Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 25, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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    THrB MOJitfLNtf UKilKiUNIAJS, TUSJJAr, AI-'KIU Zo, 1905.
Countlag-Room Main 887
Managing Editor Main 638
Eunday Editor..... Main 6233
City Editor Main 166
Society Editor Main, 6235
Composlns-Room .........Main 6S3
Superintendent Bulldln 283a
Eaat Side Ottlcc... East CI
MARQUAM GRAND (Morrison St.. bt. ClJ
and 7th)-Evenlnp at 8:15. Stockwell and
Verner, In "Hon. Jobn Korth."
COLUMBIA THEATER (14th and "Washing
ton) Evening at 8, "Pink Dotnlnoea.
EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison)
Matinee at 2:15 and evening at 8:13. East
STAR THEATER (Park and "Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:80. 7:30 and ,9
P. M.
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30
P. M.
BAKER JH EATER (3d and Tamhlll) Con
tinuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M.
ARMORY (Tenth and DavlB) Evening at 8.
Elks County Fair.
BASBBAlrl TODAY. 3'.30 P. M. (Recreation
Park. 24th and Vaughn). Portland . Ta
coma. Want East Alder Street Cleared.
Property owners on East Alder street
have asked the city authorities to have
the lumfcej removed between East Sev
enth and Eighth streets, where the elev
ated roadway is now being employed by
the adjacent factory as a lumber yard.
It has been so used for many months.
It is said that the owners of this lum
ber were instructed to remove It inside
of three days at the first of April. The
lumber is still in the street. V. C. Dun
ning, a property owner on East Alder
street, said that a petition went to the
Council some time ago asking for the
Improvement of East Alder street, and it
was acted favorably" upon, but it had
been pigeon-holed when it reached the
Executive Board, where it has since re
mained out of sight.
Want Bdrksids Biudob Opened. Yes
terday a petition was circulated among
the business men on East Burnslde street
and Union avenue asking the County
Court to have the contractors repair and
open one side of Burnslde bridge at a
time, so It may be used as soon as pos
sible. It appears that It may be some
time before the repairs can be completed
and the bridge thrown open to the pub
lic, and it is thought that the contractors
making the repairs can expedite matters
and at least repair one side. When the
contract was let it was understood that
this would be done, but It seems not.
A large force began work planning at
the' east end approach yesterday morn
ing. If pedestrians were allowed to cross
the bridge it would be a great con
venience. Babebaia. Today. 3:30 P. M.
Baseball. Today. 3:30 P. M.
Baseball Today, 3:30 P. M.
Recreation Park. 34th and Vaughn.
Recreation Park. 24th and Vaughn.
:Babeball Today. 3:30 P. M.
Baeeball Today. 3:20 P. M.
Baseball Todat. 3:30 Pr M.
Improvement in the Country. In the
Columbia Slough district several new
dwellings have been erected. Contractor
John Brown is completing a house for
Fred Hamilton on the Slough road, which
will cost $3000. Fred Miller, William Tag
gert and George Zimmerman have all
erected handsome dwellings. School Dis
trict No. 3 will put up a fine schoolhouse
this year. The spirit of Improvement 'Is
found all through this district.
Cong reg ationalists To Meet. The an
nual meeting of the Portland Congrega
tional Association will be held this even
ing at 7 o'clock. A moderator will be
elected and committees will be appointed.
Rev. George A. Taggart will deliver an ad
dress and Rev. A. M. Rockwood will de
liver a sermon, followed by communion.
Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock the ses
sion of the association will open, and
close In the evening.
sivrrnTis JirooMENf. R. P. Tlffaney ob
tained judgment in Justice Waldemar
Seton's court yesiercay against v-h4ik
and Amanda Olsen tor possession oi cer
rrAnrtc nnA 15 damages. Tlffaney
held a mortgage- on the goods. He asked
for the goods and ISO oamages. dui ine
jury considered: iU suinciem compen&u
-r t o "ft.ttk. The members of Port
land lodge and visiting members, with
their ladles, are earnestly requested to
meet in our lodge room in the Marquam
Building this evening at 7 P. M. sharp,
to attend the Elks county fair at the
Armnrv in a bodv. Automobiles will be
provided for the ladles. By order of the
lodge. John 3. Coffey, secretary.
Suffers Fracture of Elbow. As Jesse
Hobson stopped off the west end of the
Mnti-i:nn.trt bridge late yesterday
afternoon he was knocked down by a
bicycle ridden by a boy and surierea a
fracture of an elbow.
For Rent. The fine brick warehouse
nr, v enmpr at Front and Vausrhn
streets, formally occupied by the Oregon
Sash & Door Co.. on rauroaa. swixav. Ap
ply to F. E. Beach, corner First and
Alder streets.
Wanted To buy at Seaside, overlooking
the ocean, a modern two-story, seven or
eight-room house: nrepiace, cellar, soutn
and west porches and ample grounds.
J 31. OreKonlan.
Ail olHT.pns interested in the nomination
and election of Henry S. Rowe for Mayor
are Invited to Allsky nan, corner rnira
and Morrison, Tuesday evening. April 25,
at E o'clock.
Francis H. Leggett sails this evening
for San Francisco direct. Cabin, $12; steer
age, $8. meals and oertn mciuaca. c ri.
Thompson, agent. 128 Third street
Steamer South Bat sails fchis evening
for San Francisco; caom. jis: steerage,
meais ana nenn inciuaea. v. n. inomp
son. ajrenL 12S Third street.
The State Board of Dental Examiners
will meet In Portland aiay s, 19&. to ex
amine applicants desiring to practice den
tistrr in Oregon.
Portland Kennel Club, office. 235 Pine
street, open until lu if. M. Get your en
tries in.
Portland- Kennel Club entries close
today. Office, 235 Pine streot. open till
10 f. -M.
TioN'x forpe.t to nter vnar dn? tnflsv
235 Pine street. Office open until 10 P. M.
The Calumet Restaurant, 149 beventh.
Fino luncheon. SSe: dinner EOc.
Acme Oil Co.. gasolines. Phone E. 7S9.
Entries for dog show close today.
Wooster is still alive.
B. F. Loughlin, of- The Dalles, Is at
the Porkins.
G. C. Fulton, also of "v Astoria, is at
the Imperial.
C. A. Johns Is registered at j.he Port
land from Baker City.
Sam Elmore came up from Astoria
yesterday, and is at the Portland.
A. J. Richardson, one of Buena Vista's
merchants, Is a guest at the Imperial
H. I Holgate, an official of the
United Statos Coast and Geodelic Sur
vey. is registered at the Portland.
A. S. Bennett and H. S. Wilson, of
The Dalles, attorneys in the land
fraud cases, are registered at the Per
kins. '
W. E. Graco, a banker of Walla
Walla, Is registered In Portland this
weelc and is staying at the Imperial
F. T. Hurlburt, of Shaniko, Is at the
Perkins. Mr. Hurlburt Is in Portland
on business- connected with his banking-
interests at Shaniko.
Among those registered at the Per
kins are State Senator T. H. Johnson!
of Dufur, and H. C Grady, ex-TJnited
States Marshal, of La Grande.
W. H. Eccles. who has lumber inter
ests at Hood River, is at the Perkins.
Mr. Eccles, like all other Hood Rivor-
ites. is much interested In the work of
the Development League and feels that
it is accomplishing much good.
NEW YORK, April 2L (Special.)
Northwestern people registered at New
York hotel today as follows:
From Portland W. H. Kennedy, at the
Herald Square.
From Olynmla, Wash. Mr. Veitzen, at
the Imperial. '
From Spokane Mr. and Mrs. Sweeny,
at the Ansonla.
From Seattle C. Conover, at the Hotel
Astor; W. J. Henez, at the Holland.
"The Honorable John North."
Hon. John North R. Stockwell
Patrick Jonw ....Charles Ev Verner
Count Henri de Valols. Charles E. Verner
CoL Henry Harruson Barnaby
John C McDonald
Charles Dale Charles Jackson
Johnnie '. Robert Gallndo
Mrs. Delmer Miss Celeetine Irving
Mrs. John North. Miss Emma Cummlngs
Edith North Genevieve. Cunningham
Unity Jane MUs Edna. Ballard
I never -fully realized how easy It is to
amuse the dear public until I sat through
a portion of the performance at the Mar
quam last night and witnessed the mirth
of a reasonably large and -reasonably In
telligent audience.
The play had something to do with
Seattle and a man known as the Honor
able John North. I. R. Stockwell and
Charles E. Verner, old-time favorites, fig
ured in the principal roles and were toler
able. As for the others there Is nothing
quite so charitable as charity, and many
an alleged actor escapes thereby without
a plea In abatement. The piece will be
repeated again tonight .A. A. G.
New Vaudeville Bills.
What would you think of boys coins at
headlong speed down a toboggan chute
and then ascending the latter at the
samespeed with which they descended?
That is what is pictured by the films at
the Baker, and the views of the snowy
scene are worth a special visit, also the
pictures of President Roosevelt Three
small people called the Lilliput trio make
the hit of the show. Two of them do a
wire act very cleverly, and juggling and
ring acts follow, also songs and jokes.
This mat with several rounds of ap
plause. William Schoenes, billed as the
human fly in feats of strength on the
Roman rings, deserves all the good
things said about him. The two Hol-
combs, in art and nonsense, give a musi
cal act the man playing violin selections
which please. He Is a better violinist
than a singer. Marriage misfits are amus
ingly illustrated by Byron and Blanche,
the latter acting a shrew and the for
mer a husband who gets "loaded." Rus
sell and Dunbar. In blackface, have as
amusing comedy, and Jean Wilson sings
a patriotic ballad.
One of the best series of pictures this
season are those shown at the Grand in
illustrating the life of a New York police
man. The march of the police squad, the
policeman who loves a cook, the rooster
tight raid and sensational arrest are all
shown. The two Fredericks pesent a most
enjoyable playlet "Her Cowboy Visitor."
in which a young woman who talks at
the rate of 230 words per minute, and
without a break, suddenly Teceives a call
from a Western cowboy with revolver.
whip, broad-brimmed hat, blue wool shirt
"chaps" and a few other odds and onds.
There is a lively mix-up, and an amusing
finale. Patsy Doyle, the woll-known come
dian and dancer, is a welcome visitor, with
a new line of songs and dances, and Alf
Bonner makes a hit with the illustrated
song, "When the Frost Is on the Pump
kin." Henpecked husbands but perhaps,
there aren't any in Portland ought to see
Lyndon and Wren in a new-woman sketch,
where a shrew is tamed. Leon and Bertie
Auen. singers and comedians; the Maplo
Leaf trio, In a comedy act and Murray
and Andrews, a sketch team, complete
the bill.
t Star.
There is what is popularly called "an
emb'arrassment of good things" at the
Star, with Professor Dunbar and his six
educated goats; Daisy Harcourt, one of
the most charming and talented come
diennes that ever trod any stage; the
pictures by the stereoscope of the seven
ages of man. and other features. In the
line of gymnastics, up to now, goats have
only been supposed to excel in butting,
but here is Professor Dunbar, who has
trained goata that understand English;
that pray when asked to do so, engage
in hoop-rolling, cross a bridge of sighs,
and tumble. One goat solemnly plays
clown. Daisy Harcourt, engaging as ever.
Is back with a new bunch of bright, hu
morous songs, one of the host being a
lazy woman's song. She made the hit of
the show so far as encores arc concerned.
The Burton Boll-Ringers have a good act.
and the man performer has a fine tenor
voice. Roscoe Arbuckle's new song is
"For Many Years," and it is" well sung.
There are also Cole and Cole, acrobats;
and Holmes and Mack, two pleasing sing
Next Saturday Night to Positively
Close the Great Stock Season.
With the remaining performances (un
til and Including Saturday night) the Co
lumbia stock company closes a season of
nearly 35 weeks of stock performances,
and it is with genuine regret thousands
of Portland theatergoers see its doors
close for an indefinite period. That there
have been many loyal constituents there
is no doubt, but the loyal were too few
In number to make tho enterprise financi
ally successful. This weeit as a closing
bill the company Is presenting that funny
three-act farce comedy "Pink Dominoes,"
that a tearful farewell may be brushed
briskly over. "Pink Dominoes" is one
of those comedies which, with Its whole
some humor, immediately advertises It
self as a play not to bo missed. It relies
solely on straight comedy for its "fool
ishness," and when entrusted to -such a
capable and' talented company as tho Co
lumbia there is no doubt in Portland
theatergoers' minds that there Is a goodly
portion of laughs coming for such ef
forts. And so it is at ov-y performance
of this farco comedy. "Pink Dominoes."
Strange in name and with-a strange
ness for Its unusual brightness it makes
the two oddities quite in harmony with
each other. "What's in a name?" comes
nicely for application tj this week's en
tertainment go and find out, and laugh
at the thousand and one things that
bring you to your conclusion.
Ladies Percale Wrappers, trimmed
with braid, and embroidery; deep flounce.
Wrappers worth Jl for 57c The $1.25 grade
cut to S7c Wrappers worth up to $2.50
go at 95c Come today.
The Denver & Rio Grande scenery is
even more beautiful In Winter than' Sum
mer. Travel Bast via that line and spend
a day In Salt Lake City.
Every Phase of Photography
Shown at Salon.
Shivering Winter Scenes, the "Warm
Glow of Summer, Prattling
Babes and Stirring Scenes
of Action Depicted.
From the cold, shivering Winter to the
warm glow . of Summer, from pastoral
scenes, giving the very breath of peace
fulness and quiet to stirring pictures of
action which make the blood tingle and
create the wish to do things, from
babyland to the evening of life, all these
'things and more are contained on the 350
sheets of sensitized paper collected from
tho best work of more than 2000 artists
of the camera were brought here and
placed on exhibition yesterday by the
Portland Society of Photographic Art
The First American Photographio Sa
lon, opened last night in the Museum of
Art Fifth and Taylor streets, is all
that it promised to" be. With 360 pic
tures, representing not only the sense
of the artist, but the skill of th photog
rapher added. Portland has for this
week an exhibition which can be rarely
equaled. i
But a few years ago artists took pains
to show up the limitations of photog
raphy. In their eyes it was but a me
chanical process which could never be
made to express the true artistic idea.
Such mere photographers as the late H.
P. Robinson, however, by compounding
brains with their formulas and handling
of the subject through the box with a
lens have in the past few. years worked
a change of opinion in the minds of
painters that the Jury whose work It was
to Judge the pictures sent and choose
for the salon was composed solely of that
class of artists who but recently thought
photography merely a mechanical process.
This salon now offered by the Portland
Society ot Photographic Art can best be
described by the simple word "fine." It
is composed of the representative work
of the best photographic workers. Prints
from bromide of silver to carbon and
gum bichromate, having for their subject
marines, landscapes, seas, river front
and farms, still life, the prattling baby,
the schoolboy in all his boyishness, the
man in manhood, the dawn of mother
hood and the evening of life are all there.
Quietness and bustle, Summer and Win
ter, youth and age, all take their place
side by side and give to Portland such
an art display as It has never had be
fore. This salon will be open to the public
every afternoon- and evening- until 6
o'clock P. M. Saturday, April 29. It will
then be forwarded to Boston for exhi
bition beginning May 6.
Social Events of
Easter Monday
THE Hobart-Curtls parlors have been
the scene of many pleasant social
H affairs, but it is quite certain that
a more delightful event never took place
there than this year's Easter Monday tea
of the Old Ladles' Home Society. Mrs,
P. J. Mann, president of the society, and
Miss Edith Nicholson vice-president, re
ceived the guests, Mrs. Mann wearing
handsome white satin brocade and lace.
and Miss Nicholson lilac brocade. They
were assisted in the entertainment by a
score or more of their friends, some of
these proslding at the various tables,
and others contributing musical numbers.
and the music was very charming.
Miss Helen MacEwan's finely executed
piano numbers, an "Etude de Concert"'
and a Chopin waltz, began the pro
gramme, being "followed by two tenor
solos by W. G. Hodgsdon. who sang an old
Welsh song, "All the Night and Ben
Jonson's "Drink to Me Only With Thine
Eyes," both being sung with a great
deal of expression.
Lady Anna von Rygensward, a new
singer who is winning many friends here.
sang a group of Swedish folk songs very
prettily. ,
Dr. W. M. Campbell, whose baritone
voice is much enjoyed, sang something
from "Tho Singing Girl" and that sad
little song called "Daddy." Anton Zilm,
violinist, played "Scene de Ballet"
(Blerot). and afterward Mrs. Fletcher
Linn sang "The Maids of Cadiz," a
charming song, which suits her admir
ably. He"r encore selection. Nevln's
"Nightingale's Song," wa6 also very
pleasing. Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton also
received many compliments for her sing
ing of "Penso." by Tosti; "Speak Music,"
by Elgar, and "Florian's Song," by
Mrs. G. F. Russell had the candy table,
which was quite a confection Itself, with
dainty decoration of lilacs and satin rib
bon. Mrs. Russell was very attractive
in white, with a becoming hat which
had a wide lilac wreath around the
crown. Miss Ruth Maxwell and Miss Har
riet Calkins were her assistants, each
looking her prettiest in white. Miss Max
well's gown was of white net with pale
violet hat, and Miss Calkins' of white
wool, with white hat.
The lemonade table and its charming
hostess, Mrs. George W. McBrlde, were
the admiration of everybody. The table
was most unusual in its arrangement, as
It was a large block of Ice. In which yel
low daisies were frozen, tho top having
a hollow in t for the punch bowl. Yellow
broom branches were banked at the base
and when the ice table was Illuminated
from underneath with changing lights of
green, red, blue, yellow and white, tho
effect was Indescribably pretty.
Mrs. McBride's assistants were Mrs. D.
A. Shindter. who served In place of
Mrs. J. H. Page, who was unable to be
present: Mrs. Frederick A. Sykes and Miss
Martha Hoyt Mrs. McBrlde wore a
dainty gown of white jusl, Mrs. Shlndler.
dotted white drgandy; Mrs. Sykes, white
satin and lace, and Miss Hoyt white silk.
The tea table, with decorations in
green and white, was In the dining
room, and here Mrs. C. E. S. Wood was
hostess. Miss Failing assisting her in re
celving. At the table were Mrs. Allen
Lewis. Miss May Falling. Mrs. Ernest
Tucker and Miss Sally Lewis.
Mrs. Wood and Miss Falling wore
pretty embroidered gowns of ecru and
white. Mrs. Lewis wore white embroidered
moussellne. Miss May Falling, dotted
Swiss, with insertions of lace; Miss Lewis.
an embroidered gown of a soft white ma
terial, and Mrs. Tucker, white embroid
ered crepe. The young girls assisting In
tho dining-room were Miss Leslie Knftpp.
Miss Lisa Wood. Miss Margaret Morrison
and Miss Josephine Smith.
Red is the color of the artillery, and
the Armory Hall was prettily dressed in
red bunting last night pn the occasion of
the annual dance given by the officers and
members of the First Batten. Field Ar
tillery, Oregon National Guard. The
dance was a great success, over 350
couples participating. Fifteen dances
were on the card, with several extras, and
Everest's; Orchestra supplied the music.
The orchestra ""deserves special mention
for the- admirable manner In which it
played . the waltz, "My Fiancee." The
tone ami rytbm were splendid. The
Headquarters for All Kinds of Rubber Goods
106 and 110 Fosrth Strc
gate Distributers tor Orcfea ac4
dance committee: Lieutenant Frank I.
Randall, Sergeant George E. Hall, Cor
poral E. T. Hall. Corporal EL O. Bender
and Private H. E. MacBeth. The patron
esses: Mrs. John Hall, Mrs. Lee M.
Clark, Mrs. Fred H. Burns and Mrs.
Frank I. Randall. One of the officers
stated last, night that military records
newly discovered show that tho First
Battery, to which he belongs, was or
ganized in 1S66, and not 1ST3, as com
monly supposed, and that the battery is
the oldest in continuous service in the
country west of the Mississippi River.
City Offenders Before
Municipal Judge Hogue.
"I do not know whether there Is a law
that applies to this kind of a case, but
those people are running1 a 'graft' game
up there, and If they cannot be punished.
It's a shame."
Such was the statement of Deputy Dis
trict Attorney Bert Haney, in the Munici
pal Court yesterday, when Claud Qulvy
was arraigned before Judge Hogue on a
charge of larceny. The defendant is an
alleged artist, and is the man who adver
tised for women to make $10 a week by
easy work at home. Many women claim
they were buncoed out of their money
by Qulyey. He has rooms in the Cosmos.
There were several women in court when
the case was called. They were there to
testify against Quivey, if needed. The
case was Anally postponed until tomorrow
Quivey and his wife, in elegant attire.
were present, and presented a remarkable
contrast to the poor women alleged to
have been buncoed. The lattur were
dressed very plainly, and appeared to be
hard-working people, to whom the loss
of a small sum might work great hard
ship. One woman had her little son, a
lad of 5 years, with her. His bare toes
protruded through his shoos, and he was
otherwise poorly clad. His mother had
paid $3 to Quivey, upon being promised
she could easily make $10 a week. If she
followed his suggestions.
E. Pccorara, of Italy, fell violently in
love with Julia Goerz, aged 17 years, and
carried his attentions to 3uch a point that
he had to be restrained by arrest. There
fore, he Is to face Judge Hogue this morn
ing on charges of assault and battery and
The object of the Italian's atentlons is
a clerk, working in the candy store at 236
First street, where recently Joe Florebollo
shot and killed Amelia Slriannl. There
Pecorara called, against the will of the
girl, and got himself Into trouble.
"You must stay away from that girl, and
from her home, and from that store," said
Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald to Peco
rara. "The next thing we know, you will
kill her, and then It will be too late to
he her. Too many such cases have oc
curred, and I don't propose to have any
more of it."
Pecorara is an Italian"newspaper man,
and has edited several papers along the
Coast, he says. He denies any guilt.
Cut cans and look for gritty sediment
in bottom of cans. $1000 reward for proof
of any adulteration in either Oregon
Grape or Pacific brands of evaporated
Several sets of "Our Islands" for saJe
cheap. A few damaged sets at your own
price. Address or call at Orcgonian busi
ness office.
All the delicacies of 'ht season at tb4
Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart
ments for parties. 205 "Wash., near 5th.
Auto Meeting Is Postponed.
The meeting of the Automobile Club,
which was to have been held at the Com
mercial Club Wednesday evening, has
been postponed until Thursday evening.
This meeting will be one of the most
Important yet held by the organization,
and every automobillst is especially re
quested to attend.
Escapernong is the finest product of
the Scuppernong, a native grape, identi
fied with the earliest settlement of the
country. It Is a delicious, refreshing
white wine, moderately sweet, but with
sufficient natural fruit acidity to make
a perfect table wine, having an exquisite
fruit aroma and "bouquet," "W. J. Van
Schuyver & Co.. Inc., distributors.
News comes from Hawaii: "That the
volcano of Kllauea has become active
again. The activity, like the outbreaks
of the past, is In Halemaumau. the House
of Fire, the inner crater of tho volcano.
Great fountains of molten lava are playing
in the center, and. cones are forming.
Reduced first-class ticket to Honolulu,
sailing of Mav 6. $125. round trip. Full
information 653 Market street, San Fran
cisco. Suit the people, because they are tired
of bitter doses, with the pain and griping
that usually follow. Carter's Little Liver
Pills. One pill a dose.
The best Spring medicine is Hood's Sar
saparilla because It purifies the blood.
AWSse Woman
wtntrytadrrcserrehtr bciutv. A fiat
&cd of hair U C9 ef the hlg&eil chiras.
Imperial Hair Regenerator
restores Gray or Bleacii hair tonnj
natural eolar or ahula. ft w clan. finr.
able, aafl ONE APPLICATION' will
LAST FOR MONTHS. Sarntilo of Iir
colored ne. Seed for Pasipblet.
frvU fejr Wcwdard. Clrk A Co,
Without a Rml
Saturday Evenings S to 10
Graves' Music Store
823 V3Ahtaffton Street, Portland.
Machine. 91.00 Down, -Balance on Easy
Payments. Without Interest.
Outside Inn, a Modern Building,
With All Conveniences, for Rent.
In this issue of The Oregonian an adver
tisement containing a cut of the Outside
Tnn appears. This modern establishment,
containing GO rooms and overlooking the
Exposition grounds Is for rent by H. E.
Noble, 312 Commercial block, and 13
worthy of the attention of prospective
Marquam Grand
Saturday Evening,
April 29th, 8:30
PRICES Lower floor, except last 3 rows, $2
last 3 row, $1.30. Balcony, flrpt R rows,
$1.30; second 3. $1.00: laat 8. 73c Gal
lery, reserved, 75c. Boxes, $12.50. Loses.
$15. Sale of aU THURSDAY at 10
A. XL Out-of-town orders must be ac
companied by check.
and Buyers
Will visit Portland this Sum
mer than ever before.
New records for volume of
business -will be established.
Time and labor-saving of
fice appliances should com
mand your attention, so that
you may properly care for
your share.
Up-to-date methods save ex
pense and create the right im
pression on a visitor.
(Short-Cut Billing.)
(Brain-Saving Addition.)
(Seals 2500 Per Hour.)
(Clear Copies Quickly.)
(Steel or "Wood.)
Glass& Prudhomme Co.
Correct Qothes for Hen
A reputation of 30 years
behind those labelled
The makers guarantee, and curs,
wth every garment. We are ex
clusive agents here.
31 1 Mornsoa St, opp. the Post-Office
wmmmmESsmm Aiwavs m
AVfcgetable PreparationforAs
slmilating thefood andBeg ula
lingthz Stomachs aiutBoweis of
Promotes DigestionXheerFuI
ness andEest-Contains neither
OpiumfQjrplune nor"fiii2raL
a f
xwyKOi use
jinix Seed-
A perfect Remedy f or ConsUpa
Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh
fisss and Loss OF SLEEP.
TacSirnue Signature ot
A ftvorite lunching pltcc
The fasbionsbls set cithers here for
afternoon tea.
The most uniqus dlnlng-plicc in Sin
Convenient for after-theater suppers.
Rmerica Model Hotel
Write tar handsome illustrated pamphlet of
Ccsiaopatiun Sin Fraacitco.
A $12.00 FULL SET
Evenlnrs, Monday
and Thursday, until 8
Fred Prehn, D. D. S.
405 Dekum Bid?.
7 -J- . .
wab rrtnttng- uo
1 York. m 1 IB 1 i 1 Jf lUUIQ
uting Suits
"Vfe are ready with
these popular tropical
worsted Homespun
and Cheviot two
piece Suits. Grays the
favorites light grays,
medium and dark
grays all sorts of
stunning effects.
Brown shades and
pure white unfinished
worsted also exhibited.
$10, $12.50,
$16.50, $18,
and Janama
In our
summer showing
Are dirty, little, naked cannibals." Fair
Managers. Even so, their presence would not dj
he nearly so dangerous at the Exposition as S
that of a tribe of well-dressed optical fakers,
preying on human vision. Keep all the can-
nibals out.
Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing,
Poultry .Netting, Etc.
Por Infants and Children.
Quality considered, than any other
Needles, Oil, Repairs
402 TTaablnston.
SS4 Morrison Street.
MO WUliitzna Avenue Ea: Side.).
Portland. Oresoa.
1 in the richest groin, fruit and stock section in
the world. Thousands of acres of land at actual
cert of iniganon. Deed direct from Sate of
MAP FREE. Deichutej Irrigation and Power Coav
pany,6ic-i x-iaMcKaj Building, Port!and,Orezoa
I Always lough!
I Bears the I
1 Signature fxf
H j ' -i
l( Tor Dver
m ThiFihi YoGrfc