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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1905)
s THE MORNINGOREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, 3XAY 3, 1905. Bn$mxm uteres at the Postotflce at Portland. Or., as second-class matter. SUBSCRirXIOX RATES. IK VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. (By Mall of Express.) Dallr and Sunday, per year Dally ad Sunday, tU months b.w Dally and Sunday, three month-. .... -? Dally and Sunday, per month Dally without Sunday, per year 7.w Dally without Sunday. six months aju Daily without Sunday, three month Daily without Sunday, per month o-w Sunday per year "r Sunday, ix months Sunday, three months.... BX CARRIER. Dally without Sunday, per week Dally per week. Sunday included.. - THE WEEKLY ORDGONIAN. (Issued Every Thursday.) Weekly, per year Weekly, six months ijj Weekly, three month - HOW TO REMIT Send postotflce- money order, -xpresa order or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are -ax the vender' risk. EASTERN BUSINESS OFFICE. The g. C. BeckwHa Special Agency New York; Rooms S-00 Tribune building. Chi cago; "Rooms C10-512 Tribune bulldlns. Xha Oregeaiaa does not buy poems or storlea from individuals and cannot un0e take to return any manuscript sent to it with out solicitation. No ctamps should be in closed for this purpose. KEPT ON SALE. Chicago Auditorium Annex, PostoWce News Co.. 178 Dearborn street. Dallas, Tex-Globe News Depot, SCO Main street. Dearer Julius Black. Hamilton & Kend rick, 80G-912 Seventeenth street, and J"rue auf Bros.. 605 Sixteenth street. Dee MoLae, Is Moses Jacobs, 309 Firth street. Gold&e)d. v. C. Malone. Kansas City, Mo. Rlckseclcer Clear Co., Ninth and Walnut. Lot Angeles Harry JDrapkln; B. E. Amos, B14 West Seventh street. Ulaneapolia M. J. Kavanaugh. 50 South Third; L. Regelsburter. 217 First avenue South. New York City L. Jones , J Co., Astor House. Oakland, Cai W. H. Johnston. Four teenth and Franklin streets. Ogdea F. R. Godard and Meyers & Har rop; D. L. Boyle. Omaha Barkalow Bros.. 1012 Farnham; Mageath Stationery Co.. 1308 Farnham; McLaughlin Bros.. 210 South 14th. rhoeaix. Aria. The Berryhlll News Co. Saeraaeeto, Cal. Sacramento News Co., 429 K street. Salt "Cake Salt Lake News Co., 77 West Second street South. feast Barbara, Cal. S. Smith. Ban Diego, Cal. J. Dllla'rd. East Francisco J. K. Cooper & Co.. 748 Market street; Foster & Crcar, Ferry News Stand: Goldsmith Bros., 230 Sutter: L. E. Lee. Palace Hotel News Stand; F. W. Pitts, 1008 Market: Frank Scott, 80 Ellis; N. Wheatley Movable News Stand, corner Mar ket and Kearney streets; Hotel St. Francis News Stand. St. Louis, Mo. IC T. Jett Book & News Company. S0C Olive street. Wafthlagtcn, D. C Ebblt House News Stand. $ PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3. 1905. -- THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS. It will be remembered that the first act of the newly-elected Mayor of Chi cago was to apply to the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Scotland, for a visit from the manager of the Glasgow tramways. This municipal enterprise was quoted everywhere as a model In management and an example of financial success. Evidently the man at the head of It must not only have discovered, but should be able to impart, the secret of his prosperity. The invitation was courteously accepted and a time was set for the visit. Mr. James Dalrymple, who is the happy man, became at once a sentcr of interest to the ubiquitous American newspaper roan. It was doubtless a strange experience for him to find the system, which to him was the most natural and every-day ma chine in the world, needing so much explanation. While he was very care ful (canny Scot that he evidently is) not to draw any invidious comparisons with the methods used in the city whose guest he was to be, yet from his answers the wide difference in atmos phere is very plain. He makes his posi tion clear to his interviewer thus: The analogy is of a manager of a private corporation; the tramways committee repre Fent the executive committee, the Council the board of directors, and the people themselves the stockholder?. Again: I am absolutely independent In the manage ment: if I were not so I could not succeed, nor could any other man. That. I am in clined to think, is. the foundation stone of the city' success In municipal ownership. The city holds me responsible for my work, and I hold my subordinates responsible to me. Probably he is right about the foun dation stone, but what about the struc ture? He tells us this also: "Political interference with my duties is some thing absolutely unheard of here." Happy manager, for whom elections, votes, bosses, wards, precincts, strikers, primaries, belong to a strange lan guage, an unknown tongue. But If par ties and bosses are barred out absolute ly from even touching the municipal undertakings with their finger tips', municipal ownership would lose some fairly strenuous supporters. If votes are lying about by the score, and In bunches easy to be got at, a good, strong, self-denying ordinance would be required. For. even in the quiet haven of Mr. Dalrymple's experience, there are Common Councllmen, and of such are his board of directors, accord ing to his simile, and the board does appoint and discharge the manager. But the question is put straight at him. "Do members of the Town Council interfere In any way with the selec tion of subordinates?" "Certainly not," says Mr. Dalrymple,""l could not per mit such a tiling." And yet, and yet, it seems as if even there some byway into the sheep fold was tried now and again, for. Just listen: "A member of the Council, and now and then, a Coun cillor (query, error for "bailie"?), might bring a man he knew and suggest that lie would make a: good employe for the tramways." .Does not this sound just a little familiar to us? This "bringing" the man and "suggesting." Of course Mr. Dalrymple "takes the matter un der consideration." And, equally of course, "if they seemed to be below the average man. the fact that a Town Councillor had spoken to me on the sub ject would not weigh anything at all." So, there. In the old town of Glasgow, and in the new City of Chicago, human nature is just about the same. "We venture to say that It Is as easy in Chi cago as in Glasgow to find a man com petent, so far as brains, experience and individual character go. to manage the municipal tramways just as well as he would a private enterprise. The Chi cago rules would no doubt be very ex plicit against "political Interference." But, unless cases of very sound con version were multiplied, it would be but a short time ere come Councilman would "bring a man" and "suggest his employment." Even if managers were imported, warranted not to stand polit ical Interference, still, unless the at mosphere, the very climate, be modi fied, they would either lose their virtue or their positions.. The trouble fe with the citizens, not with the maaagers. The Chicago ex- periment is going to be tried out, and expert advice from a long way off is all in order. But the worst of It is that the advice to be effective should belong to the sphere of the moralist rather thanH of the engineer. Mr. Dalrymple, In his line, will learn more than he teaches, for in practical management the Amer ican engineers and managers can give points to the world. What trouble is ahead In Chicago and elsewhere is be hind the rails and wires and cars. SQCAKK DEALERS ALL. What an embarrassment of riches is presented by the Official Republican Ballot for Primary Election, printed in The Oregonian Monday. Of those candidates who have condensed their views on municipal government into epigrams inscribed upon the ballot, it is apparent that none Is for a party and all are for the city. How Is the Re publican "voter to choose between. men of such high aim how Is he to- dis criminate where all are good men and true? Two candidates for Mayor are H. R. Albee and Fred T. MerrilL "Enforce ment of law and a square deal for every man" is the platform of Albee, and "A regulated open town" Is the platform of Merrill, "the people's fear less" of God or man? "candidate." There is no choice possible between these frank and honest declarations of policy. A "regulated open town" is not an open town, and "enforcement of law" does not predicate a closed town, In the strictest senses of these conven ient words. A regulated open town gives all classes a square deal, and a square deal should give a regulated open town, so the voter may be happy with either, when t'other dear charmer Is put out of the contest "Hew to the line, let the chips fall where they may," is the determined policy of a candidate for the office of Municipal Judge. Presumably the line mentioned is the dead line, and the chips those used in the exhilarating game of poker, but speculation on these points Is now unfortunately robbed of most of its interest since the with drawal of Gustav Anderson from the race. Albert B. Ferrera stands up for "fairness, Impartiality and Justice," to which few men can object, and Otto J. Kraemer "will give a square deal to all, no one more or less." Here again the voter Is -nonplussed. What matters who is elected, when a square deal Is assured In any event. When the candidates for Councilmen-at-Large are reached, there Is not much greater variety. John Annand and W. J. Clemens both "favor a government of, by and for the people," a very de Elrable form of government for the city. A "business administration" is very popular. Dan Kellaher would have "no politics, but business, in the city ad ministration." A. B. Manley "favors economic administration, managed on business principles." D. J. Qulmby stands for "honesty, efficiency, economy and a business administration." John P. Sharkey comes out definitely for "two-mill tax for constructing bridges; more equitable assessment for street fills." "Civic improvement: no graft ing." is the cry of C. A. Townscnd, and A. N. Wills demands "honesty in pub lic affairs." William H. Barry goes to extreme lengths in advocating the In troduction of common sense. He "ad vocates common-sense administration of city affairs and civic improvement." In this, list there is room for a little more choice. The voter can have a business administration, an honest ad ministration or a common-sense admin istration, all very good things for the city. He is assured of a "square deal" by all, and is also assured that legiti mate Illegitimacy, will be protected while illegitimate illegitimacy will be clubbed with the full force of the law The voter merely has the choice of two goods and no evils. THE WAY AT CHAMPOEG. The sixty-second anniversary of es tablishment of the provisional govern ment of Oregon was observed in due form and with impressive ceremonies at Champoeg yesterday, under the aus pices of the Oregon Historical Society. The site whereon the future state was born sixty-two years ago was but a bright spot in the emerald setting of a far-away Spring In a beautiful wilder ness. It Is little more than a lonely spot of beauty now, over which a mod est shaft of granite, engraved with the names of the men who participated in the event on the 2d day of May, 3843, keeps faithful vigil. Until a few years ago the place was practically unknown to Oregonians, and the e-ent which the monument commemorates was little more than tradition. Through the ef forts of the Oregon Historical Society and chiefly of Mr. George H. Himes, the historic spot was located, andupon It five years ago the monument com memorative of Oregon's beginning as a state was placed. Champoeg sixty-two years ago was the center, or near the center, of such American civilization as had then been planted west of the Rocky "Mountains It was a small hamlet of some Import ance In the pioneer life of Oregon Ter ritory. It got Its growth early and re mained stationary until the historic flood of 1SG1 invaded its site and swept away its flimsy buildings. It was a fortunate circumstance that the site where the members of the provisional government met, and entered into the compact that has descended to us in statehood, resisted the force of the In vading waters and in due time emerged from the flood as dry land. Though the Willamette River has eaten Its way into the shore line at that point, very perceptibly In recent years, the spot upon which the monument stands is still well up on the bank, unmenaced by the erosion of the waters. To this spot, as is befitting, on the 2d day of May of each succeeding year, many citizens of Oregon repair, and with pa triotic words and the recital of the old yet ever new story of the formation of the first government of Oregon pass the day. The event thus simply and suitably commemorated is one upon which the citizens of old Oregon delight to dwell. Each succeeding year another leaf Is added to the volume of the past, push ing earlier events still further into the domain of memory. It Is well to turn these leaves back and In tender, rev erent mood dwell for a day In the years wherein our "yet young state was younger yet." and recall from fading memory and written chronicle the sim plicity and the valor of the men and women whose courage and self-sacri flee made the settlement of Oregon pos slble. The special observances . of the day are recorded elsewhere. The un written history of the hopes and as plrations, the fears and the trials, of those far-away years abides In the hearts of the-remalBtng few wbo-efeared them for yet a little time. It is through such commemorative exercises that the events of the old-limes will be bequeathed to those who come after us. The unwritten records, after the man ner of things that arc engraved upon perishable tablets, will soon belong to a past in which the moving shapes of memory no longer appear. AN OVERSOLD MARKET. The Chicago wheat market showed signs of returning life again yesterday and Monday, and the famous May. op tion advanced about 4 cents per bushel for the two days. The supply of wheat In the United. States has not decreased so remarkably since last Sat urday as to warrant this sudden firm ness, and the change was due to nat ural reaction following an oversold market. This recovers Illustrates quite plainly the extent to which manipula tion has been responsible for the recent wild changes in the price of wheat There was never a time in the life of the celebrated May deal when fancy prices scored were warranted by -ex isting conditions as they are created by supply and demand. But. on the other hand, there was no valid reason for such a violent decline as followed the sudden discovers' that a wheat famine was not imminent. This intense bear campaign of the past fortnight would not .have experi enced such plain sailing had It not been for the assistance of the antiquated Agricultural Department, which came to the front with predictions of "crop conditions" which, by the department's peculiar and generally misunderstood system of percentages, indicated a larger crop of Winter wheat than has ever been harvested in this country. The oft-heard statement that there Is no sentiment in business does not fit the case when It is applied to wheat. Few, if any, of the shrewd operators who make use of these Government re ports have any confidence in them, but they serve an excellent purpose In drawing In a -flock of. "lambs" to be shorn. Wheat in Spring always looks good to the theoretical gentlemen who disburse the appropriation for the Agricultural Department, and each returning season finds' them sending out glowing ac counts of what we may have next Fall. The price of wheat is still above the average of recent years, but the Gov ernment promise of an exceptionally heavy crop, some of which Is not yet sown, will not Increase the supply of the cereal needed for immediate con sumption. If some method could be devised for suppressing the manipulators of the wheat market and also the Govern ment crop experts, who supply them with material for manufacturing public sentiment, either bullish or bearish, a better average scale of prices would prevail throughout the year, and pro ducers and consumers alike would In the end be gainers. OWNERSHIP OF SAND ISLAND. The Post-Intelligencer Is much con cerned over what It terms the "unfor tunate Interference" of theGovernment In the Sand Island matter. The Seattle paper asserts that "the assumption of the War Department that the State of Washington had no jurisdiction over the island is a singular one in the teeth of the fact that the courts have recog nized, not merely the sovereignty of the state, but private property rights In the state, to the soil of similar tidal lands elsewhere." There are no similar tidal lands clsexvhere. Sand Island being the only military reserve of this nature on the Pacific Coast. The contour of the island and Its location have changed somewhat with the passing years, but this is' true of every island In the Co lumbia River. There are half a dozen islands in the river which have shifted their location since Sand Island was made a military reserve, but the ownership has never been questioned or contested simply be cause the front of the Island was washed away and an equal amount added by accretion to the other side. The Post-Intelligencer thinks that, in asserting its ownership to the island, the Government has created "a situa tion which may result in conflict and which is certain to result In serious friction and serious loss to one or the other of the rival. private claimants to the fisheries privilege." Naturally, the withdrawal from public use of property worth a rental-earning power of sev eral thousand dollars per year will cause loss to some of the private par ties who had been making free use of It for years. At the same time no squatter of av erage intelligence who ever made his home on Sand Island during the fish Ing season was unfamiliar with the fact that he was there by sufferance of the Government. Government ownership of Sand Island was no more questioned than was that of Scarborough Head. Just across the channel. The situation will hardly result in conflict. Respon slble business men have leased the island from the Government, paying a good price for the use of it during the season. In Issuing to them a lease the Government must naturally protect them In their rights, and the Columbia River fishermen and trapmen will not enter into conflict with the Govern ment. It Is perhaps unfortunate that the Government did not assert Its rights, but. had It done so, the men who have had free use of the Island would have been losers, for It has for many years been used to advantage free of cost by fishermen of all classes. It Is not an uncommon thing to find private parties making use of Govern ment land in the Pacific Northwest, and they are frequently permitted to remain In peaceful possession for years There Is no security, however. In this kind of ownership, and every intelli gent man familiar with the laws of the country knows while he Is enjoying such possession that his hold on the land is subject always to the call of the Government. In leasing Sand Island the Government has relieved some people who In the past have used the Island of the feeling of insecurity which was unavoidable so long as ac tual ownership of the Island was not asserted. Tom Brown, the youthful parricide. has been acquitted by a Chehalls jury of the charge of murder on the ground of Insanity, which condition was in duced by his father's brutal treatment of him from his infancy. Public sen tlment will acquiesce In this verdict as just. But It should also demand and require that this lad be placed under restraint In the Reform School at Che halls, or in the School for Defective Youth at Vancouver, that he may thereby be taught the necessity of self control and learn to read and vrrite and to use his hands in some simple craft that promises a livelihood. He Is not Insane In the sense that forbids his learning these things, nor yet Is he sane enough, to run at large. The state did its full duty In that line in prosecuting him vigorously for murder. The duty that now presents Itself Is In the form of such restraint as will prevent a re currence of serious transgression of the law. and such training as will enable "him after a few years to maintain him self and thus relieve the state of his support. A ScaUle Jury has decided that a dog; being- tormented by a man, has a perfect right to use the weapons pro vided by Nature for self-defense against his tormentor, and that his owner cannot be held for the Injury that follows. This is a sensible and humane decision. Anynian who delib erately provokes a dumb creature to anger, or In any way inflicts suffering upon the animal, deserves such retalia tion as the brute Is able to inflict. If a dog is the object of persecution, his tormentor deserves to be bitten; If a horse, he deserves to" be kicked; If a horned creature, to be gored, and so on. Nature did not. make a mistake or do an unwise thing In providing dumb ani mals with means of self-protection. The man who presumesiupondhe belief that the dumb animal has no standing In court, so that he persecuted and tormented, gets what Is due when the creature turrs upon him In self-defense. Mr. Alexander is doubtless an able and sagacious insurance president; but it is not surprising that the Frlck com mittee has requested his resignation. The scandal that has shaken the Equitable society to its foundations has involved all the prominent officers, and the policy-holders will be better satis- fled, and public confidence entirely re stored, If there is reorganization all around. Mr. Alexander Is said to have cared for various relatives by placing them on the payroll of the society at large salaries. It is commendable enough for one to look carefully after his family, including brothers, sons, and nephews, but it Is not so com mendable to require someone else to foot the bill. If both Alexander and Hyde can be persuaded to go, and an entirely new man placed in charge, the Equitable incident will soon have passed into history. Morocco apparently "looked good" to Emperor William when he landed there on his recent Junket, for he has dis patched an ambassador to Fez, for the sole purpose of "thanking the Sultan for the reception accorded to Emperor William at Tangier, and to repeat the assurances of Germany's attitude to ward Morocco." The Sultan apparently thinks that if this is all that William wants, he could have sent the mes sage on a postal card, and accordingly he has suspended negotiations with the French and Is awaiting arrival of the German ambassador to learn for him self If the message, announcing his mis sion was no.t "bulled" in transmission. The Sultan perhaps thinks that the part that was omitted was of more Importance than that which was made public. Governor Mead, of Washington, has done a graceful thing in declaring a holiday for his stale on the occasion of opening the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion. More than this, he has ildne a generous and a patriotic thing In urg ing the citizens of the- great State of Washington to attend the cVening-px-ercises on that occasion. Washington with Oregon shares the honor of being the goal of the ambition of the great explorers of a century ago. With Ore gon she has stood shoulder to shoulder In honoring Lewis and Clark and their grand achievement. The proclamation of Washington's Governor is duly ap preciated. In response to it Portland will extend a cordial welcome on the first day of June to thousands of the loyal citizens of her sister state. Should a typhoon catch the Russian fleet, Togo's task would In all probabil ity be rendered much easier. Battle ships, with their .heavy guns mounted as high as possible In order to obtain a good firing position, are lacking In good seagoing qualities, and In addition the Russian vessels are now carrying great quantities of provisions, stores and coal, the last steamer sighting the squadron, the Stettin, reporting that she was sto'pped by two cruisers with deckloads of coal. Japan would have even more cause for rejoicing at the destruction now of the Russian ar mada than had England when the "In vincible" Spanish fleet, harassed by the home fleet, was scattered by storms and battered upon the iron coasts of the North. The first great event In Russia after the Czar's manifesto for religious free dom is a riot In Warsaw. In which 100 persons are killed. "During a service in a church the congregation began singing patriotic songs, whereupon sol diers and police entered the building and attacked the people, wounding many of them," says a dispatch from Moscow. The Russian people may be in full enjoyment of their new-found religious liberty; "but they still have trouble keeping out of the way of sol diers and police. Mrs. Julia Llndsley, widow of Dr. A. L. Llndsley of sacred memory, who died in this city yesterday, .was a gentle, womanly woman, unobtrusive, gracious, helpful and kind. Mrs. Llndsley was for many years active in good words and works among the members of the First Presbyterian Church and parish in this city. She goes to her grave full of years, honored for the simplicity and beauty and usefulness that marked her character. Annapolis, Philadelphia, Washington. Fredericksburg (Va.) and New York all want-John Paul Jones bones. There ought to be enough to go around. America having had about all it can stand of "Parsifal," Helnrich Conried is willing that Wagner's widow should abandon her suit against him. There is little reason to believe that President Castro will be worried enough by Minister Bowen's dilemma to He awake of nights. Colorado gamblers offer dally a bet of J10 that the President will kill a bear. No takers. Whatever happens. the bear loses. Young Mr. Hyde, of the Simple and the Equitable Life, is worse than a Punchinello he is a," bore. Possibly Chicago, might solve its latT est problem by municipal ownership-of horses and wagons. NOTE ANDCOMMENT., Portland's "swell dressers" are worried. They don't .know It It Is cn regie to wear straw -hats with heavy underclothing;. An amiable anti-Semitic editor, who Is considered to have, been largely respon sible for the massacre at Klshlnef, has established a new paper in that city. He has named his paper the Fiend, probably after himself. Candidates for office apparently have the photograph habit beyond possibility of redemption. Just why an ad should be considered more effective because It is ac companied by the reproduction of a mug that is usually anything but decorative Is not easy to understand. It may be that the voter, on seeing the picture, exc'alms. "Why. de Smith Is no better-looking than I am." and promptly votes for such a safe and plain candidate, whereas If mys tery veils the features of de Smith the voter might be jealously suspicious. General LInlcvltch celebrated Easter by kissing all his soldiers. That should make them fighting' mad. Trouble is brewing In Seattle, but no beer. A Chinese hog-raiser at Albany Is named Ah Swill, and- no one there wishes to deny what that name might Imply. President Roosevelt Is about to jump out of Colorado into Chicago. From Colorado a woman writes that she has several domesticated deer, and adds that the old buck, who is addicted to the use of whisky. Is "very comical when drunk." -Such an animal would be a great addition to the attractions clustered around the entrance to the Fair. In New York a stenographer playfully polnted a revolver at her employer and after snapping the trigger three times gave point to the Joke by putting a bullet Into him. This should be a lesson to stenographers not to point "unloaded" guns at anyone, at least during business hours. Chicago is a nice 2000 miles from. town to live about La Macedoine, a paper published In Paris, says lhat during an official massa cre at the village of Kouklish the Turk ish commandant a fat major slept and smoked In the shade of a tree near the scene of carnage. The trumpet sounded for the assault, and the soldiers- pro ceeded to rob, kill, burn and violate. The trumpet next sounded the retreat, but the troop refused to obey, and the fat major continued to sleep and smoke. When spoken to about the excesses of hla men he replied: "What can one do? They are so badly brought uj. What a contrast these Turks offer to the quiet Russian soldiers, decorously kissing their aged commander-in-chief. General Linlcvitch, as he reviews them at Easter. f Kurokl's troops have celebrated the an niversary of the battle of the Yalu. How lemptis fugits and. also how military repu tations go to smash. When a bomb prematurely bombs and ends the careers of several ingenious but discontented Russians, the St. Peters burg authorities ascribe the explosion to the miscarriage of a chemical experiment. This explanation Is at once truthful and, a combination of qualities eminently satisfactory to the Russian offi cial mind. A cow with five legs is offered for sale as a sideshow attraction at the Fair. A restaurant cnicKen with only the same number of legs would be another at traction. Noah Is acclaimed by the Springfield Republican as the originator of the ad vertising methods which Americans have made peculiarly their own. Noah adver tised his ark, and the Republican goes on to show what an advantage It gave the patriarch in the ultImate-for he was un doubtedly the original weather prophet and gloried In It while the new genera Uons grew up. so that the whole family had a prestige unsurpassed and quite unique throughout Babylonia, Egypt and the Isles of the sea. Moreover, he was the first advertiser to disfigure scenery, by leaving his ark on Mount Ararat. where it was seen so late as Sir John Mandcvlllc's day. Besides being the pre cursor of Barnum, he had. no one knows how long, the only stock preserve In Asia. So Portland's billboard men have an 11 lustrlous prototype. In the (no doubt) hustling little City of Pocahontas two Arkansas editors have found time to give their opinions of kissing. The Times led off by saying "The greatest surprise to a girl who gets kissed the first time is that there is no taste to it." To this the editor of "the Star, jealous of the fame of Pocahontas, replied In a burst of eloquence: "No taste to It? Well, by the hen feathers on Cupid's dart, but the Times man must be color blind in the palate. They tell us, those who have tried it, that It tastes like the double-distilled essence of honey spread thick on a piece of pumpkin pie. Away back in the dim and joyful years ago, when we lost all our teeth and our cinch on the beauty prize, the prettiest girl In all the world told us with her own eyes that it felt like a covey of quails flying out of each car and ended up with a sensation like a flock of angels pouring molssscs down one's back. No taste to the first kiss? Great Scotts! It would make a wooden cigar Indian's hair curl and his toenails quiver In ccstacy. The Times man must be an Icehouse." In the line of simllles we believe that these two from Pocahontas will long remain su premer "Felt like a covey of quail flying out of each ear," and "like a flock of an gels pouring molasses down one's back.' Hats off to Arkansas. Mr. Hyde, of the Alliance Francaise, or words to that effect, and secondarily of the Equitable Life, has been driving to his office behind horses decked with vlo lets. Some persons may possibly find soul-satlsfactlon In the sight of a horse with a bunch of violets stuck behind Its car; others are likely to be sorry for the horse and regret the waste of flowers Presumably, Mr, Hyde thinks that gaso line Is not esthetic and that Its- effect must be counteracted so far as possible by the use of horses diffusing the smell of violets. The Kansas City Star says that a vol time entitled, "Who's Who In TopekaT Includes nearly all the two-steppers, but neglects to mention several Justices of the Supreme Court. To us this seems consistent. The book tells who's who, not who's somebody. The weather man out at Kowloon Has spotted a roaring typhoon. And cries. Rojeatyensky. Get back to ycur density Or vour sqwadron will last atighty seoa.' .' WEX J. VARIED OPINIONS ON LAND FRAUD CASES NertkTrent Prea Oraxseata e Jadge BelliBger'a Rallasr ea Pica a la Abatement Geacral .Sattatacttoa That Cases ttIII Xbtt Cerec te Trial ea Their Merita. Hard Work Yet to Come. Jacksonville Times. District Attorney Heney's hard work yet to come. He has it nearly all his own way, so far. Backed Up by the Court. Grant's Pass Herald. Judge Bellinger appears to Indorse the sentiment expressed br the land-case de fendants early In proceedings to the effect that they wanted a chance to prove their Innocence at the earliest possible mo ment. Sympathy From Seattle. Seattle Times. Jnrtro RMIInfcr rf Vi TTnltflH States District fTourt nvormUrt all of th ob jections raised by Senator Mitchell'3 attorneys and now he must stand trial on the indictment. Poor old man! No Back Door Will Be Open. Boise Statesman. Judge Bellinger cleared the decks In the land fraud cases in Portland when he held with the government on every point in passing on the pleas in abatement. The cases must be heard on their merits; there will be no back door opened. Chance to Disclose Defense's Merits. Bend Bulletin. Senator Mitchell's plea in abatement wa3 overruled by Judge Bellinger. Of course the same ruling will apply to all others who entered that plea. Now tire In dicted statesmen will have a chance to go on trial on their merits unless they can dig up further technicalities. What They Need Is Vindication. Albany Democrat. The Oregonian and the Democrat agree emphatically on one thing, and that Is that what the defendants in the land fraud cases need I? vindication on the testimony. While they had a right to Interpose the pleas. In abatement. It would have been much better for them not to have done so. Gootl Words for the Judge. Albany Democrat- Judge Bellinger, a former editor of the Albany Democrat, is showing himself to be a very level-headed judicial officer. man of Integrity and fairness as well as legal acumen. Albany has sent out some of Oregon s best men. and our people are proud of having Judge Bellinger as one. of them. Guilt or Innocence to Be Shown. Milton Eagle. The preliminary skirmish In the land- fraud cases was a complete victory for the Government. The cases against Mitchell, et al., will now be tried on their merits and the guilt or Innocence of the accused made known. This is as it should be, and tho attempt of Mitchell to escape trial on a technicality will tend to strengthen the belief that he Is guilty. All Ready for the Trial. . Antelope Herald. The attempt of Senator Mitchell and other prominent defendants In the Oregon land-fraud cases, to Invalidate the In dictments asalnst them by their plea in abatement has failed, and they must now stand trial on the charges. The result of the first skirmish in the grcatlegal battle to be fought over the land-fraud cases was also a decided victory for Mr. Heney. against whom are pitted some of the ablest lawyers in the state. Not a Grain of Hope Held Out. Toledo Leader. Judge Bellinger Tuesday morning ruled against the plea in abatement made. by Senator Mitchell's attorney, and Prose cutor Heney has promised the Senator a trial at the earliest possible date. Judge Bellinger sustained Heney at every turn in the road, declared that Heney isn't prejudiced, and. In fact, held out not a grain of hope to the indicted brigade. It is discouraging to find all the goody goody people on one side of a great case. Confidence In the Congressmen. Walla Walla Union. Judge Bellinger having overruled the pleas In abatement entered by Sen ator Mitchell, indicted for land frauds he will have to stand trial. As all the others Indicted for the like offense entered similar picas, and agreed to abide the decision In the Mitchell case, they will also have to face trial juries. We hope and believe that Senator Mitchell and the. Oregon Congressmen will be acquitted of the charges against them. Some Defendants' Safe Position. Gran't Pass Herald. At the present rate of progress de fendants In the land fraud cases whose names apear In the vicinity of the bot torn of the calendar have no reason to fear punishment unless their years shall far exceed the alloted three score and ten. What they need to consider Is their plea before the court of St. Petar, for the suspicions of the good keeper of the pearly gates are no doubt aroused relative .to the probabil ity of their continuing operations In the lands that arc fairer than these. Ample Gliance for Vindication. Weston Leader. Judge Bellinger finds no merit in the technical defense of the land-fraud de fendants. He has denied their pleas ab solutely. and the truth must be brought out In the courts. This ruling ought to afford abundant Joy to Messrs. Mitchell i.ermann, Williamson, et aL, since they have proclaimed their innocence from the house tops and will now have a good chance to establish it not only In court but at the bar of public opinion. They will have a fair trial and ample chance for vindication. Doubtless they are heart lly glad that their learned counsel failed to sidetrack the court. Pasteboard Forts Go Down. Pendleton East Oregonian. The pasteboard fortifications made up of technicalities by Senator Mitch ell and boldly Interposed across th course of justice In the United States District Court at Portland, has been swept away by the rapid-fire batteries of Francis J. Heney. Pleas in abate ment don't go with Judge Bellinger. Technical defenses built upon flimsy flaws in the course of the law do not stand In the Judgment of the United States Court. The officials now be Injr tried have said they are Innocent that they are tho outraged victims of political malice and jealousy now let them prove It. , Full Faith in Their Innocence. Th rnnnlan verv DroDerlv calls at t.tim tn th. fart that the defendants In the lauds fraud cases now are afforded ,,it -ini rnmnlete onoortunitv of dem onstrating that tho Government's serious charges against tnem are not juswnea Dy the tacts. Judge Bellinger has- swept aside the tecnnicai pieaoins-s emerea, in during a full trial on llne3 that will cer ini Hrincr nut all at the testimony. This Is what the people want, and If the defendants are wnoceat, as tney con . jt vtof Vpoa-u Mltehdl. Ecrma. WII- llanae and others, shotikl desire. While -we have full faith la the iBiiecence of the accused, we are anxious- that they should avail themselves of the opportun ity now afforded to prove their Innocence. They owe it to the nation, to the state. to their families, to themselves, to their friends? and to the political organization with which they arc Identified, and to which they are Indebted for high honors. Tangled Up With Scalawags. Davenport. Wash.. Times. In the first legal battle in tholand fraud cases. Senator Mitchell loses to Attorney Heney. The Senator may still Insist that he Is innocenj. but It Is dollars to doughnuts that he Is fully convinced that he is a blanked fool for ever getting tangled up with such a large sized gang of scalawags. One Paper's Mild Remarks. Albany Democrat. Probably the narrowest paper in Oregon is the Eugene Register. It Is standing in tooth and nail with the land-fraud de fendants, and calls the papers which give the land-fraud news and demand that the cases bo prosecuted to the end on their merits and not on technicalities, "journal istic whelps." According to the Reglstcr about nine out of ten of the papers and people of Oregon arc either journalistic or some other kind of whelps. Merely a Play to the Galleries. Amity Advance. Judge Bellinger decided against the in dicted land-fraud participants on every point upon which their pleas In abate ment rested, and trial of the cases will now proceed. It was a mistake for the culprits to attempt to find a loophole through which they might escape trial for several months, because the move has gone far toward convincing tho public that these men are not half so anxious for a vindication as they appear to be to defeat the ends of justice through the medium of technicalities. The most nat ural conclusion Is that they are seeking to escape richly deserved punishment for wrongdoing, and that their much-vaunted and somewhat spectacular declarations In favor of speedy trials and early vindica tion made at the time the Indictments were returned was merely a play to the galleries. Senator Booth's Manly Course. Eugene Guard. Senator R. A. Booth Is to be com mended and congratulated for his course before the federal court in the land fraud cases. Instead of placing a demurrer, a plea In abatement or some other techni cal course in an attempt to delay Justice and obstruct the law he manfully makes his pica and Is ready for trial. As a rule the press of Oregon has maintained that these people should have a speedy trial. as was asked for, but a few of the in dicted persons have attempted to delay every proceeding of the federal courts. and in this have been supported by a few Oregon papers who claim that it is a political move made by the President, the Oregonian, the court, et al. The argu ment Is babyish, and it Is refreshing to hear one man say, "Gentlemen. I am not guilty and I am ready for trial." We hope Senator Booth may establish his innocence and prove beyond a doubt that he had no connection with the' Oregon land frauds. "Lopsided Journalists." Eugene Register. Some of the Oregon papers that pre sumably would like to see Mitchell, Hermann and others convicted, wheth er they are guilty or not, are making" considerable noise over the decision of Judge Bellinger in the plea in abate ment case, pronouncing It a great vic tory for Heney and the Government, and further attempting to create prej udice against the defendants, claiming they want the cases delayed and post poned, instead of seeking for an early trial. Of course most of these lop sided journalists haven't much concep tion of what they are talking about. yet they are doing their state and rep resentative citizens a rank injustice. If they were disposed to be fair and treat them with consideration due them they would not be forever trying to Impress upon the public that the Government cannot possibly be mis taken a3 to the guilt of these men when they have not yet been given op portunity to present their side of the case. The Register Is not here to kick a man down before he is down at least, now after, if there is a chance to lift him up, and be he Mitchell or any other public man of Oregon, whatever his political complexion, whether tried by the Government or by any other proper authority, he shall have the benefit of the doubt as to his. guilt un til Innocence is disproved. We are ready to stand or fall' upon that prin ciple, however the occassional journal istic whelp may bark at our heels, and whine that such a course Is a "slap, at the KJovernment." THE RIGHT0F PRIVACY. The Supreme Court of Georgia re cently decided a case involving' what is called the right of privacy. The fol lowing paragraphs from the syllabus define the right and show its limita tions: "Personal liberty includes not only freedom from physical restraint, but also the right 'to be let alone. to de termine one's mode of life, whether it shall be a life of publicity or privacy, and to order one's life and manage one's affairs In a manner that may be most agreeable to him, so longr as ha does not Violate the rights of others or of the public. "Liberty of speech and of the press, when exercised within the bounds of constitutional guarantees, are limita tions upon the exercise of the right of privacy. "One who seeks public office, or any person who claims from the public ap proval or patronage, waives his right of privacy to such an extent that hs cannot restrain or impede the public in any proper investigation into the con duct of his private life which may throw light upon the question as to whether the public should bestow upon him the office whleh he seeks or ac cord to him the approval or patronage which he asks. The holder of public office makes a waiver of a similar na ture, and subjects his life at all times to closest scrutiny, in order that It may be determined whether the. rights of the public are safe In his hands." It appears from this decision that the' seeker of office or public honors rriust submit not only his public but his pri vate life and record to publicity In so far as the published reports are neces sarv to show whether he is fit for pub lic honors or office. Even the right of privacy in a private person. Is not ab solute, although the press must not abuse its liberty by offensive or In jurious publications. There Is danger In either extreme. No Canary Seed. Washington Post. Delegate 'McGuIre of Oklahoma has on fcia deck, a unique Tequest for seed. It? comes from a resident of the territory, who writes in thte wise: "My wife wants packages of flower seeds and packages of garden seeds Please send the same to her. Don't send her any canary seed. That might make her want to sing, and the Lord knows . I have trouble enough with her. now on that score." ' ' "