-THE HOEHHTG 0BEGT3HIAjy TUESDAY, APBIL 18, 1905. TRIALS SET FO THE II TERM Tanner-Creek Sewer Cases to Come Before the Cir cuit Court. DEFENSE ASSERTS! FRAUD peclarcs That Men "Were Bribed by Eneiiales to Do Poor Work, but ,f: district Attorney Thinks Otherwise. The TannerCreelc sewer criminal cases will be tried in the State Circuit Court next .month, "beginning with the trial of E. M, Rlner. May 5. The case against R. M. lUner -will follow on May 10. The trial of ex-City Engineer "William C. El-lio"tt-has been set for May 15. The date of the. J. VL Cavwood and Henry Chand ler trials lias not yet been fixed. The attorneys ior the defense, have stated that they, are ready to proceed -with tne rriais, and District Attorney Manning says there iHli Twi-nn further nostoonement. The District Attorney -and opposing counsel have agreed upon the dates mentioned. As There are a great many witnesses to examine. It is expected tnat eacn xnai will consume four or five days. The fmrtnnts obtained continuances before on the ground that they desired, if possible, to secure tne attenaance oi miss ing witnesses to prove the existence of o mnmirflw tn iniure the Riners by caus ing men employed on the sewer to do Door "work. Enemies or tne Jtuners are isatA tn Vin.VA formed this dot. Mr Mnnnintr avs he does not think there is anything in this story, and further that such evidence would not be admiss ible because the Riners and City Engineer TT.inn fcrnvrl a statement before the Ex ecutive Board of the city that they had personal knowledge to the effect that the work had been completed according to the plans and specincauons. TVia Viritaerv rAKCs scainst J. B. Bridces. Ttnhert WaJtifield and G. B. Thomas were to have been set yesterday morning for trial, but, owing to tne absence of Tnom.' as. this -was not done. They will, how ever, be set for trial sometime next month, and altogether the May term of court will be a busy and interesting ses elon. "SUES TO KECOVER RENT. Under Statutes Is Entitled to Claim Double Amount Due. Jacob Deckenbach yesterday began suit in, the State Circuit Court to recover 4112 rent for a store in a building at East Morrison street and Grand avenue occu pied by D. C. RIma as a saloon. Rima bought the saloon for $1600 from Lake, and contended that Xeckenbach at the time of the purchase agreed to exe cute him a written lease, and afterwards refused to do so. Ieckenbach filed a suit of forcible entry and detainer In the East Side Justice Court to obtain pos session of the premises. Rima resisted and appealed to the State Circuit Court, won the case, but lost in the Supreme Court. He filed a bond to pay all dam ages which may be awarded against him, and to satisfy any judgment given against him in the Appellate Court, signed by "W. E. Schlmpff and Sig SIchel as sureties. Deckenbach now sues Rima, and Schlmpff and Sichel to recover the rent from Sep tember 1. 1903, to February 4, 1905, at the rate of $120 a month, which amounts to $2056. Deckenbach also invokes the stat utes whfch allows him as a penalty to recover double the amount of rent in a case of this kind, which makes a total of $4112. Rima alleges that the cause of the trou ble and his ejectment from the premises -was that he was selling a certain kind of beer which was made at Astoria, and re fused to sell another brew. SAYS WIND BLEW DOWN HOUSE Defendant Company Makes Its An swer in Damage Suit. The building which collapsed and fell upon Charles Ochs on June 9, 1904, the Oregon - Furniture Manufacturing Com pany 'says "was blown down by a wind storm, and the company was not to blame. This Is the answer made by the Oregon Furniture Company in the State Circuit Court to the damage suit against it filed by Ochs. He was seriously In jured, and thinks the company ought to pay for the consequences resulting from the .fall of the structure. The building, whicn-was in course of construction, was to be used to store lumber, and for a dry kiln. The answer recites that June Is usually a mild month, and, contrary to the usual expectancy of weather for that period of the year, a very violent wind storm arose and blew the building down. The accident is said to have been un avoidable. Further, it is alleged that Ochs, who "was working in the building, assumed the ordinary hazards and risks of his employment, and is not entitled to recover damages. ASKS A SIGNIFICANT QUESTION Counsel Inquired if Wood Was Piled for Buying or Selling. "Vas the wood piled- the way you peo ple buy it, or was it piled the way you seli'ltr This significant question was asked by Roger B. Slnnott yesterday in Judge Cle land's court, during the trial of the suit of the. Pioneer Morrison-Street Fuel Com pany against Churchley Bros., rival fuel dealers. The dispute concerns 2S8 cords of wood "which "was at Adams Landing, Scappoose Bay, which the plaintiffs al lege the defendants unlawfully took pos sesslon of, and they sue for Its value, $710. Churchley Bros, say they purchased the wood. James O. Spencer occupied the witness stand and hadJust stated that the Pioneer Company had. advanced money to pay for cuttinc- the wood and told of measuring some of It, when Mr. Slnnott interrupted to inaulre if wood was measured the same by dealers when it was Dougat as When it was sold. The witness responded: "I don't understand that question. I suppose when you sell a cord of wood, you sell a cord of wood." Counsel subsided, and the trial proceeded. WILD NOT ACCEPT PERRY-BOAT City 3Iust First Place Craft in Good Condition. The members of the County Commis sioners Court will not accept the new Albina ferryboat, Lionel R. Webster, un til they are satisfied that all necessary changes have been made to put the boat in good running order. Mayor Williams and a party consisting of city officials had the boat operated last week "by a wards expressed the opinion thai the boat worked welL Judge Webster still says that the boat is not properly equipped, and Commission ers Barnes and Xiightner are of the same mind. Speaking of the matter yesterday. Judge Webster said: "One of the long arm-cranks which operate the wheels ac tually wabbles from side to Eide and knocks and pounds. The boiler itself is shaky, and the old engine would not pump water more than half the time. I know that we had as capable men on the boat when we made the trial trip as had the city, and I know the boat was unmanage able. It Is useless for the city to say that the craft meets with all the provisions of the contract. However, we are going to investigate it thoroughly before we do anything further. I am not going to ac cept another boat unless it is completed, for the last one cost us over $1000 to fit it up so it could be used." Jurors Drawn for the May Term. The following jurors for the May term of the State Circuit Court, which, begins May 1, were drawn from the Jury, list yes terday: John Alstadt, florist; D. C. Anderson. merchant; Carl Abendroth, laborer; Hiram R. Alden, dentist; Ira E. Allen, bookkeep er; Ernest W. Ball, druggist; Roy C Bateman, merchant; John Bays, con tractor; A. W. Bird, capitalist; Frank Botefuhr, merchant; Joseph J. Bowen, merchant; Otto F. Brandes, salesman; Al bert Brix, merchant; F. Scott Brooke, real estate; William M. Cake, Sr., phy sician; August Carlson, manufacturer; H. T. Clarke, superintendent; Al Cleveland, farmer; J. W. Cook, salmon packer; Wil liam H. Courtney, capitalist; Adolph De kum, hardware; W. A. Dempsey, manu facturer; William Donnovan, tranafer; M. J. Driscoll, stableman; A. H. Ellers, mer chant; A. J. Jan no, farmer; Henry J. Fish, paints; Henry Fleckensteln, mer chant; J. M. Fowler, captain; Sigmond Frank, merchant; Harry S. Godshell, la borer; H. D. Crandon, manufacturer; Frank Hacheny, real estate; J. L. Hartman, Insurance; M. P. Henderson, manufacturer: T. I. HIckey, yardman; William HIckey, captain; Frank B. Hlggins. clerk; J. J. Jennings, furniture; P. E. C Johnson, merchant; Penumbra Kelly, clerk; S. J. LaFrance, merchant; Austin Lewis, farmer; William Macbeth, clerk: J. M. McBrlde. salesman: S. B. McBrlde, blacksmith; Roy McLean, sales man; W. W. Miner, marbleworker; Johan Poulsen, millman; J. H. Peterson, livery man; Jacob Plttenger. dairyman: C. E. Potter, merchant; R. A. Proudfoote, res taurant; H. J. Schemer, grocery; S. F. SI ferd. clerk; Samuel Strouss, restaurant; C H. Thompson, broker; rf. C. Toraelson, real estate: T. S. Townsend, creamery; J, I. Vestal, druggist. Wants Damages for Loss of Eye. The trial of the suit of Manuel Nunez Perelra against the Star Sand Company for $30,000 damages for the loss of an eye, was resumed before Judge Sears yes terday. Perelra testified that he was wording ai me rocK crusner when a box full ot rock was raised from a flat boat with an engine, and derrick, and the rock dumped into the crusher. The hooks attached to the chain of the box. and thence to a rope which extended to the derrick, became unfastened. The engi neer carelessly continued to work the engine, causing the hooks to swing about violently, and one of them struck plain tiff in the eye. The accident occurred on April 5, 1904. He was taken to the hospital where he remained some time, and in September was compelled to re turn to the hospital. On cross-examination O. F. Paxton, at torney for the defense, endeavored to show that the Star Sand Company of fered to furnish necessary medical treat ment, and paid the second hospital bill, and agreed to pay the first one. which Perelra paid. Perelra was also asked If he had not consulted Judge Munly and Dan J. Malarkey concerning his case, and If they both had declined to bring suit for Jiim. Just before court adjourned for the day, Paxton argued a motion for a nonsuit. Sues Street Railway for Injuries. C. Ben Riesland alleges that he was thrown off a streetcar at Union and Ains worth avenues by the conductor on April last and seriously injured. He filed suit against the Portland Consolidated Rail way Company In the State Circuit Court yesterday .for $10,000 damages. Riesland says in his complaint that he desired to go from the car and gave a signal to that effect. The motorman slacked the speed of the car, and he proceed to the lower step preparatory to alighting. The con ductor then. Riesland aver?, without prov ocation, wilfully and maliciously assault ed, cursed and kicked him. forcing, him to release his hold on the car. which in the meantime had started up and attained a speed of 20 miles an hour. The plaintiff alleges that he was thrown with great violence to the -earth and sustained many bruises and abrasions on his body nnd limbs, and injuries to the knee and of the hand and wrist. File Incorporation Articles. Articles of incorporation of the Water Chutes Company were filed in the office of the County Clerk yesterday by J. J. Tinker, William Jacobsen and A. C. X. Berry. The purposes of the corporation are to erect and maintain water chutes or contrivances known as "chute the chutes" at places of public amusement, expositions, etc The amount of the cap ital stock is $10,000. John H. Bowman, D. F. Knapp and B. K. Knapp filed incorporation articles yes terday of the Western Paint & Chemical Company; capita stock, $25,000. Child's Face Burned by X-Ray. The suit of C. A. Ball agalnBt Doctor Ralph C. Walker to recover $10,000 dam ages because of severe burns about the face and head sustained by his little daughter, Helen, resulting from X-rays treatment administered by Dr. Walker, will be submitted to the Jury this morn ing by Judge Frazer. Arguments were made yesterday afternoon by Gus C. Moser for the plaintiff, and W. W. Cotton for the defense. Witnesses called by the defendant were Doctors F. Gullette, George F. Wilson and J. C. King. Boys Accused of Trespass. Fred Rice, Fred Fuchs and Arthur Westerman, all of boyish years, ap peared before Justice Reld yesterday charged with trespass upon information of Ellis Raab. It is alleged the boys wrongfully entered the . premises of Raab on the Canyon road about a quar ter of a mile west of Sylvan. The de fendants were given further time in which to plead. Dispute Over Wages Due. The case of Mrs. J. M. Wharton vs. S. H. Abramsbrought to recover $50 al leged to be lue as salary, was heard by Justice Reld yesterday and taken under advisement. Mrs. Wharton claims this amount for services rendered In the tailor shop of the defendant, while he answers that there Is but $3 due her. Very Bad Cough Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For three months Mr. Gall Wood worth of Stevens Point, Wis., was trou bled with a very bad cough. He doc tored continually, but got no perma nent relief until he used Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, which effected a cure. A great many others have had a Jike experience. Most cough medi cines are merely palliative that is, they give only temporary relief while Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures the disease that causes the coughing and effects a permanent cure. No one can afford to neglect a cough, for a per sistent cougn Is the first symptom of consumption, the most fatal of all dis eases. This remedy ia. xor sale by all HENRYJAMES IN TOWN FOR DAY With English Exclusiveness He Holds Himself Quite Aloof. AN EXPATRIATED AMERICAN After His Recent Somewhat Cold Criticism of Western Life and Men, the Novelist Declines to Be Interviewed. Henry James, one of America's leading writers and critics of the ways and man ners of men, spent a quiet day In Portland yesterday. He came to the Portland Ho tel late Sunday night, and registered sim ply Henry James, London, by that show ing he did not consider this country his home. A man of extraordinary literary ability and the foremoBt exponent of stylo among HENRY JAMES, THE FAMOUS NOVELIST. WHO SPENT YESTERDAY SIGHT SEEING IN PORTLAND. ! the class of American authors of whom j he and William Dean Howells are easily the greatest, Henry- James has forsaken America for 30 years, taking up almost continuous residence In England and becoming In the end almost an Englishman himself. Admiring the English qualities which arc most un-American, exclusiveness and re- attention to duty. The Governoc thinks serve, he has found life more to his liking ; It Is impossible "for a boatman to be at irt the world's metropolis, and since the tentive to duties which have been abol- ius nas spent almost an his time there. Each trip to this country has become shorter and he has finally become prac tically an. alien. Has the English Reserve. Admiring reserve, he has many times criticised the American open manner, par ticularly when It became "gushing." Since he has been In this country on the pres ent journey he has on one or two occa sion made rather open comment on the people, especially Westerners, which have not been taken with altogether a good grace. The Westerners have not fancied criticism from a Londoner, who, although of their own blood, does not sympathize with the country's healthy enthusiasm. President Roosevelt himself has come in for a share of his criticism, and. the newspapers taking up the comments. Mr. James has retired into Iris shell and re fused to see any newspaper representa tives. Yesterday at the Portland Mr. James declined- to see a reporter. He showed a decided inclination for his own company and as far as known spoke to no one beside the desk clerk and the baggage man. Spends Day on the Streets. Mr. James spent a pleasant day, how ever, and was about the streets most of the time. Short and stocky, smooth shaven and rather inclined to stoutness, he was dressed In a loose, English-cut traveling suit and paid little heed to the occasional sprinkling of rain. He visited the Fair grounds for a short tlrfe, but the thing which seemed to Interest him most was the life of the streets. He avoided introductions to clubs and was not formally entertained, as the case with most distinguished -men who come to Port land. Though scarcely a more distin guished man has been here for many months, Portland was not given an op portunity to show its hospitality, as by the time that It became known that Mr. James was here, he had already left for the Sound. He has been spending several weeks In California and was traveling nortnward to see the country' on his way East. And knowing that the best way to become acquainted with the life of the pedple Is to wander about the town, see ing the best and the worst, Mr. James followed his own bent and went his own way. Some of the better-known books writ ten by Henry James are "Trans-Atlantic Sketches," "The Americans," "The Euro peans," "The Awkward Age," "A Little Tour of France" and "The Sacred Font," besides several volumes of short stories and sketches. His writings are regarded by many as difficult to read on. account of his Involved style, but to those who admire his style, there is none to compare with It for comprehensiveness of expres sion. Association Football Plans. Plans for the opening games of the' season were discussed at a meeting last night of the executive committee of the Portland Association Football Club. It was decided that the first game will be played with two Portland elevens In this city about the middle of May, when it is hoped that among the spec tators may be counted some of the members of the British societies in town. Secretary Dyment was instruct ed to arrange for a match between Portland and the strong eleven of Il waco, at Ilwaco, about the end of May. Ilwaco is a formidable proposition in the football line, but it is asserted by those who know that Portland at last has an association eleven that will beat all opponents on the Pacific Coast. So all comers will be welcome. A con versation took place about football games at the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion this Summer, and It is thought that In addition to the Portlands, teams representing these towns will try for tor la, B. C, two clubs; and one club from each of these places: San Fran cisco, South Bend, Ilwaco, Fossil, Se attle and Tacoma. Letters will be written In a day or two by the Port lands' secretary to representatives ot all association football clubs in the Pa cific Northwest telling them about the approaching association football tour nament at the Exposition. ONLY WORK TO DRAW PAY Boatman at Astoria Is Therefore Disapproved by Governor. SALEM, Or., April 17. (Special.) The action of the last Legislature in elect ing a boatman at Astoria received ex ecutive disapproval today when Governor Chamberlain refused to approve the boat man's official bond. The Governor had no objection to the sufficiency of the bondsmen, but takes the position that the boatman's office was abolished by implication. The work of the boatman is to take the Health Of ficer out to ships, which have entered the harbor at Astoria, and for this he re ceives a salary of $500 a year. The last Legislature abolished the position of Health Officer, but did not repeal the law creating the office of boatman. It will be remembered that the election of a boatman was used as a subterfuge to get the Senate and House of Represent atives Into joint convention In order that the members of the Legislature might be taken by surprise and a vacancy on the Port of Portland Commission filled. At that time James Keating, of Astoria, was elected boatman to succeed him self. The law creating the office fixes the term at two years, and does not pro vide that he shall hold until his suc cessor is elected and qualified. Since the Governor has refused to approve the bond, it would seem that Koatinsr is out. The Governor remarked tonight that if mandamus proceedings should be brought and he be compelled to approve the bond, he will remove Keating from office under that section of the statute which author izes him to remove the boatman for in- Ished. Will Sell Seized Fishnets. ASTORIA, Or., April 17. (Special.)-A suit was filed In the Circuit Court today by Fish Warden Van' Dusen against An ton Pederson, asking that a gillnet, con sisting of 270 fathoms, which was seized on March 17, be condemned and ordered sold. A letter was received today by the firsh warden from W. W. Smith, who has been acting as water bailiff on the Clackamas and Willamette Rivers, stat ing tnat during the closed season he had seized 12 setnets and one gillnet, all of which had been shipped to this city LA FAYETTE-ST. JOSEPH CUT-OFF AUTHORIZED BY GENERAL MANAGER WORTH 1NGTON JfAP SHOWING THE NKW LINE AN'II THE OLD UOAJJ WHICH WILL BE ABANDONED. Construction on the La Fayette-SL Joseph cut-oft on the West Side division of the Southern Paclflc has been authorized by General Manager B. A. Worthlnjt ton and work will bein as soon as the men can be gathered together and taken to the ground. It was printed some time ago that the tracks between St. Joseph and La Fay ette would be linked together for the purpose of betterment in the traffic arrange ment5 and on account of econpmy in maintenance, but yesterday wan the first of ficial announcement that nan been made. Mr. Worthlngttn in making public his Intended action said yesterday afternoon: "I have Just authorized the construction of the cut-off between La Fayette, on 'the Tamhlli division', to St. Joseph, on the Wert Side division, two and one-quar-' ter miles In length. The new track will pass through the town of La. Fayette and akirt alone the north bank of the Yamhill - River without crossing the stream. This new line will cost approximately 363,000. There will be 8.5 miles of -the. Yamhill division abandoned by -this cut-off. from La Fayette to Whlteson, which has been difficult to maintain owing to the large bridge croaelng the Tarn . hill River, .together with many email trestles. The distance to be traversed from La Fayette to Whlteson will be Just one mile- In excess of the present mileage. By tht construction of this cut-off direct train erv!ce will be given from Sheri dan. Dundee and the principal towns in Yamhill County, with McMInnvllle, the county seat, which will undoubtedly be very much appreciated by the people fn that section." The new line wIU necessitate the construction of three fair-eized trestles, none of which, however, will be so high or so long aa the bridge and trestle now main tained over the Yamhill River at La Fayette. The latter will be abandoned and the -track will be taken, up for the entire eight miles between La Fayette and Whlteeon. but (rince there are no towns along the line the abandonment will work no hardship to any of the residents. One reason for the construction of the cut-off la that It would require practically the same amount to rebuild or repair the trestles over the eight miles of road as it would to make the short new line and do away with the expensive stretch ot track. The change 1 taken to mean the 'beginning of a new era In West Side trans portation. Within a. week the new gasoline motor-car now being tested in Omaha will be started for Its long trip acrom the country to Portland, where It will be put in service over the West Side track as far as ' Hlllsboro or Forest Grove. This will' be but the first step, however. It la argued, and a, short time will see the motor-cars running over the entire length of the West Side lines. Including both di visions. This action- will have to be taken by the Southern Pacific to protect Its territory from the raids ot contemplated electric lines now proposed and about to be constructed. Ml PILOT S OBJECT Want Dredge Chinook Put to Work at Mouth of River. LANGFITT GETS HER HERE Senator Fulton Arranges for Meet ing at Astoria to Consider Mat terCofferdam Being Built for Use on Elder. ASTORIA, Or.. April 17.(Special.) Major Langfltt, United States En gineers, was here today and gave or ders for the bar dredge Chinook to proceed to Portland "Wednesday to be. laid up for the Summer. A strong effort Is being made by the bar pilots and other local shipping in terests to induce the department to re scind its order and keep the dredge at work during the coming Summer. At the request of the pilots. Senator Ful ton conferred with Major Langfltt to day and arranged for a meeting be tween the pilots and Major Langfltt to be held here, probably next Fri day. The plan is to invite the lead ing shipping men of Portland to be present, so that the matter can be thoroughly discussed. In presenting their case to Senator Fulton and enlisting his aid In behalf of their contention, the pilots were most urgent In their opposition to the dredge being taken off the bar. They did not oppose the construction of the jetty, but argued that the dredge Is the only thing that will afford Imme diate relief. In support of their con tention they asserted that where the dredge was at work last season there are now 23 feet of water, whereas. when she went to work there were but 19 feet, an Increase of four feet, and this Increase Is due, they contended, al most entirely to the work done by the dredge. NICOMEDLA. IS COMING ACROSS Aragonia Sails Tomorrow for Orient With Full Load. The steamship NIcomedia. the next Portland and Asiatic liner due here, sail ed' from Hong Kong on April 14. according to advices received at the local office yesterday. She will be in port about May H. Already a large quantity of freight has been booked for her, and nearly 40,000 barrels of flour are In sight at this early date. It is probable that more flour reser vations win oe maac. The Aragonia will complete her cargo at Albina dock and will leave down the ' river tomorrow morning bound for the 1 Orient. She will carry cargo worth about the bulk of which goes to Japan. The steamer will also take valuable shipments of cotton and tobacco. . The Numnntla. which will follow the Xicomedia, is scheduled to sail from Port land June 4. but may be a little later, as she Is behind in her- schedule. If she is not too late she will likewise carry out a good quantity of flour. The In creased Japanese tariff goes Into effect on July 1, and shippers will not take the risk of sending over much flour on her unless It is certain she will make port in time. TWO STEAMB OATS ARE VISITED Admiral Kcmpff on the Altona and N. R. Lang. Admiral Kempff "caught" only two steamboats yesterday. He took them both unawares, as Is hls custom, but never theless found them prepared. In company with Local United States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller, the ad miral boarded the steamer Altona. of the Oregon City Transportation Company. In the forenoon. The men were put through the fire and boat drills and showed that they knew their business thouroughly. The life-saving apparatus of the steamer was found to be In excellent condition. In the afternoon the party visited Oregon City and inspected the steamer N. R. Lang, owned by the Willamette Pulp &. Paper Company. Her crew also made a good showing and no fault was to be found with the vessel's equipment. The steamers Albany and Annie Com ings had their regular annual inspections in the morning. COFFERDAM FOR ALLEN. New Plan Adopted for Raising the Steamer. Archibald Macfarlane, who is super intending the work on the steamer Geo. W. Elder for the San Francisco insur ance companies, has adopted a new plan for raising the vessel. He has ordered a cofferdam, which is being built at the yards of the St. Johns Shipbuilding Company, and with this he believes the ship can be success fully floated. The cofferdam will be taken down to Goble Thursday and when placed In position one more ef fort will be made to lift the Elder from the sharp rock on which she stranded. The last attempt to pump out the steamer revealed defects In one of the bulkheads. This has been fixed, and with the aid of the cofferdam it Is thought that the sunken steamer can be brought up. Dock in Danger of Collapsing. The Kellogg dock, at the foot of Salmon street, came near collapsing yesterday from excessive weight placed upon it. Over 100 tons of farming machinery placed on the upper dock proved too much for the supporting" timbers. The warning came with the cracking of the beams and planking, but braces were hurriedly put In by the dockmen, which will answer temporarily until repairs can be made. Berlin Goes to Xushaprak River. ASTORIA, Or.. April 17.-(SpecIalO The American ship Berlin, the first of the local cannery fleet, crossed out today for Nushagak River, Alaska, with- sup plies for the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Company's plant. The ship Sargent cleared today for the same point, and she Is expected to sail tomorrow, as is the ship St. Nicholas. Finn Captains Blow Oat the Gas. NEW YORK. April 17. Two Finnish sea Captains, M. Solund and N. Turn- evist. en route from their home port. Oeland, Finland, to Portland. Or., to take charge of vessels, were probably fatally overcome by gas today In the Home for Scandinavian emigrants here. They are in a hospital In a serious condition. They arrived here yesterday on the American liner St. Louis. It is believed the men blew out the gas when they retired last night. Coos Exhibits on Alliance. The steamer Alliance, which has arrived from Mansfield, brought up among her other cargo the material for the Coos County building at the Fair, and most of the county exhibit. In the latter is a mammoth log around which are en twined the roots of a great spruce tree. F. H. Brigham, who Is the architect of the building, and W. S. Turpln. the con tractor, were passengers on the Alliance. Marine Notes. The steamer Dumbarton began loading flour at the mills yesterday morning. The steamer Acme sailed from Van couver yesterday afternoon with a cargo of lumber for San Francisco. The British ship Holt Hill will leave down the river tomorrow bound for Xiu chwang. with nearly 2,000,000 feet of lum ber. The schooner Churchill has completed her cargo of S50.GOO feet of lumber at the North Paclflc mill and will start down tho river Thursday. The British- ship Blythswood, which is well known here, has been chartered by J. and A. Brown to load coal at New castle for this port. Domestic and Forclpn Ports. ASTORIA. April 17. Condition of the bar at P. M.. smooth: wind northwest; weather cloudy. Arrived down at 3 and jailed at 9:S0 A. M. Steamer Columbia, for San Fran cisco. Sailed at 0:30 A. M. American ship Berlin, for Nushairak. Outside at 5 F. M.. a three-masted barkentlne. San Francisco. April 17. Arrived Jit 6:30 A. 11. Steamer Redondo. from Portland and coast porta. Arrived Steamer Cacique, from Everett. Sailed at noon Steamer Ore gon, for Portland. Falmouth. April 10. Arrived French bark Europe, from Portland. Queenstown. April 17. Arrived French bark Asle. from Portland. State "Papers for Teachers. OLYMPIA, Wash., April 17. (Special.) At the recent meeting of the State Board of Education, life diplomas and state cer tificates were Issued to the following named persons: Life diplomas J. A. Tormey, Spokane; Thomas A. Stlger, Everett; Frank B. Cooper, Seattle; Albertine E. Rodman, Sunnyslde; A. Anna Hubbard. Cheney; Avis G. Chapel. Spokane; Agnes I. Eas son, Spokane; Lenna J. Warmoth, Sum ner; H. H. Barton. Xorthport; Cora E. Ingram. Dayton; George F. Thompson, Ellensburg. State certificates Dora C. Burgess. Ta coma; Dorothy Cooper, Centralla; Rollin E. Blackman. Sunnyslde; Helen L. Holmes, Seattle. Baby Played With Rifle. ECHO, Or., April 17. (Special.) Russell Sloan, the 22-months-old son of Frank Sloan, of Upper Butter Creek, was buried today. He was playing with RjrtheBabf Mellin's Food is endorsed by the phy sicians. Hundreds of doctors are using Mellin's Food in their own fam ilies for their own children. If Mel lin's Food is good for the doctor's baby it ought to be good for your baby. Let us, know if you would like to try Mellin's Food and we will send you a sample bottle free of charge. Mellia's 7ai !s the ONLY IafaaU' Fed, wkica received the Graaa Prize, the felikMt Award ef tie Leaitiaaa Pur ciai Erjiasitlex, St, Levis, 1904. Hiik r tkaa a tfela meaai, MELLIN'S FOOD CO., BOSTON, MASS. It pays to do business gener ously. The proof: Schilling's Best. Full-strength and pore, and the prices only enough to pay for the quality. Money back. ' DUE END OF THE GRIP ) rSEAOHED AFTER EIGHT YEAES OF OOMTLI0ATED TEOUBLES, Disorder, Pmlpltatioa. of Heart sua d Itofeility Ovarooaae at Last. Mr. ZSTewman certainly had a very tough time with the grip, and it is no wonder that he things that the remedy that cured hii cant be beat. His case shows how profoundly grip poisons the system and how obstinately it resists all ordinary efforts to eradicate it. Few cases can bo worse than Mr. New man's for he had head, heart and stom ach trembles combined with great weak ness. He recently said: " Thevattaolc of grip which I had eight years ago left me in a Tery bad fix. I 'became nearly deaf and my head ached jocm tinuatty and was filled with bissfcag and roaring sounds. My heart fluttered sad had regular rutming-away spells. 3iy stomach was so sore that I coold hardly beer a touch on that part-of zny body. I had a -great deal of pain in tha region of my liver and the doctor said that organ wns enlarged. My kidneys ached so at times that I could hardly stand." " Didn't you-givB up and go to bed? he was asked. "Hb, I simply wouldn't. My head and my back ached dreadfully, but I obstinately dragged myself about, kept growing worse and finally ran down to almost nothing." " What did you do to got relief?" "First I tried a-doctor, but he didma no good. Then I took all kinds of ad vertised preparations but nothing proved helpful until Ihegan to use Dr. Williams' Pink Fills. As soon as I got them I knew that I hod at lost hit& the right remedy fox my case. The very first box did more ior me than anything else X had erer taken. They gave me relief right away and in three months they positively cured me. I think X wbs scarcely ever in better health in my life than X am at present." Mr. William A. Newman is a well known Camden county farmer, living at Sagrada, Missouri. His case was a se vere test for any remedy, but Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills meteveryrequtroment. Other remedies merely drive the poison of the frrio into hiding, but Dr.WHIt.iras' Pink Pills drive it out of tho systexm, They are sold by every druggist. a 22-calIber rifle and discharged tho weapon, the bullet entering his mouta and passing through the head. Tne child lived six hours, but Dr. F. R. Dorn could do nothing to save his life. Clackamas Circuit Court Open. OREGON CITY. Or.. April 17. (Spe cial.) The Spring term of the Clacka mas County Circuit Court was con vened by Judge McBrlde this morning Orders of default and reference wero made in the following divorce suits; R. Stlsh vs. J. Stish, Adelphi Allen vs. J. Guy Allen. Iva B. Moleen vs. N. F. 11a Ieen. A decree was rendered in the suit of Mary A. Knox vs. Lelghton B. Knox. In the J2000 damage suit of William McDonald against Clackamas County, the demurrer of the defendant was- overruled, and the county was given until April 21 In which to fur ther plead. Baker City AV111 Show 6300. BAKER CITY, Or.. April 17. (Special) The project for retaking the city census has fallen through. It was discouraged by the County Commissioners, and the persons interested have ceased agitatlcn. The Assessor says that after all correc tions have been made and all the mae--icks rounded up. the perfected list will foot up 6300. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver and regulate th bowels, but do not purge. Servant Question; -yoMlI settle it so far as theWashii aivd Clearing; Concerned by Supplying Yovirs The work will be dorve'wel! !- e asily-safely.&rul yoxfU have a .GrateMServaivt lV -s - , x J i None Such: 1 ! fllNCEPlEAX i i i i Million Paclagej Manufacture! B Every Month in our ! NEW I MODEL FACTORY 5 I I VISITORS MADE WELCOME In 2 Pie 10c Packages with 1 I Premium List m mfpbftt ;niiTP rn ; v v DAMIANA Bijt California Oamlint Blttsrs is a great restor ative, uiyigorator and nemne. Tfce mostwendexfid aphrodisiac and special tonic for the sexsal ers-tts of both sexes. The Mexican remedy for diseases of the Iddners and bladder. Sells on its men merits. NABER. ALFS & BRUNE, AjenU S23 Market St., San Francisco. Send for circular. For sale by all drnjjists or liquor dealers. BITTERS 11 r nm BH iJwqRlonjhJp: - iVRncouve fir. J3q-