THE MORNING OEEGONIAN. TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1905. 5 ES FOR RECEIVER Another Policy-Holder Sues the ' Equitable. WANTS SHARE OF PROFIT Phlladclphian, With Whom Others Joined, Sues for Distribution of Surplus Hydo and Alex ander Join Issue. NEW YORK, April 24. Receivership proceedings today were instituted against the Equitable Life Assurance Society by J. Wilcox Brown, of Maryland, a policy holder. In the United States Court ho IHed an action against the society asking the appointment of a receiver for the sur plus funds; an accounting, 6f the benefit of himself and other policy-holders that may join with him In the proceedings, and an Injunction to prevent the society hold ing the surplus. Brown alleges that the society's officials .have disregarded their trust and have not paid his proportion of the net surplus. His counsel have issued a i-atement say ing that the huge surplus of the soolety is not legally retained from the policy holders nor lawfully used by the society, and that the profit due the policy-holders, except the 7 per cent dividends, is now attempted to be swept away by the stock holders claims. Two other phases of the Equitable con troversy were in court today. Justice McLean in the Supreme Court reserved decision In the case of Herbert G. Tull, a policy-holder, who applied for aft in junction -restraining the society's officers from taking any further proceedings to obtain an amended charier for the so ciety. Mr. Tull's counsel attacked the proposed charter as a "blind," which real ly gave the stockholders nothing. Counsel for Vice-President Hyde, of the society, and Franklin B. Lord, a policy holder, appeared before Judge Maddox In the Supreme Court at Brooklyn to oppose a petition by President Alexander to strike out certain references to Mr. Alex ander, from the petition in which Mr. Hyde intervened in Mr. Lord's injunction proceedings against the proposed mutual izatlon plan. There was no hearing, as the court had not received the Alexander petition. The statement in Mr. Hyde's petition to which Mr. Alexander objects Is to the ef fect that the proposed mutualizatlon plan was passed by the board of directors with out regard to the content of the majority of the stock and that it was Inspired alely by Instructions of Mr. Alexander assuming to act In his capacity as presi dent of the society. Counsel also objected to the assertion that Mr. Alexander has teen hostile to his trust. Samuel- Untermeyer, counsel for Mr. Hyde, told the court today that he had received a copy of the Alexander petition and had heard that it waa to be presented to the court today, and that he was there to oppose It. The court, however, had not received the Alexander petition, and there was no hearing. HOW MANY AUTOS. Seven Is a Discreet Maximum, Be yond Which Is Extravagauiiel-jj; (Rene Bache., in Outing.) Tha will-known young millionaire of sporting proclivities. G. Astor Midas, considers that he Is rather economical when he keeps only seven automobiles. Indeed, with a less number, he would find himself somewhat at a loss to meet everyday requirements of transportation and amusement. With seven cars the term "automobile" is used only by Ignorant outsiders he can go in for racing in a moderate way, and is pro vided with such vohlcular conveyances as are absolutely requisite for the estab lishment of a gentleman who spends half the year out of town, and who, disliking the railroad, prefers to travel by gaso line between his country place and the city. Two of the cars are racing machines, purchased for $13,000 and $16,000 respec tively, the latter having greater horse power. Of the others, one Is a light ve hicle, with seats for the owner and his chauffeur, and is used for short trips to town and back. It cost $8000. There is an omnibus car (price $12,000), seating seven or eight persons, and employed for carrying parties to and from the country place. To those are added a large tour ing car, for seven people, worth $15,000; a .light touring car (value $12,000), for use at odd times, and an opera car, hold ing four, to convey members of the fam ily to the theater and to entertainments. This last is covered, being intended par ticularly for cold weather. It was bought for $8000, making a total of $84,000 for the seven machines. This, of course, represents only the first outlay. Expenses of maintenance run up to about $20,000 a year, the chief item being for wages of a number of fn dlspensable employes. Mr. Midas keeps a racing chauffeur, who is the head man, at $3000 a year. Under him is a touring chauffeur, at $2000 per annum, and there are two assistant chauffeurs who are skilled mechanics, at$1800 and $1500, re flectively. To these are added two ex port cleaners and polishers, who see that the machines are always spick and span, and who receive $80 apiece a month, run ning the pay roll up to a total of some what over $10,000 atyear. When One Is Really Old. New York Press. "1 know I'm getting old," said the lit tle woman with the sunny smile and the gray streaks on her temples, "but I just love to go to dances as much as ever, and when I'm there I don't feel old a bit. I wish I could realize my age, but I'm longing this moment for a baby hat of all-over embroidery and a bolero suit. Inn't It shocking?" - "You ought to take yourself, by .the hand and shake it," replied the woman with the blonde hair and the dull eyes. "You are not getting old, and you never will. I'm older than you are this min ute." "But," interrupted the bright-eyed wo man, "I was a grown girl going to dances when you were wearing pinafores and eating pickles. And just look at my snow-white hairs. Besides, my dear, al though you don't know it, I've lost two teeth on both sides and have to wear a plate. Now, Isn't that proof enough of old age?" "It is no proof at all," replied the other. stahohly. "A woman- is never really old until she loses ner interest In pretty clothes and would rather stay at home than co out in the evenings. It is not the loss of your teeth, but the loss of your enthusiasm that" is tne signpost of old age. "When you begin to think that it isn't worth while to dress for the chance man caller and to prefer sending down word you aren't at home to mussing your best frock; when the Invitation to a fcarty suggests nothing more to you than the next morning headache which may follow If 'when you feel out of place In a frilly hat and begin not to care whether your belt fltsor not; when a child around the house sets on your nerves and you find yourselfS doubting the compliments your husbantYjui eai lovejc ems-ftn. love stories awaken only your smile of amusement; when you consider any sort of beautifying process, from curling your hair to pulling In your stays, too much trouble; when you begin putting flowers on the dlnlng-rpom table instead of pin ning them In your hair; when you com mence wearing comfortable shoes and letting out your corset strings, merely be cause they hurt you then you are really growing old and there Is no help for you. "As long as a woman retains her van ity and her enthusiasm she has still got a firm hold on her youth, and not all the false teeth and gray hairs In the uni verse can wrench It from her." OLD ENGLISH GARDENING Vegetables Xow Xcvcr Heard of, "Such as "Good King Henry." London Chronicle. It is a little curious to think that even as far back as. the Middle Ages a great quantity of "garden stuff" was Imported into tms country from the Continent. Al though our ancestors were famous in those days for their salads and greens, they knew nothing about the cultivation of edible roots until the reign mat Henry VIII. Up to then such things as carrots, turnips and artichokes were sent from Flanders, and special messengers were sometimes despatched to bring back sup plies for the royal table. Among the green vegetables most popular in Tudor days was "Good King Henry" or -"Mercury Gooseloot." Recently there has been some discussion as to whether this plant is wholesome or not. The ignorance that exists in most parts of the country about hls qnce pop ular vegetable is astonishing. Many gardeners have never even hoard of it. The only district in which it still seems to be cultivated Is South Lincolnshire. Those who would like to have a really old-fashioned vegetable In their gardens PACIFIC UNIVERSITY DEBATING TEAM RETURNS VICTORIOUS FROM SEATTLE 11. Ii. Thomas, '05. The-Pacific University debating team, which won from the reprcscrtatives of the 'University of "Washington at Seattle, Friday night, passed through Portland last evening, returning to Forest Grove. Pacific defended the negative of the question, "Resolved, That the United States should not rota in permanent possession of the Philippine Inhindd untoee they shall ultimately enjoy state hood." Washington teas represented by Miss Marguerite Hey oh, Stanley Grlflltli and John Campbell. The contest was held In Denny Hall before a large audience, which pronounced the dbbato one of tne-vnost spirited ever held in Seattle. Pacific won because of the superiority of her rebuttal work. The Washington team Was forced from Ite position that the Philippines might be granted statehood in the future and compelled to support a policy advocating Independence for the Islands. So many practical objections to this course were made by Pacinc that th.- decision hks given to the. Oregon team. This is the tenth vic tory won by Pacific University out of 14 debate held with the various coliegss il the Northweet. are advised to try "Good King Henry." Nothing could be easier to grow, and as it Is a perennial plant, there Is little or no trouble connected with' It after it has once been put in the ground. It may be raised from seed sown In the open In April or May, the young plants being set out in their permanent positions about a foot apart each way; or it may be started from old-established clumps or stools which are generally divided- in autumn or in early spring. The young loaves are used In the same way as spinach, making an acceptable, mild flavored dish, -and the young shoots are cut under the ground and served up like asparagus. Mr. Duggan's Councilmanlc Can didacy. PORTLAND, April 28. (To the Editor.) Charles Duggan. candidate on the Democratic ticket for Councilman from the Seoontt ward, is an old nnd respected resident of this elly and a Union veteran of the Civil War. Mr. Duggan'a platform 1b characteristic of his good sense. He believes a town should be open Just enough to be closed and closed Just enough to be open that is, open to those who have eyes to see and a mind to under stand and closed to their oppoMtce. look and bars. He believes the poliee would be more serviceable with a big stick in the place of white gloves, and the Fire Department mere effective fighting fires than political candi dates. He is against extravagance and graft In public office, favors sane and tried meas ures against puritanical and peroxide theories In the government of large cities; favors equi table taxation and a high efficiency in col lecting them; open -apd substantial thorough fares and bridges; hermetlcal sewers; the po laric nutrition of butcher shops and vege table stands; the dcodorization of mlcroblc streets, alleys and their appurtenances; econ omic and legitimate expenditures in the up building of this city and the civic improve ment of the Democratic .party. Mr. Duggan is a student of podptogy, polit ical economy, municipal government and psy chological disturbances; is a fluent and forc ible speaker, ethlctet and publicist. It fol lows that Mr. puggan would be an ornament to any Council common or uncommon. A FRIEND. A Thundering Epic. Bombay Gazette. The Epic of England has yet to be written. It may be that the fullness of im tnr trrltlntr It has not vet come, or It may be that Britain Is still waiting for her Homer and hor Virgil. It may begin with the battle cries of the old Sea Kings, and from them go ringing and thundering through the countries, ever swelling in depth and volume, until at last as every loyal man of English speech must hope the roar of the Last Battle has rolled away, and north, south, east and west proclaiming the Pax Brit annica. Or until .someone sufficiently wise protests against this rolling and thundering as savoring of American spread-eagleism. Pinned Under an Engine. C. A. Railey, an employe of the Eastern & Western Lumber Company, who wag Injured in an -engine wreck at Eufaula yesterday, is recovering. In the accident Kalley was pinned under the overturned engine, and besides the necessary ampu tation "of the right "foot, he waa severely scalded In all parts of the body. Doctor Wise Now, sec here, you'll have to stop drinking between meals. Luahman I'll compromise with you, Doc. Til stop, fating HER SALUTEPfiOVES COSTLY ITALIAN CRUISER BURNS GOV J3RNMEXT BUILDINGS. Official Courtesy of the Umbrla Not Appreciated at San Jose de Guatemala. SAN FRANCISCO. April 24.-(Special.) If the Italian cruiser Umbrla, now on her way to this port, fires any salute while in the harbor. It Is intended to have the Fire Department stand by for a little while after ehe stops shooting. She fired a salute at San Jose de Guate mala on the afternoon of March 31 and a few hours later the government build ings at that port had been reduced to ashes. A burning wad from one of the Umbrla's guns had dropped unnoticed on the roof of the comandacla and when at tention was called to It the firebrand had already done Its work. The men behind the Umbrla's guns were ordered ashore. The Italian sailors made a gallant fight against the flamea and succeeded in confining the blaze to the group of government buildings. The news of the fire was brought here today by the Pacific mall liner Costa Rica, which reached San Jose the day after the fire. KNOCKED INTO THE RIVER Boatpullcr for Fisherman Hit by Flying Boom. ASTORIA. Or., April 34. (Special.) The first drowning since the present fishing "W. B. Itnsmussen, '06. season opened occurred about t o'clock ! this afternoon a short distance from the j Booth cannery. II. A. Mattson and his j boatpuller, Andrew A. Sipola. who have been fishing for the Booth Packing Com pany, were returning to the cannery to deliver their catch. As they turned the boat toward the wharf the boom swung around, striking Sipola nnd knocking htm overboard. He sank immediately and Mis body has not been recovered. Sipola was a native of Finland. 25 years of age. and unmarried. His only known relatives are two uncles living in this city. NORTHWEST DEAD. Dr. Gideon A. Weed. BERKELEY. Cal., April SI. Dr. Gideon A. Weed Is doad here at the age of 72 years. He was a native of New Jersey and resided In Nevada and in Washing ton when those states were admitted to the Union. He organized the State Medi cal Board of Washington and for 10 years was a regent of the university of that state. He was Mayor of Seattle for two terms, serving from 1S75 to 1S79, and took a lending part In suppressing the anti Chinese riots there. He lived In Berkeley for ten yoars, but during that time was afflicted with paralysis. H. P. JIurgruvc. CEXTRALTA, Wash.. Atprll. 24. (Spe cial) H. 'P. Hargrave died at his home In South Centralla Sunday of typhoid-pneumonia. His death was unexpected: He was a member of the firm of Carver & Hargrave, of Centralia. He came to this county about 20 years ago, and has made this his home ever since. He was mar ried three times, the last time to Mrs. Jennie Knapp, the wedding taking place last June.. Mrs. D'. H.-lIartinnn. OLYMPIA.' Wash.. April 2. (Special.) Mrs. David H. Hartman died today at the age of 33 on the farm near Nesqually on whleh she was born. Mrs. Hartman was a daughter of James McAllister, one -of the founders of Tumwater. and her brother, now deceased, was the first white child born in Washington. BUFFALOES LOSE THEIR RANGE Flathead Reservation In Montana to Be Opened for Settlement. MISSOULA. Mont., April 21. Thirty five" head of buffaloes were shipped this afternoon from Arlee by M. Miller, who sends them to a point in Oklahoma about 300 miles south of Kansas City. The ani mals are from the famous Pablo herd, the largest in the world. The animals ship ped today were all adults and an excep tionally choice lot. The Pablo buffaloes are allowed to range on the Flathead Reservation the year round, but the opening of the resorve will mean the disbandraent. of the herd, as with the settlement of their range they will be virtually forced out of a home. FATAL WRECK OX SANTA FE Soft Track Tips Over Engine, Killing Driver and Stoker. I LOS ANGELES el.t April 2L-A. Santa Fc passenger train from San "Francisco east has been ditched near Ashford, Ariz., the result of rains that had softened the track. The accldont tipped the engine half over, killing Engineer Rlchter and Fireman Morton. Receiver Asked for Company. BUTTE. Mont., April 24. A Helena special to the Miner says: The .Jefferson Valley Trading Company, one of the oldest companies in the state, operating at White Hall and other points In Jefferson County, has been ordered to appear before Judge "William H. Hunt, of the United States Court. May 2, and show cause why an Injunction should not issue and a receiver be appointed for the con cern as prayed in the petition filed by John E. Davles. It Is alleged that "William F. Fergus, acting treasurer and general manager of the company's affairs, has been guilty of. negligence and mismanagement of the company's affairs; that he has- been en gaged in the promotion of the South Boul der Mining Company and as manager of the trading company has extended credit to the mining company, paying Its pay rolls, etc.. to the amount of 124.000. The business of the company is extensive.. The court's order caused much surprise. Suit for $11,000 has been begun by the First National Bank here. The Cudahy Packing Company has filed attachment proceedings. Baker About Out of Debt. BAKER CITY, Or.. April 24. (Special.) Robert Palmer, the County Treasurer, will soon Issue a call to redeem all scrip now outstanding against Baker County bearing date previous to June, 1904. This will leave only this current year's .In debtedness unpaid. Practically this puts the county out of debt, although the ex penses of this year will foot up about J30.000. Palmer took office first about five years K.' F. reter. 'OG. ago. Then the county was In debt over $250,000. When he had occasion to redeem warrants he had to pay $S6 Interest on each 5100 warrant, now the accrued In terest only amounts to JS on the same amount. Governor to View the Clin unci. SALEM, Or.. April 24.-(Speclal.)-The Governor, Attorney-General and Master Fish Warden of tho State of Washington 'will come to Portland next Friday and make a trip down the Columbia to the mouth of the river for the purpose of ex amining the channel and viewing the sup posed boundary line between the two states. Probably Governor Chamberlain, Attorney-General Crawford and Fish Warden Van Dusen will accompany them on tho trip. The State of Washington will soon bring a suit in the Federal Court to determine the location of the line, and this trip will be taken In order that the situation may be better understood. Oilier Citizens Will Come. PENDLETON. Or.. April 24. (Special.) Pendleton will be represented by a large contingent at the meeting of the Oregon Development League, which is to be held Wednesday and Thursday at Portland. President J. A. Bodle, of the Commercial Association, this afternoon announced the following delegates to represent the club: C. EL Roosevelt. R. Alexander, W. L. Thompson, C. J. Smith. W. J. Matlock, S. A. Lowell, H. J. Bean, Walter Pierce, E. P. Dodd and G. A. Hartman. In addition to the delegates, it is ex pected that a large party of business men and representative citizens of this county will attend the meeting. Bystander Gets the Bullet. BUTTE, Mont., April 24. A Miner spe cial from Glendlve, Mont., says that Jo seph, Schedlk was shot and probably fa tally wounded at AVlbaux yesterday by Homer Porter, while the latter was en gaged In a row with William Reives, known as "Deadwood Dick." Schedik was an Innocent bystander. Porter If said to have been intoxicated. He declares he fired only to scare Reives, but that whisky spoiled his aim. The bul let almost went through Schedlk's breast, just below the heart Porter Is In jail. Rifle Suspects Ask for Time. SALEM; Or.. April 24. (Special.) Harry Wright and Charles Monte pleaded not guilty today to the charge of providing the rifles. used by Tracy and Merrill in making their escape from the penitentiary In 1902. District Attorney aicary asked that the men be placed on trial May 22, but the defense asked for a continuance until the July term. Judge'Bennett gave the defense until Friday to file its af fidavits for a continuance. Great Demand for Salmon. ASTORIA. Or.. April 24. (Special.) There Is little if any improvement in the run of fish In the lower river, and the catches are still light, although more salmon has been packed now than on the first of May last season. The quality of the fish Is excellent and the demand is so great that It Is causing a little flurry in. the prices paid. IN STATE'S BEHALF Oregon Development League Will Hold Session. SECTIONS WILL CONVENE Subjects of "Interest to the General Welfare of the Commonwealth Will Be Discussed by the Delegates. The second annual convention of the Oregon Development League will be called to order In the Marquam Grand Theater tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock. Gov ernor Chamberlain will deliver an address of welcome, which will be responded to by E. L. Smith, of Hood River, president of the league. After a brief report by the secretary, H. W. Goode will deliver an address on the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Charles V. Galloway, of McMinnville. who had charge of the horticultural exhibit at St. Louis, will also speak. Other addresses will follow, and each paper presented will be discussed. Frank I. Vawter, of Med ford, and Hev. J. R. N. Bell, of Baker City, ' will make Interesting talks, and G. A. Westgate, of Albany, will deliver an address on "An Open Willamette River." The convention will adjourn promptly at 12:30 o'clock, to convene at 2:15 P. M. in sections. The Willamette Valley agricultural sec tion will meet In the Marnuam Grand Theater, and will be In charge of Colonel J E. Hofer and Walter Lyons, president and j secretary of the Willamette Valley JDe- j velopment League. J The good roads section will meet hi the f main dining-room, in charge of John H. Scott, of Salem, president of the Oregon ( Good Roads Association, and R. W. Rlch ardsoh. secretary of the National Good Roads Association, who Is now on his way from the East to attend the conven tion. The dairy section. In charge of J. W. Bailey, will convene promptly at 2:13 o'clock. In the ladles' dining-room of the Commercial Club. Wilbur K. Newell, of Dllley. chairman of the fruit section, will have charge of the meeting of that section in -the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, beginning promptly at 2:15. Before adjournment definite announce ment will be made as to where the min ing section will meet, the blackroom of the Commercial Club being reserved. It is expected that these sectional meet ings will develop' a great many practical Ideas which will serve to get substantial results as a consequence of the Lewis and Clark Exposition. As a state organization, the league has no funds with which to carry on Its work. The money raised by each of the 52 commercial organizations composing the state body Is spent locally, but It Is expected that a plan will be adopted that will result In having the Oregon Develop ment League represented on the grounds of the Exposition from the opening to the closing day. A reception will be given in the rooms of the Portland Commercial Club from S to 11 o'clock tomorrow evening. Two or chestras will be in attendance, and dancing will be enjoyed la the large dining-room, while the reception proper will be In tho parlors. The convention will be open to all, and tho managers urge those Interested in the development of the state to be present. The front seats In the parquet will be reserved for the delegates. A reception committee, of which Messrs. E. L. Thomp son antl S. G. Reed and Mesdames P. J. Mann and A. H. Breyman are joint chair men, will be at the theater at 9 o'clock, to see that the delegates receive badges and are giveh an opportunity to register. This committee will also act on the evening of the reception. The convention will be called to order at 9 o'clock Thursday morning. Reports from sectional conventions nnd also from vice-presidents of the league, reports from different delegations; addresses by Jef ferson Myers, president of the Oregon State Comiriisslon of the Lewis and Clark Exposition: and R. W. Rlehardson, sec retary of the National Good Roads Asso ciation. Every possible effort will be made to adjourn tne convention at 12:30 o'clock. At 2 P. M., trolley-cars will leave First and Washington streets for a visit to the Exposition zrounds. and will be met at - the grounds by President Goode and other officials, returning to the city at 4 o'clock. The badges, which will be furnished to all delegates registering, will admit to the reception at the Commercial Club, the street-car ride and the Exposition grounds Thursday afternoon. Teaching a Chinese Wife. Lenchingchou correspondence North China Daily News. A man had a wife of whom he lived in mortal terror, rarely presuming- to The adjustability of Mellin's Food is one of its good points. Mellin's Food can be adjusted and is suitable to the needs of the youngest infant as well as children of the more advanced age. It only takes a minute to pre pare it as there is no cooking nec essary. Send for a free sample. Mellla's Food is the ONLY Iafaats' Feed, wkica' received tke Grand Prize, tke highest award of the Louisiana. Psr ckue Exposition, StLeais, 1904. High er tkaa a fold medal. MELLIN'S FOOD CO., BOSTON, MASS. if Sixes, lie ts K E&ek. A. SAXTAKT.T.A CO.. Makers. Tatars, n. mm k HART, KiVMvi, frtki, Or. ARMY CHAPLAIN HALF OUR ILLS ARE CATARRH. Thousands of Peonlp Have Klrinpv Trmihl --. and Don't Know It Is Catarrh. Mr. )avid L. Jaycox, Chaplain Clarlnda, I. O. G. T., and Chaplain G- A. R., S65 Broadway, Oakland, Cal.. writes: "I am an old war veteran. I contracted severe bladder nnd kid ney trouble. I pent hundreds of dollar and, conMiiltcd; a hont of doctors, but neither did inc nny good. "Peruna has proven the best med icine I ever used. My pains are gone and I believe myself to be cured. I feel well and would not be without a bottle in time of need forJ ten times its cost." Hundreds of war veterans have kid ney and bladder trouble. Impure drinking Trater, nlecplng on the ground, and nil manner of cxpu Hiircn to wet niitl cold wenther produced cnturrh of the kidney nnd blndder. do anything which might call forth her displeasure. The said wife had the un fortunate habit of attempting suicide unless she had her own way, and the husband, however much he may havo secretly wished she would die some time, and perhaps was not unwilling it should happen soon, had a Tear of sui cide as getting him Into a lawsuit with her relatives, which might take away his last cash. But the henpecked man had a younger brother of shrewder mind. For. tone day whfen the woman rushed off to tho village well, and Jumped In as usual, expecting to be drawn out as formerly, he took the mat ter into nis own hands. Grasping the Those afflicted with Eczema know more than can be told o the sufterinsr fire. " It usually begins with a slight redness of the skin, which gradually spreads, followed by blisters and pustules discharging a thin, sticky fluid that dries and scales off, leaving an inflamed surface, and at times the itch ing and burning are almost unbearable. While any part of the body is liable to be attacked, the hands, feet, back, arms, face and legs are the parts most often afflicted. Thecauseof Eczema is a too acid condi tion of the blood. The cir culation becomes loaded with fiery, acid poisons that through tne glands and pores of the skin which set the flesh, aflame. Since the cause of the disease is in the blood it is a waste of time to try to cure it with local aoolications: the cause must be removed before a cure can be enected. b. b. t. applications; uiotauacij sss cured under the ordinary treatment yield to its purifying, cooling effect on the blood. Book on Skin Diseases and any advice wished, without charge, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO; ATLANTA, CAm VITAL WEAKNESS Longest entabilabed. most successful anu reliable epeclalUU In diseases of men. as medical diplomas, licenses and newspa per records shotr. Stricture, Varicocele, Nervous Debility, Biood Poison, Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all disease and weaknesses due to Inheritance, evil habits, excesses or the result of specific diseases. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE BVo!eu Md Office Hours: S A. 31. to 8 P. M.; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. St Louis Stir Dispensary Cor. Second and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Or. confinement. Kiood Dolson. "ToHiSbled SthaKi ' basniulness. aversion to "f:..""u' " J iVlDLAEU&MKNf wnorm excesses and .trains Have lost their ' yffiY vn 5iciN DISEASES, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine. ri? ?Et2 Enlarged Prostate, Sexual Debility. Varicocele. Hydrocele. Kld !?ie2w5: cured witnout MERCURY Olt OTHER POISONOUS nniiGs. Catarrh and rheumatism CURED. Dr wtlker3 methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent nos trums orready?made "preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical SSment. HJa New Panphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men wao de treairaenu xria i.'iew o. nt home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered i n plain enveiopeT Consultation Iree and sacredly confidential. Call on or address. . . DR. WALKER, 181 First Street, Corner Yamhill, Portland, O SEVERE KIDNEY 'AND BLADDER TROUBLE a They havo d o c t o red with every c onceivablc drug, have c o n suited all schools of medicine. It was not until Peru na came In to, use, how ever, that these old soiai e rs found a remedy tnat would actually cure them. More case of catarrh of kidneys and bladder hnrc been cured by Peruna than nil other medicines combined. Address Dr. S. B. Hartman. presi dent of The Hartman Sanitarium, Co lumbus. Ohio, and he will be pleased to give you the benefit of his medical advice gratis. All correspondence held strictly confidential. rope, he lowered it to the woman, who took a good hold. By the time she waa drawn up to the brink, suddenly he let go, and the woman dropped back again with a splash, her head going under water: again she was drawn up. and again somehow tho rope slipped just as 3he was about getting u grip on mother earth. This happened several times, each time the woman going under and taking in a goodly quantity of muddy water. At last the young man thought she might have learned her lesson and sho was allowed to land. From that time she is reported to have been a different woman; the water cure worked a charm. imoosed bv this "flesh Eczema made its appearanee on my lett nmo tne size of my thumb in iScfe, and spread until it was large as my hand, burning, itching and paining me, and for which I could get no relief, until see ing the other cures advertised by you I wrote and secured the advise of your physicians, commenced S. S. S. and it cured me. Mayetta, Kan. J. H. SPEJTCS. nas no equal as a remeay ior xvcteniu; il oiias blood and forces out the poison through the natural channels, and builds up the entire system. The skin becomes smooth and soft again, and the -Eczema is cured. Cases that have persistently refused to be Above all other things, we strive to save the thou sands of young aid middle-aged men who are plung ing toward the grave, tortured by the woes of nervous debility. We have evolved a special treatment for Nervouj Debility and special weakness' that Is uni formly successful In cases where success was before and by other doctors deemed Impossible. It does not stimulate temporarily but restores permanently. It allays Irritations of the delicate tissues surrounding the lax and unduly expanded glands, contracting tuem to their normal condition, which prevents lost vitality. It tones up and strengthens the blood vessels that carry nourishment. The patient realizes a great blight has been lifted from his life. We want all MEN WHO A1U3 SUFFERING from any disease or special weakness to feel that they can come to our office freely for examination and explanation of their condition FREE OK CHARGE, without being bound by any obligation whatever to take treatment unless they so desire. We euro Twenty Years of Success In the treatment of chronic diseases, such a3 liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diar rhoea, dropsical swellings. Bright's disease, etc. Kidney and Urinary Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured. Diseases of the Rectum Such as piles, lis tula, tissure. ulceration, mucous and bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain or Diseases of Men gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, lm- SSTSV exhausting drain,. " 0