Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 25, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE SIOiranSG OITEGOffly, TUESQAT, ,APBIL 25, 195.
RUSSIA IN TERRQ by Wholesale Are
Feared, at Easter.
Socialists Cause Panic in Poland,
WberC'-Poles Are.DrlvenKFrom
Factories--.Open.-;' Revolt- -Threatened
at TOina.
ST.' PETERSBURG. April 24. The news
from Poland paints a picture of veritable
terror before the expected atorm. A let
ter received here reads:
"You know what -happened at "Warsaw,
but you only know .part of what is occurring-
throughout the country. All Poland
is in a great conflagration of Socialism,
terror of which is everywhere exciting a
terrible panic "y!le expect at Easter a
general massacre of .the Russian govern
ment officials and the -wealthy, and the
blowing up of the Vistula bridge to pre
vent the arrival of troops from Russia.
"The policy are doing nothing. They
pretend to be' blind and deaf to what is
passing on around them. The existing re
gime Is the cause of discontent, which Is
on the Increase among the idle workmen
driven from, the factories and railroads
because they are Poles. They say they
will have vengeance."
A letter from "Vilna says:
"Work Is impossible under the existing
conditions. The government's endless
commissions have accomplished nothing,
and the landlords, workmen and peas
ants are convinced that open revolt and
the bayonet are the only remedies. Easter
may witness the Inauguration of another
insurrection like that of 1863, which be
gan, as this may, with a Russian mas
fiacre." Commenting on the above, the Russ de
clares" the government must act prompt
ly 4f awful carnage Is to be avoided. The
only thing to be done, it says. Is to sum
mon the moderates to give guarantees
that the promised reforms will be real
Drastic Measures by Government to
Stop Peasant Pillagers.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 24. With the
object of stopping the destruction of pri
vate property, which has been going on
in the rural districts under the influ
ence of the loaders of the peasant move
ment, an Imperial decree was issued to
day authorizing the Minister of the In
tenor, M. Boullgan, to appoint commis
sions in the disturbed districts to trace
the culprits, assess the losses and collect
the amount of damage done from the
members of the village communities Im
plicated, whose real and personal prop
erty is liable to be sold at auction for
this purpose.
The decree also orders the granting, of
state loans to landowners not possessing
the means of repairing their losses.
The authorities believe that If the peas
ants arc made to understand that they
must foot the bill it will have the -wholesome
effect of ending the movement.
The moderate constitutional group ot
St. Petersburg, headed by Toll, Bobrln
sky and Korff, are consulting with Ship
ofT and Troubetskoy. of Moscow, and.
there are indications that they will join
the National Progressive movement and
attempt to rally to their support the mod
erate Liberals, who do not believe that
the country is ripe for universal suffrage
or a completely independent parliament.
The Government appears to be giving
countenance to the moderate course, and
it is now julte generally believed that
the promised rescript reforms, which it
was reported would be announced this
week, will follow generally the lines ad
vanced by the Shipoff party, which is an
advisory council based on representation
of the Zemstvos and Doumas extended to
all the provinces and cities of the empire.
"Peasants Now Delivered to Land
lords, Who Will Welcome Rioting.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 24. Nicholas
ukase issued this morning empowers the
Minister ofthc Interior, where- Agrarian
riote occurred to form a committee com
posed of local -bureaucrats and nobles to
appraise the damage done to estates and
property and attach the real estate, goods
and chattels of the entire peasant com
munity for the purpose of settling, these
Professor Svieshnlkoff ald this morn
ing: "The Czar's ukase Is the result of the
alliance between the bureaucracy and the
Shipoff Liberals. The landlords, having
been given thf right of appraising dam
age dono to their property, will welcome
rioting. The re-establishment of peasant
communal responsibility, which the Czar
himself recently abolished, revolutionizes
the entire peasantry. The real cause of
the Agrarian troubles is starvation. The
ukase giving the nobles the right to at
tach peasant property aggravates the
It is said that the Admiralty is to be
reorganized and that Grand Duke Alexis
and Admiral Avellan will resign.
Petition BouJJIgan for Share in Pre
paring a Constitution.
IVANOFF. Government of Saratoff,
Russia, April 24. The peasant society
has addressed a strong petition to M.
boullgan, Minister of the Interior, de
claring that, as It is a most numerous
class and the class which ie suffering the
most, it should be consulted on the meth
od of realizing the imperial rescript The
oclety boldly proclaims itself in favor
of convocation of a constituent assembly
to decide on the form of government as
a condition precedent to the demand for
free speech, the abolition of the state of
siege and the use of whips by Cossacks
and bayonets by other troops.
Brown's Lawyer Says Many Policy
holders Will Intervene.
PHILADELPHIA, April 24. Joseph Jun
kln, of this city, who Is one of the attor
neys In the suit Instituted in New York
today for a receiver for the Equitable
Life Assurance Society, said tonight that
he represents a number of Philadelphia
who are policy-holders In the Equitable.
He said that Interventions will be filed In
New York tomorrow by several hundred
other policy-holders who reside In this
city. Their names, he "added, will be made
public at the time of the filing of the
Urged Not to Work on-3fay Day.
WARSAW, April 24. The. Social Demo
cratic leaders of Lithuania have .issued
a manifesto to workmen and peasant la
borers requesting them not to. work, on
May 1 as a protest against the. existing
conditions. The manifesto .concludes .with
the hope that this will be the last May
day under despotic government The holi
days passed off quietly. The garrison
has been heavily reinforced.
Sermon Against Jew-Baiting.
KISHINEV Russia, April 24. The
fears vof anti-Semitic, rioting during the
Easter holidays arc spreading among the
Jews. Archbishop Vladimir preached a
sermon yesterday admonishing the Chris
tians to refrain from violence and-mani-.festations
of race Jiatred during the festi
val "of peace. -
Celebration Becomes a Riot.
- VLADIKAVIKAZ, North Caucasia.
April 24. The Spring festival today was
.turned Into a revolutionary demonstra
tion.. Cossacks and police dispersed the
crowds, using the flat of their swords.
Many, persons were injured, including
Eomcvwomen.and children, but none is re
.ported to have been' killed.
Printers Strike for a Rest.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 24. The
printers suddenly struck yesterday, an
nouncing their Intention of refusing' tp
work Sundays and holidays. Only the
Russ and Novoe Vremya managed to ap
pear this morning. u
Ministers Fall to Read Resolutions.
ST. PETERSBURG. April 24. The reso
lutions adopted by the congress of the
representatives of the higher schools were
sent in a registered letter to the commit
tee of Ministers and have been returned
St. Petersburg Navigation Open.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 24. Naviga
tion to and from St Petersburg was re
opened today.
Relative Quantities of Drinks Used
.by the Largest Nations.
WASHINGTON. April 23. (Speclal.)
The consumption of tea, coffee and alco
holic beverages In the principal countries
of the world is presented In a table lust
prepared by the Department of Commerce
and Labor, through its Bureau of Statis
tics. The figures show that the United
Xlngdom is first In the consumption of
tea: the United States first in the con
sumption of coffee, Germany first in-the
consumption of beer. Russia first In the
consumption of whisky and other distilled
spirits, and France first In the consump
tion of wines. Statistics are presented
relative to the United States, the United
Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia,
Spain, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Portugal,
Chile and Argentina.
Tea consumption in the 12 countries
named aggregated In 1904, or the latest
available year, over 510,000,000 pounds. Of
this, the consumption In the United King
dom was 256,500.000: Russia, 127.CO0.O00: Uni
ted States. 109.67G.000; Germany. 7.000,000:
while In no other country for which these
statistics are available Is the annual con
sumption as much as 3,000.000 pounds that
of Austria-Hungary being 2.675,000 pounds;
France, less than 2,000,000 pounds; Chile,
about 2.O00.000 pounds; Argentina, 1.SO0.000
pounds; Spain, S33.000 pounds, and Italy,
115.500 pounds.
Of coffee, the world's consumption is ap
proximately 2,250.000.000 pounds. In this
the United States. a3 already Indicated,
holds the first place, with a total con
sumption In 1304 of 961,000.000 pounds: Ger
many second, 297,000,000; Franco third, 16S,
000.000; Austria-Hungary fifth. 08.666.000:
Italy sixth, 39.000,000. and the United
Kingdom seventh, 29,500.000 pounds. In
the other countries coffee consumption is
less general, being 22,000,000 In Spain. 21,
00.000 in Russia, 18.500.0CO In Argentina.
6.500.000 In Portugal, and 5.500.000 in Chile.
The statistics of beer consumption are
available for only eight countries, with a
total of 5,753,000,003 gallons annually. Ger
many had a total consumption of 1.7S3.
000.000: the United Kingdom, l.oOl.OOO.OOO;
the United States. 1.494.000,000; Austria.
492,000.000; France. 2S9.O00.000; Hungary,
38.333.000; and Italy, 6,750.000.
The consumption of whisky, brandy and
other distilled spirits in the eight coun
tries for which statistics are available
amount to 6S7.CO0.00O gallons that for Rus
sia being set down at 174.000.000 gallons;
Gerrhany, 124,333.000; the United. States,
121:000.000: Austria, 82,500.000; France. 72.
333.000; the United Kingdom. 58,333,000;
Hungary, 43.500,000, and Italy, 11,000.000.
Wine consumption in the nine countries
for which statistics are presented amounts
to 3,030.000.000 gallons annually, principally
in the Latin countries. France alone con
sumes 1.313,000,000 gallons annually; Italy,
928,500,000; Spain, 331,500.000. and Austria
Hungary. 231,000.000. Figures for Russia
are not available. Germany consumes
124.000.000 gallons of wine annually; Portu
gal, nearly 72.000.000: the United States.
43.333,000, and the United Kingdom,. 16.666,
000. The per capita, 'consumption of the vari
ous beverages In the principal countries
presents some sharp contrasts. Thue, In
the per capita consumption of tea the
United States is credited with but 1.34
pounds as against 6 pounds for the United
Kingdom; while in the other countries
presented the annual consumption per
head of population is in each case less
than one pound, Russia being credited
with 0.92: Chile. 0.62; Argentina. 0.37; Por
tugal, 0.14; Germany, 0.12, and France and
Austria-Hungary each, 0.06 of one pound.
In the per capita consumption of coffee
the relative rank of the countries named
Is: United States, 11.75 pounds per head
of population; Germany, 6.65 pounds;
France, - 4.29 pounds; Argentina, 3.S1
pounds; Austria-Hungary, 2.33 pounds;
Chile, 1.72 pounds; Spain, LIS pounds;
Italy. 1.17 pounds; the United Kingdom,
0.69 pound, and Russia, 0.15 pound. Of beer
the per capita consumption in the latest
available year was as follows: United
Kingdom. 35.42 gallons (thus exceeding
Germany with her 30.77 gallons); Austria
Hungary, 20.36 gallons: United States, 18.2S
gallons; France, 7.41 gallons, and Russia,
1.0S gallons. The per capita consumption
of whisky and spirituous liquors is far
more uniform in the" countries under con
sideration: Austria with 3.09 gallons per
capita, Hungary 2.19 gallons, and Germany
2.11 gallons, being the only countries with
an annual consumption In excess of two
gallons per capita; and Italy, with 0.34
gallon per capita, was the only country
to fall -below one gallon In its annual
consumption per capita. The United
States 1.4S gallons). United Kingdom (1.3S
gallons), France (1.35 gallons), and Rus
sia (1.26 gallons) differ little In their per
capita consumption of distilled epirlts. In
wine; however, the per capita consumption
varies greatly among the various coun
tries, from a minimum of 0.S9 of 1 gallon
in the United Kingdom to 34.73 gallons in
France, while the other countries, ar
ranged in the ascending scale, stand,
United States, 0.53 of 1 gallon: Germany,
2.0S gallons; Hungary. 3.75 gallons; Aus
tria, 5.85 gallons; Portugal. 14.12 gallons:
Spain, 17.S2 gallons, 'and Itay, 28.06-gallons.
, -
Arrested for Embezzlement.
BUTTE. Mont, April 24. A Miner spe
cial from Phillppsburg sajs.
According to advices received by Sheriff
Finlay McDonald, from La Crosse. Wis.,
H. Oberet has been arrested at that place.
Oberst was arrested by the authorities at
Phillppsburg for the embezzlement of
about 5500 from the Walker Commercial
Company, of which firm Oberst was the
bookkeeper. Sheriff McDonald left to
night for La Crosse.
Under Clairvoyants' Spell.
SAN JOSE, Cal., April 24. Drew and his
wife, the New Hampshire couple, are in
a. local sanitarium, Jjtlll mentally de
ranged. They have not been committed
to a lunatic asylum. The police arc
searching for Clairvoyant Weber, who gof
them under the spell ,and. It la alleged,
swindled them out of oyer $2000. -,
Will, Soon Attack Turkey to
.Regain Prestige.
Bulgaria, Fears Consequence of Rus
sian Plans in Balkan States.
Austria to Aid Czar, Who
Has French Sympathy.
CHICAGO, April 24. (Special.) The
Dally News' Vienna correspondent says:
Trustworthy news from Sofia repre
sents that the Bulgarian Cabinet Is
alarmed at the Intentions of Russia rela
tive to the Balkan states. "It Is beyond
question," wires an official of the 'first
rank to the Dally News correspondent
"that the government at St Petersburg
Is maturing plane for an impressive dem
onstration In the Near East. The Czar
bewails Russia's loss of standing In
Europe and reads with pain the com
ments of the Western press, wherein it
is taken for granted that Russia is not
what she once was.
"The Romanoff blood Is up and the
Czar intends to test the quality of Eng
land's opposition to Slav ambitions
touching Constantinople. In plain words,
with the co-operation of Austria-Hungary,
Nicholas means to see if Russia
cannot brush aside every obstacle from
her path to the Mediterranean.
"It is understood that the Czar counts
on French sympathy, inasmuch as a
striking reassertlon of Russian strength
In Europe would tend to rectify that Im
pairment of the European balance of
power which has resulted from Russia's
misfortune, and which is enabling Ger
many to press so hard on France In
Morocco. It is well known that the
Bulgarian cabinet has brought this mat
ter emphatically to the attention of
Austrian statesmen regard Bulgaria s
fears as exaggerated, although complete
candor on this subject Is rarely met. The
refusal of the four guaranteeing powers
to sanction the transfer of Crete's al
legiance from Turkey to -Greece means
that Europe Is not ready to undertake
the solution of the problem ot European
Turkey. Were Crete's national demand
allowed. Bulgaria would immediately so
licit a similar favor and the whole
Balkan question would arise In urgent
Spy Ransacks Rooms of Director at
PARIS. April 25. The rooms occupied
by the director of naval construction at
Toulon were ransacked last night The
Journal states that valuables and money
were not touched, but that documents
and plans were carried off.
Yacht Racesvin Spain.
LONDON. April 24. The Royal Yacht
Club of San Sebastian, in Spain, has re
ceived promisee from several English
yachting clubs to take part in the Inter
national regatta which will be held, there
this Summer. To enable yachts to fit In
San Sebastian with Cowes. the former
will hold. Its. regatta In July, and every
possible kind of welcome will be offered
to English and American yachtsmen who
care to visit the gay little Spanish
"plage." Several English and American
visitors are already to be found In the
hotels, including Dudley Baxter, Edward
Dodgson. P. C. Radecliffe, Miss H.
R. Chamberlain and Mr. .and Mrs.
Beaumont, and several of the neighbor
ing villa have already been taken for
the Spring and Summer season.
Japan Entertains German Prince.
TOKIO, April 24. Prince Charles An
ton von Hohenzollem, representative of
the Emperor of Germany with the Jap
anese army, accompanied by Prince
Ketchlte of Kanla, arrived here today
from Mukden on his way to Germany.
Representatives of the Emperor of
Japan and many notables greeted
the Princes at the railway station.
Prince Charles, of Hohenzollem was es
corted to the Shlba -palace, which he
will occupy during his stay in this
cits-. A number of farewell entertain
ments have been planned in his honor.
Spain Sticks to Her Bullfights.
NEW YORK, April 24. Bullfights were
held Sunday In many towns all over
Spain, for the 11 rat time since the law
prohibiting their being held on that day
was promulgated, says a Herald dispatch
from Madrid.
Owing to the popular opposition to the
measure and to the protests from torea
dors, municipal authorities and others in
terested, the government suspended the
Several serious injuries are reported to
have occurred In various ring3.
Waldorf Theater in London.
LONDON, April 24. Three hundred and
fifty men are now dally " engaged on the
work of completing and decorating thfi
Waldorf Theater, where the notable 'sea
son of opera, and drama Is soon -to com
mence. The main entrance Is at tlje cor
ner -of Aldwych and Catherine streets.
Immediately facing the Strand. Grand
opera at theater prices is to be the
feature of the future programme for the
new house.
King Edward to Meet Loubot Again.
PHILLIPPEVrLLE. Algiers. April 24.
King Edward sailed today for Sardinia,
whence he will proceed to Marseilles and
Paris. At Paris the King will have an
other conference with President Loubet
PARIS. April 24,-King Edward will ar
rive In Paris 'on April 29. nd will confer
with President Loubet on Sunday or
Gherry Garden Party at Tokio.
TOKIO, April 24. The annual cherry
garden party was held In Hama Park
today. The Emperor la slightly indisposed
and was not present The Empress, as
sisted hy the Imperial Princess and Prln
cosses. was the hostess of 1200 guests,
including many foreigners.
Shakespeare Week at Stratford.
LONDON, April 24. Shakespeare fes
tival week ' is being celebrated at
Stratford-on-Avon with .great spirit.
The town Is gay with hunting "and
music an.J. crowded with visitors. In
LpcJon Shakespeare Is being played at
four of the leading houses.
Sicilians Welcome the Kaiser.
PALERMO, April 24. The German
Imperial yacht Hohenzollem, with Em
peror William, Empress Augusta and
Princes Eltel Frederick and Oscar on
board, was given an enthusiastic recep
tion here today. "
They Butted In on Oulda.
sqCCA.-Sicily, April ,24. The courts
here have condemned two .sops of the
Belgian consul for the violation of the
domicile of the whiter Oulda (Mile Je
ia Ramee).
Earthquake at Guayaquil.
PUAYAQUIL, Ecuador, April 24. A
long and heavy, earthquake shock was ex
perienced here last night" - -
' " .
Morgan Goes to Constantinople.
ROME, April 24. J. P. Morgan , left
Rome tonight for Constantinople.
Sheriff Word Thinks Frank Selee
Should Be Given Freedom.
An effort is being made by Sheriff
Word to have a parJon-Issued by Gov
ernor Chamberlain to Frank Selee, the
15-year-old boy who prevented 25
prisoners from escaping from the Coun
ty Jail. The boy, who was sentenced
to ten months" Imprisonment for steal
ing money and Jewels from a guest at
the Scott Hotel.-whlle a Bellboy there.
The Boy Trusty Who Prevented a Jailbreak.
has been a trusty at the jail, having
been even sent on errands about town.
His sentence expires In September. The
prisoners threaten to do him Injury for
Informing on them, saying that he did
It In hope of pardon, but the Sheriff be
lieves that his act was spontaneous,
and not dono in hope of reward.
PORTLAND. April 24. Maximum temper
ature. 83 deg.; minimum, 33. River reading
at 11 A. M.. 4.S -feet: change in past 24
hours, fail. 0.2 feet. Total precipitation. 3
P. M. to 5 P. M.. none; total since Sep
tember 1, 1904, 20.20 inches; normal. 40.92
inehes; deficiency. 11.72 inches. Total sun
shine April 23, 1005, 13 hours and 53 min
utes; possible. IS hours and SS minutes.
Barometer (reduced to tea level) at S P, M.,
v tn
? tj - Vtlnd. jig .
Se. go
STATIONS. ug 2. n " "
g oo 2
3 -i o
5 . : ? :
Baker City 72 T J 4!XW Cloudy
Bismarck 6d 0.004S Pt Cldy.
Boise j78 0.004XE Pt. Cldy.
Eureka Wtt O.OOi CIX Cloudy
Helena 72 O.OOI 6!S W Cloudy
Kamloops. B. C. . S2 0.00 . .1 Clear
Xorth Head 56 O.OOllOjSW Cloudy
Pocatello jrtS T 1 4E Pt Cldy.
Portland iS.10.00 4S Clear
Red Bluff 7C0.00 SE Clear
Roseburjy SOiO.OO C NW Cloudy
Sacramento 60 0.00 12 S Ciear
Salt Lake City.... 64 0.0012 E Ciear
San Francisco 60 0.00 12lSW Pt Cldy.
Spokane SO 0.00 4lS Clear
Seattle S4 0.00 4V Pt. Cldy.
Tatoosh Island ISS'O.OO 22I&W Cloudy
"Waila Walla ISO 0.00 4,'E IClcax
T trace.
xThunder showers, with light rainfall have
occurred today In scattered portions of
Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho. Else
where In the North Pacific States fair
weather has prevailed.
Tbe temperature continues abnormally
high this evening at all stations in the Pa
cific Northwest except in Southwestern Ore
gon and along the immediate coast, where
It Is cooler. ,
The Indications are for showery weather
in this district Tuesday with lower tempera
tures. '
Forecasts made at Portland for the 28
hours ending at midnight April 25:
Portland and vicinity rProbably showers
and cooler; southeasterly winds.
Western Oregon and Western Washington
Showers; cooler except near the coast;
southerly winds.
Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and
Idaho Probably thunder showers.
Actiig District Forecaster.
45as Burns Sailors on the Maine.
PENSACOLA. Fla.. April 24. Flare
back, or explosion of gases on the bat
tleship Maine recently resulted In the
severe burning of three men on that
vessel. A catastrophe similar to that on
the Missouri a year ago wa3 narrowly
Guggenheims Absorb Lead Trust.
ST. LOUIS. April 24.-The' Centrar
Lead Company todty passed Into the pos
session .of the Guggenheim interests of
New xork. .The sale was on. the basis
of ?l.G0O;X for the ;i,00Q,W0 capital stock.
Nan Patterson Breaks Down
t Rand's Speech.
Deprived of Comfort of Her Father
in Court, She Has to Hear Story
of Crime as Belated hy
Prosecuting' Attorney.
June .4. 1904 Cnesar Touns. book
maker, whlfo riding in a htnm cab
-with Nan Pitt erf on. a chorus girl, was
mysteriously nbot to death with a pis
tol at the corner of West Broadway
and Franklin street. New York, at 8:30
A. M. Nan Patterson was arrwted.
charged with murder, and committed to
the Tomb without bail.
November 15. 1904 Her first trial be
gan before Justice Vernon M.. Davis, in
the Supreme Court. After the trial had
prosres?d for ten days one of the
Jurors was taken III and, on Novem
ber 26, the Jury was dismissed and the
trial postponed.
December 5, 1904 Xan Paterson's
second trial was begun before Justice
Davis in the same court. It' continued
to December 23. frhen the Jury, after
long deliberation, disagreed. It was
said to stand 6 to 6.
April 10. 190jr Xan Patterson was
called for trial for the third time in the
sameaurt. At the request of :he District-Attorney
it was postpone until
J. Morgan Smith and hi wife. Nan
Patterson sister, had been brought
to New York from Cincinnati x wit
nesses. April 11 J. Morgan Smith nd his
wife were charged with conspiracy to
extort money from Young, and commit
ted In bail.
April 17 Nan Patterson's third trial
began before Recorder Goff.
NEW YORK, April 24. The third trial
of Nan Patterson, accused of the murder
I of Caesar Yountr. began In earnest today
before Recorder Goff, in the Court of
General Sessions. Confident and almost
smiling In the previous ordeals, the for
" mer showgirl today was on the verge of
I collapse. She became faint at the close of
the morning session, necessitating a hur-
rled adjournment of the court, but had
i revived considerably when the afternoon
ji session began.
The feature of the day's proceedings was
i the opening address of Assistant District
Attorney Rand. In which he outline what
declared that Young never carried a pis
tol, and that the state would prove that
the revolver that killed Young was bought
by J. Morgan Smith, brother-in-law of
Nan Patterson. Mr. Rand said that he
would prove "by sworn evidence that dur-
Ing the year Young maintained "Nan Patr
terson h .spent 530,000 on her; that Nan
x attcrsort "and the Smiths entered into "a
conspiracy to prevent Young from leaving
this country and to avoid cutting off their
enjoyment ot his money. Young, he con
tended, acted as one marked for slaugh
ter from the tlmo he received the alleged
threatening 'letter In which Julia Smith,
Nan Patterson's sl6ter, wrote to Young:
"Unless you do see Nan, I cannot answer
for the consequences."
The petition filed by counsel for the
Smiths to compel District Attorney
Jerome to give up letters taken from
them when they were arrested in Cincin
nati was denied today by Justice Gaynor
In the New York Supreme Court.
In opening his address, Mr. Rand urged
the jurors to forget all that had been said
and published about previous prosecutions
of the prisoner and to begin with an en
tirely fair and unbiased mind.
Court of Law, Not Chivalry.
"This has been a most sensational
case," he said, "and you are facing a
hard ordeal, particularly on account of
the sex of the defendant "But this is not
a court of chivalry or a court of morals
it Is a court of law."
He warned them that the fact that an
indictment had been returned against the
prisoner must have no weight with them,
and that they must not consider as
against her the prisoner's mode of life.
He concluded, however, that It was a
misconception, to believe that her char
acter had nothing to do with the case.
This, he believed,, would have a most Im
portant bearing as showing a possible
motive for the crime.
That the prosecution has not abandoned
Us contention that the revolver with
which Young was killed was purchased
by J. Morgan Smith was shown during
Mr. Rand's opening argument He chal
lenged the defense to produce letters,
which he said It claimed to have knowl
edge of, that would show that Young
had threatened to commit suicide if he
had to give up Miss Patterson. He de
clared that Young never owned nor car
ried a revolver and made the flat state
ment that "the revolver that killed Cae
sar Young was purchased by Joseph Mor
gan Smith."
In concluding his address, Mr. Rand
toia ot me auegca conspiracy of j. Mor.
gan Smith, his wife and Nan Patterson
to keep Young In this country that they
might enjoy his money and of the threat
ening letter written by Julia Smith, Nan's
sister, to Young. In that letter, he said,
wer the words, "unless you do see Nan,
Coat Shirt
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The Apollinaris Co., Ld., London, are Sole Exporters of
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I cannot answer for the consequence?, '
and he declared that "from the moment
Young received that letter he acted like a
man marked for slaughter."
Mr. Rand narrated the events leading .
up to the fatal cab ride and the tragedy 1
itself, described the purchase of the '
weapon and drew a picture of the murder '
of Caesar Young In the cab.
"I am going to prove by sworn evidence
la this case that during the year he main
tained Nan Patterson Caesar Young spent
550,00) on her." said Mr. Rand.
On Verge of Collapse.
The strain of listening to the arraign
ment Tvas too much for Mte3 Pattorjon.
By the time Mr. Rand concluded his ad
dress and the first witness. Mr. Cole, the
photographer, was called, she was on the
verge of collapse. She wavered and her
head seemed to be swimming. She called
her lawyers, Messrs. Levy and Unger, to
cannot stand It any longer." she
gasped. "I am ill and I am afraid I shall
faint It I am not allowed to rest"
Mr. Levy Informed the Recorder of the
young woman's condition and the trial
was suddenly stopped.
Miss Patterson -was treated by the
Tombs physician during the long recess,
and when the trial was resumed she ap
peared to have fully recovered from the
First Appearance of Smith.
The photographer and architect, who
had prepared pictures and plans of the
cab In which Young was killed, briefly
explained their contributions to the case,
and Policeman Junion then took the
stand. It was Junion who ran after the
cab in Wejst Broadway soon after Young
was shot and directed the cabdriver to a
hospital. His story was a repetition of
that which he twice told before.
J. Morgan Smith and hl3 wife., whose
names have figured prominently In the
case, made their first appearance in court
today. Wardman Edward J. Qulnn, who
took Miss Patterson from the hospital to
the police' station, followed Junion on the
We cuarastM & car la every cue it
tion free. Letters ssfldeaUsJL lastruc tlve BOOK. FOR HEX mailed free in plaia
We cure the wont cases of plies la tw o or three treatments, without operation..
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Attacks and
stand and told of his connection with the
affair. When he referred to J. Morgan
Smith In the course of his testlmony.Mr.
Rand asked that the Smiths be brought in
that Quinn might have a chance to Iden
tify them. They are now prisoners in the
Tombs on a conspiracy charge In connec
tion with the Patterson case. The witness
identified them and they were seat back
to prison.
Qulnn said that Miss Patterson was in
a hysterical condition on the trip from
the hospital to the station-houce. but that
she became cool and collected when
the station was reached. Sh had
been there only a few minutes
when Smith .came In. He wont over to
Miss Patterson, shook her hand and fat
down beside her. When she told him
Young was dead he changed color and
The witness said that on the trip from
the hospital Miss Patterson told him she
had nothing to live for now that Young
was dead, and begged him to kill her with
his club. She told nim that Young had
no reason to 'kill himself.
After several other police officials had
testified regarding nappenlngs In the po
lice station soon after Miss Patterson was
taken there, the court adjourned until to
morrow. Smith Can't Have Those Letters.
NEW YORK. April 21. Justice Gaynor
In the State Supreme Court, in Brooklyn,
today filed a decision denying the petition
of counsel -for J. Morgan Smith and his
wife for an order compelling District At
torney Jerome to return letters taken
from the Smiths when they were arrested
at Cincinnati.
Unknown Suicide at Niagara.
NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.. April 24. An
unknown man walked out Into the rapids
of the American channel above Goat
Island bridge today and was caught by
the swift current and carried over the
falls. The suicide was witnessed by many
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