-. -ST." VVy - THE MOUSING OKEGOK1AN, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1903. OUTLOOK NOT GOOD Washington Must Wait for Reclamation Work. NEW- DIFFICULTIES ARISE Porous Boll of Palouse May Make Construction Too Costly Carey Irrigators In the Way in '- Yakima Valley.' OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, May S. The prospect for early .irrigation in Washington, is not bright, as evidenced by the report of the Board of Consulting Engineers whioh recently examined the Palouse,' Okanogan and Yakima projects. This report, re ceived today, is not complete, hut t shows that .none of the projects have been sufficiently examined or devel oped to determine their exact feasibil ity, and further surveys will have to be made before any project In Wash ington can be adopted or rejected. The Palouse project, heretofore re garded as the most feasible in Wash ington, Is developing features which make it 'doubtful if the Government can reasonably undertake its construc tion. In additloff to the difficulties the Government Is Slaving with the O. R. & 2C. over the removal of Its. tracks from Washtucna coulee, recent exam inations' have shown that the ground proposed to be traversed by canals or occupied by storage works Is more or less porous, and it is feared It will .not hold water. It is anticipated that the ptorage reservoir of this project would have to be lined with cement, and there is danger that the canals would leak badly. However, further exam inations will be "made to determine the exact character of the underlying ground and rock. Brighter for Okanogan. The outlook on the Okanogan project 1b more favorable than It has been heretofore, though there is still doubt whether there Is ample water for Gov ernment purposes. Under this project certain vested rlgnts must be acquired by the Government before it can irri gate, and this question, too, must be further considered. Not Room for Both. Apparently there, is a' prospect of Government irrigation In the Yakima Valley, providing selections by the state under the Carey act are rejected by the Secretary' of the Interior. There is not room in the valley for the Gov ernment and Carey act irrigators too. One or the other must withdraw. Pend ing determination as to what action will be taken on the state's selections, it is Impossible to say what are thp prospects along the TaklmsL River, though it is certain that If the state .selection Is approved the" Government will not have an opportunity to Irri gate Yakima lands. Tne details of the report of the board have not been made public, but the im pression conveyed by a summary is that there will likely be no Irrigation in Washington in .the near future, or, if at all. It must be in the Yakima Val ley. Northwest Postal Changes. OREGONIAN" NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, May 3. Oregon rural routes have been ordered established June 1: Holbrook, Multnomah County, route 1, population 540, houses 120; Oregon City, Clackamas County, route 5, popu lation 620, houses 138. Postmasters appointed: Oregon Beagle, Jackson County, Monroe Cor den, vice Milton Houston, resigned; Demoss Springs, Sherman County, P. Demosa, vice Isaac Jewell, resigned; Mount Vernon. Grant, County, Archie Black, vice H. H. Cummings. resigned- Pratum. Marion County, P. D. Ott. vice Clyde Pice, resigned. Washington Seabeck, Kitsap Coun ty, Jacob lCrom, vice Helen Prosch, re signed. National Bank for Fairbanks. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, May 3. The First National Bank of Fairbanks, Alaska, has heen authorised to begin business with $30, 000 capital; Samuel A. Bonnifield, pres ident; L. C. Hess, cashier. Peel Bark 'to Save .From Thieves. CENTRA L1A. Wash.. May (Spcciai.) The Ccntrajla Shingle Mills Company expects to begin at once to peel the chlt em "bark from its' extensive timber hold ings Iivthls county. Mr. Ort, of -the com pany, 'states that it is impossible to pre vent the stealing of the bark over such a. largo area, and thev will be forced to peel it to1 savo themselves from loss. Tho bark Is' now worth about 4- or 5 cents per pound. 'The company will store the h,ark in Oentralia for a year or so, and expects to. got a higher price when they sell. " CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Xausea, Drowsi. ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate tfee Bowels. Purely Vegetable. ftrnaK F!K. SmaH Dom. Small Prioa. J TODAY, THURSDAY FOURTH DAY OF THE GREAT SALE Think of Paying 25c for a Darning Needle! KKSSf SSSrWJffiJK Tom Richardson, Manager of Portland Commercial Club Told a School ef Domestic Science. Tea Room Second Floor. Under the Auspices of Portland TODAY'S MENU. Mean fer Tfcarsdsy, May 4. Tea. Coffee. Chocolate. Milk In Bottles. Cream of Asparagus Soup. Salad. Ham Sandwiches. Bread and Butter. Hot Rolls. Scotch Short Bread. at an have the impression n - other: in strict out the ads for two SUPPLY THE SUMMER NEEDS NOW! TODAY'S HOME-FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE Extra Specials Will Not Repeat. If You Would Share Their Benefits Yeu Must RespeR Today. HONE-FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE In Portland's Largest and Foremost Women's Ready-to-Don Raiment Store Grand Salons Second Floor 1 Women's Handsome $15 and $13.50 Mohair Shirtwaist Suits $ 1 1.55 Of rich, durable and handsome dust-proof and popular mohair materials, in blacks, blues, browns and pretty, fancy mixtures. Waists have leg-o'-mutton sleeves, fancy stock collars and trimmings of silk braids and plaits. Skirts, to match. Best $15.00 and $1S.50 values in J- 1 1 R Portland-Special today I.WvP HOME FOLK'S PRC-EXPOSITION SALE In the Busy, Bijou Millinery Salons Annex, Second Floor. , A Stirring Bargain in Smart Street Hats Special for Today Only Women's $3 Street Hats $1.95 This offering consists of a fresh, new shipment of about 25 dozen very stylish hand-made Straw Street Hats, made over an exceptionally smart frame and effectively trimmed with a big straw bow and a knot of velvet. In plain and two-toned color effects, embracing every desirable shade; . our regular $3.00 value. Special at, each I x HOME FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE OF Pretty $7.50 and $5.50 Fancy Silk Shirtwaists at One-Half Price! Special for Today Only, in Portland's Largest and Leading Suit and Waist Store N Grand Salons Second Floor. In an immense assortment of pretty colored taffetas, plaided and dotted pat terns, the former in handsome Scotch effects, embracing all the colorings that go to make up the happicct hie'land combinations. Sleeves arc in Bishop ef fects, with puffed shoulders. Fronts are plaited, French effect backs. Fancy stock collars and tie, with pretty butfon trimming, complete the charming cre ationsthe prettiest lot of Silk Waists in the city at $7.50 and $8.50. For One Day Only ! Half Price ! Half Price I HOME-FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE OF Miscellaneous Tid-Bits Today Only Notion AUIe sad Small Wares Shops First Fleer.. Buttons 5c Card White Pearl Buttons; tiro or four holes; 1 dozen on the card; all sizes; special at. card Sc 35c Belt Buckle Sets 5c Belt Buckle Sets, In gilt or oxide, with front and back pieces Regular value 35c; special at. set, 5c Toilet Soap Three Cakes for 10c Green Olive Oil Castile Soap; In large, square "cakes Regular value 5c; special at.... 16c fer 3 Cake. Toilet Paper Two Rolls 5c Toilet Paper in rolls of Ave ounces Regular value 4c: special at . .... .5c fer Tire Rolls Playing Cards 1 5c Best Enamclcd-Back Mascot Playing Cards; special at, package ,. 15c 5c Lead Pencils Two for 5c Eagle Lead Pencils, No. 2. round, with rubber tip Regular value Sc: special at.. 5c fer Two Pencils Tit-mrttnat Sttn-' A a story of a weird yam that has gone circulating thro' the narrow corridors of the effete East for several decades past, informal dinner civenv a bodv n Portland's business men at the Club by the Advertising Men's League. The cist was i . it.- t3:a. rv-t me impression mat commoaiues cost more on uie fating r: in strict confidence, that in Portland the 1905 Exposition City that commodities cost more on the Pacific Loast confidence, that in Portland the 190o Exposition Uty weeks from a leadins? store's daily announcements and embracing nearly everythiug needed for personal wear and household use. He investigated and found what? THAT OUT OF THE 80 ITEMS, SELECTED AT RANDOM, OVER 60 PER CENT WERE ACTUALLY BEING SOLD AT LESS THAN THE MANUFACTURER'S WHOLESALE PRICE!. Think of that, Portland -women I Of course, we're too modest to say those items were selected from this store's ads but, if Tom would tell, we'd bet a cookie they were. How we do it involves too many reasons to print here. Suffice to say this store makes a legitimate earning every year, yet names the lowest prices on dependable merchandise of quality quoted by any house from the Atlantic to the Pacific Portland people are proud of their store they show it by their staunch support and generous patronage. This month offers an oppor tunity to provide for all the Summer needs at wholesale prices to those who follow our ads daily and respond to them. A fresh grist of bar gains every day. These for today only: $22.50 and $25 Swagger Silk Shirtwaist Suits $15,55 Pretty, trim and trig: Every woman wants at least two Shirtwaist Suits this Summer. There's a lot of tramping ahead, before Exposition days are over, and there's nothing so suited for that purpose as the Shirt waist Suit, so favored by Dame Fashion for 1905 wear. The Suits com prising today's offering arc in handsome taffetas, browns and greens in changeable effects and plain blacks. Waists have shirred yokes and are box-plaited, with leg-o '-mutton sleeves, in fancy effects, and fancy stitch trimmings. Skirts are in the popular round lengths, with stitch ing, shirrings and plaitings to- match. 22.50 and $25 4 1 S values-today only, at 3 HOME-FOLK'S PllE-EXPOSrriO.V SALE'S Today's Special Shoe Bargains "Fair-"Way Kootircar Shops for Mea, AVemem iblldreB 'vet Anatx FIrat Floor. Women's $5 5hoes $3.35 Women's Lace Shoes; medium shade of tan, Russia calf. Blucher cut. large eyelets; the right soles for street wear Regular value $5.00; special, pair . Women's $3.50 Colonial Ties $1.39 Patent colt and vlci kid Colonial Ties and Buckle Low Shoes; thin and heavy soles Reg- fc 1 in ular value J5.50; special, pair I . i y Children's $! Shoes 75c Children's Lace and Button Shoes; vicl kid, patent tips, splendid stock: sizes 2 to S; no heels Reg ular value 75e; special, pair e Sizes 6 to S, with half-spring heels Regu- "7 lar value $Loo; special, pair 6? 3f -WtsUtittf Sts. 24 Of the than in the big Eastern centers of commerce that one v. v: tt i L man m wc uig asicru ceniere oi. commerce mat "an ordinary darning needle gold for 25c" Tom an ordinary darning needle gold for 25c" Tom selected SO items, covering: almost cverv class of HOME-FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITIOX SALE AMONG The Pretty, Summery Dress Stuffs Waab Goods AUles First Floor. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. SPECIAL FOR TODAY ON'L: 25c White Pique ISc Good quality White Pique; "5 size cords Regular val--ue 2oc: special, yard 18c 2 yc Dress Ginghams Sc 15,000 yards new Dress Ginghams, in plaids, neat checks, plain and fancy stripes Regular value 12!ic; special, yard , Sc 1 5c Percales He Best quality Percales: large assortment In light; me dium and dark colors: all new Regular value 15c; special, yard 11c New Arrivals in the The Women's Toggery Shop First Floor. Gloves Xew Sflk Gloves in brown, blue, gray, tan, black and white: double linger tlpa Value, pair 63c Finer grade: double flnger tips Val., pr., 1 and $1.25 New Lisle Thread Gloves; 2-clasp; very durable, fine fitting Values 50c, 63c, 75c and 91.00. Just received a line of Long Silk Gloves; black, white and pearl Values 85c. ?1.00 and $1.25 PAIR. Women's Collar and Cuff Sets Collar and Cuff Sets; a beautiful lot in Irish crochet, embroidered Anglais lace and blue bell patterns Values 75c to $1.30 SET. New Ribbons French Blue Satin Taffeta Ribbons. Reseda Green Satin Taffeta Ribbons. Champagne Satin Taffeta. Rib bons. Black Satin Taffeta Ribbo..s, for making smart girdles Values 30 to 70c YARD. HOME-FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE OF Dainty, Pretty Summer Jewelry and Smart Leather Purses West Ana en First Floor. Stylish, pretty adornments: latest fads and fancies in swagger novelties. The Jewelry Shop For todaj, one day only, we will place on sale all our Pearl Cut-Bead and Gold-Bead Neck Chains. 25c values; special for J7c. 50c values for 33c. 63c values for 30c. 85c values for 50c. $1.25 values for 70c. Crosses are all the ro in the style world, and to day they go at these prices Tic values for 39c. S1.00 values for 59c. $1.25 values for 69c. H.od values for t)3v. Leather Goods Aisle ' One lot of fine "Envelope" Purses 75c values for 4ic One lot of fine Coin Purses Regular 65c values for UOc HOME-FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE OF Pretty and Useful Decorations for the Home Fourth Floor Special for Today Only. 5.00 Couch Covers $3.75 Fringed Tapestry Couch Covers; three yards long, 60 inches wide; splendid assortment of Oriental de signs; all colors Regular value $5.00; special at, each $3.75 $5.50 Irish Point Curtains $4163 White Irish Point Curtains; 3i yards long. 48 inches wide; 10 styles to choose from Regular value 58.50: special, pair , $4.63 $3.50 Oriental Rugs $2.46 American Machine-Made Oriental Rugs; an exact re production of the hand-made goods In pattern, color, weave and fringe: plze 27x54 inches Regular value $3.50; special, each au.ia "HOME-FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE MEN'S TOGGERY BARGAINS For Today Only, In "Ye Haberdanherlr." West Abbcx FIrat Fluor. 75c Golf Shirts 47c A line of Men's Goif Shirts in white, with fancy white pique fronts Regular value 75c: special for to- aay at, eacn 47d 25C SOX 15c A lino of Men's Soring-Weisht Fancy Sox in srrav. with stripes Regular value 25c; special for to day at, pair 15c 50c Underwear 33c A line of Men's Flat Balbriggan Underwear, in plain ecru color; shirts are silk-finished, with French neck; drawers sateen-faced, with double scat; one of the most stanle Summer carmen ts sold at 50c: special for today at, per garment 33c 50c Neckwear 25c A broken line of Men's Neckwear, in tecks, shield teens ana rour-in-hands Koguiar value oOc: sDecIal for today at. each.... ssc HOME-FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE BF Dining-Room Needfuls And Garden Hose Rare Bargains Third Fleer. Dinner Sets Decorated English Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets; neat Doruer aecorauons 56-piece et regular value $4.S0; special, set. .18 60-pIece set regular value $6.40; special. eet..9B.l3 103-plece set regular value $12.00; special', set, 98.58 American Porcelain Dinner Setsz. fancv shaoe: deco rated with pink carnation Spray and full gold Hnes 50-piece set regular value $7.20; special, set. .95.79 60-pIece set regular value $9.60; special, set.. 97.68 lOa-piece set regular value $14.40; spec'l, set, 9ll.es Garden Hose Cotton-covcrea; so rear long: special, each 9-123 Gray Rubber; good quality; 50 feet long; special, each. for - 94.59 Bed Rubber; best qualjty: 50 feet long; special, each. for f.7g MORE DAYS ONLY Greatest Sale in Portland's History on Monday night, that Eastern folk Special Notice Mail Orders Daring; coatiaaanc of the "HOME-FOLK'S PHE-EXPOSI-TIGN" SALE," ont-of-tOTra MAIL. ORDERS trill oaIy be ailed vrhea postmark bears date not later than 24 boar of date of paper 1b which specials vrere advertised. OLDS, WORTH AX & KING. . , one woman investigated: woman told an investigated: He cut merchandise namnble HOME-FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE'S Attractions for the Thrifty In the "SILK STORE" South Annex First Floor. New 1903 SATIN FOU1.ARDS; the very best made. Sold In most stores at $1.25 per yard; following colors for your choosintr grays, tans, resedas, cadets, navys and browns; in all the wanted dots and neat fig ured effects. Special for today only, foRr at the yard .7. ...."Oi. 2203 yards 27-Inch ALL PURE SILIC BLACK TAFFE TA; the best wearing silk made In America for suits, skirts and linings Our regular $1.23 grade: spe cial for today only, yard ..SOc Compare these silks with any sold In the city up to $1.50 tne yard. HOME-FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE'S Dress Goods Attractions For Today Only Scuth Annex First Floor. Cream All Wool and Silk and Wool Dress Fabrics Specially Reduced for Today Sejling A golden opportunity to provide for the June wedding and confirmation giwns Our regular $1.25 grades of cream Panama, poplin de chine, brilliantine. Sicilian, figured mohairs, granites, cheviots, Panama chev iots, voiles, etamini. melrose crepe, caritas. Clf etc:; special for today only, yard Black all-wool and silk and wool fabrics for Thurs day's special sale. Our regular $2.00 grade of poplin de chine, crepe de Paris. Turkish mohairs, chiffon voile. English bril liantine and Sicilians: special for today i -r only, yard 1 HOME-FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE la Woroea'a Knitwear Alslea First Floor. The Underwear and Hosiery Values in the Pre-Exposition Sales Are- the talk- of the toitn. These for today only: Women's White Cotton Jersey-ribbed, knee-length, -lace-trimmed Pants: French bands; all sizes O't 35c quality; special, pair Women'a White Cotton Richelieu-ribbed, long-sleeve Vests: straight; neatly trimmed Big 2oc llr value: special, each I V. Women's All-Lace Black Lisle Hose, embroidered boots, full-shaped and finished $1.00 value: SSr extra .special, pair Infants fine-ribbed Black Cotton Hose: finished foot double knee; sizes 4. ii and 3 Values to 40c l rr pair; extra special, pair 1 Children's White Knit Waists; strongly f "tr ' made Good 25c value; special at. each 1 v'- HOME-FOLK'S PRE-EXPOSITION SALE AND WHITE MAY FAIR. Special Bargains Today In the Undermuslin and Lingerie Salons And Baby-to-Miss Shops Annex Second Floor. These special values are for today only, remember. Ladies Corset Covers of fine 'cambric, trimmed in Valen ciennes or Torchon lace In sertions and edgings, bead ing and draw ribbons: low. square neck and full front Regular price 40c; spec'l JSc Children's fine cambric Cir cular Skirts, with waist bands, cluster of five ne tucks, 9-inch flounce, with 3 '.-j -Inch embroidery edging. Dorset Cover Ages, years 4 C 8 10 12 Regular price $1.35 $1.40 $1.45 $1.30 $1.55 Special at- 91.15 9L20 91.25 51.30 91.35 Children's Bonnets and Hats; all new. of this season's creations; made of fine mull silk and chiffons, in white, tan, blue and piuk; trimmed in ribbons, flow ers, laces and fancy ribbons. Regular prices. .$4.00 $5.0D $5.50 $0.50 $3.00 to $12.50 Special at 92.50 935 93.43 9-1.06 9-1.93 to 9 7.S0 German Applique 32x32 Squares, and 20x54 Scarfs, in an endless variety of pretty designs with hem stitched or scalloped edges and openwork centers Regular price G5c; special at 43e Scott's Hip-Form and Bustle combined; very llgnt and ventilated; has an invisible edge; can be re versed and worn over or under- a corset SUes 00-3 Regular price 50c; special at 34c Size 4 Regular price 75c; special at 57c Size 5 Regular price $1.00; special at .79e HOME-FOLK'S TRE-EXPOSITION SALE AND WHAT IT BRINGS TODAY IN Women's Furnishing and Finery Bargains First Floor. 50c Taffeta Ribbon 25c A new lot of Moire Silk Taffeta Ribbons; best quality; in all wanted colors, such as pink, blue, turquoise, blcge, nlle, lavender and French blue, green, brown, navy and copper in three different shades Regular values 40c and 50c; special, yard .....25c Women's 1 5c Handkerchiefs 5c A fine lot of Handkerchiefs In Swiss, Cambric, lace trimmed and fine Corded Swiss Regular values 10s and 15c; special, each 5c 75c French Valenciennes Laces and Insertion lOcyd. Thousands of yardrf of fine French Valenciennes Laces and Insertions; a large assortment of patterns to se lect from; will be divided In three lots Values from 5c to 73c yard: special Lot 1 at, yard.. 19c.. !Lot 2 at, yard. .25c. Lot 3, yd., lflc Women's 75c Neck Stocks 25c A lot of Silk Neck Stocks worth from 5Dc to 75c Some lacc-trlmmed around lower edge; some trimmed with rueijlng and lace, with front tat 2Se Fancy Silk Stocks with four-in-hand ties; also Val enciennes Buster Brown. Valenciennes Lace Collars, -worth $1.00; special at. each . ...25c 3C - i';V'.' i