Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Portland Players by Poor
Fielding Help Seattle to
Win a Victory.
TViliianis Takes a JBrace After the
Fourth Inning, and the Visitors
Arc Unable to Make
More Runs.
Yesterday's Score.
7 Seattle. 9; Portland, S.
J Standing of the Teams. I
J Won. Lost. r. C
Tacoma 18 11 .621
i Oakland 17 14 .584
Eac Francisco 18 in .SSI f
I Los .Angeles IS 14 ..'.48
1 Portland 12 18 .400 4
Seattle 11 19 .3G7 i
f Studios; of the Teams.
New Tork ,...11 3 .78G
Pittsburs 0 .'. .639
Philadelphia 7 r. .Ji8l
Chicago S 7 .328
Cincinnati 7 7 .500
Boston S 9 .555
Brooklyn '. 6 It .333
1 BU ........... 4 V) .tiUS
4 . , t
1 Standing- of the Team.
T Won. Lost. P. C.
J Chicago 8 5 .602
. Phil&delnhla. 7 r. ssi
Washington 8 7 .328
New Tork 6 6 .500
Cleveland n 7 7 .500
St. Louis 0 8 .429
Detroit .... 7 .422
Boston 5 10 .333
. . .4
SEATTLE, Wash., May 2. (Special.)
Seattle played rings around Portland
today at the bat and In the field. Will
iams was "wild, but the Portland men
could not hit him to any purpose with
men on bases. Jones, on the other
hand, pot a severe drubbing, the locals
doing better batting oft him than any
pitcher they have met since coming
Williams started the heavy hitting
n the third, when he rode on the ball
for a three-base smash that scored a
couple of runs. Kane came next In
the long driving, with two triples, but
Davis called him out at third on one
of them. His next time up, however,
he hit It so far that there was no ques
tion about his being entitled to third.
Van Burcn was strange to first base,
and showed it by his work. Big Mc
Lean let a perfect assist from the out
field go. through his legs, and Schafly
was very sloppy in his work.
Seattle's only error was made by
Russ Hall on a very hard chance. Kane
and Miller pulled off a clever double
steal, the midget going under Runkle,
who missed him by a foot. That broke
the Portland bunch up, and a couple
.of hits stowed the game away. Seattle
took a lead of three runs in the first
two Innings, but Williams got wild in
the third and fourth, and Portland tied
the score. Beattle took the lead again
In the sixth, scoring four runs on three
hits and three errors, and were never
headed afterward, as Williams got bet
ter as the game progressed: The score:
Kane, Sb 4 3 2 2 10
Miller, rf 2 1 0 2 0 0
Moutz. if 5 0 3 1 0 0
K&mmer. lb 3 0 5 7 0 0
Frary. c 4 0 1 4 3 0
McHale. cf 3 0 0 3 0 0
R. Hall, ss 4 2 2 0 2 1
Bums. 2b ; 3 10 7X0
Williams, p 4 2 2 1 5 0
Totals 32 3 13 27 12 1
Atz. r 4 0 114 0
Van Buren. lb 4 0 0 11 0 2
Householder, cf. ....... 5 0 11 0 0
SchlaJJy. 2b 4 0 0 3 0 2
McCredle. rf 2 1 2 0 1 0
McLean, c 4 1 2 3 2 1
Runkle. 3b 2 0 1 4 4 0
Cates. If 2 0 0 1 0 0
Jones, p... 3 1 0 0 5 0
Totals SO 3 7 24 16 S
Seattle 1 2 0 0 0 4 0 2
Hits ' ...1 2 1 0 3 3 1 2 13
Portland 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 3
Hits 0 0" 0 2 2 0 0 2 1 7
Earned runs Seattle, 2.
Two-base hits Kane, Kemmer and Houtz.
Three-base hits Kane and Williams.
Double plays Frary to Kane, Frary to
Kemmer, Hall to Burns to Kemmer.
Sacrifice hits Miller, Kemmer, McHale,
Burns. Van Buren. Runkle.
Stolen bases Kan and Miller.
Struck out By "Williams. 3; by Jones, 2.
Bases on balls Off Williams, 5; off
Jones, 1.
Hit by pitched balls Miller 2, . Kemmer.
Kane. Runkle and Cates.
Left on "bases Seattle, 7; Portland. S.
Time of game One hour and 28 minutes.
Umpire Davis.
Seals in Portland En Route North.
Parke WilBOn and his Seals were In
the city yesterday. They were on their
way to Tacoma where they play, ac
cording to the season's lob-sided sched
ule, with the Tigers. Wilson is carry
ing but 21 men with him. He had to
leave Walters, Mohler and a pitcher in
the hospital at San Francisco. This
makes the second time that the Tigers
have met the Seals while they were
crippled, which Is some more of Fish
er's luck.
Nealon, who injured his arm is back
in the game. Wilson considers himself
in luck, for Nealon was able to go back
t owork in Marty Murphy's place. He
has Waldron, Spencer and HHdebrand
In his outfield and Wheeler, in addi
tion to playing second will be called
upon to take his turn In the box. Joe
Corbetfs arm is still bothering him,
but he is with the team and expects
to pitch against the Tigers. Wilson
says he. is sorry that Murphy got into
trouble. He was playing great ball and
was hitting the ball hard.
Pish Warden Says the Intent or the
Legislature Is Plain.
SALEM. Or... May 2, Special.) "There
will be no prosecutions, so far as I am
concerned, for violation of the. black bass
lew," said Master Fish Warden Van
Dusen today. "There may be some tech
nical' question about the repealing act
having taken effect, but the intent of the
Legislature is plain, and I hope people
will begin right away to fish for black
bass. I believe there arc plenty of the.
fish in the river, ana that they are worth
Talc stateaeat was made in .answer to
questions regarding' the status of the law.
The act protecting black, bass made it
unlawful to catch these fish at any time
except in June. July, August and Septem
ber. The last Legislature repealed this
protective act and -attached an emergency
clause to the repeal. The emergency was
not stated in the language required by
the constitution, however, and probably
the courts would hold if the question was
presented that the repealing act does not
take effect until May IS.
A number of people In this city have
been anxious to go fishing for bass, and
some few have ventured to do so, but If
they-caught any fish they have generally
kept quiet about it. A few have brought
in good strings and have proudly dis
placed them, but others are afraid of
prosecution and keep quiet. The state
ment from Mr. Van Duscn will be good
news to all who desire to fish for bass,
and doubtless many good strings of these
inhabitants of the Willamette will be
caught before the repealing act takes ef
fect technically.
Gideon Stelncr, who is an authority on
black bass, says that the best way to
catch these fish is to find a place where
the water is still, and fish with hook and
line, using a minnow for bait. The bait
should-bc sunk deep in the water, as the
fish lie near the bottom of the river. A
place where there is back-water or very
little current is the best place. On sunny
days the fish will be found on the shady
side of the stream, where the trees over
hang the "water.
Jn the local market 10 cents a pound Is
paid for black bass, and as the fish vary
from one to four poundB In weight, a
successful angler might make fishing for
bass a profitable diversion.
Detroit i, SU Louis 0.
DETROIT, May 2. St. Louis fell a. vic
tim to the sixth'' successive shutout on
these grounds. Kitson was steady and
effective in tight places. Morgan was
somewhat wild, and this cost most of the
runs, hits following bases on balls. At
tendance 2200: Score:
R.H.E.J R.H.E.
Detroit 4 S lSt. Louis 0 7 1
Batteries Kitson and Sullivan; Morgan
and Weaver.
Boston 9, New York 4.
NEW YORK. May 2. The New Tork
Americans suffered another defeat at the
hands of the champions from Boston here
today. The visitors batted Puttman hard
in the second inning and Powell replaced
him. Attendance 2000. Score:
R.H.E.1 R.H.E.
Boston 9 11 4jNew York.... 4 5 1
Batteries Winter and Kriger; Putt
mann, Powell and McGulre.
Chicago 4, Cleveland 3.
CHICAGO, May 2. Chicago defeated
Cleveland today In a good 12-inning game.
Both teams had men on bases at critical
times, but good playing of the fielders
prevented them from scoring. Attend
ance 6200. Score:
R.H.E.1 R.H.E.
Chicago 4 8 3CIeveland .... 3 9 2
Batteries Smith and McFarland; Hess
and Bcmls.
AVashington 9, Philadelphia 5.
PHILADELPHIA. May 2. Although
the locals outbattcd the Washlngtons, the
visitors' hits were more timely. Attend
ance 5000. Score:
R.H.E.I T.H.F1
Washington. 9 S 31Phlladclphla . 5 10 3
Batteries Patten and Kittridge; Plank
and Powers.
St. Louis 3, Pittsburg 1.
ST. LOUIS. May 2.-A batting rally in
the seventh Inning won for the local Na
tionals. Thlelman was effective at criti
cal times. Attendance 1000. Score:
R.H.E.1 R.H.E.
St. Louis 3 7 2Pittsburg .... 17 2
Batteries Thlelman and Grady; Rob
ertallle and Carlsch.
Umpire O'Day.
New York 7, Boston 6.
BOSTON. May 2. New York won a tcn
inning game today. Both teams batted
hard. Young lost the game by throwing
home instead of to first with two out In
the eighth Inning, allowing the visitors
to tie the score. Attendance 2300. Score:
W.H.B.1 R.H.E.
New York ... li 3) Boston 6 11 3
Batteries Taylor. Ames and Brcsna
han; Young and Needham.
Umpire Johnstone.
Philadelphia 8, Brooklyn 3.
BROOKLYN. May 2. The Philadelphia
Nationals again defeated Brooklyn here
today. Duggleby outpltched Mclntyre.
and the latter was relieved by Doescher
in the final inning. Courtney carried off
the batting honors. Attendance 1600.
R.H.E.1 R.H.E.
Philadelphia . 8 10 3J Brooklyn 3 7 2
Batteries Duggleby and Abbott; Mc
lntyre. Doescher and Bergen.
Umpire Bauswlne.
Cincinnati 3, Chicago 1. ,
CINCINNATI. May 2.-Cinclnnati de
feated Chicago In. a featureless game to
day. The only run scored by the visitors
was due to an error by Dolan in the first
inning. Pfelffer. the Chicago pitcher, was
wild at times. Attendance 2600. Score:
R.H.E.1 R.H.E.
Cincinnati ..3 7 ijChlcago 17 0
Batteries Harper and Schlel; Pfelffer
and O'Nell.
Umpires Emslie and Klem.
Nelson-Herrera Fight Is Off.
BUTTE. Mont., May 2. The Nelson
Herrera fight, arranged for June 13. Min
ers Union Day, la practically off, as far
as the Broadway Athletic Club is con
cerned. Matchmaker George Klotz today
received from Billy Nolan a letter reced
ing from the terms of a previous under
standing. Smith Chosen as Referee.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 2. Eddie Smith,
of Oakland, has been chosen to referee
the International boxing contest between
Jimmy Brltt and Jabez White, which will
take place in this city next Friday night.
New York Society's Programme.
A spirited debate as to whether the in
signia of the New York Society should be
a button or ribbon closed a social meet
ing of the organization held at Allsky
Hall last night. The men wanted rib
bons, but the women members objected,
saying that buttons were the more de
sirable. The women declared ribbons
were very easily soiled and they were
liable to tear. The matter was referred
to the executive committee.
In the earlier part of the meeting the
members of the society were treated to a
musical programme which consisted of
several excellent vocal and Instrumental
selections. Miss Elizabeth SHI recited and
was given an encore. Miss Nina Wind
routh, a girl of 16. received a burst or ap
plause after tHc rendition of a vocal
solo, A bass solo by Sydney Rasmussen
was well received. The others, who took
part in the programme were Miss Rock
well. Miss Lena Harwas, Miss Lorena
Salles, Miss Frances Bingham.
Tour complexion, as well as yoar tea
per. is rendered miserable by a disordered
yer. Ipprerve beta y takisg Carter's
Little Liver Pills.
Champion Jeffries Announces
He Will Retire.
In Two AVccks the Big Man Will
Leave Ring and Stage for Life.
Going to Europe, Then Into
Business With Brother.
CINCINNATI, May l-pJanies J. Jef
fries, champion heavyweight pugilist, will
retire from the prize ring and from the
stage and go into business with his
brother Jack In California, according to
a statement made by him today to the
Times-Star. He will leave the stage on
May 15. arrangements having been made
to cancel all engagements after that date.
Jeffries takes this action at the request
of his wife. In addition, he says that
pugilism does not pay.
Immediately after his present week's
engagement in Cincinnati In the role of
Davy Crockett, Jeffries will go to Chi
cago and fill an engagement of one week
there. This will be his last public ap
pearance. One week from next Monday
In Chicago, Is the time set by him today
for his permanent retirement. Today
Jeffries received word from Klaw & Er
langer releasing him from all his the
atrical contracts and engagements. Tills
action was taken at the request of Jef
fries, when he made the following state
ment to a Times-Star representative:
"I may possibly take a trip to Europe
with my 'wife, after which I am going
Into the mining business with my brother
Jack, and I shall hereafter devote my
time to it. The principal reason for my
retiring Trora the ring and from the stage
Is that my wife objects. That has been
the controlling influence in my reaching
this determination. I have decided to
quit fighting for all time. The last fight
I had In San Francisco was fairly well
patronized, and although I won the big
end of the purse, there was but little In
it for me. I have determined along with
my wife that it Is not worth while to go
Into the ring any more.
"The public Is fickle. I am well pro
vided with this world's goods, and I have
done with it all. Billy Delaney is also well
fixed and he will also retire from the
business with me. When my engage
ment ends in Chicago one week from next
Monday, I shall make my bow as a public
.charactci and shall never again go either
on the stage or into the prize ring."
Advantage at Start Lost in Turning
Into Homestretch.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 2. In the hand
icap. Cruzados failed as a favorite, losing
to Gold Enamel. The start was not of
the best and when the barrier broke Sad
Sam and Cruzados opened a big gap. but,
when turning for home, Clark, on Sad
Sam. carried the favorite to the extreme
outside, which cost him the race. Gold
Enamel saved a great deal of ground,
and Fountain, taking advantage, scored
by a neck. High Chancellor ran a good
race and got the show. Cloudllght was
In perfect form and after being played
down from 10 to 1 to 6 to 1 won the
fourth race by" a neck from Bob Ragon.
Weather clear; track good. Results:
Four and a half furlongs Daruma. won, I'm
Joe second, Lorena M. third; time tSGVfc.
Mile and a sixteenth Henry . C. Rye won.
Dandle Bell second, Silurian third; time
Mile and a sixteenth Circus won, Marclio
oecond, Pachuca third; time 1:57?;.
Mile Cloudllght won. Bob Ragon second,
Gloomy Gus third; time 1:44.
Fire furlongs Gold- Enamel won, Cruxados
pecond. High Chancellor third; time 1:15.
Futurity course-Rcvoll won. Toto Gratiot
second. Sceptre third; time l:13t$.
Seven furlongs Collector Jeesup won, Mil
dred Schultz second. Judge Denton third; time
At Cumberland Park.
NASHVILLE, Tcnn.. May 2. The
Spring race meeting closed at Cumber
land Park today. Results:
Four and a half furlongs Leta Duffy won.
Joe Coyne second. Fortunate third': time, :55.
Six furlongs Bradcn won. Saserac second.
Coruscate thlrdTtlme. l:15i.
Mile and sixteenth Orient won, Mcll
vatn second, Brooklyn third; time. 1:19U.
Full course, steeplechase Chantry won.
Bank Holiday second. Class Leader third;
time. 3:374.
Four aaA a fealf fariosgv Rcrmltaxe wos.
1 "'CSVH
Kerch eval second, Polly Prim third; time.
Four and a half-furlongs Little Mike won.
Miss Margo second. Wistful third: time.
Five and a half furtoncs J. Ed Brilto
won. Ice - Water second, -Miss Gun third;
time. l:07i.
At Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., May 2.-EIm Ridge
race results:
Seven furlonr Hattie Carr won, Princesa
Tulane second, Perey O'Xell third; time
Six. furlongs Rebo won. Telephone sec
ond. Royal Legend third; time. 1:13.
Four and a half furlongs Meadow Breeze
won. Reuben second, Mint Boy third; time,
Mile and 70 yards Alma Dufour won, Bon
Mot second, Elliott third; time. 1:43VJ.
Mile Drexel won, Merces second. Meadow
Horn third; time, 1:43H.
Seven furlongs Potrero Grande won. Show
Girl second. Harpoon third; time, 1:20.
At Jamaica Park.
NEW YORK, May 2. Jamaica race re
sults: Six furlongs Blue Coat won. Julia M. sec
ond. Gold Fleur third; time 1:14.
Four and a half furlongs Oak Lawn won.
Water Boy second. Vcronez third; time :34 2-3.
Six furlongs Emergency won. Quadrille eec
ond. Cottage Maid third: time 1:13 3-5.
The WHUamsbun; Handicap, six furlongs-
Pasadena, won. Cairngorm oecond. Diamond
Flush third: time 1:13 3-5.
Mile and seventy yards Gold Dome won,
Jane Holly second Hands Across third; time
1:45 2-5.
Six furlongs-Fly Back won, Oxford second.
Toucan third; time 1:12 2-5.
At St. Lottls'Falr Grounds.
ST. LOUIS, May 2. Fair Grounds race
Half-mile Adjure won, Sadie Martin second,
Mia Leeds third; time :49 2-5.
Five and a half furlongs Last Faustus won.
Any Rags second, McDrlver third; time
1:09 2-5.
Six furlongs May Johnson won. Floral
Wreath second. By Ways third: time 1:15.
Slx.furiongs-Flrc Ball won. Col. White sec
ond, Oudon third: time 1:14 3-5.
Mile Joe Lesser won. Ethics second, Taby
xoaa third; time 1:42.
Mile and an eighth Amboylta won. Behoove
second, "Water Cure third; time 1:57.
Sunset Magazine to Issue Special
Number for Northwest.
The Sunset Magazine, minted undr th
management of the Southern Pacific, Is
about to break into the exploitation' of
Oregon and the Northwest, with a spe
cial Exposition number for July.
In the past the magazine has been sup
ported almost entirely by California in
terests, and for this jeason has been un
able to give a great deal of attention to
Oregon and the other sections of the
Coast. While this support has not
changed, the matter of Northwestern ex
ploitation has been brought .before the
management by W. E. Coman. general
freight agent of the Southern Pacific In
Oregon, with the result that the special
edition is about to be Issued.
The usual circulation of the magazine
Is approximately 60,000, but between 75,000
and 100,000 numbers of the special edition
will be printed. Special articles have
been arranged for by representative men.
Including the Governors of Oregon and
Washington, Mayor Williams, of Port
land, and Senators from the two states,
besides other prominent men. It Is ex
pected that the number will be the best
and most complete resume of the Lewis
and Clark Fair and the advantages of the
Northwest that has yet been printed in
any magazine or paper.
"The Marble Heart" Success.
Everything that was promised and
expected of the Empire Stock Com
pany's production of the great melo
drama. "The Marble Heart," this week
has been "more than fulfilled. The only
wonder Is that such a play -can be pre
sented at the Empire price of admis
sion. There arc five acts and each one
requires a great amount of special
scenery and stage settings, while the
large cast is most excellent In every
part. There will be two performances
daily, matinee at 2:15, and evening, 8:15.
Next week the screaming comedy in
three acts. "Our Boys."
T. W. W'alta Dies In Hospital.
F. W. Waite, proprietor of the Pen
dleton Hotel, at Pendleton, died at the
Good Samaritan Hospital at 5 o'clock
yesterday afternoon as the result of an
abscess In the ear. Mr. Waite was well
known along the Coast having trav
eled out of San Francisco as a sales
man for years. The funeral arrange
Rients have not been announced.
The Duke and Duchess or Manchester
sailed from New .Tork fer Europe yesterday.
Buyers Are Here From All Over
the Northwest.
Blooded Animals From the Brook
Nook Ranch, 3Iontana, of C.
X. Larabee, Aro In Active
Demand In Portland.
Horse-buyers from Oregon. Wash
ington. Idaho, Montana and as far away
as Denver were on hand yesterday at
the Irvlngton track, where J. L. Mc
Carthy and sons are conducting their
annual horse sale. At both the morn
ing and afternoon sales there was a
large atendance, and, while the bidding
at times lagged. It was brisk enough
when animals of worth were offered.
The horses offered for sale yesterday
were thoso shipped to Portland by C
X. Larabee, of the Brook Nook ranch,
at Home Park. Mont. This consign
ment of trotlng-bred stock Is the best
ever offered for sale In Portland. Mr.
Larabee has In former years shipped
his horses to the sales at Chicago and
New York, where he has always com
manded "fancy prices. He makes a spe
cialty of raising roadsters in addition to
trottera and pacers for racing purposes.
Mr. Larabee thinks so well of the horses
that he has shipped to the McCarthy
sale that he offered 10 per cent of the
purchase price to anybody that will
give any one of the horses that he has
offered for sale a mark of 2:30 within
two vears after It has been bought. He
will also give a prize to the owner of
any one of his horses that wins a prize
at the Lewis and Clark Fair livestock
The first horse that fell under the
hammer was Padishah, a bay stallion.
out of Patience, 2:2714. He was sold
to H. Tilman. of Portland. The highest-
priced animal bought at the sale yes
terday was Lancero, a bay stallion, 3
years old. He was bought by o. J.
Roche, who paid $400 for him. I. Lang
bourrht a handsome and well-matched
team of roadsters, for which he paid
$425. The sales of the day follow:
Padishah, bar stallion, 1003, by Keeler, rec
ord 2:13U: nrst dam. Patience, 2:274. by Al
cyone; sold to H. Tillman, city. J150.
Sweet Gale, bay mare. 1000, by Alcyone, rec
ord 231U: flt dam, Kuskua, by Commodore
Belmont; sold to George Lawrence, city, 5150.
Marabou and Alfa, bay geldings Marabou,
bay gelding, 1001, by Special Telegram; first
dam, Mlno Bird, by Commodore Belmont; AUa,
bay gelding, 1000. by Alcyone; record 2:13U;
sold to N. Ressner, Mount Vernon, $375.
Plpleecwa, bay stallion, 1003. by Alcjone;
first dam, Perllla. by Commodore Belmont
sold to J. B. Rogers. Baker City, $153.
Crochet, bay gelding, 1003. by Gyr. Falcon;
first dam. Fad, by Lambert Boy; sold to H.
Squires, city, $130.
Anthony and Honey Bird Anthony, bay
gelding. 1001. by Malcolm; first dam, Anthua.
by Frank Morgan; Honey Bird, bay gelding.
1001. by Alcyone: first dam. Erne, by Commo
dore Belmont: sold to I. Lang. city. $125.
Idlefonso, chestnut gelding. 1001, by Alfonso;
record 2:20?i; first dam, Madreperl, by Commo
dore Belmont; sold to H. Squires, city. $100.
Lancero. bay stallion, 1002. by Aldrona; rec
ord, 2:22i; first dam. Lunula, by Red Wilkes;
sold to G. J. Rohse, city. $400.
Dora, dark bay mare, 1001, by Malcolm; first
dam. Lady Donnell, by Harrison Chief; sold
to J. W. Bailey,, city, $170.
Paupuk-Keewis, bay stallion, out of PInce
PInce, by HI Rey, record 2:2454; first dam.
Patience, record 2:2714: sold to B. I Martin,
Turner. Or.. $185.
"Widen Bird and Enana Widen Bird, bay
mare from the family of China Maid, record
2:051;; Alcryon, record 2:15, sire of Nelle
Gwynne, 2:10: Enana. half sister to Fair
haven, record 2:10V4. sold to S. Castro, Salem,
Rose Rial, bay pacing mare, from the faro
lly of President, record 2:2314, sire of Queen
Lillian, record 2:20U: sold to J. a. Evans.
Centralla, Wash.. $165.
Heather and Kalamla, bay geldings, were
sold to W. Bessner of Mt. Vernon, "Wash., for
$2S5. .
Porflro. bay gelding, out of Lavlna, record
2:25, dam of Alma, record 2:2714; second dam
Pearl, dam of 3 In 2:20; third dam ltuby
Duroc. dam of 2 and eecond darn of 5 in 2:30
sold to J. "W. Bruce, city, for $130.
Refrain, bay gelding, from the family of
Tenor, record 2:30; first dam. President, rec
ord 2:23U: sold to M. J. Jones, city, $300.
Hobby, bay gelding, out of the dam of
Kappa, record 2:1814, and Hermitage 4241
(sire of Miss Gate wood, record 2:1014); sold
to J. H. Peterson, city. $1S3. Kingfisher,
brown gelding", also went to Mr. Peterson for
Gold Star and Flare, two bay mares, were
sold to John Sawyer for $200.
Swamp Ansel, a bay mare out of Jewess
"Wilkes, 2 years, record 2:55; second dam
Rosllla, dam of Hampshire, record 2:2214. and
Inveterate, record 2:20-; third dam Rosabella,
dam of Nickel Plate, record 2S!4s;: jld to
S. Casrto. Salem, $155.
Adolpho. bay stallion, third dam Queen
Weet. dam of 2 In 2:30; from the family of
Roetta Soap, record 2:1414: sold to T. J
Fleming, Centralla. Wash., $170.
Cuckoo Bird, bay mare, was sold to J. S,
Evans, Centralla, Wah., $150.
Robin Snipe, out of Eccle, half-sister to
Meteor, record 2:1714: from the family of Rat
a-Tat. record 2:10, etc: two producing, dams.
and Brown Thrasher, from the family of Ad
Tlalia. record 2:1454; Lillian, record 2:1414
Waterloo Boy, record 2:144. etc; two produc
ing dams; sold to E. A. Lynda, city, $340.
Zambo, a bay gelding, was sold to E. TL
Clark, Seattle, $SO. John Sawyer bought Tit
lark for $135.
This morning. Knlckknack. The Zoo
and Baron L, three of the best horses at
the sale, will be driven on the. track at
9 o'clock. This will give the prospective
buyers a chance to see these horses .in
Man Who Shot Vandran Hopes His
Victim Will Recover.
On a charge of assault with intent to
kill K. Vandran, Joseph Young was ar
raigned before Municipal Judge Hogue
yesterday morning by Deputy District At
torney Haney. The prisoner asked until
Thursday to plead, saying he wished that
time In which to secure counsel and to
prepare his case. He was held without
bonds, as his victim's lies near to death's
door at Good Samaritan Hospital, and
murder may be the result.
Young was extremely nervous, and
could not stand. He leaned against a
table, and spoke little louder than a whis
per. His arraignment did not consume
more than two minutes, after which he
was escorted back to his cell In the City
Jail by Bailiff Goltz.
"I have employed Attorneys Malarkey
and Logan to defend me, and I cannot
talk for publication until I confer with
them," said Young when asked for a
"How Is Vandran?" Young asked as he
h sketched
Young was Informed that there was a
chaace for recovery, and replied:
"I hope be gets well."
(a -
A T1..!nnJ Kit. AT.... Y...1- f 1 1
date for Municipal Judge His Plat-
form Is Fairness, Impartiality and
Albert B. Ferrera, according to all
reports, will be the successful candl-
date for the Republican nomination
fur Municipal- Judge.
Mr. Ferrera was born In Portland.
educated In the public schools, and Is
very popular.
He Is a good Judge cf human nature.
a lawyer of ability, of even tempera-
ment and in every respect fitted for c
the office.
While other candidates for the
Judgeship have been wasting time
seeking the Indorsement of the varl-
ous factional clubs, sectarian and
liquor organizations, Mr. Ferrera, be- J
lleving that a Judge should be the a
servant of no- clique, has 0urlng sev-
era! weeks canvassed the city; talking
to the voters and pledging himself to
an intelligent, fair. Impartial and Just
administration of the office which he
will undoubtedly be elected to fill.
By his independent course of con- 9
duct Mr. Ferrera has gained or rather
retained the respect and confidence of
all classes.
Mr. Ferrera Is a member of several
fraternal societies and Is a director
of the Woodmen of the World Build- J
ing Association. Certain candidates
advertise themselves as prominent
members of the Woodmen of the
o World as a bid for this vote, but their 9
prominence does not extend beyond
J their possible right to claim member-
m ship, while Mr. Ferrera has during
many years taken a most active part
in the wprk of upbuilding the order
and Is personally acquainted with the
0 members, from whom he is now re- 9
ceiving hearty support.
"What recollections of the affair have
you?" waj asked of Young.
"I was pretty drunk, and remember but
little about It." was the reply.
"Why did you shoot Vandran?"
"I do not know."
There are varying stories as to the
cause of the affair. Some claim rivalry In
business was at the bottom of it, as both
men operate liquor establishments in the
same block on Washington street. Others
set up the claim that family roubles
caused the shooting. Nothing definite has
been learned as to the latter claim.
City Physician Zan and Dr. J. F. Wilson
operated on Vandran at Good Samaritan
Hospital yesterday morning and removed
the bullets. Unlcs-j peritonitis sets In,
Dr. Zan states, the victim has good
chances for recovery.
Vandran was for years connected with
the Pendleton Hotel, at Pendleton. Or.,
and but recently came here. Young re
sides on the East Side and has a wife
and family.
Prisoner Accuses Guard.
A charge that James F. Johnson, one
of the guards of the county rock-pile pris
oners agreed to procure the release of
Ed Brown, alias Kraemer, for a money
consideration, will probably be made to
the grand Jury by Sheriff Word. Kraemer
has made a statement to the effect that
Johnson told him he was too good a man
to work In the rock-pile gang, and prom
ised to assist him to gain his freedom,
asking him if his folks were well fixed.
Kraemer asserts that he ascertained that
some of the prisoners had secured a key
that would open the handcuffs and he
told Johnson about it, and as a reward
Johnson informed him he would obtain
his pardon and it would cost him nothing.
Kraemer states further that recently he
received a letter from his brother at As
toria stating that Johnson had tele
graphed him to send $135. Johnson denies
that there 13 any truth in this story. It Is
a well-known fact that Johnson and
Sheriff Word are not on good terms.
Sues to Recover Sale Price.
Henrietta A. Cole alleges that she ex
ecuted a deed in favor of F. A. Jones,
May 20, 1904. conveying to him a lot in
Rossland. B. C. upon his- agreement to
pay her $1200. She avers that he subse
quently refused to pay her the money,
and yesterday she filed suit against htm
In the State Circuit Court to recover
the amount.
Incorporation Papers Piled.
A. L. Lowensteln, Henry Michaels and
B. F. Cooper filed articles of Incorpora
tion of the Diadem Club In the County
Clerk s office yesterday. The objects an
nounced are the development of the lit
erary, mental and scientific capacities of
its members.
Epileptic Fits of Children
Epilepsy, or fits. In children Is even of
greater urgency than in older seorjle. In
their active and restless life an attack Is
liable to come at a fatal moment, and the
sunshine of the home will be crushed out of
existence. At the very first sign of epilepsy
or nervous twltchlngs or tremblings Elixir
Kosine snouia be used.
This remedy Is the discovery of a well
known Washington scientist, and Is the
only known cure for epileptic fits. It can
be used by all ages and is a positive cure for
this dread disease. Woodard, Clarke & Co.,
the local agents, have so much faith In this
remedy that they give their personal guar
antee that It will cure or else the price.
$1.50, will ba refunded. Mall orders filled.
The Koslne Co.. Washington. D. C, or Wood
ard. Clarke & Co., Portland.
Evtry Woman
is iawrwwa isa ssoua znaw
about tfca wonderful
Th Kew Ladles Srrlnra
-Best. Barest. Most
If fee eanaet issplr Uu
MlKVIL. accent, no
other, bst sal"taiB9 for U
tettratad book t gtret
tbU Miticalaa and dlreetleRS la-
TaloaMstoUdte. Jf rtTKL C.,
41 Park Xe. New York.
TTsniTi Clark Ca- Fortlasi Orecoa.
Pennyroyal pills
vfe Mm iftWa. Taka no ataer. XaftM
asaaraca SaMtHag u Iatk.
way r TaiH?aIan. TaaWiaaalrU
sa4 KoMrf t tVl ." H Utw, y r.
tmim HmjP- t i.ia Ti.n..l.fa uik.
aaTBratelM. X&fefcaater Ckajftlaal Ca
Heels of
New Rubber
The sprine of the year brings bade 4h
buoyancy of life, Just as the spring of new
rubber brings back the buoyancy of you tit.
It Is the responsive spring of new rubber
which makes 0' Sullivan Heels so popular
and has earned for them ths respect and
endorsement of that cuardlan.of health
the family physician.
If your neighbor is wearing rubber ha els
there must b e a reason for It. He Is care
ful of his health Is studying bis comfort
has an eye to economy.
Either of these reasons ought to b
enough for any thoughtful person. Nsithsc
of them could be realized without new rub
ber. Substitutes for O'Sullivan's are of no
value, although?they cost the same, 60c
pair, attached.
Send 33c. to makers for a sample pair if
dealer cannot supply. O'SulUvan Eubber
Company, Lowell, Mass.
Shot Full
of Holes.
"I am 65 years old, and have
been a great sufferer from
headache all my life. One of
Dr. Miles' circulars was left
at my door, and what it con
tained about headache inter
ested me, so that I determined
to invest a dollar in their make
of shot, and go gunning for
that headache. The first charge
brought it down," but I contin
ued to shoot until the thing
was shot so full of holes that
I believe it will never come to
life again. I consider it the
work of a "good Samaritan,"
to spread the knowledge of
what Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills
will do." I. F. MOORE,
1352 Fairfax Ave., Bridgeport,
Headache, Neuralgia, Sciat
ica, Backache, Stomachache,
Bearing Down Pains, Rheuma
tic Pain; or Pain from any cause
yields readily to the soothing
influence of Dr. Miles' Anti
Pain Pills upon the nerves, the
irritated condition of which
causes the pain. Harmless if
taken as directed, and leave no
disagreeable after-effects.
Dr. Miles' Antl-P2ln Pills are sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first package will benefit. If It
falls he will return your money.
25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold in bulk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Zi $650 o00K
a vt .1
1 100 wuaetfia pictures.
evarythrag you wcot
: to know and rrnrlyjj
lyou aouia raow m
Irsgayd to blood
pclcon Ignorance
begat myry: kwv
edge bringa hedti.
I au na4rtul end -raUa
MS Seeasd Ave. Bomb, getc, Wsk.
lilMlY devdopmcat
mfint.1 lausexual
are obtained by the useof Damiana Bitten,
uniana Bitten, the
never faamz restorative, lrivizorative and
dune for both sexe. bend for circular,
t. 338 Marliet St.T S.T, At aa tkbauts