THE MORNING OREGONIAN. MONDAY, APRIL' 24, 1905. OKIES' OFFE N PRIMARIES Williams Leads on a Seven-to-Ten Wager on Republican Possibilities. GLABKE IS SECOND CHOICE As to the Democratic Nomination, So Sure Are They That Lane Has It, Bookmakers Offer Any Odds Against Thomas. Those-curbstone brokers who have been chased by Tom Word because they dared to make handbooks on the races, have switched the cut. and are now busy mak ing books on the coming primaries. Dur ing the past week betting on the out come of the approaching primaries has been lively, not because the betting has been lively, but because boosters and knockers have been busy. Ever since the betting opened until Saturday night, when L.arry Sullivan bet $50 against $35 that 3Jayor "Williams would win in the pri maries, the betting has been 7 to 10. "When Sullivan made his wager the odds were cut down to 6 to 10, with a chance that Mayor "Williams will go to the post a 1 to 20 favorite. The second choice in the betting is Glafke. He opened at 2 to 1. with few takers. His political opponents got busy on the East Side Saturday and yester day and instead of giving the glad Easter hand of welcome, they caused to be spread the report that they thought would lose him many votes. This bit of political canister invaded the East Side and was soon having its effecj, and in consequence some of the brokers were offering as high as 4 to 1 on -his chances yesterday, with no takers. Bookies Post Odds. "When the bookies posted their first odds on the mayoralty ra'ce In the pri maries, 6 to 1 was written alongside of Fred Merrill's name. As soon as the sporting "gents" north of the deadline heard of these juicy odds they hocked their jewelry and sparklers and flooded the books with so much money that Mer rill was backed from sixes down to fours. One wise poster of odds learned via the underground system that Merrill was bet ting on himself and declared himself ready to take all of the Merrill money in sight at 6 to 1, and if the price wasn't long enough at that figure he would during the next couple of weeks be will ing to lay as good as 20 to 1 against the open-town candidate. The sharpshooters who are willing to take people's money are willing to take a cart load of money at 10 to 1 against Al bee's chances. A $500 bet, so the pencll ers say, would not cause them to rub the prices one point. Rowe seems to be tne third choice, but he is also at the tempt ing odds of S to L Cooper Is the low candidate in the race. In one book he is 50 to 1. and if those who think he has a chance in the race will wait they will bft able to get 200 to 1. Some of the pikers are grabbing-some qt the Merrill money, and a little of the 8 to 1 offered against Rowe. The bulk of the betting, however, is on Mayor Williams, and even though heis the short-priced biped in the handi cap, the wise money is going in on him for the mayoralty nomination. All Iane Money. Lane,. the Democratic candidate at the primaries, is a 1 to 1000 over his oppo nent, Thomas. In fact, the bookies are so sure that Iane will win over Thomas that they will not take any money on him. while 20 and as good as 50 to 1 are posted against Thomas' chances. Some of the wise guns among the Democratic stalwarts figuring on the cinch that Lane has over Thomas, have been trying to bet on him. They have been willing to bet 5 to win 1. but the curbstone brokers are wary and refuse to look at Lane money. "When it comes to the betting on the nomination for the Municipal Judgeship, Kramer is the first choice at even money, and Ferrera is the second choice at 2& to 1. There has been some wagering on Ferrera, but there has not been enough money as yet to change the prices. Mc Devltt and Paul Deady are the third choices, and both are at 4 to 3. Vreeland is at eights and the price is .going begging, and the same condition prevails in the betting on Cameron at 6 to 5. Anderson's chances have been carefully doped out at 100 to 1. In the case of Charles Petrain It is a case of write any price on your ticket. AT THE THEATERS What the Press Agents Say. 'HON. JOHN NORTH" TONIGHT Brilliant Political Comedy at Mar quam for Two Performances. How John North became Governor of "Washington will be told In a comedv. "The Honorable John North," which will be reproduced at the Marquam Grand'The ater tonight and tomorrow night. L. R. Stockwell, the well-known comedian, will appear in th'e title role, and assocated with him will be Charles E. Verner, the famous character comedian. The play is rippling over with wit and humor, and the audience is carried from one amusing situation to another in such quick succession that there is a continuous uproar of laughter from the time .the cur tain raises on the first act until it drops at xne ena 01 tne last. The Honorable John North is a man with a past. In early life he marries a woman unsuited to him, and a divorce follows. He marries again, and after years of hard work succeeds in nlacimr himself among the foremost men of his state, beats are now selling for both nignts. KNEISED QUARTETTE. Famous Quartette Will Be Heard at the Marquam Grand. The unity of marked rtiaH a musical sentiment, the blending that comes xrom Dreaain 01 musical knowledge and the intuitive svmnathv tvn- from lqng association make the work of tne jvneisei quartet ever an impresslv lesson in the art of InterDretattnn lng of the composer's intent escapes the players, and there is always a certain scholarly soberness in their,, method which is restful as well as reassurme- cing by Its seeming lack of effort rather tnan startling oy tne evidence of strug gle and triumphant conquest. The en semble nlayinjr of the Kneisels Is an knowledged the world over- to be as nearly flawless as earthly musicians at tain, xnis win oe tne last concert of the series to be given this season. Direction Lois Steers-TVynn Coman. Sale of seats Thursday at 10 A. M., box office of the Marquam Grand. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATER Lilliputians at the Baker. The greatest attraction ever brought to the Baker Theater is the Lilliputian trio, which opens the new bill today. These famous midgets appear in an act that in cludes singing and dancing, as well as gymnastic feats. The three are tiny in form, wear elegant costumes, and. In fact, are modern marvels,. since their ages are 22, 23 and 25 years. The other acts are: "William Schoene, "the human fly"; Berne and West, a merry comedy sketch team; the Holcombs, in a refined comedy and musical act: Byron and Blanche, In their original comedietta, entitled, "Mat rimonial Sweets in Family Jars"; James Carey, a comical comedian; Jean "Wilson, in Illustrated songs; the Bakerograph, showing life-motion pictures; and Baker's popular orchestra. The new bill starts at 2:30 today. The Grand's New Bill. The Fredericks in a charming playlet entitled the "Cowboy Visitor" will be one of the Grand's stellar attractions for this week. The Fredericks come from the very best class of players and present their little sketch in the most finished manner. Great things are expected from Leonand Birtie Allen, the comedy sing ing dpo. Both of these people have splen did voices and make a specialty of the latest compositions. Patsy Doyle will be as entertaining as ever and promises a complete line of new sayings. Others on the bill will be the Maple Leaf 'xrlo in an original comedy: Lyndon and "Wren In a new act; Orrin McKnlght, In a spe cialty, and Alf Bonner, soloist, will ren- der in his own fipished style "When the Frost Is on the Pumpkin." The Grand iscope will present pictures from the life of a New York policeman. Free Hypnotism Exhibition. Rosco, the foremost demonstrator of mindreading in America, will give a free exhibition of mindreading this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Starting from the Arcade Theater, Rosco will drive blindfolded through the streets and will find a book and pin concealed by a committee of cit izens. Returning to the theater entrance, Rosco will find a word selected by the committee and give the number of the page it is printed on. All this will be accomplished while Rosco is blindfolded. This is one of the most difficult of mind reading feats. Rosco will give exhibitions of hypnotism and mindreading every af ternoon and evening at the Arcade The ater, supported by a vaudeville company. The entertainments are both instructive and amusing. New Star Bill Today. Commencing this afternoon and con tinuing all week, the Star will have as its feature act Dunbar's caprine paradox. In other words, this is a band of goats. These animals are educated and have been instructed to perform many aston ishing feats. "What they do has caused the vaudeville patrons of the East to praise the Dunbar caprine paradox un reservedly. Another strong card on the bill Is Daisy Harcourt, who is acknowl edged as being one of the most popular women entertainers that lias ever played Portland. She has only been In America a few months, having left the London music halls. Cole and Cole will contrib ute the acrobatic number, and the Burton bellrlngers are to give the necessary mu sical turn. Holmes and Mack, two splen didly gowned girls, will offer a singing act. Roscoe Arbuckle has a new illus trated ballad and the projectosoope wllt flash the realistic pictures of the Ni hilists. PERS0NALMENTI0N. "W. M. Kaiser, a Salem attorney, is at the Perkins. Barney May, a Harrisburg merchant, is at the Perkins. Miss C E. Mead, Miss Piersoie and Miss E. A. Piersoie, of Bellville, Ontario, are at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Welch and Miss Welch, of Astoria, have arrived at the Perkins. Mr. Welch Is a canneryman. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. NInemlrc, of Mon tesano, "Wash., are at the Perkins. Mr. Ninemlre is a stockman. NEW YORK, April 23. (Special.) Northwestern people registered at New York hotels today as follows: From Portland L. Samuel, at the Savoy. From Seattle C. T. TakahachI, at the Astor; M. R. Hunt, at the Bartholdl; R. H. Thompson, at the Fifth-Avenue. From Kettle Falls, Wash. J. M. Fish, at the Grand. From Salem, Or. W. T. Txve, at the Park-Avenue. Removal Is Very Probable. OREGON CITY, Or., April 23. (Special.) Judging from a letter that has been received by the officers of the Oregon City Land Office from Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock, It is evident that Intervention on the part of President Roosevelt alone will prevent the removal of the Oregon City Land Office to Portland as ordered. In his letter Secretary Hitchcock states that a time, July 1, next, has been set, a place named for the removal of the office, and that in ordering the proposed change the authorities at Washington considered every question and objection that has been raised in the protests that have been forwarded by the people of this city. Logs Are Not to Be Had. ASTORIA, Or., April 23. (Special.) On account of a shortage of logs, the Sea side Spruce Lumber Company's mill will be closed for some time. The company has also shut down lta logging camp, as there is no way to get the logs out until after the logging railway that Is now in course of construction Is completed. The Very Best Remedy for Bowel Troubles No Family Can Afford to Bo Without It. "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy as one of the very best remedies for bowel trou bles," says Mr. J. W. Hanlon, editor of the Despatch, Ocllla, Georgia. "I make this statement after having used the meXJlclne in my family for--several years. I am never without it." No fam ily can afford to be without a bottle of this remedy in the house. It is cer tain to be needed sooner or later. For hr all druggists. ROOSEVELT S TYPE Shakespeare Would Have Ad mired Such a Character. DR. CHAPMAN AT FORUM Declares That the Great Dramatist, if Now Living, Vould Have ' Woven President's -Life Into Great Work. A Shakespearean programme was the offering at the People's Forum lpt night, with Dr. C. H. Chapman as the' principal speaker. He used as his topic. "Shake speare, and What He Would Have Done "With Roosevelt." In introducing his subject Dr. Chapman called attention to the lack of knowledge regarding Shakespeare. "If you take all the volumes that have been written about Shakespeare and boll down all the facts which they contain you would have but a very, very small and a very, very thin volume. "We know that he was born on a certain day in a certain year and in a certain town, and that he lived during the spacious times of Queen Eliza beth. Aside from that we have no really definite knowledge of the man aside from the fact that he wrote his immortal plays and was an actor. From the little we do know, however, we feel that Shake speare never realized his own greatness and Immortality, and that his great am bition was not so much to make a name for himself as to acquire riches. His purpose was to be able to go back to Stratford-on-Avon, where he had lived his youth, with sufficient money to live the life of a gentleman and be an object of envy In. this respect among his former neighbors." Dr. Chapman characterized Shakespeare as the one really great Inspired writer, and considered him to be the one great writer for all people and all time. He thought further that Shakespeare showed a great love for his heroes, and invari ably chose them from among the ranks of warriors and statesmen, particularly those who were successful. "If Shakespeare were with us today," ; said Dr. Chapman, "the man after his own heart and whom he would love to j write about and dream about is off In the Rocky Mountains today hunting bear, i the man upon whom the gods seem to have showered all their blessings Presi- SECRETARY OF WASHINGTON COMMISSIONER TO LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR HAS APPROPRIATE NAME. Lewis Clark. SEATTLE. April 22. (Special.) Elmer E. Johnstop, Executive Com missioner of the Lewis and Clark Exposition for the State of Wash ington, has a secretary who very appropriately enjoys the name of Lewis Clark. He Is 17 years of age, and Is pleased to go through life with the knowledge that he performed his first real duties In life for the Lewis and Clark Ex position. The boy was born in Lewis County, is exceedingly bright and made a hit w.... Commissioner Johnston when he applied for his present position by saying that what he wanted was work and plenty of it. Commissioner John ston, in describing his secretary to a friend, said: "He is tall like a fir smooth-barked and so'und, but not evergreen." dent Roosevelt. How he would- like to have taken this forceful and energetic man, who, like Caesar, never failed, who never made mistakes and who was great In everything, and to have woven his life Into some great work." In Dr. Chapman's opinion Roosevelt Is the embodiment of the characters found In several of Shakespeare's plays, no tably Caesar, 'Prince Hal, and others, with even the Impetuosity of Hotspur. In his conclusion Dr. Chapman thought that the reason that Shakespeare's heroes had been taken from the ranks of sol diers and statesmen was due to thp fm that there had been and was now a- ARMY TRANSPORT SHERIDAN ARRIVES "WITH FOURTEENTH INFANTRY FROM PHILIPPINES. lack of material in the lower ranks of life, or in other words among the la borers. This, according to Dr. Chapman, was due to the existence of the present competitive social system In which the necessity for what is commonly a con stant struggle for the means of existence served to destroy the higher qualities, or at least their demonstration. J. D. Stevens and Colonel John Mc Craken gave readings from Shakespeare's, tragedies, and in her usual charming manner Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer rendered two Shakespearean songs, accompanied by Miss Leonora Fisher. IN ALASKA CUSTOMS. List of Recent Appointees In the Service Are Given. JUNEAU, Alaska. April 15. (Special Correspondence.) Clarence L. Hobart, the newly-appointed Collector of Customs for Alaska, will assume the duties of his of fice about May 1, 1905. By a recent order of the President, the Alaskan Custom service was placed under civil service to take effect on March 1, 1905. Mr. Hobart Is a native of New York. He came to the Coast In 1900, and was em ployed In Seattle with the Globe Naviga tion Company. He entered the Alaska customs service as stenographer under Collector Jarvls. and rose to the position of special deputy, from which he was ap pointed to the collectorship. Mr. Willis, whom the new collector has chosen to be his special deputy, is an Ore gon man, having lived for years at Hills boro. Or., from which place he was ap pointed to an inspectorship at Ketchikan, Alaska, In 1900, since which time he has been transferred to deputy in charge at Valdez, and later to the home office, where he has worked up to the chief clerkship, from which he will be transferred upon be coming special deputy. The following Is a list of customs em ployes In the District of Alaska, with their compensations and the states from which they cbme: Juneau Clarence L. Hobart. collector. $4000 per annum, Alaska; J. R. Willis, spe cial deputy collector, $2200 per annum, Ore gon; Maurice S. Whltter. deputy collector and Inspector, 41400 per annum. Washing- : ton; H. R. Shepard, deputy collector and Inspector, J1400 per annum, Washington; George A. Jeffery, stenographer and type writer, $1200 per annum, Washington; Allen J. Walker, deputy collector and In spector, $3.50 per diem, Oregon; George W. Rose, Inspector, 13 per diem, Alaska; C. W. Adams, Inspector, $3 per diem. Alaska; George M. SImpKins, messenger, 1500 per annum, Alaska. Ketchikan John R. Beegle, deputy, col lector in charge, S1G0O per annum, Oregon; J. F. Pugh, deputy collector and inspector. $3.o0 per diem, Washington; M. S. Dobbs, deputy collector and Inspector, $3.50 per diem. Washington. Wrangel F. B. Branson, deputy collector in charge, $1600 per annum, Oregon; Lloyd V. Winter, inspector, $3 per diem; Alaska; Skagway Matthew Bridge, deputy col lector In charge, $2000 per annum, Oregon; E. F. Pitman, deputy collector and In spector, $1800 per annum, Kansas: Fred S. Williams, deputy collector and Inspector, $4 per diem, Oregon; xj. P. Lea, deputy col lector and Inspector, $3.50 per diem, Wash ington; George G. Miller, deputy collector and inspector. $3.50 per diem, Washington; J. N. Wheeler, deputy collector and In spector, $3.50 per diem. Alaska; N.. Bol shanin, deputy collector and Inspector. $3.50 jer diem. Alaska; George C. Carson, in spector, $3 per diem, Alaska. Eagle C. L. Andrews, deputy collector In charge, $2000 per annum, Ocegon; J. J. Hlllard, deputy collector and Inspector, $1S00 per annum, California; John M. Thomson, deputy collector and Inspector, $lE00i Alaska; George W. Woodruff, dep uty collector and inspector, S1S0O per an num, Alaska. Forty Mile Fred J. Vandewall. deputy collector In charge, $2200 per annum. Wis consin; J. H. VanZandt, deputy collector and inspector, $2000 per annum, Washing ton. St. Michael L. V. .Stenger, deputy col lector In charge, $2000 per annum, Wash ington; Peter W. Brown, inspector during navigation season. $1E00 per annum. Wash ington; J. E. Dobbs. Inspector during navi gation season, $1S00 per annum, Washing ton. Nome Charles D. Garfield, deputy col lector In charge, $2000 per annum, Alaska; 3L W.rJ. Reed, Inspector during naviga tion season, $5 per diem, Alaska; E. T. Baldwin, Inspector during navigation sea son, $5- per diem, Alaska: H. B. Martin, inspector during navigation season, $5 per diem, Alaska. "Unalaska J. F. Sinnott, deputy collector in charge. $1600 per annum .Oregon. Kodlak Frederick Sargent, deputy col lector in charge, $1200 per annum, Alaska. Valdez Edward B. Spiers, deputy collec tor In charge. $1400 per annum, California. Sitka V. L. Holt, deputy collector in charge, $1400 per annum, Oregon. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. April 23. Sailed at 8 A. II. Schooner Virginia, for San Francisco. Left up at 8 A. M. Schooner , Francis H. Leg gett. Arrived at 1:15 P. M. and left up at 4:45 P. M.. United States transport Sheridan, from Manila. Condition of the bar at '5 P. M.. smooth; wind, northwest; weather, clear. San Francisco, April 23. Arrived at noon Steamfr Acme, from Portland. Sailed Bark Himalaya, for Bristol Bay; steamer, Nome City, for Seattle', steamer Kvichak. for Bris tol Bay. Stanford's Nest TracK Captain. SAN FRANCISCO, April 23. (Special.) The 'varsity track men of Stanford have unanimously elected M. J. Weller, of Fort Bragg, captain of the track team for next season. He is beat known as "varsity fullback for the past two years, and Is also a broadjumper and hurdler. Easter Services at Woodstock. Six months ago the M. E. Church at Woodstock . which had been closed for some years, was renovated, ImproVed and reopened. A Sunday school was organized with Fred C. Dunlap superintendent. The interest has steadily crown and yester day the house was filled with those par ticipating In the Easter service. The music. In charge of Mrs. W. D. Moore and Miss Cecelia Galoway, was excel lent. Miss Ethel Smith sang a solo. Mrs. Moore and Maggie Hammond sang a duet. James Langdon. Lena Burns, Fran cis Haffenden, Gertrude Hefty, Hazel Pe trle and Edna Smith gave recitations, and Miss Smith's class of boys rendered an impressive scripture exercise. Rev. C. E. Cllne. D.- D., the pastor, made an appropriate address. Miss Mag gie Hammond presided at the organ. The church was beautifully decorated and an offering for missions of 510 was made. ADVERTISED. Free delivery of letters by carriers at the residence, of owners may be secured by ob serving the following rules: Direct plainly to the street and number of the bouse. Head letters with the writer's full address. Including street and number, and request answer to be directed accordingly. Letters to strangers or transient visitors in the city, whose special address may be unknown, should be marked In the left-hand corner. "Transient." This will prevent their being delivered to persons of the same or -similar names. Persons calling for these letters will please state date on which they -were advertised April 17. They will be charged for at the rate of 1 cent for each advertisement called for. "WOMAN'S LIST. Abraham. Mrs M J Leach, Miss Sidney Abbey, Miss Ltllien Le Corapte, Miss Sadia Almy, Miss Ives Lee, Miss AUhlld Aldrlcb, Miss Dora Lemmason. Mrs Lira Anderson. Miss Anna Le Page. Mrs Louise Andersson. Mrs AlbertLong, Mrs C M Anderson, Miss Au- Lord. Miss Kathrya gusta Lukes, Miss Mary Apperson. Mrs A J McBrlde. Mrs. 1st and Benson. Fru Llna Morrison sts Bacon, Mrs Jess . McCIellan, Mlas Ha Bain. Mrs- RE N xtl (2) Baker. Miss 317 CouchMcOord, Mi Mather- Baker. Mrs X J ina Barnes, Mrs R A McCoIe. Mrs Mary Barton, Miss Jennie McDevitt. Miss B Barton, Miss Nora N McDonaM, Miss Lena. Beckerton. Miss BthelMcOregor. Miss Dot Sounds, Mrs Edith McHolIand. Mrs Emma Bowea. Mrs u Manning; Mrs Itella Bran'des, Mrs Ruby MMarcoe, Miss Anise Brine. Mrs L S Marquis, Mrs F F Brighton. Margurette Marks. Mrs E Brooks. Mrs H U Mascher. Miss Bettie Broon. Miss Anna Mason, Mrs James R Brown. Mrs Charles Mash, Mrs Mary Brown, Vergla L (3) Matthews, Mrs Annie Brown. Mrs Matteson, miss reu U'O 17th st Merwln. Mrs B Burchell. Mrs Hattie Merrills. Mrs Sarah Biirtoh, Mrs Matt Marrow, Mrs Annie Burton, Mrs Clara Money. Mrs J R Booth. Mrs. 138 hi 4thMorell. Florence Caenee. Miss Vernon Mote. Mrs G L Calvert. Miss Maude Murphy. Julia Camorn. Miss Claudle Myers, Miss Lizzie Campbell. Mrs M Neal, Marguerite Chapel. Miss Delia Nelson, Miss Ida Chamness, Mrs Ger-Newman, Mrs Pearl trude New. Maude Clark, Miss 360 17th N'OIlan. Mrs C Cllne. Miss Vlnnle f2 Osborne. Miss Alice Cohen. Mrs. 50'J John-O'Nell. Baby. 325 fan st 1st st Collier. Mrs C O'Conner. Mrs, lti Colby. Mrs Bessie. Lnlon ave Cole, Mrs Mollle Parker, Mrs Annie Commlnir. Mrs Ida S Patterson. Miss Zoe Conez, Mrs Carlev Patterson. Mrs Clara Connors. Mrs Henry Payne, Mrs Marietta Cooney. Mrs Anne Paxton, Mrs N J Couper, Mrs Perkins. Mrs Belle 240 Vi Front st Phllp. Mrs W L Crolsant. Miss Hattie Pillman, Mrs W L CuIIen. Mrs Iona Plowhead, Miss Ber Culberison, Miss Tillle tha Currle. Mrs Margaret Ponton. Mrs C- H Dagman. Miss Clara Pounstone. Mrs Clem Dabelbower. Mrs F A Poland. Mrs M Dale. Miss Irene Prahl, Mrs Davis. Miss Ruby R 314 Columbia st Deacon. Mrs John Prlchard, Miss Valen Dermlet. Mrs Blanch tine Dercan, Mae Pyper, Bell Dickinson. Mrs Olive Relskjr. Mrs Toney Dickenson, Miss. 428 Reynolds, Minnie Hoyt Rlckard. Mrs Clara- Dell, Mrs M C Richmond, Mrs Ida Dodson. Mrs J R Robertson. Mri. Efflnger, Miss Mollle Ruggles. Mrs Laura Edmlston. Mrs I Rust. Mrs Jane Ehlbeck. Mrs E Russell. Miss Sudle Elmol. Miss Ruusa Sackett. Mrs Mattle Elliott. Mrs J H Schmidt. Mrs Sarah Entrails. Miss Allle Schollhorn. Miss M Endlcott. Mrs G L Seamen. Mrs Henry Emlgle. Mrs E Search. Amelia Evlnger. Miss Ella Severson, Miss Clara Evans, Mrs J B Sergeant. Mrs Fanny Evans. Mrs M few-ell. Mrs SO Falling. Mrs Jane C Shannon. Mrs G J S Fagerbak. Mlse. 194 Shannon. Miss B E TaylOr Shaffer. Miss Ivian Fay. Miss Bessie Sheldon, Mrs L M Faber Mrs Simons. Mrs Eva C Ferguson. Miss J AllloSlushen. Mrs P E Fuller. Miss Bell S,ocu'n'.?.Irs ,B Forsherg. Miss M s5 Sm th. Miss Claire George. May Smith. Mrs E B Goodrunl. Baby. 407s.m,.th. M,8S Eva E 31st st aoule. Mrs Carrie Gwaln. Mrs Ellen R fra"h. M P C Gallagher. Mrs M E ftwlterant. Miss Ona Gallagher. Mrs H ftahJ- ir".Lenn Catcher. Mrs Belle St?l&.' (2 Grayson. Ruby 6 0 Whlttaker Rnr mi a m Starblrd. Emma Greelv. Mrs Aanes Steacy. Mrs George G Green. Mrs. i5 Sacra-gtePP. Mrs Minna mento st Stevenson. Mrs Cora Griffs. Mrs J J3 Stlllwell. Mrs Joseph rtritfttv, Mr. i. v me n..ll.n. xr t Strlhcker. Mrs Anna ' vi.. iTt to,t,Straffln. Mrs F D Holdsworth. Miss Bei-Su,van' Monta tha vllle Hamilton. Miss Myr-"''- nM H tje 31 Stanton, Miss Faellie Hannand, Miss LoulseTaylor. airs H B Hanson. Mrs E T lT' ,ara 1 1 ci.. at i nomas, luss L, Harrison. Mrs Carl lP0"- G'? Hartman. Miss U "T?0"; Mr T' Hayward. Miss Al-?0"- Gertrude Hledenwark. Mr, Wmacy. Mr, HjttfcB, Hessley. Miss Louise W.w; d,C Hess. Miss M E w" xr xr Hlte. Mrs Lillian wiw n TMaVd Holllngshead. Mis, S 5.??r rLou,-,e . Holmes. Mrs Natalie w. "m Margaret Hughes. Mrs Mary S &f m?; . Junher. Mrs Mary fe,MU("eph1,ne Johnson. Miss Augusta"" I,STS pf,ar Johanson. Miss Anna tecllffe Luclle Johnson, Miss Augusta,"l',.M BeTu Johnston. Mrs Anna 5.?,! J , Johnson. Mrs G E B3,nf' Mrs BessIe Johnson' Vr,SJHDda Mis, Olive Johnson' hll J T ()". Mrs W R S?" ?f,s -'WUbur. Miss Minnie Johnson. Mrs Lec Williams. Mrs M M Johnston. Miss Jen-w8on 'E Mp- w - Wilson. Miss S Johnsdn, Mrs W E wirtanen, 'Mrs Nostar Jones. Edna Womack. Mrs John Ij Jones. Mrs C F Wolfe. Mrs M Jones. Mrs Etta. Woodcock. Mrs Fay Klund. Mrs G E Woodward. Mrs Al- Kellogg. Mrs Margaret mlra Kenny. Mrs W G Woods. Mrs A Laman, Miss Jessie Taney. Mrs Maud Lashler Mrs C M Zurcher. Miss & Mrs Lowhead. Miss Laurie MEN'S LIST. Abbott. F C Lanager, Arthur Able. H C Lander. W C Adams. J Q Landreth, Lee Alloway. Harry Lauer, O Allard, D C Lawless. John W Allison. Colin T Lelter, A Alexander, ProfessorLenlard. J Claude Lemley. Fred E Amacher, John . Leslie. J M Andrews, Colonel C Leonard. A Anderson, Andrew Lessard, Oscar Anderson, James Letzer, Henry Arrlck, J ' Le- Roy. Frank Ashton. Wm Lew. Ruel Ayers. O S Levy. Sol Byron. A Llggerson, J Baxter. David (2) Lick, Mllo V Baker, H E Llndoy. J JC - ' LIndahl. Jns Luark. C E Lundberg. O Long. Harry D Lyrell. W E BalU E H Bales. J C Bartlett. K M Barton. H Battle. Mr. Martin, E 4th and Burnside McAUIsyer. R A Bennett. F A McBrlde. Ed ' Berlin, Sign McClentork. Geo Berguson. G McCurry. Raten Berry. L S McDonell. Geo W Blavrvelt, Bert MacDonald, J B Blaster & Bassett McFarland. Chas L Blair. Edward McRoberts. "Wm Blair, waiter M Macumber, Walter Bowman. A Mack, Dr C Boyle, J S Mann. L G Brannan. F H Manning. Mike Brant, J Marrlatt. Henry ijranner. I Marie, Julon Jean Brigs. Al Marsh, Floyd Bromtz. Sleppen Martin, E C Brown, W L Mason. H S Brown. Mr Olds fcMcMullen. P King Mason. C R Bruny. B Mattoon. Sam M Buckley. John J Mattoon. Mr and Mrs Brown. Burford J B (2) Burghdlff. Fon Mendenhall. J A Butts. H M Merrill. Calvin. Eddie Middlebrooks. Ernest California Consolldat-Michaels. Samuel ed OH Co. Milne. Wm Campbell, Richard Miller. C - Cantwell. Dan HowardMUler. Henry Carey. C N Miller. O M Canyette, C Miller. Matt Carlyle. Ed Miller. T M Carrathers, Wm Model Copy Co Carruthers. Will Monroe, Frank Carrier, M A Montgomery. E S Cartrin, R C Moore. C H Cascade Laundry Co Mornee, J H Casey, W J Morris, W A cather Bros Morris, wm E Catto. J A Morris. J Pomeroy Catching, Peter Mosher. G W Chartero. G H Muck. Albert Chapln, H C Mullen, John Chandler. D F Murray. "Edward Chllds, Harry Murphy. Rev E P Christie, John Nance. Sam K. Clagett. Tom Nlsioh. C B Clark. Jas H Nichols, Jesse M Clarck. W H Nlcjles. R R Clark & Van Bibber Nole. John Clements, George D North West Paper Co Cllcklnger. J H i Ohlsen. Theodor Cochran. Andy i O'Nell. Jess v Cochran. J H Pfetfrer, Paul Conard. W E Pacific Coast Emp Cook. Mr Agency Care W P Fuller Pacific Jewelry & Cu- Cornello. Llaqua rlo Co Cournyer. W w Palseckl. C K Crawford. Earl L Parrlsh. N C Crocker, Edgar Parmantlus, Isaac Crouse, A Parker. Fred H Cutts, G W Patterson. F J Cusack. Milton Patterson. W H Cutten. Henry F Paulson. Mr and Mrs Damon. F C Pertola, Varna Daly. J H Peterson. A F Davidson. L F Phelps. J N Davis. Omon Phelps. J W Davis. Leonard PhlpDs. E G Dayton. F B Phillips. Emmet Dedman. W H rhllllps. Ben De Groot. Frans PhHllpps. Charles W Decker. C Plcren. David Dellin fc Hlrschtng Pierce. Minerva Denyes. H Pike. Harold Denny. Arthur S Platelto. A Derrick, H B Plank, J S Derrick. H E Poage, George Druley. H G Pafe. Bert Deshon. Fred E - Poor. Perl Derrie, C H Popular Universal Dickey. Marlon E Stove Co Dlbson. M E Porter. L A Doe. John Powell, J Doherty. M F Pullen, B J Donaldson. Sergt Qulnh. Edward T Doudlah, J H (5) Rhoads. Bob Dougherty. John Rhodes, C S Dow. C M Rames. M A Drake. Fred H Randle, George Dralme. Frank Rasmusien. Jens Drew, Frank Ray. Nell Dulton, C B Rebmen, Ira Deegan, Thos E (2) Rekstad. Peder Dufty. Henry Relnlger, Fred (2) Duery. D Reld. C Dunbar. D A Reed. Ruesell Dunn, F E Reeves. A Dunn. C F Rider. G M Eaton. J n Rles. Archie Eastman. Johnle Rellly. James East Side Mill & Ele-RHey. Harry vator Co Ring. John H Eberll. Baltaaser Robarts. Frank L (41 Edwards, George Roberts, A B 'VMmr- r Ttr T 1 . - Elghler, A E Rocco, Delia Lecina Elliotts Medicine Co Rodby. Otto M (3) Emerson. Dr F X Rodhouse. E Fahy. Jas Rogue River Fruit Fairbanks. Wilbur F Land Co Fager. John Roth, John B Feak. J F Rupert. J F Falrfowl. Thomas J Russell. James K Felske. Daniel Ryan. Burt Fidelity Copper Co Satterlee. Lieut Chas Ford. Conaway Sapper. J S Ghormley, O F Sapper. Jas C George. J T Schlegel. Henry Gillie?. M W Schenerllng. Joe 2 Glannow, Gaetano Fchmadeka. Clarence Gleason. C H Schumann. Chas Golden Swan. The Scott. Julius Golden Brownie Cres-Scott. John cent. The Seeberg. Azel Goodard. Harry Seroy, Harry Gooding. Dr Walter RSchaeffer. Roy Grayson. Chas Shedeck. L C Grady. R M Shebley. Horatio B Graham School. Man-ShoJI. Tom ager Shipley. Rulin Graham. W H (2) Slegenthaler, F Gregory. John Sloon. Mac Green. Johnnie Smatt, G C Grummond. V G Small. A H Grummond, Mr andSmlth, E Mrs U S Smith, Earl T Guerry. Judge J H Smith. H B Graham, James Smith, J R Hagan. K Smith, S C Hall. W Irving Smith. Robert Hamlin. E H Snyder. J W NHnmllton. Andrew(2)Soule. Alex J (2) I Manssen, Viktor B Sparky. Thomas W liaison, o II Spencer, w C Hanson. W E Stal. Nels Xllsson Hardwlck, Geo Starr. Phil Harrison. C D Stevens. M C Hart. Frank Stewart, C Hastings, C M Stewart. Festes Hathaway. W H Rtlnson, Will Hathaway. G M Strams. James A Hawkins. Sam (2) Sundstrom. K Haynes. C B 4 Suckow. Eldon Hayes. Joseph Sullivan. E V Baltazor, Albert r.airrriTOniHWfflmi?!Hr!?mnmiiioBionmmiuiiimiia(mni:imnnnimiini To The Tailor-Tired Stein-Bloch S'mari Clothes VITAL WEAKNESS JLonjrest established. most successful aas reliable specialists In diseases of mea. a medical diplomas, licenses and newspa per records shorr. Stricture, Varicocele, Nervous Debility, Blood . Poison, Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all diseases and -freitknesaes dae to Inheritance, evil habits, excesses er the result of specific diseases. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE J Yo?&t 'gll Office Hours: 8 A. M. to 8 P. 31.; Sundays, 10 to 12 oaly. St. Louis scaand Dispensary Cer. Sccead and YamhtH Streets, Portland, Or. KIDNEY JR0UBLE& Increasing Among Womca, Bit Sufferers Weed Wet Despair THE BEST ADVICE IS FREE ' Of all the diseases known, with which the female organism is afflicted, kidney disease is the most fatal, and statistics show that this disease is on the in cress among women. Unless early and correct treatment is applied the patient seldom survives when once the disease is fastened upon! her. Lydia E. Pinkhom's Vegetable Compound Is the most efficient treaty ment for kidney troubles of women, and is the only medicine especially" prepared for this purpose. ' When a woman is troubled with pall or weight in loins, backache, frequent, painful or scalding urination, swelling?" of limbs or feet, swelling under the eyes, an uneasy, tired feeling in the region of theki.lneys ornotices a brick dust sediment in the urine, she should lose no time in commencing treatment with .Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it may be the means of saving her life. For proof, read what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Sawyer. "I cannot express the terribla suffering I had to endure. A derangement of the female organs developed nervous prcetration and a soriou3 kidney trouble The doctor attended me for a year, but I kept getting worse, until I was unable t'i do anvthing, and I made up my mind I could not live. 1 finally decided to try Lplia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound as a Insf. resort, and I am to-day a well woman. I cannot praiso it too highly, and I tell every suiTcring woman abont my case." 3rs. Emma Sawyer, Conyrs. Ga. Mrs. Pinkhani gives free advice to women ; address in confidence, Lynn. Mass. Headgist, John Swlggett, George Helnrlch . & Family.Talbot. P.iohard Ernest Taylor. C H Helnrlch. Ernest Tesdmer. K lloltness. A A Thorpe. J H Heslt. Jame Thomas. Frank Heston. John E Thomas, Wm Hlckey. Harry Thomas. W H Hodgeman. V Thompson. J H Hodge. David Thompson. Theo HofTard. John Tomllnson. H M Hubbard. William H Travers, It W Hotel Hudson Tucker. Kobert Hunter. William E Turner. C E Hyde. Fred Vmbarger, A F Husttnjr. George Vlquhart. A Idleman, W J Underwood & Under .Tackson. H D wood Jansson. Gust Van Leuven. S H Jefferson. T E Vlnce & Sons. John Johnsson. Karl Veach. Robert Johansson. Axel Von Slebenthal. John Johnson. Emel Vojhovnt. Jack Johnston. Chas B (2) Walker. Ernest Johmon. Eddy T Warnell. I. L. Johnson. F H Waren. George B Johnson. Mr and MrsWatson. J A N P Welre. Harve KJos. E H Welch. F W Kaufman. P- J Welty. Charles Keap. A Whltford. George H Keanon. S T White. Herbert H Keeler, J Wlrtanen. Nestor Kust. Jos Wllburn. George Kelly. Matt Wiley. J E Kennedy. Jack Williams. Jno King. Hiram Williams. Ralph King. Edd Window. Ralph Klsor. W E Slmson. Dr Wllham J Koch. Ludwig Wright. Cliff , Krecsmager. Chas Wright. H E I Kuhn. Chns Wright. M J rvunu. uaui t ick i.ung c t o I.exton & Walther Young. William I.loyd. Will Zimmerman. A I.alrd. John A Zrehis. Harry G Lambert. Hamllton2)Zurcher PACKAGES, y , Alexander. Frank D MetfrT'jnseph Brlere. Mrs U Z Miller. M W Bush & Co.. Geo S Macqueen. Mrs J Fleidner. Miss C Newell. Mrs H F GUlman. Miss I.Izzle O'Conncll. Thos Gardner. Mrs F W Slover. Miss C Grlffls. Keith Stanton. Miss U J Glesy. S C The Stalmson Log Howell. A R glng Co Isely. Crist Tribune. Editor Kelly. Mrs Dora Thompson. Mrs G D Johnston, John A J. W. MINTO. P. M. Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes bring relief. The Stein-Bloch dealer measures you but once. He finds your size; you make your choice. You see how they look know how they feel all made up. Time 15 minutes. Satisfied, you walk out attired in that smooth fit and becoming style 3een only in Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes. Write for "Smartneu," an education In correct dress, which also explains the wonderful Wool Test and tells yon ..ere Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes art sold In your city. THE 'TEIN-BLOCH CO. Wholesale Tailors 130-31 Fifth Ave., Tailor Shops, " New York. Rochestor, N. Y. 1 3 3 II 1 1 S a II Above nil other things, vre strive to save the thou sands of younsr and middle-aged men who are plung ing: toward the grave, tortured by the woes of nervous debility. We have evolved a special treatment for Nervoujt .Debility and special weakness that is uni formly succ65tful In caaes where success was before and by other doctors deemed Impossible. It does not stimulate temporarily but restores permanently. It allays lrritatious of the delicate tissues surrounding the lax and unduly expanded glands, contracting them to their normal condition, which prcvonts lost vitality. It tones up and strengthens the blood vessels that carry nourishment. The patient realizes a great blight has been lifted from his life. We want all 3IJJN WHO AKB SUFFERING from any disease or special weakness to feel that they can come to our office freely for examination and explanation of their condition FREE OF CHARGE, without being bound by any obligation whatever to take treatment unless they so desire. We cure