THE HORSING OBEGOKIAST. FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1905. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OKEGOKIAJf'S TELEPHONES. .Countlng-Room .....Slain 667 Managing Editor Main 638 Sunday Editor Main C235 City Editor Main 163 Society Editor Main 6235 Composlng-Room Main 685 Superintendent Building Red 2S2,6 East Side Office East 01 AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER (14th and Washing ton) Evening at S. "Pink Dominoes." EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison) Matinee at 2:15 and evening at S:15, "East Lynnc." STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30, 7:S0 and 9 P. M. GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. BAKER THEATER (3d and Tamhlll) Con tinuous vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30 and 9 P. M. BASEBALL TODAY. 3:30 P. M. (Recreation Park, 24th and Vaughn) Portland vs. Ta- coma. ARMORY (Tenth and Davis) Elks' County Fair. Svcnlng. Sectjkes Extension of Option. T. TV. Clark, of the Clark "Woolen Mill Com pany, "has secured an extension of two months on hta option on the Sellwood site of the Portland Woolen Mills. He hopes by that time to he In position to proceed with the erection and installation of tho long-talked-of plant. If Mr. Clark does not succeed, there are others with means who are waiting opportunity to take up the proposition of establishing a plant in Sellwood. Will Extend Spur at Once. The St. Johns spur of the O. R. & N. Co. will be extended at once to the site of the proposed. Weyerhaeuser sawmill. For some time a party of surveyors has been at work laying out the route of the ex tension. It Is wanted to facilitate the erection of the big sawmill plant. It Is announced that the Weyerhaeuscrs will begin building wharves as soon as the material needed is on hand. Elks Count Fair! Elks' Countt Fair! At the Abmort. Ladies Free Tonight. Ladies Free Tonight. , Babt Show Tomorrow Afternoon . At 2 o'clock. Entries Close at Babt Booth Tonight. Admission to Babt Show, 10c; Children, 5c. Dancing Evert night. Auction Saturdat Night. Past Sachems' ' Railroad Excursion to Albany and Corvallls Sunday next. Tickets are now on sale at the stores of B. B. Rich, Schiller's cigar stores, Rowe &. Martin's drugstore. Sixth and Wash ington, and S. P. ticket office. Third and Washington. Scats for all. $L50 for rouud trip. Don't miss this opportunity to see the Willamette Valley. Daylight ride. Trains leave Union Depot at 8:00 A. M. sharp. Pioneer Woman Dies. Mrs. L. C. Mann, who died of heart failure a week ago yesterday at her residence. 975 East Stark street, was born in Ohio In 183L She crossed the plains in 3853. She is sur vived "by three children, Mrs. J. H. Boyd, of Spokane; J. C. Bpperly, of Shanghai, China, arfd J. Eppcrly, of Portland. The funeral services were hold at Butteville. Dr. Wise's Lecture. At the Temple Beth-Israel Dr. Stephen S. Wise will preaoh this evening on "Caste and Class in Our American Democracy." The pul pit will be occupied during the absence of .Dr. Wise by Rev. Roland D. Grant, D. D., and Rabbi J. Bloch, L. L. D. Services begin at S o'clock, and strangers are welcome. Hurt bt a Fall. James P. Hlckey, aged S3 years, fell 16 feet to the cement sidewalk at Eleventh and Morrison streets yesterday afternoon. He was en gaged with two others in painting a new building. He was badly bruised, and his wrists sprained. He was conveyed to St. Vincent's Hospital in a patrol wagon. Recovering Fnou Blood-poisoning. E. C Cunningham, of Alblna, Is recover ing from blood-poisoning, caused by a slight scratch on a leg. At one time it was thought amputation would be neces sary to save his life. Mr. Cunningham is now able to be about on crutches. School Entertainment. The Teach ers' and Mothers' Club will give an en tertainment this evening in the assembly hall of the Brooklyn School. A pleasing literary and musical programme has been prepared. It will' be the last entertain ment the club will give this year. Social at Grace Church. a social will be hpld at Grace M. E. Church tonight. AH members and friends of Grace Church, and especially the new members, are In vited. An interesting programme will bo srlvon and refreshments will be served. There will be no charge. Salvation Armt Services. Mrs. Briga dier Stllwoll, who is In charge of the women's social work of the Pacific Coast, will conduct special meetings at the Sal vation Army Hall, 265 Davis street, Fri day and Saturday, April 2S and 29, at 8 P. M. Death of Joseph Groeger. Joseph Groeger died at his home, 20 East Tenth North, April 25, aged 63 years. The fu neral will be held tomorrow. Services will be held from St. Joseph's Church, Fif teenth and Couch streets. See the Sea. At Seaside next Sunday via the A. & C R. R. Excursion leaves Portland at 8 A. M. Fare for the found trip only JL50. A seat for every passen ger. Tickets at 21S Alder street and the Union Depot. Round-Trip to Cascade Locks by steamer every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Leaves 7 A. M.; return 6 P. M. Landing foot of Alder street Fare IL50. Phone Main 914. Steamer Northland sails direct for San Francisco Friday evening. Cabin, S1S.0O. Steerage. 5S.O0. Meals and berth Included. C. H. Thompson, agent, 123 Third street. F. E. Beach &. Co., the Pioneer Paint o., are selling their stock of damaged paints, and are receiving shipments of new goods daily. 135 First St, cor. Alder. Moving Made East with our unsur passed facilities for handling furniture, pianos, safes, etc. Phone Main 16S5. Kad derly Transfer Co., 310 North Third St. Steamship "Alliance" sails from Couch-street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka Saturday night, April 29th. at 8. F. P. Baumgartner, agent Main S51. . B. and R-, homeopathlcs. now 307 Wash., Knight Drug Co.. agents. 'Phone 2593. The Calumet Restaurant 149 Seventh. Fine luncheon. S5c: dinner 50c. Dancing. Tabor Heights Pav., Sat Eve. Wooster's great fruit store. 7th-M6r. Acme Oil Co., gasolines. Phone E. 7SD. Opening of season, "Cedar Park, Sunday. Heard in the "Rotundas "The Grande Ronde Valley is one of the most peculiar sections of the state as well as one of the most profitable," remarked M. L. Causey, landowner and frultralser at La Grande while sitting In the lobby of the Imperial yesterday. "On both sides of us the country Is cov ered with sage brush, that is, where it has not been cleared off, but formerly only 'rabbit" brush grew In the Grande Ronde Valley. I was there over 30 years ago and there was not the least bit of sage brush while the country surround ing was covered with it "It may be a little hard to believe, but it Is nevertheless true that the soil In the Grande Ronde Valley extends to a depth' of more than 60 feet The soil found at that depth is apparently the same as that found on the surface.- It is very "rich. It makes excellent farming land. It Is very rarely, in other parte of the state, that you will find the soil extending down-, wards more than two or three feet In' boring" for a well the other day a petrified j log was-encountred at a depth of 275 feet i The nark of the tree was petrified." Mr. Causey ia the citizen of La Grande who some flrae ago erected a glass build ing near the depot station at that city in which are displayed the many different varieties of fruits and grains raised In that vicinity. At night the building, which is 40 feet in length, Is lighted with elcJU triclty so that the people passing througn on the trains can see the exhibit He owns several hundred acres in orchards and this Fall expects to plant fruit trees on 1000 acres more. They will be mostly apple trees. "The Polk County delegates made quite a sacrifice to attend the Oregon Development League convention,'' 're marked Walter Lyon, of the Inde pendence West Side Enterprise, at the Imperial Hotel the other ' evening. "This Is our busiest season up there In Polk County, and all of us are need ed at home. The hops are Just coming- child in that county, who lias no other work to do, has been pressed into service in the hopflelds. "Independence is growing as rapidly as any town In the sate." continued Mr. Lyon. "So many houses are un dergoing construction that the lumber yards are unable to supply the de mands. There are lots of people living- in tents who have been compelled to adopt this mode of living until they can produce lumber to have a resi dence erected. Most all the houses that are going up are frame. There have been several creditable business blocks, built in Independence recently." "We are going to hold a big reunion of the graduates of our school June 18 to 21 when we hold our Twenty-third An nual Commencement" remarked Presi dent E. D. Ressler of the Monmouth Nor mal school at the Imperial Hotel yester day afternoon. "We expect to have at least 700 graduates attend the commence ment and we are preparing fo entertain and take care .of that many. The grad uates of the Institution will be repre sented from every county and every town of importance in the state. "Why, even the railroads are Interested and we have been given to understand that those who attend the commencement will "be given a reduction from the regular rates. We have been leading up to this affair for several months quietly Inform ing the graduates of the school that such a reunion would be held and all those who have received our communications have become very enthusiastic. There are about 20 graduates of. the Monmouth school in Portland and nearly all of them have promised to attend. W. D. Fcnton. of Portland, who Is a graduate of tho school, will be one of our most prominent speakers. About 60 scholars will graduate from our school this Spring." "The Government always makes It an especial point to have all the exhibits installed and ready for. display at the opening of any exposition it happens to participate In," remarked Milton Brown, chief special agent of the Treasury ex hibit at the Imperial Hotel the other night "It was ready at the Paris. Buf falo, Chicago and St Louis expositions, and you can feel assured that when the gates open for the Lewis and Clark Expo sition the Government will be fully pre pared and there will b'e no more work of Installation to be done. The cars, loaded with exhibits, have been a little slow In arriving, but more arc coming in every day no we have no reason to feel apprehensive so far as the Govern ment is concerned." PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. j. C. Gallagher, of Hepp ner, are guests at the Imperial. State Representative Walter Griffin, of Eugcno, is a guest at the Perkins. E. C. Kirkpatrick, a hopgrower from Dallas, is registered at the Perkins. State Senator Nathan Whoaldon, of The Dalles, is registered at the Perkins. C. J. Robertson, a fruitgrower from Hood River, Is a guest at tho Perkins R. E. Walllns, president of -the Dallas National Bank, is a guest at the Perkins Hotel. C. Sam Smith, of Prineviile, who is Sheriff of Crook County, is "registered at the Perkins. Mrs. H. G. Van Duscn, of Astoria, is fn Portland for a few days. She Is a guest at the Imperial. Miss Emelle Lobe, of Bellingham, T ash., is in the city visiting her aunt. Mrs. Simon Abraham, of 408 San Ra fael troct at home Wednesdays. Timothy Dore, secretary of the Idaho Lewis and Clark Commission, is in Port land, to remain until after the Fair. Mr Doro, who lives at Salmon Citv, Idaho" is a guest at the Imperial Hotel. NEW YORK. April 27. (Special.) The following persons from the Pacific Northwest registered in the hotels here today: From Spokane E. Rosonthal, at the Broadway, Central. From Seattle S. Hill, at the Netiier Ixr".,. BraIe'. at tho Hoffman; J. W. Miller, at the York; E. W. Potter at the Grand; Mrs. Van Ogle, at the St. Denis. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash., April 27. (Special. Major Frederick P. Reynolds. Surgeon, U. S. A., has been ordered to report to Fort William 11. Seward, Alaska, for duty, relieving Captain Jcrc 11. Clayton. Assistant Sur geon, who will procood to Seattle. WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies of '.ha season at th Portland Restaurant fine, prlvats apart ments for parties. SC3 Wash., near 6th. Train Killed His Horses. SALEM, Or., April 27. (Special.)-Judge H. L. Benson, of Klamath County, sitting as Circuit Judge here at the request of Judge Burnett, today granted a new trial in the case of M. M. High vs. the South ern Pacific Company. Mr. High secured a verdict for over 5700 damages for the killing of several horses by a Southern Pacific train. The eminent surgeon. Dr. Nicholas Senn, after several voyages around the world pronounced his trip to Tahiti the best of JlJL Thflt the naaRaire ti'rj J a cmnntt j there were beautiful rivers and mountains iiuu uu&ui icl5vu iropicai scenerv. and the natives kind and friendly. The Mariposa iBiia lor jaiuu jiay zu. rteaueea rate for this voyage. $125 round trip. Snd for clr cular 653 Market street San Francisco. Skin Diseases are cured by Hydrozone 1 and I Glycozone Endorsed hy the Medical Profession. By destroying germs, they as sist nature to accomplish a cure. Send thirty-five cents to pay ex pressage on Free Trial Bottles. Sold by t.ed!ng Dtej jijti. Not geooiat ualeis lilel bar njr tifcstsre. 62M Prince Street N. Y Write far fre lBflsrsMtlax Bbot USES LOADED DICE 'Gladden Returns to Attack on Standard Oil. ABHORS REBATE SYSTEM In Addressing Congregational Clergy He Again Denounces Accept ' anee or Rockefeller's Money for Missions. BOSTON, April 27. Rev. Washing ton Gladden, of Columbus, O., moder ator of this National. Council of the Congregational Church of the United States, left for the West this after-' noon after a day's visit In this city, during which he read a paper before a committee of clergymen In protest against the acceptance of a gift from John D. Rockefeller by the American Board. This address was made public today. In an Interview Dr. Gladden said that he intended to carry on what he terms "a campaign of education" on the subject of receiving money for re ligious or missionary purposes as sug gested by the Rockefeller gift Referring to the report that the American Missionary Association, the Congregatlonallst home mission organ ization, was about to receive money from Mr. Rockefeller, Dr. Gladden stated that he had Just received a let ter from' President Bradford, of the as sociation, in which the latter declared that money-had not been solicited from Mr. Rockefeller nor had Mr. Rockefel ler offered any. Dr. Gladden answered several of the declarations made by the prudential com mittee on behalf of the American Board, repeating arguments previously made by him in Interviews, particularly with ref erence to the contention that the money should not be accepted because of Mr. Rockefeller's connection with the Stand ard OH Company, which. Dr. Gladden said, "is a matter of common knowledge and has frequently been convicted, some times out of Its own mouth, of transgres sions of the laws of the land. . "A Judge of the United States District Court was quoted as having denounced the Standard OH Company's system' of re bates as 'gross, illegal and inexcusable.' as being 'so wanton and oppressive that it could hardly have been accepted by an honest man having due regard for the right of others.' " Dr. Gladden reviewed at length the his tory of the Standard In various states, where he said there had been violations of the law, and, he asserted, "the com pany has played continually with stacked cards and loaded dice." The company's alleged system of re bates was condemned as an "abhorrent practice." and Dr. Gladden adAd: There is nothing more (startling nor more ominous in American history than the fact that such a tremendous industry has been permitted to ko on year after year with no interference by the Government. Of Hits kind ot extortion Mr. noekefcller has. the credit of being the inventor. We are asked why we single out this man (Mr. " Rockefeller) for reprobation. If the answer has not already been given, it is enough to cay that we did not single him out. It was the prudential commute who elnelcd him out by xoUeltlng hl donation. We ob ject to hl donation. Yc object to his gift because it is now before u. for Judgmrjit. It H said that there are olhirs from whom a gift would be equally objectionable. Uvea If that were true, no gifts have been offered by thce others, and It will be time to de cide about them when they are offered. If we accept In our Christian work the alliance of the Standard OH Company we can refuse no other alliance with oppressors and de spoiler? of the people. To Fay that we will Inot testify against this Iniquity because oth ers arc nearly or quite as heinous w practi cally to say that we will testify against no iniquity; that In the presence of all this wrong we will shut our eyes and 3eal our lips. If the church wishes to regain Its hold upon the peoplft who Heard It master gladly, it muet keep Iteelf free from such alliances a these. Failure here will be the costliest blunder the church ever made. . THE KNEISEL QUARTET. PIncc They Hold in Hearts of Port land Music Lovers. Tho following was taken from "Tho Morning Orcgonlan" after the last ap pearance of tho Knciscl Quartet In Port land: "The return of the Knelscl Quartet to Portland, under the auspices of the Mu sical Club, was the occasion of an ovation last night, such as Is seldom witnessed here. It Is now a year since thla quartet, which stands without a peer either In the Old "World or the New, made It? first visit to this city. That It then won for itself a firm abiding place in the heartu of Portland music-lovers was proved indisputably by the warm demonstration last night When tho four artists appeared before the big audience crowded into the First Baptist Church, all in tho room rose to their feet, a pretty compliment that is commonly extended them In Eastern cities. The deafening applause that runt the 'echoes of the building furnished additional proor of their welcome. Recalls followed quickly on one anothor's heels after the various numbers, until people forgot to count Tho reception was certalnTy a most cor dial one. such as indicated discerning en thusiasm on the part of the people of Portland." They will be heard at the Marquam Grand Saturday night direction Lois Steers-Wynn Coman. Seats now soiling. BRIEF TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Peru maintains her protest against the' Chile-Bolivian treaty, and agrees to nego tiate regarding compliance with the treaty of A neon. The bodies of 12 Filipinos who died dur ing the Exposition at St. Louis were shipped to Manila yesterday for interment in their native land. The 390.000 acres of Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Indians lands now leased for grazing purposes to cattlemen are to be leased on July 1 for agricultural pur poses. The Hansen Empire Fur Coat Com pany's store, and the piano warerooms ot William Rohlfing- & Sons, adjoining, at Milwaukee, Wis., wore damaged $300,000 by fire. The Grand Duke of Mccklenberg Schwerln has been attacked by smallpox. The Crown Prince of Prussia and the In tended bride have removed to the palace of the Dowager Duchess to avoid conta gion. The cast wing of the Clarinda, la., Hqs pitil for the Insane collapsed yesterday, carrying seven workmen with the debris, although none was seriously injured. Loss. 550.000. The Japanese government has given to Dr. Takamino three Japanese buildings brought to this country for the St Louis World's Fair, in recognition of Dr. Taka mlne's services fo. the Japanese commis sion, and for services in connedtion with the medical department of the Japanese army. It Is proposed that the Count of Flan ders renounce His claim to the succession to the Belgian throne In favor of his son. Prince Albert, and to transfer nis allow ance of i0,000 a year to Albert The So cialists wish to stop the allowance, say ing that King Leopold and the Count, both being millionaires, should provide for the Prince. The Illinois House, of Representatives yesterday passed a bill establishing a State Sanitarium for the treatment of per sons afflicted with tuberculosis, and ap propriating 430,000 for the purpose. "With plans for new buildings valued at more than J2.000.000 filed on Wednesday, ail records of the kind for New York City were broken except in a few instances. So far this year plans have been recorded In Manhattan alone for 615 buildings, val ued at $33,732,732, compared with" 343 build Ings, to cost $18,677,010, last year. State Good Jtosds Meeting. The State Good Roads Association will hold a convention at Pendleton May 1C and 37. R. W. Richardson, secretary ot the National Good Roads Association, who is In Portland, having recently arrived from Omaha. Neb., will attend the convention and work In conjunction with the offi cials of the organization in making the meeting an unprecedented success. John H. Scott of Salem, president of the State Good Roads Association, yes terday decided upon the dates when the convention would be held. The large at tendance from Pendleton to the Oregon Development League Convention was partly due to the desire of the citizens of that city to create an Interest In the convention. Citizens of Pendleton are very enthusiastic, and will hold regular meetings preparatory to the convention. Made President of Students. SEATTLE, Wash., April 27. (Special.) Charles W. Hall, of Vancouver, Wash., a veteran of the Spanish-American War, has been elected president of the associated students of the University of Washington. He has been a member of the student executive committee for two years, and has been on the Intercollegiate debating tarns of the, college for three years. He is a. mmber of the Beta Theta Pi frater nity. In spite of charges of Incompetency and ring rule, and In spite of the fact that dodgers were distributed by non fraternity men, the students elected fra ternity men as officers of the association. One Year for Election Fraud. PUEBLO. Colo., April 27. Zach Taylor, a negro, was today sentenced to one year In the state penitentiary, after being found suilty of perpetrating frauds at .the last general election. "OUR ISLANDS." Several sots of "Our Islands" for sale cheap. A" few damaged sets at your own price. Address or call at Orcgonlan busi ness office. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND Mrs W F Schwclzer, IF Flake. New York Dayton. O T Buford. St Louis W F Boardinan. S F J Goldsmith and wife. C C Warren and wife, New York Fryburp. Me M Hlllls. Victoria. B C G L Parker. Denver J E Cronan. Dayton. O F A Montgomery, T E Flaherty, N York Boston iL Robinson, N Tork M G Pflaum. MInnpls:II L Shafer. Chicago .1 M Orals, do T M Banta, New York Mrs J T Stceb. TacomlF H Rice, wife and Mrs C Gillespie, do I daughter. St Paul E Kawcski, New YorkiA M Campbell, Winnl T R Hunt. Manila I peg G I, Combes. New T Miss McTarrish. do H F Hopper. Detroit Mrs Chuinaacro and W FiRgcs, New York I maid. Helena. Mont J E Dixon. San Fran iMiss Chumasero. do W D Docker. ShebygnlMrs Bradwater. do J Monroe and wife, IMiss Bradwater, do Philadelphia IF F Maddleton. Detrt J W Brown. Pittsburgh! H Sanders. N York Mrs F Wilson. Chso ;C A Houpt. Pa Miss Wilson, do !V V Lockwood, San F E M Neuflcld. N York.M P Thomson. Vancvr A Spacer, San FranjMlss N Thomson, do F D Bacon. San FranjMlss M Thomson, do J W Flnnlgan, San FjW H Hoofer. Chicago R LlndenbergT. AstrjT Akutasawa. C.lcnp P AvYohSj;, Spolvnnn iK Fuginioto. Chicago E C Hales, New YorkiA II Blair and wife, C Stout. Seattle ) Los Angeles A J Oberholm. San FIA C Reese. Salt Lake A C Hartnack. San Fill U Vosper. Sail Fran J M Donoghue. SeattliA C Churchill, Newbg D L Hornthal, N Yorkl THE PERKINS. C G Roberts. H RlvcrjJ Cosgrove. Grants P S Campbell. Warrentn F V Clhar. Wash, V) C R W Burrell, NewportlS Gecr. Spokane Dick Smith. CorvalllslMrs S Gccr. do C H Walter, Chehalls'A E Wright. Chicago C S Smith. PrlnevJllelMra A E Wright, do J A Harbke, lone. Or(E 1 Parsons, San Fran F W Bcadl. La CrossIJ R Lytle, Mononga Mrs F W Beadle, do! hela. Pa Master Beadle, do Mrs J R Lytle, do Miss McDonald. Chgo Miss Lytle. do Mrs A McDonald. do!w A Wann. Eugene J P Anderson. Taenia N Whealdon. T Dallas F T Rose. Denver. ColiL F Smith. Endlcott P M Howell, Omaha,.! G McDonald. H Rivr F K Groves, Los AnglMrs McDonald, do A C Burdlck. CltyiD Crce. Minneapolis J J Hughes, DetroittGrant Wade. Olex Wm Belond. do IP Connaclier, Yacolt J Allison. Seattle. WniMrs Connacher. do Airs T A Hyland. Astr'F Lombard. San Fran Esther Stevens. OakldIL F Aldrich, Sllvcrton W F Horn. Grants PIMrs Aldrich. do W M Gaddis. Wa8h-F C Graham. Astoria Ington, DC iW C Albee, Tacoma THE IMPERIAL. MIsh F Parks, Danvll Allen Brown, City Otto Alstor. City j GMVard and wife, Warrenton R W McBrldc. wife and children. Boise T Dore. Salmon E Lytle, Seattle C P Miller. Seattle F J Knight Seattle J Fuhrman and wife. Astoria iC H Mays. Los Ancls a natnorn. Astoria u u James, citv H Herman. New YklA Giant Chicago A W Shearer. Medfrd Mrs H G Van Ousen. F S Padcn. City i Astoria B Stimson. San Fran;M L Tower, Ft Stevns Mrs B Stimson. do G E Johnson. Dallas A Roberts. Waltsbrg W A Lleber, San F W R Boyd. Klam F I C J Heldcman and wife. Klamath F H W Ogllbee. San F C F Ncal. Boise Mrs J A Reed. Seattle Mrs E C Rogers and child. Doty B Kelsey and wife, Klamath Falls J A Shaw. Albany iJ C Gallagher and H D Collier. Seattle wire, Heppner T Dlngwald. S Cms ;Ethcl J Galbrcath, C A Billings. Olympa Prairie City A Coleman. TorontoJW M Preston. San F H A Canfleld. ScattlejMra W Butler. Kelso Mrs A Coleman. To-:Mr B G Sollars. do ronto U D Daly, Portland Miss Whlttemore. do THE ST. CHARLES. W H Phllbrlck. CltyiB W Graham. Bend Jas Ashe. City .J P Staple. San Fran T G Wlkstroin. St II Miss Pearson. Kalma Mrs A A Anderson, do II L Smith. Spokane A E McDonald, Evrtt R A Moon. Eurene Mrs C Pearson. - do' Mrs S Smith. Albanyi Mrs Henderson, do J T Graham, Clatskn N Merrill, do J Cassady. Florence Mrs GUI. Salem John Bradley, Dayton G S Allen. Fisher. Or' r Dicxey. Salem v H Fraslcr, Eureka A Man. Salem G Kerurhman. WshgliW A E Withers f Kcrucnman. do if D Hudson J A Foster, do 'M A James. Hood R J" Smith. TT S A W Davis. Gleneoe IW H Million. Wiscb C R Smith. Wasco W Thomas. St Louis A Lewis. Spokane Anna Senecal. Dufur Mary Loocler. Dufur L Robinson. City T S Jones. Oregon C M Z Burton. City 2 N Seelye. Centralis W P Dibble, Molalla H A Shields. Troutdl A E Burt. Iowa Zj B Smith. Iowa A Newman. "W Va W K Sbanglc. Salem ira Shangle, do IR Hill S Stlnson. North D B Patterson. T Dalles K E Person, -do John Dethman C Edwards. Curtis IV Grewell. "Warren Lewis PIttman. do I A Mclntlre. Hammd THE ESMOND. B Sanford. San FranlC N Proud. Holbrook J E Cooper. So BendlE Thlbert do W E Young. Oak Pt P. Hajc. Goldendale j .inou, usk i-omi ij Kogcrs. ao II L Andrews. Kelso P L Reese. Tacoma P H Reuter. Tacoma T A Osborn. Elma E Hayes. Gravel Pit E Mason. Borlnir J D Scharft City j P H Robinson. Wasco C Zimmerman, Arora; S E Howard. Stella I R Huggett Tacoma F N Baker, San Fran T Meserve, Grays R W H Cooper. Stayton R Mead, Latourell Mrs Mason, do c E Fernley, vancvr S Murnhy. do J Poison. Oak Point B B Hayes. Ostrandr P Dillon. Kelsn 11 Devereu. do A Bedell. City IB Herbert Goldendal C Alpon. Seattle J Appleton, San Fran R H Williams, ClatsklW Daly. S "Francisco Mrs E Dwyer. Rainier T E Mills. San Fran W L Walters. Rainier E F Morsbach, Durnd J T Andrews. C Rock J Allen. Seattle N Campbell. San Fran illss Dwyer. ao J Sullivan. Rainier J W PArrlsh. Jetfersn C Black. Eufaula E L Cable. Astoria C Shoemaker. YacoltiW I Dalley, San Fran O Orenger, ciatsKan Incorna Cotel. Tarnna. American plan. Rates, 53 and up. Hetel De&acHy, Taeens. First-class restaurant In connection Burnett's Extract of Vanilla Is the leader the world over. Use no other. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Thi Kind You Hays Always Bought Bears ths Signature of Piano Buyers "We ask you to .see our splendid assortment of Pianos the finest pos sible to procure comprising over 15 different makes and in their different styles and cases, making a selection of some 75 different instruments. Surely you could find something here to please you. It costs nothing to look, and by so doing you may save many dollars and also regrets. Our easy-payment system will appeal to you. Come and let us explain it. $10.00 is all you need to start with. SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. (Steinway and other Pianos) Corner Morrison and West Park Sts. Park and Washington, Portland, Oregon The School of Quality" MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE Open alt th year. Catalogue free A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B.. PRINCIPAL There is no other such deal fag in baVinr-ptnrder aplaa eoffe &tveciaf extracts soda as Schilling's Best; no othel such goods; the goods account for the dealing. neise Quartet DIRECTION' LOIS STEEKS WRfN COMAN. Saturday Night 8 ISO- PRICES Lowrr floor, except last 3 rows, $2; last 3. $l 0. Balcony, first 3, $1.50: sec ond 3, SI; last C. 75c. Gallery, 7."c. Bxes. $12.30. Loges, $15. Scats now xelllnfr. PRICES FOR LOWER Quality considered, than asxj other Needles, Oil, Repairs iO& ALL XAKES A3 SINGER STORE 82 TfashlactoB. 954 Morrfsoa Street. MO William Avenue (Eaat Side.). Pertlud. Orcsex. K Iff i 39 CURI05, Antiquities, Bought and Soli. Indian Stone Knives Relics, Carvings and Idcb in Ivory, Stone. Bronze, etc. War Clnbi, Spear. Bovx iAN STONE AX0W AND SPFoStS HXAD5 aai H01NS ef Aatauls. WarMsiab. rjative Body Ornaments and Drrst, Ancient Flint Guns and Pijtcls. Coins, Shields. Antique Silver and Armor, Shells. Send fcr Photos. Wholesale Dealer NtiuJos5!,M4MerckutSt.,S.F.Cai. Connoisseurs Understand That There Is Nothing Better Than YELLOWSTONE Whiskey. Old, mellow and delightfully palatable, it is the ideal stimulant ROTHCHILD BROS., PORTLAND, OR., Sole Agents HOTEL AND RESTAURANT GOODS ERG & GOING CO . Taka "S" Car, ta H. 13t& aa Irtlns 3tJ. 1 YOUR I EYES WALTER 133 SIXTH STREET We do croivn and bridge work with out pain. Our IS years experience In plate work enables us to fit your mouth comfortably. Pr. W. A. Wife haa found a ate way to extract teeth, absolutely with out pain. Dr. T. P. Wise Is an ex pert at sold filling and crown and bridge work. Extracting free when plates or bridges are ordered. WISE BROS., Dentists Vaillnc bid?., cor. 3d and Wnsh. stfl. Open evenlnss till 0 r. M. Sundays from 8 to 1'. Or Main 2023. DR. T. P. WISE. The Portland j Do you love good music? You can select your choice from a port folio ot 500 pieces of popular music of the world, and Professor Am sterdam and his Hungarian orches tra will render it for you. Everything" to eat and drink, and It costs no more in the Portland Hotel Kathskeller than elsewhere in the city. Every weekday night from 9:30 lo 12. HAND iSAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Delicate enough for the soften skin, and. yet efficacious in femovin any stain. Keeps the skin In perfect condition. In the bstb gives all tha desirable after-effects or a Turkish bath. It should be on every wash stand. 4LL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS KODAK DEVELOPING Prompt anil cnref.jl attention Riven to developing. Hnlshlnc and enlarging'.. Snap ohotn developed one day. finished prints the next. Photos for cuts a specialty George 31. Strong, commercial photographer. 163 West Park street. f REE LAND IN OREGON in the richest grain, fruit and stock, section in the world. Thousands ef acres of land at sctua cost of irri ration. Deed direct from State of Oregon. WRITE TO-DAY. BOOKLET and MAP FREE. Deschutes Irrigation and Power Com pany,6 1 o-i x-i 2 McKay BuBdinr, Portland, Orejot- ARE YOU In your office equipment to promptly handle the increased volume of business offering in cidental to the Lewis and Clark Fair. You should be fully equipped in your LET TER FILING, CARD INDEX, LETTER COPYING "and general mail-handling systems to care for the new conditions. Check up your supply of loose LEAF LED GER LEAVES, INDEXES, CARD INDEX CARDS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS and OFFICE STATIONERY and place your orders now, so that no delay will be experi enced when tlie rush comes. TTe have everything for the office. Filing systems of all kinds in wood and steel. All the latest time and labor-saving devices. New things that are being used by the most up-tu-'date big fellows East on exhibition and sale in our. ground-floor salesroom, 123 First-st., opposite First National Bank, Portland. Glass & Prudfaomme Co. Don't Leave Your Wife Alone Jftthout some sort of protection against burglars. We furnish and install a num ber of electrical devices, such as alarm bells. poliA calls and the like, which pay for themselves In the sense of security they afford. We do all kinds of electrical wiring on short notice. Western Electric Works No. ei Sixth Street, Corner Plae, Phone Main 1696. Portland, Or. We are headquarters for French ranges, portable and brick set; cabinet bake ovens, retinned and copper restaurant utensils, steel ranges and cook stoves. Are too valuable to take chances with as you i will realize when it is too late, if you allow them to be tampered "with by incompetent f operators. Trust your vision only to opticians- S of reputation and standing1. THE 5 OPTICIAN J REED OREGONIAN BUILDING ft New York Dental Parlors OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Prom 8:30 A. M. Until 10:00 P. M. . Our specialist ot world renown n ill treat all who come with the courtesy and cars that the New Tork Dentists are so well known by. Wc do not try to compete with cheap dental work, but do all kinds of flrst-ci&ss work at About half that chars d by ctttets. All operations are suarantced painless. You can have your teeth out In the morning anl go borne with your NEW TEETH "that lit" the same day. All work guaranteed, with a. protected guar antee for 10 eare. TEETH EXTRACTED AND FILLED AB SOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN, by our lata scientific methods' applied to the gums. No sleep-produclns agents or cocaine. These are the only dental parlors in Port land having PATENTED APPLIANCES and Ingredients to extract, fill and apply sold. I crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable from. I natural teeth. All work done by GRADU ATED DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years ex perience, and each department in charge of a specialist. Give us a call, and you will find . us to do exactly as we advertlie. We will t'l I you in advance exactly what our work will cwtt by a FltBE EXAMINATION. SET TEETH , liOLD CHOWNS (OLD TILLING:. siLVER riLLINtiS. NO PLATES Sew York Dental Parlors Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 10 P. SI.; Sundays and holiday. S:S0 to 2 P. M. SIAIN OFFICE: Fourth and Morrison Streets, Portland. Or TEETH A $12.00 FULL SET GUARANTEED FOR $0.U0. Evenings, Monday and Thursday, until 8. Fred Prehn, 1). D. S. 405 Dekum Bid?. fichwab Printing Co BXST Jf'ORK. X Z ASOVAVLZ TKICZS STAJK STKtIT PREPARED ...IS.fSO $1.00 .. .300