12 THE MORNING UKEGPNIAN, SATURDAT, APEIL 22, 1905. PLUCKY MAN SAVES HUSH She Drives Away With Knife the Men Who Sought to Murder Him. BOTH INJURED IN STRUGGLE Hanson Is -Knocked Senseless and His AVife Is Badly Hurt, but the Marauders Flee Before Her Determined Defense. Standing in front of the prostrate form of her husband with a three-months-old Infant In her arms, Mrs. Eunice Hanson earls' yesterday morning successfully warded off two desperate men who had attempted the life of the father of her child. The attempted murder took place In a small Tiouse along the river on the East Side, near the Morrison-street bridge. Hanson had been felled to the floor by a terrific blow from one of the men, who pulled a knife and avowed his Intention of finishing his adversary. Mrs. Hanson grabbed a clasp knife from a table near by and threatened to kill the men If they again touched her husband, who was unconscious from the blow. When the two unknown men entered the room Mrs. Hanson was nursing her baby, which had been restless through the night. Her husband, who had been away, had Just returned. Hanson asked the men what they wanted, and in an swer received a blow on his jaw from some sharp instrument which penetrated to the bone. He fell unconscious to the floor, Mrs. Hanson at the same time springing to the rescue with a scream. "Get out of the way," growled one of the men, who had a knife in his hand, at the same time dealing her a blow on the nose. The blow staggered her, but she held to her infant and grabbed the clasp knife. She Jumped in front of the two men and defied them to advance. Blood was streaming from her face, but she did not wince, and made a rush at the men, who disappeared through the door In great haste. The men hung around the house for several minutes, and did not leave until lights In the houses near by showed that the neighbors had been aroused. The police were telephoned, but when they arrived no trace could be found of the two men who had attempted the das tardly deed. Hanson, who had regained consciousness, ( was taken to the police station, where Dr. Slocum was called. Several stiches were taken in the wound. If it had been a few inches higher It would havo undoubtedly crushed. In his skull. Hanson is a Dane who has worked in Portland as a laborer for several years. His wife is partly Indian. She Is only a young woman, and is very beautiful. At the police station she was very Indignant over the attack that had been made upon her husband. "When taken to the station Mr. and Mrs. Hanson presented one of the blood iest spectacles that has been witnessed by the police for some time. Hanson, with his jaw cut open, was so weak from the loss of blood that he could hardly stand, and when he walked had to be as sisted by the police. His wife was still bleeding from the nose. The blood had coursed down her breast 'upon the sleep ing infant, which was literally covered with gore. It Is thought that the two men followed Hanson home, having some grudge against him. Two men were seen cross ing the Morrison-street bridge In a rapid walk a few minutes before Hanson was attacked. Hanson says .he never saw the two men before, and does not know why they attacked him. He did not have any money on his person at the time. The police are unable to find a reason for the assault, but are making a very rigid Investigation into the case, with the hope of apprehending the two men. In the City's' TroubleShofi, How "W. J. Cain and his partner, rep resenting the Murillo Art Company, forced their way into the home of Mrs. H. M. Ogden, 627 East Morrison street, laid vio lent hands upon the lone woman of the house, tore a sleeve out of her waist and knocked the kitchen stove down, was told to Judge Hogue yesterday morning In the Municipal Court As told by Mrs. Ogden. a woman of small stature, but possessed of great nerve and determination. It showed that Cain made a brutal and unwarranted as sault upon her because she refused to purchase from his a frame for an en larged crayon portrait, and demanded her original photograph before paying him for the sketch. After hearing the story of Mrs. Ogden and a carpenter who came to her rescue. Judge Hogue fined Cain $50, and an appeal was taken. Cain took the stand and made a state ment, but Judge Hogue did not hesitate a moment to find him guilty of assault upon Mrs. Ogden and to impose the pen alty. "I was alone in my home," said Mrs. Ogden, "when Cain came with the por trait. I opened the door and he and the man with him pushed right Into the hall way and past me. They kept going, and finally reached the parlor. I was very Indignant, and asked them to step back to the hall. Cain replied that I could come Into the parlor if I wished to see the portrait. "Words led to a struggle, in which Cain laid violent hands on me. He tore a sleeve from my waist, and nearly knocked down the kitchen stove, as we shifted Into the kitchen in our struggle. I screamed, but as all the doors were closed no one could hear me. At last I broke from Cain and went to a window, which I opened, and called to carpenters working next door. One of them came and sum moned the police." Mrs. Helen M. Ward was held to the Grand Jury under bonds of $500 on. a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Aged Mra Sarah M. Martin was the complainant. She alleges that the defendant and her husband have made repeated attempts to defraud her by mort gaging her property. The Wards "have had much trouble of late, the hiutmnd recently suing his wife for a grocery bill. He conducts a grocery, "and charged her for goods purchased of him. Mrs. Martin operates a rooming-house at 42S Stark street, and Mrs. Ward was former ly a partner, or was to have become such upon making certain paymenta These, It is claimed, she never made. S. E. Dlxson, arrested for threatening to kill his wife, was bound over to keep the peace. Judge Hogue fixing his bonds at $250. While awaiting the decision of the court, Mrs. Dixson, seated in another room, fainted. Bailiff Goltz and Deputy Clerk Kiernan revived her by applications of cold water. William Edelman, who was arrested by iP&trolman... Carlson. ia one of. .the. PlazaJ HOTEL Fifth-md Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Booms, $1.00 to $3.00 Fer Day According to Location. J. F. DAVIES, Pres. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS 4 PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaurant In Connection The ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR. ANDERSON, Manager Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON Free 'bus to and from all trains Rates European plan, 50c, ?5c, $ 1 , $ 1 .50, $2 per day Sample rooms in connection blocks, lg now charged with disorderly conduct and assault. He was arraigned and entered a plea of not guilty. His casa will be heard today. Edelman Is the man who, when aroused from a sleep on the grass, drew a re volver and snapped the trigger two times at the officer. The weapon, upon investi gation being made, was found to be un loaded. Many of his friends were present In court to testify. Several witnesses will be present In behalf of Policeman Carlson today. It Is claimed by Edelman's friends that he was brutally clubbed by the policeman. Would Xame Deputy Health Officers. Mayor Williams issued an invitation yesterday morning to the ladies of the School of Domestic Science to attend a meeting of the City Board of Health at the City Hall Monday afternoon at 4 olclock for the purpose of considering the appointment of a Deputy Health Oiflcer from among the members of the school. The appointment, if one is made, will not be effective until the first of May, and It is expected that at the next meet ing of the City Council that provision will be made for the payment of the new deputy's salary of $G5 a month. Spring humors, pimples and bolls are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. the great blood purifier. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. April 21. Maximum temper ature. 75 deg; minimum, 50. River reading at 11 A. M., G.-i feet; change in past 24 hours, fall, 0.1 feet. Total precipitation. 3 P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total since Septem ber 1. 1904. 29.20 Inches: normal, -40.03 Inches: deficiency, 11.43 Inches. Total sun shine April 20, 1005. 12 hours and .24 min utes; possible. 13 hours and 48 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 0 P. M., 20.77. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. ? Wind. 5 s. o o 2. 3 ? f s o 9 STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck.. .... . Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C. North Head .. lC0iO.O0ll?INW ... 500.00 8fE ...!0GO.00ll2E !Pt. Cldy. I Cloudy . Cloudy Clear IClear 0.00 XIW 0.01 ! 4'NW 0.00 ..... IClear 0.00II41NW iClear Pocatello 0.001 4'S Cloudy Portland 75 o.oo fflsw Clear Red Bluff 170.0.001 4 NW IClear Roseburg. 7210.00! 4iNW IClear Sacramento. ... Salt Lake City. San Francisco. Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla... ..ir.Sl0.O0i 0N . -C4O.00 oIe .104 0.0112 W Pt. Cldy. Cloudy Pt. Cldy. Pt. Cldy. 04 0.00! R'N .-70i0.00 8NW jClear 560.00( 4IW Clear !72!0.00 4 IE Pt. Cldy. WEATHER CONDITIONS. No rain has fallen during the" last 12 hours in the North Pacific States. It is much warmer In Northern California and slightly warmer In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. The indications aro for partly cloudy weather In this district Saturday with show ers In Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28. hours ending at midnight April 22: Portland and vicinity Probably fair. Northwesterly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Partly cloudy. Northwesterly winds. Eastern Oregon and 'Southern Idaho Showers. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Probably fair. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COMMANDERY. NO. 1, K. T. Special conclave on Easter Sunday at 0:80 P. M. sharp, for the purpose of at tending divine services at St. David's Epis copal Church, corner of Eat 12th and Hel mont sts. Visiting Sir Knights courteously In vited to meet with us. W. S. MACRUM. Recorder. BORN. HAMILTON-SAWYER On the 21st Inst., at the Portland Maternity Home,' Overton St., the wife of F. Hamilton-Sawyer, of a son. DIED. NILES At Portland. Or.. April 21, 1905; Lydla M. NUes. widow of Jesse Nlles. in th 81st year of her age. Cincinnati papers please copy. FUNERAL NOTICES. WALKER At Beaverton, Or.. April 21. 1005, Mary Louise Walker, daughter of Robert H. and Rachel Walker. Funeral at family resi dence, Sunday. 1 P. M. Friends Invited. BRAAK In. this city. April 20. 1905. Mall- i wlene Braak. age :! yearn. Friends, sisters and brothers of the Sons of Herman are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral ser vice, which will be held at Eagles Hall at 2 P. M., Sunday. April 23. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. RICHARDSON At St. Vincent' Hospital. Thursday, April 20. 1005, Thomas M. Rich ardson. Funeral Monday. April 24, from Cathedral. 15th and Davis streets, at 9 A. M. Interment' at Rlverview Cemetory. Remains at Holman's undertaking parlors. PARENTI In this city. April 20, 1905. at the family residence. 312 Main St.. Stella Viola, daughter of Alfonso and Frances Parentl. aged 4 years 1 months and 5 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which -will be held at St. Michael's Church, corner 4th and Mill streets, at 10:30 A. M. today. Inter ment Mount Calvary Cemetery. DUNNING, McENTEE A GILBAUGH. successors to Dunning & Campion, under takers and embalmcrs, modern in every de tail. 7th and Fine. 1'hon Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AX CO Undertakers and embalmcrs, have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 597. J. P. FTNX.EY & SON. Funeral Directors, cor. Sd and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. Alder. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Ladj assistant. Telephone East 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO- UNDERTAKERS. JEwhlwen.27S Ste'l; XaJt lefeg; lady aa'U PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON F Irst-CIaas Check Restaurant Connected With Hotel. C. O. DAVIS, Sec and Tress. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Booms and Board." "Honae keeplnc Rooms." "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less. 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional insertion. UNDER ALL OTHER I LEADS, except "New Today," SO cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 words. 50 oenU, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (cause measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line of each additional Insertion. ANSWERS ' TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed car The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp la required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE OREGONIAN OFFICE: A 11, S2. S3. 38. II 22. 20. 28, 31. 32. C 13. 18. 29, 30, 31. II 30, 82. 40. 29. 33. ' . E 29. 30, 31. 33. F 25, 27. 32. , G 31. 32, 33. 30, 39, 40. ' H 30, SS. J 20. 38. 39. K 13, 25. 20. 30, 40. . L 15. M 15. N 19. 23. 27. 28, 30. 32. O 28, 29. 40. ' V 23, 27, 28. 29. Q 25, 29. J R 22. 27, 30, 33, 37. 30, 4C. S 17. 20. 28, 36." 40. . . . ' T 2G. 31. . V 24. 38. W 22. 20, 39. X 31. 3. Y 28, 39. 40. NEW TODAY. AYIiNGS BANK OF- THE TITLE GUARANTEE 6 TRUST COMPANY Pays 4 per cent on certificates of deposit. Accepts your deposit account sub ject to check and allows you 3 per cent interest on daily balances. Directors. i W. M. Ladd, T. T. Burkhart, J. Thoburn Ross, Frank M. Warren,. George H. Hill. Banking Hours, 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Saturdays, 10 A. M. to 12 Noon. Saturday Evenings, 5 to 8 o'clock. 7 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Or. Prices Go Up! Prices of all lots at University Park and Portsmouth "will be ad vanced 10 per cent on May 1, 1905. Don't forget tbe date. Prices will adavance rapidly from that date on. We Lave told you that lots at Univer sity Park will sell for S1000 per front foot within the lifetime of persons ! now living. This statement restjs on reasoning from cause to effect and not on visionary prophecy. It will only require a glimpse to convince any person that business of immense im- I nnrt.PTir.fi is nnxr in nrnrpss nf rlAVflnn- ment on the whole Peninsula and Uni versity Park is the very center of Jhis business movement. The sooner you invest the larger will be your profits within the next five years. Prices 60 to $300 each, one-tenth down, balance 5 monthly on each lot, no interest, no taxes, abstract with each deed. FRANCIS I. M'KENNA, , Boom 606, Commercial Block, and University Park Station. HO! FOR ST. JOHNS Take a delightful car ride tomorrow to St. Johns and fee for yourself Its remarkable growth. Don't fall to have a look at South St. Johns, that beautiful level and tightly tract of land between the car line and. Willamette Boulevard high above the river, commanding a fine view of river and har bor within a short distance of all tbe mills and factories. Fine large new schoolhouse. Improved car service. C'bolco lots, 59x100 feet, at $200 each and upwards on very easy terms. Now Is the time to buy If you would make money. Prices are steadily advancing. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Oregon. AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER Hth and Washington. MATINEE TODAY, LAST 'TIME TONIGHT Columbia Stock Company, presenting Bertha M. Clay's famous DORA THORNE. The only tint-class attraction in the city. Popular prices, 50c. 35c, 25c. 15c: matinee. 25c. 15c. 10c. Down-town box-office all day at 327 Morrison. Phone Main 110; evening at theater. Main 311. Farewell week, starting tomorrow matinee, the screaming farce-comedy "Pink Dominoes." Mfljfliiam Grand Theater aSMS,1 Phone Main 68. Monday and Tuesday Nights. April 21-25. 1 R. STOCKWELL and CHAS E. YERNER In the Comedy Drama "HON. JOHN NORTH." P,RICES Lower Floor, except last 3 rows, $1; last 3 rows. 75c. Balcony, 75c and 50c Gallery, 25c and 35c Boxes and Loges, $7.50. Scats now selling. EMPIRE THEATER, 12th and Morrison Sts. LAST TWO TIMES MATINEE TODAY 2:15, TONIGHT 8:15. f f CENTS i U ADMISSION The Great Temperance Flay, "TEN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM" All next week, starting tomorrow Matinee, the world-famous emotional drama, "EAST LYNNE." GRAND gSgfgSg A WONDERFUL BILL! Return Engagement 8YLVESTER. JONES AND PR INGLE. FIELDS AND HANSON. THE OLIVER TROUPE. KARDEL AND ZILARDNA. GARDNER AND REVERE. YEROVEE AND HOUSTON. MR. ALF. BONNER. GRAN DISC OPE. General Admission. 10c. Few Reserved Seats in front. 20c Box Seats. 25c. STAR THEATER SSS,. DEMORA AND GRACETA. EDDIE WESTON Jt BESblE E. BEASLEY. DALY AND MURPHY. KNOX BROTHERS. LOIS CECELE HOBSON. JOHN CLIFFORD. ROSCOE ARBUC1CLE. PROJECTOSCOrE. Shows 2:30, 7:30, 0 P. M. Admission 10c hOFFMANS IN CYCLE WHIRL AT THE BAKER. Third and Yamhill. Keating & Flood. Mngrs. Greatest Aerial Act In Vaudeville. OTHER ACTS: Memphis Kennedy. Smith and Ellis. The Two Travlolas. Gardner Golden. Jean Wilson. Mr. and 3Irs. Bobby Uagan. The Blograph. Showing "The Great Yegg Burglary." Shows at 2:30. 7:S0, 0 P. M. Admission 10 cents to anj seat. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get off at Hawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator. Most magnificent lew In America. See beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from top of tower. Open 0 A. M. to P. M. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. RECREATION PARK, Corner Vnusbn nnd Twenty-fourth. PORTLAND VS. LOS ANGELES APRIL 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 21. ADMISSION 33e. GRANDSTAND, 25c. CHILDREN. 15c NEW TODAY. Ardmore The most desirable building site in Portland; surrounded by palatial homes with an unobstructed view of our famous mountains; Ihe only ex clusively high-class residence property supplied with bitulithic streets, ce ment sidewalks, Bull Run water, sewer and gas laid to each lot. Take "Washington-street car to City Park and get off at Park Ave. For plats and i rices call on or address Griridstaff & Schalk 246 STARK STREET. Five-Story Stone BUILDING ON SIXTH Bet. Ankeny and Burnsidc FOR SALE HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS 3 Chamber of Commerce FREE LAND IN OREGON Under the "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from state. WRITE OR CALL TODAY. Booklets and map free. B. 8. Coolc & Co.. 251 Alder street. Portland. Or. A Country Store Wanted I have a brick building to rent at Gerval?. Or There ki a good opening here for a general merrhandlre rtore This is one of the richest agricultural and hop isectlons of Oregon. Address At SCHWAB. GERVAIS CITY. STORhS FOR RENT On Washington st.. desirable location. Ap ply 314 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE 50 ACRES. ALL IN CULTlVAi tion. H mile from town; house, barn, fruit, etc.; a beautiful home; only $2600. Address .Box 4S. Gervals, Or. 100 ACRES LAND ON BLUFF OVERLOOK Ing ocean, 4 miles routh of Seaside, Or., with 4.000.000 feet timber, mo&ly spruce. Phone Main 5703. FOR SALE 5 ACRES ON CANNON KUAU, three miles out; fine place to build a home; garden and orchard; celling cheap. Apply 257 Morrison st. FOR SALE 2 WEST SIDE LOTS. 40X100 each; grand view, one block to car. Phone Main 1181. 204 14th st. D. B. Kelly, owner. T FOR .SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 rooms. 315 22d et. Price low. Owner, Mra. W. A. Dalv. The Brown. 271H Grand ave. FOR SALE NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE; good location; $1400. cash or Installments. O. M. Smith. 730 Chamber of Commerce, $7600 IMPROVED INCOME PROPERTY, close in; yearly Income $000; terms; East Side. Apply 23 'Grand ave. South, room 3. NEW MODERN COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS, 12 blocks east of Morrison bridge, $2450; easy terms. Kroner. 165 3d St., room B. G UNIMPROVED LOTS ON HILLS SOUTH of city; Ideal place for party In quest of health; $300. G 40, Oregonlan. FOR SALE S-ROOM COR. HOUSE. ONE OF the nicest corners In South Portland, in quire 706 First or 224 Pine t. TOWN3END. DRIGGS & CO., REAL ESTATE, Insurance. Immigration. 2&9 Alder at.. Deu 4th and 0th. ACREAGE NEAR CAR-LINE. 8 MILES FROM Morrison st. bridge. C K. Ballard. MU wauke. Or. FOR SALE BY OWNER, $1800: a six-room modern house, fine 'location. Phone Union :i52. $150025x100; 18TH. NEAR LOVEJOY; PART cash. Phone East 1507. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE CHEAP $2,000. Phone East 2S30. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE NEW ANU 5-ROOM HOUBB; bath, stationary wasbatand. concrete base ment, gas and electric lights, furnace, nous tinted, pais pantry, large bedrooms, with closets in each, wood elevator, stationary wathtubs In basement; on Union-avenue car line, five-minute service, near good school, lawn, streets Improved; houses now open for lsipectlon; cash or Installments. Inquire owner, H.' E. Stemler, 122 3d at., or at res idence. 652 Union ave. North, cna block south of houses. 535 TO $100. Fine sightly lots orr the Peninsula, short distance from St. Johns car line: city water: graded streets; hurry, before they are all gone. SHERMAN D. BROWN. 351 Stark st. INVESTORS. ATTENTION!!!! Best buy on the market. 12tb. near Ghsan St.. lot 50x100, with building 30xSO feet, two rtory. price only J3500. The building alone Is worth (2000. F. Breske, room 444 Sher lock btdg.. S3 3d st. ACRE TRACTS WE MAK.fi A SPECIALTY of handling acreage; choice acre tracts for homes, within the' city limits or outside; terms to suit. A. C Churchill & Co., 110 Second st. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. 3 MILES from railroad; good Improvement, work at good wage, neat, only $200; good farms, trom $20 to $50 an acre, near railroad and ' river; great bargains; city residence and vacant lots and acreage. Townsend-Drigg9 & Co., 2S0 Alder st. FOR SALE NEW EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, full basement with concrete floor, porce lain plumbing, washtubs. gas and electric ity, furnace, walls tinted, hardwood floors; cash or Installments; West Side. O. M. Smith, owner, 730 Chamber of Commerce. FIVB NEW, MODERN HOUSES IN HOLLA day - Parle Addition; also 14 choice lots; streta improved, cement walks, sewer or wiii ouua housa. to suit customers, see R. B. Rice on premises. East 22d and Wasco, or W. G. Beck. 307 The Failing blcg. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE 10 ACRES BEST df land, no gravel. 3 miles from cltj on HiMboro trolley line; $850, $300 cash, bal ance $100 per year at 6 per cent; nrj-ciui Investment. Owner, 410 McKay bldg. FOR SALE-22X10O, FLANDERS ST.. NEAR 22d: this Is one of the prettiest neighbor hoods in Portland: price S15UU; barf caan. balance on time; go and look at It. Phone owner. Main 44. FOR SALE BY OA'NER MODERN 6-ROOM house. S-foot basement, cement floor, corner 50x100; will rent for 530 per month, easy terms; price 32100. See came at 134 East 21st St.. North. BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOUSE. BUILT BS" owner for permanent home; Urge grounds, best car sen-Ice; will be sold at a loio of $500 If taken soon. Inquire 74 Sixth. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 10-ropm modern houte and full lot. 340 - th t.. near Savier; $COW; capy terms. For rull particulars phone Main 3 Its. 4 LOTS. POINT VIEW. BEAUTIFULLY SIT uated on St. Johns 'car line; desirable home site; cheap. Adlre;a owner. N 31, Orego nlan. rw FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric Una. O. K Addlton, Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car, 5c $300 LOT 7. BLOCK 7. LINCOLN PARK; NO cash rKjulred. W. E. Thomas, 400 Cham ber of Commerce. iOfl SALE FARMS. FORCED TO SELL AT SACRIFICE. ITAL IAN PRUNE ORCHARD. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. NEAR PORTLAND. OR.; 230 ACRES IN BEARING TREES. 180 IN LIGHT UMBER; COMPLETE PACKING AND DRYING PLANTS: PRODUCED $S000 NET PROFIT ABOVE ALL EXPENSES IN 10IM IMMEDIATE SALE AN INDUCE MENT FOR UNUSUAL SACRIFICE.' AD DRESS OWNER DIRECT AT Q 30. ORE- GONIAN. A CHOICE DAIRY RANCH. 240 acres of rich, black sail, all level. 210 acres in hay. 1MJ acre.i n timber, for paoture and wood, a stream runs acrots land, a tine, large house, barn. 5ux0; outbuildings, 'i mile to sohool or store, mall, delivered. -miles to creamery and choew rectory, 'this ranch lies In tlu- famous Trout like section of Klickitat County. Extensive outside range; price $S50U; terms J2T0, balance orf casy time, bend for our book on White Salmon Valtey. hlte Salmon Land Co. AN IDEAL HOME 130 ACRES ON THE Columbia River; 75 acres under cultiva tion, balance can be cultivated; soli very fertile and productive; large p-room house, warehouse 74x120; Government light pay ing $10 month: boats land day or night; $7000: Cowlitz Co. Land Co.. Kelso. Wash. A BARGAIN 1C2 ACRES, $20 PER ACREi 50 In cultivation. 70 acrea good tlmhor, now leafed at 50 cents stamiiaKf; 4 miles west of Estacada; good houte and outbuildings. 3 acrrs orchard; Ifc mile from store, school and church. Call at Viola, or addres E: L. Walker, Oregon City. R. F. D.- No. 2. FOR SALE S20 BEST TALIPOOIA BOTTOM land. 200 In crop, balance all clear, in alfalfa pasture l"? miles to railroad; running creek through farm; No. 1 Improvement?; price $50 per acre, including crop; 30 milk cows. 8 horses, hogr., poultry, machinery, dairy. Addrew owner, Wm. E. Spence, Shedd, Or. 160 ACRES. 20 MILES FROM PORTLAND. If you want the best, cheapest and health iest, tbe best soil, tbe best spring water, the best fruit: no frost, no wind; near boat landing In fact, the finest farm or home on the Pacific Coast, write to .Owner, care V 24, Oregonlan. TEN-ACRE TRACT. SIX MILES EAST OF Morrlson-etrcet bridge, on Russellvllle road, between Base Line and Section Line Roada; recently cleared and plowed; one-quarter down, balance In ten yeah at C per cent. Frank C. Baker, room 12 Hamilton bldgl ;SU ACRES. $10,000 BEST STOCK FARM IN Cowlitz County for money rBood house, good bam. good water, good orchard, public scnool on place; 150 acres In cultivation'; a snap. If you want It. write Cowlitz County Land Co.. Kelso, Wash. ' FARM FOR SALE SO ACRES. 5 ACIJES BOT tbm land. 500 bearing fruit trees, 3 living spring. 5-room hou?e. barn, chicken-houses; 1 mile from school, railroad and boat-landing. Box 57, Lyle, Wash. ' ICO ACRES. li MILES FR05I KALAMA, 25 In cultivation, balance good timber; o-room house, barn and outbuilding; roll good; title clear: $4500.. C. J. Lee. Kalama. Wash. Bargains In real estate Improved and parjly Improved farms In Multnomah and Clacka, mas Cos. List of prop, will be fur. on ap plication. Roberts & Wtrtz. Gresham, Or. FOR SALE 40 ACRES GOOD LEVEL 3"IM ber land, 1 miles from Boring, on the O. W. P. & Ry. line. Call between 1' and 2 P. M. Phone Main 3913. " ANTED A PURCHASE!: FOR 200 ACHES of best of dairy or grain In Linn County; price $20 per acre; half cash. V. Cladek. Sclo. Or. FREE GOVERNMENT LAND OPEN FOR settlement: level valley land; no stone or timber; soil arid water first-class. 1S4 Burn, side st. 100 ACRES NEAR FOREST GROVE; 71 acres near Oregon City, very cheap. Shoo Store. 270 Washington st. BUY FARMS DIRECT FROM FARMERS: large or small. Call Joseph Parker, U5 3d it. N.; saloon. IMPROVED FARMS AND APPLE LANDS. R. L. Cate & Co.. 113 2d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. $2000 to $10,000: also business properties, foOOu to $20,000. Have buyer. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 403 Ablngton bldg. WANTED Full or fractional lot? West Side; dose In; for cash. M 23, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE AN 8-ROOM HOUSE, BARN and 10 lots, on Mount Scott electric line, to exchange for CO or SO' acres good land on car line, within S miles of the city. Call 300 McKay bldg. LOT AND HOUSE FOUNDATION AND CASH to exchange for 6-room house In central lo cation. Townaend-Drlggs & Co., 269 Alder st. LAND tJCRIP. WE HAVE PRACTICALLY THE ONLY valid forest reserve scrip on tbe market. We handle all kinds public land practice. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE-AND OTH. r guaranteed land tcrlp on hand ready to Jecate. X&tfnnla Sea. 22T raWaff.bM. TIMBER LANDS. HAVE FINE SCRIPPING PROPOSITION 3000 acres good timber. If Interested, ad dress R 40, Oregonlan. Can locate homesxeaas, timber claims. Cen tral Oregon. T. M. O'Connell. Prlnevllle. Or. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. BAND OF range horses. For particulars address G 30, Oregonlan. FOR SALE GOOD DRIVING BAY MARE. 7 ' years old, and harness, with new open buggy, with rubber tires. Inquire at Elks Stable, cor. Burnslde and 4th sts. FOR SALE ONE GOOD DRIVING HORSE; one Studebaker top buggy and harness. In quire between 1 o'clock to tl P. M., Bon Ton saloon. 271 Couch street. HORSES. WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL kinds of vehicles bought, sold and rented. Hubert & Hall. 234 4th. Phone Main 2203. $45 BUYS BAY HORSE. 8 YEARS OLD. weighs 1100 lbs., good delivery horse. Call today. 23 N. 14th st. GOOD SIZE AND WEIGHT. NICE GENTLE city-broke driving horse. Room 503. Mar quam. Main 221U. 15 HORSES BY W. B. JACOBS. ONE STAL lion, 1650 pounds. 134 E. 34th st. Phone Union 1632. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on oast tor sale or hire. 211 Wash. FOR SALE SEVEN HEAVY TEAMS, harness and wagons. 154 N. 5th st. Pianos. Kimball upright piano. $125; organ, $25: guitar, banjo & Mandolin. $5. 241, 1st, cor. Main. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterlts; It rolls. asy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; bet for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL. Hard and pool tables; easy payments; wo rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixture, cheap price. Brunswlck-Balka-Cct-lender. 49 3d st. FOR SALE WATER POWER, ONE MILE from Washougal. on north bank of Columbia River; al good farm. D. H. Gary. Wada ougal. Wash. 18-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH: IN EXCEL lent condition. Price. $325. W. J. Clemens. 273 Stark st. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND 'soda fountains. Northrop & Sturgls, 6 Front. NEW AND 2D-HAND CASH REGISTERS ani safes: easy payments. 333 Ankeny at. UABY BUGGY FOR SALE CHEAP: NEAR LY new. Inquire 575 Main. Phone Main 4600. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 324 Chamber of Commerce or phone Main 2303. FOR SALE CHEAP COCKER SPANIEL pups. Phone Main 1152. TENT, 52XS5 FEET. $150. 555 MORRISON st. Phyic Main 4608. HELP WANTED MALE. BOOKKEEPERS. STENOGRAPHERS, SALB8 men will find It to their advantage to in vestigate our successful plan of placing men In good positions; do It now. Portland Commercial Bureau. 722 Chamber of Com merce. WANTED YOUNG MAN OF THE RIGHT metal to take position' as stenographer and office assistant with opportunity for advance ment: cood education, accuracy and ref erences required. Addresa L 33, Oregonlan. VO YOU WA"NT WORK AT PORTLAND World's' Fair? Amateur and professional actors, singers, musicians, etc., wanted; call and fee at once; ea.-y worn. Dig salary. Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 3oli Morrison CLERKS BOOKKEEPERS. CLERICAL AND general office nun reeking employment ean best terve their Interests by calling at the Portland Commercial Exchange, rooms 307- 30$ Alwky. bldg., 203U Morrison st. MANAGER? WANTED FOR OUR BRANCH office to, he opened throughout Oregon; ref erences and email investment required; lib eral salary. Great Western Telephone Co.. JC05. Market St., San Francisco. WANTED BUSINESS WOMAN. SINGLE. 25 yeara old or over, that understands book keeping, as Joint manager of an office; sal ary $9 per week. Apply 223 Ablngton bldg.. 1U0'? Third 6t. WANTED 1000 R. R MEN. NEW WORK, 100 other Jobs; name your work and we have It: also station work. Canadian Em ployment Co.. 2 10 Burnslde st. Phoce Main 3074. WANTE.D RELIABLE PARTY. 200 PER cent selling Imperial cane and camp stool at Portland Exposition. Send stamp. Imperial Novelty Works. Fremont. Ohio. AVANTED BRIGHT. HONEST CABIN BOY. willing to learn, about 15 yea re; $10. board and clothes. Apply Steward, sch. Transit Portland Lumber Mills. ADVERTISING. SOLICITORS KENNEL Booklet, quick coramlffi(ons; other publica tions; good newipqper propositions. 038 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED SINGLE YOUNG MAN TO I travel who can leaw town immediately. Call 10 to 4. room 7. Hotel Avalon. corner Wash ington and Eleventh. FOR POSITIONS AS CASHIERS. TICKET taker, etc.. for concessionaires at the Portland. Exposition, call 303 Alisky bklg., 2S.V,fc Morrison st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness: good pay to good men. Call or write, W7 McKay bldg. STAGE DANCING. VAUDEVILLE ACTING, singing, fketches. etc.,- taught; positions guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting. 351 Morrison. . Wanted MVn "to learn barber trade; steady practice; e"xpert Instructions; Write for terms. Glllman's College, 627 Clay st., S. F. LOGGERS. MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, other work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co.. 103 Morrison. Main 1322. We sell sick and accident benefits- that peo ple want; splendid proposition to agents. Union Mutual Aid Assn., 401 Marquam. WANTED YOUNG MAN. ABOUT 20 YEARS, with experience in photograph work; wages email to commence. SOI Dekum bldg. COLLECTOR " WITH SOME GENERAL OF ttce experience; will pay liberal salary, li! Chamber of Commerce. CUTTER FOR ESTABLISHED HOUSB IN the city; mitft be a practical tailor. Ad dress 51 31'. Qregonlan. . WANTED BOY. 16-18. CLERKING. STORE work. $1 day. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 -Morrison st. WANTED SOLICITORS . FOR FAMILY trade; salary and commission. 404 Wash ington street. POSITIONS IN CALIFORNIA SECURED FOR reliable help; either sex. Address Box 385, Modlsto, Cal. WANTED MAN FOR A RESTAURANT; duties cashier; $330- required. Call 248 Stark at. WANTED TO BUY BARBER SHOP IN small lown -pulslde of Portland. K 32. Oregonlan MAN WITH $76 TO INVEST CAN HAVE steady work and fair wages. E 33, Ore gonlan. OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED HIGH cct price paid. Phone Hood 1862. Call 50 3d. WANTED TOUNG MAN WITH SOME Ex perience In meat market. 22 Grand ave. N. WANTED CAKE BAKER. GOOD SECOND hand. Apply 114 RUS3ell su Phone E. 57. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUN try; big wages. 215 Commercial block. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT ence; references required? 232 Stark: at. MEN TO LEARN THE DETECTIVE Busi ness. Barrett. Alisky bldg., room 301. TEAMS TO HAUL BRICK. MRS. HOWE, brlckmaker. 1200 Division st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTS MAKERS Nlcoll the Tailor, 108 3d st. WANTED PLANERMAN. GEO. AINSLEB & Co.. 16th and Pettygrove. DR. WALKER. 1SI 1S1. CURES ALL PHI vate diseases of men'. EXPERIENCED AUTOMOBILE REPAIR men. 64-66 6th at. BOY ..WAXTEDjrAT IS AND, 20 FRONT etreet. ", ,. . i HELP WANTED XAUC BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSiw Position Secured for Bookkeepers. Railroad clerks. Stenographers. Hotel clerks. Office managers. Shipping derktT Cashiers. . " Bill clerks. Accountants. Entry clerks. Office men. AssUtant bookkeeper Salesmen. General office clerks. Grocery clerks. Clerks deptmt. stores. Collectors. Timekeepers. Genernl i-Irlral torhnlcal. commercial men. Apply BUSINESS MEN'S'CLEARING HOUSE. 304-505 McKay Bldg.. 102 3d St.. .rortiancu BRIDGE CARPENTERS. $3; ROUGH CAR- penters. $2.50; planerman, 5.Ua up; jaru men, $2; man and wife, $75: same, ranch, $40; farmhands and milkers. $30; other work. U. . S. Employment Co., 103 Morrison. Main 1322. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN" piumoing iraue. uoyne tsros. 1.0.. acnooLa of Practical Plumbing. 4073-75 Easton ave., St. Louis. Mo.; 107-0 W. 3d st.. Cincinnati, O. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED LADIES AND GIRLS TO As sist In a new line of fancy work; $10 per week; experience unnecessary; work can be taken home. Call at office. 268? Mor rison at., the Cosmos, room 3. WANTED WOMAN TO DO LIGHT GEN eral housnwork. for small family; good home furnished. Call at 1107 Thurman st, Willamette Heights. Phone Main 376. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every months Call and register. Canadian Parlors. 2i"ij Uorrlscn. Main 1323. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRESEN tatlves In Portland and throughout the state; we pay good money. Call or write 607 Mc kay bldg. WANTED RELIABLE GIRL TO TAKE care of children and do upstairs work. Ap ply at 460 Holladay ave. Telephone East 304. WANTED A GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED woman for general housework; wages $20. Address Mrs. C. A. Buckley, Grass Valley, Or. WANTED ELDERLY LADY TO KEEP house for gentleman and child: very light work. Address W. S. Clark, Forest Grove, Or. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230& Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED HONEST, CAPABLE WOMAN housekeeper: widower on farm; Swedish pre ferred. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. WANTED A STRONG YOUNG GIRL TO AS slst In cooking and general housework. Scandinavian preferred. 54 16th St., North. WANTED NURSE; ALSO SECOND GIRL; city references required; small family; good wages. 233 N. 24th. cor. Marshall. WANTED NEAT-APPEARING GIKL FUR general housework; family of 3. Call 5s N. 32d et.. Willamette Heights. WANTED GERMAN WOMAN UNDER 35 as housekeeper, widower with children. 230Va Yamhill. Phone Main1 5413. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO eell tho new telephone Index. Inquire W. J. Clemens. 273 Stark at. WANTED AN . EXPERIENCED COOK, small family; good wage. Call 102 Lowns dale St.. near High School. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COOK. MUST AS- . slut with washing and ironing; references. 100 King at. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR light housework: small family. Apply 210 Market st. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK, family three; no washing. 7QU Marshall, near 22d. NURSE GIRL WANTED BETWEEN THBT hours of 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. Apply 35 22d st. WAiNTED A WOMAN TO DO KITCHEN work In a private boarding-house. 1S6 3th. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN. eral housework. Apply 750 E. Burnside 3U WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking. Apply 215 N. 20th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; references. 361 10th t., cor. Mill. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO cooking and general houseVork. 205 12th at. AVANTED FIRST-CLASS VEST MAKERS. Nlcoll the Tailor. 108 3d st. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR SEC ond work. Apply 341 11th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family. Call SCO 1st st. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK AND cooking. 461 Rodney ave. COMPETENT COOK. Nunn, 777 Flanders st. MRS. RICHARD EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER AND manicure, 160 5th st. COMPETENT COOK. Nunn. 777 Flanders st. MRS. RICHARD EXPERIENCED WAIST FINISHERS WANT ed. 314, The Dekum. GIRL TO DO LIGHT HOUSEWORK, quire 710 E. Main. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 365 12th st. WANTED GIRL TO PACK AND LABEL cans. 20 Front st. GOOD TABLE GIRL AT ONCE. 284 MAIN street. WANTED A GOOD COOK. 434 MARKET street. HELP WANTED MA L E OR FEMALE. HOTEL KITCHEN CREW. $36 WEEK (4 waitresses, $20); housework, cooks, $30; res taurant caehler (put up lunches mornings). Drake. 200Vi Washington. WANTED PARTY TO INTERVIEW WELL-to-do class: what they say to carry weight; big money; steady position. Room 2, 43i 2d st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. FIRST-CLASS DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOK kecper and accountant; able to take com plete charge of books and office; good cor respondent and business man desires posi tion, willing to start moderate salary, good references: age 28. Address D 34, Oregonlan. COUNTRY BANKERS MAN OF 26, HU5T ler and business-getter, wants position in country bank; 5 years, experience; can taka Htock. H. P., 40S Hail st. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION, BOOK keeper and stenographer, willing to start on any office work; references. T 33. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. ALL-ROUND HOTEL MAN DESIRES RE. sponsible position as checker, assistant man ager, etc.; also able to take charge dining room; six years' bet experience on Western Coast; best references. M 34, Oregonlan. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN. WHO SPEAKS and writes English. French. German and the three Scandinavian languages, would like position. Y 32, Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BY STATIONARY engineer: 10 years' experience; strictly sober; can do mill blacksmlthlng. Address William M. Douglas. 126 12th st. RESPONSIBLE MAN. FAMILIAR WITH Janitor work In office building, seeks per manent place; can fire boiler and run ele vator. B 40, Oregonlan. THOROUGH AND EXPERIENCED TIN smlth and machinist wishes employment In or about Portland. A. Strebel, box 212, South Bend. Wash. WANTED POSITION ON A COUNTRY PA per by a sober, practical printer. Address E. F. Morsbach. Bucoda, Wash. WANTED POSITION AS SCALER: Ex perienced; good references: aleo familiar with books. G 24. Oregonlan. POSITION AS GASOLINE LAUNCH EN gineer; thoroughly experienced. L 32. Ore gonlan. or Phone Union 3593. YOUNG GERMAN BUTCHER. GOOD SAU sagemaker and meatcutter; references. Call 325 Davis st. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION, AT tend school, where he can work. 264 Davis. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeeper. WOMAN OF ABILITY AS HOUSEKEEPER, rooming or boarding-house; capable of tak ing full charge. T 2S. Oregonlan. POSITION BY RELIABLE, COMPETENT woman as managing housekeeper; best of references. H 32, Oregonlan.