VOL. XLV. M). 13,849.. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS. LABOR WAR WILL TIE IIP CHIGASO UJnionsThreaten Strike of 250,000 Men TO SUPPORT THE TEAMSTERS Death.and Riots Mark Struggle in Retail District. CALL OUT TROOPS Strike 31as Already Involved Whole Retail .District, and Spreads Fast. ' It 'May Become an Intcr- , national Struggle. FACTS OF GREAT CHICAGO STRIKE. Number of men to tie called out, 250.000. Teamsters now on strike, 60,500. Number of firms directly Involved, 15. Eleven hundred .express drivers or dered out, involving Interstate laws. Strike began last November with garment-workers. Teamsters entered struggle 20 days ago." Demands by strikers, more wages and closed shop. Stand by united employers against blackmail, coercion and riots. Strike likely to Involve railway unlonjs and become international. CHICAGO. April 27. (SpecIaL)-The Chicago "Federation of Labor, -with as surances of strong financial and physical help from affiliated bodies outside Chi cago, today announced Its plan for bring ing on the greatest strike In history. It is proposed to call out every union em ploye 1n Chicago, in wbatovcr capacity employed, 250,000 in aJl, and put them at work as pickets, it neiiss;raio to win th, cause of the "teamsters. The fight, which, threatens to become in ternational and eventually end -with' the arrival ol Federal troops, is unique in that Pi started from the garment-workers demand for a renewal of .the scale and the closed shop last November. The pro prietors refused to grant the closed shop and the strike was ordered. It made poor progress and would have dropped out of sight but for frequent assaults. Finally the garment-workers demanded that the Federation of Labor take up their failing cause. It was agreed. that the strike must be won to save the Fed eration from disintegration. The Team sters "Onion, with no grievance of any character, and contracts running three years, was chosen as the Instrument to win the strike. Employers Prepare for War. Angered by the breaking of contracts, both by the garment-workers and the teamsters, the employers banded together and determined to win the struggle at any cost. They formed the Merchants' Teaming Association, incorporated In New Jersey with $1,000,000 capital. Every merchant is a member. As fast as his men strike, he turns his teams over to the association. Two days ago, seeing the futility of con tinuing the strike, the teamsters decided to call It off. When they applied for their positions, they were informed that no- man who had struck would ever be re-eraployed. This led to a conference at which, all the unions, realizing that it was a life and death struggle, decided to fight it out Way Tavcd for Calling In Troops. The strike today of 1100 express drivers paves the was' for bringing in the Federal troops. With all teaming stopped or badly crippled business will be paralyzed. But the merchants have not been idle. They received . 1S00 men from the East this week, hardy, determined fellows used to strike duty, and will put them on the wagons. A policeman was run down and killed by a union driver today. There were many brutal assaults, women ajid chil dren were driven from the 'buses that bring suburban passengers to the retail stores, riots, and assaults were frequent and all signs point to what will practic ally be civil war in Chicago within a week. It is freely predicted that the railway brotherhoods will become in volved and that the strike will spread to all cities in the United States and Canada. Retail District Tied Up. Chicago merchants, to avman, are de termined to fight, union demands to a standstill this time. The struggle will be. the most fierce ever witnessed, even In this notbed of unionism, for both sides are determined to win and nothing but a crushing failure will be acknowledged. Tonight every store on Btate street, with two minor exceptions, has been struck. This means practically the entire retail district. This will be the fighting zone and hostilities will be extended to the outlying stores as rapidly as possible. Residents, learning by experience, are hastily laying in stores of everything needful and preparing for a siege. The plans for a general strike were out lined by Charles Dold, president of the Chicago Federation of Labor, in the fol lowing signed statement Issued this after noon: all the union people of Chicago, numbering 250,000 men and women, is no bluff. It was considered with coolness and deliberation at the meeting of the executive board. It is cldcnt now that the employers want a fight to a finish, and wc propose to give it to them. We will fight along definite lines up to a certain point, and if this campaign falls, we will call out not .only all union teamsters, who number 40,000, but every union man, woman and child in Chicago. There Is a radical element in the Chicago Employers Association which has been en deavoring to force the supreme conflict be tween capital and organized labor for years. This element needs a trimming, and union labor stands ready as a unit to give IL If the employers think they can fill the places of 250.000 union workers, let them go ahead and try it. Tho universal tte-up of Chi cago's industries may last a day or may last a week, but it will win the fight for union labor. Vast funds will be necessary, of course, to support such a widespread individual war. So far we have assessed our members only 25 cents a week. Suppose in preparation for the. larger conflict we assess them 92 each a weok. In that event each week will give us & strike fund of $500,000. X antici pate now that the present strike, before its finish, will develop Into the greatest fight between capital and organized labor in American history. Employers Accept Challenge. When the employers and their repre sentatives were Informed of these gigan tic plans of the labor men they were dis posed to view the threats with compla cency. They point to the fact that the rank and file of labor was, as a rule, not in sympathy with the recent moves made by designing leaders, and that more than the mere word of the Federation of La bor was needed to Involve honest work ingrocn in widespread rebellion against order, economics and the laws of the land. Speaking of Charles Dold's threat, Levy Mayer, attorney for the employers' inter ests, said: If this threat should be carried out. It would be only another one of the instances that demonstrate the despotic tyranny which the labor situation presents. Prob ably nothing could emphasize more acutely the horrible conditions which prevail. The teamsters have no complaint about wages, hours -or conditions. They are simply seek ing to prohibit business houses from deliver ing merchandise to legitimate customers. Nothing more than this, it seems to me. need be said to show the frailty of the teamsters cause apd the utter folly of their course. DAY'S INCIDENTS OP STRIKE Teamsters Swell Ranks-Guards and Strikers Fight. CHICAGO, April 27. With 10.SS0 team sters on strike tonight, with constant ac cessions being made to their number, and with the expressed determination of the Employers' Association to take a firm stand for the "open shop" and fight the Teamsters' Union to a finish, Chicago tonight to all appearances stands on the eve of one of the greatest Industrial up heavals In her history. There was rioting ln'jvarlous parts of the city today, despite the strong guards of police and private deteotives hired by the Employers' Association to protect its wagpns. During the troubles three per sons were seriously Injured, two of whom wulprobabiy die. The injured ate: Richard .Cummlng, police sergeant, run over by an omnibus driven by John Ce resa, a union, driver. Cummlng will prob ably die. Cercsa has been arrested. Samuel Jackson, colored teamster em ployed by the J. V. Farwell Company, at tacked by a mob numbering 200. He was badly beaten and his head cut by a blow with a shovel. Mark Moran, District Messenger boy, struck on the head by a board thrown at a nonunion teamster from a building at Van Buren and LaSalle streets. Condi tion critical. Army of Strikers Grows Fast. The declaration made last night by the members of the Employers Association that they would promptly discharge any teamsters who refused to deliver goods or call for them at the establishment of Montgomery Ward & Co. brought out the teamsters in down-town mercantile houses during the day, and the number, it is expected, will be Increased largely by tomorrow morning. Strikes have been declared tonight against 12 leading firms, and 1221 teamsters have gone out. In ad dition to these firms, the teamsters em ployed by a number of small concerns were called out late in the evening. Tho business agents of the Teamsters' Union declared tonight that by tomorrow they will call on strike 3000 truckdrlvers and thereby cripple to a large extent the en tire business of Chicago. It was declared also that drivers for grocery houses which delivered goods to any of the firms where a strike existed would be ordered to join in the lock-out. While tho labor leaders were in confer ence, delegates of the Employers' Asso ciation and the representatives of outside industrials met at the Union League Club arid declared that they would fight td a finish for the "open shop" in Chicago. Subscriptions were taken during the day to strengthen the Employers' Teaming Company, the weapon with wtilch the Teamsters' Union is to bo fought, and to night President Mark Morton, of the com pany, who is a brother of Paul Morton. Secretary of the Navy, had over $1,000,000 at his djsposal and had ample assurances from business men that he could have as many times that amount as was neces sary. One Firm After Another Struck. The strike this morning was opened promptly at the wholesale and retail establishments of Marshall Field & Co. and of Carson, Plrle, Scott & Co., when drivers who refused to deliver goods to Montgomery Ward & Co. were discharged. All of the union men quit, and both firms were badly crippled, and out-of-town de liveries were not attempted. The. strike qrder calling out the express drivers went Into effect shortly before noon. The first place visited by the business agents was the barn of tho American Express Com pany, where 200 men quit. Visits were made to the barns of other express com panies, and all of their union men quit at once. Throughout the day officials of the Teamsters' Union were active In scatter ing warnings where, they had no ground, according to their rule, for the calling- of a strike. One of the Urst places "where they called was the office of the Parmelce Company. This company has a contract with all the railroads entering Chicago for the transportation of all baggage be tween stations and down-town hotels and W SCANDALS TO BE PROBED District Attorney Manning Will Ask for Grand Jury to Make Searching Inquiry. RUMORS OF CROOKED DEALS Charles E. Rumelln's Official Con duct Will Be Investigated, as Well as That of Other Councllmen. MUI.TXOMAH COUNTY GRAND JOTtr WIIX INVESTIGATE. Alleged attempt of C. E. Rumelln to bribe W. C Elliott, then City En gineer. Alleged bribery of Councllmen whereby automatic telephone fran chise was defeated. Rumors of scandal in city paving contracts. Grant by City Council to street rail way companies of blanket franchise. Rumor of attempt to lower assess ment rates for benefit ef rich property-owners. New York has had its Murphy and its Jerome; St. Louis, Its Butler and its Folk Is It possible now that Portland is to have its C. E. Rumelln and its John Man ning? In view of the charges and tho ominous rumors that are being bruited about the streets ugly stories, all of them It would seem that C. E. Rumelln. at least until he is cleared of the stigma, stands before the Portland public In an unenviable light Charles E. Rumelln is a city father a man elected to a public trust Has he made this public office a private snap? Is he guilty of having offered a bribe to ex-City Engineer W. C. Elliott? Informa tion has been filed against him charging him with this crime, and on Monday DIs trlst Attorney John Manning will ask Judge Frazer to convene a grand jury, not alone to Investigate the alleged charges of bribery connected with the Front-street bridge deal, but other serious charges that are yet to be brought to Hght.- A city the sire of Portland isjiot ex-, pected to escape without its city scandals. The frenzied desire to get rich, to get money fast and honestly, if possible, but to get money, does not pass Portlanders by. In the thousands of dollars that the city has been spending in street, city and bridge improvements, the splitting of the golden, profits, while not necessary, is a thing expected. For months past there have been rumors of graft going on, but to catch the grafters has been another matter. 3Ianntng on the Tra.ll. True it is that In the flood of gab and gossip there Is not much foundation, yet In recent developments there seem to be some facts, and while District Attorney Manning is not proclaiming from the top of Willamette Heights just what those facts are, it is known that he has been conducting a quiet but searching Investi gation regarding the charges against C. E. Rumelln and others that are just as high up in municipal affairs, and even those who are lower down the scale than Councilman Rumelln. In regard to tbejtfiarges of graft in con nection with the alleged telephone bribery deal, whereby the automatic telephone franchise was defeated, nothing has come to light that would tend to show that Rumelln had anything to do with this spe cial case, but Mr. Manning is delving into both cases with the eagerness and thor oughness of a diver hunting for precious pearls. Where the end will lead depends upon the character of men who consti tute the grand jury and the truth or un truth of the hearsay stories that are afloat. The biff thing Just now, and the one in which Rumelln Is tangled in a nasty mess, is tho Front-street bridge deal, In which it is alleged that C. E. Rumelln ottered W. C. Elliott, then City Engineer, $5000 as a bribe to find defects in a cer tain bid that of the Pacific Construction Company and to ask the Executive Board to throw it out, notwithstanding that It was- tho lowest bid. While Mr. Manning will not admit that he is In possession of testimony particularly damaging to Rume lln, it is known that there is such testi mony, and that he will face the crisis of his llfcin an effort to clear himself. Humclin on the Firing- Line. The old story that foes are fast and furious to the man that's down may or may not be applicable to Rumelln. He may be; as he protests through his at torney, C. E. S. Wood, as innocent of the charges as an absoluta stranger with in the city's gates. Yet the stories about him, the fact that he was chairman of one of the most important committees in the City Council, a committee that passed upon every franchise or contract given by tho city, place him on the fir ing line and a target for tho disgruntled sharpshooters who failed to "get theirs" when the good things were being passed around. In addition to the charges of bribery in the construction of the bridge, there is a story in circulation that Rume lln tried to "frame" up a deal with Coun ty Assessor B. D. Slgler, whereby Sigler was to assess valuable property at a very low rate, and later a call was to be made upon such property-owners. What foun dation there was for any such story could not be traced down. It is known that this story has come to the ears of prominent citizens, even to thoao of Cir cuit Judges, and also that Mr. Manning called Mr. Sigler. to his office for a Ions was seen at his home, but he was in no mood to talk, and he referred everything to his attorney. Street Railway -Deal, Too. Still another story has it that Rumelln, as well as other Councllmen, had a great deal to do with certain blanket fran chises that were granted to the street railway companies, which the District Attorney Is investigating. Last? hut not least by any means. Is the assertion that Rumelln has made use of his office as Councilman to help him increase his bank -account as a broker by lending money to city employes. He Is said to have stated to parties that out of this money-lending: to policemen and firemen and other city employes he has mado be tween $3000 and $3000 a year. For every loan he is said to have made to an em ploye he charges 10 per cent. If this is true then every man who borrows money from Rumelln works one month in ten for this city Councilman. It is not' on record that Rumelln has used his of fice as a means of increasing his busi ness as a broker, but now that rumors are blowing about the streets as freely as the dust, there are some who say that there are employes who, while they do not need to borrow Rumelln's money at 10 per cent do so because they think it gives them firmer hold on their posi tions. It Is understood that policemen and firemen form the bulk of Rumelln's customers, a practice, so the story goes, to which the heads lof these two depart ments are greatly opposed. While the lending of money at 10 per cent, or at even a higher rate, Is not crooked busi ness, it cannot be claimed for It that It Is the cleanest in the world. And it's a business that could be stopped, for not one In ten of Rumelln's 10-per-cent cus tomers are in such financial straits that they are compelled to turn over one month's salary In ten to this city Coun cilman. Municipal Scandal Grows. All the municipal scandal that has been brought to the broad light of the day so far Is traceable to the rumpus that was raised over the Tanner Creek sewer. This undoubtedly was the beginning the end Is not In sight. It would seem that while Sheriff Tom Word was hound ing the gamblers from pillar to post, while the minions of tho law- were gunning- for small game, that the big fel lows were taking advantage of the thun der and the smoke to get In their work. The light that had been thrown on the Tanner Creek scandalous job a few months ago was almost dying out, but now the flame has been rekindled. In the Council -Rumelln was a leader. He Is a big- man. There is fully 200 pounds of him. He is full-voiced and his bulk and voice commands attention. He Is persuasive and convincing', and it is not to be wondered at that he controls men. He was active when It came to passing on city Improvements. It was this activity, it is said, that has gotten him Into trouble over the Front-street bridge affair. The contract was orig inally let to the Pacific Construction Company, of Everett, Wash. The bid for the work amounted to something: like $53,000. Accompanying- the bid was a certified check for $5300, as a guarantee of good faith. This was de posited by J. J. Maney, of Everett. There? was a- rival bid for this work amounting" to $58,000.. Kwas in hehalC of this bid, whloh, hUjsay, was the ftfp'ber.t, that 'KUraeITnnntfc?e?ted hlw- fsrJf. -Jt was presented by the P&cille- Constructloh Company, of California. Alleged Attempt to Bribe. It is said that when Rumelln found that the cotract had been let to the Washington company, he hunted up City Engineer Elliott and demanded to know if there was not some technacll ity in the bid upon which It could be thrown out. Rumelln is said to have paid the City Engineer something: like ten or 12 visits, all on the same quest. It seems there was no chance to throw out this bid an'd this is where the al leged bribery offer to City Engineer Elliott comes in. J. J. Maney, it seems after a little dinner, discovered that his company could not fulfill the con tract and was willing: to withdraw the bid provided that his certified check, was returned. There was a meeting of the Executive Board and a resolution passed, ordering- City Auditor Devlin to return the check. Devlin, it is un derstood, refused to do this until the Executive Board had Issued an order on him for the check, and this order is a matter of record on the minutes of the board's meeting; The way was now clear and the con tract was let to the Pacific Construction Company, of California, for $58,000. This company. It seems, sublet tho con tract to George Heusner and later J. R. Bowles became interested In the con tract. Enters now the $5000 check; drawn it is said on the Wells-Fargo bank. The tracing of this check, the person who drew it will be one of the interesting things that will be de veloped when the grand jury begins its investigation. Just "how much graft there was In thetransactlon is not yet developed. That there is more than $5000 seem ssure. The real rakeoff un doubtedly was expected to como from tho extras that would surely follow, for it 13 ald that these extras bring tho 'job of completing the bridge to almost $70,000. v Other Conncllmcn Involved. If District Attorney John Manning Is successful in rounding up those who have been trafficking In franchises and con tracts ho will be the Folk of Portland. If there has been grafting and It has been going on for somo time there are three men who know all about It. It is said of these three men that they know Just what has been going on and can. If they will, when they appear before the grand jury, tell how all the deals were worked. Rumelln Is not the only Councilman who Is under fire. The names of several other members of the same body were men tioned as being mixed vp In deals that would not -bear the light of Investigation. Manning is not going to overlook them. Like Rumelln they w.111 have their turn. All day yesterday and for several days past Manning has had brought before him men who swore on their oath as to what they knew both about the Front street bridge and the alleged telephone bribery charges. They were John C. Alnsworth, Councllmen Bentley, Merrill and Sharkey, J. H. Thatcher, manager of the Pacific States Telephone Company and Manager Stowe, of the new telephone company. . Mr. Manning Is also investigating charges of crookedness in alleged paving contracts and had before him Manager Craney, -of the Trinidad Asphalt Com pany. He is rushing his investigation with as much speed as possible so as to have everything in readiness for Monday. When It became known that a grand jury was to be summoned, some of the poli ticians circulated the story that the ac tivity of the District Attorney just at this time was dono to reflect upon Mayor Williams' administration for political purposes. This Mr. Manning branded as a falsehood. He declared' that his in vestigation has been going on for months and that It will not stop until every crooked deal- has been sifted to tho bot tom, regardless of political parties, or. poll- YOUNG'S WIDOW AS A WITNESS Denies That Dead Man. Ever Had Revolver and tells of Reconciliation. NAN HAD OTHER ADMIRERS Story of Actress Intrigue With Book maker Told hy Wife His Part ner and Her Sister Give Interesting Chapter. NEW YORK, April 27. While there were no features as sensational as yes terday, the trial of an Patterson, charged with the shooting of Caesar Young, was fully as interesting today In the many points brought out. Mrs. Margaret Young, widow of Caesar Young, was on the stand and, as she testified, her eyes would fill with tears. Nan Patterson dropped her eyes when she saw the widow and did not raise them again until recess. Josiah D. Mll len. Young's partner, was another wit ness and told of the relations between Young and Nan Patterson. Tne prosecution introduced in evi dence a letter purporting to show that -Miss Patterson had other admirers at the time she professed to be devoted to Young. The letter Unit Mrs. J. Morgan Smith, sister of the defendant, wrote to Caesar Young, in which she said Miss Patterson was "frantic" and which was admitted at the previous trial, was ruled put. The conspiracy charge against the Smiths was based on the letter. Mrs. J. Morgan Smith was called and told of her visit fo California in the Spring of 1933, where she saw her sis ter and Young together. A year later, when Mrs. Smith saw Miss Patterson in New York, she found her In a highly nervous condition. She was hysterical and crying, and appeared to be labor ing under a nervous strain and "almost frantic" Expected to Marry Young. Under cross-examination Mrs. Smith told of Miss Patterson's expectation of marrying Young: that Miss Patterson secured a divorce, with juch a purpose In .mind --and the arrangement wlth Young was postponed because- pT intih-' ence brought to bear on Young by his wife and partner. Mr3. Smith, answering questions, said her sister's name is now Anna Eliza Randolph. After Young's death, Mrs. Smith said, she gave the law firm of Louis & Unger about 100 letters Young had written to her sister. On May 1, 1904, Leslie Coggins, a friend of Young, dined with Mrs. Smith at her house and told Mrs. Smith that Young was coming to New York. Coggins said Young was not going to marry Miss Patterson. When Mrs. Smith told this to her sister, she became "frantic and perturbed." Mrs. Smith continued: "She said that Caesar could not fool her that way. It was impossible for him to do suoh a thing." Mrs. Smith acknowledged writing the letter intercepted by Mrs. Young. The relations of Coggins with Miss Patter son were brought out when Mrs. Smith said: "He told me he wanted to marry Nan." Widow or Dead 3ran Testifies. Mrs. Young testified that her hus band -never had owned a revolver but that she had one and that she packed it away with a box of cartridges In her baggage when sho was preparing to go to Europe just before her husband was killed. The revolver was loaded when she put it In the suit case a year ago and the cartridges still remain in the chambers. She identified the weapon, which was discharged, she said, when she fired several shots at a burglar. When the revolver was found in Young's baggage soon after the end of the last trial, the counsel for the de fendant claimed that It proved conclu sively that witnesses had testified to that which was not true when they said Young had owned a revolver. When Mr. Rand offered In evidence the Julia Smith letter which had been Identified by Mrs. Young, Recorder Goff ruled that It was not competent. There had been no evidence produced, he said, to prove that Nan Patterson had authorized the writing, of the let ter or that sho had any knowledge of its contents or even that It had been sent It was upon this letter that the Indictments charging conspiracy against Misa Patterson, J. Morgan Smith and Mrs. Smith were based. Mrs. Young said she was married In 1SD8 and made her home in California. It was her custom to accompany her husband to the racetrack and conduct business for him. She saw Nan Patter son at the tracks several times in 1903 and 1904, and at that time knew of the relations between the young woman and her husband. When she first learned that Young and Miss Patterson were inti mate, her marriage relations with her husband were discontinued, and there was no reconciliation until after May 26 of last year, when they went to live at Sheepshead Bay. Her husband was in a happy frame of mind at that time, sho said. She spoke of his plans for the future, and after they had talked over tho proposed European trip he engaged passage on the steamer Germanic. She accompanied him from Sheepshead Bay to the Luce home on June 3, and that even ing they had a party, at which, her four sisters were present. Just before mid night Young, escorted some ladles to the cars and then he. and Luce went out and did not return, until 3 A. M. Before some money to pay an expressman and searched his pockets. She was positive that he did not have a revolver. Actress Had Other Lovers. Millen. Young's racing partner, went on the stand during the afternoon and told of the journeys made by Young and Miss Patterson to racetracks on the Pa cific Coast. He retold the story of the meeting of the Patterson woman and Young at Los Angeles, March 13, at which Young, according to the witness, told her she 'would have to go away, as his wife was coming next day. Millen got Miss Patterson a ticket to New York, gave her $S00, and she left the same day Mrs. Young arrived. Mr. Rand produced a letter not previ ously offered In" evidence, and Millen identified it. The letter was written to Leslie Coggln. Coggln gave the letter to Millen in May, 1904. It was written by ?Can Patterson, but bore no date. The Prosecuting Attorney said he desired to Introduce the letter In evidence to show that the defendant corresponded with other men during the period of her re lations with Young, and thus prove that those relations were of a mercenary char acter. The letter, which was read by Mr. Rand, was signed "Crybaby," - was ad dressed to "Dearest." and asked that the recipient send a "real long note, be cause they do cheer me up," and to re turn the "Crybaby" note with It. It also said that "Y" was coming to see the writer the next morning. Before Millen left the stand he was asked if Young had not lost heavily just before his death. Millen said that he stood to lose $S00O to $10,000 a day. He did not know that Young ever mortgaged any property to raise money. All his property was in his wife's name. He denied that he ever saw Bob Turner, a jockey, hand Young a revolver which the latter had dropped from his pocket. SAW STRUGGLE FOR PISTOL Woman Comes Forward Who Says Young Shot Himself. NEW YORK, April 27. Another' person has come forward through the newspapers with a story of having seen Nan Patter son and "Caesar" Young a moment before the bookmaker met his death June 4 last in a cab on We3t Broadway. The new witness Is Mrs. Fannie Shapiro, wife of an East Side dentist. She claims to have been within a few feet of the cab: that Young had a revolver In his right hand, which the woman at his side was trying to tear from his grasp. As the cab passed her, Mrs. Shapiro says the man started to rise from his seat. A second or two later she heard a shot. Several persons ran toward the cab, and being in delicate health, tho dentist's wife hurried from the scene. She made her way back home on Sec ond avenue and told her mother, who confirms the story. They decided that, owing to Mrs. Shapiro's poor health, she should keep the story secret in the hope that other witnesses would come forward and describe the events, thus saving her an unpleasant ordeal on the witness stand and much notoriety. Having- watched tho progress of the trials Mrs. Shapiro finally "became convinced that she had mado an error in keeping silent, and has just told her husband. The latter decided that hl3 wife should at once make her story public Mrs. Shapiro declares that so close was she to the cab when the shot was fired that it would have been a physical impos sibility for anyone but Young to have fired the shot, so firmly was he grasping the revolver when the cab passed. CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, fiO dep.; minimum. 13. Precipitation, 0.02 of an inch. TODAY'S Fair and warmer. Northwest winds. The War in the Far Eat. Japan awaits naval battle in confidence. Page 5. Bojeetvensky will be joined by Nebogatoft next week. Page 5. Russian fleet using Hainan Island as base. Page 3. Russia. Panic in St. Petersburg due to threats of dynamite at Easter services. Page 3. Stampede from St. Petersburg and "War saw caused by fear of outbreaks. Page 5. Massacres of Jews predicted. Page -5. .Foreign. Pope Pius blesses Irish home rule move ment. Page 4. Arrangements for German Crown Prince's wedding. Page 4. National. John- Barrett will be Minister to Colombia when his Panama office ls abolished. Page 1. Secretary Taft orders leasing of Sand Island by Government. Page 4. President will cut short his hunt to. attend to business. Page 3. Domestic. Carnegie glv.es $10,000,000 to peneien retired professor?. Page 4. Dr. Gladden makes, another attack on Rockefeller. Yago'O. Alexander discharges Equitable agent who criticised htm; another suit for receiver for Equitable. Page 3. Caesar Young's wife and partner and Mrs. Smith tcsiify In Nan Patterson case. Page 1. Bigelow's crime unwittingly revealed by his brother: total of his debts. Page 3. Teamsters' strike In Chicago spreads and may tie up whole city and become Na tional; riots in many quarters. Page 1. Sports. Giants surprise their friends by beating the Tigers at the ball game. Pag 7. Paciflo Coast. Portland made permanent headquarters for Pacific Coast Women of "Woodcraft Page 6. Trial of Thomas Brown at Chehalls for murder of his father. Page 6. Commercial and Marine. Hop market In waiting attitude. Page 15. Steady demand from California far northern wheat. Page 15. Another slump In wheat at Chlaago. Page 13. Wave of liquidation sweeps stoat, market. Page 15. Government will probably buy more lumber for Philippines. Page 12. Steamship Dunbarton starts for Japan today with flour cargo. Page 12. Portland and Vicinity. Bridges' suit against his partner promises soma startling testimony. Page 14. Oregon Development League works for the Interest of the state. Page 10. Body of man with broken Jaw found floating In the river leads the police to suspect tbat murder may have been committed. Page 10. Dr. HIIlls will preach at the Exposition. Page 14. Each candidate for the Mayoralty nomina tion at the Republican primary is deter mined to fight to tho end. Page 11. Prohibitionists aro determined to place a municipal ticket in the field. Page 11. Municipal scandals grow to such an extent tVi hi ffranH 1nrv will ha in1!rf n In JOHI BftRRETT GOESTO BOGOTA New Position in South Ameri ca Found for Oregon Diplomat. HE MUST RENEW RELATIONS When Ministry to Panama Is Ab sorbed by Governor Ma goon, Barrett Will Go to Colom bia on Delicate Case. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. "Wash ington. April 27. John Barrett is to be appointed Minister to Colombia In the near future; his present office. Minis ter to Panama, is to be merged with that of Governor of the Oanal Zone. This plan was agreed upon today and will probably be carried out within a month, when Judge Magoon arrives at Panama and takes up the 'duties of Governor and relieves Mr. Barrett. As Minister to Colombia, Mr. Barrett will receive the same -salary as at pres ent, $10,000. but will find his position far more important than that he now occupies. This Is especially so at this time, as Mr. Barrett will be the first representative this Government has had at Bogota since that country broke off relations with the United States at tho time of the withdrawal of Minister Beaupre and the recognition of the new Panama republic, which had been part of the republic of Colombia. There are to be other diplomatic changes in South America, notably at Venesuola and Chile, but, Mr. Barrett, being re garded as far and away the most adroit diplomatic representative of this coun try In South America, Is to be sent to Colombia to re-establish relations be tween that nation and this Govern ment. Has Delicate Task Ahead. When It was first determined to aban don the office of Minister to Panama, it was believed Mr. Barrett would be left without a job, but his high stand ing with, the State Department and his cordial relations with the President were strong points In his favor and it was found -necessary to pick some jyood ananrtp take UDrthvjd"elicate task of Spjening diplomatic relatlona.'Jtth Co lombia. Mr. Barrett,-was" yro'mptly chosen from among a dozen or more men who were available. His selection, like his selection as Minister to Pan ama, was made absolutely without po litical pull; In fact Mr. Barrett was not aware that this transfer was in store for him until the plan had beem mapped out and agreed to. His Own Plan Carried Out. Mr. Barrett's retirement from Pan ama brings no discredit to him; in fact the State Department is thoroughly pleased with his administration of af fairs there. It was Mr. Barrett who originally recommended the consolida tion of hlsr office what that of Governor of the Canal Zone and, "while there is no specific authority of law for it, Mr. Barrett's sug gestion is to be carried out. When Mr. Barrett recommended the dis continuance of his office he had no Idea, that would be chosen to go to Bo gota; In fact, he had no assurance whatever that he would have another diplomatic appointment. CANNOT SERVE TWO ROADS Gould Resigns From TJ. P. Director ate to Build W. P. NEW YORK, April 27. George J. Gould has. resigned from the directorate of tho Union Pacific. It was said, in explanation of Mr. Gould's resignation from the Union Pa cific directory that be had been elected on the distinct understanding between him and the controlling interests in Union Pacific that he would resign from the di rectorate if he decided at any time to build the Western Pacific. Mr. Gould's action follows the under writing of the ?30,000,uOO of "Western Pa cific Railway bonds. The Western Pacific ls the Gould extension to San Francisco, paralleling the Central at a distance ranj Ing from 150 to 50 miles all the way from Salt Lake City to San Francisco. Mr, Gould said: "I have put In my resignation be cause I thought that, as I am interest ed in the "Western Pacific, it would not be right for me to remain upon tha board of directors of a competing line. I do not think that the resignation should be considered as having any other significance." Mr. Gould said he had also resigned from the directorate of the Oregon Short Line. Asked "How about the Burlington?" he replied: "I cannot say as to that." BENSON GOING TO PANAMA Former Portland Railroad Man Be comes Auditor lor Canal. HOUSTON, Tex., April 27.-(SpeciaL) E. S. Benson, formerly of the Oregon Short Line, now auditor for the Harri man lines in Texas, with headquarters heref haa been tendered the position of. auditor of the Panama Railroad by T. P. Shonts, and has accepted the place. He has sent In his resignation and C. D. Seger, general auditor,, is here from San Francisco. It may terminate In Mr. Seger's remov ing his headquarters to Houston and abolishing the auditorship for the At Th pU-to-Kid-th-Jstrike-4o-iiicladei ?XCSu4t Filth i YVtl'l" .lam - iu. jua. im -yeatlgata, Pass ls lantic ys.tem,