fHE FORKING OREGONrANv WEDNESDAY, MAT 3, 1905. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OKEGOXIAX'S TELETHOSXS. Cooatlnr-Eoom ..i Mala 66T Manadnp Editor. Main 63 Buadaj- Bdltor Main 6225 City Editor Main 1W Eoelety Editor. Main 8235 Composiar-Rooia .....Mala 6&5 8uprlateadent Bulldln Rd 2S2 Eat Side Otflce E"1 61 AMUSEMENTS. EMPIRE THEATER (12th and MorrltoiO Jtatlnee at 2:15 and evening at 8:15. Tfte Marble Htart." STAR THEATER (Park and "Washington) Contlnuoui vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30 and 8 P. M. GRAND THEATER (Park and TTaahlnBton) Continuous vaudevlllt, 2:30 to 10:30 T. M.. BAKER THEATER (3d and Yamhill) Con tinuous vaudeville, 2:30, X:S0 and ft P. M. Medals Presented. The Industrial School for Girls, under the auspices o the Portland Woman's Union, conducted by Mrs- June Ordway, held the closing exercises of the year at 510 Flanders street last Monday. Medala for neatness, excellence of work and faithful attend ance were presented by Mlsa Helen F. Spauldlng, chairman of the educational committee of the "Woman's Union. Miss Spauldlng also gave each pupil a motto as a reminder of a pleasant year's work. The usefulness of this branch of the work of the "Woman's Union cannot be over estimated. The work is carried on with patience and self-sacrifice on the part of Mrs. Ordway, and the beneficial results are due In a special degree to her pains taking labor. "Will Be Paved "With Crushed Rock. Property owners along East "Water street, between Madison and Pine streets, have made a contract with the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company to pave the street with crushed rock from Estacada. Surface of the newly-completed embankment will be covered six Inches deep at the curb and ten Inches deep in the center, the whole to be rolled to a compact roadway. The railway company will lay a permanent track in the center of the street. Proceedings for the ulti mate widening of East Water, between Morrison and Madison bridges, are mov ing forward without encountering any opposition, but it will take about a year to finally finish the widening. Will Pat Off Some Bonds. Monta vllla School District will this year en deavor to reduce its indebtedness by pay ing off some portion of its $12,500 out standing bond?. The district is small in territory, but has a large school popula tion, the attendance exceeding 400 pupils. The taxable property amounts to about 31S0.000. Iso part of the bonds issued to build the present schoolhouse have ever been paid, but the present board of dl rectors feels that a start toward liquida tion should be made very soon. Forbidden To Blast STtriirs. J. B Tandram. who had been granted permls yion to blast out stumps in the Holbrook Tract, In St. Johns, has been deprived of that privilege because of the danger attending the process. Pieces of a stump were blown close to the 'home of Wil liam Edmonson, which Is 200 feet from the tract. Land ram was asked to give warning when he was going to blow out a stump, but he refused, and on com plaint of Edmonson his permit to blast out the stumps was revoked. Explains New Assessment Plan. At a joint session of Eureka. No. 125, and Orescent, No. 10, of Albina, held In the "hall on Williams avenue and Russell street. Past Grand Master Ralph Fecncy explained at length the practical workings of the new assessment plan adopted at the ppecial meeting of the Grand Lodge of the A. O. C. W. lie undertook to show from the new rates that the order had been placed on a safe footing, and was equally Inviting to the young and oia members. Pedestrians Cross At 7 A. M. Burn fide bridge will be open this morning to peaesinans at 7 o'clock. Delay in cot ting some lumber prevented opening nooner. The gearing of the draw has Just been overhauled and practically maae. .engineer Harry Stutsman savs that the gearing was found in very bad condition, after having been operated con tinuously for 11 years without repairs. , One Siqnaturb Is Lacking. One sic nature only is lacking to the agreement on the part of property owners on Grand avenue to pay one-half of the cost of an elevated roadway between East Stark and Pine streets, the city paying the other hair. It is expected to get this signature in a tew aays. when it will bo left with the Executive Board to carry out its part. Twenty Volumes of Educational Ex itiBiT. Professor Hadlcy, principal of the nowaday School, which has 19 classroom?, reports that 20 volumes of educational exhibits had been prepared for the gen eral Fair display. It Includes industrial displays of local factories. Professor Hadley said that the preparation of the rxniDit was a heavy task on all the teacners. Two Cottages Burned. Two cottages in Mansfield addition to Montavilla, near me nase line road, owned by H. Erickson ana j. uisen, were destroyed bv fire ves tcrday, with most of their contents. The loss is about 52000, partly covered by in surance. Fire started in the basement oi tne .nckson house and spread to the oincr. several cottages were cadangercd, Important Notice! Important Notice! AH parties having bills against the Elks' Fair held at the Armory are requested to man me same at once to Mr. Han-ev O.'Bryan, McKay building, for settlement- John F. Cordray, Chairman, Elks County x- air. Bot Disappears. August Martin, aced IS years. living at Arleta. on the Mount Scott branch of the Oregon Water Power nne. disappeared Sunday from his home, and has not been seen slnrp. "U'tti him $60 also disappeared, which his father thinks the boy took. The police have iouna no trace of the missing boy. Luckt for Oregon, when Wooster came See the Sea next Sunday at Seaside Only ji.50 for round trip. Excursion train leaves Union Depot 8 At M.. return ing leaves Seaside 5 P. M. Tickets, 245 Alder street, any day during the week. A Ecai lor every passenger. Latino Double Curve. Double curves are being laid on the intersection of Grand avenue and East Morrison street lor tne south and north branches and the Mount Tabor cars. Heavy iron is being used. .About fifty men have been at work at this Intersection. St. John's New Building. M. L. Hoi brook is erecting a two-story frame building on Jersey and PhiladclDhla streets. On this corner also ground has been broken for a two-story brick. Cost or tnese improvements will run above 51V.W0. Has Monet For Furniture. Proceeds oi tne entertainment given by the Teach crs and Mothers' Club of Brooklyn School arc J45.70. which will be usedvto supply the assembly hall with chairs, pictures ana some oincr neeaed articles. Wesletan Conference. The Weslev an Conference of the Methodists will con. vne this morning at 10 o'clock In the Wter Addition Church. The church may be reached by the North Mount xaoor electric line. Doc Show opens 10 A. M. today. Exoosi tion Building, Nineteenth and Washing- ion streets, judging begins 2:30 P. M. Finest classes of dogs In the United States are on exhibition. Admission. 25 cents; children, 15 cents. KOrND-TRiP to Cascade Locks by steamer every Monday, Wednesday and t naay. Leaves 7 A. M.: return 6 P. M. Landing foot of Alder street. Fare JL30. Phone Main 914. A Social Tea and the annual sale of the woraanjs Guild will be held this afternooa from 3 to 5 P. M., at the Hobart-CurtlB. Mrs. George W. McBrlde will be keetess. Acme Oil Co. sell the best safety ooal Unitarian Alliance Meeting. At the literary meeting ef the Woman's Alliance this afternoon, la the Unitarian Chapei, Miss L- E. White, for a long time secre tary of the Camera Club of Portland, and still one of its most skilled members, will talk upon "Outdoor Photography." The talk will be freely illustrated. All inter ested in this attractive subject, as well as students desiring better knowledge upon it, are requested to attend this meet ing. The ladles of the alliance extend a cordial invitation to any and all who may wish to attend. The business meeting will be called at 2 o'clock, while the lec ture will begin at 2:30 P. M. Charitable Social. Many of the In vitations to the card party to be given at Parsons HalL Nineteenth and Wash ington streets. In aid of the Mercy Home, Sixteenth street, will be received today or within the next few days. Wednesday next, May 10, Is the appointed day, and the party will take place In the afternoon at 2 o'clock. The patronesses on this oc casion are: Mrs. J. B. Montgomery. Mrs. H. E. Edwards. Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch, Mrs. H. C. Bowers. Miss Falling. Mrs. J. Monks, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. J. P. Sharkey. Mrs. Slgmund Frank, ;Mia Wilson. Mrs. P. E. Sullivan, Mrs. Ralph Wilbur. Five Free Trips to Fair. The Sugar Pine store of Grant's Pass will send five of Its customers to the Lewis and Clark Fair this Summer, paying carfare and providing free admissions. The Sugar Pine store Is one of the most popular stores in Southern Oregon, ana the larg est, covering 12,000 square feet of ground space. An exceptionally attractive book let, illustrated with halftone cuts of the Exposition buildings, has Just been Issued by the managers of the store, Messrs Kinney and Truax, Grant's Pass, Or. Hold Evangelistic Services. At the Epworth M. E. Church. Twenty-third and Irving streets, evangelistic services will begin tonight and will continue every evening except Saturday. The meetings will be conducted by J. L. McComb, the openalr evangelist of the Chapman party. who is to assist Rev. Henry T. Atkinson, the pastor. Mr. McComb will be accom panied by Mrs. J. S. Hamilton, the singer, who will organize a chorus choir. To the Voters of the Seventh Ward. Owing to a -confusion of dates with the owners of Blanck's Hall, no meeting will be held tonight. Tou and your friends are cordially requested to attend the grand rally of the W. B. Glafke Club at Arion Hall Thursday evening. Can didate W. B. Glafke and other prominent business men will be present. Miss Ed- wina Mastlck, the charming soprano, will sing. Ladies Invited. Suffers Fracture of Leg. Ernest HHIsberg. employed at the brick yards near East Thirty-fifth and Division streets, fell off a hed yesterday after noon and suffered a compound fracture of his right leg. He fell a distance of 20 feet- He was taken to the Good Samar itan Hospital. North Pacific Steamship Company's steamship Roanoke, 2400 tons, sails for San Francisco and Los Angeles, calling at Coos Bay and Eureka, Thursday. May 4. S P. M.. from Columbia Dock No. 1. Ticket office, 251 Washington street. H. loung, agent. Phone Main 6SS. Stricken With Apoplext. Fred Neck- elbaugh, who lives near Twenty-third and Thurman streets, was stricken with apo plexy last night about 10 o clock and is in a serious condition. He was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital. Bots and Girls' Aid Societt. The 20th annual meeting of the members of tho Boys' and Girls AM Society of Oregon will be held at the parlors of the City Board of Charities, Tuesday evening. May 1G, 1905. Steamer Rkdondo sails Thursday direct for San Francisco. Cabin, J12; steerage. S. Meals and berth included. C. II. Thompson, agent. 128 Third street. F. E. Beach & Co.. the Pioneer Paint Co., arc rapidly selling off their stock of damaged paints and arc getting in new goods. 133 First, corner Alder. Str. Toledo sails for Gray's Harbor, Friday. 6 P.M., from Oak-st. dock. Tickets 54. A 20-hour ride. Phone Main 2060. The Calumet Restaurant. 149 Seventh, Fine luncheon. 5c; dinner 50c. Lad of Eight Rushes Into Back-Yard and Sud denly Dies. A prune seed, swallowed one week ago by Sidney Segal, aged S years, is believed to have caused his death. He died sud denly, after a violent coughing spell in the yard of his parents home, 731 Water street, at 10:30 A. M. yesterday. Three physicians were called in Inune dlately after the death of the lad, but not one will state positively the exact cause of his sudden demise. They ad mlt the possibility of death being brought on by the seed, and state the coughing may have been caused by this. The boy was apparently in good health yesterday morning, having only a slight cough, thought at the time to be trivial. At a few moments before 10:30 o'clock ho was seated In the kitchen of his home, talking to Miss Anna Segal, his eldest sister. Suddenly he rushed Into the back yard, began coughing violently and then fell to the ground. He cried out, as if in great pain. Dr. W. I. Cottel was sum moned Immediately, and quickly arrived, but the boy was dead. Drs. J. H. Bris tow and W. F. Hubbard reached the scene later. "I prescribed for the boy recently," said Dr. Hubbard, "and I thought at the time that whooping cough was coming on. I was told about the boy having swal lowed a prune seed, and gave him an examination by the X ray. I could not determine whether the seed had caused any Injury- Death was due. I think, to the bursting of a blood vessel in the brain, but whether the cough was caused by the swallowing of the seed, I cannot say." Neither Dr. Cottel nor Dr. Brtstow could make positive declarations regard ing the exact cause of death, although they agreed with Dr. Hubbard. Funeral services will occur at the fam ily residence today at 2 P. M. Class mates from Failing School will be the pallbearers. Deputy Coroner A. L. Finley was noti fied regarding the death of the boy. After brief Investigation he satisfied him self that there was nothing that called for an inquest and he paid no further at tention to it. Sidney was the only son of ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Segal. There are six sisters in the family. Pawnbroker Surrenders Jewelry. Nathan Wolff, a pawnbroker, whose business sign reads, "Unci Franklin." yesterday surrendered to Sheriff Word several diamond rings valued at $470, of which Mrs. G. A.. Mcintosh claimed own ership. Mrs. Mcintosh needed money and borrowed $163 from Wolff, pledging her diamonds as security. Recently she went to the pawnbroker's to redeem the property and "Uncle Franklin" refused to accept the money offered and to restore the Jewels because he alleged she had not lived up to the contract entered into between them. Mrs. Mcintosh brought suit to recover the rings and the Sheriff was instructed to make a legal demand for them, which ho did. Wolff turned over the property and the dispute will probably be adjusted. "OUR ISLANDS." Several sets of "Our Islands" for sale cheap. A few damaged sets at your owa price. Address or call at Oregonlaa busi ness office. .WHERE JO DINE. . All the delicacies ml tke mbm at ti Partiaaa Reetaurast la petraU aar seat fer parties. MS "Wast, uu Ka KhtbcU's "Extract e VrbHU THIRD OF GROQKS S IDENTIFIED He Is Herman Diehm Who Robbed Hotel Angelus Recently. BARRETT WANTED IN EAST He Will Be Sent to 3Uhvaakee to Stand Trial for Bank Robbery In the "Wisconsin Metropolis.- Herman Diehm Is believed to be the ral name of G. IT. Hanlon, and completes the Identification of the celebrated trio of criminals now under lock and key in the City Jail here. William Barrett and Frlt zle Dhcin are the others. They are bank and diamond sneak, thieves of Interna- Herman Diehm. 1m t to be Identified la tho trio et croeki. tlonal repute. Barrett is to be taken to Milwaukee, Wis., where he will be placed on trial for the robbery of a bank. Dcfl nlte instructions reached Chief of Police Hunt to this effect yesterday. Barrett. Diehm and Dheln, as the trio are best known in the criminal world. are to be arraigned this morning in the Municipal Court on charges of the larceny or ?13a from the Hotel Portland Rath skcller. It is believed they will be Iield to the grand Jury. William A. Pinkerton. head of the de tcctlve agency bearing his name, tele graphed to Superintendent Nevlns, in charge of the Portland office, yesterday. saying that there could be no doubt as to the Identity of the third member of the trio. That he is Herman Diehm. a young but very dangerous criminal; is said to be a certainty. Diehm. whllt ha is but 27 years old, is regarded as a daring and clever criminal, else he would not be associated with such characters as William Barrott and Frit ale Dheln, of world-wide notoriety as bank and diamond robbers. Diehm was recently released from the Workhouse at Ionia. Mich., where he served three years for the larceny of a tray of diamonds. He Is believed to have gone Immediately to Los Angeles, where he is credited with the daring robbery of 300 from the Hotel Angelus. He made good his escape. William Barrett, it was learned yester day, is the man who, last September. attempted to steal a sack containing $10,- too in gold from a San Francisco bank. He did not secure the money, but made his escape. The celebrated trio are being watched closely at the City Jail. Special atten tion is being given them, as their im portance demands that they be given no opportunity to break jail.- "I regard these captures as of great importance, said .Chief Hunt last night. "It is a great thing to be able to catch such men before they turn a big trick and if the officials at Milwaukee can put Barrett away for a long term, it will be a fine thing." "I consider the arrests-very important.' said Superintendent Ncvins. of the Pink erton agency. "With such a trio at large, no bank or Jewelry store in the country was safe. ADVANCE SALE TOMORROW. "Parsifal" Presented by a Special Animated Picture Machine. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, tne advance sale of eats will open for Richard Wagner's grand opera of "Parsifal," which J. Alex Hanna will produce at the Marquam Grand The ater next Friday night. May , at S:30 o'clock, with the aid of one of the largest picture machines ever exhibit ed. Mr. Hanna will give a full descrip tion of the drama as the scenes are shown on the canvas. Mrs. Walter Reed will aesist, singing several Wagnerian numbers. 1TI11 Take CoHnty Census. County Assessor Slgler has prepared to take the. census of Multnomah County as required by law, and has appointed IS enumerators to work in Portland. Ten others will be selected to take the census In tho outside precincts and towns, each to be a resident of the place in which he will work. The enumerators for Port land are: F. C. MlddleXon. C. N. Tuttle F. Carty. J. P. Lombard, a M. Gellert, W. H. Tatge, H. J. Kavanaugh. L. L. Thorn ton. J. Ettelson, H. J. Young. W. C. Bolton. C. D. Starr. D. E. Smith. F. E. Swope and F. E. Forbes. Three Divorce Suits Begun. Cruel treatment rendering her life burdensome, and falsely accusing her of unchastlty. is the grounds stated by Mar guarette Hossfleld In her complaint ask ing for a'dlvorce from Charles Hossfleld, filed in the State Circuit Court yesterday. Hossfleld is a bartender and she says he drinks to excess. They were married In Portland in 3885 and" have one child. The court is requested to enter a decree re- bbssssssssssVs' JStHbbbsS HHHIIIIIIK'' 4 -wfFk IT'S THE BEST OF ALL PARKER RYE WHISKEY ROTHCH1LD BROS., Portland, Or. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS OTTO J. KRAEMER, LAWYERS' CANDIDATE FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE Otto J. Kraemer, a native son of Portland, and staunch Republican, was elected Justice for Portland District In 1SSS. and was rc-clcctcd In .the year 1900, by one of the largest majorities on the ticket. Ills services as judge in this responsible position were so able and conscientious that 137 Portland lawyers, practically the entire bar, regardless of party affiliation, have urged him to stand as a candidate for Municipal Judge, and strongly commend him to the voters of Portland for election. The Oregonian has heretofore printed a list of the members of the bar endorsing Mr. Kraemer, and at the time said editorially. "Mr. Kracmer's endorsement Is fine. It Is something indeed to have the approval of uch a list." Pianos YOUR. HOME IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT A. PIANO. We are offering great inducements just now to Piano purchasers, and it will pay you to investigate our Pianos, prices, and our easy payment system. If you have an old Piano, not in keep ing with the rest of your furnishings, we will allow you its full value in ex change for a new one. We also have several good used Pianos at about one half their actual values. We cordially Invite you to come and sec what we have one of the largest stores in Portland full of splendid instruments. Steinway and many other fine Pianos. SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. Corner Morrison and "West Park Sts. Park aad Washington, Portland, Oregon "The School of Quality" MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE Opes all tli year. Catalogue free A. P. ARMSTRONG LL. B., PRINCIPAL quiring the- father to contribute $10 a month for the support of .the child. Suit for a dissolution of the matrimonial bonds was begun yesterday by William L. Dalton against Myrtle Dalton because of desertion beginning In February, 1304. They were married In January. 1903. David I. Gee has sued Lizzie Gee for a divorce on account of desertion beginning in 1895. They were married in 1SS4 and have three children. Rumelln Files Demurrer. . A demurrer to the information which charges Charles E. Rumelln, Councilman, with attempting to bribe William C. Elliott when the latter was city engineer of the City of Portland, was filed in the State Circuit Court yesterday by C. E. S. Wood, attorney fijr the accused. The grounds of the demurrer are that the information is not direct and certain as to the particular circumstances of the crime charged: that the District Attorney had no legal authority to file the infor mation, and that the facts stated therein do not constitute a crime. The information against Rumclia re cites that he offered Elliott a bribe of $5000, telling him there was $5000 In it if he would report against the bid of the Pacific Construction Company of Everett, Wash., so that the next highest bidder, the Pacific Construction Company of San Francisco, could obtain the contract to build the Front-street bridge. Sajs It Is His Twin Brother. "It was not I, but my twin brother," eald James Ward, a- Kanaka, who was sentenced yesterday to serve a term of five years in the penitentiary by Judge Fraxer. Ward several days ago pleaded guilty U having 'entered a house at 294 Froat street, and stealing a revolver, a razor and other articles. He pEevIously served two county Jail sentences, and the officers had his record 'showing that he was once a prisoner in the Walla Walla Penitentiary. A photograph of Ward was displayed, and it was then that he announced that It was not his picture, but that of a twin brother. The likenss was identical, and his statement was not be lieved. Appeals From Decision. Helen Cynthia Jennings, who was the defendant some months ago in a sensa tional divorce suit prosecuted by Orvllle O. Jennings, in which John S. Seed, a well-kaowa contractor, was correspond ent, .has filad notice of appeal to the Su preme Osurt ef a case in which valuable W. B. GLAFKE Republican Rally ARION HALL Cor. 2d and Oak Sts. Thursday Evening May 4 Candidate AV. B. Glafke and many other prominent business men, will give short addresses. , Miss Edwina Mastick, the charming soprano will sing a number of solos. The Glafke Quartet will attend. LADIES INVITED. x property In King's second addition is in volvcd. Jennings deeded this property to his wife several years ago. At the lime Jennings obtained a divorce from his wife. Judge Frazer decided that he was entitled to recover the property, because Sirs. Jennings had no legal right to it From this decision she appeals. Sues tp foreclose Mortgage. Anna C. Band has sued P. O. Lundin et al., in the State Circuit Court to fore close a mortgage for $550) on lots 1, 2, ? and S. block 2S6 Bast Portland. "DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS L. O. RALSTOX. President. WILLIAil RALSTON", VIce-Presi dent. W. COOPER MORRIS. Cashier. ALBERT T. SMITH. Director. W. H. COFELAND. Director. WALTER H. MOORE, Director. Prudence is a virtue that but few command. In their zeal to be in style, to obtain luxuries, the majority of people spend their entire in come, and often go in debt. A savings pass book will regulate your prudential economy. We Pay Per Cent Interest DregonSavingsBank HOTEL AND RESTAURANT GOODS LOEWENBERG & GOING CO.iU... HALF LIFE'S WALTER 133 SIXTH STREET $99999999999999 W9 999999999?y99999999999999999 We do crown and bride, work with out pain. Our IS years experience in plate work enables us to fit jour mouth comfortably. Dr. Yv A. Wlan has found a safe way to extract teeth, absolutely with out pain. Dr. T. P. "Wise Is an ex pert at gold Ailing and crown and bridge work. Extracting free when plates or bridges are ordered. WISE BROS., Dentists Falllnsr bldjt cor. 3d and Wash. sts. Open evenlnss till 0 P. M. Sundays from 0 to 12. Or Main 2020. y' DR. T. P. WISE. t gf. COLUMBIA GRAPHOFHONES ARE THE BEST. $1 DOT SI PER WEEK. GIBSON CO. 343 vTashlBKtc.n, rortland. Or. SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes the toilet tometWng to bt tnjoyed. It removes all stains an! roughness, prevents prickly heat and chafing ana leaves the sklc, whits, Mft, healthy. In the hath it brings a glow asd'exhflaration which no com snoa soap can equal, imparting ths vifor and life sensation of amHdTcrs fakW&. All Grocers ndDrodtta- TEETH Tot sodsrs deatal work. Worla-rtnowaad Bpcillit. brMt irlcM eescUtaat vl& flrstela work. Go to ta NEW YOKK DENTISTS rOUBUI A2TD MOXJUSOX &TS. TEETH X 412.60 FULL SET GUARANTEED FOR S6.0& Evenings, ilondax aa4 Thursday, until 8. Xrcrf Frafcs. D. D. S. MiDtkHiBMc. KODAK DEVELOPING ierclopfng "fhll iftlSif 4aMStejJargtorTCflnap kata. rfevelepe4 m day. Sabfe4 prists the ext. rbtr fer st aciltr- Geerc BETTER PAINT NOW! A big carpenter's hill later on may make you regret your not painting when the wood and metal needed " it most likely you'll find it -false economy. When you want something first-class In the paint line, see our stock, and ask people who have bought of us their opinion. Fisher, Thorsen & Co. Front and Morrison Sts. We are headquarters for French ranges, portable and brick set; cabinet bake ovens, retlnned and copper restaurant utensils, steel ranges and cook stoves. Don't Leave Your Wife Alone Without some sort of protection against burglars. We furnish and Install a num ber of electrical devices, such as alarm bells. polW rails and the like, which pay for themselves in the sense of security they afford. We do all kinds of electrical wiring on short notice. Western Electric Works o. 61 Sixth Street, Corner Plae, Phone Main 1606. Portlarj? Or. Pleasure and prosperity depend upon clear vision. Eye strain wrecks the entire nervous system and renders success impossible. Have your eyes fitted by the house that knows how.. REED OPTICIAN .9 OREGONIAN BUILDING -Tr- r i sm m w Ar list t irv 1 Hi- Al HI I- i 11- I V UV I IlL HlslTIL Ul LUAUIXI in eating Is attained 'at Kruse's. Every thing cooked here has that delicious flavor that only a genius can give It. Our meats, poultry and fish are ch&ssn f ram the choicest In the market Our cffM z teas and wines are best When want to enjoy a good meal go t Kriwe', ' Kruse's Fourth and Stark Streets PRICES FOR LOWER Qoxlltr considered, than r oVum Needles, OH, Repairs tOH. ALL MAKES AT SINGER STORE S Tras&laeiSB. SS4 Merrlso Street. ( SM WUlfauaa Avease (East SM.j Fsxtlud. Otcsm. The Portland Do you lave good music? Tou can select your ccoice rrom a port folio oC S00 pieces ojpopular scusle of the world, and Profesaor Am sterdam and his Hungarian orches tra trill render It for you. Everything to eat and. drlak. as It costs no mora In the Portland Hotel Rathskeller than elsewhere In the city. Eyery weekday night from 930 to 12. FREE LAND IN OREGON in tne ricfeex grab, fruit aa stock aec&a ia the world. TiouMsit of ia nflmi t twI cost of irrijities. Deei direct from State of Ore job. WRITE TO-DAY. BOOKLET arf MAP FREE. DetcHatlnisadeawdPowarCMk-gaaj,Sio-i i-iaMcKy BiBiiiytPnriMie,Of igia. r fichwab Printing Co. DR. W. A. WISE. w tuM Ee gasoiiac. -t'noRC ,ast tw. 1TARI tTlITj Wttt