Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 21, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Countlnp-Room .....Main 667
Managing Editor Mala C3S
Sunday Editor Main 62S5
City Editor Main 165
Society Editor .Malnj6235
Compo&lnc-Room ...Mala 685
Superintendent Building Red 2826
East Hide Olflce East 61
COLUMBIA. THEATER (Uth and Washington)
Evening at 8, "Dora Thorne,"
EMPIRE THEATER (12tn and MprrUon) Mat
inee at 2:15 and evening at 8:15. "Ten
Mghts in a Bar room.
6TAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville 2:30, 7:30 and 9
P. M.
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30
P. M.
BAKER THEATER (3d and TamhlU) Con
tinuous vaudeville, 2:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M.
Candidate Maxes Fbomisb. At a re
cent meeting- of the citizens of Midway,
on the Milwaukle road, in the interest of
p. movement to get some Are protection, a
candidate for Councilman from the Sev
enth Ward was present. It was set forth
how much fire hydrants and hose were
needed m that growing section of the
ward. The candidate saw a chance. He
arose and said .that if elected he would
work to supply all those needed, things.
He went so far as to say that if the city
would not furnish the 1000 feet of hose he
would go down in his pocket and get the
hose himself. Inasmuch as good Are hose
Is about 51 a foot, the candidate Is in for
It shpuld he be elected. The citizens of
Midway are now talking of requiring the
candidate to put down his promise In
black and white, then they will give him
a big boost.
To Extend St. Johns Spur. The O. R.
&. N. Company will extend its St- Johns
branch from its present terminus for
some distance. It will be extended so as
to reach the ground recently purchased
by the Weyerhaeuser Milling Company.
Accordfng to the record In the County
Clerk's office the spur will be extended to
the southeast quarter of section 6, town
ship 1 north, range 1 cast, "Willamette
Meridian. Many of the St. Johns resi
dents Interpret this extension to mean
that the Smith farm of some S00 acres to
the northward is tq be made the site of a
great packing-house.
Humane -Society Pkizes. The custom of
the late D. P. Thompson of encouraging
a spirit of kindness to domestic animals
on the part of children is to be continued
by the estate, and J. N. Teal has placed
in the hands of the Oregon Humane So
ciety $30 for this purpose. This money will
be -awarded in two $10 prizes and two 55
prizes for the best compositions presented
by the pupils of thepublic schools on the
subject of kindness to animals. The com
petition will take place some time in
Work for Good of India. Banarje
Circle of the Indo-Amerlcan League will
meet with Mrs. E. A. Seals, 575 Everett
and" Eighteenth streets, on Saturday, at 2
o clock. A general attendance of mem
bers and friends is requested at this meet
ing, as there is much interesting and en
couraging news from Mrs. Sukhoda Ban
arje and her work in Calcutta.
Delated bx Rock Suds.-The caving
down of a part of Elk Rock, about three
miles this side of Oswego, on the South
cm Pacific caused a delay In the fore
noon traffic between that city and Port
land yesterday. The slide took place
some time during the early morning hours
of yesterday, and Is the second to happen
at that point within a short time.
Funeral, of a Pioneer. The funeral of
W. S. Gordon, a pioneer of 1850, and for
36 years a business man of the East Side,
was held yesterday afternoon in Grcsham
and was largely attended. Mr. Gordon
during his long business life in East
Portland .was respected by all who came
into contact with him, either socially or
in a business way.
Returns From Long Beach. Lester T.
Hodson has returned from Long Beach,
Cal,. where he .spent, the Winter for his
health. He is accompanied by his frlena,
Paul 'Noble, of that place Young Hod
son Is a son of State Senator C. W. Hod
son, of Portland. His health Is much
At Temple Beth Israel. This being
the week of the Passover Festival, Dr.
Stephen S. Wise will preach a Passover
sermon at Temple Beth Israel at 8 o'clock
this evening, on "Is Man Free? a study
on the problem of human freedom and
responsibility. Strangers are always wel
come. North Pacific Steamship Co.'s commo"
dlous steamship Roanoke, 2400 tons, sails
for San Francisco and Los Angeles, call
ing at Coos Bay and Eureka, Thursday.
April 20, from Columbia Dock No. 1.
Ticket office, 251 Washington street. H.
Young; agent. .
Will Give Literart Entertainment.
The Sunnyslde Literary Society will en
tertain its members and friends this eve
ning with a literary and musical pro
gramme. The dramatic branch of the
society will give some vaudeville num
bers. Euneral of Mabel Bannont Funeral
services for Mabel Bannon, who fell from
the trestle spanning Marquam Gulch, will
take place this morning at 10 o'clock.
They will be held at Flnley's chapel.
Burial will be In Lone Fir Cemetery.
Excursion to Seaside next Sunday, via
the A. & C. R. R. Train leaves Union
Depot 8 A. M. Fare for the round trip
only 51.50. Tickets at 248 Alder street and
the Union Depot.
Several sets of "Our Islands" for sale
cheap. A few damaged sets at your own
price. Address or call at Oregonian busi
ness office.
Grand Easter Lilies. Very perfect.
Reasonable price; large lot; wholesale
price. Burkhardt Bros. 9Main 502.
B. and R., homeopathics. now 307 Wash..
Knight Drug Co., agents. 'Phone 2692.
Wanted Experienced hairdresser and
manicure. 160 5th, Rosenthal Sisters.
The Caluuet Restaurant, 14B Seventh.
Fine luncheon. 35c; dinner 50c.
Hot Cross Bcns at Gordon's, 145 Third
street and 2S7te First street.
Buy coffee everywhere, then try Wooster.
Acme Oil Co. coal oils. Phone East 7S3.
Refuse to Pay Death Watch.
The County Commissioners Court yes
terday refused to approve a bill for $133
presented by Sheriff Word for the wages
of two guards who acted as a death watch
over Frank Guglielmo. the murderer of
Freda Guarascia. After the Supreme
Court affirmed the judgment of the lower
court, and while the Sheriff was awaiting
the mandate of the Supreme Court, he
employed guards to watch Guglielmo, be
cause it was known Guglielmo desired
to commit suicide, and had endeavored to
utitain morphine from trusties. The
guards were authorized by Judge George.
v Judge Webster and County Commission
ers Barnes and Llghtner have deferred
payment of the bill pending an Inquiry
into the facts, but will probably author
Ize Its payment later on. The courtre
fused to pay another bill presented for
services rendered by Jasper Fuller, guard
m the Warwick Club poolroom, amount
ing to $103. This action was expected,
because other bills of this same kind
have been turned down.
Sheriff Word says if the County Court
will give him two more deputies and pay
nis expense oms, tnerc win be things
doing in the red-light district which arp
passed by now. He says he has only four
men. who are working night and day to
take care of the office work, and have
not time to attend to other matters in
which the public Is interested that the
police pass by.
All ii delicacies of ib waec-B. at tkv
Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart
Rey. Newell Dwight Hillis,
Things Heard in the
"My trip through Nevada was exceed
ingly interesting," said Marlon Lawrance.
of Toledo, O., who is in Portland to at
tend the Oregon Sunday School Conven
tion. "There are 110.000 square miles In
that state, but they have only 42 Sunday
schools. In several of the counties, as
large as some of our Eastern States, they
have hot a single Sunday school. Of
course, the small population accounts
for it, but I was nevertheless surprised
when I visited there.
"Nevada is the greatest state in the
Union for mushroom towns. Rich strikes
wllnbe made and the people will flock In
and xbulld up a town. Maybe In two or
three months or a year the mines will
give out, and the men will be thrown out
of work. Then the town Is abandoned.
These deserted villages are scattered all
over Nevada.
"In some of the towns, which wrre
built high in the mountains, goods and
stocks are" to be found In the stores. The
goods were transported over the moun
tains at a great expense and installed
just at the time the booms collapsed. The
merchants, realizing that it would cost
more than they were worth to transport
them back over the mountain ranges, left
l-the goods behind. Several of the towns
that were deserted were of fairly good
size and at one time very prosperous."
"The Japs firmly believe that thoy aro
the strongest of nations," said Mrs. N.
Dwyer, formerly of Portland and Salem,
but now of Shanghai, China, at the Hotel
Portland yesterday. "I do not think they
would hesitate to tackle any of the
largest European powers; as their success
with the Russian arms have given them
almost untold confidence.
I was in Japan when the war first
started. I returned there about six
months later. I was never so surprised
in my life to see the change that had
taken place with the Japs. Formerly they
used rather to crjnge before the foreign
ers, but such is not the case now. They
consider themselves just' as good as the
white people, and are not as courteous
to them as they formerly were. They
are more friendly to the Americans than
to the other visitors.
"The rapidity of the increase of popu
lation among the Japs is remarkable. I
never saw so many children in my life
a6 I did in Japan. The streets were lined
with them.' It is no uncommon sight to
see girls about 6 years of agG taking care
of small babies. The childron arrive so
fast that It is necessary that the older
girls take care of them."
H. G. Ankeny, a Eugene banker, is at
the Imperial.
Will Wright, a Union merchant, is a
guest at the Imperial.
S. B. Huston, an attorney at Hllls
boro, is a guest at the Imperial.
Dr. Stephen S. Wise, of the Temple
Beth Israel, will leave within the next
Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar and wife
from Salem are registered at the Port
land. J. A. Fletcher,, a member of the Lewis
and Clark Commission from California, is
a guest at the Imperial.
Mrs. Frank Wiggins, from Los Angeles,
who belongs to the Lewis and Clark" Com
mission from California, is a guest at the
Thomas. R. WIlsont bookkeeper at the
State Penitentiary, is in Portland for a
few days. He is registered at the Perk
ins HoteL
George W. Lilly, for the past eight
years Assistant City Engineer at Colum
bus, O., arrived yesterday to make his
future home in this city. He expect
to engage in irrigation engineering work.
NEW. -YORK, April 20. (Spoclal.)
Northwestern people registered at New
Tork hotels today as follows:
From Portland A. J. Tilburn, at the
From Everett, Wash. W. Howarth, at
the St. Denis.
From Port Angeles, Wash. J. Cain, at
the Astor.
From Spokane J. F. Sloane, at -the
Broadway Central.
From Seattle A. Moore, at the Breslln;
J. D. Blockwell. at the Continental.
A baby whoTrets, worries, or
cries, or sleeps poorly is prob
ably poorly nourished, unless
there is actual disease. Meliin's
Food provides plenty of good nourish
ment ; easily digestible, and does away
with all fretting and crying. Try Mel
lin'a Food; we will scad you a sample.
KtUla'. Ksei is the 6XLT Iafa&ts'
Fewl, wklck receive tae Grail Prize,
the alike awar ef tie Ltaisiaaa Par
ekt ExjwKUa, St.LeOc, 1W4. High
er tku a jsU m4aL
Pastor of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, Will Contribute-to -The
Sunday Oregonian.
A. B. .Manley Is Indorsed "by Many
Representative Citizens.
Prominent Republicans, irrespective
of faction, have eagerly indorsed th.
candidacy of A. B. Manley for Coun-cilman-at-large.
An inspection of his
petition filed yesterdfiy discloses the
fact that his candidacy is backed by
many of the most, representative citi
zens of the city, all of whom have con
fidence In Mr. Mauley's ability to falttt-
fully represent the city's Interests and
to supply the urgent need for a careful
and conservative, business man In the
City Council. Mr. Manley has large
property interests on the East Side,
made an excellent record In the Legis
lature, is well known as the managor
of the Pacific. Coast Abstract Guaranty
&. Trust Company, and merits the sup
port .of all voters Interested In a clean
and able city administration.
Cut cans and look for gritty sediment
In. bottom of cans. 51000 reward for nrobf
of any adulteration in either Orccron
Grape or Pacific brands of evaporated
Held "Up and Robbed on Street.
W. B. Montgomery has reported to
the police that he was held up and
robbed of some small change near
Seventh and Columbia streets about
13:30 o'clock last night.'The robber was
Damage From Frost, One Million.
NORFOLK. Va.. April 20. A large truck
farmer In Virginia today estimates that
the damage done to crops by the late
cold snap will amount to over $1,000,000
to farmers of Tidewater, Va.. alone.
Burnett's Vanilla Extract
Ig sold by all the beat grocers everywhere, try it.
isssbssHh1& vHr&4i1BhPvw1H
Kilr .hESIbssssssssf
Unequalled for purity and delicious flavor. Send your order.
Delivered to all parts of the city.
T. S, Townsend Creamery Company
By special arrangement, The Sunday Ore
gonian will publish each week a sermon,
talk or special article by Rev. Dr. Newell
Dwight Hillis, pastor of Plymouth Church,
Brooklyn. This feature will begin next
Sunday, April 23, with an Easter sermon:
"The Homing Instinct and the Immortal
It is scarcely necessary to speakof Dr.
Hillis' position in the literary and religious
world. He is not only a great preacher,
worthy successor of Beccher, -but he is the
author of eight books one of these a novel
which have sold, thus far, nearly 200,000
copies. Dr. Waters, in a recent magazine
article, says that Dr. Hillis is the best
known living poacher of the English, race.
City's Offenders Be
fore Judge Hogue
Many women appeared In the Munici
pal Court yesterday to give testimony
in the case of the state against Claud
Quivey, charged with larceny by trick
cry. Only one was placed on the stand,
after .which the case was continued
until next Monday for'further hearing.
Quivey is the man who has been con
ducting an alleged art gallery In the
Cosmos House, and charging women for
paints and for lessons said never to
have been given by him. Mrs. Cora
Walling-, living at 634 Fourth street,
swore that she had dealings with the
defendant, and that she paid him ?4.9&
from which she neyer received any re
turns. Attorneys Wolfe and Moody repre
sented Quivey, and Deputy District At
torney Haney the prosecution. The de
fense contends that there has been no
violation of law, and that larceny can-,
not be proved.
A tale of unusual cruelty on the part
of a husband, was told Judge Hogue by
Mrs. Myrtle Conception, wife' of John
M. D. Conception, a Frenchman. The
woman is a cripple, and he is but re
cently out of San Qucntin, one of the
California state prisons, where he was
sentenced to serve a year for the lar
ceny of a bicycle.
"My husband, to whom I was married
four months ago, has never supported
me," said the woman who complained
against him for using obscene and abu
sive language toward her the previous
night, on Washington atreet. "He got
out of San Quentin by an appeal to the
officials that he wished to support his
crippled wife, but he has never helped
me. In the first place, he compelled me
to marry him, saying hp would shoot me
if I refused.
"I-am now working In the match fac
tory here! making from 20 to 65 cents
a day.".
The case was continued for further
Open River Men to Incorporate.
Articles of Incorporation of the Open
River Transportation Company will be
filed today, and this will mark the formal
undertaking of the project of the Open-
River Association to provide water trans
portatlon on the upper river in connection
with the portaee railroad. This trans
portation company, born of the Open
River Association, will be empowered to
build, purchase or lease steamboats and
river craft for operation on the Colum
b!a and its tributaries. Its capital stock
will be $100,000, and It will have as incor
porators J. A. Smith, president of the
association, Henry Hahn and A. H. De
Vandcrbilt "University Burned.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., April 20. The
main building of Vanderbllt University
was destroyed by fire today. The fire
originated from a defective flue. The loss
will be almost tota only a few fixtures
being saved. The total loss la placed at
$300,000. The operation of the university
will not be interfered with. So far as
known no one was injured.
It TriHxSave you from S10O to. 5150 on a
piano. If you think this worth your while,
call at Meyer's Piano Store, 74 Sixth
street, near Oak.
Stilt hKii& fhiuf or 1-n.3
of bitter doses, with the pain and griping
Pills. One pill a dose.
More Merchants
and Buyers
Will visit Portland this Sum
mer than ever before.
New records for volume of
business will be established.
Time and labor-saving of
fice appliances should com
mand your attention, so that
you may properly care for
your share.
Up-to-date methods save ex
pense and create the right im
pression on a visitor.
(Short-Cut Billing.)
(Braln-Savtrig Addition.)
(Seals $2500 Per Hour-X
(Clear Copies Quickly.)
(Steel or Wood.)
Glass SPrudhonime Co.
Piano Buyers
"We ask you tcusee our splendid
assortment of Pianos the finest pos
sible to procure comprising over 15
different makes and in their different
styles and cases, makjng a selection
of some 75 different instruments.
Surely you could find something
here to please you. It costs nothing
to look, and by so doing you may
save many dollars and also regrets.
Our easy-payment system will appeal
to you. Come and let ns explain it.
$10.00 is all you need to start with.
(Stcinway and other Pianos)
Corner Morrison and West Park Sts.
40 Sixes, 18e to Se "Fnrh.
A. 8AXTAJELJLA Jt CO., Maiers, Tamps. 21a,
G ERS ON & HART, Qlsiribuisrs, Portland, Or.'
Park and Washington, Portland, Oregon
"The School of Quality"
Open all the year. Catalogue free
Connoisseurs Understand
Whiskey, pld, mellow and delightfully palatable, it is the ideal stimulant
We do crown and bridge work with
out pain. Our 18 years' experience In
plate work enables us to flt your
mouth comfortably.
Dr. W. A. Wise has found a safe
way to extract teeth, absolutely with
out pain. Dr. T. P. VIsa Is an ex
pert at gold filling a'nd crown and
bridge work. Extracting free when
plates or bridges are ordered.
WISE BROS., Dentists
Failing bldg.. cor. Sd and Wash. sts.
Open evenings till a P II. Sundays
from O to 12. Or. Alain 20'20.
Hie Portland
Do you love good music? You
can select your choice from a port
folio of 500 pieces of popular music
of the world, and Professor Am
sterdam and his Hungarian orches--tra
will render It for you.
Everything to eat and drink, and
It costs no more In the
Portland Hotel Kathskeller
than els"vhere in the city. Every
weekday night from 9:30 to 12.
1 in the richest grain, fruit and stock section ia
the world. Thousands of acres of land at actual
cost of irrigation. Deed direct from State of
MAP FREE. Deschutes Irrigation and Power Com-pxnj-,6io-i
i-nMcKay Building, PortlandjOrcgoa.
Prompt and carefjl attention siren to
developing, ilnlshin and enlarging:. Snap
shots dereloped ono day. finished prints the
next. Photos for cuts a specialty. George
3r. Strong:, commercial photographer. 163
"West Tark street.
ymr doctor will fell you
(there is no such, thing as indigestion "where the
month fluids mix liberally and are swallowed with
the food you eat. " Chiclets' ' stimulate the nec
essary flow of saliva, adding some pungent pep
permint sweeten the stomach, cleanse the mouth
and hid farewell to indigestion.
to be had at all the better hind of stores
W. I. K O SEN STEIN". 154 California
That There Is Nothing Better
As An Easter
The electric light has manifold a'dvan
tages for lighting stores, dwellings,
churches and all public buildings. Wa
are prepared to undertake all "neces
sary wiring, furnishing all supplies
and fittings
Lot the advent of Easter be a light
of joy in fact as in theory.
Western Electric Works
No. Gl Sixth Street,' Corner Pine,
Portland, Ore.
We are headquarters for
French ranges, portable
and brick set; cabinet bake
ovens, retinned and copper
restaurant utensils, steel
ranges and cook stoves.
PHOHE Mr.iH 985.
Take "S" Car, to H. 13tb and Irrtns Sts.
In the optical line, who always follow fairs
like merry-go-rounds, Ferris wheels and
fortune tellers are now headed for Port
land. They are enemies to vision and
should be avoided like any other pestilence.
OttriSttr considered, thaw- asy oih?
Needles, Oil, Repairs
402 VTasblnstoa.
So4 Morrison Street.
L40 WUlInuM AicnueEast SSdcX
Portland, Oregon.
For modern dental worlc
World-ranownad BpeclaJUta.
Lowest pric consistent wlta &rstebuH
Go to th
A $12.00 FULL. SET
FOR 50.00.
Evenings. Monday
and Thursday, until 8.
Fred rreba. D. D. S.
405 Dekum Bide
fichwab' Printing Co.
st.. San Francisco, Cal.. BepresentatlTe,