Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 21, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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FRIDAY. APRIL 21. 1905.
France is playing a part unworthy of
her. She has great place in the his
tory of the modern world. She has
done immense things for mankind in
art, science and politics. The part she
has borne in the struggle for liberty
and in propagation of its ideas entitles
her to the gratitude of mankind. But
France now is making a fool of herself.
She is in alliance with Russia, with
whom she has not a single feeling or
thought or aspiration in common, in the
vague hope merely of having the assist
ance of Russia, at some time In future,
for obtalnment of revenge on Germany
for defeat In the latest Franco-German
France therefore now is virtually the
ally of Russia, in th$ war between Rus
sia and Japan. She allows her ports In
the Orient to be used as bases for Rus
sian naval operations, and even as har
bors of refuge and supply. France has
no grievance against Japan, but wishes
to conciliate Russia. And her wish to
conciliate Russia and to attach Russia
to herself is based on the hope that she
may And Russia an ally at some future
time. In the wish of France to execute
her cherished policy of. "revanche" on
Germany. -
The attitude Is unworthy of France.
She has nothing in common with Rus
sia. Germany and Russia have more in
common with each other than either
can ever have in common with France,
Again, the greatness of France consists
not merely in the achievements of her
arms great as those achievements
have been; but In the progress of Ideas
born within her, which have penetrated
and "tetill will penetrate, the entire
world. France need not show any. par
tiality in the struggle between Russia
and Japan: but France, as the mother
of liberal ideas, mother, too, of science
and art that so largely prevail through
out the world and-yet have conquests
to make, debases herself, degrades her
ideals and casts doubts on her glory,
by siding with Russia against Japan
And the motive, too, is so unworthy!
France, indeed, wasdefeated in a great
war. But it was nothmgHer ideals,
the spirit within her though It requires
check and correction? her place in his
tory, what she has done for art, for lit
erature, for science, for liberty, for
progress of the human race these are
hex victories, overtopping all her vic
tories in war great as these have been
France is not doing the right thing.
She is.showlng a partiality for Russia,
from a motive that .discredits her. She
is allowing Russia to use her ports in
the Orient,, as bases lor war against
Japan, in the hope of finding Russia her
ally in some -future contest against Ger
many. This will fail. France will be
the dupe of her own motive of revenge.
The world will not allow Japan to 'be
the victim of it. France should aban
don It, and must abandon it.
Shpuld the proposal to double, or to
increase .greatly, the assessment of
Portland and of Multnomah County be!
accepted, there would undoubtedly be
much increase of city and county ex
penditure because the rate of taxation
or annuaf levy certainly would not be
reduced in proportion to the Increase of
the general valuation. A consequence
would be that though there would be
reduction of the rate, each taxpayer
would actually pay more. High or full
valuation means extravagance, poorly
A jotal valuation of $60,000,000 would
give $2,400,000, at a 40-mill rate. Taxa
tion now stands substantially on thjs
basis. A valuation raised to $120,000,000
would require but a 20-imIJl rate to pro
duce $2,400,000. But the levy would not
be kept down. Even If it started at 2i
mills, that; rate would be exceeded
quickly indeed after the very first
year; and it would grow rapidly. For
more and more things would be wanted
by one and another; a low tax levy
would be pointed at as proof that they
could be afforded, and ere long we
should be' paying 40 mills again, on th
increased valuation.
Beginning with the present year, thej
counties are to pay state taxes on a
scale proportionate to the annual
amount of their expenditures, respect--ively,
during live-year periods. That is,
each county Is to pay Such proportion of
state tax as its average amount of ex
penditure for the period bears to the
total amount of expenditures for county
purposes in all -the counties of the state.
A high assessment in Multnomah
would unquestionably lead to excess of
county expenditures in various ways,
and therefore to increase of the state
tax, beyond the county's rightful pro
portion. The Oregonian concedes that some in
crease of the general valuation is neces
sary, from year to year. Most of this
should come from natural growth or
from creation of new property, and
some part from judicious readjustment
and even increase of old values. But to
double the total valuation at a jump, or
to increase it greatly, will "leacl to gen
eral extravagance and consequent op
pression of property, industry and busi
ness. In the judgment of The Orego
nian, the people would not approve the
large increase which Assessor Slgler ap
pears to favor. v
The chatter of the New York World
about President Roosevelt and a third
term may be Intended seriously, but It
has the appearance of a stupendous
joke. It has had the effect, however, of
starting wide discussion of third-term
possibilities and whether the President
would consider himself bound under all
circumstances to refuse a call from his
party to'?un again. It will be remem
bered that Mr. Roosevelt was nominat
ed for Vice-President in 1900 over his
vehement protest; but of course he ac
cepted. On the contrary, he was a year
ago an open candidate for. the Presi
dential nomination, and, after the death
of Mr. Hanna, there was no real talk
about anyone else.
It is not the Roosevelt method to say
one thing and mean another. When he
made his famous declaration, Novem
ber 8. 1904. that he would under no cir
cumstances seek or accept another
nomination, he unquestionably meant
precisely what he said. No single pub
lic act or word since then has given
the slightest Indication that he regret
ted his decision, spontaneous and unex
pected as it was; but on the other hand,
it Is to be observed that he assumes
that the public takes it for granted that
some other will be his successor. For
example, we find him saying in his
peech at Dallas, Tex.:
I shall be permanently through with my
present position four years hence, and then
am coming: straight to Texas and set at j
certain facts that I desire in order to write
up and make an- early history of Texas.
Commenting upon this candid expres
sion, the Washington Post says:
The Texas declaration adds nothing to the
force and effect of its predecessor of Novem
ber. 1904. We imagine that no doubt exists
In the mind of any honest and Intelligent
citizen that the President, In both of those
utterances, meant precisely what . he said.
And that unhesitating, absolute belief In his
honesty and sincerity would tend to promote
rather than prevent the occurrence of condi
tions that would set him free from those
declarations and imperatively c.-ll him to
the acceptance of a nomination.
It Is conceivable, of course, that con
ditions may be present In 190S that will
justify a reconsideration of President
Roosevelt's resolution. Trust legisla
tion, railroad-rate regulation and other
reforms earnestly desired by the pebple,
and peculiarly Identified with the
Roosevelt policies, are not likely to be
fully consummated; and there may be a
general demand that he continue his
work. But. in that event we may ex
pect to see a sturdy reaffirmation of
the President's position, and an Intima
tion from him that. If the people desire
his' policies made effective, the party
has but to nominate some one pledged
to carry them out. There Is no reason
to suppose that the Republican masses
will three years hence any the less
earnestly desire a "square deal" for
every man than they do now. With
President Roosevelt the "square deal"
has become a working formula prac
tically applied to all our affairs. Any
Republican candidate who places that
motto on his banner and all will and
convinces the public that he means It,
will have very little trouble at the
polls; may readily be believed
that any candidate who Is not entirely.
in earnest about it may encounter the
opposition of the Immense Roosevelt
following at the Republican National
Citizens of the wide district desig
nated, as the "East Side" will on May
1 receive their mail as promptfy as do
those on the West Side. Heretofore all
malls have been taken to the main
postofflce Tor distribution, and East
Side residents have suffered annoying.
and sometimes serious, delay In receiv
ing their quota. The discontinuance of
Station A marked additional delay and
inconvenience, and the number of car
riers was not equal to the task of de
llvering the mails, when distributed, on
time. All of these things have been.
or soon will be, corrected. Station A re-established In a central loca
tion and East Side malls will be
sent there direct from the trains.
A demand for Increased postal facil
itles is the surest Indication of the
progress of any community or section
thereof along permanent and prosper
ous lines. To comprehend Teally the
growth of Portland In home building,
a wide tour of the East Side is neces
sary. The demand for increased postal
facilities Is art index to this growth,
but to comprehend its volume one must
see for himself the homes that are
springing up, not pnly within the broad
area of the city limits, but in the
suburbs that are In close touch with the
city In every direction.
Following the rapjd increase in homes
and the demand for additional postal
facilities comes the cry for Increased
school accommodations. A progressive
community listens Intelligently to such
demand and in response levies a kindly
tax upon Itself to meet It A High
School building will soon rise on the
East Side, and In the meantime such
further additions as are necessary to
meet the growing pressure upon the
grammar schools will be made to the
various buildings.
All of these elements of growth are
of the most satisfactory and substan
tial kind. They are not based upon
moving excitement or the coming and
going of visitors. They Indicate devel
opment of our material resources and
investment of capital in legitimate busi
ness In a field, the natural resources
of which are enormous and relatively
untouched; and that offers safe and
profitable returne. Growth thus based
cannot be a transitory thing. Our
Tiomes, old and new, are here to stay
our great business blocks represent a
trade that is here in response to de
mand; our manufacturing plants have
not grown up in a single year, but
have followed a careful investigation
of prudent capitalists. There is noth-
ing ephemeral in such a growth. The
Lewis and Clark Fair will 'quicken It
for a time, but there is no reason, in
the experience of other cities, to sup
pose that It will unsettle or cause
a serious check to this .growth.
Those among us who indulge in
forebodings to this effect have failed
to take note of the indications of
our progress and development that
are not in any degree dependent
UDon the TExnositibn activity in home
building, growdng demand for business
property, increase in manufactures,
growth of school population, extension
of our streetcar service and the re
course of the Government to the urgent
request of the people of a wide section
of the city for additional postal accom
modations and service.
There was another terrific break in
tne cnicago wneat marKet yesterday,
the day's trading closing with a net
loss of nearly 4 cents per bushel on the
Aiay option, xne clique or. wan-street
plungers reputed to be Interested in the
apparent attempt to corner May wheat
undoubtedly' has sufficient money to
carry Its deal over into July, as Joseph
Lelter attempted to do with his cele
brated May deal. In the end, however,
It is difficult to see where they can un
load without a tremendous loss. Wheat
prices in uiucago tnrougnout tne season
have been far above a parity with the
UUIUJJU maixvca, iuu uig ibuii. ucto
been the smallest exports of American
wheat that have been recorded in more
than twnty-five years.
But not all of the high-priced wheat
which the foreigners could not afford
to purchase from us was consumed In
this country. It has been stored away
awaiting the rise to $2 per bushel which
bullish operators have been predicting.
The mills have been importing. Cana
dian wheat in bond and grinding it for
the foreign trade, and have been hold
ing their own local trade with flour
made from the best, wheat they could
get at reasonable prices. The select
stock which will pass muster on the
Chicago Board of Trade has been accu
mulating to meet the demands of Mr.
Gates and his clique when settling day
comes. Statisticians can figure on the
crop narvestea ana crop experts can.
estimate the one to arrive, but with the
best testimony that can be secured to
aid them, the efforts of the most power
ful manipulators In the world to give
wheat an artificial value are defied by
the wheat Itself. It broke Marshall,
Dresbach, Hutchinson, Lelter, Phillips
and every other man who ever attempt
ed to carry a corner to any creat
length. Within less than sixty days
new-crop wheat will be pouring Into the
granaries of the Southwest.
The crop Is not yet made, but it is
far enough along to induce any man
who possesses any old-crop wheat to
dump it on the market at the extrava
gantly high prices to which the May
deal has forced it. This Is the wheat
that Is In a fair way to put some deep,
long "crimps" in the pocketbooks of the
men who have fathered the deal now
approaching culmination. It was re
tained while Oregon and Washington
were dumping millions of bushels into
the Eastern markets, but a vast
amount of it Is bound to come out In
the near 'future. High 'prices have al
ways been the supreme test, and they
have never yet failed to start the
wheat. In Frank Norrls' great epic of
the wheat. "The Pit," Jadwln saw the
market slipping out of his grasp. In
graphic language Norrls explains the
It was the wheat, the wheal-! It was on
the move again. From the farms of Illinois
and Iowa, from the ranches of Kansas and
Xerbaska, from all the reaches ot the Middle
West, the wheat, like -a tidal wave, was rts.
Ing, rising. Almighty, blood brother to the
earthquake, coeval with the-volcano and the
whirlwind, that gigantic world-force, that
colossal billow, Nourisher ot the Nations,
wan swelling and advancing.
We may not see the finish of the pres
ent big deal until July, but if present
prices are mamtamea, tney win ne at a
cost that wouid have staggered the men
who attempted similar deals in the past,
The spectacular Mr. Gates has crowded
his bulky form farther into- the lime-
ngnt man it nas ever Deen oeiore, ana
will undoubtedly spend considerable
money to hold his position, but It is in
Attention is called by the chaplain of
the Seamen's Institute to the fact that
the water of the Willamette River
along the shore line is made unfit for
the use of sailors aboard ship in
the harbor by discharge therein of
city sewage. Unless there is some
radical defect in the sewerage sys
tem. or something is the matter be
yond the mere fact that the sewers dis
charge into the river, it is difficult to
see how the condition of which com
plaint is made can be changed. The
matter would appear to be largely with
the shipmasters and sailors themselves.
Typhoid, of which complaint is made.
is not an air-borne disease. To con
tract it the germs must be taken
through the mouth into the stomach
A little Intelligent care In boiling the
water used, or in procuring that used
for drinking purposes off shore or on
shore, would avert the menace- In
other words. If individuals in such cases
would rely upon themselves for protec
Hon, the difficulty would approach so
Shipmasters and sailors cannot be ig
norant of the fact that the sewers of
Portland discharge Into the river; nor
need they be Ignorant of the location
of the mouths of these great drains.
Common prudence, with such sanitary
knowledge as all Intelligent men are
supposed to possess on a matter so vital
to health, suggests the safe course to
pursue in such cases. It may be easier
to make complaint to the municipal au
thorltles about the pollution of the
river water close Inshore through the
discharge of sewage Into it than to
boll the drinking water used on shlp-
board, or to procure It from the nearest
Bull Run faucet; but it Is not likely
that the first process will prove as ef
fective as the second. Contributory
negligence has a good standing In all
pleas for personal Injury at the bar of
public opinion as well as before the
Our good old Uncle Sam moves in a
mysterious way his labors to perform.
If a atakelight on some unimportant
promontory loses its brilliancy, or a
spar buoy drifts a few feet away from
Its proper moorings, a good-sized tender
.with a large crew of trained men is
dispatched to the scene of the trouble.
But our Uncle is less prompt on some
more important matters. For over -a
month the cable connecting North Head
llfesavng station and "Weather Bureau
with the outside world'has been broken.
Reports of shipping have been delayed.
and, if we consider the past work of the
cable, when vessels were outside in dis-
tress, It would not be exaggeration to
say that human life was Imperiled by
the delay. The only effort that has
been made to recover the cable was
with a diminutive craft not very well
equipped for the work, and she was re
tired as soon as she ran out of fuel.
If the Government cannot spare some
of Its numerous lighthouse tenders for
the work, a good tugboat should be se-
cured at once and the "cable picked up,
ap.Hced and placed in working order,
Minister John Barrett seems to have
reached his limit as a diplomat. An en
couraging feature of the situation is
that he himself recognizes this fact and
has asked to be relieved from further
duty In that line. He discharged the.
duties of his first appointment in the
foreign service acceptably, and won the
aDDrobation of the President and the
favor of tne Admmlstration. but he has
apparently been unable to maintain the
that h won. He Is to be con-
gratulated upon the keenness of pollt-
leal vision that enabled him to discern
this fact and accept Its results without
subjecting the Government to embar
rassment and himself to humiliation.
A man who decides under such circum
stances that he does not want to belong
to the diplomatic corps anyway is to be
commended for his adroitness. It Is
not every one who is wise enough to let
himself down easily when it is made
known to him through official channels
tnat ne fca8 outlived his usefulness as a
"public functionary." Good for Minis
ter John Barrett!
The dredge Chinook, the white ele
phant which ate up-so much of the jetty
appropriation that we are almost cer- I
tain to run short before the great work
Is completed, is now headed for Port
land to go into retirement. There Is a'
difference of opinion as to the merits of
the Chinook as a channel-builder. There
Is no difference regarding the work of
the jetty In the same field, and It is
accordingly the best policy to stick to
the method by which we know good
work has been accomplished, instead
ot proceeding with experiments at a
time when we have so much at stake.
As an aid to the jetty, the Chinook
will be a eood thlncr to have around.
but where there Is an Insufficient
amount of monev to maintain hoih th
Chinook and the jetty work, the former,
and not the natter, must be dropped.
Now It Is the Peruvian government
that is preparing to add to the gaiety
of nations by declaring war against I
Brazil or Chile. The government Is re-
ported to have bought several thousand
rifles in Austria and Germany and three
armored cruisers from Italy. There Is
just enough of a war cloud coming
up over, the European horizon to war
rant Germany and a few other powers
keeping all of their arms, ammunition
nn,1 wnrshlnc whpro thov will V )mn(w
to use on short notice. Brazil and
Chile as yet are making no active prep
arations to cope with Peru. They
probably regard the Peruvian bark as
worse than Its bite.
j-ne act ot tne tast. jegtsiaiure wnicn
"'t w B"un. me payment ui
uu.a uiuuricu iur -uuniij expenses is a
reasuimuie provision, juiis act gives a
measure-of relief to merchants against
bad debtors and still leaves the family
a sufficient portion of the wages to sup
ply immediate needs. The exception
that has been made In the law regard
ing the exemption of wages from gar
nishment applies only to debts for fam
ily expenses, which class of debts Is
entitled to preference. Knowledge that
payment of a debt of this kind can be
enforced will tend to diminish the num
ber of bad debtors.
San Francisco's grafting Mayor was
elected by votes from men of all party
faith. His only claim to recognition for
such a high office was the fact that he
was a "labor" man. his particular
branch of labor consisting of playing
the violin In an orchestra. Demand or
his dfefeat Is now being made by thou-
sands of men who assisted In electing
him. As Schmltz possessed none of
the qualifications fitting him for the
position he holds, his failure to give San
Francisco anything but a disgraceful
administration is not surprising.
The careful management of the
finances of the Baby Home and the de
voted efforts of Its friends are wit
nessed In the handsome and commodi
ous new building that Is to be dedi
cated to the use qf this tender charity
on April 22. The statement that the
building will be free of debt when it Is
dedicated represents the generosity of
many donors and self-denying effort on
the part of the members of the board of
The mines at Goldfleld may not prove
as rich as some of the Klondike won'
ders, but the "press agents" for some
of the new towns in that desert region
are so far ahead jot anything ever' de
veloped In the frozen North that they
must, for the present at least, remain in
a class by themselves. Between the big
strikes and the black death, the Gold
fleld and Tonopah districts are filling
considerable newspaper space.
Governor Brady, of Alaska, seems to
beanother Government official who did
not know enough to keep the good opln
Ion of the President and the Adminis
tration when he had It, by confining
himself strictly to the legitimate duties
of his position. Perhaps he, too, will
come to his own rescue by handing In
his resignation at Washington.
Johann Hoch. the modern Bluebeard,
is desirous of being tried for his crimes
before a Jury composed of Germans.
He professes to believe that such a jury
would acquit him. A great many Ger-
mans would not be averse to serving on
the Jur' ior thc purpose ot getting even
wlth coldblooded murderer for the
insult he thus offers the race.
Mr. Hyde thinks the demand of the
general agents that he resign "imperti
nent, extraordinary. Insulting and -most
preposterous." Naturally.
The civilization of the Japanese is
complete. They have sent a baseball
nine to the United States.
The difficulty seems to be to convince
Mr. Hyde that the $400,090,000 Equita
ble assets are not all his.
To Joe Jefferson: May you live long
ana prosper. .
Now doth the busy milliner Improve the shin-
Ins hours
By covering frames, for Easter day, with
artificial flowers".
Now, too. the grasping florist looks forward
with treat mirth
To selling hothouse flowers for three times
what they're worth.
It is to be hoped that when Secretary
Loeb started on his 2D-mile trip, as
mounted messenger, he provided, himself
with a bottle of witch hazel.
To overwork an old one. It 'may be
permissible to say that when Minister Bar-
rett opened his mouth at Panama, he put
bis foot in it
Of Judge Alton B. Parker's latest, the
Chicago Tribune says: "He. being dcadl
yet speaketh."
Our office boy "thinks. President Roose
velt ought not to try to catch grizzlies
with his bear hands.
"Unlike the big league tQwns early in
the season, Portland does not need stoves
1" the grandstand
Hired men of the Equitable formally
asking the proprietor" to resign presents a
new phase In .the labor problem worth
studying by trade economists.
Grafting Murphy;-.. of Tammany, may
plead in extenuation that he is no worse
than the Red Cross Society of St. Peters
burg. ' ,
Now that Andrew Carnecle has au
thoritatively declared that the only true
aristocracy is made up of men who serve
their fellow men, perhaps It will be well
to dispense with restaurant and hotel
"It Is better," declared Dr. Dowle's
overseer and understudy at Zlort City,
"to live, dlo and go to hell than never
to have lived at all." Which will be
comforting to a good many people with
no other' prospect
Giovanni Robena, a Genoese, thinks the
course of true love ran rough for him,
He climbed to the roof of his sweetheart's
house to speak to her, fell -half way
through the tiles and remained jammed
there till morning, when he was soaked
with cold water and horsewhipped by the
girl's brother.
Trodden Hard.
Three thousand years or more ago
King Solomon, both rage and bard.
Observed, a fact he noted thus: x
"The wy of the transgressor's Hard."
The Question why In oft discussed.
But .this solution seems complete:
The dinner's way is hard because
It's trodden by so many feet.
3 mart Set
In an old Virginia cemetery there Is a
weather-beaten tombstone bearing these
Inscriptions: ,
"I await my husband. May 25, 1S40.
Here I am. December 14, 1S61."
Some joker has added:
"Late as usual.".
Dr. William Oaler,, of Johns Hopkins
and Oxford, telle this story: An old
darky quack, well known in cortaln sec-
"ie pmk mo nouse-
of a planter whose wife was roported to
be dangerously 11L Stopping at the. gate,
he called to one of the hands
"I say, Rastua, how's the" missus?'
"Well," replied Raatuf, "the doc tart done
E3V thl matLTlIn' dot- nhn ennvatntunt "
..Hmr,h rinr nthin- ml
perior wIgdom. "Why, I've done cured
convalescence in twenty-foah hours
Origin of "Oregon."
Indianapolis Star.
What Is moro probable than that
as the English called their new homo
"New England" and the Dutch called
their new settlement "New Amster
dam, ' and Canada became "Now
France," so the Spanish explorers
called their Pacific discoveries "Ara
gon?" Or, they mny have used the
word merely to tell the Indians whence
they came and where 'their nllcglance
was. Oregon Is not llko the Indian
names of the Northwest. "Aragon"
would be pronounced to Carver llko
"Oregon" In English. The theory is
one that can never be proved, as Pro
fessor Gannett says In a note to the
Star, but it Is the most satisfying that
has ever been advanced.
Doubtless If the truth were known
there are many of our geographical
and ethnological names that arose' out
of similar exercises In transferring
words from one language to another.
One of the commonest words In the
Spanish vocabulary Is "Jesus," which
the traveler sees so often to his dis
may on signs In Spain and Spanish-
America. It Is pronounced In Spanish
as we pronounce "Yazoo." What Is
more rtrobable than that the American
"Yazoo Is derived, something as "Ore
gon" was derived from "Aragon," from
the Spanish "Jesus?" It seems to us
far more credible than theN Geological
Survey's explanation that "Yazoo" is
an Indian name, meaning "to blow on a
wind instrument ' The word "Yazoo"
Is no more like the Indian order of
"Appallachlcola" and "Tallahassee"
than Oregon is like "Walla Walla' or
Strong on Discretion.
Discretion is a beautiful thing, and here
is a story about an Irish tailor who had
a heap of it
One morning, Mrs. Murphy,- a customer.
came into the shop and found him busy
with pencil and paper. She asked him
what he was doing.
Ol'm makln a Hsht av the mln In this
block who Ol kin lick."
"Hev yes got Murphy's name down?"
asked she.
"-Murphy heads mc-lisht."
Home flew Mrs. Murphy and broke the
news to her man. Ho was In the tailor
shop in a jiffy.
Me" woman tells me that ye're afther
making a memorial tablet uv the mln
that yez can lick, and that ye've got me
at tho head of It. Is that true?"
'Shure and It's true. What of It?"
said the tailor.
"Ye . good for nothin' little grasshopper,
I could commit suicide on yez with me
little linger. I could wipe up the flurc
f wld yez wld nie hands tied behind me."
"Are ye sure ot that? asked tho tailor.
"Shure? I'm shure about It."
"Well, then." said the tailor, "if ye're
shure ot It. I'll scratch' ye off the Hsht." -
The Last Hostile Comes In.
New York Sun.
Th Hon. James K. Vardaman. Gov-
ern0r of Mississippi. Is strongly Amerind
of lineaments and hair, but he has not
the Amerind temperament. He can for
give. Expressing himself with the high
colored imagery and nervous tomahawk
manner of the children of the forest, he
spoke hot words of the Great Fathey at
Washington. Now he buries the hatchet.
Kindly smoke rises from his .pipe of
peace. Perpetual Indian Summer wraps
him round:
"With all my heart I wish Mr. Roosevelt
well, and am willing to overlook his pecu
liarities and idiosyncracies. I should like
to be friend with ' him.
So cracks off the last daub of war paint
The bob- cat whirls around in happy pur-
nf Hr ntcn talk The "TCVlf rlon
chanees its totem and adonis the lamb.
1-Tbe long peace has besun.
Man's Foolish and Futile Efforts to Get the neat of Nature Successive
Stories of Spectacular Failure.
New Tork World.
The history of the Gates wheat deal Is
very much like that of all previous at
tempts' tc corner a commodity.
The history of, efforts" to "corner'' com
modities of life In America has many In
teresting chapters, the moral ' of each
being that you cannot corner Nature.
Men can Juggle railroads, bonds and
mortgages the visible supply is count
able, and there is n,o danger of a "hid
den surplus to be pushed torwara at tne
psychological moment and crush thcm.
In wheat, cbtton, sugar or anything that
grows in the ground, however, and-is de
pendent for it quantity on the sun and
rain, the smallness of humanity Is shown
everv time bv the occurrence of unfore
seen events that knock the plans of the
manipulators Into cocked hats.
In 1SD5 there was a shortage m tne
European wheat crop and England was
forced to buy from this country. Antici
pating this trade, a pool was formed In
Chicago, with H. O. Armour at the head
of it, and William H. Wallace, a notable
"carrier" of wheat, to corner tne Jiay
crop of the United States.
The deal went along swimmingly, and j
it was finally believed that every kernel
of the American supply had come Into
the control of the Chidago syndicate.
Thousands of bushels were loaded on
ships for Liverpool, and, the supply in
the onlted States being tnereoy an tne
more limited, prices went soaring as they
had never done before. The Armour syn
dicate was just about to pat Itself on the
back and close out at a tremendous profit
when news flashed across the continent
from San Francisco of the existence of
thousands of bushels of wheat In Cali
fornia storehouses, which had been gath
ered In by an opposition force headed by
Charles K. Fair, uown went, me price
of wheat and up went those of the Chi
cago syndicate, who were not quick
B. P. Hutchinson, a picturesque figure
of the Chicago Board of Trade, known
familiarly as "Old Hutch," made an al
most successful effort to corner wheat In
the fall of 1SS8. In August of that year
wheat was selling at between Slti and 01
cents a bushel. "Old Hutch" began his
operations, and by skillful buying at last
had the market so nearly cornered that
wheat In September sold at the astonish
ing price of $2. The seaboard cities had
only as much as they needed for their
own consumption, there were hundreds of
thousands of bushels on their way to
England", and all wheat must be pur
chased from Chicago.
Suddenly reports began to come In of
unexpected yields from Western wheat
fields, yields of which the Hutchinson
contingent had known nothing, or' if they
had heard rumors had not expected that
the news could reach the market in time
to keep them from unloading at a tre
mendous profit But the telegraph spoiled
their plans, and as the new wheat camo
in, the price dropped till It had fallen
nearly to the August figures, and thou
sands wera ruined. '
It was in April. 1S37, that Joe Leiter,
a newcomer to the Chicago wheat -pit.
backed bv his father's Immense wealth.
began to buy wheat. At first his efforts
were not taken with any great degree
of seriousness by the other operators,
but they soon smelled the rat, and the
price of wheat rose rapidly tin m .May
the cereal wash showing a large gain
In price. Letter-continued, however, buy-
Hebrew Standard.
We are not concerned with the pri
vate aspect of the engagement of a
certain Jewish writer down town and
a prominent Christian worker in the
University Settlement That they have
determined to marry Is c matter be
tween themselves, their God. and their
conscience. Their souls may harmon
ize or not They may have met In
the course of their pre-natal existence.
That is their own business, but at
tendant upon this affair are circum
stances which call forth comment, and
may Borve as a warning to Jewish
parents, particularly those living on
the East Side.
We do not believe in intermarriage.
a?d6Wlal1 yUr n,t Ztr!
should be warned against aon
1 6 Z wrIAn ither in a sn rit ! In APril- lS95-just J.en years agOr-the
Ch4tlansvho haVe made the world h - and suffered a relapse. Within the
better by living in It. but the Jew ""V,?" shf s on tne Point or
must remain a Jew. Un '.h gradually recovered her
As a rule Intermarriages between , sl,V,sin
Jews and Christians have turned out ,rne" commenced to appear in succea
unhapplly. Here and there are solitary i sIn the ten personalities. Tho last one.
examples whose wedded lives arq so ( which occurred a year and eight months
beautiful as to excite envy. The ex- after the first, took the form of blindness
ceptlon. however, proves the rule. In i and Imbecility. She understood nothing,
almost every Instance the Jewish man 1 and at times apparently could not hear,
and woman have become lost to Juda- f But she could draw perfectly though
Ism and the children educated as j sightless, notwithstanding she had never
Christians. This, of course, does not learned to do so In her normal condition,
refer to those who have remained 1 She was also able to detect by touch a
Jews and have persuaded the other J pencil mark on paper,
party to embrace our faith. Our Jew- Now at the age of 22, she is in good
lsh sages have always protested health, the best of hor personalities that
against proselytfsm, as they place showed itself having been educated and
proselytes in the same category as developed.
"lepers." Jews were not created as , The personalities manifested themselves
a nation for the purpose of asslmllat- as follows:
ing witn omer people. me
race was to be preserved separate and
distinct, and only when the Jew was
a Jew In the real sense of the word
was he in a position to fulfil the divine
..t- "R,. thm a Mp.sslntr"
t t i.i, t,ic omi nnt
Let Jewish clrls beware and not
permit themselves to be dazzled by
that will-o'-the-wisp universal broth
erhood and the ignis fatuus ot an im
mature philosophy. It is but an empty
dream. Naturally, there is the plea
of love. Call it love if you like. But
the disillusionment comes very soon
and the difference of temperament, ot
training, and of surroundings are more
powerful than the arrows with which
Cupid has pierced the hearts of men
and women. At some time or other,
earllor or later In the drama of life,
there comes the awakening, and with
It a realization of spiritual void."
To "Whirr Into Civilization.
From the San Francisco Argonaut
This lotter, from Fairbanks, Alaska, ad
dressed to a San Francisco shipping firm,
unfolds a whole volume of trial and tri
umph: "Dear Sir. I am at the head of
a party of Alaska Miners and are plan
ning a trip around the World, we have
Bin In this country 9 year and Just made
oure fortun the Last 2 year. So now We
are going to goy Life. We Don't know
if to go to New' York ore to San francisco.
We In tend to Be gone 2 year and Would
Like some Knowledge of our trip, there
Is 6 men In Our party Wo Done care
What It Cost We have a Barl of Money
and Know whare to get more, please
Write full Information. P. S. Would It
Be Cheaper to Buy a Boat If We can get
11 men In Our Party."
London Digs One Up.
London News.
The following dramatic story con
nected with the royal opening of a Par
liament Is almost two centuries old.
After Queen Anne had met her faithful
Lors of Commons, at the beginning of
one session of her reign.Nshe held court
in Westminster Hall. Within that his
toric edifice an old countryman took
keen note of the brilliant scene, and he
was asked by one of the silken gallants
of the period who was In attendance If
he had ever beheld anything like it
He replied. "Never: since I sat in that
chair!" Ho was Richard Cromwell, who
became protector in 1658, but retired
'after a few months' rule.
ing at variable prices, till in May, 1SSS,
the country was apprised of he fact
that IUer had "cornered" the market.
Prices soared as high as I1.S5 a bushel,
and. as the Lelter forces showed no dis
position to sell until they got their, own
price?, up went bread. The poor la East
ern cities were beginning to feel the ef
fects of this gigantic deal, and clergymen
preached from the pulpit against such
a monopoly. The foundations of a social
war were being laid by the young plunger
In Chicago, when all of a sudden the
stick If the rocket that had been going
up, up. up, began to turn and come down.
A tremendous crop of Fall wheat was
announced as a certainty, and Summer
wheat, of the existence of which the
Lelters had been kept in the dark by the
opposition forces-, was found to be stored
all over the country. Down camo the
price of wheat, and with it the profits
of the Lelter syndicate were wiped out
Their loss on the last deul wag esti
mated at $15,000,000? their net loss after
counting In their previous gain?, at 3,000,
000. Young Lelter was unable to meet
his obligations, and it looked as though
there would be terrible ruin In many
quarters when the elder Lelter stepped in
with his fortune and cleared the youngcr's
debts away. That wag the end of the
biggest wheat deal.
The failure of Daniel J. Sully to corner
the cotton crop last year Is well remem
bered. His was the most spectacular
piece of gambling on record, perhaps even
more so than the Lelter case.
Sully was a young broker in Providence.
R. I., a few years ago, and began to be
heard of when he undertook to build up
a market for Egyptian cotton. In 1502
he came to New York, having outgrown
Providence, and began his operations by
buying cotton at S cents a pound and
forcing it up to IS.
Sully circulated in a methodical, wide
spread way the news that the cotton crop
was sure to .be a small one. He urged
every one to buy. He got the Government
to believe that the boll weevil, an in
sect injurious to cotton was rampant' and
ready to eat all the cotton that could
grow. Ho scared everyone. The cotton
planters down South fell In with his
line of argument and cried disaster to the
cotton crop. Prices went up. All this
time Sully had been buying, and with
cotton at the price it had reached in thf
Winter of- 1S03-1 his profits were esti
mated to. be at least $5,000,000. But they
were on paper, for, though cotton was
high, the moment that Sully should begin
to sell. In order to realize his profit?,
down It would go, and he would be the
loser Here was another Illustration, In
a different way, of the difficulty of- cor
nering any commodity at a profit Sully
certalply had the cotton and had forced
the price up. But he could not collect
his earnings.
His rivals knew this and began to
sell. Sully had to buy to keep the price
up. Up, down, up. down it went till
the beginning of March it went down
and stayed down just long enough to
make It necessary for the firm of Sully
& Co. to announce Its failure.
What the losses were has not been
shown exactly even yet, but they were
high in the millions.
Who will make the next effort no one
can tell yet. but if he Is successful he
will have established a precedent that
belles the old gambling motto:
"You can beat a man at any game,
but you can't beat a maqhlne." Neither
can yo.u beat Nature.
The London newspapers are printing
extracts of a report of the Psychical Re
search Society, which contains the his
tory of an astonishing case of a girl pos
sessing ten separate and distinct person
alities within 20 months. The case Is be
ing much . discussed In medical circles.
The girl was a patient of Dr. Albert
Wilson, and so remarkable was the case
that Dr. Wilson laid It before a commit
tee of the Medico-Psychological Associa
tion, the members of which body, many
of whom were at first skeptical, all
agreed that the manifestations were un
doubtedly genuine. But they are unable
to offer any explanation of the occur
rence. Dr. Wilson renorted the case tn th
i Psychical Research Society, which
! now published It In its proceedings.
U) AprUi i6o Acute mania and intense
t fear, blindness, illusions as to tlie presence
i of snakes and a craving for oranges and
(- About a month later. A simple child,
n,th reversed Ideas as to writlny. etc. She
repudiate her r
name, but would respond oc
being referred to as "a thine,"
C!) July, 1895 Physical health Improved,
and she became very passionate, attempting:
to eat her clothes. She could read and
write, though unable to do bo when pos
sessed of personality No, 2,
4) August. 1S85 She became deaf
mute, and failed to hear loud noises elose
to her ears, but could speak in deaf and
dumb language.
(5) December. 1S03 She again reversed
thing?: called black white, and thin people
fat; she spelled backwards, but wrote for
wards. She believed she was three days old.
but understood everything; that waa goinir
on around hor. She was paralysed in her
legs at thin stage, but her condition changed
in an Instant She leaped from her bed.
ran upstairs, where sho threw herself to the
floor and revolved on her back and shoul
ders: also she rested on her head, and at
tempted to walk up walls. A few day
later she was again normal.
(6) May, 1S06 A sweet child, but totally
ignorant of spelling-, reading and writing.
This is tho personality that Is now being
developed satisfactorily.
(7) June. 1896 Remembered clearly her
early childhood, but not of and subsequent
to her Illness. This stage lasted a fortnight.
(8) June. 1896 A fit ot convulsions; com
plete loi of memory: patient believed eh
had been born the day before. She called
her father "Tom" and her mother "Mary.'
Lasted three days.
(9 October, 1890 Transition came grad
ually; fits of temper were noticed: she talked
like a young Infant, and could not walk;
but she could speak a little French, of
which language she was quite Ignorant in
her normal periods.
jflO) December, 1S96 The blind, imbecile
The Scared Hero.
Locomotive Engineering.
The man who goes down with his engine
in a wreck Is considered worthy of great
commendation, when the truth Is. as all
railway men arc aware, that the unfortu
nate in such- cases lost his nerve at the
critical moment and hesitated to jump.
When an accident is Impending, the conl
and collected engineer shuts off steam,
applies the brakes and opens the valves,
all of tho actions taking a few seconds.
Then he looks out for his own safety. An
other man becomes so frightened In the
presence of great danger that he does
nothing,- not even the possible, and he Is
the person likely to wear a martyrs