Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 18, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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They Call on City Council to
Urge Creation of Meat
that he would vote for Mr. Zimmerman's
ordinance or ours?"
The plan of the ladies to publish, a. clean
list Is meeting1 -with the approval or sev
eral marketa. Some ot them are tearing
out old refrigerators and putting In new.
Old vegetable bins are being rebuilt and
sinks for Trashing vegetables and the
hands of employes are being put in.
The ladles announce in no uncertain
terms that they are In earnest and want
the marketmen to know that until the
city provides a regular Inspector that they
will publish a clean list, which, will con
tain the name and addre or every mar
ket that they Inspect and find clean. Ap
plications for inspection should be made
at the School of Domestic Science, at
Tenth and Alder streets.
As Soon, as the Women Depart the
Question. Is Taken Up and an
Ordinance Recommended
to tbe Council.
Several of the committees of the City
Council were to meet and practically
all of the members of that body were
gathered about the Auditor's office for
a political chat yesterday afternoon.
Just as the discussions waxed warm
there appeared xipon the scene a. dele
gation of women bearing- bundles that
looked formidable. The delegation.
consisting1 of Mrs. W. X Honeyman,
Mrs. A. E. Hockey and Mrs. James S.
Falling, hesitated not. but the Coun
cllmen sought refuge in adjoining
rooms, where the committee meetings
were about to he called to order. Noth
ing daunted, the ladles followed, and
from one room to the other the unusual
procession wended its way. When the
office adjoining that of the license de
partment was Teached, Councilman
Sherrett picked up a bundle of papers
and proceeded to transact the business
of the license committee. Hardly had
he proceeded to the first item when
the presence of the women was an
nounced With proper courtesy he
greeted them and Inquired their busi
ness, which was soon explained as
hearing upon the proposed appoint- i
ment of a -meat inspector. This was
hardly in the line of the duty of the
committee on licenses, so the delega
tion was conducted to another room to
await the call of the committee on
ways and means.
They "Wait Patiently.
The ladies waited for some time, but
finally Councilman Zimmerman braved
the feminine force to call a meeting
of the liquor license committee. Again
the ladles were announced, and again
the explanations were In order that
the proper committee was the ways
and means. This time they -were pa
tient, and when that committee ex
changed chairs with the members ofv
the preceding ones the women acted
as though they expected an April fool
joke to be perpetrated, but Mr. Zim
merman came to their rescue with the
explanation that some of the 'Council
men were members of several commit
tees and that the ways and means com
mittee was about to consider the busi
ness of the city. Mrs. Honeyman was
quick to respond to what she supposed
was an invitation to tell her mission,
by saying:
"We are from the School of Domes
tic Science, and we want an ordinance
passed by the City Council that will
provide an Inspector of markets."
"Well, that matter will not come be
fore this committee until two weeks
from today," replied Mr. Zimmerman.
"Butwe were Informed that the com
mittee would meet today," said Mrs.
Councilman Zimmerman Well, all I
know about the matter is that this
same scheme was before the City Coun
cil a year ago and was defeated.
Councilman Albee (to the ladies)
Well, men have a right to change their
minds, too, and I know that some of us
have changed our minds, and I will
promise that I will vote for an in
spector. Councilman Zimmerman There are
two of these market inspector proposi
tions going to be presented to the
Council, but you ladles cannot do any
thing until the Council refers them
to us.
Councilman Albee I did not know there
was more than one.
Councilman Zimmerman Well, there the
Mrs. Honeyman We were . told that
there was a meeting of some committee
here today that would take this matter
Councilman Zimmerman Well, you
ladies come back in two weeks, and if the
ways and means committee has an ordi
nance referred to It you can discuss the
matter then.
Mrs. Honeyman But we want the mar
kets Inspected now. They are a disgrace.
Councilman Zimmerman Ladies, I am
sorry, but I can do nothing for you.
The ladles (In chorus) Thank you,
Within five minutes after the women left
the building the adjourned meeting of the
committee on health and police met at the
counter in the main office of the Auditor,
and, without discussion, ordered the very
ordinance that the women had vainly
searched for recommended to the Council.
Who Is to Blame?
Now the ladies want to know who Is to
blame. Councilman Albee had the copy
of the proposed ordinance In his pocket
during the meeting of all the committees
that the ladies called upon, but not a
word did he offer in the way of explana
tion, but rather watched with Interest
their endeavors to find the missing or
dinance. The proposed ordinance, as recommend
ed by the committee, provides for an in
spector of markets and places where all
articles of food are sold, and provides for
a ealary of J1500 a year, with one or more
deputies, to be paid according to the
amount of fees that would be collected un
der" the ordinance, which also provides
for the collection of 25 cents for each car
cass of beef inspected and 10 cents for
each sheep, hog or goat inspected.
"The committee of ladles does not feel
as though cold water was thrown on It,"
said Mrs. Honeyman last night. "It Is
true we did not see the particular crowd
of Councllmen that we wanted to, but
then we did not know whom wd wanted
to see nor Just why we were there, ex
cept to impress upon the city's officials
that we are In earnest about the appoint
ment of an inspector. We feel as though
we have accomplished something, and I
think that we have let them know that
we will not stop until the disgraceful con.
ditions about the city's markets are rem
Indignation aieeting Held.
"We held an indignation meeting after
we left the City Hall yesterday after
noon," said Mrs. A. E. Rockey, "and we
decided to call upon the City Council
next Wednesday in a body. All the mem
bers of the investigating committee will
bo there, and a large number of others,
and. notwithstanding Mr. Zimmerman's
declaration that it would be useless for
va to be present, we shall insist upon be
ing heard. It is criminal for the Council
to allow such, conditions as exist in the
markets to go on, and we shall see
whether Mr. Zimmerman knows Just what
the Council will do Wednesday or not. I
think that Mr. Albee is in favor of the
inspector, and I know that he will keep
his word and vote for it, but I would like
to know why he looked at me so queerly
yesterday when wo departed. Did he mean
Unless Orpheum Keeps Women From
Boxes It Will Suffer.
Tbe liquor license "cminlttee of the City
Council decided at a meetin yesterday to
revoke the license of the Orpheum
Theater after May 1, to sell liquor unless
the proprietors forbid women within the
boxes upon the upper floors. Several
new saloon licenses were rranted for
places near the Exposition grounds and
several complaints were registered about
the places already selling liquor in the
same neighborhood.
Instructions were given the proper
authorities by the license committee to
enforce rigidly the ordinance against bill
"boards more than 12 feet high. There has
been much complaint about tho high bill
boards and as there is already an ordin
ance forbidding them, the committee or
dered it enforced.
The time of the ways and means com
mittee was taken In discussing placing
of receptacles about the streets for rub
bish and the Installation of water for
fire protection upon Willamette Heights.
Nothing definite was done with either
At the meeting of the street commit
tee there were lively times. There was
a delegation of citizens owning property
along lower Second street to protest
against paving that street with bltullthlc
pavement, and another to protest against
using stone with a sand foundation, and
still a third that wanted the stone, but
wanted concrete put underneath. The
street railroad company was also repre
sented, but Its delegation did not seem
to have any preferences so long as it
knew the kind before It started to lay
the rails for the new loop.
After more than an hour of discussion
which consisted of spcechs and argu
ments between the representatives of
rival paving companies the committee de
cided to reject all petitions and thus force
the presentation of a new one that would
properly state the wishes of the majority
of the property-owners.
The keeping open of sidewalk elevators
by certain firms was taken up and an
order was issued to enforce the or
dinance as it now stands. Several pe
titions for street Improvements were
acted upon and permits granted to ex
tend switch rails along certain streets of
the East Side. Orders were issued to
insist that all electrical street signs here
after constructed be placed upon hinges
and swung over the street at night only.
Detectives Think That So One
Robbed Safe of A. J. Cranwcll.
Detectives Kerrigan, Snow, Carpen
ter and Reslng yesterday cleared up a
sensational alleged safe-cracking- and
robbery said to have taken place during-
Sunday night In the room occupied
by A. J. Cranwell, In the Abington
building. After listening to a very de
tailed story of tne affair by Cranwell,
and investigating the movements of tho
latter covering the past few days and
nights, the officers reported to Chief
Hunt that they had solved the mys
tery. "We arc not going to look any fur
ther for the man who opened the safe,"
said the detectives to Cranwell, after
making their investigation.
Cranwell made no reply. He seemed
satisfied to have v. the assurance that
nothing more would be done regarding:
the great robbery.
As the policemen of the day patrol
were lined up for roll-call yesterday
morning, Cranwell rushed in, breath
less, and sought the Chief. He explained
that burglars had drilled the safe in
the room occupied by himself as a place
of business, and that they had taken
an enormous amount of jewelry and
cash to the amount of $300.
Cranwell has been In a great deal of
trouble of late. He was before Munici
pal Judge Hogue recently on a seri
ous charge. He formerly conducted an
establishment on Sixth street, and It
was alleged that he sold half shares of
it to various Individuals for large
sums. It was for this alleged offense
that he was arrested.
Cannot Be Turned Here, So Plan
Is Abandoned.
General Manager Worthington, of the
O. R. & N. and the Oregon lines of the
Southern Pacific, says that the dispatch
from Traffic Manager C. S. Fee, of San
Francisco, announcing the establish
ment of observation-car service through
the Willamette Valley on the day trains
of the Southern Pacific is a mistake and
that the service will not be estab
lished at this time for the reason that
there Is no way of turning the cars at
this end of the lino, and therefore they
cannot be used in and out of Portland
until such time as changes may be
made in the track. In speaking of the
matter yesterday, Mr. Worthington
"It wag our original intention to run
these cars through on trains 15 and 16,
and if we were able to turn them here
we should be running these cars. We
should be extremely glad to oblige the
peopo of the Willamette Valley in this
matter if we could, but at the present
time find we are not able to do so.
Some-time later we may bo able to in
troduce this attractive feature on day
light trains through the Willamette
Valley, and when we are able to do so,
they will not find us wanting, as we
are anxious, indeed, to do everything
we can that will add to the comfort or
pleasure of the trip through this beau
tiful Valley."
Railway Officers Are Elected.
The Board of Directors of the Oregon
& California-Railway Company meeting
yesterday afternoon in the Worcester
building elected the following officers:
E. H. Harriman. president; B. A. Worth
ington, vice-president, and Richard Koeh
ler, second vice-president. W. W. Cotton
was appointed secretary; Alexander Mil
lar, assistant secretary; X. T. Smith,
treasurer, and A. K. Van Deventer, assist
ant treasurer.
Attacho Is to Retire.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 17. M.
GutorwskI, an attache of the Russian
Embassy at Washington. Is to retire,
and will be succeeded by M. de Thai,
second secretary of the Russian lega
tion at Copenhagen.
The Meier (8b Frank Store
The Meier Sh Frank Store
The Meier 2b Frank Store
Principal Agents for Bnttcrick Patterns and Publications Delineator 15c
New Models "La Greque" Corsets Jnst Received Expert Fitters 2d Floor
Custom Shade, Drapery Work Onr Specialty-Best Materials, Workmanship
We Are Headquarters for the Official Lewis and Clark Flags All Sizes
Fireproof Burlap for Exposition Purposes Any Quantity Lowest Prices
Trunks and Traveling Bags The Largest and Best Stock in the City
Easter Millinery Sale Begins Today
"Gage," "Burgesser," "Phipps and Atchinson," "Bendel," n C
and "Keith" Tailored Hats and New Sailors
Per Cent
We're going to give Portland women another opportunity to supply their Easter
headgear at a big saving, by offering choice from our entire stock of "Gage," "Bur
gesser," "Phipps & Atchinson," "Bendel" and "Keith" tailored hats and new sailors
at a reduction of 25 per cent from the regular selling prices All this season's most
attractive creations, many ot which have only been in the store a week There's
hundreds of them to select from Prices range from $3.50 to $ 15 .,00 Your unre
stricted choice for the remainder of week at this great saving 25 PER CENT OFF
Trimmed Dress Hats S3.00 to $35
Our great showing of Trimmed Dress Hats, Paris and New York models, as well as
hundreds of creations, the product of our own workroom Portland's grandest display of
Easter Hats every new shape and trimming every new idea conceived by the fore
most artists. Never before have wc prepared on such a large scale; never have
we shown such pretty hats. Every fancy can be quickly pleased. No trouble to satisfy you
in nrice as well as style. S3. 00 up to S35. '
Our Annual Easter Flower Sale is m progress tne time
of the year when we place on sale our entire stock of
flowers at one-fourth off regular prices. All new stock
roses, violets, foliage, berries, cherries, lilacs, forget-me-nots,
buttercups, wreaths, etc. Every flower in the store
, at one-fourth off. Second floor.
Easter Hats for misses and children. Latest styles and very lowest prices. Inf ants' Mus
lin Bonnets immense variety of pretty styles in all grades.
Lace and Embroidery Bargains
Englih and buttonhole embroideries and insertions, 3 to 10
inches wide. Three great lots. Splendid bargains
Lot 1 Values up to 35c a yard. Sale price, yard 19
Lot 2 Values up to 65c a yard. Sale price, yard 37 &
I Lot 3 Values up to 85c a yard. Sale price, yard 59p
Chiffon and Liberty silk; black, , white and colors; values
up to'75c a yard; oh sale for, yard 35c
Venise and Pt. Gaze Appliques: values to $5 a yard; yard. S3. 39
I Net-top Laces; white and cream; 65c values; yard .'39
Imitation Torchon, Pt. de Paris and Cluny Laces and inser
tions; values up to 18c a yard, for, yard 5
Lace Robes, exclusive styles at very low prices.
Lace and Silk Waists $5.45 Each
Great Easter Sale of 150 Lace, Taffeta Silk and Japanese
Silk Waists, trimmed in lace, wide
and narrow tucks All this sea
son's styles in white, ecru, light
blue, navy and black The Lace
Waists are silk lined All sizes-
Waists that are worth $7.5C and
$8 are on sale at
the low price of. .
Two special lots of Cotton "Waists,
in lawns, dotted Swiss and polka
dots, trimmed in lace, embroidery
and tucks; all this season's most de
sirable styles, in sizes 32 to 44.
Grand values at . .98 and $1.28
Skirts Made to Your Measure Absolutely Free of Charge
If Baby X Cattisr Teeth,
B sure ana use that old and well. tried remedy,
Mrs. Wlnslow'e EooUitmr Syrup, for children
teething. It aotfthes the child, softens the sums,
allays all pain, cure wind colic and dlarrbo&.
Women's and Children's Hosiery
"Women's plain black Cotton Hose, two great lots, gauze and me
dium weight, full fashioned, fine French foot, double e
sole, all sizes, best 50c values for, pair (3 pairs for $1) . .3JC
"Women's Outsize black Cotton Hose, fine gauge, hem
top, double sole; 50c values for, pair
Children's No-Mend Hose, fine rib with knee and foot rein
forced with linen threads; all sizes; regular 25c values, q
on sale for, pair IOC
Children's fine ribbed Cotton Hose, double knee, all 1 OI
sizes; regular 20c values on sale for, pair lC
$3.50 Tan Oxfords for $2.45 Pair
$3.50 Shoes for $2.45 Pair
Easter Shoe Bargains worth investigating This season's
best lasts in Oxfords and Shoes,
tans, patent leathers, vici kid
All sizes and widths, at prices
far below regular value
500 pairs "Women's "Welt Low Shoes
in tan, Russia calf, Oxfords and
ribbon ties, oxblood Blucher Ox
fords, patent colt " Blucher Ox
fords; all this season's very best
styles, in all sizes and widths ; reg
ular $3.50 values, A 8
pair. crO
500 pairs of J. & T. Cousins' and Johnson Bros.' Shoes for
"Women; patent colt Lace Bluchers, welt sole, vici kid, patent
tip, lace and button Shoes; turn and welt soles; all
sizes and widths; regular $3.50 values, for
Women's $44.00 Suits for $34.85
"Women's bigh-grade Tailored Suits, in Shepherd worsteds,
serges, Sicilians; voiles and broadcloths, in jacket effects, Etons,
blouses and tight-fitting; skirts are flared, plaited or flounce
style; colors include navy, reseda, brown, tan, grays, black,
black and white checks, brown and white checks; all this sea
son s handsomest creations; regular $42.00 and tlA Ot
$44.00 values for OHf.OJ
Easter Handkerchief Sale
Special lot ot Swiss Embroidered
Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and scal
loped edges; 40c and 50c value iQ
each :
"Women's and Children's fine mercer
ized fancy hemstitched unlaundered
Handkerchiefs; also hand-cmbrold-ercd
styles; best 20o value..
for ; IOC
New Armenian Handkerchiefs. inlUal
and real lace-edgc effects. 50c to $2
"Women's fine Linen Handkerchiefs,
lace and Insertion trimmed: both
Mechlin and Val. lace; ioc and f-7
51 values each DtC
New hand-embroidered Handkerchiefs
In very great assortment, 65c to 520
Fine barred and hemstitched Handker
chiefs In new styles.
Easter Veilings and Neckwear in
grand assortment; all the new pretty
things women want for next Sunday
We've had so many Skirt orders on hand that we had to stop
advertising for a week. The tailors caught up with their work
yesterday, so we announce the offer again today 5, 6, 7, 8-gored
plain flare or flounce Dress or Walking Skirts, made up to your
measure, free of charge, providing material and findings are pur
chased here. Materials to cost $1.00 a yard or over. Style, fit
and workmanship guaranteed. If skirt proves unsatisfactory,
materials will be delivered as purchased. For 'further particu
lars inquire at the Dress Goods Counters.
Free! 25c Box of
Rice Powder
To introduce "Bathasweet"
Rice Powder, we are offering free
a 25-cent box with every 25-cent
purchase of regular merchandise
in our Drug Sundry Department
(purchases of a number of lines of
contract goods are excepted.)
"Bathasweet" Rice Powder is the
only safe powder for the nursery
and home exquisitely prefumed,
antiseptically pure a 25-cent box
free with every 25-cent purchase.
Glove Sale
Easter Sale of "Perrins" Fa
mous French Kid Gloves
All our 52.00 and $2J5 grade of Perrins
real French Kid Gloves, glace and
suedes, overseam and P. K., for dress
and street wear; two and three-clasp
styles, in pearl or metal fasteners, sizes
5Vs to 7; black, white, tan. mode, gray,
reds and opera shades; your cn
choice at, pair $ltJ7
16-button length glace Kid Gloves In light
opera shades, to 6, best a A n
52.00 values, pair $ 1 .49
Perrins' fancy-cuff Gloves, Royal Scotts.
Van Dyke, Manchettes, fancy embroid
ered backs and cuffs lined to match em
broidery; attractive combinations in
blacks tans, reds and white; 5 to
64; 53.00 values on sale for,
pair B.Jj
New line of soft Taffeta Ribbons, five
Inches wide, full variety of colors, white,
cream, light blue, lavender, navy, green,
old blue and black: 23c value on o l
sale for the low price of, yard..,. 1C
Broken line of Satin Taffeta. Ribbons, four
Inches wide: red, cream, blue, green and
wnite only; regular 50c Ribbon,
yard OOC
300 Girdle Belts In black, white and navy;
best 33c values on sale today at,
each 1VC
Easter Sale of Boys' Clothing
Boys' and Young Men's Clothing at Easter Sale prices We can
outfit the little fellows in Spring apparel of the best style and
quality at a saving economical parents will appreciateThese
special offerings are worthy your careful consideration
Little Boys' Washable Russian Blouse Suits, in crash, colored cheviots,
linens and chambrays; pinks, tans and blues. This season's QO
$2.25 and $2.50 values are on sale for 9 -0
Little Boys' Reefers, in navy blue worsteds and tan coverts; very best
styles; ages 3 to 10 years. This season's $6.00 values are
on sale at the low price of fyHf -7 J
Boys' All-Wool Norfolk and Two-Piece Suits, in dark blue cheviots, light
mixed tweeds and cassimeres. This spring's very best $5.00 &A f
values on sale at the low price of frvJ
Boys' All-Wool Two-Piece Double-Breasted Suits, in blue serge and
brown plaids and mixtures; ages 8 to 16. This season s $!
$6.00 and $6.50 values on sale for pfirJ
Young Men's Clothing Low Priced
Young Men 's All-Wool Cassimere Suits, in browns
and greys; 14 to 20 years. Our bestfl? Q f Ef
$10.00 suits' on sale for 1
Young Men's Suits. This season's best styles in
blue serges, tweeds, cheviots and homespuns,
in grays and browns; 15 to 20
vears. Regular $13.50 values. .
Young Men's Suits, in fancy worsteds and che
viots, dark gray plaids and mix- of
tures; 15 to 20 years. $16.50 value V &00
Young Men's fancy tweeds and unfinished wor
sted suits ; pretty grey mixtures r A t
Regular $18.00 values for 3 1 rCO
Easter Table Linen Specials
We were agreeably surprised at the response to our Easter Linen
Sale announcement yesterday Portland women evidently know
where to go for good table linen These specials are unusually
attractive to the particular housewife
Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, big variety of patterns. ""IQ-
Regular 50c grade on sale for, yard. O
Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, the 65c grade; big as-
sortment, best patterns. On sale, yard JrC
Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, the 75c grade, in new CTLt
designs. On sale at low price ofa yard ,05C
Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, the 90c quality; beau- ffAs.
tiful designs, matchless value, at, yard frC
Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, fine patterns in big
variety. Best $1.50 grades, yard 1 1
All our $3.75 and $4.00 Bleached Satin Damask Table Napkins, QtfS QQ
handsome patterns, great values at. dozen Pr
Round, hand-embroidered Doilies, best values
ever offered
6-inch size, 25c values, reduced to X9c
9-inch size, 40c. values, reduced to 29J
12-inch size, 60e values, reduced to 49
18-inch size, 90c values, reduced to 79
Extra special value in snow-white Satin Damask
Tablecloths, six new patterns, over 200 cloths to
choose from. Grand values
2 yards by 2 yards, at, each $1.21.
2 yards by 2 1-2 yards, at, each S51.6X
2 yards by 3 yards, at, each S1.9X
French Undermuslin Specks
10 dozen AVomen's French hand-made Chemise,
hand-embroidered yoke effects, un- fir 1 (T
usual value at, each f I J
20 dozen Women's French hand-made Gowns,
high neck and low round scalloped neck ; drawn
with linen tape; medium short sleeves, with
scalloped edge; gowns worth $3.75 and $4.00
each. Your choice while they last 2.89
10 dozen Women's French hand-made Skirts, un
laundered, with hand-embroidered flounce;
handsome style; regular $6.00 and $6.50 values.
While they last, your choice at the QlA 1 Q
low price of 1 O
10 dozen Women's French hand-made and hand
embroidered Gowns, round, high neck, drawn
with ribbon; beautifully made and finished;
regular $10 values. While they last 7.87
New .Importation of French Lingerie
$20,000 worth of the most beautiful TJndermus
lins Portland women ever saw. The display is
worth coming .to see, even if you don't want to
buy. Second floor.
Lace Curtain Bargains
Lot 1 White Nottingham Lace Curtains, 50
inches wide, 31-2 yards long; handsome de
signs: values up to $2.50 a pair.
On sale for, pair .,
Lot 2 White and Ecru Scotch and Cable-Net
Curtains, 50 inches wide by 31-2 yards long;
splendid patterns: values up to C
$3.25 pair. On sale for, pair p& 1
Lot 3 White and Ecru Cable-Net Curtains, Sa
voy ana Lorctea uurtams; neauniui styies;
values up to $4.50 pair. On sale
for, pair
Lot 4 White and Ecru Corded Arabian Savoy,
Renaissance and Irish. Point Curtains; values
up to $5.50 a pair. On sale for, 3Q
Small lots of high-grade Irish Point, Corded and
real Arabian Curtains on sale at greatly reduced
prices. I
Custom Shade and Drapery work our specialty,
Best materials and Avorkmanship. Lowest prices. I