Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 25, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XLV. NO. 13,846.
Bigelow of Milwaukee
Steals Huge Sum,
He Confesses Taking $1,450,
bob From First National.
pirectors Provide Against It by Slak
ing Up Deficit-Wall Street and
Wheat Corner Causeis of
Bigelow's Knin.
MILWAUKEE, Wis.. . April -24. Frank
G. Bigelow, until today president of the
First National Bank of Milwaukee, was
arrested today, charged with the embez
zlement .of over flOO.000 of the bank's
lunds. His arrest followed his confession
to. the board of directors that he was a
defaulter to the extent of 51,4o0,000. He
was removed from the presidency of the
bank and the facts in the case were laid
before the Federal authorities.
The complaint was sworn to by United
States District Attorney H. G. Butterfield.
It charges that Bigelow as president of
the First National Bank embezzled a sum
exceeding 5100,000. A complaint and war
rant Identical with those in Bigelow's
caso were made out for Henry G. Goll,
assistant cashier of the bank, but Goll
could not be found up to 7 o'clock tonight
Bigelow was taken before United States
Commissioner Bloodgood tonight. He
waived a hearing and was held to the
Federal jury under $25,000 bond. Dr. Ho
race "M. Brown and Arthur McGooch cer
tified as sureties and Bigelow was re
leased. The next Federal grand jury has
not been summoned, but It Is expected It
will meet-some time this month.
Confessed to Directors.
Bir.eJoWs confession was made at a
J i't.SI Myelins of the Board of Directors
held Saturday evening and continued
yesterday and ail of last night. In ad
dressing his fellow directors, Bigelow said
he TaaxL a painful statement to make a
onfesssdon that he had misdirected the
lunds of the bank and that an examina
tion of his books and a camparlson of
figures would show that he was Indebted
to the bank to the amount of over $1,450,
000. "This money, he said, had been lost
in speculation in wheat and stocks. Not
a dollar of it could be recovered and the
only sum he could offer toward recom
pensing the bank was personal securities
valued at approximately $300,000.
The confession of Bigelow astounded the
directors. Bigelow had been recognized
as one of the foremost financiers for
many years. He has been associated with
the First National Bank in various ca
pacities for more than 15 years and his
business connections trust companies,
manufacturing concerns, real estate deals
-and other similar ventures number
scores. He was honored a year ago by
an election to the presidency of the Amer
ican Bankers' Association and by Its
members was looked upon as a leader in
"financial matters.
Speculated in. Stocks and Wheat.
In making his statement to the direc
tors, Mr. Bigelow said he had been in
volved In speculation several months ago,
This was in "Wall street. Later he had
been a persistent' bull In the wheat mar
ket and recent losses there had added to
the heavy reverses on Wall street. From
small manipulations of the bank funds.
he had extended the defalcations until
his shortage had reached the present
stage. He saw no opportunity nor poasl
blllty of making up the amount and there
fore confessed.
It Is stated that the meeting of the di
rectors, which was almost continuous for
S6 hours, -was stormy at times. Several
plans ' were suggested for protecting the
interests of the bank. One was to accept
the resignation of the president, permit
him to go to Europe and that the diree
tors make good the amount of his short
age. This would effectually protect the
bank. The proposal met determined op
position from directors, who demanded
that the defaulter be punished. The plan
to maxe up tne snortage was tnen ap
proved. Bigelow was removed from the
presidency and the case was referred to
the Federal authorities.
Arrest of Bigelow.
"When the Federal Marshal called at
the Bigelow residence to serve the war
rant, the former bank president was in
the library -with his "wife. Mrs. Bigelow
refused to -withdraw and the warrant
was rea'd in her presence.
T will be ready to go with you at
once," said the banker. Then he kissed
his -wife an affectionate farewell and
left "with' the officer, the two walking
to the Federal building, where a Court
Commissioner -was in -waiting. None of
Bigelow's friends -was in the court
room during the brief proceedings.
When the resolution was adopted re
moving Bigelow from the presidency
of the bank, Henry Goll, assistant
cashier, was also removed. The removal
of the cashier was flue to the statement
of Bigelow that he "was aided by Goll in
concealing tho shortage in the bank's
The method adopted was an old one.
Collection accounts were manipulated
to the extent of -40 and in some in
stances 50 per cent to appear
that the reserve fund was Intact and
the amount of tho increased collection
fund -was diverted to special stock ope
rations. The reserve maintained in
Eastern banks was tampered with, the
books of the First National being fixed
so that the reserve appeared to be
larger by several hundred thousand
dollars than it Teally was. These and
other methods were pursued by Bige
low in obtaining money from the bank.
In the falsifying of records and the
manipulation of tho reserves, Bigelow
declares he was aided by Goll and two
bookkeepers in the bank. These book
keepers acted on orders of Bigelow and
they have not been discharged or sus
pended, and they will be called as wit
nesses in the criminal proceedings
against the former bank president.
The manipulation of accounts has
been going on for months, according to
the statement of one of the directors,
but so cleverly was the work done
that neither the directors nor the Na
tional examiners were able to discover
that anything was wrong with the
funds of t-ne bank. The first intimation'
that there were irregularities came, to
Charles F. Pfister, one of the directors,
Friday evening. An employe of the
bank called at Mr. Pfister's home and
told him he had something to reveal
regarding the hank. Although his con
fession was meager. It was sufficient
to awaken the suspicion of Mr. Pfister
and to start an investigation. Bigelow
was taxed with the irregularities and
he is said to have" admitted his guilt.
Then followed the meeting of the di
rectors and the full confession.
Directors Make Up Shortage.
As soon as the 'directors ascertained
the full extent of the peculations, steps
were taken to protect the depositors
and other creditors. Charles F. Pfister
subscribed $600,000 to a fund to make
good the surplus; John I. Biggs, presi
dent of the Milwaukee Electric Bailway
Company, gave $300,000; William Bige
low, a brother of the president, added
$100,000 to the amount, and other di
rectors subscribed lesser sums, until
the amount raised reached $1,635,000.
Then the following statement was pre
pared and formally Issued:
For value received we. the undersigned,
agree to advance and pay to the First Na
tional Bank of Milwaukee, Wis., the auma
set opposite our resectlve names as the eame
may be needed for the payment on demand
of deposits now In said bank, or which within
50 days from thia date may be placed therein.
Our claims hereunder for reimbursement
shall be subordinate and postponed to the
claims of all depositors and other creditors.
Charles F. Pfister. ?G00.0OO; Fred Vogel, Jr.,
$300,000; John I. Beggs. $300,000; IX Mariner.
1100.000; Fred F. Goll. $50,000; George P. Mil
ler, $50,000: J. H. Vandyke-, Jr.. $50,000; J.
K. Klpp. $50,000; Albert G. Trostel, $25,000;
August H. Vosel. $10,000; "William Bigelow,
$100,000; total. 51.6S5.O00.
Precautions Against a Run.
Prior to this, the directors -had been in
conference with loading bankers of Chi
cago arid -New York. Three Chicago bank
ers President Forgan, of
tho Firt
Uonal Bank: Orson Smith, of tho ilvr- ,
chants' Loan &. Trust Company; and !
Ernest A. Hamlll, of the Corn Exchange
National Bank three of tho leading finan
cial Instituti&ns of Chicago, came to MIK
waukee on an early train and went into
conference with the directors of the First
National. As a result of this meeting,
$1,000,000 was sent to Milwaukee by Chi
cago banks, to reach the city before the
news of the defalcation was made public
Several hundred thousand dollars In gold
was transferred to the First National
Bank, so that - Institution was prepared
for the run that was expected. Every
precaution was taken to keep the fact of
the shortage from the public until the
affairs of the bank could be put in condi
tion to meet any emergencies that might
Depositors Clamor for Money.
When the bank closed Its doors this of t
ernoon, more than 2000 depositors were
clamoring for their money. Nearly $1,000,
000 had been paid out in tne course of two
hours, and but a small percentage of the
customers demanding the closing of their
accounts had been served. One of the first
callers was a business man, who presented
a check for 5100,000, tho entire amount of
his account. He was followed by the City
Treasurer, who drew out $100,000 of the
city's funds. "Withdrawals In sums rang
ing from $1000 to $10,000 quickly followed,
and by 2 o'clock in the afternoon, a line
of people stretched from the bank east
on Wisconsin street to Broadway, and
in the other direction around the corner
and north on East Water street. The
State of Wisconsin has .several hundred
thousand dollars deposited in the bank,
and It is said tt will also be withdrawn
at the opening of business tomorrow.
The throngs on East Water street were
besieging the Wisconsin TruEt Company,
the savings bank department of the First
National, and here assumed the greatest
proportions. When the doors of the bank
closed, fully 1000 anxious men and women
surrounded the doors of the bank and
the trust company, clamoring for their
Many Deposit More Money.
But, while many depositors were seek
ing to withdraw their funds, others who
believe in the soundness of the bank were
coming forward with deposits. And so
persistent were the friends of the bank in
offering money for deposit that, when the
bank closed, there was a line of depositors
in waiting opposite to the line waiting
to withdraw money. -While the bank
could not honor checks, it could receive
deposits, and to facilitate the business of
depositors, the bank -was cleared at the
hour for closing and a hole was cut
through the plate-glass window on the
Wisconsin-street front of the building. Re
ceiving tellers were stationed here, and
until a late hour this evening depositors
were still leaving their money.
The officials of the bank are looking for
a resumption of the run tomorrow. A re
quest has been made for a detail of 20
policemen the same number that was re
quired to handle the crowds -today and
an extra force of clerks will be employed
to handle the business. Money is on the
way from New York to strengthen the
reserve of the bank, and the directors ex
pect to he able to meet an demands
promptly. They saythat the actual con
dition of the bank has not yet been im
paired by the Bigelow defalcation.
The statement of the financial condi-
(Coadud -an 3.Urd-P&f4
Prohibition Causes a Deadly
Shooting Affray in Hemp
stead, Texas.
Representative Pinckney Shot Down'
hy Opponent of .Prohibition, and
Fusillade Follows Gov
ernor to Send Rangers.
HEMPSTEAD, Tex... April 24. Represen
tative in Congress John M. Pinckney and
two other men were killed at a mass-"
meeting here tonight, called for the pur
pose of petitioning the Governor to send
rangers here to enforce the local option
J. N. Brown, a leading lawyer and a
leading antl-prdhlbitlonist, bogan the
shooting, -which became general In an In
stant. The dead:
NEY. TOM PINCKNEY, brother of the Con
gressman. JOHN E. MILLS, a leading prohibi
tionist. "Doc" Tompkins, private secretary to
Representative Pinckney, and Rollln
Brown, eon of J. N. Brown, are badly
wounded, but how seriously cannot be
There are many armed men on the
streets tonight, but It is not believed there
will be any more trouble. The Governor
has been notified and will send Rangers
Mills was a farmer, who Jiad long been
prominent in the affairs of the 'county.
When the trouble began, Tompkins was
making a speech to a motion. Brown had
the floor. He used language -which was
objected to, and at the same time grasped
Tompkins by the coat. Representative
Pinckney sprang forward and the shoot
ing began, no one appearing to know who
fired tho first shot, though it is said that
a kinsman of -Brown fired and that Rep
resentative Pinckney was the first to fall.
A number of men appeared to be engaged
In the shooting and -sonieihln . lik 100
2Ca-4:ebQts were flrd- w .
John McPherson Pinckney, of Hemp
stead, Democratic Representative from
the Eighth Texas District, was born in
Brimes County, Texas, .May 4, JS45. and
-was reared near the place of his birth.
The only education he received was in
the public schools near his boyhood home
and what -he secured by his own study.
He was a Confederate soldier, serving
four years in the Fourth Texas Regiment,
Hood's Texas Brigade. He entered upon
the practice of law in 1S75, and served
10 years as District Attorney for the
Twenty-third Judicial District of Texas,
and three years as County Judge of
Waller County. He- was elected to the
5Sth Congress November 17, 1S03, to fill
the vacancy caused by the resignation
of Hon. T. H. Bell. His district Included
the Counties of Austin, Fort Bend,
Grimes, Harris, Leon, Madison, Mont
gomery, Walker and Waller.
Snow Covers 3fountalns and Ranges
From Texas to "Wyoming.
DENVER, April 24. The storm -which
began early yesterday morning continued
until noon today. Tho downpour changed
from rain to snow about midnight, and
the plains of Eastern Colorado were cov
ered with about six inches of snow this
morning. The precipitation In Denver
was 2.30 inches, and has been exceeded
only four ' times since 1S76. Telegraph
wires north, west and south of this city
were generally unserviceable this morn
ing. The storm extended from the panhandle
of Texas to Central Wyoming. Livestock
on the ranges is in good condition, and
as the temperature is not low there will
be little loss. Tho benefit to grass on the
range Is incalculable.
Even if the storm is followed by frost,
as is usual In April in Colorado, the fruit
trees are safe, for the cool weather of
the past two ' weeks has kept back the
buds from opening.
Little damage, so far is reported to
railroads. Trinidad reports a dangerous
rise in the Purgatoris River, which last
Fall went on a rampage and washed out
all the bridges for miles up and down
the stream. Pueblo is looking for a rise
in the Arkansas. The storm abated dur
ing the forenoon and the snow melted
Train service on practically all roads In
Colorado Is delayed by the storm. A
slide in the Royal Gorge, on the main
line of the Rio Grande, covered the track
and delayed traffic for several hours. In
the Cripple Creek district the snowfall
was extremely heavy and trains were
operated with great difficulty.
Purgatory River Threatens the Rail
roads nnd "Washes Out Bridges.
TRINIDAD, Colo., April 24. Two feet
of wet, heavy snow covers this section.
and the indications tonight- are that the
storm Is not yet over, as the weather Is
still threatening. Tho Purgatory River,
which overflowed its banks last Fall and
caused damage to the Santa Fe Railroad
estimated at half a million dollars, Is lis
ing rapidly, and grave fears are enter
tained that the result may be repeated,
Some sections of the road recently re
paired were damaged today by the over
flowing of the river. A small bridge on
the Colorado & Southern Railroad was
washed out today, delaying traffic sev
eral hours.
Owing to the destruction of the water
main supplying Trinidad, the business
section of the city is entirely without
water. The main cannot be repaired un
til the river .recedes. A temporary foot
J alFrJsl c?nnecunS r2TtranM
South. JTrinldad ias -been. wrecked Jtlanjy.
and wagon bridge connecting North and.
bad rock slides are reported to have
blocked traffic today. Telephone and tel
egraph lines have suffered considerably.
Santa Fe Tied Up by Flood.
GALLUP, N. M., April 24. No through
trains navo run in either direction on
the Santa Fe for the past 24 hours and
the prospects for the Immediate repair
ing of the break in the line between
Blue Water and Grants are very poor.
It J3 believed here that it will require
at least two days to restore through
traffic. The track for nearly half a
.mile Is washed out. It has been rain
ing almost continuously for the past
60 hours with indications of continuing.
"Wires Down in Salt Lake Valley.
SALT LAKE CITY, April 24. Last
night's lieavy wind storm caused an al
most complete suspension of telegraphic
service in the Salt Lake "Valley from mid
night untii near noon today. The storm
was one of the most severe experienced
here in ten years. The damage, however,
was of a minor character. Scores of tele
graph poles in the valley were blown
down, carrying down the wire?, and for
several hours both Salt Lake and Ogden
were completely shut off from the outside
Landslide Blocks Union Pacific.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., April 24. The land
slide at Edson, which caused the wreck
of a Union Pacific freight train on Sat
urday night, fills a cut 250 feet long and
feet deep. Sixteen passenger trains
and an immense amount of freight are
stalled. A temporary track will be com
pleted tomorrow morning. Malls and
passengers are now being transferred by
wagons. A heavy snow Is Impeding the
work of the wrecking crews. The cut
will not be clear for 30 days.
Search for Stolen Documents Forbid
den Widens Breach Between
Congress and President.
HAVANA, April 2S.-That the House of
Representatives does not Intend that pub
lic documents stolen by a party of five
Congressmen on April 14 shall be re
turned was shown tonight, when the
petition sent to the House and signed
by all of the Justices of -the Supreme
Court, asking that it be authorized to
search for the missing documents, was
tabled by an almost unanimous vote.
The 'members, of the House, despite the
assertion that the missing papers show
conclusively that certain public officials
have misused public funds, are inclined
to stand by their fellows and permit
those who now have the documents to
keep them.
Incidentally the bouso, today adminisj
tered a slur to PresidentPalraa when it
adopted a resolution introduced by Con
gressman Marquetl, a negro, calling upon
tne resident to iurnisa a list oi an em
ployes of the present government who
have been dismissed from the service
and to give the reason why they were re
moved. President Palma has strenuously
opposc-d the making, public of ,any such
Information, and the action of the
House today is expected to result in the
widening of the breach now existing be
tween Congress and the Chief Executive.
The Weather.
TODAY'S Probably showers and cooler.
soumeasieriy wjnas.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 83
dog.; minimum, 33. Precipitation, none.
The War in tho Far East.
Russian fleet coaling oft Hainan Island.
Page 2.
Xebogatoffs squadron sighted. Pago 2.
Question whether Rojestvensky will wait
for Nobogatoff before giving battle.
Page 2.
Japanese warship badly damaged. Page 2.
Whole empire in dread of outbreak at
Easter. Page 4.
Government orders villages to pay for dam
age done by peasant mobs. -Page 4.
Moderate reformers combine to aid govern
ment schemes. Page 4.
Peasants demand a constitutional conven
tlon. Page 4.
Cuban House refuses .to order search for
stolen documents and' has row with Presi
dent. Page 1.
Russia plans to restore prestige by gobbling
Turkey. Page 4.
Italian cruiser sets fire to" Guatemalan town
in firing salute. Page 5
Kan Patterson breaks down on hearing casa
opened against her. Page 4.
Teamsters strike abandoned and grand jury
Investigates charge of blackmail against
leaders. Page 1.
Frank G. Bigelow, president of First Na
tional Bank of Milwaukee, confesses he
stole 51.450,000 and lost it In specula
tion. Page 1.
Another great dcllne in May wheat; new
corner In July. Page. l.
Gasoline motor being tested at Denver- and
Cheyenne. Page 3.
Representative .Pinckney and four others
killed la Prohibition riot In Texas.
Page 1.
Phlladelphlan policy-holders jsue for receiver
for Equitable. Page S.
CoSroth loses the Britt-Whlte light for his
club and Morris Levy gets it. Page
Portland defeats Los Angeles in the ball
game. Page 7,
Pacific Const.
Trouble Is expected among rival claimants
when Big Basin land Is opened for settle
ment. Page 6.
Family feud results in street duel In Call
for n la. mining town. Page 6.
Oregon Supreme, Court upholds Portland
anti-saloon box ordinance. Pago 6,
Clatsop- County's Courthouse will not be
built for a time. Page 8.
Portland and Vicinity.
Japan intends to lead the nations with her
exhibits at the Exposition. Page 14.
Counties of Oregon must have everything In
readiness at the Fair. Page 14.
"Widow of Dr. Cardwell sues to "be declared
entitled to father-in-law's bequest. Page
New England roads make low rate to Cen
tennial. Page 14
Chamber of Commerce will - erect Chicago
business men. Page 10.
Fourteenth Infantry arrives on tho Sheridan
from Manila. Page 10.
Residents near slp.Ughter-b.ou3c complain to
police of odors. Page 11.
Hopmen ready to hold convention. Page 11.
Dr. Meyer delivers a strong ' serinon. Page
10. -
Photographic artalon opens to -the public
Page o.
Lillian E. Tingle appoint ft. Market
.jnjfcectorv Paw la,- f. - "U-J32
Another Huge Decline in May
Option Sends Chicago
Market Crazy.'
Gates Believed to Have Combined
"With Armour to. Organize a
Corner in July Option--Lost
Millions on May.
Open, 809Sc.
Close. 93c
High. 9Sc.
Low. 92 He
Highest point reached February 10,
CHICAGO. April 24. (Special.) Hur
ling of the remnants of the once great
Wall-street line of May wheat into the
pit today resulted in a further break of
7& cents In prices. This sensational de
cline from the dollar mark, the last
price of the crazy, short session Sat
urday, was fast, and was accompanied
by the most furious excitement. The
.general belief is that the losses to Gates
and his followers are between 52,500,000
and 53.000,000.
When the final bell put an end to the
nerve-shattering operations, the option
was at 93 cents, a loss of 7 cents from
the previous closing quotation. Between
9:30 and 1:15 o'clock It was estimated
that more than 5,000,000 bushels of the
future were thrown' Into the unsupported
A most significant feature was tthe
very heavy buying of July wheat by
houses that were supposed to have
sold the May for the Gates people. The
uncertainties that for months surrounded
the May wheat now are flocklngMo the
July, in which sensational developments
are expected.
July wheat dropped 2 cents early, large
ly in sympathy with the great decline in
Its senior. On the weakest spots it was
said that Valentine took m more- than
i "SOO.OW bushels. Tho same buying force
was evident In outside markets, and it
was believed that the Armour holdings of
the July now aggregate more than 10,000,
000 bushels.
The persistent talk Is that Gatss is
with Armour in the July.
Rapid Decline Followed by Slight
Recovery O titer Grain Falls,
CHICAGO, April 24. A double back
somersault was performed in May wheat
today. Instead of settling into a reminis-.
cence, the option promptly started this
morning with a repetition of last week's
sensational acrobatics. Some of the first
trades showed a fall of 4 cents a bushel.
tho price opening at 95c to 9Sc, as against
51 at the close on Saturday.
After the initial plunge the price for
Mar showed a tendency to rally, reacting
temporarily to 85c. If the selling was
from representatives of J. W. Gates It
was well disguised, the market presenting
the appearance of a general bearish at
tack rather than an attempt at further
liquidation of holdings acquired during an
attempt to corner.
P. A. "Valentine, of Armour & Co., was
generally credited with buying consider
able May wheat whllo the quotations were
between 95c and 9Sc. To this was at
tributed the recovery to 97c Fresh sell
ing, however, from outside sources soon
pounded the market down worse than be
fore. It was not long before the current
figures for May were 93c, a net loss of
&4c a bushel, compared with Saturday's
close. At 93c the market had a fall of
nearly 30c from the point at which the
Gates crowd were supposed to be in full
control 61 the deal some weeks ago. Be
fore midday another cent was clipped
from the price of May wheat, sales being
mate at 92jsc a bushel.
On the slump. Armour & Co. was re
ported to have bought In as much as 1,000,
000 bushels of the May option.
During thvlast hour of trading the de
mand was oi An improved cnaracter. The
theory that Iho price of May wheat had
reached about the lowest point consistent
with wnat are called legitimate conditions
formed the basis of much of the late de
A feature was an active demand for the
Jujy option from a house which is credited
with having recently been trading for
Gates. Prices, however, made little re
sponse to the Improved demand, the rally
In May being connned to less than
cent. The market closed steady, with
May off precisely 7 cents, at 93c Distant
deliveries were affected by the slump In
May, the closing price on July being down
2 cents at SS4Tc.
Late in the session the corn market be
came quite demoralized. May selling off
to 45Tic and July to 46c Tho close-
43c was near the lowest point of the day
with May down llc at 45c. July
closed at 45c, a net loss of l4a
in sympathy witn wneat and corn,
sentiment in the oat pit was bearish, but
prices showed only a small loss. July
Closed at 295g23ic
Notwithstanding higher prices for hogs,
provisions, were extremely weak. At the
close. July pork was off 30g32i2C, lard
was down 10c and rlos were 7c lower.
Corresponding Fall in New York.
NEW YORK. April 24. May wheat con
tinued its downward movement today,
sustaining losses of more than 3 cents
per bushel In the market. Many who had
been forced out of May with big losses
bought later months, hoping to regain
some of their money. From the high point
of the season today's prices represent a
loss of about 29 cents on tho May option.
Don't Believe Diana's Crew Escaped.
PARIS, April 24. The Foreign Office at
noon said that, no confirmation had been
received of ,thQjreftortcdcannonade out-.
side of Kamranh Bay during the night of
April 22, tho day Admiral Rojestvensky
left the Coast of Annam. The officials
here discredit the report that the crew of
the interned Russian cruiser Diana, now
at Halfong, joined Admiral Rojestvensky
previous to his sailing, as the official ad
vices show that a dally rollcall is made
for the purpose of preventing the depart
ure of any members of the crew.
Hitchcock Finds School Buildings in
Alaska Cost Money.
ington, April 24. Secretary Hitchcock
today rejected all bids recently sub
mitted for erecting public school buildings
at various points in Alaska, because they
were too high. After revising the list of
buildings, he directed that bids again be
Invited for school buildings at Wrangel,
Haines, Yakutat, Jackson and Klllisnoo.
There Is $60,000 available for these build
It wag decided to" abandon the idea of
erecting buildings in extreme Northern
Alaska by contract at this time and have
them built later by the Commissioner of
New Rural Carriers.
ington, April 21. Rural carriers, appointed:
Oregon Baker City, route 1, John W.
Elliott carrier, Fred Van Patton substi
tute; Sublimity, route 1, Bert S. Branch
carrier, Arthur W. Branch substitute.
Washington Coupeville, route 1, Alfred
Nuttall carrier, A. T. Nuttall substitute.
Pope Ordered to Seattle.
ington, April 24. First Lieutenant Francis
A. Pope, corps of engineers, now at San
Francisco, ordered to Seattle to take a
station at that place and report to Major
John Mlllis, corps of engineers, for duty.
Jefferson's Body to Repose in Vault
Till All Assemble.
BUZZARDS' BAY, April 2i.-It was
learned today at "Crow's Nest," the home
of Joseph Jefferson, that the body of the
aged actor would not be brought directly
here from Palm Beach. Arrangements
have been made to place the casket in a
receiving vault at Boston until -mem
bers of the family who are scat
tered over the country and abroad can
come together. The body then will be
brought here, and will be burled In the
Bay View Cemetery.
His. Son Cancels Engagement.
CLEVELAND. O., April 24. William
Winter Jefferson, a son or the actor,
heard of the death Of his father while,
passing -through, this-city last night on his
way to Bellefontaine. O. He has can
celed all engagements for his theatrical
company, and will leave the stage indefl
nitely. He said he would meet his
brother In Toledo today and then go
on to New York for the funeral of his
father, arrangements for which, he said,
had not been completed.
London's Tributes to Jefferson.
LONDON, April 24. The death of Jo
seph Jefferson la the occasion for the
publication in London newspapers of
lengthy tributes to the American actor.
Exciting Experience of Man and
Woman in Chicago.
CHICAGO, April 24. On the pretext
of serving a search warrant, three men
gained entrance to tho apartments of
Mrs. D. Gilmore, In Twentieth street.
and at the muzzle of revolvers robbed
Mrs. Gilmore and Edward Giroux of 52500
worth of diamonds. The victims were
then bound and thrust Into a closet and
the door locked on them.
After the robbers had departed, Mrs,
Gilmore tugged at her bonds and released
her hands. She and Giroux were half
strangled In their narrow quarters. Gl
roux, to get a breath of fresh air, kicked
out one of the panels In the door. He
attempted to crawl through this, but the
openings was too narrow. Another panel
was then broken, add Mrs. Gilmore
crawled through. She secured a dupli
cate key and released Giroux. About
55000 worth of jewelry, sought by the
robbers, was overlooked. .
Prcsidont Refuses to Change Plans
at Denver's Request.
Secretary Loeb today conferred with t
delegation representing the Denver
Chamber of Commerce in regard to the
arrangements for the reception of the
President on May 15. The delegation was
Mmnnanii of J. Stemnla and C. H. Rev
nolds. The purpose of their visit chiefly
was to induce tne -fresiaent to leave
Glenwood Springs during the night of
ATnv li In order to rive an entire dav to
Denver. Mr. Loeb said there will be no
change in the plans, which are for a day
light trip tnrougn tne mountains ot uoi
No word has come from the President's
camp today.
Meeting in Chicago Pushes Public
Ownership Along.
CHICAGO, April 24. Agitation to estab
lish municipal ownership of gas works
as well as street railways in Chicago was
Inaugurated in earnest today by a public
meeting in the City Council Chamber,
which, took steps to hasten the passage
of the Chicago gas bills.
Narrow Escapes From Big Fire.
PUEBLO, Colo., April 24. Fire tonight
almost totally destroyed the entire stock
of Bergcrman Bros.' store, one of the
largest furnishing establishments In the
state, and greatly damaged the building.
The stock was valued at 5123,000, fully In
sured. The fire Is supposed to have origi
nated from a gasoline-power engine blow
ing up. There were several narrow es
capes from the -flames, several women being-
carried from the building in their
jnlcht clothing.
. - . l
Chicago Teamsters Abandon
Struggle and Apply for
Employment 'Again.
Grand Jury Investigates Charges
and Employers Combine to End
Rule of labor ieaders
Who Sell Strikes.
CHICAGO, April 24. (SpeciaL) The
great strike against Montgomery Ward &
Co. collapsed in dismal fashion tonight,
when the teamsters withdrew their sym
pathetic movement and Instructed their
men to seek reinstatement as rapidly as
The strike originated last October with
the garment-workers. They made no
progress, and after many consultations,
the Teamsters' Union, the moat powerful
labor body in the city, agreed to call a
sympathetic strike. This had been in
progress two weeks a fortnight marked
by unusual brutality and violence. Men
and horses have been burned with acid,
non-union men horribly beaten and muti
lated, there being a regular scale of prices
for maiming and disabling non-unionists;
strangers in the city have been beaten
by mobs and thugs have flourished un
molested. Today the garment-workers
intimated they would call off their strike,
leaving the teamsters to continue the
fight. It was a hopeless cause from the
start, and Its flat failure will be a hard
blow to labor unions.
Blackmail by Labor Leaders.
The grand jury is now investigating
charges that the strike was called be
cause Montgomery Ward & Co. refused
to be blackmailed for 53000.
Out of the strike has grown the Em
ployers' Teaming Company, a million-dollar
clearing-house, for all firms employ
ing teams, which will free them from the
tyranny of union teamsters. Corruption,
blackmail, threats and other means
adopted by some labor officials to harass
Chicago business men are to be fought
by organized action of employers. To
morrow a meeting of teaming interests
will be held for the purpose of broadening
the ' scope of action of the Employers'
Teaming Association, prominent mem
ber of the Employers' Association, in
speaking of the proposed plans to be set
tled at the meeting, said:
Strikes Bought and Sold.
"Strikes and the favors of organized
labor have been a matter of barter and
sale for the last two years in the City of
Chicago. Employers have been subjected
to blackmail, labor leaders have come and
threatened to call a strike unless their
demands were complied with. They have
come at a time when a strike meant dis
aster and great loss to many business
men, and the employers, knowing that
the members of the organization were
ready to quit at the call of their leaders
whistle, have submitted to the demands
time and again. There are now in Chi
cago five employers who have It in their
power to send several labor leaders to
the penitentiary."
Labor Leader Arrested for Shooting
at Nonunion 3Ien.
CHICAGO, April 24. Montgomery Ward
& Co.'s teamsters, who struck in sym
pathy with the firm's locked-out garment
workers, were formally discharged today,
having failed to return to work.
Joseph .Young, business agent of tho
Baggage and Parcel Delivery Drivers
Union, was arrested today after he had
shot repeatedly at four men, whom he
says he recognized as "nonunion slug
gers." Incidentally, Young fired upon two
policemen who afterward took him into
The nonunion sluggers, Young alleges, is
a new element In the strike situation.
"I thought at first they were hold-up
men," he said. "They attacked me and I
tired at them."
Cripple Creek Mining and Smelting
Companies After Federation.
DENVER, April 24. Suits for damages
aggregating 51.00O.C0O have been filed in
the State and Federal Courts by tho
United Reduction & Refining Company
and a number of Cripple Creek mining
companies against the Western. Federa
tion of Miners and its officers. The com
plaints are all of similar nature. They
charge the defendants with unlawfully
conspiring to injure the plaintiffs by pre
venting the mining and shipment of ore.
The Vindicator Gold Mining Company
asks for 520.000 damages for losses occa
sioned by the stoppage of its pumps.
The suits are an outcome of the strike,
which was ordered in the Cripple Creek
district August 10. 1903, and has not been
declared off, although all the mines are
now operating with full forces.
Fuel Company Raises Wages.
PUEBLO, Colo., April 24. Announce
ment is made that, beginning May 1, the
5000 employes of the Colorado Fuel &
Iron Company's plant In this city will
receive aa advance in wages varying
from 7 to -20 per cent. The office em
ployes and superintendents will receive
from 10 to 20 per cent advance, while
the men in the mechanical department!
will receive an average of T per cent
Tubeworkcrs Given 3Ioro Wages.
PITTSBURG. April 21- Five thousand
men employed at the National Tube
Works at McKeesport, Pa., were given
an increase of wages in their pay en
velopes today. The increase averages
from 5 -to 10 per cent, and. dates from
April 1.
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