Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 24, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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Gloom of Lent Gives Way to
Glad Tidings of the
Catholics, Episcopalians and Various
Evangelical .Denominations Ob
serve Day "With Ceremonies
Appropriate to Time.
Within the doors of Portland's churches
yesterday morning1 there were gathered
thousands of citizens, both young and
old, to listen to glad tidings of Baster
and the significance of the resurrection
of Christ.
The splendid -weather (for there never
was a pleasanter day) prompted the fem
inine portion of the church-goers to don
their prettiest clothes and the men could
And no excuse sufficiently plausible to re
main away, even had they desired. Never
has there been seen in all Portland's
history a more beautiful sight than was
witnessed yesterday during the services
in the churches and upon the streets
immediately after. The decorations of the
Interior of the churches were tastefully
arranged and made a pretty contrast
with the Bllken dresses and specimens
of the milliner's art worn by the ladles.
The services of sermon and song were
excellent. At several of the churches
there were special programs of song by
well-known vocalists. The sermons were
delivered upon the resurrection of Christ
with a spirit In keeping with the day.
The most elaborate Easter celebrations
seen in Catholic churches were at the
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
Fifteenth and Davis streets. Gloom of
Lent gave way to the. joyous season of
Eastertide. In the latter days of Lent
the altars were stripped of their pre
cious ornaments and the images were
covered with purple. But yesterday
morning the images were again beautiful
to look, upon and the altars were ablaze
with lights and artistically decorated with
Easter lilies, while the Sacred Heart altar
was regal with red carnations. There
were large congregations at all the serv
ices of the morning mass at 6, 8, 9 and
10:30 o'clock. Pontifical mass was cele
brated at the last named hour, and was
the chief ceremonial of the day.
Archbishop Christie was celebrant, and
the priests who assisted him In the' sanc
tuary were Monslgnor Blanchet, vicar
general, and Rev. H. J. McDevltt, .Rev.
Michael A, Quinlan, .Rev. F. J. Phelan,
Rev. J. D. Murphy, Rev. George Thomp
son and Arthur de Lorimer. Rev. H. J.
McDevltt preached the sermon from a
text selected from one of the anthems
in the mass: "On this day which the Lord
hath made, let us exult and be glad."
The musical program at pontifical mass
was in keeping with the dignity of the
service, and was under the direction of
Charles Gill. The mass was by Monastel,
.nd the soloists were Miss Kathleen LawJ
ler, Mrs. Walter Reed. J. Flynn, Charles
Gill, Stephen HIckey and J. E. Strowan.
During mass, De Hardelot's "VenI Cre
ator" was artistically sung by Mrs. Wal
ter Reed, and another solo worth special
mention was the offertory. "Regina
Coell," sung by Miss Lawler. Benediction
was at 7:30 P. M. and there was no vesper
St. Lawrence's church was attended by
crowded congregations at the 7 and 9
o clock masses and also at the solemn
high mass at 10:30 A. M. Rev. J. C.
Hughes preached at the latter service on
the theme "The Resurrection." ' The
decorations were beautiful and consisted
of Easter lilies, white carnations an.,
white smilax. the wnole of the main a
tar being in pure white. Rev. H. S. Gal
lagher was celebrant at this service and
was assisted by Rev. J. C. Hughes and
Rev. J. H. Boland. The music was splen
didly rendered, mostly from La Hache's
"Corpus Chrlsti" mass. Miss Mattie Kelly
was organist and choir director. At 7:30
o'clock last night there was a celebration
of solemn vespers.
Impressive services were also held at
fit. Patrick's and St. Michael's churches,
and the attendance was large. At St.
Patrick's church masses were celebrated
at S and 10:30 A. M., the latter being sol
emn high mass, the preacher being Rev.
E. P. Murph' At St. Michael's there were
masses at 6:30, 9 and 10:30 A- M. and Rev.
Alexander Costelll was assisted by two
At the Holy Rosary Church, East
Third and Clackamas streets, the Domin
ican Fathers conducted Impressive Easter
services in the presence of large congre
gations. The altar and symbolic figures
of the Virgin Mary and Joseph, the car
penter, were appropriately decorated.
Delicate calla lilies were entwined about
the figure of the Virgin Mary. At the
altar In the rear of the chancel., dogr
wood bloom was artistically arranged and
'among the white foliage the lighted ta
pers produced a pleasing blending of light
and color. At the S;30 A. M. mass the
Igtrls choir furnished the music, their
-voices blending in sympathy with the
solemn character of the mass. During
the main mass of the morning at 10:30,
the great auditorium was crowded with
people. Very Rev. A. S. Lawler. O. P.,
was celebrant. He was assisted by Rev.
J D. O'Brien, O. P., archdeacon, and Rev.
C. V. Lamb. O. P.. as subdeacon. Rev.
Father Lawler delivered an eloquent and
effective sermon from the text: Fiwt
Corinthians. xv:14, "If Christ be not Risen
again, then vain is our preaching and
Vain is our faith." Father Lawler pointed
oui that recognition of the fact of a risen
Savior was at the very foundation of true J
Christianity, and that all else was false
.and a mockery. The music of the mass
was excellent. Miss Nora Shelland was
organist. J. H. Cass directed the mass,
which consisted of the following singers:
First and second tenors, J. P. Wildman,
D. A. Morris, J. Bell, J. E. Malley, J. H.
Cass, J. H. Duggan and A. J. Brault; and second bassos. E. J. Altstock,
Edward Atkinson. J. Hoben, A. Hoben,
A. Morris. H. E. Manning. J. Wlnnerman,
Thomas Neeson, B. J. Eder and P. H.
Coffee. A vesper service was conducted
last evening when a large congregation
was present.
The first mass at Sacred Heart Church,
Milwaukle street, was at S A. M.. when
the children were in charge of Miss C.
Tonkey. The latter presided at the or
gan. Solemn high mass, Peter's mass in
D. was rendered at 10:30 A. M. to a con
gregation that filled the chapel to over
flowing. Solos of the Kyrie Elelson
were finely rendered by Mrs. Warmuth,
while the solos of the "Gloria" were given
by Mrs. Shively, Miss L. Hahn. A. Wat
bel. N. Hahn and M. Blanchard and
also Mrs. T. Day. Miss G. Wannamach
er was organist and Brother Theodoric
was director of -the choir. English ser
mons were delivered at the two masses
and a German sermon after the late mass
At the vespers the Gregorian chant.
Magnificat." (Mozart) was finely ren
The early mass at St. Francis Church
was sung by the children's choir, assisted
by several instrumentalists. This choir
has been training for some time under
the guidance of the Sisters of the Holy
Name, and numbers many sweet and ef
fective voices. Prominent among these
are: John Schumacher, Charles Van
Hoovinsson. Marvin, "William and Elzear
Phelan, Alfred Young, Wilfred Keyser.
Ellis Kellaher and Human Young. This
choir is a credit to the church and Its
training is superb. High mass at 10:30
was sung by Rev. Father W. A.,Waitt
and the sermon preached by the pastor.
Rev. Father Black. The mass, Marzo's
"Fifth Mass," was preceded by an or
chestral Easter selection, "Apple Blos
soms," by Katherlne A. Roberts. The
soloists were: Mrs. Morden and Miss
Fanny Harrington, sopranos; Mrs. Hur
tlg, Mrs. Casey. Mrs. Gleason, Miss An
nie Kennedy, Stella Marian, Annie van
Hoomisson and Mary Malone, contraltos,
and others. The organist was Miss Mae
Gleason. The following Is a list of mem
bers of the Haydn Symphony orchestra,
which assisted: G. P. Henderson, Chester
Van Houton, Roy Lancaster, A. W. Sar
son, Robert Busse, H. J. Kleeman, Edwin
Wall, S. Hardman, W. H. Bedneath, B.
Miller, C P. Meyers, and E. P. McCIaran.
Otto Kleemann was the efficient conduc
tor. The mass was sung complete In six
parts: "Agnus Dei," "Gloria," "Credo,"
"Sanctus," "Benedlctus" and "Agnus
Die." The church was attractively deco-
xated and great congregations were pres
ent at all services.
The splendid, stately ceremonial of the
Protestant Episcopal Church was invoked
for Easter Day, and the different chancels
were masses of Eastern lilies, calla lilies,
carnations and dogwood. One of the not
able Easter musical programmes was that
of Trinity Church" which worshipers from
all parts of the city attended, the church
being crowded to overflowing. There was
an early celebration of holy communion
at 7 A. M and morning prayer, with holy
communion, began at 10:30 A. M. Carl
Denton, organist and choir director, ex
celled all his previous efforts In the musi
cal line, and the various selections were
very impressive. In "Christ Our Pass
over," the soprano solo was well taken
by Frank Shea, and In West's "Te Deum"
Dr. A. A. Morrison effectively sang the
baritone solo, and Budd Gardner the alto
bdIo. In the anthem, "Behold the Angel
of the Lord" (Tours), Carlyle Gelsler
pleased with his Interpretation of the so
prano solo. Dr. Morrison preached the
Easter sermon.
At St. Mark's there was an early cele
bration at E A. M. and morning prayer,
with holy communion, began at 11 A. M.
Bishop Rowe, of Alaska, preached a ser
mon on "The Doctrine of the Resurrec
tion." The musical selections by the
choir were well sung. The decorations
were marked by fine taste, and the at
tendance at all the services was large.
At evening prayer. Rev. J. H. E. Simp
son preached. Tomorrow being St. Mark's
das, there will be special services at St.
Mark's Church, with a celebration of the
holy communion at S A. M., matins at 9,
and a second celebration at 10:30 A. M. In
the evening at 7:30 P. M. evening prayer
will begin, and the sermon will be
preached by Rev. H. H. Gowen, rector of
Trinity Church, Seattle. The annual
meeting of St. Mark's Church will con-.
vene, after evening prayer. In a parish
house adjoining, to which the congrega
tion and all friends are welcome.
The services at All Saints' Church were
well attended. Morning prayer with cele
bration of holy communion took place at
10:30 A. M., the children connected with
the church taking part In the first portion
of the service. Rev. Robert Hope, the
pastor, preached a sermon from the sub
ject, "The Empty Tomb, and the Risen
Lord." Evening prayer began at 7:30 P.
M. and the congregational singing svas
hearty. The Easter decorations were
pleasing to the eye. The Easter services
at St. Matthew's and other Episcopal
Churches on this side of the river were
also notable.
Oregon Commandery, Knights Templar,
attended St. David's Episcopal Church,
East Twelfth street, at the closing Easter
services of song and music last night.
With stately pageantry the Knights, at
tired in their uniform and white plumes,
followed the procession of the choir into
the church from the front entrance down
the aisles, singing. "Onward, Christian
Soldiers." The Knights were given the
middle block of seats. Decorations of the
church chancel and altar were the finest
ever attempted in St. David's. Dogwood
blooms were entwined about the altar,
while calla lilies and the white bloom
of the season placed at the chancel rail
transformed the church into a veritable
floral bower, which filled the entire church
with their perfume. In the center of the
chancel and just In front of the altar was
the star of Bethlehem, composed of In
numerable jets, which were lighted at the
proper time In the musical programme ar
ranged by Frederick W. Goodrich and
carried out by the largo surpllced choir
of men and boys.
Rev. George B. Van Waters, D. D-, rec
tor. welcomed the Knights to the church
with the words: "It glvds me great pleas
ure to welcome this fraternity to this
church. Yours is a noble order noble be
cause of what it has done for the uplift-
Jne of humanity. Thrice welcome. Sir
The emblems of the Commandery were
placed in the chancel at conspicuous
places. In honor of the presence of the
Commandery, the choir sang the hymn of
the Knights Templar, and Dr. Van Wa
ters, in the coursespf his sermon, con
stantly referred to the emblems and their
significance. He spoke from the text,
St. John xvii:2, "And this Is life eternal.
that they might know thee, the only true
God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast
sent." The sermon was an exposition of
"Immortality," based on the text, which
he said was not confined to the Jewish
people, but belonged to the whole world,
Dr. Van Waters paid a very high tribute
to the Masonic fraternity as he spoke of
the emblems that were displayed. The
white represented purity and innocence
purity of life and the badge of Innocence.
"Masonry teaches immortality," said Dr.
Van Waters. "It Is one of Its essentials.
It does not teach it through dogmatic
creeds, but through ceremonials, which
the Episcopal church employs to impress
the people. Immortality Is the corner
stone of .masonry, and it prevails be
cause It Is for the truth."
Dr. Van Waters spoke with eloquence
on the resurrection, and pointed to the
future life as the time when all wrongs
on earth would be righted. Following the
sermon, the musical programme was con
cluded and the recessional was begun,
which ended as the Knights Templar
reached the street.
Thus closed a day at St- David's Church
not soon to be forgotten. At all the serv
ices of the day the auditorium was filled
to overflowing. At the morning hour the
musical programme was probably not ex
celled In any church in Portland.
At the Marquam Theater at 3 o'clock
fftev. F. B. Meyer, the renowned London
preacher, spoke to men only. Profes
sor W. M. Wilder lead tho singing of
a large choir.
Rev. Mr. Meyer said in part:
"I am glad to have the opportunity
of meeting the men of this great and
beautiful city. I am accustomed to hold
a meeting of men every Sunday after
noon. There are subjects connected
with a man's life on which perhaps a
stranger can-speak with greater free
dom than one of your own ministers,
because his remarks must be so abso
lutely disassociated from personality;
thougn I often wish that the life of
ministers of religion might be un
locked with reference to some of the
most private matters of human Ufa It
Is too bad that such subjects are dis
cussed by profane and Impure lips
and that things which God .made sacred
are degraded by the common and un
clean references that are made to
"There is an especial suitability in
soeakixur to men about their physical
life, on a 'day when we are all thinking
of the resurrection of Christ.
"Too many members have degraded
the body by making It the origin of
sin, whereas we know that sin lies
back behind the body in the soul and
spirit. Our body is not vile In the sense
of being degraded, but it is just now the
body of our humiliation. God has set
honor on the body by calling It a tem
ple, and telling us we are to expect its
resurrection in the likeness of the body
of Christ
"It Is an obvious thing to say,but it
needs to' be remembered that we are
not bodies, but souls in bodies. When
we ask after each other's health, we
generally answer in terms of the body;
but our "body may be sick or infirm,
whilst our soul is in perfect health. St.
Francis made the distinction, when dy
ing, he pointed to his emaciated body,
saying: I have been rather unmerci
ful to my brother, the ass.' By our
bodies we come in contact with- this
world of matter and there is a con
stant 'danger that we should become
glued to It by the strong attraction be
tween our .desires and its objects.
Whenever you find that an outward
thing is mastering you you must put
It away. You must be master In the
house of your life. Desire is a good ser
vant, but makes an awful tyrant. We
must watch against the formation of
evil habits In our bodies, which may be
begun in ignorance and youths but be
come iron bands. Sow a thought reap
an act, sow acts reap habits, scyw hab-
HOQUIAM, Wash., April 22. (Special.) The building of the Young Men's Christian Ajvociation. of Hoqulam, Wash., a
city of 6000 people, Is nearlng completion. It Is 87 feet lone by 56 wide, contains a gymnasium 50x42, public lobby, reading
rooms for men and boys, and on the third floor three classrooms for the night school and IS dormitories. The cost of the
building, the third, story not yet finished, Is ?S000. When completed and furnished It will cost $10,000.
Its reap character, sow character reap
destiny. We must see to ltv that wc
-pass on as pure a nature as possible
to coming generations. One of the most
godlike faculties entrusted to us Is
the power of passing on the nature
with which God has endowed us to the
unborn not only the physical but the4 splendid voice. About 0 new members
Intellectual and moral life. It is a rrtOst ""-ere received into the church. The ser
sacred trust, but cannot be rightly i mon In tne evening was preached by Rev.
performed unless one guards oneself I E- L- House, the pastor of the church. His
against the pestilence that walks in subject was: "The Power of Christ's
darkness. Resurrection. It was one of the best
"You may have greatly sinned and -Presses ever delivered I In the First Con
may have to suffer, but you can forgive. ! PUon JVi ani WfS 1 Ste"ed t0
more than that he can deliver you i rked nllon b the large con-
from the power if sin. You may have
in. V.... .V.. .,r..V -Ann. I
outlet, uut . ..vuu.u, i 7
oy your Kcienunc men in iruiiaiurmini;
the cactus into an edible plant is an
illustration of what he can do for you
The Grace Methodist Episcopal Church
was filled to its utmost capacity Sunday
morning. The Easter decorations were
superb and the quartet never made a
better record. The anthem, "Sing With
the Suns of Glory" was rendered beauti
ful and Mrs. May Dearborn Schwab sang
"Hqsanna" by Jules Grenier with fine
effect. Dr. Wilson preached on "Christ,
the First- Fruits of Those That Sleep."
I Corinthians. xv:20, and several came
forward at the close of the sermon to
unite with the church. More than 50 were
united with Grace since Dr. Wilson came
two months ago.
At Night St. Paul's Brotherhood at
tended in a body after an inspiring musi
cal programme. Dr. Clarence True Wil
son discussed the question, "Why I Am
a Methodist." He said: "There are two
questions here, first, why I became one,
and. second, why I remain one. I became
a Methodist as some of you become Dem
ocrats or Republicans. I was born so.
But since becoming grown I have had
all churches open from which to choose,
and have decided to remain here because
this Is a church. It Is built about Christ:
it contains his spirit; it produces his kind
of life; It is In the apostolic succession
and proves it by its success. It Is an
Episcopal church. I believe In a govern
ment of bishops, elders and deacons, and,
comparing modern churches with the New
Testament, I am satisfied with the cor
respondence our church bears to the
one Christ founded.
"It is a Methodist church in the days
of utter religious carelessness. John Wes
ley and his companions set out to live
lives of New Testament method. Chris
tianity in earnest so surprised the stud
ents and faculty of Oxford University
that Wesley's band was nicknamed 'The
Holy Club,' and its members called in
derision Methodists, but the stigma has
become our glory; and the despised few
have given life and character as well as
name to the largest voluntary church on
earth, and In this land the greatest civ
ilizing and Christianizing agency is Meth
odism. And of our 75,000,000 of popula
tion, 25,000,000 of them are directly or in
directly connected with some branch of
the Methodist body.
"The Methodist Episcopal Church has
no creed. The New Testament is our
text-book, Wesley's notes upon It our
help; but we have no formulated creed
to which we pledge adherence. We are
free to think and let think. We are
equally untrammcled In modes of worship.
At the communion table we kneel, but if
any one prefers to receive the elements
standing or sitting or reclining we would
administer to him that way.
"We believe In the duty of baptism.
Water Is the sign of the spirit's baptism,
and we claim that the one to be baptised
should be satisfied with mode. We think
sprinkling or pouring the more fitting
but we Immerse all who think they should
be buried in the water as a mode of bap
tism. If they can stand it we can. But
we would not dare believe that Jesus
prescribed a method for a universal ordi
nance, which only a few could stand to
have administered. All who are on sick
beds would be debarred; soldiers on the
battlefield who repent should also be
able to receive baptism. Travelers In dry
countries ought not to be left out. and we
believe the position of the Methodist
Episcopal Church is Scriptural and Christ
"Our doctrines have never been an em
harassment to us; we have not needed to
revise - them. We have needed only to
preach them and success was assured
What are they? We believe that all
men are sinners; that God the Father
X loves all men and hates all sin; that
Jcsus Christ died for all men to make
possible their salvation from sin, and to
make sure the salvation of all who be
lieve In him; that the holy spirit Is givdn
to all men to enlighten ,and to incline
them to repent of their' sins and to be
lieve in the Lord Jesus Christ.
"We believe that all who repent of
their sins and believe in the Lord Jesus
Christ receive the forgiveness of sin.
This is justification.
"We believe thatall who receive the
forgiveness of sin are at the same time
made new creatures In Christ Jesus.
This Is regeneration.
"We believe that all who are made new
creatures in Christ Jesus are accepted as
the children of God. This ia adoption.
"We believe that. all who are accepted
as the children of God may receive the
inward assurance of the holy spirit to that
fact. This is the witness of the spirit
We believe that all who truly desire
and seek It may love God 'with all their
heart and soul, mind and strength, and
their neighbors as themselves. This is
entire sanctlfication.
"We believe that all who persevere to
the end, and only those, shall be saved
in heaven forever. This, is the true final
"Methodism la and has been the most
liberal church on earth; we are so much
so that we ought to call a halt and teach
more denominational self-respect. We are
the best-trained and the most easily
duped folks on earth because so seldom
do we hear the peculiar doctrines or
customs referred to In our pulpits or Sun
day schools."
The Easter sermon at the First Congre
gational Church yesterday morning was
delivered by Rev. F. B. Meyer before a
very large congregation. The singing by
the choir was excellent. The soprano, Mrs.
Rose Bloch Bauer, sang "I Know That
My Redeemer LIveth," by Handel, in
At the First Baptist Church yesterday
afternoon Rev. H
W. Pope spoke to a
. ni.,ni( ... v' 'r nnfi
Is connected with the Moody Extension
movement. Mrs. Rerio Hutchinson and
Miss Grace Gilbert sang solos In excel
lent voice.
The service at the First Unitarian
Church yesterday morning were In keep
ing with the Easter season. Rev. George
Croswell Cressey spoke upon the signifi
cance of the resurrection of Christ- and
the value of one's character as related
to things immortal. The church was
beautifully decorated with lilies and vines.
The singing of the large choir was very
good. J. Adrian Epping sang a baritone
solo that was much enjoyed by all.
At the Central Christian Church. 10:30
A. M., Rev. J. F. Ghormley. D. D.. pas
tor, preached to a large audience on "The
Historic Christ." He selected for his
text two passages of Scripture, "Whom
do men say that I, the son of man. am?"
Matt. xvi:30; "For the King knoweth of
these things before whom also I speak
freely, for I am persuaded that none" of
these things are hidden from him; for
this thing was not (done In a corner." He
said In part:
"The annual return of the resurrection
memorial Is here once more, with Its
flood of joy. The event we celebrate to
day transpired In historic times. The
Christ was a real, historic character. His
country, people, place of birth are well
known. Beginning with his public min
istry he spoke to men as one having au
thority. He was not deceived In him
self. He knew from whence he came.
He knew that in a unique sense he was
linked on to all the past of human his
tory. The very principles underlying tho
unity and welfare of the race foundP their
highest expression In him. He understood
his mission to the world. He understood
the world and Its needs. He did not de
ceive the race in this.
"He came with the only remedy. God's
plan, the embodiment of his love and his
demonstrated power to forgive and to
save. The character, work and progress
of Christianity was of such a nature and
so widespread from the very beginning
I that something of Its founder must have
been known to the ancient historians and
Roman authorities. To the historian be
longs the task of making a faithful rec
ord of passing events. He may look Into
Its philosophy. To the Roman authorities
belonged the work of taking account of
disturbing elements throughout the em
pire, apprehending criminals and admin
istering punishment.
"Christ marching through the Roman
Empire and the conquest of the prince
of peace supassed those of the great
Caesar. The crime of following him was
greater treason than that of Cataline. The
historians may have, with stifdied silence.
omitted many facts which would have
added greatly to this kind of testimony,
"In the many trials of the early Chris
tians in Roman courts the testimony is
clearly brought out concerning their
"We have a flood of sacred historians
who had the opportunity to know the
facts and the ability to state these to the
world. Every stream of literature has
been blessed by the Inflow of this Teal
life. God swings out a star and holds
It by the power of gravitation to Its dl
vinely appointed purpose. He sends his
son Into the world and by the power of
a resurrected Christ he Is bringing the
world back to himself. Ave are not fol
lowing cunningly devised fables, but s
character real In history. I know whom
I have believed,' said Paul, and am per
suaded that he Is able to keep that which
I have committed unto him against that
At Mizpah Presbyterian more than 35
members were received Into fellowship.
with appropriate Easter music and ser-
mon by Rev. 3". R. McGlade. The decora
tions were beautiful.
Centenary Church was appropriately
decorated, and Dr. Heppe preached an
Easter sermon. In the evening there
was special music, with a choir of 50
voices. Centenary gained about 70 mem
bers from the recent revival.
At the United Presbyterian Church,
Rev. E. Nelson Allen, pastor, about 35
new- members were received yestrday,
and fine Easter music was provided by
a trained choir.
Central Baptist Church had Easter
services, but reception of members will
take place at the new church on the first
of the month.
The Third Presbyterian Church received
about 35 new members yesterday, as. part
of the Easter programme. In all the
church benefited from the revival about
50 members.
Sunnyside M. E. Church received about
33 new members. Dr. T. B. Ford, the pas-
was special music ' ' Purgette Short was a scholarly discourse
Yesterday was an important day with j upon "With What Bodies?" Twenty
the Hassalo - Street Congregational three children and two adults were : bap
Church, as 50 new members were re- tlsed and at the close of the services 14
celved by the pastor. Rev. J. J. Staub, Into
.1 . -n t t o ,,v. tntn
church fellowship. This is tne largest,
accession of members ever received Into
this church at any one time. They came
largely as the result of the recent Chap
man meetings. Hundreds of calla lillles,
Interspersed among Che many green pot
ted plants, were disposed so that, the altar
looked as If It might be R flower con
servatory! In connection with the re
ception of new members a musical pro-
gramme was rendered with fine effect. At
the membership reception the altar was
surrounded by the new members. Rev.
J. J. Staub gave an appropriate address,
setting forth the Importance of the step
that the new members had taken and
the duty of the church toward them. In
connection also with the morning serv
ices was the baptism of children. Fol
lowing the Lord's supper was Celebrated.
In the .evening special Easter services
were held with many musical selections
by the choir. "The Beautiful City of
Gold." given by the male quartet, was
specially effective. Rev. J. J. Staub de
livered an Easter sermon.
At the First Christian Church the larg
est morning audience since Rev. Mr.
Muckley took charge more than a year
ago, gathered to worship with thoughts
of Easter. Seven made the confession of
their faith In Christ at this service. The
special music rendered by the large choir
under the direction of Miss Kathryne
fcinehan, was appropriate to the day, and
well executed. During both morning
and evening services there were special
selections, which were fully appreciated
by the large audiences. A special feature
of the evening service was a cornet solo.
"The Holy City, with organ and or
chestra accompaniment.
Mr. Muckley's morning discourse set
forth the place of suffering in the doc
trine of the resurrection. The Scripture
basis for his thought was the .last two
verses of the fourth, "and first two verses
of. the fifth chapters of II Corinthians.
The purpose of the speaker was to get
his congregation to take the Chris
tian view of suffering, that it was not
necessarily an evil, that the effort of" the
world to escape the sufferings of life
was unnatural and unphllosophical. He
showed that sufferings need not make
men unhappy, but that even then tears
might be telescopes through which they
caught better visions of the father and
heaven. Afflictions were light and mo
mentary in comparison to the weight of
glory which was eternal. A vision of the
unseen, the look at the eternal life beyond
the grave, helped all to see the kindly
providence that let men be refined by
suffering to fit them for the eternal joys.
The Sunday school session was a bright
spot In the day. The largest school In
IS months was there.
Several candidates were baptized at the
beginning of the evening service. The day
was full of cheering sentiment In sermons.
songs and hearts, one of the brightest
Easters ever witnessed by the First Chris
tian Church.
The Epworth Methodist Episcopal
Church, Twenty-third and Irving streets,
was beautifully decorated with flowers
yesterday, Easter lilies being quite promi
nent. A full choir rendered special and
appropriate music and the sermon of Rev.
Henry T. Atkinson was in keeping with
the day. Additional members were re
ceived at both services.
Taking his text from Matthew, xxvii:6,
the pastor pictured the scenes immediate
ly preceding and following the crucifixion
of Jesus, ending with a description of the
rock-hewn tomb in which Christ lay dead,
and the discovery by the disciples on the
first Easter morning that It was not a
dead but a risen Christ whom they had
found. He said In part: Men have tried
to explain away the miracles of Christ
by apotheses based on human reason, but
like a rock against which the great
waves break In Impotence, so the resur
rection stands impregnable alike to the
.assaults of the enemies of Christ and of
his church. If the seed has not within
Itself the essence of life. It can never
send Its green shoots upward into the
light and air of heaven, the overcoming
Pears Soap is made in a
-clean, sun-flooded factory;
then stored a full year in a
dry, airy place, before com
ing to you.
Is it such a wonder it
lasts so long?.
. - jtsUblishcd in 1769.
of its environment means a battle for
perfection in the world above the soil, so
when the life In Christ becomes ours, and
our vision Is Inspired by faith la him,
then pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow
become transformed Into stepping stones
upward to the throne of the eternal. ' It
seems fitting that Easter should occur at
that time of year when all nature is
awakening from the death which Winter
caused, when the song birds fill the air
with music, when the blossoms are en
larging because of the pressure of the life
within, when the wild flowers break the
spell which held them in their Wlntry
grave and rise again, for in all these
things .nature joins its voice with the
empty tomb in proclaiming the resurrec
tion of Jesus and the Immortality of the
The Easter services at the Taylor-Street
Methodist Church were attended by one
of the largest crowds that ever gathered
there. There was special music by the
I regular choir and the sermon of Dr. F.
nersons lomea me cnurcn.
persons Joined the church.
Dr. Short presented each person present
with a beautiful little Easter card, which
he. had made for that purpose.
His text was from the 35th verse of the
15th chapter of First Corinthians. He said
In part:
"But some man will say, 'How are the
.dead raised up, and with what body do
they come?'
This life Is beautiful, but death Is cer
tain, and the beyond is a mystery. Men
pass out of this life into the valley of the
shadow of death, and we see them go.
but from that valley and shadow there
has been but one return to bring us hope.
Was this matchless body made but for
a season? And the personality, the spirit.
the soul, with Its hopes, aspirations.
yearning, anticipations, loves, are they all
to be blighted and blasted by one breath
of that heartless monster we call death?
Shall there be no time nor place for com
pensating vicissitude, rewarding sacrifice
and crowning the martyr? Was the In
dians' anticipation of a happy hunting
ground a mental delusion? The heathen's
desire to appease the gods a snare? The
Christian's hope vain? If so, then tell
me. what are the chief aim and end of
man? Unto what purpose was he born?
"The problems of life cannot be solved
philosophically nor In harmony with the
Christian religion without taking Into ac
count the fact of the resurrection. It
alone opens the gateway Into the more
abundant life which Jesus came to bring;
and it Is a fitting and necessary culmina
tion for the beautiful life that we now
enjoy. It places a dignity upon man's
body and a priceless value upon his soul.
It guarantees an opportunity for some
satisfaction and development, compensa
tion for rectitude, reward. for sacrifice and
glory for service. The resurrection! It
places Its seal of approval upon the de
sire of the Indian, gives hope to the
heathen, and nourishes Christian faith
until it reaches beyond this life and de
clares so that the world may hear, '1
know that my redeemer llveth.
"How are the dead raised up? There
can be but one answer. They are raised
by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And this fact is no more mysterious nor
wonderful than the creation of man ac
cording to whichever theory one may
choose. He that createth can surely, at
his own will, call forth the created even
from the dead. There Is no other solu
tion for life's problems. Emerson said:
'Our dissatisfaction with any other solu
tion is the blazing evidence of immor
tality.' "But with what bodies do they come?
This Is the Important question.
"Concerning two things the apostle Paul
is quite positive: First, the Immortality
of the soul; second, the resurrection of the
body, and It would seem that each de
mands the other. For If the future life
Is activity, will not the spirit need some
kind of an organism for Its fullest and
highest achievements? This Is a great
world, and this earth may be but one of
a series of places man is to Inhabit, and
as he goes on to another and higher in
form and character he may need quite a
different body In which the soul shall ex
press Its highest possibilities. Our bodies
now conform to the earth in which we
live, but a better body Is promised us for
the place that lleth beyond."
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