r THE MORNING OREGONIA, FRIDAY, 'APRIL 21, 190a.. CLUBBED BY II A POLICE MAN William Edelman Twice Snaps Trigger of Revolver, at Herman Carlson. ARRESTED AS A DRUNK Patrolman Knocks Him Down "With His iClub and Angry Crowd Surges About, Threatening Carlson for His Act. "When "William Edelman drew a revol ver from his hip picket, pressed the muz zle against Patrolman. Carlson's abdo men and pulled the trigger, scores of spectators In the Plaza block thought they were about to witness a murder. Twice was the weapon snapped. Then the police man laid his assailant low by a powerful blow from a club. Edelman dropped his revolver. It was seized by R. H. Price, an expressman, just as Sheriff "Word rushed up. An ex amination of the weapon proved it to be unloaded. Edelman soon regained his feet. There was a closing-ln of the eye-witnesses to Patrolman Herman X.. Carlson. the struggle, and some of the crowd that surged about cried out against Patrolman Carlson, charging him with cruelty. Slieriff "Word and Air. Price turned to the crowd, explaining that the policeman had been attacked by Edelman with a revolver, and most of the people quieted down. There were some, however, who made a demonstration, following the po liceman and his prisoner to police head quarters, where they complained to Cap tain Gritzroacher, commanding the day patrol. They charged tKat Carlson used undue force, but when the patrolman made his statement he was upheld In the action by the Captain and ordered back to his beat. There may bo further trouble, it is said, as some of Edelmcn's friends de clare ho was mistreated. A charge of disorderly conduct was lodged against the prisoner and he was placed in a cell of the City Jail. He will be arraigned today before Municipal Judge Hogue. "I found Edelman sleeping off a drunk on the grass in the Plaza block," said Patrolman Carlson. "I tapped him on the soles of his shoes and he leaped up. applying many vile eplthots to roe, and making ready to fight. I cautioned him to move on and avoid trouble, as I thought he was merely intoxicated. To my sur prise he drew out a -revolver and pressed the muzzle to my abdomen. I beard him snap the trigger and. tried to take the weapon from nlm. I thought if he snapped it again I would be killed. I then re sorted to my plub to knoc,k him down. I thought, of course, the revolver was loaded, and I think if I had drawn my revolver and shot him I would have been justified." George "Wickland, who rooms at 32 St George Hotel, was an eye-witness of the affair. He declares that Carlson treated Edelman so roughly that he -was justi fied in using any means to protect him self. He states that Edelman was asleep on the grass and the policeman tapped him on the feet to awaken him. This not bringing immediate effect, the po liceman grasped Edelman by the collar and threw him violently backwards. Edelman, ' still only half a.wake and stunned, swore at Carlson slightly and at that Carlson began to beat him with his billy over the head. "Wickland called on him to desist, but Carlson continued, and Edelman drew a revolver from his pocket and attempted to shoot. The po liceman escaping began even harder to belay his victim till the bystanders "were afraid he would break his head. In the scuffle one of Carlson's fingers was badly hurt. Edelman was- uninjured, although he claims to have been beaten into insensibility. He is a waiter in a North End restaurant. DENIES HE STOLE LUMBER J. R. Havely Sued for Carrying Off 70,000 Feet of Immber. J. K. Havely, of Brooklyn, finds him self defendant in a lawsuit in Justice "Walderaar Seton's court for the sum of $250, alleged to be due in a complaint filed by J. C. Burke, charging him with ap propriating 70,000 feet of lumber. It is set forth in tho complaint that Mr. Have ly did "unlawfully take and appropriate to his own use 70,000 feet of lumber stored on vacant ground between East Tenth and Eleventh streets, in November, 1904." Mr. Havely in his answer contents him self with a sweeping denial of every alle gation in the complaint, and demands that the case against him be dismissed, with costs and disbursements of the suit. The case will bo tried out today. It seems that Plaintiff Burke stored a quantity of second-hand lumber from some old buildings on grounds owned by J. A. Strowbridge, Jr., and the latter in an act of charity and goodness of heart, similar to that displayed by Artemus "Ward when he said he was willing to sacrifice ail his wife's relatives to save the Union, posted a notice on this pile of lumber, "Free wood." Inasmuch as wood costs money, this notice appealed very strongly to the attention of Mr. Havely and possibly many others, and the lum ber slowly disappeared, and hence Mr. Burke wants damages. PPSPfSSS ITEM'S. If Baby la ChWbe Teeth. Be sore ana use tn&t old and well-tried rexnedr, Mrs. "Wlnslow'B Soothing , Syrup, for children t re thine. It soothes the child. eoft3 the sum, dll&ys all ruin, core wind oollo and diarrhoea. THE MEIER. Sh FRANK STORE'S 60 1ST FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 350 Beautiful Silk Waists Values to $14 for $4.85 Today the greatest Silk Waist bargain Portland women have ever shared in A Surprise Sale offering that will attract a throng of eager buyers bright and early this morn ing 350 of the newest and prettiest Taffeta Silk, Lace Net and Crepe de Chine Waists Values up to $14.00 each for $4.85 Of course yon want one The lot inclndes tailored and fancy dress waists in dork shades and light evening shades An immense assortment of attractive styles including silk embroidered, English eyelet, deep fancy yokes, lace and shirred trimmed, fagotting yokes, etc, etc. All have the very latest style sleeves Colors include pink, light blue, myrtle, red, white, black, navy, brown, helio, terra cotta, etc. These waists pnrchesed from the largest and best silk waist manufacturer in New York City, whose product is famed for style and quality Fifth-street window display gives you the best idea of what extraordi nary bargains they are You'll have to come early if you .want one 2d Floor $4.85 Tne Meier Frank Store's Easter Sale of Men's Furnishing Goods Today and tomorrow men can supply their Easter needs here very economically Stylish and seasonable furnishings of every description marked at prices that will make hundreds of new friends for our Men's Wear Depts. Every item worthy your 'careful consideration 29c New lisle and web Suspenders, real kid ends ; big assortment of the very best patterns and color ; 50c values Men's white plaited Golf Shirts, this season's very best styles, Qr in all sizes; regular $1.00 values ; 50 dozen new Ties, large English Squares and Four-in-Hands, . best patterns in light and dark colors ; regular 1.00 values JUv Men's pure linen white hemstitched Handkerchiefs, our very sy best 25c values, on sale today and tomorrow 1 C C Xew styles in Men's fancy Half-Hose, plain and fancy lisle, q very latest in clocked and woven effects, 50c values Men s heavy twilled muslin Night Shirts, made large in bofly Cfs and extra long, all sizes: greatest Night Shirt bargain at OOC Men's white honeycombed mesh Underwear, shirts and draw- ers, all sizes, best 50c values, for & irC Men's Mercerized lisle Underwear, Spring weight, form-fitting, AO blue, pink and tan; best $1.25 value, for JrGG Boys' 50c colored Golf Shirts, each 39 Women's Mannish Shirts of Pongee Silk, all sizes, great value. Sjsl. 69 Pen-ins' $3,25 Kid Gloves $1.59 Pr. All our $2.00 and $125 grade of "Perrins " Teal French Kid Gloves, glaco and suedes, overseam and piques for dress and street wear; two and three-clasp styles in pearl or metal fasteners; sizes 5 to 7; black, -white, mode, tan, grays, reds and opera shades; the greatest Easter i cq slove bargain In town at this low price, pair I.JTy 16-button-Iength glace Kid Gloves. In light opera shades, 5 Q to 6. best $2.00 values, pair v Perrins fancy-cuff Gloves. Royal Scotts, Van Dyke, Manchettes, fancy em broidered backs and cuffs lined to match embroidery: attractive com binations In blacks, tans, red and white, 5 to 6; $3.30 e o values, on sale for, pair ya,Cr Women's Neckwear Bargains Today White linen Sailor Collars. English eyelet embroiderj't assorted de signs; best $2.00 and c j An $2.50 values I.y Florodora Scarf Ties. In plain taf feta and Persian colorings: all the very newest effects; $1 and fl $1.25 values for tfVC Tucked mull and sheer lawn Cuff and Collar Sets; trimmed In Val enciennes lace and Insertion; great special Easter value at 24c f Deep Silk Turnovers, embroidered in colors, also white linen slot turnovers of mercerized cotton, embroidered: regular $1.00. in $1.25 and $1.50 values for....4-VC Xew "Rajah" Scarf Ties, with silk embroidered flowers, brown, champagne, light blue, red and green; great special at 40c Fancy "Set Top Lace Stocks, pleated Jabots; white, light blue jfl and pink; 75c values for. ...r"C Misses' and Children's Shoes Great Easter Bargains Today and Tomorrow. $2.35 $2.05 $1.55 $2.05 Misses' $3.00 hand-sewed patent colt lace Shoes, J. & T. Cousins' famous make, in sizes 12 to 2, pair. '. . Misses' $2.50 hand-sewed kid lace Shoes, best makes, in sizes 12 to 2, great value, pair .. Misses' $2.00 kid and box calf Shoes in the very best lasts, sizes 12 to 2, great values at, pair Children's Shoes in patent colt, lace, 9 to 11; the best $2.50 values, on sale today and tomorrow, pr Children's kid lace Shoes, 9 to 11, $2.25 values, pair $1.90 Children's kid and box calf Shoes, 9 to 11, $1.50 values, pr.$1.05 Children 's Shoes in vici kid and patent leather, blue kid and red kid ; also fancy styles ; sizes 2 to 5 and 5 to S ;. $1.25 and $1.50 values, for, pair &C Little Gents' vici kid, box calf and satin calf lace Shoes, 10 to lZy2, $1.18 pair; 1 to 2, $1.38 pr.: 2y2 to 5, pair. .. .$1.48 Women's and Misses' Oxfords in patent leather, vici Q LQ kid and tans, all sizes, $2.50 values, pair V 00 Housekeeping Helps Basement Everything jn warm weather Housekeeping Necessities and at the very lowest prices Basement. $9.00 ...$45.00 $6.00 50c $2.00 $3.50 $7.00 Lawn Mowers in all sizes, each. $2.60 up to Refrigerators, 25 models, all sizes, each, $8.25 to Ice Cream Freezers, all sizes, best kinds, $1.50 to "Window Screens at 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c Screen Doors, complete, all sizes, $1.10 to. . Gas Plates, most improved models, $1.00 to Blue-Flame Oil Stoves, none better, each, $3.00 to Garden Hose in 25-ft. and 50-ft. lengths : all crrades. Meat Safes, $1.35. Floor Paints, 40c, 75c $1.10 Garden Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, etc., etc. TODAY 40c ORANGES 25c DOZEN In the Basement Grocery Store w& are selling today and tomorrow great, large California Navel Oranges, the size the grower calls 96s, meaning eight dozen to a crate; the quality fruit that sells at 40c dozen at grocery stores and fruit-stands; buy all you want Phone Private Exchange 4 at, dozen 25c Book Dept. Specials for today and tomorrow. History of the World, 3 vols., half morocco binding; beautifully illustrated, set $3.50 History of the V. S., 2 vols., half morocco, profusely illustrated, great value, set $2.50 American Encyclopedia Britan nica, 10 vols., half-morocco, pub lished at $25 ; great val.$15.00 Painting Plays for Rainy Days, entertains children 29p "Turk," Opie Read's latest.19 u Picture Dept. Water Colors, framed in -wide black frames with gilt orna ments, 6x11, great spe- qq cial at -rC Choose from all our Oil Paintings, any size, at $2.50 8x10 Passepartouts and frame, reg. 35c values, for 19 Great variety of short-length Moldings, made up in odd-size frames, are on sale at exactly one half price. Second floor. Great Easter Sale of Women's Apparel The busiest Easter week our Cloak Department ever experienced, tells the story of fascinating garments and matchless values being offered in Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit StoreWomen's Suits, Covert Coats, Waists, Silk Shirtwaist Suits and Silk Petticoat bargains that cannot fail to delight those having apparel needs to supply Sale continues today and tomorrow Extra salespeople employed to serve you promptly $28, $30 Tailored Suits $21.45 Women's $28.00 and $30.00 Tailored Suits for $21.45; the season's most attractive styles in blouses, jacket and Eton effects; plaited or flounce skirts; fancy gimp and button trimmed ; materials are Voiles, Sicilians and Panama Cloths ; colors navy, brown, tans, gray, green and checks; great Easter Sale today and tomorrow at this if low price , ciw $45 Silk Shirtwaist Suits $29.85 Great Easter Sale of high-class Silk Shirtwaist Suits, made of fine quality-Silks, solid colors with fancy polka-dot yoke and piping to match; tucked and flounce skirts; brown, black, navy ; rich, exclusive suits ; beautifully made up; regular $45.00 values, for this sale at The greatest display of popular-priced Silk Shirtwaist Suits in the city; every new style and pattern; the greatest values at $12.50 to $50.00. Mohair and Wool Shirtwaist Suits; all prices. $9.00 Silk Petticoats for $5.25 Easter Sale of Silk Petticoats, the best values in the city; made of superior quality Taffeta Silk; black and all the leading shades; made up with deep plaiting, ruffles and double ruching; values up to $9.00 each; on sale today and tomorrow at the exceptionally low price tf e of, each $16.50 Covert Jackets $11.85 Hundreds of Tan Covert Jackets, values up to $16.50 each; for this great Easter Sale at $11.85; three lots, the most desirable styles; strapped seams, collarless ejects; fly front, re.d and green Broadcloth-trimmed novelties, half fitting backs, buttons and strap-trimmed; $14.00, $15.00, $16.50 values, on sale today and tomorrow f i i at this low price V 03 Covert Coats in almost endless variety; thousands of them in all this season's effective styles, at prices ranging from $7.50 up to" $40.00. Easter Millinery Sale 25 Off on Tailored Hats "Gage," "Burgesser," "Phipps & Atchinson," "Bendel," Etc., Etc. Choose from our entire stock of new tailored Hats and Sailors at 25 per cent, off regular prices. All the above popular lines are included. This season's handsomest shapes in great assortment, 25 per cent off. Trimmed Hate, Portland's greatest showing at prices ranging from $3.00 to $35.00. Annual Easter sale of flowers. Entire stock of roses, violets, berries, cherries, foliage, wreaths, etc., at one-fourth off regular prices. Easter Hats for Misses and Children Second floor. Women's Knit Underwear Extra Special Values for Easter. "Harvard Mills" Union Suits, in high-neck, long-sleeve, ankle length styles, or low-neck, sleeve less, knee-length styles; also low neck, quarter-sleeve, knee-length, Itand-firnshed garments; all sizes; very best $1.00 values, 7 on sale for 5C Special lot of sleeveless Vests; silk and lisle; mixed Richelieu ribbed; all sizes; best 60c gar ments, on sale for .47c Women's' Hosiery 25c 50 dozen women's plain black lisle Hose, with embroidered ankle, neat patterns; red, blue, white and yel low embroidery; all sizes; extra special value for the re mainder of the week, pair. 25c Ribbons for l-5c Yard 3000 yards of four-inch Taffeta and Satin Taffeta Ribbons; great variety of the leading shades; splendid quality; the best 25c value, on 'sale todav and tomorrow, vard New Maliries; full line of colors y regular 25c value. Great Easter sale prices, yard 16c Sheet Music GREAT SALE Sheet Music Department now locat ed on the third floor. These grand special values on sale for today and tomorrow 500 copies of popular songs, waltzes, marches, etc; pieces sold regularly at 25e each, we place on sale to get you acquainted with the new loca tion at the ridiculously low price of 3c A COPY The Victor Dance Folio, containing 10 late popular selections. Special, copy 15 Smart Set Dance Folio, containing 23 popular selections; 75c value for 23 All the .latest vocal and instru mental music sold here at the very lowest prices. Third floor. Great Linen Sale Bleached'Satin Damask Table Linen; big variety of patterns ; regular 50c grade on sale for, yard 39 Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, the 65c grade; big assortment, best patterns; on sale, yard 54 Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, the 75c grade, in new designs; on sale at low price of, yard. . . .63 Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, the 90c quality; beautiful designs; matchless value at, yard....74i Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, fine patterns, in big variety; best $1.50 grades, yard $1.21 All our $3.75 and $4 Bleached Satin Damask Table Napkins, handsome patterns; great value, doz.. $2.89 HANDKERCHIEFS Special lot of Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs; hemstitched and scalloped edges; 40c and '1 Qs 50c value, each "Women's and Children's Fine Mer cerized Fancy Hemstitched Un laundered Handkerchiefs; also hand-embroidered styles; 1 5 best 20c value for Jv Easter Sale Men's Clothing Men who wont new spring suits at a saving of about one-third on what equal styles and grades cost at the exclusive clothing store had better plan to take advantage of our great Easter sale now in pro gress The well-known makes of Adler Bros. & Co., Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Stein-BIoch Co. are included in these splendid values Regular $20 Suits $ 1 5.35 Five lines of our regular $20.00 Suits, consisting of fine grade fancy worsteds, fancy tweeds and cheviots; splendid tailor-made suits; hand-worked button holes, hand-felled collars, best linings and trimmings; suits the F T exclusive clothier asks $22.50 and $25; our Easter sale price P J3J Men's $22.50 Suits $17.15 $12.65 Men's Fine Suits, in this season's very newest fashions and materials; worsteds, fancy unfinished worsteds, cheviots, tweeds, beautifully tailored, perfect fitting; suits the exclusive clothier asks $22.50 for. Easter sale price is $17.15 Special lot or black and navy blue unfinished worsted and Thibet Suits, $18 and $20 values, at the very low price of Men's $25 Suits $19.65 Our "Men's $25 Suits, finest make and quality, equal to custom-made; finest ma terials and fashions; worsteds and tweeds. Exclusive clothiers CIA L ask $3Q and $35 for equal grades. Choice of two lots $25 suits for. .P 'vJ sale iJXjyo imu i uutig iticii 5 iuiiiin& Little boys' washable Russian Blouse Suits, In crash, colored cheviots, lin ens and chambrays; pinks, tans and blues. This season's 52.25 and 52.53 values are on sale for $l.8S Little boys Reefers, In navy blue worsteds and tan coverts; very best styles: age3 3 to 10 years. This sea son's 56.00 values are on Ct oc sale at the low price of. . . .."- Boys all-wool Norfolk and two-piece Suits, in dark blue cheviots, light mixed tweeds and cassimeres. This Spring's very best 55.00 values on sale at the low price of &L2 Boys all-wool two-piece double-breast- cu ouns, in uiuc serge ana Drown j plaids and mixtures, ages S to 16. This season's 56.00 and 56.50 &a nc values on sale for Young men's all-wool Cassimere Suits. In browns and gfays; 14 to 20 years. Our best 510.00 suits on sale for.$S.l5 Young men's Suits. This season's best styles In blue serges, tweeds, chev iots and homespuns, in grays and browns; 15 to 20 years. cm tic Regular 513.50 values lU.OD Young men's Suits, in fancy worsteds and cheviots, dark gray plaids and mixtures: 15 to 20 years ci qc 516.50 value 14.0D Young men's fancy tweeds and unfin ished worsted Suits; pretty gray mix tures. Regular 518.30 values for. $14.85