THE MORNIXG OREGONIAS. FRIDAY, 'APRIL' 28, 1905. ILL NOTGDNTRACT Woolgrowers of Central Ore gon Wait jforSales Days.,. EXPECT BETTER PRICES Jleluse Tempting Offers -of Twenty Cents for .Unshorn Clips. Large Yield of Good Quality Promised. ' THE DALLES. Or.. April 27.-lSpeclal.) The wool situation in this -part of East ern Oregon varies rom practically -all the other woolgrrowing sections of the state rfrom the fact that the growers have thus far declined to contract their clips in ad vance of the scheduled sales days, June 6 and 23 and July 6. These .sales will be "held as usual at Shanlko, the market j-Iare for the wools grown ln Wasco, . rook. Wheeler and Grant Counties, where the choicest clips of the state are produced. Since early in the Winter, representa tives of large wool dealers have canvassed this section along with other parts o the etatc for the purpose of contracting the "wools In advance of their being ahorn, tout their offers have been repeatedly de clined, notwithstanding the tempting p-lce. The first contract canvassers "of fered from 16 to 17 cents, and later inti mated that IS conts would be paid. Within the past fortnight offers to contract at 20 cents for the strictly choice wools have bcn declined. Nothwithstanding that this is an advance of at least 5 cents per pound above the average rate paid for thoice wools last season, the growers have eignlfied their , preference -to await the .staled bid sales which have proved most satisfactory to them since the system was inaugurated three years ago. In comparing the percentage of advance on contracted wool in other portions of the state With the prices paid for the same last season, it would seem that the growers in this section are justified In declining to contract at the offers made, and with the prospects of unusual com petition for choice wools, it is 'anticipated that 20 cents will be exceeded on the sales -cays. Shearing will be general" by May 1 and the clip promises to be not only large, but of good, quality and -condition. BETTER LADDER FOR SALMOX More Pools Will Be Provided at Wil lamette Falls forlow Water. OREGON CITY. Or.. April 27. (Spe cial.) The state fish-ladder at the Willamette Palls, in this city, is not a sjecess. Hundreds of salmon may be eeen in the .pools just bdlow. the jcrost of the falls. TKese ' fish are enabled 1o ascend the ladder only to the last station below the falls, -whore they re main. Because of the fact that there I! a distance of about 12 feet to be .overed in a single leap, no interme diate pool or station in the construction of the ladder having been provided, the salmon are unable to reach the upper river. There is a strong current that de feats the efforts of the fish to ascend this section of the ladder, and they are pwept back into a pool that. Is. alive wili the finest Chipooks eVer seen In the Willamette. Rarely does a salmon make the trip up the 'ladder, and hun dreds of them are bruising and dis abling themselves in the attempt! Be fore the ladder is made a success, other stations must be provided in .the upper part of the ladder. During the last two days there have been taken from a single pool below the falls, that has been cut off from tT-e main channel of the river on ac count of the rapid falling of theriver. seven tons of dead salmon, which nave been placod on the market. Deputy Tlish Warden Webster was m the city today and ordered this practice dis continued. The pool in which these Ealmon wiere'lmprisoner is from 10 to 20 feet In depth and its formation has resulted from the construction by the Paper Company of a weir as a means of appropriating Increased water-power for the operation of its enlarged plant. This weir extends to the crest of the falls at a point about midway between the sides of the waterfall. Under instructions from State Fish Warden Van Dusen. additional blast ing will bct3one Immediately, by which more pools will be provided, so that salmon can ascend the ladder. The work will be done under the direction o" J. W. Moffet. who superintended the construction of the fishway last Sum mer. By blasting out a few more sta tions it will be possible for salmon in large numbers to reach the upper river with ease. WAITING FOR PORTAGE ROAD Lewiston Merchants Already Plan Big Shipments by Xew Route. LEWISTON. Idaho. April 27. (Special.) A delegation of prominent Lewiston business men, comprising E. H. Libby, R. C. Beach. O. A., Kjos and G, W. Thompson, bankers and merchants, leaves tomorrow morning for Portland, to confer there with the OpenrRIver Association relative to- the first trip by steamers in handling frieight over the portage road. Steamer Mountain Gem, owned by Lewis ton business men, will make the run to the portage from this point, carrying car go rreight. which will be received by an Independent boat at the lower end of the portage and 'taken to Portland. The steam er will also carry a large delegation of Lewiston business men. ' The J. Alex ander, a prominent mercantile house here, has already arrangements for the ship ment of freight -from Portland to the portage, which will be brought here on the Mountain Gem on the return trip. The master of the Mountain Gem is Cap tain Gray, the well-known Northwest steamboat man. The delegation which leaves for Portland tomorrow will also confer with Portland business men relative to the Lewiston Grangeville electric line, which is being promoted to run in connection with an Independent steamboat line to Lewiston. Subscriptions made by the people for the electric line have, to date, reached $350,000. A half-million will be raised. r KEVIVALISTS parade streets With Brass Band Religion Is Car ried to the Multitude. OREGON CITT, Or.. April 27.-Special.) Headed by the Oregon City Band, the Christian workers of the city, represent ing the Protestant churches, paraded the streets of the city tonight and sang gos pel hymns. The procession was formed at ?;S0 o'clock this evening, immediately fol lowing the close of the regular weekday service at the First Presbyterian Church, and approximately 400 men, women and children" paraded the principal streets. Following the street demonstration, the assembly congregated at the "First Con gregational Church, where a 40 minutes' service was held. Rev. J. E. Snyder, the evangelist who "has been holding revival meetings in this city for the past ten das, being the principal speaker. These meetings have been the occasion for awakening great religious interest in this city. Many conversions have resulted. The series of meetings will be concluded next Sunday, when Rev. Mr. Snyder, who has been associated with -Dr. Chapman and co-workers, will go to -the Coos- Bay country, -where a- similar crysade ivM he conducted. DID JS'OT.HELPIARRY TRACEY II. C. Charles, Alias H. C. Wright, Xot Connected With Jailbrcalc- SEATTLE. Wash.. April 2L (Special;) Local officials asked to co-operate with the Salem. Oh, Sheriff to prove thatjj.1. C. Charles, alias IL C. Wright, recently released from the Walla Walla Peniten tiary, aided the. Tracey-Merrill jailbreak, arc convinced of his innocence. The Sher iff's, pffice has found he was here before and after the break. ; - A rancher by the name of Van Hrn employed him near 'South Park during part of the time, andhe time books kept by his employers during that time show that he would not have been near the PoTiltrnHarv. at Solum shnrtK' Virfnr- iYin break and at the time the gun was srrtyg-'j gled to Tracer. The books of the local free employment office show he was in Seattle at- about the time the gun was supposed to have been smuggled Into the Penitentiary. The local Sheriffs office has secured affidavits supporting the re sult of its Investigations and forwarded them to 'the authorities at Salem. DEATH BLOW TO FRATERNITIES Seattle High School Students . Or- dcrcd to DissolA'e Organization. SEATTLE, Wash.. April 27. (Special.) High school students have until May S to absolve themselves from fraternity and secret society agreements in order to be reinstated in good standing with public school officials. In the future, all students- participating in secret society affairs, encouraging oth ers to join or to promise to become mem bers after graduation will be deprived of all privileges of the school except those of the classroom. Such students will not be given a diploma when they complete their course of study. Wants to Be Divorced Again. OREGON CITY, Or., April 27. (Special.) A second marriage to Claus Krohn hav ing .proved unsuccessful, Weibke Krohn today- Instituted another divorce proceed ing against her husband, whom.- she charges with treatment excessively cruel iii its nature. In addition to filing the suit, Mrs. .Krohn obtained from the'eourt an prder commanding the ' defendant to abandon the home, which she alleges is her personal property, during the pend ency of, the suit. This was resorted to for the reason that the wife fears per sonal violence at the hands of the hus band, who is charged with an abnormal indulgence in intoxicants, if he is allowed to bo In a position to continue his ill treatment of the plaintiff. Sheriff Gets the Reward. HELENA, Mont.. April 27. The case of E. J. Pepper. Sheriff of Steele County, North Dakota, who captured John Chris tic, one of two highwaymen who robbed the North Coast Limited, near Bear mouth. Mont., last June, against the Northern Pacific Railroad and several claimants, to recover the $2000. -reward of fered for the arrest of each hold-up, came to a sudden termination in Judge H. C. Smith's court today. A jury had been secured, and the case was proceeding, when attorneys for R. J. Riley and Mar tin Burns, of Spokane, and H. B. Custer, the operator at Bearmouth, who claimed the $2000, said their clients would drop the case Sheriff Pepper will secure the entire amount. Old Mining Camp Burns.' BUTTE, Mont,, April 27; A Miner spe cial from Bonita says all of the build ings oiv.the west side , of he.maln street at the old mining -town of,.Qu!glcy on Rock Creek were burned - today. There were several stores, hotels -and saloon buildings among those burned, nearly all of which have "been- vacant r since the mining camp closed down some years ago. The origin of the fire ls.ujnikno'wn. The old town is a favorite stopping place for fishing parties during the Summer months from Butte and other points. Favorable wind and hard work by residents and a party of mining men from Butte saved the east side. Shoots Like the President. M'MINNVILLE, Or., April 27. (Special.) Fred HIbbs, who has been trapping near Meadow Lake and other places in the spurs of the Coast Range, about 25 miles west of this city, today brought to town and sold' to W. A. Tlauser & Co. one of the finest collections of furs ever brought to McMinnville. There were seven furs in which Mr. Hibbs took considerable pride. One was that of a huge cinnamon bear, three were from cougars, and three' from cata mounts. He also had many .smaller furs. Child Taken From Indians. i VANCOUVER, B. C.. April 27. Edith Grant, an 11-year-old white girl, who had been in the custody of Indians at Cape Mudge for several years, was brought here this afternoon. The Children's Aid Society has "been working to effect her rescue for over two years, but she was secreted in various camps, and the society lost track of her again and again. The courts used every offort to supplement the efforts of the society and the provin cial police finally secured possession of the child. Tunnel Connects Two Lukes. VANCOUVER. B. C, April 27.-The Vancouver Power Company's tunnel was completed this evening, after over two years of work. The tunnel is two and a half miles long and its dimensions nine feet by nine. It cost $320,000. It connects Lakes Coquitlam and Beautiful uid is part of the hydroelectric power scheme for the development' of S0.O00 horsepower for dis tribution in tho cities of Vancouver, New Westminster and Stcveston. Lumber Mill Enlarges Plant. VANCOUVER. Wash.. April 27, (Spe cial.) A new engine of 100 horsepowor was hauled to the mill of the Oregon & Washington Lumber Company .this morn ing from the Nertbern Pacific "freight de pot. The new machinery will be installed at once, and as soon .as this is. done the capacity of the plant will be Increased very materially- The cnlargmcnt of the mill will Increase the number of em ployes. . ;. Venison Causes' His 'Arrest, M'MINNVILLE, Or., April 27. (Special.) State Game Warden Baker has arrested William Belt, who resides near North YamhilL on a warrant charging;him. with haying In his possession deer meat out or season. The young man declares his innocence and. will stand- trial. "Whooping Cough. The quick relief afforded by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in cases of whooping cough, makes It -a favorite with the mothers of small children. It liquifies the tough mucus, making It easier to expectorate, Keeps tne cougn ioose and counteracts any tenaency to ward pneumonia. This remedy has been useJ in. many epidemics" of whooping cougn ana always with perfect suc cess. There is no danger whatever trom tne disease when it is rreel giv en. It contains nothing InjurlSus and may bo given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. v.For sale by all drug gists. HIS FATHER ft BRUTE Defense Offered for Brown, the Parricide. MOTHER'S LIFE A TRAGEDY ShoTclls or Fiendish Abuse Which Made Her a Physical Wreck and Her Boy Epileptic and s'i Almost Imbecile. CHEHALIS. Wash., April 27. (Special.) There was a sensation in the Tom Brown case this morning. The state had a total of 41 witnesses summoned to ap pear, the testimony of all of whom might have been necessary, had the attorneys for the defense not indicated so clearly what their line of defense would be. The latter stated in court yesterday that they would set up insanity as the defense on which they expected a verdict in favor of their client. They admitted the kill ing, but held It justifiable, particularly on account of the-condition of mind of the boy. The first witness called for the state today was County Surveyor Gclgcr, who identified his plat of the scene of the shooting, showing that It was In this county and state. Mrs. Myrtle Young, a sister of the pris oner, living at Dryad, 12 mlle3 from where her parents had lived, said during the past two years she had visited home but once, on tlyf day after her father was killed, wheri she remained there about a week. She was married at 15 and said her brother was 17. John WHdebour, the last state witness, testified that he visited the scene of the murder the night it occurred, sat up there with others, dug up the first bullet that was fired, which was produced In court and tendered as evidence. He Iden tified the photographs of the scene. At this point Mr. Falknor, attorney for the state, said that In A-iew of the fact that the defense had admitted in open court the killing-of Charles Brown by his son. Tom; and had Indicated that the de fense would be insanity, the state would rest Its case. The state had up to this time placed but ten of its 41 witnesses on the stand- Some are likely to be called in rebuttal'. Murdered Man a Brute. John M. Ponder opened the case for the defense. He stated to the jury that they Intended to show that Charles Brown was a drunken, indolent man: that his wife was by abuse rendered a mental and phy sical wreck at times; that Tom was born woak, puny and sickly; was feeble-minded from birth and afflicted all his life with maladies seen only in cases of mental de generacy and insanity; that when a babe of six months he suffered from abscesses on his head that affected his braini that he "later suifered from epileptic fits and that these had continued; that his father had been cruel and abusive to him all his life, even seizing him at one time and beating his head againsTthe wall when 3 or 6 years old, so that the blood came from his ears; that the father had threat ened the life of the boy and the family; that the morning of the tragedy the father hid his own rifle in the barn and declared as he lei- home that this busi ness would have to end, Indicating his intention to wipe out the 'family; that at the quarrel by the wagon the father threatened the boy and the boy's action in fleeing home and getting a rifle and kill ing his father was justified by all the facts; that the boy s condition of mind under the cruel and inhuman treatment he had received was such as to make him irresponsible for his conduct. The testimony of Florence A, Brown. mother of the defendant, was interrupted by the legal battle that was precipitated by the defense when she was asked cer tain questions touching the specific acts of cruelty and conduct of her husband from her early marriage down to date. The defense sought to bring out certain facts to establish that a child born under the conditions Indicated by Mr. Ponder would be a degenerate, and that the hus band was drunken and degenerate. The evidence was admitted. Mother's Life of Misery. Proceeding, the witness said in effect: Her husband was badly addicted to alco holism; Tom was 16 years old last Mon day: the husband demanded that she de stroy the unborn child and threatened her with death If she refused. He was working at Centralia then, she living alone with her little girl on a distant homestead, clearing land and doing a man's work. Brown always came home drunk. After his abuse she" was often driven almost frantic and at one time before Tom was born contemplated sui cide. Tom was sick and puny at birth and had suffered the various ailments stated by Mr. Ponder. The boy had epi leptic tits dating from the time he was about 5 or 6 years of age, the last one was about a year ago. When Tom was 6 years old his father became angered at him. seized him by the throat and jammed his head against the wall. He was sober at the time. The boy has since suffered at times pain in the back of the head. He had worked hard, although frail physically. Brown once pursued Tom with an oak club, threatening to kill him. and had repeated ly threatened him. It worried Tom. Tom suffered for years from sleeplessness, owing to sickness. Cross-examination brought out the story of the troubles between Brown and the witness, his leaving home and his wife's feeling toward him. She admitted saying his' death was the best thing that ever happned for the family, but denied say ing she wouldn't have him. back for $5000. Walter Blake, brother of Mrs. Brown, who testified yesterday for the state, was called by the defonse, which attempt ed to prove by him the bad reputation of Brown, but the state objected and was sustained. Dr. E. L. Knlskcrn. of Centralia, testi fied, defining the degrees of epilepsy. He had been physician at the Northern Mich igan Asylum. J. H. Mann, cellmate of the prisoner, testified to his 'peculiar actlQns"sihce his -confinement -Mann's testimony was that the prisoner showed symptoms of epilep sy. Other witnesses were L. A. -Murphy and G. A. Obey. The defense attempted by them to prove the bad reputation of the deceased. .andtbcTthreats . alleged to haye"i.l)eeh made, but the court,. j-e'f used to 'permit part 'of the evidence to go in. II. H. ROGERS WILL CONTROL OH Magnate Plans to Obtain Valua ble Cornucopia Mines Property- BAKER CITY. Or.. April 27.r-(SpecIaL) Two deeds and a trust mortgage were filed with the County Recorder yesterday. one transferring the property of the Cor nucopia mines from the assignee for the benefit of creditors to the new company and one from the old comnanv to th new. A trust mortgage' was also filed from the new company, now known as the Cornucopia Mines Company "of Ore gon. The trust roortgage from the new company is given to the Hamilton Trust Company, of New York, to secure the. payment of J309.000. This is one of the longest instruments ever placed on record fh Baker County, and, together with the two dee'ds filed with It, aggregates a fee BoeiBnus MANY PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE Lydlm Em Pinkham's Vmgmtmhlm Compound The vronderful power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound over the .diseases of womankind is not be cause it is a stimulant, not because it is a palliative, but simply because it is the most wonderful tonic and recon structor ever discovered to act directly upon the generative organs, positively curing disease and restoring heaith and vigor. Marvelous cures are reported from all parts of the country by women who have been cured, trained nurses who have, witnessed cures and physicians who have recognized the virtue of Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and are fair enough to giva credit where it is due. If physicians dared to be frank and open, hundreds of themwould acknowl edge that they constantly -prescribe Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound in severe cases of female ills, as they know by experience it can be re lied upon to effect a cure. The follow ing letter proves it. Dr. S. C. Brigham, of 4 Brigham Park, Fitchburg, Mass., writes : "It gives me great pleasure to say that I have found Lydia E. PinkbahVs Vsgetabls Compound very efficacious, and often pre scribe it in my practice for female difficulties. "My oldest daughter found it very benefi cial for uterine trouble some time ago, and my youngest daughter is now taking it for a fe male weakness, and is surely gaining in health and strength. " I freely advocate it as a ntost reliable spe cific in all diseases to which women are sub ject, and giva it honest endorsement." Women who are troubled with pain ful or irregular menstruation, bloating (or flatulence),, leucorrhcea, falling, in flammatiQn or ulceration of the uterus, ovarian troubles, that bearing-down feeling, dizziness, faintness, indiges tion, nervous prostration or the blues, should take immediate action to ward off the serious consequences, and be restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, and then write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for further free advice. No living person has had the benefit of a wider experience in treating female ills. She ias guided thousands to health. Every suffering woman should ask for and follow her advice if she wants to be strong and well. of $S. The considerations mentioned in the "two deeds were only nominal, that to Assignee George D. Beatty. being 51 and that to the old company, being. 55. There is much behind this transaction as far as the Cornucopia mines arc con cerned, and much in it of interest to the creditors of the Searlep estate. The sale of the Eastern property has reduced the H. H. Rogers claim against the Searles estate to $17,000, but if this arrangement goes through he will again be In the saddle. Pierre Humbert, the promoter, advanced 550.000 to pay oft certain claims against the mines, but under this new scheme he is to have loa.OOO worth of the stock from the trust company to pay him for this Ilttlo accommodation and some other things he promises. The "nigger in the fence" is that Rogers is suspected of having advanced the 550,000, The other 5145.000 worth of stock la .all that Is pro posed to have the 'Searles creditors get out of this valuable . property. Soon 'lie claims will gather ln the New York courts, and the fight will get warmagain. EXPOSURE CAUSES DELIRIUM "Young Man, Thrown From Moving: Train, Lies Out AH Xfght. WARDN'ER. Idaho. April 27.-(Spccial.) With his mind deranged from a night of exposure and hunger while suffering from a sprain of both ankles, a young man was brought to town today by R. L. Bralnerd, who found the sufferer beside the road, a few miles out Judging from the man's incoherent talk his name, Is Butz, and he was riding in a box car to Wardner when he was ejected by .a brakeman. In the fall both ankles were sprained. Suffering intense agony the victim crawled from the rail road to the county road and lay there all night. When found by Brainerd this morning young Butz was delirious with fever and hunger and exposure had made his body almost stiff. While his rescuer went for assistance Butz crawled to the river and drank" of the water which is poisoned by being used at the mine concentrators. To night the young man is in. a serious con dition. He imagines he is at a banquet table and all his delirium turns toward feasting. Evidently he had eaten noth ing for some time before being thrown from the train. OLYMPIA AS A TERMINUS. Puget Sound and Eastern Places Bonds, for Xcv Railroad. OLYMPIA. Wash.. April 27.- (Spe cial.) The Puget Sound & Eastern Railway, the newly organized company that proposes to build from Chehalis to North Yakima, has offered to make Olympia the Sound terminus of the new road, provided the citizens will Ayer's Hair Vigor is hair and the hair grows. And it is a splendid SmM Great waves of heavy hair ! 1 3! the Jiair follicles tone and strength. This is why l1 it checks falling hair so promptly. - As a dressing, it keeps the hair soft and smooth and prevents splitting at the ends. Xato fcy tks J. c. Art c.xwtu. X&m. AIm scaafuturers of . ATSK'S CSERRT FC?0RA&-?r CM&. AYX&'B SASSAFAK1LL4.-PK- the Meet. .. Tick TalkSome e 9 e Same as six Smaller yet AUSTRIA! Invalid Chairs and Crutches For Safe and Rent On Our Prescription Service We call for and deliver. No extra charge. Saves you time and money. Drugs fresh, because we're wholesale and. handle such large quantities. Garden Hose and Reels That lawn needs watering. Our prices lowest quality considered because we're wholesalers in rubber goods. Floor Finish Woodlark Silver Gloss Floor Wax 25$ Sapoline Varnish Stain, for floor or furniture, all colors Quart 75$ Pint 40 $ Half Pint , 25 ? ForWhite Shoes Quick-White Compound for cleaning canvas or duck shoes 25 6 and 10 p Woodard, Clarke & Co. i ' . .PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. PROMPT DELIVERIES, NO DELAYS. Canadian Money Accepted At Par subscribe to a certain amount of the bonds of the new companr. Representatives of the company ap peared before the Chamber of Com merce last cveninsr and stated that they had. placed $1,000,000 in bonds on con dition that they themselves take 550. 000, The people of Chehalis have agreed to take $10,000, and the proposal as made to Olympia is that this city take -the remainder. Arrested on Old Charge. ABERDEEN. Wash., April 27. (Spe cial.) The police today arrested Thoma3 Woodcy, wanted at Vancouver, Wash., on the charge of assault with, a deadly weapon. The crime was com mitted a year ago, but It was thought the chief witness had been killed, and the case was held up. The witness re cently turned up and Woodey was lo cated here. Wins a Photographic Prize. VANCOUVER, Wash., April 27. (Spe cial.) J. Tolm'an, of this city, received notice today that he had been awarded the first prize in a photographic contest given by an Eastern magazine. The prize consisted of a $100 camera. This Is the second time Mr. Tolman has won high merits in photographic work, hav ing been awarded the first prize for In stantaneous work by a lens company. Saloonkeeper Pleads Guilty. ALBANY, Or.. April 27. (Special.) M. Baumgart. the Albany saloonkeeper who was arrested for keeping open house Sun day, April 16, was today arraigned before Recorder Van Winkle, where he pleaded guilty and paid the minimum fine of 550. Great waves of heavy hair ! Oceans of flowing ir esses ! Beauty y elegance, richness! a hair-food. It feeds the "That's all there is to it. tonic to the hair, giving AYER'S PILLS-Ter anstiMtiea. ATS&'S AS171 CUSS-Fer mltri Ui ITH, , e Klox Cost Wholesale Just One-Half of What Some Stores Ask Wholesale The Woodard, Clarke & Co. method of doing business hig buys, small profits, quick sales makes it possible for you to get kloks at prices barely in excess of whole sale. Shoddy movements make cheap klox expensive. Woodard, Clarke & Co. buy oply the standard movements manufactured by the largest, 'well-established klok faktories. Trusty timepieces, worth while to own. Kumpare these prices with values elsewhere. Dutch Mission Half Klok Six feet tall, solid oak, cathedral gonff, eight days, hour and half-hour strike. Fashionable. Your grandchildren, will be proud of it as "Grandfather's Klok." Weight movement $18.00 Fine spring movement $15.00 Mission Mantle Klok - footer Los Alarmos, Los Barrios and Los Santos. cutest ever Minas and Minho , COURT, BOX SHAPE, special reduction to Alarm Kloks BUGABOO A tiny, genteel alarm, smallest intermittent alarm klok made, high-class timekeeper, special $1.63 SPASMODIC Would wake the police, special $1.5S ROTARY HAMMER ALARM, spe cial $1.19 DRONE ' 'Anti-drone, ' ' spec. $1.39 ALERT "Get cial up on time,' AMERICA A bargain, special Time Fat Folk's Comfort in Hot Weather Chesterfield Clothes The finest ready-to-wear SUITS produced in America,- better in every way than any of the other so-called fine makes, better than your tailor can make you. We offer you exclusive patterns. We will v show you better-fitting Suits than you have ever had, and ii the front of any coat breaks back in one year's wear we will replace it with a new SUIT FREE. . This is a straight-out proposition. " You can get at this store the SUIT FOR BUSI NESS WEAR, in single and double-breasted style sacks, plain grays and gray overplaids are most sty lish, with other fancy mixtures in stock to please you. Also blacks and blues. Priced from 1'5.0 to $40.00. ENGLISH FROCKS, grays and blacks, $30.00 to $40.00. FULL DRESS AND TUXEDO SUITS, $40.00 to $60.00 a suit. Come to the store that is' exclusively a Men's Store, where everything is new and best, where; every article sold rjas our positive guarantee of sat-. isfactidn5. You will find it a good store to patronize. R.M.Gray 269-271 Morrison 9 e 09 Klok Fax .3.75 .$1.95 .$1.89 spe 9S 73d Kodak Finishing and Developing Cameras for Rent An Abdominal Supporter is a luxury you will appreciate. If you have never tried one you can have no idea of how fine it feels. Makes you LIGHTER and YOUNGER. Fitted to your shape by our experts. Lady fitters for ladies. e '