THJS MOKNLNG OBEQQNIA-y. TflUBSDAY, APRIL 27, 1905., MS CUT INI GABLE Rojestvensky Interrupts Com munication Between the. Istend and China. - 4 BRITISH SQUADRON IS OUT Cruising to Gunrd' Hpngkong' si Neutrality- Successes Claimed by Both Armies in Neighbor- hood of Cliangtu. - SPECIAL. CABLE. HONGKONG. April 27. It is an nounced hore that the cable to Hainan is cut and it Is suspected that it is the work of either Rojestvensky's fleet or of some secret Russian agency. This announcement has greatly incensed the British residents of Hongkong, who openly declare that, if continued breaches of neutrality are to be per mitted upon the part of .'the Russian Baltic fleet, the tlma has come for Great- Britain to Interfere. It Is not believed here that there is any prospect of the two contending fleets battling before next Saturday or Sunday. KINEISELS STRING QUARTET at the MARQUAM GRAND f . i r 1 r 1$ "f ifijrmtiffiMmrAma w XO DISGRACE IN MAKING PEACE Countess Tolstoi Condemns Prosecu tion of War by .Russia. LONDON, April 26. "But if czars and generals feel the disgrace of peace, i u let us mothers of alt the masses - oit against those slaughters which i - . e so rent our hearts." Thus concludes a powerful appeal for peace written by Countess Sophie Tol stoi to a friend, published in this morn ing's Times. The letter eloquently de scribes the terrible suffering Russia is enduring through the war. maintains that practically the whole people con demn the war, and says: "Peace cannot be a disgrace, as many wrongly imagine. A lost war is not a disgrace, but a misfortune. A spiritual ly undeveloped, unchristian nation, such as the Japanese, was bound to conquer, for among them is rife that 'principle of patriotism which ,1s opposed to the Christian principle of the love of one's neighbor and therefore' o.f oppositI6n to rear. They have not yet growri up to this standard, but the Russians are on the way to it. . . . Better let go all those lands acquired by such insanely cruel methods, in order that the re maining lands should prosper and the people bless their rulers." , RUSSIANS TAKE TWO VILLAGES But Llnicvltch Admits Repulse From Changlu. ST. PETERSBURG. April 2S.-Gcneral Wnlevitch, In a dispatch to Emperor Nicholas, dated April 25, says: "Cur advance posts, April 22, forced the enemy successively to evacuate the fortl llcd villages of Manchenzou and Neman paomeng. The Japanese occupied a forti fied position about three mllee south of Ncmanpaomeng, but our artillery Are and the appearance of our detachment on their left flank induced them to retreat hastily towards Kayancheng after burning their provlalon depot. Our troops, April 23, compelled the enemy to retire to Kayan c hang. "The same day Russian advance guards pursuing the enemy approached Changtu, about 50 miles above Tie Pass, which Is rtrongly fortified and occupied by the Jap anese. Our artillery opened Are on the east side of the town, but when It became apparent that the place was strongly held, our troops retired. Our cavalry destroyed the telegraph line between Kayancheng and Changtu." RUSSIANS BEATEN IN SKIRMISH Japanese Repel Attempt to Check Their Advance. . . TOKIO, April 2S (2 P. MO The follow ing official announcement was made to day: ... "On .April 21 a Russjan force, consist ing of five battalions of infantry, 16 sot nias of cavalry, and one battery of ar tillery, In pressing our advanced "cavalry, attacked them 1n the vicinity of Kalyuan. Our Kaiyuan force attacked the Rus sians in return, defeating and pursuing tnem north to Mienhuachieh. Our cas ualties were 38. TJie enemy left about 200 dead on the field." "Two other Russian forces, one con sisting of six battalions of infaptry and 16 sotnias of cavalry; the other of 12 sctnias of cavalry and one battalion of arttfjerv, attacked Changtu and, Slaotatzu, respectively,: but Tctrcated north when the other Russian force was defeated at Kaiyuan.".. ,, .... German i Collier "Given Coal. PORT -BOLUS,- Island of Mauritius, April ,2.Th.e 'German steamer r Juli ette has been granted leave to ahlp 600 ions of cpal on board. She -111 sail tomorrow for Saigon, Cochln China. (The ''coaling of the Juliette, which arrived- here April 19, was stopped by the local officials .owing to statements made by British members oC the orcw to the effect that the Juliette was car rying stores to the Russian squadron In the China Sea.) Fleet Still Aivalts Ncbdgato.ff, ST. PETERSBURG, April 26. It Ls In timated in naval circles that Admiral TtoJestVe'nsky' is now In the Gulf of Ton quln. where, under the shelter of Haiman Island and far-outside territorial waters, hp can await the arrival of the fourth division, of his squadron, commanded. by Admiral Ncbogatoff. No confirmation! of this report ls obtainable at the Admi ralty, where it is maintained that the exact location of Rojestvensky's squad ron is unknown. British Squadron on Cruise. HONG KONG, April 26. The British steamer Calchas. from Glasgow for Yokohama, which put in here today, sighted three British battleships afd two cruisers this morning, steaming southeast off Lintlng Island, about 100 miles southwest of Hong Kong. Formosa Under Martial Law. TOKIO. April 25. (7 A. M.) The Privy Council today decided that martial law shall be proclaimed throughout the Island of Formosa. Saturday Night 'As the Knelsel Quartet Isi unquestion ably the greatest organization of its "kind today, and all music-lovers will want to hear them. So does our quartet of high grade pianos the Knabe, Everett, Hard man and Fischer stand out as pre-eminently the greatest combination of pianos to be found In the United States, and handled by one firm, and persons "wanting an instrument that will respond to every requirement should not fall to call at our warerooms and see and hear them. We have them In all the latest styles, and, what is most Important, we are In a position to sell them as low as pianos of much less standing are sold for. Besides the above, we have other high-grade pi anos, as well as quite a numbor of the cheaper makes, and can meet every re quirement as to price and terms. We have at this time quite a number of good second-hand ahd used pianos that wo are closing out at about one-half their value. You will find them ranging in price all the way from 575 up, and all sold on our easy-payment plan of $6, $8 and 510 per month. Allen & Gilbert Ramaker Co. Corner Sixth and Morrison. Strobach, the feed stable of A. F. Baker and the cider mill and plant of J. C Applcgate were totally destroyed by fine at an early hour this morning, aggregating a loss or 57500. Fire started in Baker's yard and on ac count of high wind quickly spread to other buildings. Strobach's loss e ,54000, with 52400 insurance; "Baker's loss is 51500, with 55A0 Insurance and Applegat'e's loss Is 52000, with no Insurance. POMEROY MILL BURNED. Exposition City : Quality Shop Portland's t Greatest Store j FOREMOST CONGRESS STORE ON THE PACIFIC COAST A Stirring Group of Peerless Values FOR THRIFTY THURSDAY BUYERS Whatever we do for the masses we do for the individual, and so this store is to yon a better thing than if you had at your command a score of buyers that you could send world-hunting for comforts and luxuries. If you sent your own buyers, you would need to take what they bought. When you look over the tzs things we gather, you buy only what your taste approves and your caution justifies. It isn't worth a cent to us to have you think of this store as simply a great big thing that holds a mass of goods. Think of it as YOUR STORE ; think of it as maintaining every arm of its service subject to your call. That is just exactly what it is and what it does. No question about it, tne tendency is growing to give less good service in many businesses. The railroads and their inter-dependent agencies are doing less for the convenience of the public. So no wonder this, PORTLAND'S GREATEST STORE, shines by comparison, when it makes its service better and better. NOTE PARTICULARLY TODAY THE MATCHLESS VALUES IN THE JEWELRY AND SHOE STORES. Xandhiark ' of Garfield County De stroyed at Early Morning. SPOKAXE, April 27. A special from Pomeroy, Wash., to the Spokesman Review, says: "The 'Pomeroy Flour Mills, a landmark of Garfield County, together with 510,000 worth or grain and flour, burned about 2 j o'clock this morning. The loss' on the mill i i? 525,000. Origin of the fire Is not known. ! The Allen Hotel was . considerably dam aged by water." LiCctured by the Judge. OREGON CITY, Or., April 26. (Spe cial.) Charles Straight, found guilty in the Circuit Court of a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon, was this morning sentenced by Judge McBride to pay a fine of $100. The sentence was suspended and Judge McBride soundly lectured the young man. Straight was convicted of an assault with a knife on Deputy Fish Warden Louis Rail. German Prince Will "Watch AVar. PEIdX. April 20. According to present arrangements. Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia will leave on Sunday next, via Kalgan and Klachta, to join the Russian army In Manchuria. His visit here has been very quiet. He officially visited their majesties, the Em peror and Dowager Empress. The Prince expresses himself very much pleased with tils stay In Pekln. Fire at North Yakima. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. April 26. i Special) The residence of Richard 100 Doses For One Dollar Economy in medicine must Jba measured by two things cost and effect. It cannot be measured by either alone. It is greatest in that medicine that does the most for the money that radically and per manently cures at the least ex pense. That medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla It pi-rifles and enriches the blood, cures pimples, eczema and all eruptions, tired, languid feelings, loss of appetite and general debility. "1 h&Te txken Hood's S&n&p&rilla, and found it reliable and cvrlnc perfect satisf ac tien. It taken away that tirftd feelinc, xlres enercr and put the blood In eood condition." Miss Errts Colonki. 1535 10th Street, 2i. W., Washington. D. C. Hood's Sarsaparilla promtsas t cur and keeps ths promts. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Iiittle Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongu Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SrnH Pill. Small Doet). rnaH Price. SENSATIONAL, SCINTILLATING Jewelry Bargains THAT GLEAM Yifh ? - Willi Matchless Values 1 gross of Sterling: Silver Thimbles; good weight; a. splendid article for 15c; this sale at, each 8c 5 gross of fine qualty Rhinestone Bar Pins; 20c 25c and 30c values for Be, 10c, 15c One lot of hlgh-grado brilliant cut White Stone Long Bar Pins; fine quality mountings Regular 51.85 values go in this sale at, each $1.10 One lot of Stick Pin Sets, -white and colored pearl tops, stud Jed -with white brilliants Regular 16c value; come 2 on a neat pad; this sale, per pad J .."c One lot of Stick Pin Sets; 6 pins on pad Regular 15c value go In this sale, per pad ; 7c Another lot of Stick Pin Sets; 3 on pad; put up in nice white boxes: a variety cf styles A regular 35c article; this sale at only -.10c One lot of pretty Belt and Cuff Pins; good quality rolled gold mountings; set with brilliant cut emeralds, rubles, saphlres, amethysts, etc. Regular 25c and 26c values; your choice for 5c We have made up one assortment of Stick Pins, Hat Pins, - Brooch Pins, Link Buttons, Beauty Pins. Belt Pins, etc., that we are going to offer your choice at, each 3c One lot of Collar Button Sets; 4 on a card; good quality rolled-plate 25c value for 30c and the 10c values for Tc One assortment of Gold-Filled Link Buttons; new designs 50c values for 30c and the 35c values for 18c Five gross of good quality Gold-Plated Beauty Pins Regu lar two-for-5c value; this sale, per dozen 10c 500 25c Brooch PJns; a great variety of designs; your choice ia this sale at. each 12yc One lot of handsome 50c and 65c Brooch Pins go In thla sale; your choice only 38c One let of Gents Cuff Links and Scarf Pin Sets; handsome sterling silver designs $1.50 value; your choice at....9Sc One lot of Gents pretty Gold-Filled Link Buttons and Scarf Pin Sets Regular 51.00 value; your choice 60c One lot of handsome Enameled Beauty Pins; 6 pins on card Regular S5c value for 1&c One lot of pearl-top Veil 'Pins; 20c pins go at 30c In this pale; 10c and 12c pins at. each So One lot of 35c Hat Pins, slightly defective, go In this sale: your choice at, each 9c One lot of 25c Sterling-Top Emery Balls at 39c One lot 19c Sterling-Top Emery Balls at 33c Your choice of a lot of 25c and 35c Hat Pins for 17c One lot of Sterling Silver-Handled Pocket Knives, with 2 blades Regular 65c valuer your choice for 45c Another lot of Sterling Silver-Handled Pocket Knives Reg ular 51.25 value for 65c One lot of Rolled-Gold Keck Chains with brilliant cut pen dants Regular 85c values for 40c and the 65c values, 20c One lot of Gold-Filled Vest Chains Regular 75c value: a nice selection at 40c dozen of Ladles' Gold-Filled, Open-Face Chatelaine Watches; pretty enameled backs; marked to sell at 511.9S: all go in tnis sale at - 96.08 Here Is a chance to get a real live bargain In a fine Purse; the balance of our tock will be sold In this sale at HALF PRICE. See our "Specials" In Leather Goods Section; they are money-savers. Special Opening Sale of LADIES' WHITE DUCK HATS la the BIJou Millinery Saloati Second Floor Ah a ex. Ducks are on the wing. Great flocks of them have alighted here the past few days and will have their "homing" to day. The dainty hats are to Indulge In a little per missible slang real "birds" In style. Chic, snappy, down-to-date creations; a dozen styles in the choosing; very latest effects that include Jaunty sailor and Char lotte Corday shapes. Generous assort- QXf tfl ments In a price range from xwv. iu A BIG SPECIAL IN WASH FABRICS JACaUARD P1Q.UES AT 23c. -Wash Goods AJslc First Fleor. Fine Jacquard Piques; soft, medium weight, in handsome raised effects Special price, the yard 23c Thursday's Inducements for Hosiery and Underwear Buying In the PIrst-f loer Shops fr WOMEN'S 30c HOSE 30c. fPSL fiMi. sAl Black all-lace Lisle Hose, full fash- V. T-MII Inner. tAlhl anla 1?arnH 1.9 it rBHr;0 ; jv ovc; special, pair M)c i'lB t l& (ijfi&w Black Gauze Lisle Hose, double sole. IP spliced heel and toe Regular value 33c; special, pair 23c CHILDREN'S HOSE 13c PAIR. Children'r very fine ribbed Black Lisle Hose; seamless; sizes 6& to 10; spe cial at, pair -. 13c WOMEN'S 75c VESTS 38c. White Lisle Swiss-Ribbed long-sleeve Vests Regular value 75c; special, each 39e CHILDREN'S 15c VESTS 10c. Children's White- Cotton, low neck, sleeveless Vests Regular . values 12&c and 15c; special, each 10c A Timely Purchase of Women's Smartly Tailored Garments at an Under price Will Help to Create Brisk Buying For the Balance of the Week 1 In the Grand Salons of Dress Secoait Fleer. LARGEST WOMEN'S APPAREL STORE WEST OF CHICAGO. A SENSATIONAL WIND-UP-Of-THC-WEEK Sale of Swagger Suits, Jackets and Skirts Shirtwaist and Tailored Street Styles in the Suit Groups Read the details the story is. short and to the point. Tne values are the greatest we ever offered and the statement is carefully, truthfully made. $15 Suits for $ 1 0.65 Cheviots and Venetians, blouse effects, with peplum, 9 gprcd plaited flare -skirt; Bishop sleeves; braid and button trimmed; colors, black, blues and browns. $35.50 Suits for $29.65 Cheviots, Panamas and fancy tweedish mixtures. In blouse effects and with fancy jackets with vest. Skirts are fancy plaited and shirred. Trimmings of fancy braids, nov elty buttons and ornaments. In blacks, blues, grays and tans. In mixed effects and rich navys. $20 Suits for $ 1 4.75 Panama cloths and attractive fancy mixtures; blouse ef fects; Bishop sleeves; skirts in both flounce and fancy plaited effects, fancy braid and button trimmings; blacks, blues, browns and mannlBh fancy mixtures. $25.00 and $25.50 Suits for $15.93 Etamines and fancy -twaedish mixtures. Etons, blouse and jacket styles; skirts fanoy plaited, plain tailored and trimmings of fancy braids, buttons and taffeta. Plain and fancy sleeve effects. Blacks, browns, blues and handsome mixtures. Women's Handsome $ 1 2.50 - Shirtwaist Suits for $7.95 Materials of the popular, durable dust-proof mohairs, in black, browns and navy; Skirts and Waists In both single and double box-plaited styles to match; Waists have . Bishop sleeves and fancy stock collars. Best regular $12.30 values ever sold in the city Special for Q5C Thursday, Friday and Saturday only, at J W Women's Smart $ 1 0 Jackets $7.65 In both handsome Coverts and black Broadcloths; very lat est style effects, corset-fitting. slngle-brea6tei and full satin-ltned. Some collarlcss and others with notched col lars: leg-o'-mutton sleeves, strapped trimming effects. Best $10.00 values; special for last three days ot this week only, at J-J Women's New- $5.50 Walking Skirts for $5.95 Beautifully tailored in full, round pedestrienne lengths, of 'alpaca and Panama cloth: fancy plaited styles; some in 13-gored. others in 2S-gored styles; high plaited and grad uated plait effects. Blacks, navys) and browns. A reg ular SS.50 value; special until closing timo of Sat-! CK urday only, for , J,JO All above garments are rare bargains. The product of a leading New York maker, whose very successful models are famous for style and worth thro'ont the land. He sold them to us at a closing-out price that enables us to mark them at thee matchless value orlces. Get early selection Is our well-meant advice. There's rare selection among these wonderful bargains. i SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE. TEA ROOiVl Second Floor. Under the Auspices of Portland X. W. C. A. TODAY'S MENU. Tea. Coffee. Chocolate. Milk in Bottles. Vegetable Soup. Creamed Chicken with Mushrooms on Toast. Tongue Sandwiches. Bread and Butter. Scotch Short Bread. Hot Rolls. Tremendous and Startling Price-Cuts in the Stock-Reducing Shoe Sale The "Fair-Wny" Firnt Floor, Went Annex. WOMEN'S 33.00 OXFORD TIES 2.3J. Women's "Champagne" color Oxford Tiesi Blucner cut. turned soles; large eyelets and wide ribbon ties: tnis season's goods and very stylish Regular 53.00 value: special sale price, the pair $u.:!9 WOMEN'S 5-1.00 IMPORTED TIES ?.SD. Red Imported Kid Oxford Tiesf Louis XV heels, turned sole Our 54.00 value: special at. the pair WOMEN'S 93.00 OXFOHDS Dark tan vicl kid Oxford Ties, with either turned or wlt soles Regular 54.00 and 53.00 values; special at. pair ?z!so V WOMEN'S $1.30 SLIPPERS t!4c. Patent Colt One-Sitrap Slippers Regular $1.50 value; spe cial at, the pair .- JMe WOMEN'S OXFORD TIES in Russia calf, dark shades: Blucher cut; stylish but comfortable heula Regular SX) value; special sale price, tha pair $2,33 WOMEN'S LOW SHOES of black vlci kid. with puteut tip; military heels; splendid shos Regular 5S.0u value; spe cial sale price, the pair ; A GREAT. SPECIAL BARGAIN WOMEN'S $3.30 OXFORD TIES $-'.30. Women's chocolate color vlci kid Oxford Ties; made from the finast stock; one ot the biggest bargains in this sale Our regular 5S.50 value: special sale price, pair ?2.:U) Women's Oxford Ties made ot Russia calf; medium shade: street soles; large eyelets and wide ribbon tle Regular 53.00 value: special sale prire. the pair $2M0 WOMEN'S WHITE. CANVAS OXFORDS. These Shoes are built on stylish and goOd fitting lasts and represent good snoe making; tine for Summer and outtng wear of all kinds Price, the pair $1.30 WOMEN'S 93 JO SHOES 92JS0. Women's tan vicl kid lace boots, made from top-grade -stock: Goodyear sewed Our regular 53.30 value; special snle price, the pair $CS! MEN'S SHOES MEN'S 0J0 SHOES 92.-ID. Men's Shoes, here In vicl kid and velour calf; lace style; 4 the famous "Packard make" Regular 53.30 value; spevlnl sale price, the pair ? MEN'S 34.00, $4.50 AND ?3.00 SHOES FOR. ?3.i0. The celebrated "Pingroe" Shoes for men. hcrG In all the different styles ana In the best of leathers; some with double sole, others with medium or heavy soles. These Shoes have been selling for 54. 51.30 and 55; special sale price, the pair MEN'S 94.00 SHOES FOR J3K. Men's tan Russia calf, lace and Blucher cut Shoes: brand new goods, up-to-date In eerv respect: made to sell for 54.00: special sale price, the pair ?3U BOYS' SHOES. BOYS' TAN CALF SHOES, made of good, honest lenther all the way through; medium shade: Blucher cut; sizes 2i to 5 Our regular 53.00 value: special at, tne pair. .&L4l Sizes 11 to 2 special sale price, the pair BOY'S' $1.30 CANVAS SHOES ODc. Boys Brown Canvas Lace Shoes; calf trimmed: all solid; sizes - to a'i Keguiar j.du vaiue; special at, pair....uue YOUTHS' sires In the same Shoes; special at, pair S9c CHILDREN'S SHOES. CHILDREN'S 51.25 SHOES 70c. Children's Vicl Kid Shoes; lace, spring heels; sizes 7 to 10 yt Our regular 51.25 value; special at, the pair 70c CHILDREN'S $1.50 SHOES SOc. 53 pairs of Children's Vicl Kid Buttoi Shoes, with patent tip. wedge heei; all down-to-dats styles; sizes 7 to S. widths D and E Our 51.50 value; special at, the pair SOc CHILDREN'S fC25 SHOES I.r9. 72 pairs of Children's Patent Coltskin Lace Shoes, with matt tops, spring heels; In all sizes from S to 11; wide lasts The Plngreo Shoes and our 52.25 value! special sale price. the pair 5L5D CHILDREN'S ?23 SHOES $1.40. 06 pairs of Pingrec-mad Shoes, made of plump weight vlci kid; lace style; with spring heels Our 52.25 value; spe cial sale price, the pair $1.43 Extra Special ! A SENSATIONAL SALE TODAY Or SILK REMNANTS SOUTH ANNEX FIRST PLOOR. 400 Short Pieces of Plain and Novelty Silks, in lengths from 1 to 5 yards, that have sold regularly from 55c to $1.75 per yard; on Bargain Table in Silk Store, fifth-Street Annex, TODAY AT THE iff'' I i