16 THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, FItlDAY, APRIL 28, 1905. TMftYDEVELOPft MURDER MYSTERY Man's Body With Jaw Broken Found in Willamette Near Steel Bridge. POLICE SUSPECT A CRIME No Money Was Found in the Cloth ing, and Nothing by Which Identification Could Ba Made Was Discovered A murder mystery may develop over the discovery of a body floating in the Willamette Biver last night. When taken to the establishment b Coroner J. P. FInley, it was found that the man's jaw-bone "was fractured, that he possessed no identification papers 5and not a cent in money. The police are assisting in a thorough investiga tion, but as yet no clue as to the iden tity of the man has been found. Peter Johnson, W. C. Bender and Special Policeman Laird, on duty at the Steel bridge, saw the head of the man in the water. He was floating Blowly. A boat was secured from some boys. and the body brought to shore by means of a rope. The police were notified, and Cap tain Moore laid the case before Coro ner FInley. The latter went to the scene and took charge of the body. It was found to be that of a man about five feet five inches in height, with dark hair and short mustache; attired in gray coat and vest, dark trousers, calico shirt, pink underclothing and loggers' shoes. From the general appearance of the man it Is believed he was a logger, but there was nothing on his person that served in any way to identify him. He was aged between 30 and 35 years. He possessed a pocket-knife, a pocket mirror, an empty purse and two hand kerchiefs. "I am unable to say, after my in vestigation, whether the man was mur dered, committed suicide or was acci dentally drowned" said Coroner Fin ley. "The body had evidently been in the water at least two weeks, and will have to be burled early tomorrow morning. I will retain the clothing and what was found In the pockets. This may serve to identify him. The body will be placed in the cbunty bury-ing-ground." The police look with suspicion upon the broken jaw-bone and the fact that the man possessed no money. They claim these two facts point strongly to foul play with robbery as the motive. If such should be the case, whoever Is guilty of the murder has had ample time to get beyond the reach of the local officials, and it is thought to be extremely improbable that any one will be brought to book for the crime. The officials hope for some one to come forward today who will be able to Identify the clothing of the un known and assist in clearing up the mystery. OGDEN'S MAYOR IS HERE William Glassman, Newspaper 3Ian and Politician, Visits Portland. William Glassman. proprietor of the OgJen Evening Standard and the Morning Examiner, is in Portland for a few days looking over the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Mr. Glassman, not withstanding the fact that he is an edl :or, is tho Mayor of Ogden and one of :he most influential politicians in Utah. "The next time you see me, which will be some time in July, you will think' thac I am one of those Morman elders you read about because I will be accompanied by 16 of the pret tiest young ladles in Ogden." remarked Mr. Glassman at the Hotel Portland last night. "You see we are running a pop ular voting contest with the Standard and the Examiner and the 16 young ladies who are voted to be the most beautiful in Ogden and Weber County will come to Portland to spend several weeks during the Lewis and (2lark Eu pos!tlon.v. While In Portland Mr. Glassman made arrangements for several excur sions for the entertainment of the young ladies. They wtll be given a trip up and down the Columbia and Wil lamette Rivers and will spend a couple of days at .Seaside. PHOTOGRAPHING IN TREES William JD. Finlcy Will Give Lecture at the Y. M. O. A. Tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium, Mr. William Lovcll FInley will give a stereoptlcon lecture on "Photographing in the Tree Tops," which will be a study of Oregon birds with a camera. This lecture has been arranged by the educational de partment of the Y. JM. C. A. for the pur pose of interesting the school children in outdoor life and helping them to become aiore intimately acquainted with our com mon birds. SPECIAL CLOTHING SALE At Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, Third and Stark Streets. From $2.50 to $5.00 reduction on men's suits and the finest stock in the city to pick from, will help thiB store to reduce their extra large stock and at the same time be a money-saver to hundreds of men In Portland who are now thinking of Investing in a new suit. It would be an eye-opener to any man who is not in the habit of buying rlothes direct from the manufacturer to look at the prices in the Third street clothing window of the Browns ville Wollen Mill Store. BARGAINS TODAY In ladies' white lawn waists, samples muslin and knit underwear. Summer orsets; Mount Hood shirts, lace cur tains, silkolines, men's underwear and sox. Come today and see. M' ALLEN & M'DONNELL, The store noted for best goods at low est prices. Would Multiply Navy by Three. PHILADELPHIA, April 27. Rear-Admiral Melville, ia an address before the Geo graphical Society of Philadelphia, to night, advocated a threefold increase of I f Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today and Tomorrow Goes on May Account The Meier (8b Frank Store's 802d Friday Surprise Sale 1000 AxminsterRugs $1.83 Each 7 Today's grand Surprise Sale offering of 1000 jhandsome, serviceable Axminster Rugs should attract a great throng of eager buyers It's the lowest price you have ever had the opportunity to buy these splendid rugs for, and we doubt very much if they are ever sold again at such a low figure All new, high-grade Axminsters in Orien tal and floral designs Immense assortment, new est colorings Size 27x60 inchesRugs that every other store in town asks $3.00 for There is'nt a home in Portland but can use number of them to good advantage at the very low price of Jee big Fifth-Street window display Mail orders filled if received before 6 P. M. today 3d floor $1.83 Credit Purchases Made Today Will Go on Your May Account The Meier CSh Frank Store's Greatest Millinery Bargain 400 Beautiful Dress Hats $ 1 .98 Ea. A Friday andSaturday Millinery Bargain that we have never equaled It comprises 400 of this season's most attractive dress hats at a price ridiculously-low Styles are similar, values even better than the marvelous bar gains in dress shapes that we sold about a month ago and which created such a flurry in the millinery section. Black chiffon, jet, fancy braid and straw dress hats, tur bans and sailors, six styles in black, navy, brown and champagne, trimmed with foliage, flowers, chiffon, etc. Paroxetine braid turbans with shirred chiffon trimming. Black silk ribbon hats are also included in the lot Alto gether the grandest millinery bargain you ever shared in Today and tomorrow take your choice from the entire lot at the phenomenally low price of $1.96 TAN HOSEER.Y FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN "Women's tan allover lace, lace panel and plain cotton Hose, in great variety, all sizes, best values, at, pair 3-PC "Women's plain tan cotton and mercerized cotton Hose 25 "Women's tan Hosiery in chocolate and leather shades, Richelieu rib, in changeable effects, biscuit shades and brown in a variety of plain and fancy styles ; allover lace and lace boot effects ; e all sizes, great variety, pair JUC Children's tan Hosiery in silk-finished lisle, pair 35 Infants' silk-finished lisle and allover lace Hose, 25c-35e pair. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY STATIONERY BARGAINS Cream wove Envelopes, popular size, 10c value, $1.75 e box of 1000; package Illuminated, hand-stamped, fine quality initial Sta- q tionery, extra special value at, box "C Lewis and Clark Envelopes, large size, package 8 Chambard Linen Paper, white, blue and gray; special value today and tomorrow at, quire OC Visiting Cards, all sizes, package of 50 8$ Dennison Lunch Sets, 12 napkins, 1 cloth, doilies, etc., fancy designs, special value at . 19 25c Ribbons 13c 4000 yards of 4-inch Taffeta and Satin Taffeta Ribbon of superior quality and in a great variety of leading shades, pink, light blue, red, reseda, brown, mode, black, "white and cream; regular 25c value today and tomorrow at this low price, yard 4V-inch Sash and. Girdle ribbons, the popular wattcau stripe, large variety to select from; regular 50c value, 32C 40c COFFEE 24c POUND Meier & Frank's famous Mocha and Java Coffee, equal to the best 40c coffee sold at other stores. Buy all you 24 want at, pound 40c ORANGES 25c DOZ. For today and Saturday our weekly offering of oranges; great, large, delicious fruit, of the finest quality. Sale price, dozen &J Fruit stands ask 40c a dozen. 2000 Pairs of Low Shoes Reduced Women's, Misses' and Children's Sale extraordinary today and tomorrow of 2000 pairs of low shoes for women, misses and children This season's very best styles and leathersTans included Family shoe needs can he supplied at a great saving today and tomorrow Extra sales people Prompt service 1000 pairs "Women's Low Shoes, vici kid Oxfords or Bluchers, patent' leather Oxfords or Bluchers, tan vici kid Oxfords, all new lasts, all sizes and widths ; Shoes of equal grade cost you $3.00 a pair fl at other stores; your choice, pair V Women's Tan Blucher Oxfords, tan Blucher Ribbon Ties, oxblood Blucher Ribbon Ties, patent colt Blucher Ribbon Ties, plain or tip Af toe ; all sizes and widths ; best $3.50 values on sale f ory pair. . y&t& Three-strap patent leather or vici kid Sandals for Misses,' Children and Infants; all the newest and most desirable styles 5 to 8, $1.25 val.84 9 to 11, $1.40 val.94 12 to 2, $1.50 val. $1.04 One-strap vici kid Sandals, all sizes, all new goods 5 to 8, pair 74 9 to 11, pair. .84T. . 12 to 2, pair 94J Men's and Boys' Low Shoes, the best models in all sizes and leathers, at the very lowest prices. Great Rubber Goods Specials 53c 89c 83c 98c Eagle Fountain Syringe, three hard rubber pipes, 2-quart size; great special value at Eagle Combination Fountain Syringe and "Water Bottle, 3-quart size; extra special value at Fairy Fountain Syringe, red rubber cloth insei'ted, reinforced binding, 2-quart size Express 3-quart Fountain Syringe, first quality -white rubber, rapid-flow tubing; great value .-; . . Columbian Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe, fully fl? "1 i 5 guaranteed, 3-quart size; great value at H Rubber plant sprinklers, special, each 63c 69c Fountain Syringe Tubing, large and small, each 7& 12? Extra Fountain Syringe Tips and Combination corks, special values at, each 10 and 15p Goodyear's All-Rubber Syringes, special, each 49 Eagle Hot Water Bottles, 2-quart size, each 59 Omega Bulb Syringe, continuous flow, each 39 Atomizers for medicinal or toilet purposes, each 33c Sale of Boys' Clothing Six very special values m boys' clothing for today and tomorrow Boys of all ages can be outfited at a big saving 2d floor "Buster Brown" Suits in red, navy, brown and blue wool materials, ages 2V to 6 years; our entire $5.00 line, on sale 4 20 Boys' All-Wool 2-Piece Double-Breastcd Suits, in brown checks, plaids and mix- O KC tures, ages 8 to 16 years ; $4 vals. .P)wv Boys' Double-Breasted Norfolk Suits with plain or knickerbocker trousers, neat brown and gray mixtures, ages 8 to 14 years; regular $5.00 values, for. Young Men's All-Wool Cheviot and Cassimere Suits, in light and dark brown and gray mix tures, ages 14 to 20 years; regular $8.50 values, on sale for. . pO-? Full line of Khaki Suits for Boys, 3 to 16 years of age, $1.25 and $1.50 suit. $4.20 Men's Trouser Sale Our entire high-grade stock of Men's Trous ers at greatly reduced prices for today and to morrow; all this season's styles in fancy "Worsteds, Tweeds and Cassimeres in the latest effects N $3.50 Trousers $3.10 Pair $4.00 Trousers $3.35 Pair $4.50 Trousers $3.85 Pair $5.00 Trousers $4. 1 5 Pair $6.00 Trousers $5. 10 Pair $6.50 Trousers $5.65 Pair Men's Suits $1235 Glen's strictly all-wool fancy Worsted, Tweed and Cheviot Suits, new, up-to-date garments ; the styles and grades the ex- t y je elusive clothier asks $18 for, at. V Sr3) Men's fine quality single or double-breasted Blue Serge Suits, strictly all wool and fast color; equal to mer- C 11 chant tailoring; wonderful values at this price. . .4 tpD Three-Fold Screens Low Priced Three-fold oak, white enamel or imitation Mahogany Screens, filled with silkoline; regular $1.25 values, on sale today for rOC Three-fold weathered oak Screens, filled with plain burlap, each panel 17 inches wide, 6 feet high; regular $7.50 $LL 1 5 values, on sale for 1 0 "Weathered oak Fire Screens, 30 inches high, filled n with plain burlap, $4.50 values, on sale for $wJd0 "Weathered and golden oak India Stools, all our $1.25 qq values on sale for.v. O irC $38.50 "Peninsular" Kange $34.75 $32.50 "Peninsular" Range $28.75 $15.00 "Peninsular" COOK STOVES $12.75 For two days only special reduction on our best models of "Peninsular" Steel Ranges and Cast Cook Stoves. Basement. "Peninsular" Planished Steel Range with high warming oven, fulLnickel trimmed, . steel oven-shelf, asbestos- lined, a guaranteed baker; burns coal I A 4.1.- 1.1 l Z ui tvguu, LUiianji-uuui ; iiiu liiLi'al im proved SteerRange on the market; two models $38.00 value for 334.75 $32.50 value for $28.75 "Peninsular" Cast Cook Stove, full nickel trimmed with square oven, large firebox; a perfect baker, with 4 No. 8 covers; just tho stove for, light housekeeping S3 model. .58.10 $lo model.. .512.75 ennsulm Gas Ranges and Stoves, all sizes and styles; Gas Plates at the lowest prices; Gasoline and Oil Stoves, all makes, all sizes. $2.5o Gowns $1.69 - 75c Drawers 39c "Women's Gowns ,of fine cam bric and Nainsooks, trimmed in laces and embroideries, edg ings, insertions, clusters of tucks and ribbon, all sizes; regular $2.00, g 1 Trt $2.25, $2.50 values. $ Great special lot of Children's Nainsook Dresses, ages 6 months to 3 years; pretty styles, well made, values up to $1.50 each, for 93 ? Special sale of Infants' "Wear. "Women's Drawers, of fine cam bric and Nainsook material; trimmed in laces and embroid eries, clusters of tucks and in sertions; reg. 60c and 75c values, for, pair. . -?C Misses' white Cambric Petti coats, beautifully made and trimmed, $2.50 value.. $1.97 Misses' $3.00 "White Petticoats for $2.29 Special values in Misses and Children's Drawers, all sizes. Great Sale of Women's Neckwear Blind embroidered Swiss Cuff and Collar Sets, our best . 50c values, on sale for today and tomorrow 27c Handsome white Lawn Yokes, trimmed in Val. lace and insertion, also tucked and fagotting effects; great special value.... 24 Long Silk "Windsor Ties, assorted colors and designs, best 50c values, on sale for today and tomorrow at. . .-. . .&0 Black Spangled Net Stocks, in a large variety of styles, 1 wonderful value at the low price of -. Midget Rajah Four-in-Hand Ties, in all the desirable q shades, matchless value at this low price I -C Three Great Petticoat Bargains Black Silk Petticoats, Colored Silk Petticoats, Black Sateen Petti- i which we will offer today and tomorrow at prices yon can't resist Best Petticoat bargains of the season $11.00 Silk Petticoats $5.95 Each 300 handsome Taffeta Silk Skirts in all the leading shades, made full with accordion pleating, ruffles and ruch; every Skirt in the lot fi? C Q C reguar $11.00 values; your choice today and tomorrow P J."J BLACK SILK PETTICOATS $3.85 200 Black Silk Petticoats with wide flounce, ruffles and two rows of ruch ing, well made; regular $6.00 Petticoat, on sale today and tomorrow at $OJ 500 Black Sateen Petticoats with three ruffles, well made, q servicable Underskirts, regular $1.50 value, on sale 2 days at. . .0"C Sale of Graduation Necessities BEAUTIFUL QUALITY" "WHITE OU GAJfDY 8S-IXCH. Yard Yard. $ .40 grade..? .35 $ .45 grade.. .39 I .50 grade..$ .44 i -S3 grade.. S .75 $ .66 grade.. 9 .S3 $1.00 grade. $ JSO S .75 grade.. $ .65 $1.25 grade.. $1.10 33-11 PERSIAX IjAWXS GREATLY REDUCED. Yard Yard. $ .25 grade.. 9 .22 $ .50 grade. .$ .43 $ .30 grade.. g $ .60 grade.. $ JSS $ .35 grade.. 9 .30 $ .75 grade. .$ .65 36-la. INDIA. LINON'S BEST QUAL ITIES. Yard Yard. $ .25 grade..? .22 $ .30 grade..? .2S $ .35 grade..? .30 $ .40 grade..? .35 $ .50 quality, for this sale, yard. .43c 50-Ia. FRENCH LAWNS OR WASH CHIFFONS. Yard Yard. $ .40 grade..? .35 $ .75 grade? .05 $ .50 grade..? .44 $ .85 grade..? .75 $ .60 grade..? .53 $1.00 grade..? .89 Batiste Mulls, 25c- to 60c values, yard. 22c to 53c Silk and Wool Materials 24-Inch white silk Crepe de Chine. 73c and 85c yard for the regular 85c and $1.00 qualities. Cream Crepo tic Paris, $1.25 value, tor, yard ....8Sc 46-tnch Crepo Albatross, sale-price, yard - 79c 44-Inch, White Granite Cloth, y1.7Sc Ready-made Gowns of sheer materials.-Grand display. Graduation Laces White Point d'Esprit dotted Nets and Chiffons; our regular 75c-S5c .values, for, yard 63c $1.00-$1.25 val., sale price, yd..S9c $1.50-$1.75 val., sale price, yd. 1.32 French Valenciennes Laces and In sertions, values $1.25 dozen yards; sale price, dozen "yards 05c Valenciennes Laoes and Insertions, values up to $1.00 a dozen yards; sale price, dozen 70c Point dc Paris and Valenciennes All ovcrs,. 85c values, for, yard.... 65c 12 and 16-button white Silk Gloves, plain and fancy backs, double tips, pair . ...85c to ?4.00 White " Silk, and Lisle Mesh Gloves, pair .?1.6U sad $1.25 Handkerchief Specials Very sheer -and dainty hand-made Armenian Handkerchiefs, new patterns $1.25 values. ?1.09 $1.50 values. ?1.33 $1.75 values. $1.58 $2.0fr-;values.?1.73 Dainty sheer linen Embroidery and lacc-trlmmed hemstitched Hand kerchiefs. $1.00 values S3c Handsome line of Graduating. Fans, In pure white fancy floral designs' and spangled: Ivory, carved and spangled sticks; values up to $3 each, for 2.43 Women's Hosiery White Lisle Hose, lace boot and all over lace, pair 50c, 75c ?1.0 White Gauze Silk Hose, pair. . .$3.e MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR $1 i White Pique Dresses $7.55 Children's white P. K. Dresses, made In Russian style, with yoke of fine em broidery and deep ruffle of same ma terial over shoulders; ages 8 to 14 years. Regular $11.00 values on sale for $7.35 $2.25, $2.50 Dresses $1 .89 Children's Dresses made of fine wash materials; Russian and fancy styles; all colors, Including Scotch plaids; ages 1 to 4 years; large variety to select from. Regular $2.25, $2.50 values for ?1.8D $5 Wash presses $3.85 Each Children's fine white French pique Dresses: Russian style, with sailor collar piped, In light blue and tan; ages 4 to 12 years; the prettiest styles we nave 3hown this season. Regular $5.00 values for ?35 $3 Wash Dresses for $1.89 Children's Wash Dresses, mado In Chambrays and French Ginghams; sailor style, with shield of white pop lin with emblem; white trimmings on collar to match; ages 6 to 14 years. Regular $3.00 values for 9LSO Children's Reefers and Suits Children's Reefer Coats, mado in bluo and brown Cheviots, box style, with sailor collar; braid trimmed; emblem on sleeve; ages 4 to 12 years; our best SO.OOyalucs on sale for. ...$6.45 Children's "Buster Brown" Suits, made of fine quality serge, blouse style, with white linen collar and tic to match suit; pleated .skirts; colors navy and brown; ages C to 16 years; $14.00 values for 10.25 Towel Sale Ends Saturday Night at 9:30 If you are a shrewd house keeper you will look to your wants before that time These splendid bargains are not offered every day. Hemmed union Huck Towels, sold regularly at 3c and 10c each; tr ail you want at JC Hemmed union Huck Towels, beat 12c value, on sale at the q low price of, each OC Hemmed linen Crash Dish Towels, 300 dozen of them; regular 12lc values, each OC Hemstitched linen Huck Towels, 38 inches long; our best 25c value, for this semi-annual sale, Q your choice, each ItJC Hemstitched linen Huck Towels, size 22x40" inches; our best 35c grades, on sale at the low price r of, each ,...OC Knotted fringed damask Towels, size 20x41 inches; best 30c values, for the very low price of, each 21c Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, 5j0 dozen, size 20x40 inches; value ex traordinary at this low j price, each ." x&C Hemmed bleached Turkish Bath Tcwels, 200 dozen, big sizes; regu lar 60c value, wonderful iq bargain at, each OifC Knotted fringed Damask Towels, 22 x45; regular 40c value, on ) sale today for "C Webb's grass-blaached hemstitched Huck Towels, 20x38; 40c 1Q value, for Screen Doors 87c Screen Doors, complete, with hinges, knob. hook, etc.; size 2x6,& feet; great special value for a few 0. days at this low price o C 18x34-inch Window Screens , rt . great value at, each 1 C 24x34-inch Window 'Screens: A great value at, each 4C 24x42-lnch Window Screens; 0r4 great value at, each &yc 3- quart Ice Cream Freezers, ca.?l.S9 4- quart Ice Cream Freezers, ca.?2.23 1-burner Oil Stove; great spe- A clal value 4ZC Refrigerators, best make, all sizes,, lowest prices.