THE OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, APKIL 25, 1905. iNTS LEGAL TITLE Helen R. Cardwell Begins an Action in Court. HUSBAND'S DEATH CAUSE She Desires to Have the Control of the Property Which Her Father in - Law Bequeathed in Trust to His Son. Helen R. Cardweli, widow of the iate v Dr. Herbert W. Cardwell began suit In ' ;he State Circuit Court yesterday, asking ko be Invested with the legal title to the property, real and personal, of Byron "vV. w'ardwell, deceased, who was the father ff her husband. The property referred to Is valued" at about $50,000. By the will of Byron TV. Cardwell the property was bequeathed to his son, Her bert "W., as trustee. One-half of the In ame Is directed to be aid to Abbie M. Cardwell, widow of the testator, during the term of her natural life for her sup port. If this Is not sufficient for her sup port and maintenance, she Is to receive any such sum of the income as she shall demand. The remaining one-half of the Income Is bequeathed to Oliver B. and Fowler H. Cardwell. minors, children of Herbert W. and Helen R. Cardwell, for their support and education, and the whole property Is also denied to them. The will further provides that the prop erty shall not be distributed to them until Fowler H. Cardwell shall have reached the age of 40 years, unless the trustee, Herbert W. Cardwell, shall io his judg ment determine to turn it over to them at an earlier date, but it shall at all times be subject to the income and share willed to Abbie M. Cardwell. Full power is given the trustee over the property, to sell, improve it, etc. Soon after the death of her husband. Dr. Herbert W. Cardwell, Helen R. Card well filed a petition in the State Circuit Court, and was appointed trustee In his place. In the present suit she recites in v the complaint filed that It was not con templated by Byron P. Cardwell in his will that the grandchildren, Oliver B. and Fowler H. Cardwell, should receive the property In their own right until Fowler H. Cardwell had reached the age of 40 years, unless the trustee should deem proper, and the mother alleges that her children are holding the legal title in trust only, and that she as the trustee in place of her husband is entitled to have the legal title transferred to her. The court is asked to so decree. Forgery Case Off the Docket. The forgery case against Samuel Waller was stricken from the trial docket In the State Circuit Court, yesterday, and it is understood that it will not be pressed so long as jWaller behaves himself and earns a livelihood for his young wife and fam ily. In the Municipal Court, several months ago. Waller was held to answer. District Attorney Manning filed an information against him In the State Circuit Court, but has never pressed the charge. Every Monday, according to rule, the Waller case has been called and Indefinitely post poned. Yesterday morning It was called as usual, and Judge Frazer inquired: "What is the matter with this case? It has been on the trial docket a long time. Don't you want It set?" Deputy District Attorney Moser an swered that Waller was out on his good behavior, and there was a sort of an agreement not to try the case just now. "Well, then. If that Is so," said Judge Frazer, "the case might Just as well be marked off the trial docket," and the order was made. Waller was born In Portland, and was a members of the Second Oregon Regi ment, which went to the Philippines. She Makes Many Bequests. The will of Anna E. Newsome, deceased, was admitted to probate In the County Court. It provides that Edith Newsome, an adopted child, shall receive J1500; Will lam F. Spilliard. a nephew residing In Washington, D. C, ?500; Edward Watson, Portland, $500; Bethel A. M. E. Church. 5100; Mrs. A. H. Duncan, Portland, $50; Mrs. Laura Holden, Portland. $250; Mary Spilliard. Washington, $250; Hazel Horton, East Oakland. Cal. The rest of the estate r Is to be divided equally between Hazel Horton and Edith JCewsome. Anna E. Newsome was a colored woman who lived for many years In Portland. Appointed Administratrix. Martha Cornett was appointed, In the County Court yesterday, administratrix of the estate of her late husband, W. D. B. Cornett. The estate consists of 30 acres of land and a claim for damages against the Southern Pacific Company for killing Cornett. The company has offered to pay $600. File Incorporation Papers. William D. Wheelwright, president: R. R. Hoge. vice-president; Ladd & Tllton, treasurer; Hugh McGulre. Julius L. Meier, Edward Coolangham. Paul Wesslnger Jay Smith and J. Ernest Laldlaw tms. tees, yesterday filed articles of Incorpora- 1 4 SALOONS AND SHACKS NEAR ENTRANCE TO FAIR GROUNDS I - T ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' 1 " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' c J J i a t i . . , , . , , i t t , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' tion of the Portland Chamber of Com merce. The objects announced are the development of the physical and mental capacity of members and the development of agriculture and mechanics and the commercial, industrial and .municipal wel fare of Portland. The value of the prop erty of the corporation is $1000. Jjegal Separations Are Sought. Ruby M. McLennan has sued Daniel Mc Lennan for a -divorce because of cruel treatment. They were married at San Rafael, in; December, 1902. Mrs. McLen nan alleges that her husband struck her on several occasions once while they were residing In the jCIty of Mexico. She says she was compelled to leave him and re turn to her mother to live. Myrtle Conception, whose husband is serving a sentence on the rockplle for having beaten her, yesterday began suit for a divorce. They were married at As toria, December 15, 1504. While they lived there, she alleges she frequently was compelled to appeal to the police for protection. In March, 1905, she avers that the defendant was" convicted In Butte County. California, of grand larceny, and sentenced to imprisonment for one year in the penitentiary. Mrs. Conception Is a cripple, and she says her husband was paroled on his promise to work and sup port her. She asks that her former name Smith be restored to her. Because of desertion beginning in March, 1900, Mortimer L. Wlnsor has sued Jo sephine A. Wlnsor for a divorce. They were married in Oregon City in 1896, and have no children. Will Hand Down Decisions. Decisions will be announced by Judge George this morning in the following cases: Suess vs. Suess, demurrer to complaint; Ridings vs. Ridings, same; Lldgerwood Manufacturing Company vs. Security Sav ings & Trust Company et al., motion, for leave to file amended complaint; Cross et al. vs. Clark, and Ball vs. Hughes et al., merits. Reports Sale to Circuit Court.' W. E. Ayer, receiver of the West Coast Sash & Door Company, reported to the State Circuit Court yesterday the sale of the property consisting of block 15, Black lstone's Addition, and the mill, warehouse, sheds, dry kiln, side track, machinery, electric plant, and stock, to the Honeyman Trust Company, for $21,250. Forger Gets Two-Year Sentence. " C. Gaty. who raised a time check of the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company, pleaded guilty to a charge of forgery In Judge Frazer's court yesterday, and was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. CADETS HAVE FINE OUTING Spend Six Days in Camp ,Likc Regu lar Soldiers. After six days of regular Army camp life, the youthful members of Company A, Newlll's Rlvervlew Academy will re turn to Portland today at 10:30 o'clock A. M., boyish as ever, but bronzed soldierlike, even if diminutive, and In every way better for their outing. Their encampment, as originally planned, covered five days, but the boys found the locality of St. Helens so much to their taste and the encamp ment so delightful that they begged for another day. and with-the splendid re ports of discipline in his hands. Princi pal Arthur C. Newlll could not refuse the request. The boys, from all reports, have be haved and enjoyed themselves splendid ly. The most Important feature of the reports furnished Principal Newlll by the Regular Army man in command of the camp. If that there has not been- a single name entered on the sick roll during the encampment. Next to that in importance is the fact that the guardhouse, although regularly estab lished, has never been called Into use. During the encampment the boys have lived, acted and behaved like true soldiers of the country. Even though the vicinity of St. Helens would Indl catlvely prescribe the peaceful soldier life, the boys had the'Ir touch of real excitement, but all on account of the proverbial country swain. From that unknown source from which all rumors spring, the academy boys learned that on some Indefinite night a company of the Oregon Na tional Guard would attack the camp. This was sufficient to put the boys on their 'guard, and mettle as well, and the sentinels of the post became ex ceedingly vigilant in their duty. During the camp no real enemy ap peared, but on Saturday night a late country lover, wending his lonesome way from farm to farm, apparently wrapt In thought", lost his bearings and stumbled Into the lines or the cadets. The best commentary that can be made of the cadets and the lucklessness of the lover Is to say that the latter spent the remaining hours of Saturday night and all of Sunday in the guard house. The company, upon Its arrival today at 13:30 o'clock, will parade from the dock to the academy. Chapter Elects Members. At the meeting of the Chapter of St. Stephen's Cathedral last night H. D. Ramsdell, Herbert Holman. M. C. Ban field. John R. James. W. P. LewU and William Phillips were elected members of the chapter. The routine business of the chapter was also transacted and the work of the t church discussed. GOMPLW SMELL Telephone Police Chief as to Slaughter-House. CITIZENS. 'ARE' AROUSED Place Where Decayed Meats.. Are Made Into Sausage Gives Forth Such Odors That Investi .gation Is Made. Odors from the slaughter-house of the Pacific States Packing Company. Mac adam road and Seymour street, became so. strong last night that Captain Moore, commanding the first relief, had to dis patch Patrolman J. P. Fones to the scene to see that the plant did not walk off. "Is this police headquarters?""queried WARREN E. THOMAS, WHO HAS RECENTLY BEEN ELECTED RE GENT OF MULTNOMAH CHAPTER, DAUGHTERS OF THE- AMERICAN REVOLUTION. a man who called up Captain Moore over the telephone in the early evening. "Yes. this Is headquarters." "Well, great guns!" the man exclaimed, "do you smell anything over this line. That slaughter-house where they make sausages from meat that Is Inconvenient for other uses is In operation again. Oh! but It's fierce! Is there anything you people can do to stop It tonight?" Captain Moore would not admit that his gallant staff of patrolmen could npt lend aid, no matter what the occasion, and promised to send a policeman to Investigate. Patrolman Fones went, and up to a late hour had not reported. Whenasked If he felt any anxiety for the policeman. Cap tain Moore replied that the officer, In days agone, had held his own with the cattlemen of the Western plains; had held political positions of various kinds and was thought to be fully capable of taking care of himself In any sort of emergency. Hardly had Captain Moore made his, promise to the first man to call than an other Indignant South Portland citizen rang In. He, too. was up against odors emanating from the sausage factory, and wanted help. During the evening scores of people called up. asking the police to assist. Later Patrolman -Fones returned from the salughter-house to the patrol-box In South Portland. He was unhurt, he stated In a communication to Captain Moore. He said that he" "thoroughly investigated" the packing plant, and found "all quiet there. No one but the engineer was found." According to the report, the en gineer was engaged In keeping the ice plant In operation to keep down the stench. 3:15 A. M. As The Oregonian goes to press, the patrolman on the"South Port land beat, under command of Captain Bailey, reports that the slaughter-house is still there. Some residents of the vi cinity, he says, are sleeping, while others are still calling for aid. SCHOOL BOARD LOCKS DOOR Committee From Women's Club Finds No Admission. Just before "the meeting of the Board of Education adjourned, last evening. It was discovered that the Fifth-street door of the City Hall had "been locked almost during the entire session. As It had .been reported that a committee from the Women's Club was to wait upon the di rectors and protest against the merit sys: tem for teachers, the other members at once charged Herman Wittenberg with conspiring with the janitor to lock the door and keep the clubwomen out In vain did Mr. Wittenberg declare his Innocence. "You were afraid to face them," said Richard Williams. "You fixed the janitor," declared J. V. Beach. "Shameful!" said Mrs. President SItton. "Now they'll go for you," cried R. K. Warren. It's up to Mr.WTlttenbergto prove that no delegation attempted entrance to the municipal palace. During the meeting Mr. Wittenberg re ported that he had tried In vain to bring together the architects who thought that Architect Jones, who works for the board, should not have the exclusive right to sub mit designs for the proposed East Side high school. It was ordered that the we'll which once supplied the Fulton School with water be put In condition. The city water mains do not extend that far south, and the children have been forced to go to the surrounding houses and ask for a pall of water when throats went dry. City Superintendent Rigler was author- . lzed toywalt upon H. W. Goode, director j general of the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion and see what the Fair management ! had planned for the proposed "Public J School day." School closes June 21 this ! year, and whatever exercises at the Fair grounds are given must be presented sev eral days before that time. KNEISEL PROGRAMME GIVEN World's Greatest Stringed Quartet to IMay at the Marquam. To teachers, -students and all lovers of music, the recital by the Knelsl Quar tet, at the Marquam Grand Saturday evening, April 25, direction Lois Steers Wynn Coman, will be of great Interest. Their interpretations are without doubt beyond comparison. The following pro gramme will be given In full: Quartet. F major, op. 69. No. 1... .Beethoven Allegro, allegretto vivace sempre echer zando, adagio molto e 'mesto; theme Tuaoe. allesrro. Andantlno from quartet In O minor, op. 10 "' C. A. Debus.iy Lento for violoncello Chopln-Franchome Mr. Schroeder. Quartet In D major, op. 76, No. 0 Haydn Allegretto; largo, cantablle e mesto; men uetto. allegro; finale, presto. Sale of seats Thursday, 10 A. M., at the box office of the Marquam Grand. HOP MEN IN LINE Big Meeting Will Be Held in This City. PRICES . MUST ADVANCE Growers Are Determined to Hold Their Crops Until They Realize Prices "yhlch They Think -Should Be Given. Hopmen.from all sections of the stato came to town yesterday to attend the growers' meeting, "which will bo held at the Hotel Portland this afternoon. It Is thought that about 90 per cent of the hops remaining unsold In Oregon will be rep resented at the meeting. The object Is to form a combination of holders pledged to withdraw their hops from the market for 60 days, or until a certain price, which will probably be fixed at 30 cents, is reached. It looks very much as if the movement would be a success. Among the arrivals yesterday were George A. Dorris and W. P. Cheshire. Jr., of Erfgene; James Wlnstanley, secretary of tho Oregon Hopgrowers Association: John Cartwrlght and Conrad Krebs, of Salem; T. A. Riggs. of Dallas: M. H. Durst, of Wheatland. Cal., and James PIncus, of Tacoma. Messrs. Dorris and Cheshire carry the proxies of all the hop growers In their section of the state, and represent 154S bales. Mr. Cartwright has the proxies of most of the producers of Linn County. What Durst Says. Mr. Durst, who is the largest grower of hops in California, is here to lend th movement his support. He is the owner ot ibot Dates oi hops of the lwH crop, which have never been put on the market. Mr. Durst Is a Arm believer in the future of the market and declare thHt if th Oregon growers will only stand by one anotner tncy win secure their own prices. "The brewers want the hops," said he. "There Is ho possible way of getting around that fact. They have not got enough to carry them throush the heavy brewing months, which are about to be gin, and they must come to Oregon for their supply. It Is due to the manipulation of the shorts, and not to the brewing In terests' that the price has been held back for the last three months. At the same time the market has not fallen so much, only about i cents, in spite of all the short sellers could do. That certainly ar gues for a pretty healthy condition. No,w let the Oregon growers get together, say they will not sell under a certain price, and the world Is theirs." "A combination of Oregon growers." said Mr. Wlnstanley, "will not only help the market now, but will be of inestima ble value in securing a good price for the 1905 crop. Now is the time to start right for next season's market." California Hopgrowers Act. The hopgrowers of California, who iiave recently formed a combination, have sent the following encouraging letter to the growers of this state, which will be read at the meeting, this afternoon. To the Hopgrowers of Oregon: IV under stand here there is to be a meeting In Port land for the purpose of forming a pool. The moment you form that poo! that moment you will have won your fight. For if you bind yourselves together on a price or a time limit the bears will have lost all hope. They have been expecting to see tho growers of Oregon break. Already they have lout all hope of getting any cheap hops In Washing ton or California. In this state the growers have made an agreement among themselves that nothing under 30 cents can buy a pound of their hops. There has not been a pound of hops sold In. this state for the past three months. In Sew York State the hops have been bought up until there are now only 2000 bales, and these are In the hands of very firm holders. The bears cannot look to New York State. Washington or California for their hoj;i Their hope lies In the weak ening ot the Oregon growers. It Is, therefore, a matter of vital Impor tance, not only to your financial welfare on your present holdings, but also for your i503 crop, that you pool. For a pool will offset the tactics the bears are now working on you to bring disaster In price on your 1904 crop as well as for contracts for 1005. Each and every grower In Oregon should go to his neighbor who has hops and see that he attends the meeting in person. Each and every grower should work on his neigh bor who Is inclined to be a little weak-kneed and try to induce him to stand up for his rights, stand for Justice, stand for a Equate. deaL Teach the manipulator not to gamble on the hops that are now your property. In England they have a pool. The good effect of this could be seen Immediately after It was formed. The market in England advanced immediately, and the same thing will occur In Oregon If you growers pooL When you growers pool. It means a pool of all. Universal. Cast Iron. If the Oregon growers pool It will mean the withdrawal from the market of at least 20,000 bales of hops. Yes. It means more than that. It means the withdrawal of all-hops In grow ers' and other holders' hands in the United States. With this country being at least 25,000 bales short and with 20.000 to 30.000 bales withdrawn from this market It will mean an actual shortage of 50,000 bales. With 50,000 bales withdrawn It won't bo long before It will be absolutely Impossible tor them to get along without your hops. You will then get your price. You will then have established a market. It will be a big boost to the market throughout the world when the England growers. New York State growers. Washing ton growers and California growera learn Fine Underwear The season for you to consider what you will wear is here. We are showing the most complete lines of domestic and IMPORTED XTNDERWEAHS ever shown in Portland. LINEN MESH UNDER WEAR, and they are all linen, GUARANTEED to wear, GUARANTEED not to shrink, in union and two-piece suits, $5.00 and 95.50 a suit. Bon Bon Balbriggans $1.00 to $4.00 a suit. Fine Mercerized Gotton3 and Lisles, $2.50 to $7.50 a suit. Fine Woolens and Silk and Wool Mixed, $2.00 to $6.50 a suit. Fine Imported Silk Underwears, $12.50 and $18.00 a suit. We will appreciate a call from you and would like to supply you with your Spring Underwear. R. M. 269-271 Morrison St. that the Oregon growers have pooled their hops. There will then be no more hope for cheap hops for th bears. There will not be one place In the world where they can buy cheap hops, so above all we say to you. at tend the meeting: see that your neighbor attends; form the pool: see that all the growers in Oregon who haye hops Join that pool. Then they will hare to come to see you: then they will have to pay your price; then a reward Is yours. The growers of England, Naw York Stat. Washington, and we. the growers of Cali fornia, especially, hope you will have a mammoth attendance and a rousing meet ing. Go to your undertaking with plenty of force and accomplish your object. If you pool your fight will have, been won. From the growers of California. Pr A. A. M.. Secretary. Sonoma Growers Form a Pool. SANTA ROSA. Cal.. April 24. The hop growers of Sonoma County, who have .still some hops on hand., have, entered Into an agreement not to sell a pound of hops for 60 days under 30 cents a pound. There are said to be 1W0 bale? of hops still In Sonoma County. The- grow ers want to advance the price. It Is un derstood that other counties have a simi lar agreement. EXPECT ALL THE BENEFIT Seattle and Tncotna Hope to Profit by the Fair. W. A. Mears, secretary of the North Pacific Coast Jobbers" and Manufacturers' Association, has returned from Seattle and Tacoma, where he went the latter part of last week to confer with the northern members of the association in regard to the policies of the organization to be adopted as the outcome of the con ference with the traffic men and the con sequent concessions made to the Jobbers. While on his trip Mr. Mears addressed meetings of the business men and Job bers along the lines of unity of effort and co-operation. Mr. Mears found the people of Tacoma and Seattle waiting with a sort of fas cinated anticipation for the end of the Fair. Everyone in that part of the coun try, so he reports, seems to have a deep grounded Idea that the citizens of Port land are to do the work while they get the fruits thereof. The Eastern visitors and homeseekers are about to come to Portland to see the Fair and then go to Tacoma and Seattle to find a resting place from tho cares and troubles of the East. In other words, Portland is to have the Exposition and afterwards the tradi tional slump, while Washington gets the cream and licks the dasher to boot. The good people of Washington, so Mr. Mears explains, do not think that such anticipations transgress the bounds of brotherly love, but hold that as the ex pected conditions, however sorrowful, can not be stayed or hindered by them, they can see no good reason for turning from the benefits they may derive. The decision of the railroad men in mak ing amendments to the distributive rates is a source of gratification to the citizens of both Seattle and Tacoma. Mr. Mears has found by his visit, and the announce ment of changes In schedule Is awaited Pearliiv is-the Modem .Soap first and lest aMtodeanlioess Neetker ail Mated Physicians arwd CKfmtStR H UsewkKruttr5oy A8TH MA ?ourrA&T&S J"UJ I '" pared for ycttafl fall descrfp. on of your cue and aamsa of two asthmatic sufferers. FRANK WHETZXL., M. Dn Owt. 1 . Amrin Xxrto W4g., Chfecpt GRAY with suspense. The traffic men are now working on the new tariffs, which are expected to be Issued by the first of the month. Turn on the Hose. PORTLAND, April 2. (To th Editor.) It looks very favorable for a season of swift games of good baseball and we are entitled to all there la coming to us. but we don't want any more disorderly crowds. .Either the management Is economlxtng too much' on, policing or the "harness bulls" furnished are afraid of the coming election and "dassent sass" the crowd back. To get around both, objections, put In some hose pipes at ad vantageous places and I will gamble thai Just a show of the nozzle In the hands of two men will make the unruly part of the crowd gentle as Spring lambs. The hose wilt also be useful in mellowing the hot stuff Ih some of the players, which comes to the surface ever and anon. Let's have the xnsTA behind the hose out on the field and we will have a. lovely Summer modest and peace ful nothing but hot air that don't hurt any body. ROBERT C. WRIGHT. DRINK THE CAUSE OF MORE CRIME IN OUR CITY. Another horrible tragedy In our midst, causing much excitement and bitter feeling, goes down a long line of crime in this coun try rsultlng from excessive use of liquor. The liquor habit Is universally recognised by physicians as a disease. It can be cured by Orrlne. This meritorious cure is the result Of over ten years' scientific research by a "Washing ton chemist. It has been tested by physi cians who pronounced It wonderful. W have made arrangements with the labora tories of tha Orrlne Company, Inc.. Wash ington. T. C. to burnish Orrlne to people, who are desirous of being freed from this horrible disease caused by the excessive um of whiskey, beer or other alcoholic stimu lants. Orrlne No. 1 (In powder form) can ba given secretly In tea. coffee or food without the patient's knowledge. Orrine No. 2 (In pill form) is for those who desire to be- fre from the craving for alcoholic stimulants. "We sell Orrlne at $1 per package, and tha company guarantees to cure the craving or refund every cent paid for it. We do not hesitate to recommend It to you. Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Portland. Or. DAMIANA CillfsrnU Dtraltns Sltttrs is a gnat rater, trve.umgoratorandnerrine. The mostwendsftd spfcwdulac and ipeeial tonic for the sexasl organs , ,r? taet. Tho Mexican remedy for diseases of the kidneys : and bladder. Sells on Its ewa merits. ro ir I ? i Agents ; S3 Market St.. San Francisco. Send for circular. m ny m,i nnmun or liquor dealers BITTERS TEETH Tot msasrs dsat&l worst. Warli-rsowsa SpatfaUsU. Lrrat sxiCM cesslsteat vitlk tint work, ffo to tha NEW YORK DENTISTS FOURTH AXD XOMKJfflOJf 8X8. ! m m X ths worn OtsexM o HI II to cure WHEN TOq Q L II il Ukkowwsjlttooo, m Many hv piraptec, SJA A a a a BiDots on the 2da. so?m I II 1 311 Hi i"1" r 1)029 1 11191111 kStli BLOOn PflTKOM Can (n TITL T?TnV7V OSS Area, at., Philadelphia, Pa., for BROWS ' BLOOD CURB. (2.00 per bottle; UiU on asoatk. Sold la Portland only by TSLkXX . WATT t m I. -, A ITntal fhUmXCT. itte, n ass. tar a-1 ilr 1 charze, or aay iaflJaaa frrertatt Mteia. tloa of ajnoons aaf or Mat la jltla. wrapper, tor axjRsa, re?ld, fot ie. orTtettfii; p.-