THE MORNING OREGONIAN. MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1905. FATE OF REFORM KITH SEI Fl T Russian Victory Means Anoth er Season bf Ruleiby the? Reactionaries." ly demandlns 'compliancJe under pain 'Of death. They have prohibited the payment of all taxes to the government ajid have reduced rents one-half. The landlords fear for their lives and are afraid to re- rfst. The committee regulates hours of labor and the opening and closing of shons and Is dlrectintr railroad strikes.' r Disobedience Is punished by death." Czar's "Will Is Unswerving. ST. PETERSBURG. April 23. Receiving the marshal of nobility of Kostroma re cently. Emperor Nicholas ordered him to communicate the following message to the nobles: "My will regarding the convocation of representatives of the people Is unswerv ing" and the minister bf the Interior Is devoting all hiB efforts to Its prompt ex-, ecutlon." EMPIRE IS IN A JURM0IL Repressionist Editor Snys It Has Be come a Vast Lunatic. Asylum, v Advises -the Lpckins..T?p of 3Iahy.& ST. PETERSBURG. April 23.-(ll:25 P.- 21. i Not only the future of the war in the Far East, but the fate of the whole programme of internal reform to which Emperor Nicholas stands committed ap pears to await the issufe Of the approach ing sea battle between Rojestveneky and Togo. The government undoubtedly would be greatly strengthened,- at -'least for the moment, by a. victory decisive enough to change the war situation. The liberals are impatient at the delay and suspicious of every move of the government.' They are convinced that. If victory comes, the bureaucracy, to which the realization of reforms has been consigned by the Em peror, will be able, despite the. clamor thrnugho it the country, to keep the exe cution of these. reforms In their own hands, which, of course, in their own opinion would mean their eventual dlsslr patlon in a labyrinth of endless commis sions. Moreover, they believe that the Emperor might again . be persuaded to lis ten to the necessity of the old style of repr&sslon" of the present- agitation. Practically the entire interior adminis tratlon is being conducted through a po lice regime. Already there are every where evidences of return to Von Plehve methods.- Domiciliary " visits and arrests fry scores and hundreds are reported in f very part of the empire,- and meeting? of all classes of the people are forbidden and broken up by the police under the direc tion of the local governors. Zemstvo 31eetlngs Closed. Even Zemstvo meetings at Vladimir, Elizabethpol, Orel, Tiflis and Llvadia have been" closed. Of course, the government argues that it cannot fold its arms and see the flames, of revolution fanned by agitators; but it is -.noticeable that such spokesmen- of reaction as Prince Mest chersky (editor of the Grashdanin) are again boldly proclaiming the doctrine of repression, cahracterlzing the constltu tionalists and "intelligents" as lunatics. "Russia has suddenly become a vast lunatic asylum," says the papery "a.nd unless many people arc locked up and rlaced out of harm's way there is no pre dicting where all this- idiocy will end." Should Rojestvensky. be defeated, on the contrary. theiJlberaJfcJbellov.c that .the bureaucracy "oul'd jaapltulate and that peace and a constitution would come. In the meantime the Eastern holidays and May day are awaited, with extreme anxiety both by the authorities and the people. The social democrats and revo lutionaries have planned demonstrations on an extensive scale and undoubtedly many of them are armed with revolvers and bombs, which have been smuggled into the country to fight the police and troops In case they should attempt to interfere with the demonstrations. Revolutionists Have Money. The revolutionaries .seem to have plenty of funds, furnished from both abroad and by wealthy sympathizers in Russia. The -wildest stories of plans for blowing up the" members of the imperial family. Min isters and palaces and of pillage and mur der of the nobility and the wealthy are current, especially In aristocratic draw lag-rooms, and many society people. thoroughly frightened, have already made preparations to go abroad. Reinforcements of troops, especially Cossacks, have been brought to St. Pe tersburg. Arrests and searching of the lodgings of the suspects continues, but even General Trepoff, although he is taking every measure of precaution, does not seem to know exactly what to ex pect. That he anticipates trouble and bloodshed is apparent frdm the fact that he has notified all manufacturers to guard against Incendiarism and through house porters has warned every family that wo men and children must remain off the streets on May day. Polish Cities in State of Siege. Although disorders more or less serious are anticipated everywhere, Poland and the Baltic provinces probably are the storm centers. General Maximovitch Governor-General of "Warsaw, has Just returned to this post after a. conference here, clothed with falmbst dictatorial pow- fers. All the Polish cities are now in a state of minor siege, but the Governor General is authorized to declare martial law and ample troops will be furnished to him. There are. many disquieting reports of disaffection of troops, and the. names of regiments, even in the imperial guards, are given as having been won over to '"the cause of liberty." The military au t'hOritles,' however, declare that' the.rfe. Is iio question of the loyalty of . the troops and that orders will be obeyed. They admit, however, that, the. revolutionaries have pushed their propaganda among the soldiers with great earnestness. Special regulations have been Instituted to keep -the army free from contamlna tion, and theso have been enforced in in dividual cases, .both of officers and men ycho have been, found to- be In commu nlcatlon with revolutionaries. Such cases, the authorities declare, have been detect ed, particularly among Jews, and severely punished; but the authorities are' confl dent that no units have been affected. Anarchy in the Caucasus'. .Independent investigation by the Asso dated Press seems to bear out the off! clal claim, except as to. the Caucasus, where, according to private advices just received, the troops are badly fed and are on the verge of mutiny and ready to join the. revdlutioparies. .These advices represent that the situation borders on anarchy, with the revolutionaries In prac tical control. 'The local authorities," according to the advices, "are powerless. The regiments at Tifli's are mutinous" and unreliable. The revolutionary - committee-has orders open- s Firm Friend of Russia. ST. PETERSBURG, April 23.-(ll:25 P. M.) Much relief is expressed by the Rus sian press with M. Delcasse's decision to remain at the head of the French foreign ministry, as" he Is regarded here as the firm friend of the Franco-Russian al liance, whose retirement now would be considered a misfortune. Radicals Stick to Programme. MOSCOW, April 23. Despite the seces sion of M. Shipoff, Prince Galltzin and Prince Troubetzkol, the radical wing of the Zemstvo has reiterated ' Its adherence to the St. Petersburg programme of 'De cember 12, 19(M, and elected delegates to the ZemEtvo congress at Moscow on May 5. Doctors Meeting Broken Up. UFA, Eastern Russia, April j23. As a meeting of local doctors, called ostensibly to discuss the cholera, was about to pass illegal resolutions, the doors of the hall In which they had assembled were burst open and the chief of police, under orders from the governor of the province, cleared the hall.' Bread Rises in Moscow. ST. PETERSBURG. April 23. The price of bread has trebeled in Moscow as the result of the strike of 15,000 bakers. Only municipal ovens are working. It Is feared that the struggle will be protract ed, although the masters are wllllng'to grant considerable concessions. Reporters "Want More Wages. ST. PETERSBURG, April 23. (11:25 P. M.) The epidemic of demands for hlghor 3alarles has reached the reporters of local papers, who have formally submit ted a claim for an increase from five to six kopeks a line. (A kopek Is half a cent in American money.) Telegraph Petition Refused. BENDERY, Bessarabia, April 23. The telegraph office hero has refused to ac cept a telegram addressed to the com mittee of ministers at St. Petersburg asking for action to relieve the position of Jews In this region. Black Sea Sailors Fill Places. LJBAU, April 23. Large drafts of Black Sea sailors are arriving here to fill the complements of the ships of the second reinforcing squadron, which is being made ready. Brutal Sergeant Found Guilty. TASHKAND, Russian Turkestan, April 23. Sergeant Riblnsky has been tried and condemned to three years' Imprisonment at hard labor for torturing pri3oners with fire. Cholera Discussion Forbidden. ROSTOV ON JXN, ApTil 23. A. meet ing of physicians of thm-district called to consider the cholera situation has been forbidden. Priests Against Intclligcncia. NUNI. Novgorod, Russia. April 23. The priests here are preaching against the lntelllgencla. CALL YACHT CONFERENCE Proposal to Establish International Racing Rules. LONDON, April 24. The Yacht Racing Association has sent letters to the New York Yacht Club and various European associations inviting each of them to send two delegates to a conference which It Is proposed to hold In London next Winter. The Prince of Wales has authorized the vice-presidents of the association to ask for him. The letter suggests that dele gates may bring experts whose advice they consider desirable. The following is the secretary's letter to the secretary of the New York Yacht Club, enclosing the letter addressed to the European associations: "I am instructed to say that the Yacht Racing Association hopes that the United States will be represented at the proposed conference, and I have been directed to invite American yachtsmen to consider the advantages that may result from the adoption of international racing rules. I believe there Is no central body In the United States like the Yacht Racing As sociation with which I could correspond on such a subject, and therefore I have addressed you, hoping that the New York Yacht Club will deal with the question in whatever way they consider most ad vantagepus to American yachts. "I shall be pleased to give further In formation, receive suggestions, etc. "HBCKSTALL SMITH, Secretary" The proposed new rule Is to become operative January 1, 190S. PAGKERS FEEL -SAFE Say Beef Trust .Investigation Is on Wrong .Track.. WHEAT DIRECT TO EUROPE WATCH GRAND JURY WORK Employes, After Giving Testimony, Are Obliged to Report Qucs ' fions and Answers to the Heads of Firms; CHICAGO. April 23. (Special.) Com placency Is the word which describes the attitude of the Chicago packing firms toward the Federal grand jury which is endeavoring to find a violation of the anti trust law and the interstate commerce law in the operations of the various In dustries at the stockyards. From representatives of two of the most prominent packing firms It was learned today that the grand jury In vestigation Is regarded as a failure thus far. The prediction was made that noth ing would result In the form of Indict ments, If the Inquiry was conducted along the lines that have been followed since the grand jury convened on March 20. The packers have been paying the clos est attention to the work of the grand Jury ever since the investigation began. Each employe who has appeared before the inquisitorial body has been required to make a report upon the proceedings to which he was a witness. They have c6ra plied with this order by 'submitting re ports In which they have set forth the questions asked of them by the grand jurors, and the answers given in return. In this manner the packers have kept in close touch -with the investigation, and as a result thoy arc beginning to feel confident that they are to escape punish ment. "The grand jury has failed to get the right men on the witness stand," said an employe of Swift & Co., who ha been a witness. The Inference to be drawn from the remarks of this emloyo, who Is department manager, was that none but the actual members of the firm were cognizant of the Inside working of the backing firms, and that if any 11 logal combination existed they were the ones who could tell aoout It. Whaleback FleetWIll Take Cargoes From Chicago. CHICAGO. April 23. The Tribune says: It is reported that the "ore fleet" of ten "whaleback steamers has been sold to Eastern capitalists, believed to be John W. Gates and his associates In the' May wheat deal, the plan being to fehip wheat direct from Chicago to Europe. . . The, fleet, which has been . operated by 'the Pittsburg-; Steamship Company, one of the subsidiary corporations of he United States Steel Corporation, Is now In drydock at Detroit, being re modeled for "ocean voyage's." Some "of these vessels have already crossed the ocean with camoes of steel rails. Mr. Gates declined to be Interviewed T. J. Hyde, secretary of the Miners' Steel Company, said he had not heard of the fleet but did not deem it im probable. Xan Goes to Two Services. NEW YORK, April 23. Nan Patterson's third trial on the charge of murdering Caesar Young will be commenced tomor row. The jury was completed last Wed nesday. when the court ordered an ad Journment over the holidays preceding Easter. In the Tombs today Miss Patter sort attended both the Presbyterian and Episcopal service. She was accompanied to the latter by her sister, Mrs. J. Morgan Smith. Body Found in River. OREGON CITY, Or.. April 23.-(Special.) The body of Sal Clark a halfbreed In dian, was round floating in the river tins afternoon. Clark was a fisherman, and was last seen on the Island below the falls, about three weeks ago. He left a widow and three children. yspeplets Quickly relieve Soar Storxiach.Ile&rtbuR), Nausea, and all other discomforts of indigestion and drsMEjia. S near- coated tablets. 10c. or 25c Druggists or by mail. A -Jt Give instant relief in iatarriGtS Catarrh-allay WbU A iVW inflammation, heal xnnenns membrane, sweeten breath. Best garcle sore throat. Xc. C. I. Hood Co.. LoTrell, Mass. XI Aiado or iiooa it's uooa. AWARDED GRAND PRIZ Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis. Paris 1900, Buffalo 1901, Chicago 1893. Rosenthal's 149 THIRD ST. SOLE AGENTS For These Celebrated Shoes Tutt's Pills Cure Portland's Greatest Store The'DlftcrtBt Sfre 0 1 & - ,iMt st,. I Fvnnciiinn fiti 1 1 rBAMtMllUm-lMg Quality Shop f THE FOREMOST "CONGRESS STORE" ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE Today's Supplementary Store News Adds New Interest to Yesterday's Page I Announcement of Monday Bargains A Helpful List of Big First Floor Shpps. Homely little things of the wantcd-every-day sort at special Monday prices. ' 5c Garment Fasteners 3c Dozen. Ball and socket garment fasteners or dress snappers, black or white, large or small sizes; regular value 5c, special, dozen 3 8c Pin Cubes 5c. Large size pin cubes with 100 assorted, best quality pins on cube, in colors and black; regular value Se, special, each 5 Safety Pins 5c Card. Best quality safety pins, guarded spring, all sizes, black or nickel plated, one dozen on card ; special, card .5 20c Hair Pins 12c. Shell horn crimped hairpins, medium size, one dozen on card; regular value 20c, special, card 12 """i-V.- 60c Buttons 10c Card. Fancy dress buttons, all colors for trimming and buttoning, two dozen on card; value to 50c, special, card 10 Wash. Hooks and Eyes Two Cards 5c. Colored wash hooks and eyes to match any dress, will not rust, two dozen on card ; regu lar value 10c card, special, 2 cards 15c Tooth Brushes 9c Imported French tooth brushes, extra quality, large size; regular 15c, special, each 9c? 30c Chamois Skins 20c. Chamois skins, finest quality, medium size; regular value 30c, special, each;.' 20 Witch Hazel Toilet Soap 10c Box. Witch hazel toilet soap, three cakes in a box; special at, box 10 Values in Little Things 10c Toilet Soap 6c Cake. Glycerine, elder flower, oatmeal and honey toilet soap, extra large size cakes; regular value 10c, special, cake 6 25c Nursing Bottle 16c. "Betsy Brown ' sterilizer nursing bottle; regular value 25c, special, each 15 Florida Water 25c Bottle. Florida water, large size, S-ounce bottles; spe cial at, bottle 25 5c Envelopes, Two Packages 5c. White wove envelopes. 25 in package, long and square shapes; regular value 5c, special, two packages 5 10c Ink Tablets 6c. Ink writing tablets, note size, smooth paper, ruled; regular value 10c, special, each 6i 15c Paper Napkins 10c Per 100. Plain white crepe paper napkins, 100 in pack age; regular value 15c, spec, package 10 50c Writing1 Paper 30c. Flax linen-finish writing paper in l-pound packets, gray or blue tints: regular value 50c, special, packet 30 . 35c Pins 20c. Fancy Pearl Jewelry brooch pins, cuff pins, lace pins and bar pins; regular value 35c, special, each 20p 25c Cuff Pin Sets 17c. Fancy enamel cuff pin sets; regular value 25c, special, each ".. 17 65c Combs 39c. Shell back combs with fancy gold band trim ming; regular value 65c, special, each 39 65c Brooch Pins 39c. Fancy Rhinestone brooch pins, rolled gold and plated, variety of styles; regular value 65c, special, each 39 THERE'S UNPRECEDENTED IN THE BEAUTY m BUSINESS ITEMS. If Baby is Cnttlus Teeth. Be sure ana use that o4 and well-tried remedy. Mrs. Wlnslow's Sootfilnr Syrup,- tor children teething.. It tooth ta the child, softens thq. euros, allays all pain, cures wind colic and. diarrhoea. Liver Ills. A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are some ofthe results of the use of Tutt's Liver Pills. A single dose will convince you of their wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills New Wash Goods For Daintfy Summer Gowns First Floor. It seems beyond the scope of pen to describe and tell adequately the full beauty of the new Summer Wish goods now on exposition. A look through and a thorough look only, suffices to tell half 4hc talc of beauty?4foIdcd by the daintj- fabrics, and prices all surpris ingly moaeratesa Full and complete lines of white goods in both plain and fanej weaves. India Linens. Sheer quality, in three special grades; priced at. the yard loc, J0c and Jop French Lawns. An ideal cloth for confirmation dresses, 45 inches in width; prices, the yard, 25c, 35c and 45 Shirtwaist Patterns. Of white embroidered linen hand work very handsome; prices, each .$2.50, $3.00, $3.25 and $3.50 White Canton Linens. Make handsome shirtwaist suits; prices, the yard $1.00 up to $2.00 Mercerized Persian Mulls. Very nice, soft, silky finish; priced at, the yarn ioc, zoc ana ou All the Newest and Handsomest Patterns in Printed Mulls, Organdies, India Mulls and Irish Dimities. New Viyella Flannels. For waists and wash suits; does not shrink. Comes in many choice patterns; price, the yard 75 Handsome Embroidered Flannels. In scalloped and hemstitched effects; priced at, the yard, from 60c up to $2.50 REMARKABLE VALUES OPEN THIS WEEK IN THE Undermuslin and Art Salons PETTICOATS AT ONE-HALF PRICE. Second Floor Annex. Ladies' wash .petticoats of fancy blue and white striped seersucker, two 4-mch ruffles with fancy stitching; reg. price 65c, spec. 54p Black Sateen Petticoats Half Price. Black mercerized sateen, silk moreen, poplin and glona 'Elite'7 petticoats at one-half price. There are many advantages the "Elite" has over the draw-string skirts it does not bunch over the hips, has-no draw string or opening in the back and fits per fectly smooth. The styles are -many; prices from $3.50 to $S.50, this week at ONE HALF PRICE. Children's Dresses for Half. Sample line of children's dresses in white lawn, gingham, linen, pique, percale, eham bray, crash and calico, made in sailor, Rus sian, Buster Brown and fancy, very daintily trimmed in fancy braid, embroidery and lace, sizes from 1 to 11 years; regular prices from 75c to "$7.50, special at ONE-HALF PRICE Be early there are only a few over 100 in the lot. IN THE ART SHOP. Annex Second Floor. New fancy silk Battenberg braids, rings, rosettes, threads and patterns in art depart ment, fancy Swiss shopping baskets made of extra iiue material, very finely woven; regular 75c, special at . 56 Another shipment of Royal Worcester Summer Corsets came in; prices up from 50 SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE. TEA ROOM Second Floor. Under the Portland Y. W. C. A. Auspices. TODAY'S MENU. Tea. Coffee, Chocolate. Milk In Bottles. Cream of Tomato Soup. Fruit Salad. Creamed Eggs, with Asparagus. Hot Rolls. ' Ham Sandwiches. Bread and Butter. Tea Cakes. THERE'S COMPLETE SHO'WINOS NOW IN THE Women's Knitwear and Hosiery Shops We've prepared on a grand scale -for the warm weather rush for lighter underwear and hosiery. Assortments were never so large, qualities never quite so good and the same amount of cash buys better-than-ever gar ments. This is far away and ahead in the lead of Portland stores in these lines. Women's sleeveless white cotton vests, neatly trimmed and well made, each 9 Women's white cotton sleeveless vests, Swiss and Richelieu ribbed; great values at 10c, 12i2 and 20 Women's high-neck, long-sleeve vests 25 Women's white cotton, lace trimmed, knee pants and cufi! knee pants, big values 25 Women's sleeveless, lace trimmed, knee length, white cotton, union suits, suit 50 J Women's white cotton Merode union, suits, long, short and no sleeves, ankle and knee length, suit 75 Women's fine white cotton Merode union suits, long, short and no sleeves, ankle and knee length; splendid value, suit $1.00 Women's white cotton, long, short and sleeve less vests, the Merode, Avith ankle and knee length tights to match, each 50J Women's fine white lisle vests, the Merode, long sleeves, short sleeves, regular and extra sizes, ankle and knee-length pants to match, each 75i Women's silk and cotton white vests, long, short and sleeveless, with ankle and knee tights to match, the Merode, beauties, each 51.00 Women's white lisle union suits, the Merode, long, short and sleeveless, suit $1.25 Women's white Merode union suits, silk and cotton, all styles, suit 51. To Same as above in silk and lisle, suit.. $2.25 Women's plain tan cotton hose, pair 25 Women's plain tan cotton hose, finished foot, double sole, spliced heels, pair 35 Women's fine lisle hose, tan, with lace em broidered boots, also black lisle, with em broidered and lace boots; all full finished, great assortments at, pair, 50c, 60c and 65 Women's fine imported lisle -hose in all the new shades, plain or embroidered, lace and lace boots; a truly great assortment of splendid hosiery, pair, 75c and T.85 Women's velvet grip military supporters, pink, blue, black, orange, cardinal, lavender and white; the best in the world for the money, each 50 Women's sew-on supporters, made with tab ready to sew on corset; all shades, pair, 50c and .' 65i Tuesday's Papers For result of voting contest to decide the winners of the Two Free Schol arships given by the Olds, Wortman cc King organization. WORTH-WHILE BARGAINS IN Men's Spring Toggery First Floor West Annex. Smart Sjiirts, Vests. Sox, etc.. which careful dressers will appreciate. $1.50 Summer Vests For 98c. A good line of men's Summer vests in plain white duck, and madras in white with black dots, black and white check and tan and gray effects; our regular $1.50 value, special at, each , 9S Men's 20c Sox For Two Pairs For 25c. Men's sox in the new oyster graj' shade, seam less, and a good weight, for Spring and Sum mer wear; our best 20c value, special at, two pairs for 25 Men's 1.00 Shirts 59c. Men's Summer golf shirts, in white, .with black figures, black pin stripes and black dots. A very stylish and dressy shirt: our regular $1.00 value, special at. each 59 Men's Underwear. The men's underwear section is fairlv over flowing with new Spring and Summer goods. BALBRIGOAN in either plain or ribbed. priced at, the garment, 3oc. 50e, 7oc. $1.00. $1.25 and S1.5C SUPERWEIGHTS at the garment $1.00 and $1.25 LIGHTWEIGHT CASHMERES, priced at, the garment $1.25 and $1.'50 WHITE LISLES, priced at. the garment $1.00 and $1.25 WHITE COTTON MESH at. the garment 50 and $1.00 DR. DEIMEIS LINEN MESH, the peer of sanitary underwear, in light and medium weights; price, suit (2-piece) $3.25 Complete Lines of Combination Suits, Pajamas, Night Robes and Plain and Fancy Sox. IN THE BIG FOURTH FLOOR Home furnishing Pretty Home Furnishings and Decorations Ready for May Renovation and Beautifying. Comforters. Summer-weight comforters, all white cotton filled, yarn tied, covered with pretty silko line; priced' at, each $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.65, $2.00 and $2.50 Smyrna E.ugs. All-wool Smyrna Rugs, size 30x00 inches Our $2.50 value, special at. each $1.25 Size 18x36, our $1.00 special at. each 50 "Olds, Wortman & King" Sewing Machines. Box Top, 3-drawer, price, each $21.00 Box Top, 5-drawer, price, each 22.65 Drop Head, 5-drawer, price, each 24.90 Drop Head, 5-drawer, automatic lift, price, each 26.00 The above sewing machines are all high arm, bajl bearing and are guaranteed for ten years. A BIG SPECIAL SALE OF REAL RENAISSANCE LACE CURTAINS These lace curtains are all hand made, with lace edge and insertion; 32 different styles from which to make your selection. Our $ S.50 Our 9.50 "Our 11.00 Our 14.00 Our 15.00 Our 16.50 Our 17.50 Our 20.00 Our 21.00 Our 22.50 Our 24.00 Our 27.50 Our 32.00 Our 40.00 value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value, special special special special special special special special special special special special special special sale price sale price sale price sale price sale price sale price sale price sale price sale price sale price sale price sale price sale price sale price $ 6.25 7.00 8.25 10.50 11.25 12.50 13.25 15.00 16.00 17.00 19.00 2i .noffira 24.00 30.00 m