THEIR FLEET BEST Japanese Rely on Cruisers and Torpedo-Boats. ARE CONFIDENT OF RESULT Itojcslvertsky Awaits the Arrival of' Xcbogatoff, "Who Is Due to Join Him on May. 5 Using Hainan as Base. TOKIO, April 27. (4. P. SL)-Thc move ments of the squadron commanded by Admiral Rojestvensky and the intentions of the Russian commander continue to be the subject of -general interest and speculation. The last Japanese reports ore conflicting and confusing. They do not indicate definitely the purpose of Ro jestvensky, but It is evidently the inten tion of the Russian "Admiral to await a junction with the division commanded by Admiral Nebogatoff, which Increases the probability of his Intention to give Ad miral Togo a decisive battle. It is assumed that Rojestvensky will bring all the ships and guns possible into action If he Intends to fight decisively or that he will detach and abandon his slow, oumborsome and useless- ships if he In tends to run the gauntlet to Vladivostok. It Is, believed that the location and date of the engagement will depend entirely on Rojestvensky. The Japanese defensive plans arc con coaled with absolute secrecy. The proc lamations issued are viewed calmly by the officials and public. The people appreciate the importance of retaining the sea power of Japan and the great consequences which hinge on victory or defeat, but they are confident of success owing to the su periority in numbers and strength of the armored cruisers of Japan, which, it is believed,' will counterbalance the Russian superiority in battleships. The prospec tive junction of the fifth Russian division with the other divisions of the Russian squadron and the disadvantage at which Japan is placed owing to the shortage of battleships apparently cause no apprehen sion here. The Japanese rely on their su periority in mobility personnel and morale and "tan the condition of their war ships to bring them victory. , Extending the comparison beyond the first line of battle, it is argued that Japan possesses a preponderating and valuable advantage in lighter cruisers, torpedp boat destroyers, torpedo-boats and subma rine boats. The proclamation of martial law In the island of Formosa, which Is strongly and extensively defended, is tne only public announcement of the defensive steps taken by the Japanese. The public does not know the location of Togo's squadron, the officers and men having ceased com municatlon with their friends and fam ilies. ' . USING HAIXAX. AS XA.VAL BASE Report That RussiansCjit . Cable, Is . Confirmed. LONDON, April 27. No further news has-been received of either Rojestvcnsky's or TNebogatoff's squadrons. The report is confirmed that the sub marine cable has been cut at Hainan, and, according to the Dally Telegraph's correspondent at Tbklo, the authorities have learned that the Russians arc using Hainan as a. base. TRANSPORTS LEAVE JvAMRANH Ships Left Behind Seem to AAvait Nebogatoff. KAMRANH BAY. via Saigon. Cochin China, April 27. The only ships remain ing In Kamranh Bay are four German transports. All the rest of the transports and the Rlissian hospital ship Orel and other vessels left behind by Admiral Rojestvensky left the bay.yesterday morn ing. This fleet Is now assembled outside the bay. and forms an extended line, stretching from Cape Varela to the head of Kamranh Peninsula. The torpedoboats are scouting in all directions. The ships seem to be awaiting Vice-Admiral Nebo gatoff'e division. The French cruiser Descartes, having on board Admiral de Jonquleres, the French commander in these waters, re turned to Nhatrang, near Kamranh Bay, after steaming around the Russian squad ron, and subsequently returned to Saigon. The two freight-laden steamers cap tured by Admiral Rojestvensky were un der the German flag. It is presumed that they are suspected of having contraband of war on board. DUE TO JOIN FLEET MAY 5 .Russian Admiralty. Calculates Speed of Nebogatoff. ST. PETERSBURG, April 27. (1:15 P. M.) According to the calculations of the Naval Staff, Vice-Admiral Nebogatoft, who lef t Jlbutll, French Somallland, March 25, if he has been making 200 knots per day. ehould reach Singapore tomorrow, and could not unite his division with Vlce Admiral Rojestvensky In Tonquln Bay until May 5. The general opinion Is that their junc ture Is assured, on the theory that Ad miral Togo would not dare to risk sailing south to meet Nebogatoft, since by so doing he would leave the way to Vladi vostok open to Rojestvensky. GOOD WEATHER FOR FIGHTING Drying of Manchuria Roads Faclli tatcs Oyama's "Work. LONDON, April 2S. The news of the resumption of fighting In Manchuria Is supposed here to show that the Japanese have now decided not to await the issue of the impending naval contest, but to utilize the few weeks intervening between the drying up of the thawed-out roads and the arrival of the Summer rains In June for the resumption of the land campaign. The completion of the railway to Mukden will greatly simplify Field Marshal Oyama's task of provisioning his vast army, and will thus facilitate the renewal of hostilities. RUSSIA NEEDS MORE MONEY Will Borrow From German Bankers -' on Stringent Terms. . SPECIAX. CABLE. "-. BERLIN, April 28. Russia Is again In financial straits and has appealed to iGorman bankers for another loan in order to finance continued war opera tions. The recent internal .Issue of bonds was not taken up. byjae Russians to the degree that was expected and the financial result is characterized as only moderately successfully In asklne tho German financiers to buy treasury bonds at 5 per cent at nine months, the Russian government places upon Itself more" stringent con ditions than those that accompanied the first negotiations with the German bankers. It is understood that; the firm of Men delsohn Is negotiating the loan, which is said to be for 100,000,300 roubles. Russian Cavalry Repulse Enemy. ST. PETERSBURG. April 27.-General Llnievltch. In a telegram to the Emperor, dated April 26, reports a three hours' fight April 23, near Tsintziataoun. the Rus sian cavalry forcing the Japanese to retreat. Rumored Junction of Forces. . TSTINGTAU. . "Shantung Peninsula, China, April 27. A private telegram re ceived here says that Admiral Rojest vcnsky's fleet has Joined Nebogatott's de tachment OPEN PORTAGE NEXT VISIT Commissioners Make Their .Last In spection Trip. THE DALLES, Or., April 27. (Special.) --Governor George E. Chamberlain, Secre tary of State F. I. Dunbar and State Treasurer Charles SI Moore, constituting the State Portage Railway Commission, arrived here tonight for the purpose of making the regular monthly Inspection of the Portage Railway. The Board will go over the entire road today, and in this Inspection will have as Its guests J. N. Teal, representing the Open River' Asso ciation, and the transportation committee of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, and possibly J. A- Smith, president, and W. J. Mariner, secretary of the Open River Association, and J. T. Peters, of the executive committee of that asso ciation. This Inspection tour will begin with a drive to Big Eddy, and from there to Mosshouse Curve. From that point the party will complete the inspection by means of the engine lately placed on the Portage Road. Governor 'Chamberlain to night said: "This Is simply our regular inspection, but I- think I can say it will be our last, since I believe that the "next visit of this board will be for the purpose of taking part In the formal opening of the Portage Road. From what we know, the road Is almost completed and there Is no doubt as to its being ready for opera tion on May 15. We will be able to tell more exactly, however, when we get through this Inspection." J. N. Teal said: "From what I have heard of the progress of the Portage Road, It will certainly be completed on time. What we are peculiarly and partic ularly interested in, however. Is the pro vision for commerce above the road. This is being arranged for, and within a very short time the dream of the opening up of the Inland Empire will be a reality. It is peculiarly coincident that the open ing up the Columbia should occur just 100 years after It had been traveled by Lewis and Clark." The 'Commission will go over the route of the Portage Road tomorrow and leave for Portland in the evening. DEFAULTER 3LYKES HIS ESCAPE Fugitive San Francisco Tax Collector Has Probably Left Country. SAN FRANCISCO, April 27. The grand jury tonight returned two indictments of felony and embezzlement against Edward A. Smith, the missing City Tax Collector, .and bench warrants, were issued for his arrest. The Indictments were made In consequence of the failure to pay Into the city treasury sums aggregating about $39,- 000 personally collected by Smith from the Southern Pacific Railway Company for taxes. The police professed tonight to be abso lutely in doubt as to the question of the whereabouts of Smith. A former actress. to whom he paid much attention, is re ported to have gone to China, and there is a suspicion that he also may be travel ing toward the Orient. According to the Bulletin, when Smith leit tins city last Wednesday tic was accompanied by a woman who, on the pre vlous night, had said she was going to Hot Springs, Ark., "to meet a man who had made $50,000 In one day." The checking up of the accounts in his office was in progress today, and con tlnued Into the night, and it was unau thoritatively stated at a late hour that the defalcation had been brought up to $90,000 by the discovery that numerous small sums collected by Smith have not been turned into the treasury. As a result of the exposure of the short age in Smith's office, an official Invest I gallon has been commenced Into the con dition of the county treasury. Smith was formally removed from office today at a meeting of the Board of Su pervisors, at which Mayor Schmitz pre sided. Deputy McCabe. at present In charge of the Tax Collector's office, devoted most of today to going over the delinquent tax lists. He Is calling up the larger delinquents to ascertain whether or not they are really delinquent. He quickly found three large taxpayers who had paid Smith sums totaling over WW. but he had not credited them with these amounts, showing them still delln quent on the books of his office. Other similar cases were discovered as the day wore on. The City Attorney has taken the preliminary steps to recover as much as possible from the residence and other property belonging to Smith In this city, .suit having been filed today. The surety company which is on Smith's bond will make up any deficit. Mayor Schmitz said today: "In round numbers. Smith got away with $40,000 of Southern Pacific tax money, .the $16,000 on the check Devoto cashed for him, and smaller amounts trom individuals else where, bringing the total up to about $6S,000. ".Besides that there was the $155,000 taken last year two fortunes really In a year that Smith has embezzled." Looted Mallsack Found. WOODBURN, Or.. April 27. (Special.) The mutilated registered mallpouch stolen from a truck on the depot platform on the night of April 12 was found burled In the sand underneath a freight depot here tonight. The pouch was stolen under mysterious circumstances, and the iden tity of the perpetrators is -unknown. The sack, the contents of which had been rifled, contained not less than $500 in money, besides other valuables. POISONED IN HOSPITAL Coroner Investigates Strange Death of Dr. Burt's Patient. CHICAGO. April 27. Coroner Hoff man today began an Investigation Into the death of Henry Wlomaster, whose death certificate was signed by Dr. Russell Burt, son of Horace G. Burt, the Omaha multi-millionaire and ex president of the Union Pacific, once prominently mentioned as President Roosevelt's $100,000 man for the head of the Panama Canal Commission. "Wiemaster's death, according to tho certificate, was due to cerebral hemor rhage. It is alleged that WIemaster died fromlysol, a poison accidentally administered, .bjc- & hosuitai jehtbu. THE MORNING FEftR THE UNKNOWN Threats of Dynamite Terrify Russian People. MANY FLY FROM CAPITAL Easter Services Neglected by Timid Because Terrorists Threaten to Blow Up Cathedral Elab orate Precautions. ST. PETERSBURG, April 27. A feeling akin to consternation has been caused by the publication In this morning's papers of renewed rumors of an impending pop ular outbreak. It is feared that the slight est event incidental to malevolence among the vast congregations which will attend the churches on Saturday night may cause a panic, with appalling consequences. The Mayor is being urged to convene the Municipal Council and take especial measures, to cope with the situation, and it Is expected that the Prefect of Police will issue a reassuring proclamation, but the alarm is so great that it would have little effect. The exodus at Easter will be unprecedented. Elaborate preparations to crush any pos slble disorder in its inciplency have been taken, and the Chief of Police today Issued an order instituting the most stringent regulations for the period between April 29 and May S. Gatherings In the streets are prohibited, and men under the influ ence of liquor will be sent to the police stations Instead of, as usual, being or dered directly home. The Chief of Police's order and Governor-General TrepofTs proclamation, which were Issued in tho course of the evening, were posted at an corners and on the dead-walls of St. Petersburg tonight. The document prob ably will have a good offect in quieting the alarm. General TrepofTs proclama tion, after referring to the newspaper pre dictions of disorders on a large scale. closes as follows: "Addressing myself to the good sense of the public, I ask that faith be not at tached to these rumors and that no fears be entertained, because no violation of nubile tranoullllty or order will bo per mitted, and any attempt in this direction will be quelled In a most energetic way. Becinninc this evening, police patrols. mounted or on foot, will be stationed in all the outlying districts, and garrisons of Cossacks and infantry will be installed in Isolated factories. The first of the great preliminary kas ter. services were held In the churches and cathedrals tonight, the people coming to kindle candles and procure -a blessing on the lights, which they carry home burn incr:' but it was noticeable that there was a diminution of the usual throngs on ac count of rumors of plots to blow up the churches. The chief nrlest of -the Smolensk Cathe dral In this city received a note warning him of a plot to blow up the catnedrai. which he read to the congregation, with exDlanatlons In order to quiet them. Rumors of the Intended use or ayna- mlte apply also to banks and government huildlnzs. These are believed to some ex tent by tho more timorous classes, but the Twrsnns most concerned do not aiiacn much weight to the rumors. NEW GOVERNOR OF MOSCOW Ivorloff, Hated Police Tyrant, Will Rule Old Capital. ST. PETERSBURG. April 27. The post of Governor-General of Moscow, which was temporarily abolished January 13, has been re-established by imperial decree and General Kozloff, former Chief of the Moscow Police, has been appointed Gov ernor-General of that city. The admlnis tratlve control of the police remains In the hands of General "Wolkoff, who was appointed Prefect in January, but the oolice will be under tne general super vision of the Governor-General. Kozloffs aDDointment as Governor-General of Mos cow upon the eve of the anticipated trou bles at Easter and on May day, although accompanied by a rescript In which Em- Nicholas sneaks of the "great In- ! terior reforms" contemplated by him. leaves no doubt of his purpose first to ; ments of John Hays Hammond before restore tranquillity with a firm hand. ; the American Academy of Political and Kozloff distinguished himself during the j Social Science at Philadelphia, April 8. Nihilist conspiracies 23 years ago by hunt- as being the utterances of a friend of lng down conspirators, which resulted In President Roosevelt and as constituting an attempt. upon his life. The public gen- a note of warning to Japanophlles In orally interprets his summons from retire- ! America and England, both politically and ment at the age of 68 as being an indlca- . industrially. During the course of his re tlon that the harsh measures of repression j mnrks. Mr. Hammond, apiong other then sanctioned are to be revived. The things, said that Japan's strategic posl- government, however, takes the position that the execution of the "reforms Is Im- possible until the agitation and excitement are quieted, with General Treporc in st. Petersburg and Kozloff in Moscow, It is considered that public safety in the two capitals Is assured. - The Liberals consider the appointment another reactionary step. A prominent Liberal said: "We expected the proclamation of gen eral amnesty for political prisoners as an Easter gift. Instead, the Emperor gave us Kozloff." Kozloff's entire career has been spent in the police gendarmerie, beginning as Assistant Chief of Police at Riga In 1361, and later, during the exciting Nihilistic days alternating as Chief of Police of Moscow and St Petersburg. He succeeded the father of Trepoff here. When Vera Sassulltch was acquitted by a public court on the charge of attempting the life of the elder Trepoff, In revenge for his act In ordering her student lover to be flogged for declining to uncover when the Chief of Police passed In the street, the Jury practically justified her plea that she did not Intend to kill him, but only to pillory Trepoff before the world for his harsh treatment of students. Kozloff's service as Chief of Police of St. Petersburg covered the period follow inc the assassination of Alexander II In 1851, alter Aiexanaer iu. nao mrown over General Lorisn-jtieiiKon. tne lamous sol dier and statesman, who was Minister of the Interior,' and other Liberal advisers of his father, and had surrendered to M. Pobledonostseff, the Procurator-General, and the reactionary party. He retired after crushing the Nihilist conspiracies and the conclusion' of the famous trials. He was the head of the celebrated committee of public safety, composed of 25 persons, his name appearing on all orders. "Kozloff" means "goat," and the public sarcastically denominated his proclamations "orders of Kozloff and his 25 goats." Nevertheless. Kozloff succeeded In what he set out to do. earning the greatest praise from his Imperial master, who heaped decorations upon him, conferring on Kozloff, among other orders, the Alexander Nevsky or der, never previously given to a Chief of Police. , &foXKS TEACH polytheism; Gorky Tells of Ignorance and Super stition of Russian Clergy. LONDON, April 27. Rev. Edward "Wil kinson. Episcopal bishop for Europe, in an article In the Guardian, describes an interview he had with Maxim Gorky at Bilderllngshof, during the course of an episcopal tourx of Russia. The novelist was sulIerlD from a colo caught, h& $jcJL OREGONIAN, - FRIDAY APRIL 128, lUOo. plaincd, while a prisoner at St, Peters burg. In a damp, cold cell, and because of an Insufficiency of clothing. In other respects, Gorky said, owing to the kind ness of the soldiers on guard and the jailers, who "admired his writings, he had toot suffered greatly. In conversing on the subject of religion. Gorky declared he had never written nor would he write any thing, against religion. On the contrary, he earnestly desired to see. his people taught the true, vital re ligion. But he had devoted years to trav eling afoot in Russia, inquiring into re ligious conditions, the result convincing him that the monks and thef clergy gen erally were ignorant and unable to teach the religion they professed, and that su perstition and formality pervaded their so-called religion, about which there was no reality. "They taught that there were 60 or 70 Virgin Marys," he said. "It was sheer polytheism. As to dogmatic teaching, that did not exist." Gorky condemned' the war, which, he said, had ruined the peasants, and was ruining the country. Generally It was un popular and hated throughout Russia. The Russians neither wished for or understood why It was waged; soldiers went to it with the utmost reluctance; It was waged for the benefit of tho bureaucracy, not for Russia. Detailing the events of "Vladimir's Sun day," Gorky said he had little doubt that his trial would again result In his being Imprisoned. PREPARE TO KILL THE JEWS Montcflorc Predicts Massacre at Easter and Provokes- Critic. SPECIAL CABLE. LONDON, April 27. Fresh outrages on Jews in Russia are predicted by Anglo Jewish envoys, who have returned to England after having visited their kin dred in the chief Jewish centers In the Czar's empire. They say that the cir culation of anti-Jewish pamphlets has been unremitting and these documents are more shrewdly adapted for inflaming the people than any others produced. Claude G. Monteflore declares that the outlook Is dark for great masses of de fenseless men, women and children and appeals to Christian Europe to protest. L. K. Greenberg, one of the leading work ers for the betterment of the lot of the Russian Jews, says that Monteflore's fears are justified, then points out what he deems the fatal Inconsistency of this prominent Jew's appeal to Christian sym pathy. "Monteflore," he says, "tacitly concurs In the polio of the Anglo-Jewish com munlty in sending back to Russia Jews who managed to escape. Of recent years, J500 of these refugees have been returned and their expenses paid only to the fron tier. As these multiply, they furnish additional subjects for the wild cruelties of the Ignorant and murderous proletar lat. .This tossing back of helpless peo ple Into the clutches of persecution should give place in the hands of the Anglo Jewish community to a constructive Jewish policy. Our own acts and such cries for help to our Christian fcllowmen expose us to merited reprobation. SCHWAB BOOMS THE EMPIRE Prcdlots Execution -of Reforms and Prosperity 'In Russia. DVINSK (Dunaburg), "Western Russia, April 27. The Associated Press represent ative saw Charles M. Schwab today as he passed through this place on the way to the frontier. Mr. Schwab declined to say anything relative to his business with the Russian government, but of the in ternal condition of the country he said: "More or leas excitement naturally ex lsts during the period of extensive re forms projected by the Emperor. The radicals display . impatience, over every delay, but I am convinced that the gov crnment Intends to execute the pro gramme It has announced In good faith The radicals and terrorists fall to appre elate the fact that disturbances and out rages only retard instead of accelerate reforms. The talk of revolution Is non t3nse. Rather than the general smashup predicted by the foreign pres3, I predict for Russia during the next few years the advent of an era of activity and prosper ity under better conditions for all classes of this Immense empire than ever existed before. TAKES UP HAMMOND'S WORDS Russian Journal Sounds Alarm of Yellow Peril Again ! ST. PETERSBURG. April 27.-Thc No ! voe Vremya calls attention to the state tlon commercially, by reason of the suze- ralnty she will establish over Corea, would render her the most formidable competitor of the United States In the Far East, and added: "If Japan secures a war indemnity from Russia, a large portion of this undoubt edly will be expended on increasing her fleet. The war involves, then, that we and Great Britain also, must maintain formidable forces with strong Pacific bases and that the most Intimate relations must characterize the diplomacy of the two great English-speaking nations." FLEEING FR031 THE TERROR Threats of Warsaw Bombthrowcrs Cause Stampede to Frontier. WARSAW, April 27. (8:55 P. M.) All trains to the frontier are crowded, and there Is an unprecedented demand for passports, which will be used In the event of serious disturbances at Easter or on May day. Shopkeepers and householders residing In the vicinity of the government alcohol shops have been anonymously no tified to leave before May 1, as the shops will be blown up. Riding Down the Rebels. ST. PETERSBURG. April 27.-Ofllcial reports from the Caucasus contain news of numerous encounters between peasants and troops. Many of the former have been killed in Cossack charges. CTtr elers auJory h r 7777 C, ffil Mhhmmhm CM LRBDR H ' (Continued from First Page.) employs many drivers. It was warned that If It made any deliveries to or from any of the boycotted stores, its men would be called on to strike at once. Sim ilar warnings were given to baggage and .parcel delivery firms, and especially to coal dealers. It Is the Intention of the Teamsters Union to shut oft as far as possible all supplies of coal from the establishments where strikes have been called. Guards Hit Back at Assailants. In order to protect their wagons and drivers from assaults while passing through the streets, the Employers' As sociation has secured the services of a laTge number of guards, and these men have shown a decided disposition to re taliate vigorously when any attack Is made upon them by strike sympathizers. This afternoon a wagon containing 22 nonunion colored teamsters was passing the corner of Desplalnes and Harrison streets, when It was attacked by a crowd of strike sympathizers, who ran out of a saloon. Several bricks were thrown, and ! one of the negroes was struck, whereupon he drew a revolver and fired into the crowd, hitting nobody. The mob broke and scattered. At "West Taylor and Desplalnes streets a dozen nonunion men were more or less seriously injured by missiles thrown by a crowd. Another, disturbance took place at State and Adams streets, when two wagons loaded with coal were driving past. A man In the crowd struck one of tho private detectives guarding the wagon and the detective promptly knocked him Into the gutter. Guarded by 150 private detectives em ployed by the Employers' Teaming Com pany, five coal wagons from the Daniels Coal Company passed over the Grand- street viaduct this afternoon. Teamsters who were engaged around the freight houses underneath the viaduct Jeered the nonunion drivers and commenced to throw stones. A prompt display by the detec tives of their revolvers quelled the dis turbance. The strike today spread to the men em ployed on the tug Talbot, which Is owned by the Chicago Lighterage Company. This company attempted to receive goods" from the docks of Farwell & Co., and 30 steve dores refused to handle the goods. They were promptly discharged and nonunion men taken on in their places. Strikers' Numbers Doubled. The number of teamsters on strike was nearly doubled in the early part of the night and as a result nearly all the large stores on State street will be without drivers In the morning. Strikes were called in five big department stores. One of the largest did not wait for Its drivers to strike, but told them that they could go. Many of the large business houses in the city have no teams of their own, but contract with teamowners for their haul ing. A meeting of these teamownera was held tonight to determine what action they would take In the strike, and it was decided that If any of their teamsters were Interfered with while attempting to deliver coal there was nothing to do but have them return to the yards. This was equivalent to declaring that the tcam- uvwiuia nuuiu lane jiu yciri. iu inc siriKC. CANAL LABORERS STRIKE. Jnninlcans Beat Policemen and Stone Engineer Barrit. PANAMA. April 27. All the contract Jamaicans working at the aqueduct struck today, alleging Insufficient food as the cause, bix policemen wno were sum moned by Engineer Barrit to compel the men to work were badly beaten and Bar rit was stoned. Armed policemen re established order and prevented a riot. Jall Tor Beating Nonunion Men. 5V1NFJELD. Kan.. April 27. Arthur E. Ireland. National organizer for the Amer lean Federation of Labor, was sentenced in the District Court here today to six months In Jail, on conviction of a charge of assault on J. B. Harrlty. a nonunion machinist, at Arkansas City. Kan., last July. This was the lowest sentence that could be" imposed. Another Cripple Creek Suit. CRIPPLE CREEK. Colo.. April 27. The Elkton Consolidated Mining & Milling Company and the 'El Paso Gold Mining Company have nled suits In the District Court against the Western Federation of i Miners, asking for $62,600 damages for losses claimed to have resulted from the strike. i Furnaccnien's Wages Raised. PITTSBURG, April 27.,-Commencing May 1. blast furnace workers In the Pitts- burjt district will receive a ten per cent advance In wages. A total of 15.000 men will be affected. Angry Husband Suffers Most. BAKER CITY, Or.. April 27.-(SpeciaI.) As a sequel to a shooting scrape last nfght the participants figured In the Po lice Court this morning. Jacobs, who tried to force his way Into Wyatt's house. pleaded "guilty of disorderly conduct In quarreling with Emily Wyatt." He was fined $10. But "Wyatt. the angry husband, who took a shot at Jacobs, was turned over to the custody of the Sheriff to answer ; to a more serious charge than the viola- j tlon of a city ordinance. This afternoon the Justice of the Peace j reviewed the testimony and discharged i "Wyatt. Gunboat Sails for Shanghai. WASHINGTON. April 27. The gunboat Quiros. of the Asiatic station, has sailed j from Cavlte for Shanghai, presumably to J take the place of the gunboat Villalobos, which left Shanghai a few days ago to watch the hostile fleets. the most independent of a. 77 -7hincfjj " jjj he .si made jscrvG man Jy tha WJLYTZET dep gji daJbc of a 77 fm cAc cp cijs. tltin Watch s foUy gnarwHwd. Jill Jew lint izia nmnn -4TLa.6imI:a nu lioeVeeper.' an Ulattrated. or tie vr&teb, tent xree upvn reqnett to national Watch Co.. Elgin, ill ZUlCeIN WE RECOMMEND APENTA THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. BOTTLED AT THE SPRINGS, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, Under the Scientific Supervision of Dr. Leo Liebermann, Royal Councillor, Professor of Hygiene and Director of the Hygienic Institute, Royal University, Budapest. Sole Exporters: THE APOLLINARIS CO., Ld.t London. good opinion of them. A man who has ever owned one remembers it gratefully. There's plenty of style in them and no question about the lit if you get the size intended for you. Ask for Kirschbaum Clothes (W arranted). Good stores every where, $12 to $25. Insist on seeing the Kirschbaum label inside breast pocket of coat New Style Book free if you'll write for it A B. Kirschbaum &Co. (Makers) r Philadelphia and New York Pommery Champagne THE STANDARD OF QUALITY Quality versus Quantity One reason why Pommery Champagne maintains its popu larity with those who demand the best of wines, is that the Pommery standard of quality is never lowered in order to join the race for quantity. IN A WEEK W. tniamntee a cure In everv case we undertake or charge no fee. Consulta tlon freBe" Lctterl" confidential Tnstructlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed free In plain wrapper. "We cure the worst cases of piles in two or three treatments, without operation. Cure guaranteed. If you canno't call at office, write for question blank. Home treatment successful. Office hours, 9 to 5 and 7 to S. Sundays and holidays, 10 to 12. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offices in Van-Noy Hotel. 52H Third st. cor. Pine, Portland, Or. HESE Kirschb aum Serge Suits out-wear everything but your We treat successfully all private ner vous and chronic diseases of men. also blood, stomacn. heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS (without mercury) to stay cured forever, in 30 to 60 days. We remove STRIC TURE, without operation or pain, in 15 days. We stop drains, the result of self-abuse. Immediately. "We can restore the sexual vigor of any man under 50 by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. We Cure Gonorrhoea !n a Week The doctors, of this Institute are all regular graduates, have had many years experience, have been known in Portland for 15 years, have a reputation to main tain, and will undertake no case unless certain cure can be effected.