Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 18, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE' UOBKlirG XSEEBO$B, TCBSDAY, 'APEli; 18, 1905.
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Washington, D. C. Ebblt House News
The new Lord Mayor of Chicago has
requested the old Lord Mayor of Glas
gow to send to Chicago a man capable
of explaining the management of muni
cipal tramways. The man will come,
about a month hence. The question
will be whether the system practiced at
Glasgow, under municipal and political
conditions unknown to us, but certainly
at total variance with our own, can be
practiced in an American city..
Glasgow -municipalized Its streetcar
lines tramways there years ago.- But
Glasgow is only half as large as Chi
cago. -and Js a much less spread-out or
"sprawly" city. But these are not the
main differences. The entire political
conditions are unlike. Voters at Glas
gow deem themselves bound to rational
economic laws. An election is not ex
pected to change everything.
James Dalryrople is the man who is
coming from Glasgow to Chicago. He
says: "Glasgow's ss'stem Is capable of
application to a larger city, provided it
be kept sound commercially and the
manager have full power of staff,
have the utmost confidence that Chi
cago will make a success of municipal
ownership, if it follow the lines which
have been pursued, in Glasgow." But
will Chicago follow the lines that have
"been pursued1 at Glasgow? Who sup
poses that Chicago, under our electoral
and 'political system, will?
Hence we find the Chicago Tribune
giving expression to doubts as to the
applicability In its -city of the Glasgow
system. It questions whether $7.56 for
a week of fifty-four hours would meet
the views of Chicago conductors and
motormen, but that's the very highest
municipal tramway wage in Glasgow.
Citizens in the outlying ward6 wouldn't
relish paying- 15 or- 20 cents for trans
portation to the business center, but
transfers are unknown In Glasgow.
The fare fa the Scotch city fs governed
strictly "by the distance traveled. The
trolley used in Glasgow Is the overhead
one, which Chicago dislikes, and the
cars are double-deckers. Anybody who
tries to board a Glasgow car when it's
in motion is arrested, and may pass
his next month in jail. "Thecars move
more rapidly in the business district
than they do here," 6ays the Chicago
paper, "but that- is because no team
ster dares to delay them. Were he to
attempt it he would be arrested at
once and punished. If that policy were
pursued in Chicago the cars would
make better time around the loops
but the .municipal authorities dare not
Imitate Glasgow in this Tespect. An
ordinance was Introduced once to keep
the teamsters off the track. They
threatened, vengeance if it were not
dropped, and it was dropped. If rein
troduced the fear of a teamsters' strike
would kill it. Oa the whole, the Chi
cago cars make much faster time than
those in Glasgow."
Again, in Glasgow, no "political pull'
is allowed. Under our system the "pub
11c utilities" will be plunged, at once
Into politics, and! Chicago streetcar
properties will be run by municipal
wire-pullers. It will be so, inevitably.
in our cities. .But we are due for some
purchase of experience, and, of course,
will have to stand it. Everything will
he well perhaps.
Evidently, the motor car on the stand-
ard track railroad has come to stay.
In the old country there are now fifty
motor cars running on the Great West
era system alone. The first develop
ment was made in 1903. Since then
nearly all the main lines have put on
motor cars. All are steam driven, ex
cept two on the Northeastern Railroad
which are what are there called "petrol
electric." A gasoline engine drives
dynamo generating electricity for run
nlng the car. One of the roads Is now
experimenting with a directly driven
petroleum motor, of the road-motor
type, with good prospect of success.
Another development of 1904 in England
Western Railroad of a system of auto
mobiles, connecting thinly-peopled out
lying- districts with the railroad depots,
and hauling both passengers and
freight. In one 'instance trailer cars
are connected with the automobile.
bringing in cream from the farms to
the railroad.
While expecting details of the plan
for a line of automobiles between
Shaniko and the Harney Valley and
eastlying points In Oregon, it may be
noted that the line established last
year between Tonopah and Goldfleld Is
now using fifteen automobiles of large
size and cost and earning large profits
for the operators.
Should Andrew Carnegie carry out his
plan of aiding small colleges through
out the country he will do a better work
than that of planting or aiding libraries;
for instruction of the people through
schools and colleges is necessary, if
reading Is to be really profitable. The
college is a guide to study and to read
ing and establishes a necessity for it.
Discursive reading, without the guid
ance of scholarship. Is not likely to
prove much real benefit. The drill of
the school Is the primary thing. Let
the -mind be opened by study, and the
reading will follow.
Throughout the country there are
hundreds of small, struggling colleges
which need just such benefactions as
Mr. Carnegie Is said to Intend. Each
one Is doing a local work of Immense
Importance. Each brings within reach
of the young people of the vicinity op
portunity for advancement In higher
studies not otherwise obtainable; for
In many cases these young persons
have not the means of going to dis-
tant colleges. But almost all these ex
cellent small colleges are In want of
addition to their endowments. Most of
them are Inadequately equipped and
hard pressed for funds with which to
meet actual expenses even of a rigidly
economic management.
It would seem that3wealthy persons
who have money to bestow on perma
nent objects for the public good could
do no better with It than by liberal
endowment of small colleges. Not to
undervalue the educational benefits re
sulting from Mr. Carnegie's library
benefactions. It seems clear that more
good Is to be done by helping the small
and struggling colleges throughout the
land. Upon their permanence and ef
ficiency depends the larger part of the
best educational work of the country.
The dry. humorous speech of Mr. Car
negie's announcement of his new pur
pose is worth repetition. "I have been
looking into the small colleges of late,"
said he, "and I have entered Into the
college business as I not long ago en
tered into the library business. I did a
rip-roaring business at the llbrary
stand, but I could look ahead and see
the demand for libraries slackening.
My secretary says that the demand Is
down to one library a day. Since I
have gone into the new business there
has been a great boom. Within the
past few days I have received more
than a hundred applications for the
material I am sending to small col
leges. Business, gentlemen, is Improv
It is believed that Mr. Carnegie's
gifts hitherto, large as they have been,
have not reduced the wealth at his dis
posal, for his income from investments
Is prodigious; and if he only gives the
income away he will be a busy man.
By the way. It ought to be noted that
he has repudiated the assertion long
attributed to him, that he regarded it
as a disgrace to any man to die rich.
It always has been a wonder whether
he ever actually made such a remark.
Uneasy lies the head that wears a
crown. So of the Lord Mayor of Chi
cago. Judge Dunne has a rough incom
ing. His term of office has come in
like a Hon Indeed. The hardest prob
lem for him to solve, or any other head
of a municipality, is how to deal with
a sympathetic strike. The straight
strike of any organized labor body
deals with just the two parties in In
terest, employes and employed. If con
ditions of contracts arev broken, if terms
of labor or of pay for it press too hard
on either party, then either they can
fight it out till one side or the other Is
exhausted, or an arbitrator can be
summoned and given power, after hear
ing both sides fully, to declare terms of
settlement. The most potent factor In
such a case Is public opinion. The
more limited the field of action, the
simpler the Issues, the easier for public
opinion to declare itself, and the sooner
the war is over. The danger to public
peace and order is reduced while such a
strike lasts, and if offenders there are,
on either side of the controversy, they
are. to be seen, handled and brought to
reason, or punishment. The power to
create a sympathetic strike, or a sym
pathetic lockout (they are to be meas
ured by the same rule) is too terrible a
weapon to be permitted. If called for
and not made at once effective, it be
comes a mere "brutum fulmen," a
brutal threat. It reacts on the party
which has Invoked it, with instant
force. But If the call is heard and re
sponded to, the area of conflict widens,
and innocent and uninterested persons
are made to suffer a vicarious punish
ment undeserved and unreasonable.
Its tendency is to grow until the Nation
is Involved. Thus, if ever, the long
predicted war between capital and
labor will "break out, the end of which
no one ventures to foretell.
The essence of the sympathetic strike
is that the labor contracts and condi
tions of the sympathizers are at once
broken, without reason, wrongfully, ar
bltrarlly. Artificial, needless, war Is
declared. Unrest and distrust rise be
tween employers and employed in every
trade, none knowing when and where
the volcano may burst next.
The growth of qonfidence and pros
perity in all lines of manufacture and
production in this century Is very slow
and tender. New conditions of organ
lzed labor and organized capital are be
lng tested. To their stability the sym
pathetic strike is the deadliest enemy.
The call to such a strike is based on a
specious plea of brotherly interest by
the strong and well-to-do worker in the
life conditions of weaker fellows. Self-
sacrifice is demanded on such grounds,
But the logic Is false. Such support
cannot be accorded save by the previ
ous and necessary wrong of the sympa
thetic but unreasoning fellow crafts
man. The two wrongs can never make
one right It is no more to be predicted
that strikes should never more occur
than that wars should cease. More
rare they are year by year, it is true,
The seriousness of the. overturn of re
lations of the worker, of his family and
home, on the one side of the stability
of the business conditions under which
- Lthe factory is riiru or contracts -are
taken and carried out by the employer,
on the other side fs now more plainly
seen and felt by all parties than ever
before. .One element, forcible in the
last generation, has passed away, pos
sibly forever. The unity which bound
capital and labor In one interest In"
work and Its results was made possible
by personal relations of friendliness and
confidence when factories were small,
machines in their infancy, specializa
tion of labor unheard of. The master
could- and did work side by side with
his men. 'No gulf lay between them.
With the profits of the last contract
Invested In Intricate and labor-saving
machines, the view of the. actual worker
has been narrowed to the tending of the
instrument of his labor. With the mul
tiplication of hands the interest of the
employer in his individual men became
obsolete. As competition grew and
profits depended more and more on the
volume of work accomplished, more
capital was needed by the employer,
arid so the Investor of -money gained
In influence overthe owner and oper
ator of the factory and Its machines.
So the interests of capital and labor fell
farther and farther apart. The factory
system, as we know it, was developed,
and the union of the men was called
Into being, and, being a natural out
come of conditions, is here to stay. Its
history shows its limitations. The
sympathetic strike is outside of and
antagonistic to the real interest of the
labor union. The best evidence is seen
in the refusals of the most progressive
and Instructed, unions to be led" to give
it their support.
The Great Southern Railway seems to
present the only Immediate opportunity
for Portland to retain any of the rich
traffic pf Central and Southern Oregon
which is slowly but surely being di
verted to California. So far as can be
learned, this road is backed by men
who are not high In the councils of
the big railroad men of the country.
It is even hinted in some directions
that they are not railroad men, and are
embarking on a scheme of which they
know nothing and which will end In
disaster. This feature of the project,
as well as the fact that the road Is be
ing constructed for the purpose of open
ing up a new wheat country, makes It
quite similar to the Columbia Southern.
Portland begged, threatened and Im
plored the O. R. & N. Co. to build Into
Wasco and Crook counties and open up
a rich trade field right at our doors.
But the railroad men of high degree.
then as now, turned a deaf ear to all
entreaties. They assured us that the
road would be so difficult to build and
so costly to operate It would never pay
operating expenses. We were also in
formed that the country tapped by the
proposed Columbia Southern was a bar
ren desert. In which It was impossible
to originate a traffic of any Import
ance. With this testimony from ex
perts in the business, we were greatly
surprised when E. E. Lytle, a railroad
man who made no pretensions to su
perior knowledge or ability, began work
on the Columbia Southern.
The confidence shown by the public In
the scheme was illustrated by the nick
name which they -bestowed on the road.
In the early years of its construction
it was known as "Lytle's Folly." But
Lytle knew the country for which he
was heading just as a great many
people today know the country for
which the Great Southern Railway is
heading. He pushed his line through
by easy stages, and in the face of finan
cial obstacles which would have com
pletely disconcerted a less determined
man. .uyue s a ony opened un one
of the richest farming districts in the
State of Oregon, and in the few years
since it was built, has added more
wealth to the state than has been
created in that time along any similar
number of I miles of railroad In the
Pacific Northwest.
Central Oregon is, and for the past
ten years has been, subjected to the
seme detestable, form of "knocking"
that the railroads gave the Columbia
Southern territory. It possesses hun
dreds of thousands of acres of the finest
land that can be found anywhere in
the state. The timber area Is so vast
in extent that It would supply an enor
mous traffic for a railroad. Stock
raising, wool-growing and all other
branches of the agricultural industry
have been so strongly favored by na
ture in that portion of the state that
with transportation facilities they
would make a marvelous showing.
These are not idle statements. They
are facts known to all who have visited
that isolated land. They are probably
known to the promoters of the Great
Southern Railway, and those promot
ers, if they push their line through to
Bend, or farther south, will doubtless
-demonstrate to the skeptical public and
to unprogresslve railroad men. that
.their judgment was as good- as that of
Mr. Lytle with his Columbia Southern.
The situation Is becoming critical for
Portland, for, while the unprogresslve
O. R. & N. Co. rests on Its oars, the
Nevada. California & Oregon Railroad
is pushing north for the purpose of
draining the trade of that vast region
to California. All of the loss through
this inactivity on the part of the Port
land road cannot be repaired, but, if the
Great Southern proceeds Immediately
on the plans made public, we may yet
pull something out of the wreck of the
Klamath trade, and save much of the
Central Oregon trade, which, unless we
act quickly, will follow that of the
Klamath country Into the camp of our
commercial rivals.
it tne ureat isoutnern proves any
where near so great a success as the
Columbia Southern and there Is no
reason to believe that It will not it
would be a handsome investment for
Portland to subsidize some Lytle or
Helmrlch to demonstrate to the railroad
world that there Is money to be made
out of a line to the Wallowa country,
to the Clearwater, the Nehalem, and
number of other Isolated localities now
suffering from either the Ignorance or
the negligence of the transportation
companies which should be serving
Jamestown (Va.), two years hence,
will have -a fine celebration and ex
position. The State of Virginia has"
put one mllion dollars Into it, and will
put more. New Jersey, North Caro
Una, Pennsylvania and Missouri have
made liberal appropriations. Other
states will follow. Oregon should be
there, too though there will be scant
time after the meeting of the next Leg
islature. A great feature of the James
town celebration will be the interna
tional military and marine display, in
May, 1907. All nations are lrivlted by
proclamation of the President, to par
ticipate In it. The events of the war
between Russia and Japan will by that
time make such display peculiarly In
terestinjr. All the EniUh-speakln
world in particular should unite for !
commemoration in the fullest possible
way of the historical event that marks
the first settlement of the English
speaking people on the American conti
nent now the seat of the largest part
of the English-speaking peoples of the
world. England, herself, In her mag
nanimity, will forget that Jamestown Is
near Yorktown. For the separation
was but nominal. It has made those
who speak the language of England,
and who live substantially under the
principles of her laws of the olden
time, more powerful In either hemis
phere than they otherwise could have
The appeal of Judge Northrup for
the disinterment of the remains of Cap
tain Meriwether Lewis and their re
moval to and reinterment in our "City
Park is strong in patriotism and in
gratitude. The grave of the explorer Is
in the heart of a forest in Tennessee
practically unknown and unvislted.
While in an ethical and higher spir
itual. sense this fact Is immaterial, hu
man sentiment has not outgrown the
feeling of Teverence for dust that once
was Instinctive life the life of the
brave, the useful and the true. The
name of Captain Lewis is now upon the
tongue of the Nation. In conjunction
with that of Captain Clark It stands for
exploration of the great western world
the coming of the white man to the
Pacific Northwest. In this Aiew, there
is no place more fitting for his final
sepulcher than that suggested by
Judge Northrup, where the foundation
of his monument is already laid, and
upon which the placing of the monu
ment itself Is overdue.
Until the Russian and the Japanese
fleets meet, the present flood of rumors
and speculations concerning their
whereabouts and movements is sure to
continue unabated- Some of the at
tempts to give Togo's plan of cam
paign are much at variance with the
record of that admiral at Port Arthur,
where he did his best to save his ar
mored vessels. The same necessity of
shielding his battleships and big cruis
ers is still present, for should Togo's
fleet be badly damaged the Russians
have still enough ships at home to
form a squadron capable of holding the
seas. The Russian commander must
seek Vladivostok sooner or later, and
it is not improbable that the Japanese
will allow him to reach that port, when
he could be bottled" by the entire
Japanese fleet and the use of torpedo
boats and floating mines. It would not
be surprising if the precious Japanese
battleships did not come into action
with Rojestvensky's squadron for an
other month.
We had been told that all people
were saints at Seattle. But the other
night some two hundred persons at
a revival meeting at Seattle got
up and told how bad they have been,
how spotted with sin and iniquity. And
the evangelists are organizing a crowd
to go down into the dance-hall and
tenderloin district. Great must be the
surprise of the country, after reading
Doctor Chapman's statement about the
purity of Seattle, to learn that there
Is a tenderloin district In that city. By
the way, though. Doctor Chapman ex
plains by saying that the dance-halls
of Seattle are of higher tone that Is
moral and spiritual we suppose than
those of Portland. This commendatory
statement, however, Portland "can't
complain of. It was due to Seattle
from the good doctor's partiality.
Announcement of the death of Miss
Jennie 3. Arnold, tor -many years a
teacher in the public schools Of this
city, at her home in Cadiz, Ohio, did
not cause surprise, nor, under the cir
cumstances, regret to her 'many friends
here. Competent and falthfut In her
vocation, she was stricken with paraly
sis while In active pursuit of her duties
In the Couch School some weeks ago,
since which time she has been helpless,
and her condition has been hopeless.
She was taken to her old home a month
ago. and though she made the journey
without special discomfort, she died a
few days ago, without having regained
the use of speech, though apparently
conscious. The case was one In which
death was a welcome messenger of re
The County Court still refuses to ac
cept the new Alblna ferryboat. Judge
Webster is quoted as declining to take
over the boat until the craft is com
pleted, and in support of his position,
he cites the fact that the last boat
cost the county 51000 extra before she
could be used. Reasoning from recent
disclosures regarding bridges, sewers,
etc.. It Is probable that the county got
off cheaply by paying the $1000 instead
of having the changes made before the
boat was turned over. The present
trend of public opinion is not very
favorable for the acceptance of unfin
ished ferryboats, sewers or bridges or
the allotment of too much extra re
muneration to the men who build them
Ex-Senator John M. Thurston is not
yet ready to sever his connection with
the "American Maritime League,'
which was recently the subjecfof con
slderable unfavorable comment In the
Eastern newspapers. In an Interview
in the New York Sun he expresses great
surprise that the motives of the organ
izatlon have been questioned, and
deems it "incomprehensible" that any
one should attempt to make money out
of such a scheme. Apparently Senator
Thurston's knowledge of bunco men Is
on a par with that which he possesses
regarding American shipping.
None of President Roosevelt's late
remarks has brought forth so much
comment as that one about having left
Secretary Taft sitting on the lid of the
Santo Domingo affair. Secretary Taf t's
rotundity of figure gave a humorous
twist to the metaphor, but the general
opinion expressed is that he looms quite
as large in an intellectual way as In a
President Roosevelt has not yet had
the luck to kill' any big game. He has
had no "bar meat." Heavy snow has
been falling, and he seems to be
"snowed up."
A Russian newspaper warns the
world against the "Asiatic peril." The
Russians are the best qualified to speaK
on this particular subject.
President Roosevelt appears to be as
successful as Oyama in keeping dark
his bear-hunting exploits until the cam
palgn is over.
The Impression grows tha-t the mem
bers ot the Theatrical Syndicate, axe
bad sectors. " r--
Tomorrow! .
Apparently the great obstacle in the way
of peace is Japan's demand for an indem
nity and Russia's reluctance to agree to
uch a payment. Here Isa- plan by which
this difficulty may be overcome. Let the
meeting between Togo and Rojestvensky
be postponed until, the Czar and the Mi
kado have agreed upon a convenient place
for the fight. Then fix the date of the
engagement and run excursion steamers
to give the public an opportunity o see
ing the fleets in action. If the manner
in which men flock to bullfights, dog
fights, prizefights, cockfights, is a crite
rion, the two governments would find thelc
undertaking immensely profitable, and the
battle would not be spoiled In any way.
indeed the presence of spectators would
encourage the men and prevent the em-.
ployment of Illegitimate tactics.
Bleas the chlet executive of this great Na
tion personally and officially, and as he Is
soon to reach the "happy grounds" on which
he has fixed his far-away gaze, and where
the wild beasts, abound, whether these mons
ters of the mountains flee from him in fear
or fly at him In fury, may he find himself
protected by the shield of the Almighty, so
that upon his return to his home in peace and
afety. like thy servant David of old, he can
testify to the people that the Lord delivered
him out of the paw of the Hon and out of
the paw of the bear. Prayer by Chaplain
Bradford, in the Illinois Hoiue of Represen
tatives. If that isn't bathos, there is no such
thing. Besides, doesn't it seem funny to
burden the Lord with the protection from
bears of a man who has willfully crossed
the continent to get at them.
"I have been the greatest drunkard for
cars trom Panama to the Klondike,"
said a convert in Seattle. It's a strange
thing how a man magnifies his sinful
life when he thinks of making a switch.
This particular man is lacking in grat
itude. He actually tries to make himself
out a greater drunkard than the man who
reformed him.
The Kansas City Star says that a small
boy In Iola managed to serve both God
and Mammon on Sunday by dropping In
the missionary box a penny which he ob
tained by selling an empty beer bottle.
We must refer this story to Dr. Wash
ington Gladden. v
In the Spring a Russian's fancy lightly turns
to thoughts of strikes:
Down he throws his pick and shovel, and to
buy him vodka hike?.
Bclasco Is bringing the theatrical syndi
cate to book, something it wouldn't do
for him.
Frenzied millinery is to the fore just
now. The store windows are full of things
that look like flower-beds, birds nests.
fruit boxes, Indian baskets, trays of curios
and many other objects One popular
brand resembles a basket which has been
kicked inside out and filled with flowers
and pincushions.
Each month has its appropriate stone.
April's is the diamond.
The Russian sailor who fell overboard
from the Nakhlmoff and paddled around
invthe Straits of Malacca for 12 hours, has
rejoined his ship. We hope ho won't find
himself in the way of any Japanese shells.
This Russian was evidently not born to
be drowned.
Henry James was In our midst yester
day. He is said to be studying English
with the object of writing hIslmprossIons
of our hustling burg.
The first freckle of the season appeared
Sunday. , -
Portland's "Golden Singers" are ad
vertising the town. Eastern papers
think a chorus of red-haired women
will be too utterly utter. "
Trouble has piled upon the London
Daily News, which ran the announce
ment of the Torrey-Alexander revival
meetings under the head of "Amuse
Bet Maxine Elliott made a scene in
London when she learned her scenery
had been left In New York.
Togo and Roosevelt are both out ot
tne public's ken.
"Lynch" is becoming increasingly
popular abroad. It Is so much nicer
a word than "murder." When Bulga
rians chop up a few Turks they are
now said to have lynched their cap
tives. White men' no longer massacre
natives In Africa they merely lynch
them. America leads the world In
euphemisms. -
jouquin .aimer says mere is more
-.. ......
poetry in a little book by Thomas
Bailey Aldrich than In Milton, Homer
and Dante. We have heard of Mr. Aid-
rich, but who are the other three fcl
lows'; We don't remember seeing any
of their stuff in the magazines.
A Kansas paper speaks of a boy
"who looks like a dish used to bake
pumpkin pies." That must be about the
last word.
Cambridge is finding the dead lan
guages a live issue. '
Edward Atkinson, the great economic
writer and statistician of Boston, says
that no woman need spend more than
565 a year on dress. Mighty few worn
en will have tne least faith in the
great economist's statistics.
"Holier Than Thou."
Chicago Chronicle.
All the attacks that are made on John
D. Rockefeller and his money are founded
on an assumption of superior virtue In
those who make them. All of his assail
ants are virtually saying: "Stand by thy
self; come not near to me, for I am holler
than thou." N
Their religion teaches that we are all
miserable sinners; the very object of that
religion Is the reclamation of a fallen
race, and there is not one of them, from
Dr. Gladden down, who Is any holler than
Mr. Rockefeller. They have selected him
for aspersion simply because he is typical
of capital and because it Is the nature of
Pharisees to consider themselves holler
than other people.
Ananias and Sapphira told such false
hoods about their property which they
had turned over to the common fund that
both of them were struck dead for It, and
yet their money was kept and devoted to
charitable purposes.
Has a Stepmother. v
A strapping lad of 12 was registered
in one of the public schools of Phila
delphia. He readily gave the several
facts called for. but he did not know
whether his birthday fell on the tenth
of November or of December.
The principal was surprleed at this
display of ignorance on the part of so
old a child, and he asked how it came
to pass that he hadn't learned the date
of his birth. "I wasn't born," said the
has. "I had a, stenmothcr '
Desperate Deed of Small Craft With Which Jnpan Hopes to Crip
ple Rojestvensky.
In view of the approaching clash between
the Russian and theJapanese fleets, the fol
lowing graphic description of a naval en
gagement off Port Arthur will be found In
teresting. It is taken from "The Sub-Lieutenant'?
Story" one ot the vivid sketches In
The Yellow War" by "O," published by
McClure, Phillips & Co. Th.e sub-lieutenant
Is a young Russian whom "O" first met in
Genoa, where the officer was notorious fy
his drinking bouts and his amours. Oh
reaching Port Arthur the sub-lieutenant Is
appointed to the destroyer Plotva, and goes
out to engage the Japanese flotilla.)
The flotilla was now in the hands of
Commander Brieleff, the senior officer in
our division. He made the signal to at
tack in echelon, our center to endeavor
to break through the enemy's center and
thus divide him in two, so that the fire
of three of our boats might be concen
trated on two of his. We stood on at
half-speed until only 2000 meters separated
us. The Japanese had opened out a little.
It was a fine spectacle, our six boats In
line, a cable's distance apart, bearing
down on the four lean Japs, who, to pre
vent us from overlapping, had opened out
to about a cable and a half. Like our
selves, our enemy had reduced his speed.
Wc were all now standing to quarters.
Kertch was on the bridge: I was down
with the six-pounder forward. The men
were joking and congratulating each other
on the opportunity we should now have
of paying off old scores. Brieleff made a
special number. It was the Stereguchi,
the boat next him in the line. The flags
read, "Conform to my movements." Be
fore the signal to the rest of his flotilla
was made, the Japanese opened fire with
their 12-pounders. They carried 12-pound
ers; we, only six-pounders. Then came
the flotilla signal, "Echelon from the cen
ter, full steam ahead, engage." Merrily
chimed the telegraph-bells, and, when our
turn came, we felt the Plotva, like a
racehorse to the spur, bound forward
underneath us. All the rest Is a tangle
of disjointed memories. We were on the
extreme left of the line abreast. I can
only tell you the confused threads as I
recollect them. I remember glancing to
starboard, and noticing the five parallel
wakes of our flotilla, which seethed up
above the breeze ripple. Then the smack
of the six-pounder and the whirr ot the
Maxims brought me to my duties. "That's
a hit," shouted the No. 1 ot ray crew.
and at the same moment a shell exploded
on our rail. A splinter hit the hopper of
the gun, glanced, and then the ear, mus
tache and cheek of the No. 1 were gone.
He stood a moment, drenching the lever
in his hand with blood, then sank to the
deck, while 'another seized the slimy han
dle and shoulder grip. I noticed that the
men at our boat-rail were firing with
rifles. The new No. 1 swung the gun
round, and I could see that we had
changed our, course, and now had a Jap
anese destroyer abeam on the port side.
Dread of Socialistic Tendencies in
America ns Manifested in Cap
italistic Circles.
New York Financial Chronicle.
Will the intelligent and right-thing men
within the Republican ranks emulate the
example set them by the same class In
the other party and stamp out these here
sies once and for all? There is apparently
less disposition on the part of the rank
and file in the dominant party to cut loose
than there is in the other party. And yet
we doubt not when the test comes, and
the issue la squarely presented, the degree
of Independence will be found jufet as
great. The present movement is tha more
dangerous because of its insidious char
acterbecause it is not an openly pro
nounced agitation in favor of socialism
and paternalism, but is done under the
guise of a desire to "regulate." The
Democratic party has had the fatuity of
making open proclamation of its follies;
thus proclaimed these follies have always
been visited with popular disapproval. It
behooves the independent element in the
Republican party to make their Influence
felt and by stripping the new movement
of all disguise insure its defeat, too.
Certain -evils exist In the railroad and
the industrial world, and a remedy for
them must be provided. For instance, in
the case of the railroads rebates and un
just preferences must be done away with
and private car companies abolished or so
stripped of their present attributes as to
make them innocuous. But all this does
not warrant any steps that would deprive
security-holders of control over their
property and Investments. Least of all do
the prevailing Ills, as reflected cither in
the railroad problem or the trust problem,
warrant recourse to government owner
ship or government socialism. All step3
In that direction, therefore, should be ar
rested. Bryanlsm in the Democratic par
ty has been shorn of the power for harm.
But the potentialities of Bryanism within
the Republican party cannot at this stage
be gauged. Hence those who realize the
danger that threatens should get together
and resist further trifling with such a se
rious matter.
The Spread of Paternalism.
Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch.
The Massachusetts Legislature recently
considered a bill to pension old men. It
provided that the state give 52 a week
to all male citizens of 65 years or more.
But It further provided that the appli
cant for a pension must have paid all
poll taxes continuously for 25 years, and
was required to show that he had not
within five years previous been convicted
of a felony: that he had possessed a good
moral character, and that he was not ad
dicted to the use of intoxicating liquors.
The bill was defeated, but It Is signifi
cant that E5 votes were cast for It against
97 in opposition. The advocates of the
measure argued that the state owed every
worthy citizen a certain support In his
old age and again that it would greatly
increaso the state's revenue from poll
taxes and tend to make citizens honest.
We have great sympathy with the old
man who has outlived his usefulness, and
who In unable to earn a livelihood, but
if we as people wish to destroy thrift,
self-reliance and manhood, we can go
about it in no surer way than by saying
to every citizen that no matter how slip
shod he may be if he only pay his poll
taxes and keep his hands from picking
and stealing In his old age, he will be
cared for by the Government- Can It be
that the Kansas Idea Is destined to
take possession of the American people?
Are they going to turn their backs at
last upon democracy, under which Ameri
can, manhood has been developed and
take socialism as a substitute? If so, the
American republic will go the way of all
the republics that have preceded It- The
American republic Is built upon the essen
tial principle of self-reliance.
Looks Like It.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
McFIub Here's a foreign missionary re
nounces his religion, surrounds himself
with a harem, and becomes the chief of
a cannibal tribe.
Sleeth Go3h! That feller must have
been educated with the tainted donations
of a particularly wicked trust.
He Keepeth Count.
Mary Mapes Dodge.
He keepeth count. "We come, wc go,
We speculate, toll, and falter;
But the measure to each of weal or woe,
God only can give or alter.
He sendeth light. '
"He sendeth night.
,fn4. chin at xsm oft foztyu-t
My eye caught the blood-red radiations
on Its smoke-fouled bunting. Its funnels
were belching flame, while it was so close
that the Incessant flash from Its quick
firers hurt the eye. Projectiles swished
above us; but at the moment I did not
realize that we were the target. My gun
had stopped firing. "Ammunition!" f
shouted, and then realized for the first
time that I alone of all my gun-crow was
standing. My fellows were a heap of hid
eously mutilated flesh. As I sprang to the
gun, I recognized amidst the streaks of
crimson remainder a handlcss forearm.
On It was the .cherished tattooed geisha
of my servant Alexis. Men from the tube
came to aid me, and then the vessel heeled
as if she had collided. The wreck of the
Maxim from the bridge was swept along
the deck, and Imbedded Itself steaming
and hissing in the pile of human offal at
my feet. Again the vessel heeled, and I
felt myself seized by the hand.
"Excellency. Excellency, the commander
Is killed. Come quickly to the bridge
Wc are alone the other boats have fled.'
How I got to the bridge I cannot say.
I remember that the hand-rail was twm
cd like a corkscrew. What a scene I Save
for the wheel, steersman and binnaele.
the bridge was swept clean. Maxim
mounting, commander, rail, were a
tangled mass trailing alongside. As I
clung to a funnel-stay, I was actually
looking down the smoking throat of a"
Japanese 12-poundcr not six fathoms dis
tant. Black, hissing and battered, the
boat was closing on us like some hideous
sea-monster. A dozen of her ruffian crew
with short swords In their hands were
gathered forward to spring upon us. There
was not time to give an order. The men '
were now jumping. But my steersman
had put over his helm. There was a
grinding jar, and wc slithered past them,
carrying away their rails and forward
hamper, and grinding to pulp against our
plates such of their boarders as had
jumped short. As wc shook clear our
6-poundcr belched into her vitals, and a
great geyser of steam shrieked out amid
ships from between her smokestacks. T
remember seeing my men pitchfork the
four little devils who had boarded us
over the side with their bayonets and
then I pitched headlong on to tho debris
of the gun-crew and maxim on the deck
below. A rifle bullet 'had just missed
my spine and perforated my right lung.
The engineer brought the Plotva out.
How we escaped I don't know for the ye-
! low devils seemed all around us. But
our speed saved us. though they got the
poor old Stereguchi.
What happened? You may well ask!
Why, the two boats which belonged to
the "C" division not to ours never car
ried out Brleleft's orders. So we came
In as a single echelon on a short front.
Their left boat got Brieleff and the whole
lot of us broadside on. and broke us
up. This in conjunction with their super
iority in gun calibre, beat us. We've got
12-pounders now, when it Is too late.
Hals for Ten-Cent Heads.
Myrtle Point Enterprise.
Gatchell has hats for 10 cents and up. A
hat to fit any head or pocketbook.
All in the Roosevelt Class.
Promise Corr. Wallowa Chieftain.
Will Bennett. George Carper and Jim
Bennett each killed a bear last week.
Ominous Outlook for the Wedding.
Lovely Corr. Wallowa News.
We are all wondering If It Is going to
be a double wedding, when those bells
do ring. Curiosity killed a cat once.
Nothing Dry About National Game.
Bandon Recorder.
There Is some talk of baseball here, but
It seems In obeyance of the result of the
Injunction against prohibition. It appears
that It will require a "wet" town In order
to support a team .
Terrible Disclosure ns to T. R.
Sagebrush Corr. Klamath Falls Expresz.
What a grand, good thing It would be
for the country If President Roosevelt
had the backbone and determination to
carry out the policy respecting railroad
regulation and trust-busting which has
lately been inaugurated. I am afraid,
however, that he hasn't the nerve to do
It. I have seen the time when-he wa3
white as a ghost from fright, and 1 am
afraid his enthusiasm will peter out in
the face of the opposition he is sure to
What Is the Real Impulse.
New York Journal of Commerce.
The occasion Is an appropriate one for
pausing to consider what is the real im
pulse behind the movement for municipal
ownership In this country, which has
brought It support In unexpected places.
It is not a demonstration that the service
of public utilities cannot be performed
more efficiently, more economically and
at less cost to the people by private enter
prise under public franchises than by di
rect municipal authority. No argument In
favor of tho former and against the lat
ter has been refuted by experience. The
most that can be claimed Is that private
enterprise has In fact failed to give a
satisfactory service at reasonable cost.
But why Is this' so? Not because It could
not be done, but because franchise privi
leges have been abused and franchise obli
gations disregarded, that those who pro
moted and manipulated public utility cor
porations might reap inordinate profit
from the city. This lesson Is being Im
pressed just now by the lighting inves
tigation in this city, and it might be drawn
with equal force from a full revelation of
the past doings of traction companies.
It Is these abuses of public utility cor
porations that have made their service so
costly that it can be claimed that It may
be provided at less cost by public author
ity In spite of the lack of Incentive for
efficiency and economy and the induce
ment it will afford for extravagance and
Inefficiency. It is this that Is impelling to
rash experiments in public ownership In
lines In which It Is opposed to sound prin
ciples and right reasoning. The evil has
grown out ot the failure of public intel
ligence and moral sense to Insist upon
and enforce through legislation and the
administration of law a proper regulation
and control of public-service corporations.
A similar failure In these civic forces will
make of public ownership a greater evil,
and bring still greater scandal and re
proach upon our governmental methods.
If these forces can be aroused to exert
their proper influence In the management
of public interests, they should be guided
to a corrective ot the evils, bringing the
corporations into subjection and making
tnem conform to just and reasonable re
quirements. The real Issue should not be
accepted as lying between the principle
of municipal ownership and that of pri
vate enterprise and management, meas
ured by the actual results of the latter
and the hoped-for results of the former,
but between a properly regulated and con
trolled exercise of "franchise privileges and
a public service subject to all the malign
Influences of city politics. The contest
agajnst the abuses of these privileged mo
nopolies is taking a perilous direction,
when it should be aimed at the correction
of the abuses and the subjection of th
corporations to the needed control.
It Would Shake Him.
Chicago Chronicle.
A cannibal would feel frightfully cheap
4t he. should find that he had been con-
yerted by, the- use ot tainted "rdoh?