THE JtfOBSiyG OBEGONIAN, IOT3AiV APRIL, -28,- 190bV DELEGATES TO THE OREGON DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE CONVENTION VISIT THE LEWIS AND CLARrTEXPOSITION GROUNDS AND ARE PHOTOGRAPHED AT THE FORESTRY BUILDING J. D. Mallock, of Eugene. Colonel K, IV. Richardson, President National Good Roads Association. E. L. Smith, of Hood RUer. Tresldent Orejon Devel opment Leajjue. Tom Rlchardion, Secretary of Oregon Development League. LOUD if FOR RRILRQADS Oregon Development League Demands Better Trans portation Facilities. URGE COMPANIES TO BUILD Resolution Is Passed Favoring He vocation of Licenses to Saloons Near Entrance to the Exposition Grounds. "Happy to meet. Sorry to part. Hope- 1 ful to meet again." j After a hearty handshake all around, j and pledging each other that In the. fu ture there would bo for them, no east, west, north or south in Oregon, but one united Oregon, the delegates to the second annual convention of the Oregon Delevop roent League adjourned yesterday after noon, and shortly afterward most of them were speeding to their homes. One of the important announcements was made by President E. L. Smith, who stated that A. L. Craig, general passenger agent of the O. R. & N., had just sent word that a rate of one fare for the round trip would be granted visitors to the Lewis and Clark Exposition, by which they can make trips to visit portions of the interior of Ore gon. A dominant note was struck calling on the railroad companies to furnish transportation facilities to the portions of Oregon lacking these. "How can we best take advantage of the opportunity afforded by the Exposition to make in tending homeseekers interested in Ore gon?" was another important topic. A resolution calling on the Portland City Council to revoke saloon licenses granted lor liquor saloons at and near the en trance to the grounds of the Exposition was unanimously adopted. Boats for "Upper River. The convention opened for business yes terday morning at 9:30 o'clock, and for three hours the delegates listened to the reading of resolutions and the delivery of speeches. "Portage and boats," was the slogan of a resolution offered by A. H. Devers, and adopted: Whereas. The Portage Railway from Big Eddy to Celllo. In the County o Wasco. State of Oregon, la now approaching completion, ana. Whereas. The use of the waterways of this and adjacent states Is or the -utmost Impor tance in furthering the development of the entire Jforthwest, and. Whereas, Said Portage Railway was hunt to aid the producers and consumers alike in obtaining reasonable rates for transporting freight throughout the enUre Northwest, and, Whereas, The members of the Open River Association, as well as other citizens of this etate and- the states of Washington and Idaho, are now planning to place steamers in serv ice on the Columbia and Snake Rivers to op erate in conjunction with eald Portage Rail way; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That It is the sense of this con vention that every aid and encouragement ehould be given the establishment of boat lines to operate on said rivers and to the end that said boats may be put into, prac tical operation at the earliest possible date; and be It further Resolved, That it Is the sense of this con vention that the rates for freight over paid Portage Railway should be fixed at a mini mum In order to give the relief that said railway was designed and built to furnish. Build More Railroads. "Better transportation, and more," was the kernel of a resolution introduced by Henry Hahn, and adopted: Whereas. Practically all of the railroad systems- operating in this state are under one control and one management, and Whereas. Tor a number of years past but little additional mileage has been built in this state, and Whereas, A large portion of this state Is now without proper transportation facilities, and Whereas. Said portions ot said state have great natural resources and large bodies of unoccupied lands, whldh only need transpor tation facilities in order to be settled upon and developed, and Wlurcas. It is absolutely essential to the Interests of this state and to all parts and portions thereof that such transportation fa cilitles be -furnished at once, and Whereas. On several different occasions di rect statements have been made that new roads would be built and extended into the Interior of the state, as well as to the coast bectlons thereof; now, therefore, he It Resolved, That the Oregon Development League, composed of members from all parts of the State of Oregon, does hereby express Its xegrct tnat said -roads have not been built, and docs hereby earnestly request the said transportation companies to build railway lines and furnish transportation facilities U the portions of this state now without them. Indorsed by Judge Lowell. In indorsing the resolution. Judge S. A. Lowell, of Umatilla, said: "We of East ern Oregon have come here to strike hands with those of the western part. There is no difference between the people of various sctions of Oregon. I wish the people of the Willamette Valley could come to Central Oregon and see that re gion, almost as large as Ohio, without a mile of railroad traversing It, and that our people could come and see the re sourceful Valley, and then there would be no east, no west, no north, no south, but all would be for Oregon. We who de mand for our state the transportation facilities it deserves are glad to have this resolution come from Multnomah Coun ty, and should be p.nlted as the people of Oregon. Jefferson Myers Speaks. "I have for some years been a strong advocate of county exhibits in our various fairs, and especially at our Exposition, for the reason that 1 be lieve the vsitior and the Investor would then come directly Into contact with the people who know and understand their community," said Jefferson Myers, president of the Lewis and Clark State Commission. "I would find it impos sible to personally give a detailed statement of the conditions in Lano or Douglas County, when as a matter of fact I have been raised within 100 miles, of this district. But I dare say my knowledge is 'probably as full as that of the average business man who has been selling thousands of dollars' worth of his wares in that district from the City of Portland. I have be lieved in a theory of advertising that would be and is beyond doubt of great value to our state, and that is for each country newspaper to publish annually or semi-annually a number giving a good and complete write-up of its town and community, its resources, and then ask Its subscribers to send each a copy of this paper to "some Eastern friend. Personally, I believe that no state ments can be prepared that are more reliable than this class. They are written from the spot from which you want the Information and by men who are familiar with the situation and surroundings. Rich Lands Lie Idle. "Our lands in Oregon at present are not producing one-tenth of what they should. We have a district in South eastern Oregon that I do believe will produce as much grain as the whole of 'the State of Oregon Is now producing if it were given an opportunity to transport Us product to market, and this immense area will provide homes for at least 100,000 families. Now. why should our people expect to build up a great city in Portland, or great cities in the "Willamette Valley, when we are permitting this vast amount of wealth to lie idle without any attention given" to It whatever? It is true that at pres ent there is some discussion as to the advisability ot arranging Tail trans portation for this district, but it should be the effort of this association and ev ery association within this state to aid this project by every possible means. "Our state at the present time is supplied with the nucleus of a great school system, comprising common schools, universities and colleges. "We must not overlook the fact that to en courage the best class of people to be come residents and citizens of our state these institutions of learning must he fostered, and should "by all means be given sufficient support by some meth od to make the equal of any within our country. Let It be said that every boy and every girl who comes into the State of Oregon and receives a diploma from one of the Institutions of learn ing has received a training the equal of that to be obtained in any section of the United States." On the, motion of Dr. W. G. Eliot, Jr., chairman of the Exposition committee on congresses and conferences. It was agreed that the convention should co-operate with the Civics Congress to be held at the Auditorium, Exposition, August 14-19. Horticultural Section Reports. Wilbur K. Newell, chairman of the hor ticultural section, read the report of his section, and it stated in part: In order that the fruitgrowers of this state may raise the standard of quality In our fruits produced and marketed it Is absolutely essential that we adopt better and more up. to-date mothods of caring for our products. A few sections of the country have "demon strated what can be done by Intelligent, united effort, and It la for the rest ot the state to fall in line and do likewise. We have good laws on the subject of fruit Inspection, but the lawa should have better enforcement, and In order to accomplish this must have more machinery. Of course, we realize that It Is absolutely impossible for even the most careful growor to prevent an occasional Inferior apple getting into a box, but we can set a standard so that not over eight or 10 per cent of wormy ap ples will be allowed sold In a box. In the matter of markets for standard fruits there Is 'never any lack of demand for the high-class fruit In fact, we can hardly supply the demand; but In years of plenty there arc many pretty small sizes of apples and apples that do not rank high In quality, for which it is difficult to secure remunerative prices. For the full and proper development of the fruit industry we need several more fruit can neries In this state. Unquestionably Oregon can produce the finest quality of fruits of any place in the world, and we can produce them as cheaply. The only drawbacks in the canning business hero are the high prices of labor and of sugar, but we believe that our other advantages will more than offset the disadvantages. We wish to call the'' attention of the officers of the different boards of trade throughout the state to this matter of locating canneries In the different districts. Mr. Newell concluded by asking that a horticultural exhibit worthy of Oregon be made at the Exposition, and stated that each local Board of Trade should have representatives at the Exposition who would direct homeseekers to desirable lo cations and lands within the state. State's Dairying Industry. J. .W. Bailey, State Dairy and Food Commissioner, submitted the report of hla section, which' was adopted: During the last six years the dairy Industry' of Oregon has developed from prac tically nothing to its present propor tloca. There are now 110 cream eries producing 5, 500, COO pounds of butter, valued at 51.375,000; 70 cheese factories pro ducing 2.250.000 pounds of cheese, valued at $247,500. The dairy butter produced amounts to 3,000,000 pounds, value. $540,000; the value of milk sold In cities Is $4,000,000; condensed milk, 166,600 cases, value, $583,310; cream sold in cities, $307,000, making a grand total of $7,052,810. Particular attention is called, to the con densed milk Industry. Three years ago every can of condensed milk used in this state was imported from the Middle West states. Today Oregon Is shipping large quantities of this product to the Mississippi Valley, the South, as well as the Orient. At our committee meeting the arrangement for the exhibit of dairy products at the Lewis and Clark Fair was taken up. Richard Scott, of Mllwaukie, reported that adequate refriger ated space would be furnished free of cost to Oregon creameries and cheese factories In which to display their Oregon dairy products. It was decided that it this Hp ace Is cred itably filled t will attract as much and as favorable attention as any other exhibit on the- grounds. It is strongly urged that each district see to it that It Ib represented. A resolution was adopted to the effect that special dairy literature ought to be prepared tor distribution at the Exposition. It was recommended that the Oregon Devel opment League be requested to appoint a com mittee, consisting ot the following persons: W. D. Cotton. W. H. Chapln, O. M. Brown, T. S. Townsend and J. W. Bailey, to prepare and publish a booklet exploiting the dairy' industry of Oregon. "Work of Agriculturists. The agricultural report submitted by Colonel E. Hofer, of Salem: That the Oregon Development League, In con vention assembled, request from the trans portation companies operating lines in Oregon that they establish a uniform .one-fare rate to all visitors to' the Lewis and Clark Falr from other (tales, territories or foreign coun tries from Portland to all points In this state, with at least 15-days stopover privileges. Wc recommend that a transportation com mittee ot flvo persons representing the various sections ot the state bo appointed by this convention to make all reasonable efforts to secure these concessions from the transporta tion companies. That the League Indorse the request of the Agricultural section . for the improvement of the Upper Willamette River from Salein to Corvallis. That the League - Indorse the request that the locks and canal at Oregon City be made tree to river transportation by their earliest possible acquisition by the National Government. That we request the League to heartily In dorse the continued Improvement of our Coast harbors. Including Tillamook Bay. Taquina Bay, Sluslaw Bay anad Coos Bay. and that this entire association of commercial bodies use Its Influence to encourage the construction of railroads from tho Interior to these ports. This report was also adopted. The Good Roads Section. As for the report of the good roads sec tion, the principal part of it has already been given in these columns. This por tion is new: Resolved. That the delegates ot Oregon to the annual convention of the National Good Roads Association, to be held In Portland June 22-21. 1003. be as follows: The Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer. the County Judges, County Comrnls'Ionens, County Surveyors, County Roadmasters and Road Supervisors of the sev eral counties: the Mayors of the cities of Or egon: the presidents and secretaries of all development leagues. Boards of Trade and commercial bodies of the state; ten delegates from the state at large to be appointed by the Governor; five delegates to be appelnted by each Development League, Board of Trade and commercial body, and 20 members from each county to be appointed by the County Court of each eounty. Address by Richardson. P.. W. Richardson, of Omaha, Neb., secretary ot the National Good Roads Association, was expected to have ad dressed the convention Wednesday, but his train was delayed by slides on the Union Pacific railroad. In Wyoming. A committee consisting of Judge Thomas F. Ryan, of Clackamas: Judge J. H. Scott, of Marlon: Judge S. A. Lowell, of Umatilla, and Dr. James W ithycombe, of Behton, visited Colonel Richardson at his hotel yesterday morning and es corted him to the Marquam Theater, where he was warmly greeted. "It is an unexpected pleasure to be presented to you, bringing a question of highway Improvement," said Colo nel Richardson. "It is such a common question, so much the business of ev erybody, that it is the business of no body. President Francis, of the Louis iana Purchase Exposition, said if' he had the Fair to do over again, he would commence to build the roads, for they had had to drag everything over mud at a great loss. It seems to be the habit to put off road improvement until the last. It is the nearest thing to us, the -most democratic and common of our institutions. The man living In the towns is as much Interested In the roads as the one living along the side of the road, and it Is an Injustice which says that the one owning abutting property shall keep that road up and pay the expense. The road is the very basis of our social and economic ad vancement, and all should bear their Just share of the cost. I congratulate you, Mr. Chairman, secretary, officials of the Lewis and Clark Exposition and gentlemen of Oregon, that you have said that shall be a show not only within the gates of the Exposition; not only of Oregon, of Washington or of California, but of the whole Pacific Coast, and that you propose its bless ings shall be carried to the uttermost parts of the earth." Conclusion of Session. A speech was made by A. Bennett, editor of the Irrlgon Irrigator, and he said In part: "One year ago Irrlgon had a wind jammer named Holbrook, a Chinese cook named One Lung and a yellow dog. Today we have 500 people, schools, churches, a fruitgrowers union and more. Our town in 20 months will be as large as Hood River. So much for Irrigation. "Watch us grow." Tom Richardson, secretary of the League, followed in a speech on gen eral prospects ahead, and his predic tions were of a rosy hue. These were followed by a roll call. A message was received from the Ashland Board at Trade that at a meeting just held $1500 had been raised for development purposes. The convention adopted the usual resolutions of thanks. 1 After business, pleasure. At 2' o'clock all of the delegates who remained boarded special trolley-cars at First and Washington streets and visited the Lewis and Clark Exposition, where they were twice photographed. As usual, the Hood River delegation In fun and -repartee about owned the crowd. A few of the pilgrims are to remain here until tomorrow, visiting friends. " But the hits convention is over. ' UP TO SLAUGHTER - HOUSE If It Does Not Move Health Officers Will Take Possession. Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald yester day consented to the postponement of the cases against the proprietors of the Pa cific States Packing Company, operating the offensive slaughtcr-houi'e on the Macadam road. One week's time Is given the defendants to decide upon what courfHi they will pursue with reference to moving or not moving the plant to a point outside the city limits. While Mr. Fitzgerald does not wish to be arbitrary regarding the matter, he nevertheless will insist that the defend-; ants come into court next Thursday with a definite reply. While the cases are being continued from time to time in the Municipal Court, hundreds of people liv ing In the vicinity of the slaughter-house are being driven to distraction by the odors that emanate from the fertilizing plant and the slaughter of nnimaly. James M. Neal and his associates, les sees of the plant formerly owned and operated by Councilman L. Zimmerman, have not Introduced any evidence in their defense before Judge Hogue, but they will be obliged to do so next Thursday, unless they decide to move their slaughter-house outside the city limits, or wish to be found guilty of violating two city ordinances. Charges of operating a slaughter-house and of maintaining a public nuisance arc against James M. Ncal and associates, and If found guilty as charged, proceed ings will immediately be instituted to close- the plant of the company. City Health Officer Biers?dorf, who filed the charges, is empowered by law to seize the slaughter-house, tear It down or to place a deputy in charge to see that no animals are killed there and that no of fensive odors emanate from It. These things will be resorted to. in case of a fight being made by the proprietors. AS CATTLE TIDES Three Men Are Captured and Lodged in Jail. DISCOVERED BY CHANCE Scottish Itlte Ball. Under the glare of 400 electric lights and In a ballroom festooned with flowers of all descriptions, in which there were hun dreds of growing palms and lilies, the members of the Scottish Rite, with their wives and sweethearts, danced at the Ca inedral last night for the last time this season. It was known as the "Salem" night. In honor of the many members of the Scottish Rite lodge at that city who attended the ball. There were about 50 couples from Salem. Many persons from the other surrounding towns also attend ed. The music for the occasion was fur nished by Parsons' Orchestra, which con sisted of 20 pieces. Punch was served in a small room adjoining the ballroom. After the dance the guests repaired to the banquet-hall, where plates were laid for nearly 500 guests. The banquet-room was also beautifully decorated. An elaborate repast was served. Six balls are held at the Scottish Rite Cathedral each year. As this was the last one of the season, an especial effort was made to crown J.he affair with success. In which the Portland members succeeded beyond all their expectations. Two Citizens. After Night Vigil, Take 4 Them in Charge at Hlflc"s Point and Give Them Into Custody of Police. After an all-night vigil in -the lonely woods surrounding Columbia Slough, Michael Tanner and John Sweetbaur rounded up Fred Pollleghklet, Fordlnand Powell and Albert Raymond at the points of Winchester rifles and herded them over the roads to Williams avenue, where they turned over the prisoners to Sergeant of Police Taylor and Policeman Sinnott, at daybreak yesterday morning. The trio are suspected of stealing cattle. ! but as yet only a charge of slaughtering j one cow in the city limits Is placed against l them. On this they were arraigned yes terday before Municipal Judge Hogue, pleaded guilty, and their cases were con tinued. They were held under ball of $500 each, and are In the City Jail in default. Policeman Circle, who was detailed to' assist In the case, went to the place in the wood3 near Columbia Slough where the cow was killed, secured the hide and seized the meat. This Is to be held for evidence. Owing to the fact that It has been Impossible to ascertain whose cow was killed by the three prisoners, the po lice have been unable to learn whether the animal was stolen. The presumption of the officers Is that she was. There has been considerable cattle-stealing going on of late at the various milk ranches about the city, and great Indig nation prevails among those concerned. Michael Tanner alone has lost five cows of fine quality within the past few months, and8 others have suffered in a like propor tion. It was a chance proposition that brought about the arrest of the trio of suspected cattle thieves. Young John Sweetbaur was accompanying Mrs. Tanner home from a meeting shortly before midnight, whenhe espied a wagon higher up on tho hill. Investigation proved that there wa3 a load of beef In it, and he ran for Mr. Tanner. The latter came with twoTlfles. i and he and Sweetbaur decided to He In wait for the three men with the outfit until morning. "We did not know what would happen should we make an attack in the dark ness.' said Mr. Tanner. "Wc supposed they would be ready to fight for their liberty, and we thought we could combat them better in daylight. When morning came, they started out, we confronted them with drawn weapons and command ed them to wheel about and return to the city. We made them drive In to Williams avenue, where we summoned the police and delivered our prisoners." The three prisoners are father-in-law, son-in-law and nephow. They arc said to live at Hocklnson. Wash., whora they aro supposed to own ranches. On the charges now facing them, they can be fined as high as $500 and be sent to jail for 90 days. Street-Car Jumps Track. Car No. 34, on the Sunnyside and Mount Tabor line, jumped the track on" Belmont, near Thirtieth street, at 6:C0 o'clock last night and plunged across the sidewalk and the fence in front of a residence. The car was bound for the barn in the city. The front wheels struck some fine gravel, raising them off the rails. Only the mo torman and conductor were aboard, and neither was Injured. Traffic was incon venienced until the wreck was cleared away. Tired and nervous women And, held in Hood's Sarsaparilla. In enriches thclr Teamster Ilescucs Girl. Arthur G. Andrus was driving his de livery wagon along Falling street. Tues day afternoon, when he saw a woman run Into the street and call for help. ''My daughter's fallen into a cesspool, can't you help me?"' she cried. She was Mrs. H. C. Haack. of 366 Falllnc. Her 16-year-old daughter had fallen through the planking in some manner. Andrus made an improvised rope out of the harness, and, with the assistance of Mrs. Haack. lowered himself into the deep pool. Ho got the rope under the girl's arms, and then climbing to the top, hauled her to the surface. Both were nearly overcome. MILLIONS OP PEOPLE ARE DRAGGING OUT A TIREl). WEARV EXISTENCE. Say Drugglstit Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Sim ply for the Want of n Little Strength and Vitality. "Simply for the want of a little strength and vitality," said a member of Woodard, Clarke & Co., "there are mil lions of people in this, world, and a large number right here in Portland, who are dragging themselves around half dead and half alive, and It hardly seems to them that life is worth living. "I want to say to every such person, take Vinol, our delicious cod liver oil preparation, which is not a patent medicine, and you know what you are taking, as everything it contains is printed on the bottle. "Vinol contains in a highly concentrated form all of the curative, life-giving ele ments of cod liver oil, without a drop of oil or grease to upset the stomach. Vinol will purify and enrich the blood, invig orate every organ In the body and create strength as nothing else known to medi cine can do. "Mrs. M. A. Cassidy, a prominent edu cator and Superintendent of Schools. Lex ington, Ky., writes: 'After using different tonics and cod liver oil preparations on 4ie market, I find Vinol to be far su perior to them all, and its strengthening properties are truly remarkable " 'Vinol has built up my system, strengthened my nerves in fact, it has made a new man of me. enabling me to take up my work with renewed energy and vigor, and I heartily indorse Vinol as the best cod liver oil preparation and strength creater known.' "We ask every weak or aged person in Portland, every person who is run down, overworked, nervous or debilitated, and ev ery one suffering from severe colds, hang-Ing-on coughs and incipient consumption, to try Vinol on our guarantee to build them up and create strength and make life' worth living. Vinol will cost nothing if It falls to give satisfaction: in such cases we give back the money without red tape. " Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Druggists. Pears 9 A soft, fine grained skin is a valued possession. Pears' Soap gives title to ownership. Established in 1789. ?M?AL-M1DY f Thssatiny Capsules are superior to paisani ot topaioa, r j CURE IN 48 HOURLry the same diseases v.'ithouii inconYemsnce. Sold by all ?ruggisti ffuitnm imi$nn!lWr!?rmhmJtli!ini tuimmmmlllmifLiiililf Ai 1 who are not In the tali posscssc! ivrr . sexual strength & bodily rigor need lYlfcN is natcre's great AND rwtonuive. Made from the geaube unMPN 5??"? Pljnt. Sendfor areolar. VYUIVlCr S23MarketSt.. S. F. AI! druggists