EPHE MORNING OREGONIA2J, TUESDAY, 'APRIL 25, 1905. MARKETS will BE MADE CLEAN Miss Lillian E. Tingle Is Ap pointed as the Chief - Inspector. - SHE HAS AMPLE AUTHORITY Suggestions Regarding Food Bought In the City's Shops Are Mailed to Housewives for Hefer- I ence as to Supplies. Unclean markets must now look sharp for the, city Board of Health yesterday appointed as inspeptor to spy them out. Miss Lillian B. Tingle, director of the School of Domestic Science, -who "will begin her duties hiight and early next Mon day. "Until that time "women of the school will spy on their- own hook and will make out a "clean list" of markets where housewives can find food free of filth microbes. Miss Tingle will be empowered by the city Board of Health to carry her author ity wherever she llsteth, and should the present ordinances of the city be inade quate to enforce cleanliness, the School of Domestic Science will ask the City Council to enact adequate, laws. Miss Tingle "and members of the school are now digging deep into the charter and the code of ordinances. Must Obey Inspector. A leader of the clean-market crusade when asked yesterday if she did not fear that" filth markets would rise In their might and seek to decapitate the new in spector, replied: "So; 'they can't. They won't dare. Be sides, they would be fighting, not the inspector, but housewives of the city." ""But." was Interposed, "they might go after her salary." The Domestic Science leader smiled, and responded: "Miss Tingle Is now receiving twice as large a salary as director of the School of Domestic Science as she will receive from the city as inspector." The compensation of the inspector is to be $65 a month. Mailed to Housewives. Leaders of the clean food crusade have compiled a catalogue of suggestions for housewives to follow in compelling mar kets to drive out the filth evil. Screens and glass cases for enclosing food goods, scrubbed floors and shelves and counters, clean aprons, washed hands, good air, drained receptacles, earthen or porcelain voseels. and many other germ-free things should be demanded say the filth foes, and they advise that housewives tack up the following in the kitchens and send them to their butcher and their baker and their grocer, to-wlt: HOUSEKEEPERS Why should cleanliness or unrleanliness en cage your attention? Is it all the same to you? ' It is your duty, as a housekeeper, to in form yourself thoroughly as to the sanitary or unsanitary condition of the provision markets and groceries where the food you provide for your family Is stored and handled. Tour should know what Is realty implied by the term sanitary condition." Re'member that any trouble or expense in curred in securing sanitaryconditions is for the safety, life and health of your family and yourself. In sanitary matters more than any other personal individual service must go hand in hand with legislation in order to make legis lation effective. The following questions have been drawn up to help you in this matter. They are generally no framed that an affirmative an swer implies a satisfactory condition while if the answer is negative the question sug gests a. remedy: MEAT MARKETS 1. Is the market enclosed with glass and screens? (Screens alone will not keep out dust.) 2. Is it well ventilated and free from offen sive smells? S. Is the floor cleaned and the sawdust re newed? 4, Are walls and shelves covered with such material as can be easily and frequently washed ? 5. Have you investigated the condition and location of the sausage room? a. Are you satisfied with the condition in which poultry reaches you? - 7. Do the market men wash their hands frequently? 8. Are their frocks, aprons, -etc., as clean as you would like those of your own cook to be? flSII MARKETS 1. Are there suitable properly drained re ceptacles where fish can be kept on ice? 2. Are .you critical as tothe condition of the fish' you buy? ,3. I the shell-fish rinsed before being opyried? '4. Are the places where oysters are opened clean and well ventilated? 5. Are earthen receptacles and glass-covered slabs used in the opening of oysters? GROCERIES 1. Are all the following food materials kept under glass: Dried and salt fish, cheese, cooked meats, honey, pickles, olives, sauer kraut, mince meat, bread, cakes and biscuits, lard and butter? 2. Are the utensils used as far as possible of glass, earthenware or granlteware? S. Is the food touched by hands as little as possible? 4. Is there adequate provision for frequent handwashing on the part of the salesmen? 5. Is the floor clean and free from ex pectoration? 6. Can the walls and shelves be washed? 7. Are the drawers well fitted and dust proof? 8. Are all flour packs raised above the floor and protected from dust by an extra covering? 8. Are eggs kept in a place free from odors? FRUIT AND VEGETABLES 1. Are all fruit and vegetables placed high and protected from contamination by dogs or dust? 2. Are different kinds of fruit and vege tables kept separate and absolutely free from decaying matter? 3. With, the exception of green peas or beans in the pod and green corn In the inner husk, have the vegetables been divested of all parts , not used for food or especially liable to decay? 4. Are all fruits protected from files and sold from clean boxes? 5. Is ail over-ripe or decayed fruit re moved immediately from the premises? 6. Are dried fruits (figs, dates, etc) kept under glass? . , DELIVERY OF GOODS ' 1. Are you aa careful to see that the driver does not handle your foodstuffs as you are that he does not handle your millinery? 2. Do you know whether your . milk or cream comes in cans-with lids secured so that deckhands and expressmen cannot tako casual drinks in transit? 3. Do you receive from the baker un wrapped and much-handled bread? Is It ever left on your own or your grocer's door step? Do not hesitate to blame or praise. The day is past when sickness was held to bo a direct Interference of Providence as retri butive punishment. Pestilence, fevers and weakness are Indeed penalties for tin. but it is the sin of ignorance. In this age of scien tific enlightenment and invention and wide spread information, ignorance of the primary conditions of health and vigor Is unpardon able. A knowledge of sanitary principles should be regarded as an essential part of every woman's education, and obedience to sanitary laws should be ranked as It was in the Mosaic' Code as a religious duty. "Just to think," exclaimed one of the llean-up women yesterday, "we hardly ever found a. hot water faucet in the When asked what good a faucet would accomplish the women seemed surprised at the stupid question: "For washing hands," she responded. "We asked at one market whether the men ever used hot water for washing their hands, and got the answer that about once a week they sent to a near-by barber shop for a supply." Another woman was quizzed as to why she Insisted on markets using earthen or porcelain vessels. This was a stupid question, too, for she made answer: "We can't use wooden tubs for our laundry; why then for our food?" The special meting of the Board of Health yesterday afternoon did not at tract many persons. In fact, there were present but three members of that Board beside the Mayor, and only two of the ladies from the School of Domestic Science. As soon as the Mayor had 'called the Board to order he stated that the object of the gathering was to select a suitable person to act as deputy health officer un der the provisions of the resolution adopt ed at the last meeting of the Council. He also called attention to the fact that the Council had not provided for the pay ment of the Inspector, but explained that the deputy could be selected and enter into the discharge of her duties on May 1, and that the Board of Health could make provision in preparing the May expense account for the salary of the new official. One of the women of the Domestic School inquired how the deputy was to be reimbursed for carfare. She explained that it would be necessary to Journey to all parts of the city by saying: "We are even now receiving telephone calls from markets all over the city to come and In spect them, and if we find them clean to enter the names upon the clean list." Mayor Williams replied: "Well, I guess the deputy will have to pay her own car fare. There is no .provision made in the resolution for more than J65 a monti sal ary, and it is not within my power to promise more." "The one that we would like to have appointed is now receiving 5125 a month, and It does not seem right to ask her to take half that amount and then be com pelled to pay her own car fare in the discharge of her duty," was the rejoinder. "It seems foolish for a woman to give up $125 a month for a position paying only $65, but as to the carfare there can be no arrangements made at this time," answered the Mayor. "Well, we would like to name Miss Lil lian E. Tingle. She is a chemist and a bacteriological graduate, and is thorough ly capable, and it Is owing to the great Interest that she takes in cleaning up the markets of Portland that she has con sented to serve. We have our Summer vacation in the . School of Domestic Science soon, and Miss Tingle has agreed to remain here if the Board of Health appoints here as a deputy," said the vis itor. "When does the Fall term of your school commence?" asked Mayor Wil liams. "We have three or four months' vaca tion. The resolution says that the office just created shall1 exist until the ordi nances now before the special committee of the Council have been acted upon," was the reply'. "The name of Miss Tingle has been proposed by the ladles, and you are will ing that she should be appointed?" was next asked. Miss Tingle Appointed. There was no negative vote and the appointment was ordered entered upon the minutes of the board. Superintendent Robinson, of the cre- matory. asked permission to explain that he was ready to begin the improve ments at the crematory, but that he could find no way of disposing of the garbage now being gathered about the city. It will take six weeks to repair the furnaces and in the meantime some disposition will have to be made of the city's refuse. After some discussion the superintendent was ordered to find a suitable place to bury the garbage and to burn as much of the paper as possible in the open during each night until the re pairs were completed. Woman' Named as Inspector of the Markets of Portland Miss Lillian E. Tingle, who has been appointed Market Inspector under the now ordinance. Is directress of the Port land School of Domestic Science and has personal charge of the classes In practi cal cooking. The course includes instruc tion in marketing. Miss Tingle received her general education at Cranlelgh House Academy, London. England, and subse quently spent two years in special study in Germany and Italy. She then studied domestic science in the Educational Trust School of Domestic Economy of Aberdeen, Scotland, graduat ing from that institution In 1E93. This school is considered one of the best In the world and .its diplomas are recognized as a teaching qualification by the British government. She also took a two-years' course in chemistry and physiology at Gordon's College. Aberdeen, obtaining advanced certificates in both subjects after the government examinations, thus becoming qualified as a teacher under the British government regulations. For two years following she held a po sition as special teacher of domestic sci encelectures and practice classes under the Aberdeen School Board. She also carried on a private course for ladles and domestic servants and gave some demon stration lectures at the Aberdeen Con vent. She then studied another year at Aberdeen University. In when the State Manual Training School of North Dakota was opened, she was appointed teacher of domestic science and had en tire charge of the equipment and organi zation of the department. She also prepared, at the request of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the oourse of study in domestic .science to be Miss Lillian E. Tingle, Who Comes With the Highest Educational Recommendations. adopted in the schools of the state. Miss Tingle held this .position until she accept ed the one she now holds in the Portland School of Domestic Science. Certificates and diplomas covering these qualifications were presented with her application to the Mayor and Board of Health yester day afternoon. j The Meier & Frank Store's Great Sale of Men's and Young Men's Outing Suits Three great special lots of men's and young men's outing suits All new this seasdn's styles included in the special sale we have planned for all this weekThese comfortable warm weather garments are in great favor with all classes of men Buying during the sale means a saving of one-fourth to one-third on regular prices Second floor Outing Suits at $9,35 Suit Four lots of Men's Outing Suits in single or double-breasted styles, fancy iTweeds, fancy flannels and homespuns, skeleton mohair lining. Belt loops and turn-rup bottoms, great variety to select from. Suits the exclu- t q K. sive clothiers ask 15.00 for. Our regular $12.50 garments at : v r Outing Suits at $12.65 Suit iThree lines of fine-grade Outing Suits Single or double breasted sack styles-: Fancy cheviots, fancy homespuns, fancy -Tweeds; splendidly made, all the lat est patterns and colorings. The exclusive clothier's 18.00 garments can be bought here for, suit V Young Men's Outing Suits $6,35 Suit .Young Men's Outing Suits in fancy homespuns and cheviots ; ages 14 to 20 years ; 1905 styles and materials. Values extraordinary at this f o e low price . .. Men's Outing Trousers, pair, ?2.50, S3.00, $4.00 Men's fancyWash Vests in fancy P. K.'s All sizes, each $1.65 THE MJMER, Ok FRANK STORE'S Great Towel Sale The semi-annual towel sale now in progress is of great import ance to every housewife, hotel and boardinghouse-teeper in the city 30,000 toweis of every size, kind and grade are being offered at greatly reduced prices. Look to your needs Hemmed union Huck Towels, sold regularly at 9c and 10c " each all you want -at.. . ..,.. OC Hemmed union Huck Towels, best I2jc value, on sale at the low price of, each Hemmed Linen Crash Dish Tow els, 300 dozen of them; q .rpcniFar TiXrt values, ea Ow Hemstitched Linen Huck Towels, 38 inches long, our best 25c values,' for this semi-annual sale, your choice, each. , Hemstitched Linen Huclc Towels, size 22x40 inches,, our best 35c grades, on sale at the low price of, each. . ,x , Knotted fringed Damask .Towels, size 20x41 inches, best 30c values, for the very low price of, each Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, 500 dozen, size 20x40 inches, value extraordinary at this low price, each , Hemmed Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, 200 dozen, big sizes, regular 60c value; wonderful bargain at, each Knotted fringed Damask Towels, 22x45, regular 40c , value, on sale today for , Webb's grass-bleached hemstitched Huck Towels, 20x38 ; 40c value, for Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, 20x42; best 35c values, on sale at this low price . . . . 26c 21c 12c 39c 29c 29c 26c Laces and Embroideries Bona fide values in Laces and Embroideries No exaggerated values No disappointments Every article exactly as ad vertised and by comparison you'll find them the best bar gains in town 4000 yards of Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries, Edgings and In sertions, great variety of the best patterns, widths range from 3 to 5 inches, sold in 4 yard lengths only; values to $1.15 strip; sale price, strip .N OVjC French Valenciennes Laces and Insertions, to ijA inches wide, values up to 70c dozen yards; on sale at low price of, AX dozen yards .Tf5C 1500 yards of new Corset Cover Embroideries, lace trimmed, beautiful styles in great variety; values up to $1.75 rfw a yard ; for this sale at, yard . p I 1 2000 yards of Corset Cover Embroideries, values up to 85c a yard, on sale at the special low price of 49c yard'; big tO variety of styles tttC Embroidered Mull Bands for shirtwaists, handsome styles, 4 to 7 inches wide, values up to $2.50 yard, at the extra- aa ordinarily low price of Irish Crochet and Venise Appliques, 2 to 5 inches wide, white, cream and ecru, values up to $1.00 a yard, for the very low price of 59c yard; big assortment of patterns Lace and Embroidery Robes Beautiful styles Exceptional values Large variety. 59c Skirts to Your Measure Free 5. 6, 7, 8-gored Walking or Dress Skirts made to your measure free of charge providing material and findings are purchased here, material to cost $1.00 or over the yard. Choice can be made from our entire high-class stock of black and col ored fabrics. Skirt guaranteed In fit and workmanship. If fit proves unsaUsfac tory material will be delivered as purchased. Great Sale of Refrigerators Basem't Every housewife wants a Refrigerator There's no good rea- son for every housewife not having one when a first-class guaranteed make can be purchased at the low prices we are quoting today Four styles and sizes, this season's best models, economical ice consumers Before buying elsewhere it's to your advantage to look here 40 Refrigerators at $6.95 Each Made of kiln-dried hardwood, small size, provision chamber 11x15x13 inches; ice capacity 45 lbs.; a refrigerator furniture stores ask $12.50 for; our special sale price is only 40 of them, so speak quick 40 Refrigerators at $10.87 Each Medium size "La Belle" Refrigerators, ice capacity 90 lbs.; provision chamber 22x14x18 inches; all the latest improvements; a refrig erator furnjture stores ask $15.00 for; our special sale price . Refrigerators at $15,45 Enamel Refrigerator with all the improvements included in the $12.79 model; handsomely built and finished; economical ice consumer; great est refrigerator value in town 1 e a v at special low price r ,t Screen Doors and Windows, Ice Cream Freezers, Gas Mowers, Garden Hose, Water Coolers, etc. Basement. $10.8? Refrigerators at $12.79 Kiln-dried hardwood Refrigerator; ash panel door; golden oak finish; mineral wool fillings, metallic sliding adjustable shelves; removable ice compartment: provision ice compartment: provision 1 O chamber, 21x14x18 ; great val . P 1 & Stoves and Plates, Gas Ranges, Lawn FREE LESSONS IN ART EMBROIDERY Mrs. Lynn Is giving free lessons In art embroidery -work dally Second floor. Newest methods taught. Special at tention given to children. 25c and 50c Pillow Tops, each 19e Great value In Laundry Bags 10c Second Floor. Bargains in Women's Apparel $6.00 Walking Skirts $3.85 Great special purchase of Walking Skirts for today's selling, fancy tweed mixtures, in tan, gray and brown, panel front and box pleated, fancy strapped and button trimmed, all this season's very best Q C $6.00 skirts; your choice today at this low price p50 $28 and $30 Silk Suits $22.45 Handsome Taffeta Silk Shirtwaist Suits, blouse, jacket or shirtwaist- ef fects, in fancy stripes, blue and white stripes, black and white stripes, solid blue, black, brown and green; skirts pleated; our fl5 A C best $8.oo. and $30.00 values on sale for tp4,iO $36 Tailored Suits S2&85 Women's Tailored Suits, voiles, Panama cloths, serges, shepherd wor steds and Sicilians; jackets, Etons and blouses, in all colors and best styles; tlounce, pleated or tlared skirts, all sizes, best $34 ttjLC and $36 values, on sale for two days at the low price of . .PO, WW are interested in Immense variety of styles All ages Washable JGlt Suits for little boys and girls, 2 to 3V. years of age, blue or pink-striped percales, well made throughout; regular $1.00 ftf?f values for the very low. price of v "Washable Kilts in linen crash, red or blue trimmed, Russian styles, ages 2 to 3y2 years, all the best $1.25 values on sale for this extra- Q ordinary low price ,. 73C Washable Kilt Suits for boys or girls, in blue-striped chambray, small Hiton couar, emoroiaery tnmmea, sizes z to -4 years; our best $1.50 values for : Washable Kilt Suits, In dark gray striped chambray, embroidery trimmed, sizes 2 to 4 years, p 1 best $1.75 values IpI.O Boys' Washable Russian Blouse Suits, tan or blue striped, ages 2 to 6 years; regular $1.25 o q values for "OC Boys Washable Russian Blouse Suits, in pink, blue or gunmetal gray, ages 2 to 6 years; c a regular $1.50 suits al.lO Boys Russian Blouse Suits, in pink, blue, tan crashes and linens; all this season's most attractive styles, ages 2 to 6 years, $2.25 and S2.50 values, second tr i no' floor I.9o Wash Goods Bargains Embro.de ed Voilr, our prettiest and most popular wash material; variety of styles; great e value, yard IOC All our 25c cotton Wash Suitings, immense line, all colors; fancy voiles, crashes, bamboline, fantaise weaves, 'etc; great special Q value at, yard 1"C 50c Imported French Nets, about 20 different patterns; pretty designs and colorings; handsome material for party as well as street cos tumes; great special value today and Wednesday at this low price, yard OC Sale of Toilet Sets Six-piece decorated Toilet Sets, in assorted colors, greatest value we have ever -offered at, set 91.es Ten-piece decorated Toilet cfo Set. great value, set 5&. ly Ten-piece Toilet Set, decorated white, and gold; unequaled value at this special low price 3.15 Twelve-piece Toilet Set, with slop jar; decorated white and gold; marvelous value at. set 75.20 Ten-piece Tollot Set. green and pink tinted; matchless value at this low price Basement set 92.7S Pure foods at rock bottom prices. Groceries Phone Exchange 4 A saving of hundreds of pennies every month, if you buy your groce ries and provisions at the Meier & Frank store. A few sample pricings: Durkee's Salad Dressing.l0c,25c,43c 3 cuns Van Camp's Soups S5c Sapollo for, cake 7c 3 packages Energy 25c 2 packages Grape-Nuts 2.1c Gallon Log Cabin Maple Syrup. 9125 Half Gallon Log Cabin Syrup.. .05c Quart Log Cabin Maple Syrup... 35c "Victor" Flour, none better 9125 1- lb. can Shrimps lOc 2- lb. can Shrimps 20c 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar 91.00 Postura or Fig Prune, package. .20c Quart C & B. Lucca Oil 65c 2 cans Alamo Tomatoes. irc Baiter's Unsweetened Chocolate. .35c 1-lb. Menler's Ground Chocolate .25c 3 packages Jell-O 25c 10-lb. sack Corn Meal.... 25c 10-lb. sack Graham Flour 25c 3 packages Seeded Raisins 25c 1-lh. Jar Sliced Beef 25c 2 packages Scotch or Quaker Oats oil sale for 25c 2 pkgs. Knox's Gelatine 25c 6 pkgs. Searchlight Matches 25c 6 pkgs. Press Matches.. ...36c 7 bars Victor Soap ..25c 3 pkgs. Bon Ami for 25c Eagle Milk, can isc 2 Jars McLaren's Cheese ...25c 2 pkgs. Cream of Wheat 35c Women's Tan Oxfords $2.12 Pair Women's Shoes $2.12 Pair The best shoe value of the season Johnson Bros.' Spring 1905 footwear in tans, patent leather, vici kid, box calf and velour calf shoes and Oxfords Regular $3 values $2. 12 Women's dark tan Oxfords, in lace or ribbon ties, . medium soles and Cuban heels, all sizes and widths &d& 1 dr Women's light tan Oxfords, medium soles, Cuban heels; women's vici kid lace or Blucher Ox fords, patent tips ; Women's vici kid ribbon-tie Oxfords, Cuban heels, all sizes, pair $2.12 Women's vici kid patent tip lace Shoes, Cuban heels; women's patent colt lace and Blucher style Shoes; women's vici kid lace or Blucher style Shoes, patent tips, heavy sole, Cuban heels, all sizes; women's box calf and velour calf lace Shoes; heavy soles, pair $2.12 RECLINING GO-CARTS GREATLY REDUCED Go-Cart tor 7-06 9 OJiO Go-Cart for 8.00 -art r .00 913 Go-Cart for 9 0.65 914.00 Go-Cart for.. . 911.50 91.0O Go-Cart, for 913.00 , o . Parasols a"i fixtures for folding Go-Carts full variety $100 Sateen Parasol 9 4 51.60 Pongee Linen Parasol 91.27 n.; Satin Parasol 91.54 $2.00 Point de Esprit Parasol 91.74 m Infants9 Wear Panama Hats for Men Headquarters for men's Panama Hats; 25 per cent saved by buying your Panama at the Meier & Frank store. Men's Untrimmed Panama Hats, each j54.00 Men's Negligee and Fedora Panama Hats, each $5.00 Men's Derby shaped Panama Hats, each $6.50 Men's Negligee' and Derby shaped Panamas, finest weave and make, each ...$7.50, S9.00, $10, $12.50 Men's Genuine Bangkok Hats, $5.00 values, each 3.00 Boys' Wash Suit Sale Boys' Wash Suits and Kilts at prices economical mothers Boys' Washable Sailor Suits, in light and dark blue striped duck, sizes 4-to 10 years; great values at.. 43c Boys Washable Sailor Suits, in tan striped duck. 4 to 10 years 63c Boys Washable Eton Sailor Suits in light blue striped duck; 5 to 10 years ,.OtC Boys' Washable Suits, 6 to 10 years, sailor or Eton collar; tans, aQ blues, ducks, crashes "OC Bovs Crash Wash Suits, sailor ef fects, with combination collar and shield; ages 5 to 10 years n regular $1.50 values, for..l.l" Boys' Wool Suits and Topcoats, greatest values in the city. 25c Stockinet Diapers for 10c 25c Diaper Supporters for, pr....21c Arnold Knit Diapers for 21c "Stork" Catchall Bib. 50c value.. 30c 75c Leather Buggy Straps 50c Infants' Doll Rattles, 75c value. 60c Hoop Battles, great spec; value.. 43c 60c, 65c Emb. Flannel for, yd.... 43c 50c Crocheted Bootees for.. 30c $1.75 Crocheted Sacques, each.91.4S Flannel Skirts, silk-embroidered edges, regular $3 value, for.92.30 Pinning Blankets with Waists, scal loped edges, $1.00 values for..S7c Outing Flannel Wrappers, pink or blue, crocheted edge, 60c value.47c Infants' Knit Bands, each....... 20c Arnold's Knit "Bibs, special, each. 30c Infants Quilted Feeders, great , , special values at llC Infants' Crip Pads, 60c value, Ati for this sale only. at.. .49c Chair Pads, llcj Diaper Pads. . great special value I 1C $3.00 Skirts, ruffle, Insertion.-) iQ bui.no, eit;tii. .fNrf' 51.50 Skirts, lace and embroidery fk trimmed, great value 91hn J3.00 Nainsook and Lawn Dresses! large variety, each (1.50 Dresses, lace and om- c 1 broidery trimmed, each . . lm H