12 3?HE MORNING OBEGONIAN, - SATURDAY, MAX b. 1905. "PA-RSI FAL" A Portland audience saw "Parsifal" at the Marquam last night. Not the genuine Richard "Wagner Bong, tragedy done in thunderous German, 'as our New York brethren have heard and seen, nor the Anglicized version which Colonel Savage has permitted most of our neighbor cities, but the next best thing. The audience saw the pictured story of the search for the sacred spear, the triumph of the youth, Parsifal, and the transfiguration of the .girl Kundry. Thanks to J. Alex Hanna and a moving-picture machine, we saw all the views depicting the wonderful religious opera-drama, which has created the sensation of a decade in musical and theatrical circles. "We were also made clear as to the purpose by 3dr. Hanna, who lectured anent the" pictures. In addition there was a Wagner musi cal programme. An excellent orchestra gave "The Evening Star." S. J. Storey at the orchestrelle contributed "Parsifal Vorsplel" and a "Tannhauser" selection. Mrs. "Walter Reed sang "Gebert der Bllsa-. bcth," and for a second number "I Know a Lovely Garden," both of which present ed her at her best. The pictures were shown upon a mam moth screen and were clear and complete. In connection with the lecture they proved intensely interesting. The theater was filled with a music-loving audience and the entertainment was altogether one of the most novel and successful of the year. There is a general demand for a repetition, and it is probable that such arrangements will be made. For Stealing Registered Mall. Assistant United States Attorney "W. W. Banks, D. J. Malarkey and J. C Proebstel will leave this morning for Woodburn to attend the preliminary hearing of D. J. Kuper before acting United States Commissioner Overton. Kuper is accused of having stolen a sack of registered mail and abstracting about 1400 from it, leaving the remainder of the contents. The case of the Government will be rep resented by Mr. Banks, while Senator Malarkey will act as the counsel for the defense. Mr. Proebstel will be one of the witnesses for the Government, having arrested the defendant. Kuper, who is now out on bail, will be confronted by 14 witnesses, who have been subpenaed to appear at the exami nation. Minnesota Society Entertain. The members of the Minnesota Soci ety flocked to Allsky Hall last night to participate in a social entertain ment and musical programme. All the seats in the hall were occupied and man? had to stand. One of the most excellent numbers of the programme rendered for the entertainment was a laughing- song by President Isaac Staples, of the society. A recitation by Judge "Waldemar Seton was well received and he was called back to the platform several times. A cornet solo by Albert Lud berry and a violin solo by Miss Cor nelia Barker were also good. After the programme refreshments were served. Unions and 3Iayoralty Fight. On Monday night the Officers' Asso ciation, whose members are the officers of the various unions of the city, will hold an' open meeting at which the question, "Shall the Unions Take Part in the Municipal Election?" will be dis cussed. Among" those who will speak at this meeting are J. "W. Shraderv the Social ist candidate for Mayor; R. A Harris and T. M. Leabo. The plans for this meeting were decided upon at the meeting of the Federated Trades Coun cil last night In Union Hall, where the Monday night meeting will also be held. Thought Th'ey Had Robbers. "Come ou to Twenty-first and Powell streets right away, for the robbers who stole the money' from the bank at "Wood burn are out here." Such was the request telephoned to ix Hce headquarters late yesterday after noon. Chief Hunt assigned Bailiff Goltz and Driver Gruber to go to the scene, heavily armed and In great haste. They found, when they arrived, two well-known gin fiends. They had been in the -vicinity all of the afternoon, evidently prowling about fdr junk. They were taken to the station, where they were promptly re leased. Any one can take Carter's IJttle Liver Pills, they are so very small. No trouble to swallow. No pain or griping after taking. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, May 5. Maximum tempera ture, 71 dep.; minimum, 44. River reading n.t 11 A. M., 6 feet: change in past 24 hours, none. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total since September 1. 1004, 20.29' lnche; normal, 41.86 inches; deficiency. 12.57 inches. Total sunshine May 4, 1005, 7 hours and SO minutes; possible, 14 hours and 20 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M.. 20.87. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. hi 4 STATIONS. g Kg " 3 B-S 9 S ? ? : P I : Baker Ctty Bismarck......, Boise , Eureka. ......... Helena..... Kamloops, B. C. North Head..... Pocatello ....... . Portland...... Red Bluff Roseburg ........ Sacramento. ..... Salt Iae City.. San Francisco... Spokane......... Seattle Tatoosh Island.. Walla Walla.... 0.00 4ISE 4NW 8NW -4INW 4 W 4 SB Cloudy Clear 0.00 0.00 Clear 0.00 Cloudy 0.00 Cloudy Cloudy 0.00 T 10!S Cloudy Clear Pt. Cldy. Pt- CIdr. 5S0.00! 6IS 4ISW elSE 4INW 14SW 4 TV 16 W 12SW 4 W 4NW 7110.00 0.00 0.00 IPC Cldy. o.oo; Clear Clear Clear Cloudy o.oo o.oo 0.00 0.00 Cloudy 0.00 Cloudy Clear 10.001 6IS T trace. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. No rain of consequence has occurred today in the Rocky Mountain or Pacific Coast States. It is warmer this evening in Oregon and Southern Idaho. Elsewhere the changes In Temperature hare been small and unimpor tant. The Indications are for cloudy weather with showers In this district Saturday, with lower temperature. WEATHER. FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland tor the 28 hours ending at midnight. May 6: Portland and vicinity Cloudy with show ers; cooler; winds becoming southerly. Western Oregon Cloudy, with showers; cooler; winds becoming southerly. Western Washington Cloudy with show ers; southerly winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Increasing- cloudiness probably fol lowed by showers and cooler. A. B. WOLLABER, NEW TODAY. NEW HOME We offer for sale the beautiful and sightly home of. the late Dr. Herbert CardwelL 23th and Johnson. There are about 2 lots with new 11-room dwelling, built after the lat est design, and will be ready for occupancy about June l. or particulars see Grind staff & Schalk. 246 Stark tu ST. JOHNS 10-acre tracts for sale. Owner, 240 .tuta oir HOTEL Fifth tnd Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN .Booms, $1.60 to $8.68 Per Day AccordiBX to Location. J. r. DAY1ES, Pres. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rogers SOc te $1.30 First-Class Restaarant In Connection TiTe ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR. ANDERSON, Manager Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON Free 'bus to and from all trains Rates European plan, 50c, 75c, $ I, $1.50, $2 per day Sample rooms in connection MEETING NOTICES. ALB1NA LODGE. NO. 101. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Saturday) at 8 o'clock. F. C degree. .A. M. M. cordially ln-lted. By or der W. M. A. J. HANDLAN. Secretary. DIED. 31' DERMOTT I n this city, pn May 5. 1P05, at the family residence, 75 North 14 th t-. .Mary S. McDermott. aged 69 years 5 months 10 days. Funeral announcement later. BOORN In this city, at 250 Beach May S. J, Truman c Boom, age sa years niontos and 2 days, beloved husband of Caroline Boom and father of Etta W. Boyland. Fu neral notice hereafter. DOANE At his late residence. University i'arK, aiay 4. lwa. Rev. Nehemiah ioane. aged 65 years 3 months and 12 days. Notice of funeral hereafter. 3TCORMAC In this city. Slay 3. 1005. Mrs. juartna siccorrnac. wire of Rer. Johnston McCormac, of Astoria, aged 73 years. FUNERAL NOT! CES. M'DERMOTT May 6. 1115. Mary Seraphim Mcoermott, widow or the late .Frank Mc Dermott. Funeral Monday. May 8. at 10 A. M. from St, Mary" Cathedral. Interment ilount Calvary Cemetery. CROWLEY In thin city. May 5. 1105, D. W. urowiey. agea us yean?, ltemain at hoi man'a Chapel, corner Third and Salmon Mt. Funeral Monday. 3iay 8. 19(6. at J A. M-, from the Cathedral, corner 15th and Davis ft. Friends respectfully invited to attend. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. SMITH In this city, at his late residence. ine Antiers, corner lentn ana Washington sts.. May 4, 1905. John G. R. Smith, aged 76 years 9 months 37 day. Friends and ac quaintances are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral services, which will be held at FlnieyVs Chapel, Sunday, May 7. at 4 P. 31. Boston (Mass.) papers please copy. STANSBERT Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services of Garfield Stansbery, which will be held at Taylor-Street M. E. Church, Sun day, 3iay 7, at 2 P. M. Interment Riven-lew cemetery. DRIPS In this city, at the family residence. 243 ciay sc. .May l, iwfi, Clarence L. Drips, aged 17 years 0 months and 2G day. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the above residence today at 4 P. M. Interment Rlverview cemetery. VANCE--FrIends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral cer vices of the late Israel Vance, which will be held at Flnleys chapel, Sunday, May 7, at 3 P. M. Please omit flowers. PFIRTER Friends, acquaintances and num bers of the Portland Gruetll verein are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral ser vices of the late Nicholas Pflrter. which will be held at Flnley'e Chapel, Sunday. May 7, at 1:30 P. M. Interment Lone Fir ceme tery. GUGLIELMO In Salem. Or.. May 6, 3905. Frank Gugllelmo. aged 22 years, r unerai win take place Sunday, May 7. at 1:30 P. M. from Dunning. McEntee & Gllbaugh's Chapel, 7th and Pine sts.; thence to St. Michael's Church, 4th and Mill sts.. at 2 P. 31.. where funeral service will be held. Interment Mf. Calvary cemetery. Friends invited. DUNNING. McENTEE ft GILBAUGII. successors to Dunning & CaasploB, under- taken and erabalaaers, saodem la every de- i tall, "1U and Pine. Phono Mala 439. Lady" I assistant. ' EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and embalmers, hare HioTed te their new build Leg, Third and Salmon. Lady astUtanU Telephone No. 597. J. P. FIN LEY Jfc SON. Fuaeral Directors, cor. Sd and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. F. & DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. ZELLEB-BYRNES CO.. UNDERTAKERS. Embalmers, 27S Khi'Ij East IMSi lady as't. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BT PRESENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE OREGONIAN OFFICE: A 12. 47. 49. 58. 6. 62. D 52. 64. C 50. 51, 56, 61. D 8. 50. 01. 59. 64. K 52. 56, 57. 58. 59, 62. 64. F S3. 45. 62. 64. G SI. 52. 59. 64. 1135. 58. 6L 64. - J 53. 54. 66. 60. 61. K X7. 53. 58. 62. 63. L 55. 58. M 23, 60, 61. t 12, 48. 47, 51. 60. , O 23. 52. 55. 67, 59. 60. 62.- T S2. 34. 43. 48. 49. 63. Q 29. 46. 50. 53. 58. 60, 61. 11 II. 53. 59. .S 21. 3L 45. 53. T 51. 63, 60. V 24. 54. 68. 60. 62, 69. W 51. 52, 6L X 32. 58, 55, 56. 59. 60. 61. Y 36. 59. 63. NEW TODAY. LOTS FOR SALE IN SUNNYSIDE Due east of the city, across the new Morrison-street bridge, only 12 minutes from the center of the city. Improved streets, city water, two car lines. Perfect sewer system. $350 For Inside Lots $400 For Corner Lots Title perfect. Easv terms. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. , PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Flrst-CUis Check Restaurant Connected. "With Hotel. C O. DAVIS, Sec and Trea. AMUSEMENTS. EMPIRE THEATER An Instantaneous Success All This Week. Dally Matinees, 2:15 Evening, 8:15 Admission 10 Cents Powerful Drama Founded on Real Life. THE MARBLE HEART GRAND THEATER TORCAT AND D'ALIZA MR. AND MRS. II Alt R VAN FOSSEN AND M'CAULEY ROBERT NOME LITTLE MILDRED II ALLEN AND IIAVS MJC. ALF BONNER GRANDISCOPE General admission. 10c; reserved seats, 20c; Box seats, 25c BAKER THEATER hhtf Keating & Flood. Managers. Great Comedians. In Acrobatic Act. WALLACE AND UUSCH Late with Barnura & Bailey Shows. VIrden and Dunlap Mr Carl Carter Mrs. Alfrrd Anderson McCoy and Knight Francis Walter Jean Wilson The Uakerojrraph Baker Orchestra Shows at 2:30. 7UJo and 0 P. 31. Admission 10 cents to any seat. STAR THEATER LOLA COTTON Psychological Marvel and Mlndreader. , DAISY IHRCOURT. FROblNI KEIJI AND SEI3IAR LEONART Kl'SSELL AND DUNBAR ROSCOE ARBUCKLE STAKOSCOPE Shows 2:30. 7;30. 9 P. M. Admkskm 10c Lewis and Clark Observatory TORTLAND ItEIGUTS Now OTn. TsIta Tnrf!anri T4.lr-Vif. . .-a ... ott at Hawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator. Mott magnificent view In America. Se beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from. AD3USSION. 10 CENTS. NEW TODAY. CLASSIFIED AD. SATES. "Rooms -Rooms and Board. "noase- kecplnc Rooms. "Situation Wanted. 13 words or less. 15 cents: 16 to 20 words, 20 centst 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today. 30 centa for IS irarri or !m. 10 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 word. 60 ceats, etc Srit Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no farther dlscouat an. der one month. ".NEW TODAY (raaze aseasure agate). 15 cents per line, first insertion i 10 cents per line of each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed car The Oregonlan. and left -at this office, should always be Inclosed la sealed envelopes. No stasp Is required on sucb letters. The Oreg-on km will sot be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. On EasyTerms Haiidsome new residence on Broad way, seven rooms, large bathroom, several closets, one alcove room, fire place in dining-room, furnace. Piped for gas and wired for electricity, grounds 100x100 feet. Price $3900 small cash payment, balance monthly to suit jiurchaser. Elegant new colonial residence on Hancock street, containing seven rooms, large bathroom, alcove, three closets and fine linen closet, fireplace in. dining-room. Piped for gas " and wired for electricity. Grounds lOOx 100 feet. Price $4400 on terms to suit purchaser. Why not own a home, when vou can buy one on such easy terms. Just like paying rent to yourself. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST. CO. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. TWO GOOD BUYS 40x100 feet on the south side of Davis street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. Price $3000. This is the last chance to buy such choice property at such a figure. 100x100 feet near Neustadter Bros factory on the East Side. Price $4000. This property will double in value in a few years. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. C and 7 Chamber of Commerce. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY. BOUGHT. MADE over, exchanged; Qlamonai. precious stones loose and mounted; watcaes. Jewelry re paired. Uncle Myers, the jeweler. 143 3d. near Alder. BUSINESS OPENING Requires some capi tal, is attractive ana will near closest In vesication. Principals only, O 63, Ore. ItR SALE REAL ESTATE. LOTS ON PORTLAND HE1GHT5. 2 -BLOCKS from car line; fisnj and Su cacb. Portland-Trust Co., 109 3d-St.- PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 20 lota on car line, a bargain. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO. 222 Falling Building. Phone Main 53 S3. FOR SALE NEW C AND S-ROOM HOUSE; oato, stationary wasasiana, concrete case ment, gas and electric Ukbu, furnace, houss tinted, pass pantry, larce bedrooms, with closets in each, ood elevator, stationary Tvaoatubs In b&aement; on Union-avenue car line, five-minute service, near rood school; lawn, streets Improved; houses now open for Inspection; cash or installments. Inquire owner, H. E. Stemler, 122 3d St.. or at resi dence G32 Union ave. North, pee block south of hocaes. EOR SALE fcli. room house, full lot. basement and garden; price 2S00, J10OO time. Six-room house, corner lot, SOxlVO, in Sunnyside. full basement, barn and flowera; price 51750. Three larce, new rooms, lot 50x100; price JKO; $50 down and .20 month. B. S. COOK & CO.. Office open eveninca. 251 Alder st. ACRE TRACTS WE MaKE A SPECIALTY oi nanaiing acreage; choice acre tracts for homes, within the city limits or ouisioe; terms to suit. A. C Churchill & Co.. llu Second sr. FORCED SALE BY NONRESIDENT OF 5- room house and barn and 2u lots. ZuxlW. both cistern, and water and city water, all in high state of cultivation, near University Park nation at a sacrifice price if taken by Monday, the Slh. Apply to H. C. Smith son, owner, 150 1st at.. Portland, Or. 10 FINE LEVEL LOTS. ALL IN ONE uuncn. cieareu, lew minutes' walk from l'enlnoula Station; price, 5500 cash; this Is the best buy In the market; fine place for suburban home and small chicken ranch. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. 0 and 7 Cnambrr of Commerce. RARE BARGAINS VERY DESIRABLE home. Portland, East Side. large house. ItAJ xioo ft., nice fruit, tightly, convenient, healthy, lees than cost; must be sold: terms. Johnson & Van Zante, attorneys, fro Com mercial bidg. Telephone Main 3052. I OR SALE-QUARTER BLOCK SOUTHWEST corner 12th and East Stark St., with 2-story U-room Uuuse and 2-story barn; 5-5UOO; icrmu lM)0 down and balance In annual payments o! Slow. Mall Co.. 303 East Uurnslde, or telephone Private Exchange 31. FOR SALE-NEW EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE; iuii uasemcni witn concrete noor. porcelain plumbing, wasbtubs, gas aBd electrlcit), fur nace, walls tinted, hardwood Hours; cash or installments; t Side. O. M. a ml in. owner. 730 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE NEW. MODERN HOUSES IN HOLLA- cay, i'ztk Addition; also 14 choice lots; streets Improved, cement wu!k4, sewer, or will build tuuse to suit customers. See R. B. Klce on premises. Eust 22d and Wasco, or W. G. Beck. 3u7 a he Falling bldg. NEW COTTAGE FOR SALE IN SUNNY- side. o rooms, bath, large attic full base ment, gas; price lb0U; on easy terms. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 0 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD BUY Itt ACRES AT SOUTH MT. laoor in Al cultivation: would plat nicely: good school, plenty of water. Inquire at South Mu Tabor Real Estate Omce; take reservoir car on 1st st. $12,00075X100 CORNER 16TH AND AL- uci . uui uoj uu me luarKti touay; Duy now and double your money In the next 0 months. Sahlstrom & Patterson. 232 Stark st. HERMOSA PARK. SEASIDE IMPROVED iota zor sale; graded streets. ewers and water main; finest residence property on Clatsop Btach. A. Gilbert, Jr.. Seaside. Or. FOR SALE 50 ACRES AGRICULTURAL land. U-mlle from town; good buildings, fruit, etc.; a beautiful home. 52Cw. Ad dress Geo. H. Finney, Gervals. Or. NEW COTTAGE AT POINT VIEW. ST. Johns. 5 rooms and 200x100 feet of ground: price 51050. Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. and 7 Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 10-room modern house and full lot, 343 29th sr.. near Savlen easy terms. For full par ticulars phone Main 310. TWO MODERN COTTAGES. 3STH AND B. Salmon. 525 down. 525 monthly; two Monta villa. 525 down, 510 month. Burdsn. L'niun 4015. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOT& Bargalna on O. W. 1. electric line. O. R. Addlton, Lents. Or. Take Mr, Scott car, &c FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 rooms. 312 22d st. Price low. Owner. Mrs. W. A Daly. The Brown. 271H Grand ave. FOR SALE, CHEAP CORNER LOT. 72X ' 150, good house, barn; price 51500; North Mt. Tabor. O. R. Hlatt. phone Union 3105. FOR SALE NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAOE; good location; 51400, cash or Installments. O. M- Smith. 7S0 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTTFUL QUARTER BLOCK. NORTH west corner 22d and Kearney: easy terms. Frank C Baker, owner, Hamilton bidg. NEW MODERN COTTAGE. 4 ROOMS. 13 blocks eat of Morrison bridge. 52430; easy terms. Kroner, 1B5H 3d st. room B. 52300FOR SALE BY OWNER; 6-ROOiI modern cottage. East Side; full lot; close in; half cash. K 61, Oregonlan. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN. LOT fenced, fruit trees. 2 blocks from car; cash or terms. Ryder, Montavilla. FOR SALE NICE EIGHT-ROOM CORNER house, best location In South Portland. In quire 700 1st or 224 Pine. LOTS. 50X100. NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. and -40th St.; 5200. B. S. Cook & Co., 231 Alder st. Open evenings. COTTAGE. EAST SIDE. FIVE ROOMS. ALL conveniences; rents for 520; snap. 51600. W 53. Oregonlan. A NICE HOME, C60 JOHNSON ST.. BET. 20th and 21st. and full lot 50x100. In quire at premises. FOR SALE A BARGAIN. IMPROVED block, close to car line In Montavilla. In quire 407 Mlsner. ONE ACRE. IN CITY. ON CAR LINE, snap. 5550; 5100 down, balance terms. 204 Macleay bldg. 52250 MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, CO-FT. lot. cement walks, choice fruit and flowers. 722 E. Ankeny. FOUR LOTS. FAIRYIEW ADDITION TO East Portland; make me an offer. F GO, Oregonlan. FOR SALE ON KING'S HEIGHTS, MOD ern 11-room house; price 510.000. M 65, Oregonlan. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE, 6 MILES FROM Morrison st. bridge. C K. Ballard. MUwau kle. Or. FOR SALE 5 ACRES- ON ST. JOHNS Jlne. beautuui site, oy owner. 360 Ben ton st. FOR SALE A MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE. 51S0O; fine location; a snap; phone Union 3552. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE: PRICE 5300: north Mt, Tabor. O. R. Hlatt, Phone Onion 3106. 55000 FRACTIONAL CORNER LOT ON Washington near 18th st, X 63. Oregonlan. 516 G-ROOM COTTAOE ON RODNEY AVE. Inquire 321 Eugene st. East 2305. WANTED REAL- ESTATE. WANTED TWO LOTS IN MONTAVILLA; pay cash; call 1 North Fourth or Phone Clay 663. WANTED FaH or xraatteaal let; West St4; ie9 is; ier jtk. at 38. Orwlin. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. $3094 to Jld.eeo: also baa lees s properties. e00 to 529,009. Have'huyecs. L. W. Whltlar & Co. 408 Abinstoa bldr. IOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED X acres, with 15 under plow, balance In pasture; land Is rich and laya nicely; 6-acre bearing orchard; new feace, new 6-room bouse, larre bara and other buildings; live water; Umber for fuel and bulldiac purposes; 20-mlnute walk to town, on Columbia River; price. S1250. with S00 down. 160 acres, with 20 under plow; balance pas ture land and easily clearea; live water; land la)s nicely, and the soil very rich; good frame home and barn; fenced and cross fenced; family orchard: close to school: In thickly Settled community, on County road. 4 miles from town on Columbia, River; price, I160O. with rood terms. IMUS &. WILLOUGHBT. Kalama, Washlneton. DO YOU KNOW That the White Salmon Valley lies opposite Hood River, with a southern elope; that It raises finer berries ten days -earlier than Hood River; that our berries are ripe now; that we do not have to Irrigate; that we have a better climate and "richer soil than Hood Riven that our cherries, peaches and apples are hard to excel both in quality and quantity of production; that from one Wyear-old tree Capt. C H. Cook gathered 27 boxes of Spitzenberg apples; that you can buy fine oerry and orchard land for i less than In Hood River? It you don't Know these tacts, send for our book of bar gains. White Salmon Land Co., While Sal mon. Wash. ONLY ONE MILE FROM TOWN, 160 acres good land, -to acres cleared, 30 acres hay meadow. S acres plow land, 2 acres orchard; well watered; tf-room house, large barn, fruit house: 52500. 40 acres good land. 5250. Cowlitz County Land Co., Kelso, Wash. FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER THE "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from state: write or call today: booklets and map i free. B. S. Cook & Co.. 231 Alder St., Port land, or. Open evenings. $340066 ACRES. 40 IN CROPS: NEW 7 room house: barn. 11 head cattle. 13 head hogs, good farming Implements, orchard: creek: 1 miles electric line; terms. 468 t.. inn. 160 ACRES. IH MILES FROM KALAMA. 24 in cultivation, balance good timber: tf-room house, barn and outbuildings; soil good; title clear; 5150a c J. Lee. Kaktm. Wash. EXCURSIONS EVERY FEW DAYS TO Deschutes Irrigated Land; best opportunity ever ouerea; I'ncie sam now interested. Northwestern Stcurltlc? Co.. 315 Oregonlan bidg. Bargains In real estate Improved and nartly Improved farms In Multnomah and Clacka mas cos. List of prop, will be fur. on ap plication. Roberts & Wlrtz. Gresham. Or. 160 ACRES. UNIMPROVED. NEAR FOR est Grove, very cheap; also 71 acres. East Oregon City; terms to suit. Shoe Store, 270 Washington st. 585012 ACRES. Al SOIL. HALF IN CUL tlvation. small house and barn, within li miles of Gresham car line. 43 Vj 1st st. HOMESTEADS! HOMESTEADS! CAN Lo cate a few parties on very desirable farm lands. 315 oregonlan bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT TRUCK AND DAIRY FARM. 5 acres good pasture, 2 acres garden, nearly all blamed: good rouse, barn, good loca tion; reasonable price and terms. Box 6, eaeide, or. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE 5 FULLY-PAID DIVIDEND- paylng shares In one of Mexico a best rubber and conee plantations; value ?vuu; country realty vicinity Portland; no agents. Address t. L., .Fremont su, inicago, in. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE HALF INTEIt est in a sood 3-chair shop. H 65, Oregonlan. lOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. 10 FIRST-CLASS YELLOW PINE TIMBER claims, well located: last chance to se curb valuable Government lands at littie cost. Whltten & Bryant, 718 Marquam bldg. LOCATER GOING WITH PARTY TO OPEN- Ing Forest Reserve this month; fine timber. Phone Main 5741. Can locate homcstcaus. timber claims. Cea tral Oregon. T. M. O'Connell. Prineville. Or. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. AVE HAVE PRACTICALLY THE ONLY valid forest reserve scrip on the market. We handle ail kinds. Public land practice. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. F0P.E5T RESERVE, SANTA FE AND OTH r guaranteed land scrip on band teaay to lfccst. aiaginnis it boa. I .truing oicg. FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE ONE PAIR OF ROAD HORSES, color bay and black, sired by Holmdel 520. record 2:lSrk: team can be seen at Frazler &. McLean Stable; will sell as team or as ngle drivers. WANTED TO SELL 1 FINE BLOODED mare. 1 nobby two-eeated carriage, 1 line ruouer-tirea buggy ana names, at a oar- gain. Apply O. M. Smith. Chamber of Com. mercc. HORSES. WAGONS. HARNESS, ALL kinds of vehicles bought, sold and rented. Hubert Hall. 264 4th. Pbone Main 22U3. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on roast for sal or hire. 211 Wash. FOR SALE CHEAP A BAILY BUGGY. nearly new. Apply 24 .th st, N. Pianos. WANTED TO EXCHANGE A PIANO FOR two fresh cows; also hot water brooder for sale cheap. T GO, Oregonlan. - A GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO WILL BE SOLD at 5163 at 232 N. 19th St. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK7 Renalr It with Elaterite: U. rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coaling; good over old iron, tin or aningies; Dest for new roois. Elaterite itoonng uo.. room Hamilton Didg. BRAND NEW DRESS SUIT AND DINNER Jacket, tailor made, silk lined, best matari al. cost 5115; for roan 5 ft, 10 In., weight 170 lbs.; will sell for 575 and pay for al leratlons. v 65, oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND B Du llard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modem bar fixtures, cneap prices. isruiuwick-Baike-col lender. 40 3d su STOCK OF MUSICAL GOODS. SMALL IN- strumenu. sheet music, books, folios. II brarles and editions: also fixtures; make us an oner. . J. Makellne, assignee, 127 fitvemn su 21X3-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH WITH all .fixtures; also boathouse; 3i-horse power; price. 5375. Inquire 271 Couch st. WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR men's cast-off clothing, shoes and hats; Call at 73tt N. 3d; phone Green 42S. I NEED MONEY WILL SELL AT A BAR gain fine upright piano; any reasonable oner acceptea. zi u-. urcgoman. LEAVING CITY. MUST SELL TALKING machine, organ, casn register, furniture. Call 20S Clackamas, aat bide. ALMOST NEW SUSGER SEWING MA- store. inuuiujwu it. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED ENGLISH fox terrier puppies, warranted. 411 Spencer at,, Montavilla. 18-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH: IN EXCEL. lent condition, race. w. J. Clemens. 273 Stark st. e-a-c-vcu nivr.P W ATP" TP PlPPq i ti bles. 3 dozen chairs and dishes. ' Inquire FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND soda fountains, rtorwrop & sturgis. s xroat. NEW AND 2D -HAND CASH REGISTERS ana s-aica, euj yjuscuM. mo iuuuny at. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. .CALL 324 Chamber of coasierc or pnens Main 2863. GENT'S RAMBLER WHEEL. ONLY 5S. worth more, snoe store, iu Washington sr. A FRESH COW FOR SALE AT S61 WEID- Ier at. Trr-T.T WANTED MALE. WANTED MATTRESS MAKERS AND BOY3 to learn mattress making; good wages. Pe ters & Roberts Furn. Co.. 49 Front, corner Davis. WANTED A BUTCHER TO HELP OUT SAT- urdav. Call at 39 1st at 6 e ewek In aorn- HELP WANTKD MALE. WANTED CHIEF ENGINEER FOR BJD- irlgt rating plant, up-to-date equipment; must work aalft of eight hours and be able to make minor repairs, etc.; good wages, permanent position for right man; state experience. Address C. Krummel, Box ro5. Tacoma. Wash. LABORERS WANTED. This section Is short of able-bodied men for general common labor for a variety oZ work at 52 to a day. Corns to Portland, HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 26 Ncrth Second street. WANTED LIVE YOUNG MAN TO RBPRE- sent us on Coast: long contract to right party; deposit of 51000 required; money re funded at explraUon. of contract; salary 9125 per month. For "personal Interview ad dress P 09. Oregonlan. WANTED BOYS FROM EVERY SCHOOL in the city to sell coupons for souvenir pic tures of the schools; great chance for hustlers. Inquire after 1 P. M.. Saturday, C. Aerne, Jr., photographer, cor. 5th and Alder K. WANTED 10.000 LABORERS. LOGGERS. mill and railroad work. It you want work come to Portland; wages, 51.40 to 53 per day and board. Canadian Employment Co., 24U Burnside st. A "GOOD SIDE-UNE OF FIREWORKS ON commission for hustler through Eastern Ore gon. Idaho. Washington. Willamette Valley and on the Sound: give references. T 49. Uregcnlan. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary; send for particu lars. Press Syndicate, room 37. Lockport, N. Y. 25 GOOD LABORERS CAN FIND JOB WITH work train on The Dalles Portage Road. 3 miles from The Dalles; wages 52.25. Apply office. Nelson & AVhite. contractors, on the works. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumblnr trade. Coyne Bros. Co.. Schools of Practical Plumbing. 4U73-75 Easton ave.. St. Louis. Mo.; 1U7-& W. 3d at-. Cincinnati, O. WANTED FOR THE FAIR, CHORUS GIRLS. comedians, sister teams. sKetcn teams, il lustrated song singers, novelty dancers, mu sicians. Call 551;2 Morrison, room lz. WANTED LUMBER FOREMAN; ONE having experience with railroad material. for planing mill and lumber yard; answer quick. Address F 64. Oregonlan. , WANTED OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. Highest prices paid for men's cast-oil cloth In;, old shoes. Call 50 3d, near Pine. Phone Hood 1S62. Orders attended to. 3 PAINTERS. GOOD BRUSH HANDS. 53. S nours. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 26 North Second St. WANTED A FIRST.CLASS STICKER MAN. one who can do turning and detail work; state wagt-s wanted. Address urd Lum ber Co.. Forest Grove. Or. WANTED A MAN THAT CAN MAKE SAU- age of all kinds; butcher and handle retail trade; must be temperate and a hustler. M. B. Kent, Centralla. Wash. LEARN HYPNOTISM AND MIND READING Latest methods that assure positive suc cess. Room 22. Selllng-Hlrsch bldg.. West ram and Washington. WE SELL SICK AND ACCIDENT BENE fits that people want; splendid proposition to agents, union Mutual Aid Association, U5 Marquam. WANTBD-FIN'ISHERS AND BOYS: ALSO man to run woven-wire bed spring macnine. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., 1210 Macadam road. Columbus California wine depot; headquar ters cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines 5c per glass. P. Lorati. 14S 4th. Clay 1303. Wanted Men to learn barter trade; steady practice; expert Instructions: write tor terms. Gliiman's College, 627 Clay st,, S. i, We sell sick and accident benefits that people want: splendid proposition to agents. Union Mutual Aid Association. oo Marquam. LOGGERS. MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, others work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co., 103 Morrison. Main 1322. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit bus! ness. Call or write, C07 McKay bldg. WANTED A BRIGHT BOY WITH REFER- ences to drive wagon: good pay for start. Call at 540 1st st. at 6 o'clock. WANTED GOOD STOVE SALESMAN. travel Spokane territory; references re' quired. Box 740. city. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER as an- assistant at present. Address Lock Bex 168. Astoria. Or. WANTED COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER, state age and experience; give references. O 66, Oregonlan. SALESMEN WANTED EXTRA SALESMEN for Saturday. Inquire Phillips Shoe Co.. lvJ Sixth et. EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO SEW BURLAP. Temple of Mirth. Fair grounds. Young & Co. SHOE SALESMAN: OTHER OPENINGS. Bus iness Men's Clearing House, 505 McKay bldg. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITT. COUN try; big wages. 215 Commercial block. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT ONCE; referenced required. 232 Stark st. WANTED FinST-CLASS COAT MAKERS. NIcoll, the Tailor, 103 Third at. BARBER WANTED COR. SECOND AND Taylor at,; 54 guarantee. DRYGOODS SALESMAN. CARPET SALES man. 505 McKay bldg. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST. CURES ALL PRI vate diseases of men. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED-GOOD GIRL FOR FAMILY OF three, general housework, first-class wages; no children. Call at 310 Chamber of Com merce, between 1 P. 11. and 3 P. M. today. GUILE IF TOO" WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every month. CaU and register. Canadian Parlors. 22tHi Uorrticn. Main 1323. MARRIED WOMAN WITHOUT CHILDREN can get housekeeping rooms for woit caring for rooming-house; give phone number. Q 66. Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230H Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. RAPID FREE-HAND PYROGRAPHIC BUR ner for wood and leather: must furnish samples of work. Address G 60. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REP RE centatives In Portland and throughout 2 Lata; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. LADIES. EARN 520 PER HUNDRED WRIT lng short letters. Inclose stamped envelope. American Belt Works. Batavla. 111. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. WIDOWER on farm; no objection to one child. 230" Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. WANTED CAPABLE GIRL AS FAMILY cook; wages 540: references required. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. WANTED ENERGETIC INTELLIGENT young man with good references. Address O 64, Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN cook, good wages to the right person. Ap ply 161 23d st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral work In small family. Apply 770 Irv ing street. WANTED 2 SALESGIRLS FOR FANCY goods and notions. Boston Store, 1st and Salmon. WANTED GOOD COOK AT ONCE; NONE .other need apply. 270 6tb St.; good wages. GIRLS WANTED TO SEW ON FURS. Ap ply afternoon,- Sltverfleld's, 4th and Morrison. GIRL TO DO KITCHEN WORK AND home cooking In small bakery. 331 First st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. MUST be good cook, wages 525. Tel. East 200. WANTED GOOD. COMPETENT PERSON far general housework. Phone Union 84. WANTED A GIRL. TO DO GENERAL housework. Apply 723 Gllsan st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 767 Glisan St.. near 24th. WANTED FIRST-CLASS VEST MAKERS. NIcoll. the TaUor. 103 Third st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 15 E. 17th; cor. E. Ash. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE worfc. Inquire- at 14S N. 18th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENBRAL HOUSE work. Apply 235 King st, A JEWISH YOUNG LADY TO HELP cooking. 310 3d st. T.ULORESS WANTBO: TO HELP ON C0UL US 7th at. KELP WANTED FBMALK. 23 CHORUS GIRLS WANTED FOR PORT- land. World's Fair. Amateur and profes sloBal actors, singers, musicians, etc. wanted: call and. see at once; easy work, big salary. Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 35 1H Morrison. MILLHANDS; SECOND COOK. 514; CAN dymaker;. Chinese. Japanese, hotel, boarding, restaurant waitresses, city, Albany,,, Astoria; family help; chambermaids, cooks- Drake's, 205 Vi, Washington. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL- HOUSE- work; family of two; small house; 1143 Ellsworth st,. near 30th at,. Richmond. Phone East 3630. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, family of two: must hava first-class references. Apply 777 Overton st.. mornings. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO sell tho sew telephone Index. InqiUra W J. Clemens. 273 Stark st, WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK WITH references: good wages. Apply 721 Flanders. Mrs. S. M. Mears. WANTED GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK IN private family; good wages; no washing. 569 Everett st., WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. 242 2d st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN watchmaking. engravlnsT. Jewelers' woric; only practical working school for Jewelers; money made learning. Seattle Watchmaking and Esgravlpg School, P.-I. building, eatue. WANTED-PARTY TO INTERVIEW WELL-to-do class; what they say to carry weights big money; steady position. Room 2. 43 2d st. VESTMAKER AND A HELPER. INQUIRE Brault, Tailor, rooms 16-17. Hamilton bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED BY RAILROAD MAN. Posi tion with commercial house: at present employed local office In city; familiar with rates. G 63. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPING OR GENERAL OFFICE work by young' man, age 22; good penman; reference; moderate salary to start. S 62, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN OF SEVERAL YEARS' Experience- wishes general office or clerical work. A No. I references. V 61. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. MARRIED MAN. ACQUAINTED WITH THE trade, wants position in wholesale housa or as solicitor for fruits and produce; can give references; no trlflers need answer. N 66. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN, TEMPERATE HABITS. Ex perienced in fruits, vegetables and produce, wants position In general market or dtore; can give referencta. M 66, Oregonlan. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN WHO SPEAKS and writes English. French, German and tho three Scandinavian languages, would like position. Y 32. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER EXPERIENCED DOUBLE entry, German-American, wants position; Al New York references; address T 64, Ore gonlan. WANTED POSITION AS WAITER. CAPA ble of taking charge of dining-room; do nut object to leaving city. W 63, Oregonlar. WANTED POSITION IN WAREHOUSE or wholesale house by young man; first class references. N 65, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION. EXPERIENCED COL lector. cashier and ticket seller. 14 years in city; references. R 64, Oregonlan. PA NTSMAKER WANTS SITUATION, country; steady and reliable; telegraph. Robinson, 4. N. 3d st., Portland. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers, all kinds of help. Black 892, 268 Everett st. MARRIED MAN. 30. MUST HAVE STEADY employment, 2 yeare experience in office; city references. N 50, Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION AS CHAM ber boy In boarulng-house, hotel or lodging-house. P 62. Oregonlan. STATIONARY ENGINEER. STEAMFITTER and shaft-liner, good for all kinds of odd repairs. N 64. Oregonlan. WOODTURNER. FIRST CLASS,. WANTS A position, city or country, .aarcs3 u. una grcn. 652 Upshur st.. city. AS ATTENDANT TO INVALID OR CHRON ic patient, by trained male nurse; refer eoces. E 61. Oregonlan. JAPANESE MAN AND WIFE. SITUATION to do housework in hotel or lodging-house. F tSS. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS BREADMAKER WOULD like to secure a position. Address H 63, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY A YOUNG MAN to take care of Invalid: experienced. 065, Oregonlan. JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS COOK. WANTS situation to do cookins. 45 N. 1st et. BARTENDER, THOROUGH. FAST, SOBER, and reliable. Address L 63. Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION AS COOK in private family. K 63, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. REFINED LADY WITH TWO CHILDREN wishes position superintending rooming house; must be first-class; none other need answer; no trlflers. "B 65, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY A THOROUGHLY experienced and competent lady as house keeper or charge or rooming-house: refer ences. Address 415 Broadway. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, GIRL 10, DESIRES situation housekeeper, family or widower. 230, Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. Domestics. VERY EXPERIENCED GERMAN GIRL DE sirea situation: family second work; wages 525. 230& Yamhill st. Phone Main 5413. CAPABLE. MIDDLE-AGED SWEDISH GIRL desires situation upstairs work, care chil dren. 230 Yamhill. Phone. Main 5413. GERMAN GIRL WANTS PLACE FOR COOK lng and housework; wages 525 to 530. V 65, Oregonlan. Dressmaking. FASHIONABLE MILLINER. 348 YAMHILL st,, will visit your home by the day: haws made to order; remodeling a specialty. Hlsceltaneoas. VIOLINIST AND PIANIST AT MBERTY. Al music furnished for dances, entertainments or theater. Address Room 18, 10614 4th st. EXPERIENCED. UNINCUMBERED WOMAN desires situation care Invalid or housekeeper, country. 230& Yamhill. Phone Main 3413. HOME-LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS, Phone Scott 3846: flrst-clasa work. WANTED AGENTS. LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW. GOOD seller, big wages. 215 Commercial bile WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Rooms for the Exposition In all parts of the city. Apply Exposition Accommodation Bureau. 200 to 203 Goodnough building. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Exposition Corporation. Phone Main 6263. WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLS party wishes to rent for six months good sized, well-furnished house in desirable lo cation. Address, for three days, stating terms, J 61. care Oresonian. FOR FIVE MONTHS 0 TO I0-ROOM HOUSE, furnished; select neighborhood, modern, near transportation; an exceptionally good ten ant, M 61. Oregonlan. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, ROOM WITH or without board; permanent; state price and conveniences. R 66, Oregonlan. MARRIED COUPLE WANTS ROOM AND board In private family; Portland Heights preferred. H 64. Oregonlan. . WANTED FURNISHED OR PARTLY FUR nished cottage In suburbs; permanent; ref erences. K 64. Oregonlan. BOARD AND SINGLE ROOM" WANTED BY young: man; central: permanent; state par ticulars. E 64. Oregonlan, WANTED TO RENT HOUSE OF 35 ROOMS or teas: Call or address K., 331 5tk at.