Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 18, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Countlngr-Koom. Mala 887
Managing: Editor Mala 638
Sunday Editor... Mala 6235
City Editor Main 166
Society Editor Mala 6235
Cpmposlngf-Room .Main 6S5 a.,iAtm "Red 2628
fc-aet Elde Office
COLTJMBIA THEATER 04th and TVasnlnffton).
Ertsnlnu at 8, "Dora Thorne."
EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison) Mat
inee at 2:15 and evening at S:15. Aen
Nights la a Bar-room."
PARSON'S HALL (10th and WaihlnBton)--Bvenlng
at 8:15,. piano recital by Beatrice
HTAR THEATER (Park and "Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 9
P. M.
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30
P. M.
BAKER THEATER (3d and Tamhlll) Con
tinuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 3 P.M.
Baster Missionary Thank Offering.
The Easter thank-offering meeting of the
Indies Missionary Society of the First
Congrcsational Church will he held in tho
chtirch narlors "Wednesday. Anril 13. at
2:30 P. M. The hostesses will be Mcsdames
Hare. Pratt, Clark, Eddlngs, Cake and
Jones. An excellent programme has been
prepared for the occasion. Mrs. Herbert
W. Boyd, of Forest Grove, will give the
address of the afternoon. For the musi
cale, which will Immediately follow the
address, exceptional talent has been se
cured, consisting of Mrs. F. T. Chapman,
who has charge of the musical depart
ment of Pacific University; W. A. Mont
gomery of the First Church choir; Miss
Ada Williams, the vlollniste, and Miss
Leonora Fisher, organist of the First
Church, accompaniste. A social hour will
follow the programme, when refreshments
will be served by the hostesses. A cordial
invitation is extended to all.
Grand Avenue Mat Not Bb Opened.
Unless the property owners along Grand
avenue show more interest in the move
ment to rebuild the elevated roadway be
tween East Stark and Pine streets, paying
half the cost, the street will remain closed
Indefinitely. Finally they will probably
have to pay the full amount H. H. New
hall, of the committee appointed at a
meeting of citizens last week, had an
agreement drawn up to be signed by the
property owners, by which they stipulated
to pay one-half if the city would pay the
rest, but the signatures of none were ob
tained to this document "W. M. Ladd,
representing the Ladd estate, said he was
opposed to requiring the abutting prop
erty owners to pay for an elevated road
way, believing that the cost should be
divided among all that were benefited.
Nebraskans "WilIj Meet. The Nebras
ka Society of Oregon will hold Its monthly
meeting tonight at Alisky Hall, Third and
Morrison streets. The society has ar
ranged for a programme of vocal and in
strumental music, speeches and cards.
The time is drawing near when the gates
of the great Lewis and Clark Exposition
will be opened to the public, and hundreds
of Nebraskans will be coming to Port
land. Final arrangements must be made
for the Nebraska headquarters in order to
be ready to take care of the visitors from
Nebraska. All former Nebraskans
throughout the state are asked to send
in their names and addresses, as well as
their former Nebraska addresses, to the
secretary, S. M. Venard, 325 .Chamber of
Commerce, so that the register may be
Scow Dwellers Must Move. The
Southern Pacific Railroad Company hag.
notified the scowowners that they must
move their floating homes by the first of
the month. This notice applies to those
who live on the water front north of the
Burnslde bridge, where there are about
40 saowhouses. If carried out, this order
will compel these dwelleKS to move down
the river, as there is now left no vacant
water front where they can cast anchor.
Either that or they must go above Sell
wood. Passion Week Services. At 7:45 o'clock
this evening Rev. Charles McPherson will
speak at the Highland Congregational
Church. Prescott and East Sixth street
North In connection with the special Pas
sion week services, which are being held
there. These meetings will continue
through "Wednesday and Thursday even
ing, and in addition there will be a chil
dren's meeting at 3:43 o'clock Friday
afternoon. There is to be special music
Famiit in Distress. Patrolman Hoesly
yesterday morning discovered the family
of Joseph Lane, on East Clay street, suf
fering from Illness and destitution. Tho
father had deserted his wife and three
children, it was said, and they were in
great distress. Detective Reslng was as
signed to the case, with Instructions to
seek aid for the mother and children, and
to locate, If possible, the missing husband
and father.
Revival in Sunntbide M. E. Church.
Union revival meetings will be continued
in the Methodist Episcopal Church in Sun
nyslde during the present week at 7:30
P. M. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock
there will be a meeting for aged people,
and Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock there
will be a- meeting for mothers. For young
people a meeting will also be held in the
afternoon at the same hour.
Accidentals: Shoots Himself. Rich
ard Howse. the 17-year-old son of J. M.
Howse. of Portland Heights, accidentally
discharged a shotgun yesterday afternoon,
and the entire contents of the weapon
took effect in his right foot He was re
moved to St Vincent's Hospital. His in
juries are not serious, and the foot can be
Have you entered your dog for the com
ing bench show to be held by the Portland
Kennel Club May 3 to 6, Inclusive. En
tries close April 25, and exhibitors are re
quested to send in their blanks early as
possible before that date. No entries can
be accepted after April 25.
Blaze Exjinodibhed. Fire from a
match almost caused an explosion of the
oil in a wagon at Twenty-fourth and
Thunnan streets yesterday morning. Fir
apparatus, responding to an alarm, ar
rived In time to save serious trouble by
extinguishing the blaze.
North Pacific Steamship Co.'s commo
dious steamship Roanoke, 2400 tons, sails
for San Francisco and Los Angeles, call
ing at Coos Bay and Eureka, Thursday,
April 20, from Columbia Dock No. 1.
Ticket office, 251 Washington street H.
Young, agent
Medical Board Will Examine Pht
kiclvns. The State Board of Medical Ex
aminers will begin the work of examining
applicants who desire to practice medicine
or surgery in Oregon at 3 o'clock this
morning in Hill's Academy.
Will Address Volunteers. Evangelist
H. J. Elliott and wife, en route to India,
assisted by Singer Charles Mayfield, of
Colorado, will hold ten days' revival meet
ings at the Volunteers of America Hall,
2G7 Ankeny street, beginning Wednesday.
April 19.
Rehearsal Thursday. Chamlnade Club
members who expect to sing at the com
ing concert must be at rehearsals not later
than 4 P. M. Thursday afternoon, April
20. in the lecture-room of Calvary Presby
terian Church.
Steamer Aberdeen sails for San. Fran
cisco Tuesday evening. , Cabin, $12; steer
age, $8. Meals and berth Included. C. H.
Thompson, agent 123 third street
Albee Club Meeting.
Albee Club Meeting.
Albeb Club Meeting!
Alisky Hall, tonight 8 o'clock.
Steamship "Alliance" sails from
Couch-street dock for Coos Bay and Eu
reka Tuesday night April 18. at S. F P
Baumgartner, agent Main SSL
A Meeting of the Glafke Republican
Club will be held at Alisky Hall, Third
and Morrison sts., tonight at S P. M. s
Easter Lilies 20c each; budding plants
from lc to 4c each. Flower pieces -very
reasonable. Burkhardt 751 Gllsan.
Meeting of the Glafke Republican Club
at Alisky Hall, Third and Morrison
streets, tonight at S P. M.
AcOilCo. coal oil. Piionr -
Meeting in Highland Congregational
Church. Meetings are being held every
night the present week in the Highland
Congregational Church. Rev. N, H. Smith
will speak this evening. At 3:45 o'clock
Friday afternoon Rev. Charles McPcrnon
will speak.
Michigan Societt Will Entertain.
The business meeting of the Michigan So
ciety will be held this evening at Rlng
ler's Hall, Sixth and Alder streets. After
the business session a musical programme
will be rendered and dancing will follow.
Installs Its Officers. The Ladles'
Auxiliary of the Spanish-American War
Veterans hold a special meeting In the
City Hall last night The new officers,
elected some time ago, were Installed in
A Meeting of the Glafke Republican
Club will be held at Alisky Hall, Third
and Morrison sts, tonight at S P. M.
Meeting of the Glafke Republican Club
at Alisky Hall, Third and Morrison
streets, tonight at S P. M.
The Calumet Restaurant 148 Seventh.
Fine luncheon. 35c; dinner 50c
In the City's
Trouble Shop
JOHN ROGERS, with but one arm,
was before the court for using ob
scene and abusive language toward
Mrs. Fannie Ingram, an aged woman
on crutches. Mrs. Ingham's son was
present, one of his logs being of wood.
He was a witness.
"Tour Honor, this is a case wherein
several cripples are concerned," said
Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald. "It's
a disgusting row between two families,
and I would gladly have dismissed it,
but there are women Involved. Recent
ly, I settled a case without conferring
with the women concerned, or giving
them an opportunity to testify. They
made me more trouble than all the
cases I've tried out here for a year, and
I'm determined never again to keep a
woman from having Tier say."
"Proceed with the case," ordered
Judge Hogue.
"Just tell the court what Rogers
said," commanded Fitzgerald, and Mrs.
-Ingham bean.
.Rogers occupied the front part of
the house at 159 Harrison street, and
I live in a rear room," she said. "Rog
ers called me an old cat for one thing,
and said I was a troublesome old lady,
and always had caused trouble wher
ever I had lived."
Rogers denied his guilt, as did also
Mrs. Rogers, who was present on the
day of the row.
"You've got a pretty bad temper
yourself, haven't you?" asked Fitzger
ald of Mrs. Rogers.
"That's none of your business," was
the answer.
"That proves she has." said Judge
The . case was then continued until
the recovery of a witness for the pros
ecution, who is -111.
George Boozer does not drink intox
icants, as his name might Indicate, but
he persists in rolling and smoking a
cigarette now and then. The last time
he did this, he got into trouble with a
policeman, and was arrested. Yesterday
he was before Judge Hogue, and hi
case was continued, in order that a
man named Jones, who sells tobacco,
may be brought into court on a charge
of selling the weed to a minor. George
is aged 14. He lives with his parents
at 351 Oak street
George admitted having smoked a
"Have you been punished for smok
ing?" queried Judge Hogue.
"My father whipped me," the .lad re
plied, with head cast down.
"What with?"
"With a riding-whip?'
"Was it a good one?" '
"Yes, it was."
"How do you know?'
"Because I felt It"
Bicycles often cost considerable to
maintain, and aside from the expense
attached to paying license fees, having
punctures repaired and all of the vex
atious things connected with a wheel
man's life, the bike Frank Willox owns
got him Into a fight with John Carr, and
as a result both lads landed in Jail.
Yesterday they had to explain the case
to Judge Hogue and Deputy City At
torney Fitzgerald. The Willox boy was
found guilty of fighting, but sentence
wa3 suspended until his mother appears
in court, this morning.
Frank declared that John punctured
the wheel, and rode it until the tire
was flat Frank then attempted to get
poscssion of John's wheel, and the fight
took place. It continued until Police
man Venable arrived, when both were
arrested and sent to police headquar
ters. Theywere going it pretty strong,
the officer said, and it was necessary
for him to tear them apart
"Little Tommy," as PolIce Sergeant
Taylor is known by his intimates, was
proudly walking along the street, his
head and shoulders assuming the mil
itary air, his brass buttons and shield
shining and his eyes on a sharp look
out for some dilatory cop.
"You're a blankety, blank, blank, you
cheap stiff," sang out a voice across
the street
Tommy immediately wheeled him
about investigated ,and found that the
man who had dared to so shout at a
Portland police sergeant was T. C.
The dignity of the Sergeant was
stung. He thought him then and there
to have revenge. Here was a case
not to be lightly passed by.
Therefore, Tommy Taylor, attached
to Bailey's terrors, tarried awhile from
his slumbers yesterday morning, and
swore to a warrant for KofTs arrest
The case comes up for hearing today.
Transmitter In Pulpit Carries to
Ears Long Useless.
CHICAGO. April 17. The first ser
mon by telephone ever preached in
Chicago has enabled Mrs. Mary F. De
Blots, who is quite deaf, to follow
every word of the first sermon she has
heard in 25 years. The sermon was
preached by her son, the Rev. Austen
K. De Blols, at the First Baptist
Church. Although he iwas ordained
seven years ago, Mrs. De Blols never
had heard her son's voice from the
pulpit, and her dearest wish was grat
ified. Seven other persons of impaired
hearing also were able to understand
everything the minister said.
The eight persons shut off from the
rest of the world by reason of their
affliction were connected with the means of wires concealed un
der the carpet By placing small re--
celvers carrying almost Invisible
wires to their ears they were able to
hear the, sermon distinctly.
On the reading desk In front of the
pastor stood the transmitter in an in
conspicuous oblong box. Tho pastor
spoke in his usual tones. He did not
all the time occupy a position in front
of the reading desk; but wherever he
stood ' In the palplt his voice was
caught in the transmitter. The ap
paratus is built on the general prin
ciple of any other telephone, but is so
constructed that It concentrates or col
lects the voice of the speaker and then
magnifies it
ine jjenver as xuo uranae scenery
even more oeauuiui in winter man sum.
mer. Travel East via that Jin and ftni
Withdraws in Favor
Mayor Williams.
Following Protracted Talks and Mo
tions, Adjournment Is Reached v
AYIthout Anything: Defin
itely Accomplished.
That the closed-town and open-town
forces are trying to centralize their
strength was indicated last night by the
withdrawal from the Mayoralty race of
Willis A. Fisher, an open-town candi
date and by the Republican Club allow
ing its conference committee, which in
common with similar committees of three
other Republican clubs failed to agree
last Saturday, another week in which to
attain common ground on which all the
clubs could unite.
Fisher announced, at a meeting of the
Republican Club in Alisky building, that
he would support Williams for the May
oralty and that he would withdraw his
primary petition this morning from the
City Auditor. At the same meeting W.
P. Keady, chairman pf the club's .con
ference committee, made known that. last
Saturday night's efTort to unite the clubs
had achieved only the expenditure of
"warm oxygen," but that the committee
had hopes of more substantial things this
Two Councllmen Trotted Out.
During a recess the members trotted
out John Gill and D. J. Qulmby for Coun-cilman-at-Large
and indorsed them, not
however, entirely without escape of su
perheated atmosphere,- for Mr. Qulmby
gently remonstrated, as also did J. N.
Blair and C. F. Lord. At the tall end
of the parley W. P. Keady and Lord
got Into one another's wool and tugged
very hard and actually said harsh words
-until the club had to adjourn to keep
the peace.
Lord and Keady had brushed up against
each other several times and had dis
charged volleys of raillery and repartee.
Finally after the two Indorsements for
Councilman-at-Large Keady moved that
the club adjourn. Lord sprang to his
feet to demand that the chair put a for
gotten motion of his, to the effect that
the club meet again before the last hour
for filing primary petitions next Thurs
day afternoon.
Whereat Brother Keady declared that
Brother Lord had no right to be heard,
because he was not a member of the
club: that he had tried to turn the meet
ing Into "josh" and "nonsense."
Lord attempted to reply, but Keady de
manded and the chair put the motion
of adjournment, and Willis Fisher, the
chairman and vice-president of the club,
complied, and adjournment separated the
combatants. But before doing so, Fisher
took a few moments to announce his
withdrawal from tho race for Mayor by
"Withdraws in Williams' Favor.
"In order to bring harmony In the
party and to insure the election of a man
of brains and eloquence, one who will
be an ornament to us during the Lewis
and Clark Fair, I shall withdraw my
primary petition tomorrow morning and
give my support to a man whom all of
you may not favor George H. Williams."
The ensuing applause was so faint as
to Indicate that the club was not an
ally of Williams, and that the present
Mayor would have to get his votes else
where if he would be re-elected.
Fisher said yesterday afternoon that
had he known Williams was to be a can
didate when he filed his petition he would
have stayed out He and Williams had an
Interview last week and agreed to combine
their forces.
What They All Said.
The club talked and fussed and squab
bled a long time last night without ac
complishing Its business, and when the
work was done the gentlemen had little
to show for their efforts. This is how
they talked:
W. P. Keady Your conference commit
tee last Saturday night expended warm
exygen. Give us another week.
C. F; Lord If this club is going to do
business, why not tonight?
Chairman Fisher W1JI Mr. Keady kindly
Mr. Keady It's useless to try to Im
press anything on the thought-dome of
Brother Lord. In another week the other
clubs may be ready to act
Dr. Emmet Drake I move the commit
tee be allowed another week. (Carried
after a skirmish.)
Mr. Lord That's absurd. More warm
oxygen. Nobody should be indorsed.
Every tub on Its own bottom.
C. M. Idleman If all the clubs can
unite. It's a good scheme. It can be put
on Ice another week.
H. C. Smith (chairman of sub-committee
on Indorsement for Councllmen-at-large)
Your committee recommends John
Gill and D. J. Qulmby for Indorsement
(After a ten-minute conference of the
committee at one side of the room, the
conferees being H. C. Smith, C. E. Lock
wood and B. F. Jones.)
C. Efc Lockwood Others will be recom
mended for indorsement after their peti
tions have been filed.
J. N. Blair I object to Indorsing any
body. We might as well go back to tho
old bosses.
Mr. Lord Those are my sentiments.
D. J. Qulmby And mine. too. t
Motion to Indorse carried. "
Tilt between Keady and Lord.
Mr. Keady I move we adjourn.
Heard intheRotundas
THE Upper Rogue River Valley is hav
ing a railroad built Into It from Med
ford, which. In combination with an Irri
gation scheme, will soon have jthe whole
country settled, where now there is a bar
ren plain known locally as the "desert"
Eventually the railroad will push on to
Crater Lake, 'and for that It Is named the
Crater Lake & Medford Railroad. Half
the distance to the lake will be covered
this year.
C. W. Hibbard, of the Southern Paclflo
Company, has Just been looking over the
Rogue River Valley, and this project In
particular, and he says there is more
of a boom spirit to Medford than in any
town he has been In for a long time.
"The railroad is backed by the best men
of Medford," said Mr. Hibbard yesterday,
"and at least 30 miles- of It will bo built
Immediately. A. A. Davis Is president and
other substantial men are behind him. Tho
sum of $25,000 has already been subscribed
by the town of Medford for the construc
tion of the first 12 miles of road and tho
next ten will be .laid at the expense of
the company to reach a large tract of
timber, containing about 14,000 acres. To
tap all this It will be necessary to extend
the road to 22 miles from Medford. That
will probably not be done within the year.
Tjje first 12 milts, however, are contracted
for already, to be finished by the coming
"Crater Lake, lying 65 miles from Med
ford, will be brought to half that distance
by the railroad, and that half, being In
JJh& -mouatain.Sj xrill b the better iravel-
Headquarters 'for All Kinds of Rubber Goods
108 and 110 Fovrtk Street
Vel Dirtrltesterc far Crcxom and Washington.
ing. Eventually the road will reach the
lake, and It will become a great -tourist
"At present Interest Is centered on the
Industrial side to the enterprise. The rail
road will tap an ontlrely new country
about to be Irrigated, by the Fish Lake Ir
rigation Company and the Jackson County
Land Company. They will make the whole
arid plain blossom and the railroad will be
a paying Investment from the beginning.
This Is In the best of the Southern Oregon
fruit country, and the enterprise Is sure
to be very successful."
Mr. Hibbard, belonging to the promotion
department of the Southern Pacific Com
pany, is at present urging the undertak
ing of just such plans by all the towns
along the line of railroad.
Mr. and 3Lrs. Bushong Tell of San
Francisco Experience.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong and
Mrs. "Walter Reed, who- went to San
Francisco recently to hear grand opera,
arrived home yesterday, having great
ly enjoyed the unusually fine musical
season, and their visit to that city.
They saw "Lucia" first and were de
lighted with Caruso, as everyone was,
the singer receiving not less than eight
curtain calls every night, always ac
cepting the applause in a perfectly
modest and unassuming manner, in
sisting upoh bringing someone else out
with him every time.
JParslfal" was sung the next night
the next afternoon and evening, rather,
as the first act began at 5 o'clock. Tho
stage settings were beautiful and the
singing and acting as well.
"Parsifal," tho sinless one. was rep
resented by Burgstaller, whose voice
and manner throughout the opera were
superb, but Mrs. Bushong. who talked
about the- trip yesterday, was quite as
enthusiastic about Van Rooy. who -was
Anfortus. '"The man with tho wonder
ful eyes," Mrs. Bushong calls him.
"His eyes are like the eyes of Christ
In the old paintings." sho said. "He
looks as if he had seen the suffering
of the whole world and is sorry for it.
"Gorltz. as- Clingsor, the magician,
and Frelnstadt. as Kundry, were both
fine. Frienstadfs voice is not high,
like Nordica'a, but sho has a big voice
and made much of tho low notes. Kun
dry, who Is under tho spell of the ma
gician, "wants her to tempt Parsifal to
sin. She does not herself want Parsifal
to succumb, as when sh finds a man
who is proof against her she can be
free from Cllngsor's power, and this
is the reason of her coldness In the
scene with Parsifal. In which marfy
persons criticised Freinstadt's acting.
Many liked best the second act. In
which the flower girls tempt Parsifal,
but we preferred the first.
"Nordica was splendid as La Gio
conda. and had lots of applause, and so
had Madame Jacoby, who sang the
blind girl's song wonderfully well, so
well that Nordlca patted her on the
shoulder. Mr. Scott, who sang Bar
naba. Is a good actor, and his bass Is
"After that we heard Sembrlch in
the .'Fledermans.' the bat. with Sem
brlch as Rosalind, Bella Alten as Adele
and Mr. DIppel as Eisensteln. It was
really almost an all-star cast, but Miss
Marian Weed as Prinz Orlofsky was a
stick. She has a fair voice, but could
not act or even look well on the stage."
Mrs. Bushong laughed at tho recol
lection of the comedy between Adele
and Frank and of the way tho latter
waltzed Sembrlch, big Sembrich, clear
off her feet. As for "Cavalleria Rustl
cana." she declared that sho had seen
a little company at Cordray's that could
sing and act all around It; that tho
tenor was not good, and that Madame
de Macohl as Santuzza was a stick.
Caruso sang again In "PagllaccI," also
Mr. Gorltz, and both were splendid.
"People went crazy over Caruso,"
Mrs. Bushong said. "They waved tholr
handkerchiefs and shouted 'Bravo!' and
'Encorel He takes all his great tones
with ease and holds them so I never
heard anything like it. and never ex
pect to again."
"Die Melsterslnger," the "Wagner
opera with the pretty story of Eva and
"Walther and their troubled love af
fairs, wh'Ich are finally adjusted satis
factorily, was the last of tho series.
Begin Taking Better Care of
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A Preventive and Cure for LA GRIPPE,
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Without a Rival
Saturday Evenings 8 to 10
Graves' Music Store
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X&chlne. $1,00 Down, Balance on Easy
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All the delicacies of the season at th
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A Cheering, sustaining, nourish
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the same honest, nut-foam-crowned
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All Dealer. Hotels and Restaurants.
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40 SIzm, lOo to SOo Each.
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STYLE, quality and
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Correct Gotks for Men
If you value style, ap
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The Greatest
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similating Mood andBegula
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Promotes DigeslioiLCheerfur
ness andflestContains neilher
Opiumrorpliine nor"MiiiraL
EcAzlU Sells -
JiS&ryresn. flavor:
Aperfecf Remedy forConslipa
Ron.SourStonmch.Diarrlioea Worms.ConvulsionsJeverish
ss and Loss OF SLEEP.
IF&c Simile Signature of
A favorite lunching plicc
The fashionable set gathers here for
afternoon tea.
The most unique dlning-place in Saa
Convenient for after-theater suppers.
America's Model Hotel
Write far handsome illustrated pamphlet of
Ccsmopolitas Saa Fraactsco.
A 512.00 FULL. -SET
FOR $6.00.
Evenings. Monday
and Thursday, until 3.
l"red Preha, V. D. S.
405 Dcknm Bldf.
wat? r Tintm? uo.
Clothing House in the Northwest.
for faster
In neckwear the assortments are
better than later in the week.
Some styles cannot be dupli
cated. Four-in-hands are -wider this
Spring and narrower kinds will
look out of place. Everybody
wants new neckwear to go with
that Easter suit no better time
to buy than today, from the
greatest assortments in Port
land. N
We are especially strong on the
display of Shirts and Gloves
selections almost twice the size
of any other showing in the
Northwest values greater.
$1,51.50 to $3.50
That men and women who devote time, atten- !j
tion and money to the .selection of hand-wear,
foot-wear and back-wear buy hand-me-down f
eye-wear? Save your vision and knock out
the fakers by having your eyes fitted at the 9
" House That Knows How.' '
Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing,
Poultry Netting, Etc.
MAIN 2000
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havi
ror uver
Thirty Year
the etirrtvx commnt, newYoa crr
Onalltj- ronsldrretl. than any cine
Needles, Oil, Repairs
ros at.t. axAKra AX
02 TTaahinston.
334 Morrlaoa Street.
6-10 Williams Avenue (Bast Slda.);
Portland, Oresoa.
In the richest grain, fruit and stock section in
the world. Thousands of acres of land at actual
cost of irrigation. Deed direct from State of
MAP FREE. Deschutes Irrigation and Power Com-
Bears the
Signature Am
ft Jp In
fa X Use
l IT