka Genevieve. , TWO 'VARSITIES TO 3IEET. Oregon to Contest on Track With Washington May 20. UNIVERSITY' OF OREGON". Eugene. May 7. (Special.) Oregon's next ath letic contest will be a track and flcM meet with the University of Washing ton. This dual meet Is scheduled for May 2J on Klncatd Field. The Univer sity of Washington team will meet the Oregon Agricultural College athletes In Corvallls May 18, and will come to Eu gene two days later for their meet with Oregon. Trainer Haywood Is satisfied with the showing mado against Willamette last Friday, and he expects to have his men in much better condition for the meet with Washington. Oregon stu dents believe that Mores will show his heels to the Seattle sprinter and that Perkins will have an easy victory in the 8S0. Frizzell ought to win the hur lles. and. Henderson the jumps, but Captain Hug will have no easy time In the weights afjalnst Tom McDonald. If McDonald comes up to his previ ous records he will win the shot and hammer events, but the discus throw should go to Oregon. Mclntire, Gard ner, Woods. Kuykendall and other members of the team arc regarded as sura point winners. Tho Oregon-Washington contest is arousing much interest among tho local collegians, and a large attendance Is anticipated. Saturday, May 27, the Ore-gon-Corvallis meet will be held in Cor vallls, and on June 10 the 'varsity ath letes will compete in the intercol legiate games at Salem. Eastern Athletes to Meet Western. NEW HAVEN. Ccnn.. May 7. Plan3 are under way for the holding of the regular intercollegiate meets between the winners of the big track meets of the East and West. It is understood that the West I3 anxious for such a meet, the plan being to hold tho games In the East one year and In the West the next, the contestants probably being th winners in the West ern Intercollegiate games. Separate Norwegian Service. LONDON, May S. The Times cor respondent at Stockholm understands that a special commission of the Nor wegian Storthing will recommend the im mediate denunciation of the common con sular service and the nrpspnt.ittnn of the Autumn session of the measures to- institute a separate Norwegian service, which the Storthing probably will adopt. Any, one can take Carter's .Little Liver Pills, they are so very small. No trouble to swallow. No pain or griping after taking. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLANDto THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers Steamers leave Portland dally, except Sunday. 7 A. Wash., with Columbia PUver & Northern Ry. Co. for Goldendale and Klickitat Val ley points. Round trip to Cascade Locks every Monday. Wednesday and Friday Landing foot of Alder st. Phone Main SI4 S. M-DOXALD. Agent City Ticket Office. 123 Third St., Phone- 538. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY O Tna Flyer and tha Fast Mall. aa SPLENDID SERVICE UP-TO-DATE UQUTPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES For tickets, rates, folders aad Xull infor mation, call oa or address H. DICKSON. City Passesger aad Tlckit Art. 122 Third, street, Portias d. Or. JAPAN-AM ERI CAIN LINE S. S. IY0 MARTS. Z"or Japan. Chins., tad ail Asiatia Peru, wist Lear Seattle Abeet May IS. TRAVELER'S GUIDE. (JWSHOipIwi urn UNION IVtCnfC 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standards and tourist sieepins-eara dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spo kane; tourist sleeplngr-car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Becllnlng chair-cars (seats free) to the Cue dally. TjyiOK DEPOT. Leaves Arrive CHICAGO-PORTLAND 0:15 A. M. 5:25 P. M. SPECIAL for tho East Dally. Dally. via Huntington.. SPOKANE FLYER 6:15 P. M. 8:00 AM. Dally. I Dally. For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla. Lewiston. Couer d'AIene and Great Northern points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS o.,r. p M -..K . for the East via Hunt &-nanv ' tWhV Ington. Pall. Dally. RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P. M way points, connecting! Dally,, with ateamer for Ilwa-I except co and North Beach' Sunday, steamer Hassalo. Ash-'Saturday. st. dock (water per.) 110:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. FOR DAYTON. Ore-7:00 AM. o?JQ P. M. gon City and Yamhill Dally Dally. River points. Ash-st. except except dock (water per.) Sunday Sunday. 4:00 A. M. About FOR LEWISTON. Monday. 5:00 P. M. Idaho, and way points, Wednesday Tuesday, from RIparia. Wash. Friday Thursday, (Sunday. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. Telephone Main 712. C. W. Stinger. City Tick et Agt.; A. L. Craig. General Passenger AgU SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. Operating the Only Passenger Steamers for San Francisco direct. "Columbia" May 16. 23; June 5. 15. 25. "Oregon" May 11. 21. 31: Jun 10. 20. CO. AIN'SWORTH DOCK AT 8 P. M. Through tickets via San Francisco to all points in United States-. Mexico. Central and South America. Panama. Honolulu. China. Ja pan, the Philippines. Australia, New Zealand and Round-the-World Tours. JAS. H. DEWSON. Agent. Phone Main 26S. 24S Washington at. EAST SOUTH Leaves. 'niondbpot trains for Salem. Rose burg. Ashland. Sacramento. Og den. San Francis co. Mojave. Los Angelee, El Paso. New Orleans and the Eafit. Morning train connects at Wood burn dally except Sunday with train for Mount Angel, Silverton, Browns ville, Springfield. Wendllng and Na tron. Albany passenger connects at Wood burn with Mt. An gel and Silverton local. Corvallls passenger Sheridan passenger S:S0 P. M. 7:25 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 6:25 PI M 4:00 P.M. 10 ao A-JI1 7:30 A. M. ll-t :50 P.M. 5:50 P. M. iS:25 A. M. Dally. I (Daily, except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICE AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:30 A. M., 12:50. 2:05, 3:55, 5:20, 6:25, 7:45. 10:10 P. M. Daily, except Sunday. 5:30, 6:30, 8:30, 10:25 A. M.. 4:10, 11:80 P. M. Sunday only. 0 A. M. Returning from Oswego, arrives Portland dally 8:30 A. M., 1:53, 3:05, 4:55, 6:15, 7:35, 0:55, 11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday, G:25, 7:25. 0:30, 10:20, 11:45 A. M. Except Mon day, 12:25 A. M. Sunday only. 10 A. M. Leave from same depot for Dallas- and In termediate points dally except Sunday, 4:10 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:10 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor lino operates dally to Monmouth and Airlle, con necting with S. P. Co. trains at Dallas and Independence. First-class farca from Portland to Sacra mento and San Francisco, $20: berth. $5. Second-class fare, $15; second-class berth. 52.50. Tickets to Eartern points and Europe. Also Japan, China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third, and Washington streets. Phone Main 712. TIME CARD OFJRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arrlrs, Puget Sound Limited for Tacoma, Seattle. Olym pia, South Bend and Gray's Harbor points... 8:30am 4:43pT3 North Cout Limited for Tacoma. Seattle. Spo kase, Butte, St Paul. New York, Boston and all points East and Southeast 3:00 pm 7:00 at Twin City Express for Tacoma, Seattle. Spo kane. Helaoa, at. PauL Minneapolis, Chicago. New York, Boston and all points East' and Southeast 11:45 pm 7:0Cpai Puget Sound-Kansas City Si. Louis Special, for Tacoma. Seattle, Spo lease. Butte. Billings. Denver. Omaha. Kansas City, Sr. Louis and all points East aad South east 8:30 an 7:00 la JLU xrsiss daily, except oa South BaA branch. A. D CHARLTON, Assistant General Pa ssgcr Agent. 255 Morrison st, corner Third. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT., Arrives. Daily, i'or JXaygers. Kaialer, Dail-r, Clatsk&nle. Westport, Clifton. Astoria. War- 8:00 A. M renton, Flavel. Ham- 11:10 A JC Blond, Fort Stevsat, Gear tar I Park. Sea side, Astoria and . - ' ' shore. . Express Daily. 1:00 P. i. Astoria Express. 8:40 P.M. J Dally; C A STEWART, J. c. MATO. Co ram' 1 Agt 248 Alder St. O. y, 4 P. JL, Paeoe Main 80S. For South -Eastern Alaska Steamers' leave Seattle. B. S. Hua&oldt. S. SL City of Seattle. S..8. Cot tage City, May 9, 13, 22. Excursion S. S. Spo kane le&vsa Jwae 8-22, July 8-20. Attract 3-17. Bllisgfcam Bay Rente: Daily exMt Saturday at 10 A. M. Vaacettver. S. C. Koate: MaaSay. Wedae day a&d Friday. 18 P. M. Pertixad otfee. JH Wash la tea at. C D..JJUNANN. G. P. A..