THE MORNING OREGON IAN, THURSDAY. APRIL 27, 1905. 3 DHL WITH LOOM Ho.w He Became Involved With Venezuelan Loan. WAS TO ACT FOR SYNDICATE Assistant Secretary of Statcjs Con nection "With Proposed Foreign Loan Explained Charges Sent to President. COLUMBUS. O., April 26. (Special.) President C F. Mayer, of the First Tsatlonal Bank of Columbus, this after noon told the story of the Venezuelan loan features of the charge against Assistant Secretary of State Loomis. Mr. Mayer is presfdent of a. syndicate which has for some time been negoti ating -with Venezuela for floating the 535.000,000 loan, that French, German, English and other loans might be taken up. Mr. Mayer Bays negotiations were made with Mr. Loomis, when Minister to Venezuela, to act as the representa tive of this syndicate, but he said Mr. JLoomls intended to resign as Minister to Venezuela on accepting employment with the syndicate. The syndicate was to receive a profit of $7,000,000 net for floating iho loan and was to have the receipts of the Venezuelan ports as eecurity for its" commission. The syn dicate was negotiating with Mr. Loo mis to act as its agent in watching the Venezuelan port collections. The negotiations with the Vonezue ian government by the syndicate are still on. The point causing delay in closing up the deal is a difference as to who shall settle disputes arising. Mr. Mayer says that up to date Mr. ILoomis has not exerted any influence or the syndicate or received any con sideration from it. FACTS SENT TO PRESIDENT. 31c 3Iay Act Promptly on Them. Loomis Keeps Silence. WASHINGTON. D. C. April 26. (Spe cial.) Assistant Secretary of State Loomis returned from New York this evening. He refused to discuss any feature of the charges made against him in connection with the asphalt trust tonight. Mr. Loomis declared that the assertion, that a check for $10,000 had been given him by the asphalt representatives was four years old. Beyond that he said nothing. Secretary Taft has telegraphed Pres ident Roosevelt an account of the alle gations made against Mr. Loomis. so that no time need be lost in reaching a determination, if Mr. Roosevelt de Elrcs to take any action in the matter. JEWS FEAR MASSACRE. Poles Enraged AVith Them for Throwing Bombs. WARSATV", April 26. (11:28 P. M.) A Jewish organ called the Hund has issued a. manifesto urging members not to par ticipate in demonstrations on May 1 for fear they will lead to anti-Somltic dis turbances. The apprehension of the "Hund is believed to be not unfounded, for the foomb-throwlng and other violent acts by Socialists, of which organization the ma jority are Jews, have enraged the Poles, who declare that such crimes are abhor rent to the Polish nation. The police have ordered that all house holders in Warsaw engage extra door keepers for the next few days. The "War caw garrison has been augmented by four regiments of Infantry and two regiments of cavalry, bringing the total up to 57,000. CALL THE PEOPLE TO MEET. Bouligan Told That Is Sole Remedy for Disorder. BORISSO GLBBSIC. European Russia, April 26. The local Bourse has tele graphed to Interior Minister Bouligan as follows: "The situation in Russia, is excessively strained. Besides the discontent in the towns, Russia is confronted by a terrible agrarian movement, and class hatred Is growing. It is absolutely nocessary to convoke representatives of the people." SUCCESSOR TO FATHER GOPOX Nicholas, the Priest, Now Harangues the Workmen. ST. PETERSBURG, April 25. Father Gopon has a successor in the person of a priest named Nicholas, who has been making a great stir among the workmen, addressing them nightly in various parts of the industrial districts. The Influence of his personality is considered so dan gerous that further meetings have been prohibited. SENDING AID TO REBELS. Eprmer Russian Soldiers in Canada Form Revolutionary Society. WINNIPEG, Man.. April 26. (Special.) A Russian revolutionary society has been formed by Lieutenant Nicholas Shlnklng, formerly of the Fifth Kief Grenadiers, who escaped from Russia. The member ship is very largo and the society is send ing regular contributions to revolutionary headquarters. All of the members have served in the Russian army. GIVES UP SHOW TOR BUSINESS May-Day Parade of Imperial Guard Is Abandoned. ST. PETERSBURG, April 26. As all the guard regiments will be hold in readi ness in various parts of the Capital to quell disorders on May day (Russian style. May 14), the annual parade iDf the Imperial Guard, which ordinarily takes place In the presence of the Emperor on the Champ de Mars, has been abandoned. TIME OF MEETING IS SET. Representatives of People Will As semble In June. ST. PETERSBURG, April 26.-Scveral newspapers announce definitely that the representative body promised in the im perial rescript will meet at St Petersburg In June. ZEJISTYO MEETING FORBIDDEN Police Block Movement for More Re form Agitation. MOSCOW. , April 26. The general Zemstvo. Congress, which . was to as semble here May 5, has been prohibited py the Chief of Police, the necessary permission Iiaving been refused by In terior Minister.' -Bouligan. .Formal no tice of this action was given in order to lteep the Zemstvo representative from assembling and attempting to hold a meeting in eplte of the official injunction. Moderates Form a Club. ST: PETERSBURG. April 26. -The Mod erate Political Club, having for Its ob ject upholding of the autocracy and advo cating popular representation, liberty of speech, inviolability of the person and ex tension of the rights of the Zemstvos, has been formed under the leadership of Count Heydcn and Baron Korff. of prim Incnt members of the liberal professions and of the Zcmstvosv etc., to combat the constitutional party. Strike at All Volga Docks. ST. PETERSBURG, April 26. Private dispatches of an alarming nature have been received from cities and towns along the Volga, saying that all the dock la borers have struck. The ordinary .accu mulation of Winter freight has " been augmented by railroad blockades and the failure now to move this rreight with the opening of the river to navigation creates a most serious situation. The strike was organized by Black Sea agitators. TO SUE IT IN EVERY STATE Rumored Plnn to Force Reorganiza tion of Equitable. ' NEW YORK. April 26. It was re ported In Wall Street today that a plan had boen formed to pross the receiver ship proceedings against the Equitable Llfo Assurance Society in the Federal courts. It was declared that Sullivan & Cromwell had been retained as man agers of all the suits to bo instituted in every Federal district of the United States where there is a policy-holder. Mr. Cromwell, when asked about the movement, said: "T beg to be excused from discuss ing the affairs of the Equitable Life" The purpose of the movement was said to be a reorganization of the so ciety, including the selection of new officers throughout. Rowland D. Buford, who has been a policy-holder since September, 1S71, be gan an action In the Supremo Court today for a distribution of the surplus. HYDE SYNDICATE IS SUED. Ghost of Shipbuilding Trust Rises Against It. NEW YORK, April 26.-In an action against the Mercantile Trust Company and others, papers for which were filed today by D. LerSy Dresser, the long liti gation against the United States Ship building Company is recalled and the un derwriting syndicate of "James H. Hyde and Associates" Is brought Into promi nence, although Mr. Dresser declares the action has nothing whatever to do with the Equitable Life Assurance Society. The papers are directed against the Mer cantile Trust Company, John J. McCook, Charles B. Alexander, William G. Gulli ver, Charles C. Doming, Alvln W. Krelch, George W. Young, James H. Hyde and others associated with James H. Hyde in the underwriting syndicate known as "James H. Hyde and Associates." The complaint of Mr. Dresser alleges three separate causes of action, the first arising out of the methods employed in the formation of the United States Ship building Company, the second for dam ages for losses he sustained through the sacrifice 'of stock owned by him In the American Tubing & Webbing Company as a result of the action of the defendants complained of in the first suit, and the third for damages for the loss of a silk business which, he alleges, was destroyed by the same action of the defendants. The sums Involved are $2,090,000. with Interest upon $530,000 from March 9, 1903, Interest on 5990.00) from November 17, 1902. and interest on Hr0.000 from March 9. 1903, and interest on 5200,000 from March 9. 1903, to gether with the costs of the action. MILES READY FOR THE JOB In Receptive 3Iood for Presidency of Equitable Life. BOSTON. Mass.. April 26. (Special.) There is a bare possibility that Lleutcn-ant-Gcneral Nelson A. Miles may become the president of the Equitable Life As surance Society. The General's name has been enthusiastically brought forward by many members of the Boston protective committee in their Tecent conference, and it is believed that he would be acceptable to the majority of policy-holders, as well as to members of both the quarreling factions in the management. General Miles, when questioned tonight concern ing the report, said: "Should any circumstances result In a vacancy and should the presidency of the Equitable Assurance Society be tendered me, I should appreciate that confidence. In such an event, every energy and rule of Integrity would be devoted by me to the welfare of that commendable enter prise, for the boneflt of the policy-holders, the stockholders and the general public" WILL SUE THE EQUITABLE. New York Attorney-General Author izes Action to Recover. ALBANY, N. Y., April 26. Attorney General Mayer tonight gave to Senator E. T. Brackett his consent to the bring ing of an action by the latter against certain officers and directors of the Equitable Life Assurance Society In the name of Mary S. Young, of Sara toga, to recover for the society moneys alleged to have been wrongfully con verted by them. ' To this request the Attorney-General Jn acceding specified that it Is only for the kind of action referred to and not for a general action for an account ing or to enjoin, restrain or Interfere with the prosecution of the business of the corporation or for the appointment of a temporary or permanent receiver. No Legislative Investigation. ALBANY, N. Y., April 26. A futile at tempt was made in the Assembly today to introduce a resolution calling for a joint Legislative investigation of the af fairs of the Equitable Life Assurance SO' ciety. Objection was made that no reso lution was now receivable except by unanimous consent. FREUND GIVES EVIDENCE Beef Trust Official Secures Immunity From Indictment. CHICAGO, April 26. Before the Federal grand jury investigating the beef trust. Gustav Freund, head of S. Oppenhclmer & Co., sausage-casing makers, was today questioned for more than an hour con cerning operations of the Aetna Trading Company, of wnlcn tne uppenhelmer com pany Is alleged to have been one of the leading subsidiary companies. It is upderstood that Freund's appear ance and testimony before the inquisito rial body will give him Immunity from possible Indictment. Freund Is said -to have produced Important papers and con tacts before, xht aa4 Jury. CHINA HOLDING OUT Breaks Off Negotiations Re garding Exclusion. ASKS MORE LIBERAL TERMS Objects to 'Restrictions on Mer chants, Travelers and. Students. Attack on Exclusion fiaw May Admit Flood of Chinese. WASHINGTON. April 26. Negotiations between the United States and China for a treaty restricting the immigration of Chinese to this country practically have been abandoned. It has been found Im possible by the representatives of tho two Governments to reach a common ground of agreement. The whole subject, therefore. Is being held In abeyance until W. W. Rockhill, tho recently appointed Minister of the United States to China, shall arrive in Pekln. It Is expected that he will take up the matter directly with tho Chinese Government. When Wu Ting Fang was Minister of China to this capital, he made an ex haustive study of the Chinese Immigra tion question, ascertaining very precisely, among other things, the American point of view. He maintained consistently tho Injustice of the restrictions thrown by this Government around jthe immigration of Chinese, but was unable to accomplish anything In tho way bf lowering the bar riers during his sojourn here. In China he Is now in a position to make It diffi cult. If not absolutely Impossible, to nc gotiato a treaty unless the convention shall have Incorporated In It certain pro visions for which the Chinese government contends. China is anxious to obtain In the pro posed treaty liberal definitions of the terms 'merchants," "travelers," and "ftu Yicnts," In order to relieve such classes of embarrassment on their arrival in the United States. These classes now are admitted to the country, but the restric tions thrown around their entrance are severe The immigration authorities urge the necessity for such restrictions, be cause of the issuance by Chinese officials. In many instancos,of fraudulent certificates indicating that coolies are students or merchants and, as smch, entitled, to ad mission. These certificates have to be passed upon by United States Consuls in China, but they necessarily have to take the word of the Chinese officials for the applicant'? social standing, as they havo neither the time nor the appropria tion to make a personal investigation of each case. Sir Chen Tung Liang Cheng, the Chinese Minister, has been Informed frankly that much of the trouble ex perienced by merchants and students arises from the action of the Chinese officials in ifsulng certificates that re quire Investigation here. When a tentative draft of tho proposed treat' was prepared some time ago. It was laid before the Immigration officials of the Department of Commerce and Labor. Some parts of It did not meet with their ap proval. The suggestions they made did not suit Sir Chen Tung Liang Cheng, who declined to agree to some of the propositions made by them. That brought the negotiations practically to an end and there probably they will remain until Minister Rockhill shall reopen them In China. An Intimation Is given !n official circles that the law, as It stands at present, may be open to attack. If the attack upon It should be by some of the numerous organizations in this country interested in Chinese immigration and carried' to the Supreme Court of the United States, the result. In the absence of a treaty on the subject, probably would be a. flood of Chinese Immigration to the United States. SEND-OFF FOR EMIGRANTS Englishmen Sail for America With Salvation Flag at Masthead. LIVERPOOL, April 26. English emi grants to the number of 1M5 sailed for Canada this evening on board the Domin ion line steamer Vancouver, with the Sal vation Army flag at the masthead. The emigrants were gathered by Salvation Army officers and many are workmen. AH are paying their own passage, and many arc supplied with sufficient cash to make a start in the new world. Prior to the sailing the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Rider Haggard, who has just arrived from America, Commander Booth Tucker, and Mrs. Bramwell Booth ad dressed the emigrants from the bridge. The Lord Mayor regretted that England was sending her best brawn and muscle to work In a new country and at the same time opening the doors for less desirable emigrants. Mr. Haggard, who said that America and Canada were countries of great as sets, paid a high tribute to Theodore Roosevelt, "the noble-hearted, the single minded President of the republic." He said success awaited all who were pre pared to work. THIS ACTRESS IS A WONDER. Wears Her .Jewels Everywhere, But Was Never Robbed. LONDON, April 26. La Belle Guerrero and her collection of jewels are causing quite a sensation In London. At night the beautiful Andaluslan delights audi ences at the Palace Theater with her superb dancing, and by day she lunches in fashionable restaurants and drives through West End thoroughfares wearing Jewels that have made her at once the admiration and envy of the wives of multi-millionaires. La Belle Guerrero, deeming her diamonds and pearls safer on her own person than in elthor safe or strong room, wears her Jewels dally. In each ear she wears a pearl of -unusual size and great beauty, the pair of pearls being worth $20,000. Two diamond rings valued at $10,000 are the tribute of a royal admirer. The contents of Guer rero's Jewel case have been valued at 5250, 000. "The diamond necklace which the Grand Duke Vladimir gave me is my greatest treasure," said she. "King Leopold of the Belgians gave me a magnificent dia mond ring, which I always wear. No, al though I wear my Jewels every day and everywhere, 1 have never been robbed. REID WELCOMED AS FRIEND Recent Speech Hailed as Good Sign by London Papers. LONDON, April 27. Editorial articles in the London newspapers this morning express great satisfaction with Whitelaw Reld's speech at the dinner of the St. George Society at New York Tuesday night, as indicating that the new am bassador to Great Britain will continue the work of his predecessor in the culti vation of close friendship between Great Britain and the United States. The Daily Telegraph says: "Had America and England been es tranged, the war raging In tho -Far Bast might by now have had devastating ef fects. While they arc united, there is no danger of a renewal of the sinister coali tion -which robbed. Japan, ol tjis fruits pf PORTLAND AGAIN FAVORED The Greatest of All Musical Quartets to Appear Here ' Next Saturday Evening. The musical culture of Portland and Oregon has been amply demonstrated the vast Winter. Of the numerous famous and high-priced artists which the zeal of Miss Steers and Miss Coman have suc ceeded in securing for Portland, each one has been greeted by a large and appre- came, not because the, musician was famous and it Was tne fad to patronize ( them, but because they were prepared to j appreciate, and more tnan eager to enjoy, the high class of music rendered. These audiences were composed, not of Portland era alone, but of cultured people who had traveled many miles from outside town3 for the express purpose of hearing the famous musicians. Perhaps the crowning event of the clos ing concert season Is the appearance at the Marquam Grand, next Saturday even ing, of the famous Knelsel Quartet. The securing of their appearance In any mu sical center of either the Old World or tho new, Is the Important epoch In the musical events of the season. It Is the occasion In which the most highly culti vated taste revels. Tho life, the fire, tho vitality of their music, and at the same time its entirely scholarly and artistic character Is inspiring alike to the musi cian and the mere music-lover. The programme selected for their concert here on Saturday evening is exceptionally fine and enjoyable. It is interesting to note that the piano selected for this occasion Is quite as famous as the musicians who compose the Knelsel Quartet. The glorious old Chlckerlng, unexcelled by any piano in beauty and refinement of tone, will bo used for all accompaniments. Chlckerlng pianos for over SO years have been Identified with the greatest musi cians and musical events of their time. So perfectly equipped have they always been In tone and touch, as well a3 vol ume, to fulfill the most exacting demand, that few, if any, great musicians ljaviv failed to acknbwledge the greatnessjt the Chlckerlng by both usages andJWie most enthusiastic praise. The piano to be usetffon Saturday even ing is a superb concert grand, furnished by Ellers Piano House, exclusive dealers in the Northwest in Chlckerlng pianos. Store, 251 Washington street, corner Park. Visitors Invited. her victory over China and led directly to the present war." Successor to Paul Lcssar. PEKIN. April 26. M. Pokotlloff, one of the directors of the Russo-Chlnese Bank, has been appointed Russian Min ister to China, to succeed M. Paul Lcs sar, who died recently. M. Pokotlloff has had many years' experience In Chinese affairs, and Is considered very suitable for the position. His selection has, how ever, created some surprise, as he has hitherto held no diplomatic appointment Urlbe-Urlbe Again to the Front. COLON, April 26. General Urlbe-Urlbe. the Colombian leader, arrived here today from Bogota. He lias been appointed by President Reyes Minister Plenipotentiary to Brazil, and will proceed to his post by way of Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Argen tina. SAY CUTLER IS A TYRANT Crew of Cruiser Galveston in Mu tinous Humor. GALVESTON, Tex., April 26. A state of friction almost bordering on mutiny "is -isaid to exist on the new United "States cruiser Galveston. The vessel arrived here last Wednesday on her maiden trip to receive a silver service from the citizens of Galveston. The cruiser has been visited by thousands of people from all sections of the state. Yesterday Commander Cutler ordered his ship away from the wharves, where she has been since her arrival, to anchorage In the roads, so that the officers might be better able to con trol the men. Before the cruiser sailed for Norfolk, federal and municipal officers returned two. score of men found ashore. These men vigorously protested against the treatment which they allege is accord ed them on board ship by Commnnder Cutler. They state that they were overworked and underfed. They said that for the most trivial offenses they were given the extreme penalty and that 60 of the men are In irons. NOT THE GREAT JOHN PAUL Man Burled in Scotland Was Ad miral's Father. PARIS, April 26. When the news was first circulated that the body of Paul Jones was burled in Kirkben Churcn, Dumfries, Scotland, where the tomb Is still seen. Ambassador Porter, although he had already verified the exact burial place as being Paris, wrote to the pastor of Dumfries Manse, Mr. McKenzIe, who replied as follows: "The tomb Is that of the father of Paul Jones, and the inscription Is: In Memory of John Paul, Sr.. Who Died at Arblg land, October 21th, 1767, Universally Es teemed." "Below appears an Inscription: 'Erect ed by John Paul, Jr. "John Paul was the' original name or Admiral Jones." TEN MINERS FALL TO DEATH Rope Breaks and They Crash 400 Feet Down Shaft. WILKESBARRE. Pa.. April 26. Ten miners were Instantly crushed to death today at the Conyngham mine, of the Delaware & Hudson Company. The men were being lowered into the mine, and when 350 feet from the sur face the rope broke and the cage fell to the bottom of the shaft, a distance of 400 feet. A rescuing party was at once organized, and they found the bodies of the men in the bottom of the shaft beneath a mass of debris. They were terribly mangled. Super intendent Foote Is at a loss to account for the accident. An examination of the rope was made today before the first cageful of human freight was lowered Into the mine, and it was found to b in good condition. FLOOD WRECKS BRIDGE. Las Animas River Cuts Rio Grande Railroad in Two. TRINIDAD. Col.. April 26,-The Las Animas 'River reached Its highest mark here today at 6 o'clock. At that hour the south approach to the Rio Grande Railroad bridge dropped into the river. Road rails were thrown Into the river to keep the wrecked portion of the bridge from washing away, but the force of the flood is so strong that it may be washed away any minute. The store of the Colorado Supply Com pany has been flooded and an army of men Is engaged removing the goods. The company has suffered considerable dam age which cannot be estimated at thi3 .time. The river Is -gradually washing away the, new . Stanta Fe fill despite the fact mat Aunofscs a mca-ajs. -at -ZiQZx. dump Wc Are Sole Agents for Young's Famous $3.00 Hats for Men watt! Wc place on sale today J.K1ALMJNL) HAXS, among them many new ideas in Maxine Elliots, small Turbans, etc.; today at spec, prices $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 Hat Frames at 44c , Wc place on sale today 500 Hat Frames made o satin-covered wire in all the leading Turban, Maxine Elliot and Charlotte Corday shapes; colors black and "white, special 44 $1.00 Straw Braid 44c Fine quality Straw Braid, plain colors and plaid effects; full 10-yard pieces; all shades j regular $1.00 and 7oc. Your choice today at....44 35c Hand-Embroid. Initial Handkerchiefs 17c $1 Tea Cloths 69c 69c Pillow Tops 39c IN THE ART NEEDLEWORK STORE we offer today Hemstitched Tea Cloths and Bureau Scarfs; stamped floral and conventional de signs; all the latest patterns Size 30x30; regular price $1.00, at 69c Size 18x54; regular price $1.00, at 69 45c Ribbons A Great Ribbon Special in the newest up-to-date styles, 3 to 5 inches wide. Fancy Ribbon in warp prints, Dresden stripes, pin stripes, ombre stripes, flowered stripes, self-colored dots and figured, also embroidered polka dot with colored edge; regular value 45c, 40c and 35c, today 23 15c Hand-Embroid. Initial Handkerchiefs 10c New Covert Jackets to At $ Women's 23-inch Tailor-Made Jackets of fine all wool tan covert cloth, made in the new collar less effect, double breasted, eight-button front and plaited back; full irew sleeves with turned cuff and all satin lined; at the exceptionally low price of $7.50 Jewelry Store SALE OF ALARM CLOCKS. Our regulav Soc, special 69 Our reVr 25, special 98p Our regular $1.35, spec. $1.13 1-day Mission Clock $1.29 S-day Mission Clock $2.98 in? trainloads of rock into the riverbed In order to change the channel. A temporary water supply was fur nished the business portion of the city today by laying a water main across thi Rio Grande bridge. THE DATS DEATH RECORD Colonel William Glazier, Explorer. ALBANY, N. Y., April 26. Colonel William Glazier, author, soldier and ex plorer, is dead at his home in this city of heart disease. He was 64 years old. He served in the Northern Army during- the Civil War and for some time was confined In Libby Prison. In 1S76 he rode from Boston to San Francisco on horseback and was captured by tho Indians nesir Skull Rocks. Wyoming-, but made his escape. In 18S1 he made I You walk with 1 3 J her, you rock her, you give her sugar, you try all kinds I of things! But she coughs all through the long I night, just the same ! No need spending another j night this way. Just a dose j or two of Ayer's Cherry I Pectoral will soothe the g throat, quiet the cough, insure & good night's rest. I Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your keeping this remedy in the house, ready for these 1 night coughs of the children. Doctors have the I formula. They know all about this mef ne. fcy tie J. o. -y? C., rU, Xm. JUm KaavifccrtKrera of ATSK'S XAIX YIGOK-Fw tke Juir. man , Wolf e d Co NEW MILLINERY n large assortment of FREE LESSONS in Art Embroidery Today wc offer in the Art Store all our 50c to 69c Tinted Pillow Tops, Avith backs; a large variety of the latest up-to-date designs to select from. Your choice today, at 39 Japanese Crepe 25c at 23c 36-inch Japanese Crepe in fancy Oriental designs, a large assortment novelties; just the patterns you want for dium and dark 7.50 AX $ Women's 22-inch Tailor-Made Jackets of fine all wool tan covert cloth, made in the new fly front shape with notch collar: the front and back trimmed with stitched cloth strapping-, full sleeves with cuffs and all satin lined: at the exceptionally low price of $10.00 perfumery store POURDRE DE RIZ NTVETTA Regular price 17c. special 9 ROBERTINE FACE POWDER Regular price 25c, spec. 14? New shipment of Conti's Cas tile Soap, per bar 59 4711 and Hilbert's Perfumery. All odors, regular 50c, special, ounce 37 Lipmaru Wolfe S a canoe voyage from the headwaters to the mouth of the Mississippi, a dis tance of 3000 miles. He made tne claim to the discovery of the real source of the Mississippi, a small lake south of Lake Itasca. Dr. William Edwards. Alienist. ANN ARBOR, Mich.. April 26. Dr. William Edwards, superintendent of the Michigan Asylum for the Insune, a prominent alienist, died today of heart trouble. Canal Across Whole Empire. ST. PETERSBURG, April 26. The question of constructing a canal to con nect the Black Sea with the Baltic has again been taken u? by the Minister of Finance. ATB&'S HLM-7r MUtifAtka. 3 curtains and cushion tops; me-i grounds, special value 25p 10.00 Lowest Prices For the following Avell-known articles: Lyon's Tooth Powder 19 Sozodont, large size 6S Sozodont, small size 236 Sheffield's Tooth Powder 19 Rubifoam Tooth Powder 19 La Blache Face Powder. .40 Camell inc Face Powder 42f Robertine Face Powder 42j Co Eyeglasses That Are Guaranteed If glasses are correct it will make your sight strong, sharp and perfect. Car glasses are always correct. OREGON OPTICAL CO. Y. M. C. A. Building. Fourth and Yamhill AWARDED GRAND PRIZE Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis. Paris 1900, Buffalo 1901, Chicago 1893. Rosenthal's 149 THIRD ST. SOLE AGENTS For These Celebrated Shoes