THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY; 'APRIL 18, 190o. FFSClftL PIT! Hi HI li Congressional Delegation Will Organize at Chicago With 100 Persons. - JOURNEY BY SPECIAL TRAIN, Elaborate Entertainment "Will Be: Provided by Exposition for Na tion's Lawmakers, Who Come to See Fair. One hundred trill accompany the Con gressional party that has been detailed officially to attend the opening ceremonies of the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Ac cording to advices received yesterday by President Goode, the entire party will assemble at Chicago on Slay 25 and will cross the country in a special train. Henry Casson, sergeant-at-arms, of the House of Representatives, is now busy working out the details of the journey. It has already been decided to make part of the trip over the Canadian Pacific The Exposition authorities are already at work planning the reception and en tertainment of the distinguished party. The entertainment will be on an elabroate scale. Following Is the personnel of the official party: Senators Henry C. Hansbrough. North Dakota; Clarence D. Clark, Wyoming; Louis E. McComas, Maryland; "William P. Dillingham. Vermont; Robert J. Gamble, South Dakota; L. Helsler Ball, Delaware; John W. Daniel, Virginia; James B. Mc Creary, Kentucky; Francis J. Newlands, Nevada; Lee Si Overman, i North Caro lina. Representatives James A. Tawney, Minnesota; Charles L. Bartless, Georgia; James S. Sherman, New York; James A. Hemenway. Indiana; C. W. Hamlin, Mis souri; L. N. Littauer, New York; Henry S. Boutell, Illinois; Joseph W. Babcock. Wisconsin; James McAndrews, Illinois; William A. Rodenberg, Illinois; John C. Sibley, Pennsylvania; H. C. Loudenslager, Now Jersey; Robert L. Henry, Texas; George S. Logare, South Carolina; John H. Small, North Carolina. The others accompanying the expedi tion will be relatives and guests of the officials. The special train will draw into the Union Depot on the after noon of May 28, according to the present schedule. It is hardly probable tnat tne nartv will be late.- as the special train will have the right-of-way and will be run bv the biggest and most powerful engines on the lines over which the train passes. According to a letter received yesterday from Congressman J. A. Taw nev. of Minnesota, there will be none ab sent of those who have been detailed and all are enthusiastic over the oppor tunity of seeing the Portland Exposition and the great Northwest country. Just what route will be taken on the return trip has not been determined, but it is probable the entire party will take in Cal ifornia on the way back. vin Hold Scientific Congress. The cmnimnw "ui v Science, appointed for the purpose of ar ranging for a scientific congress, to be held during the Exposition, met last night and fixed July 5 to 8 as the dates for such congress. The following officers for the congress were elected: President, Dr. L. O. Howard, secretary of the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science; executive secre tary. Dr. David T. Day, honorary com missioner of mining, Lewis and Clark Fair; corresponding secretary, Edmund P. Sheldon, president Oregon State Academy of Sciences. It was also voted that an honorary vice-president should be selected from each state in the Union. Mr. Shel don and Dr. A. E. Rockcy were authorized to prepare a prospectus of the congress. petting forth the clentlfic opportunities of the Pacific Coast, the scope of the con gress. the benefits to be derived from such a meeting and a list of the officers, Dr. David T. Day, who has been en gaged in arousing interest In the Con gress, reported the extent of his work last night. Eastern scientists have al ready signified their intention of being here, and a special train will leave New York on July carrying 200 attendants to the congress. WILD BE GOOD OX ANY DAY Rates-Will Apply for the Exposition Through Long Term. Every day will be Lewis and Clark day to tne ticket agents of the transconti nental lines beginning May 23, and extend ing to September 30, Inclusive. Announce ment has been made by the northern lines and the Harriman system, that, be ginning on May 23 and lasting until Sep tember 30, tickets will be sold each day to Portland, instead of ten days of each month, as at first planned by the action of the Passenger Association. The Hill lines, including the Burlington. the Northern Pacific and the Great North ern, started the announcement by giving Independent notice that such action would be taken by the separate roads. The Canadian Pacific, the' Union Pacific, Ore gon Short Line and O. R. & N. followed closely with their notices of Independent action,- which made the transcontinental family harmonious The Southern routes will not be in the agreement, but the change from the orig inal plan means that the traveler from the East will have an opportunity to start for the Exposition at any date, Instead of having to bo governed by the arbitrary selling days fixed by the Passenger Asso ciation at its meeting held in Chicago some time ago. The announcement received yesterday i3 a. source of great satisfaction to all those interested in the success of the Expos! tion, or it will mean the bringing to Ore gon of a great many people who can make arrangements under the every-day plan who might not, perhaps, be able to take the trip otherwise. It is also said that one reason for the change on the part of the roads is the knowledge that the travel will be so much heavier than was at first anticipated that they became fearful that it could not be handled with convenience if the selling dates were re stricted to a few days each month. COOS -COUNTRY ON THE GROUNDS y Ships Material for Construction of Separate Exhibit Pavilion. Coos County shipped the material yes terday for the pavilion which will be erected at once by that enterprising com munity. A contractor and builder accom panied the shipment, and he will begin work at once so as to get the pavilion ready in ample time. One of the features of the exhibit arrived yesterday in the shape of a huge white spruce tree encir cled with the stump of another tree. This phenomenon is easily accounted for. The seed of the spruce became imbedded in the stump, and, nourished by Oregon climate,' leic its way into tne sou. The jygcess, got-ls-flffuj-edi pccuoled pprjff climate, felt its way into the soil. The of 173 years. Coos County bears the dis tinction of being the only one that has thus far provided for a separate building or pavilion. IS NOW READY ITO BUILD Utah Will Construct an Building. Imposing Utah, is ready to build. That the state is ambitious and Intends to give a . good account of itself at the Lewis and Clark Exposition is clearly indicated by the rolls of plans and specifications which were brought into Portland yesterday morning by Spencer Clawson,. a prominent Salt Lake business man and member of the State Commission. Mr. Clawson repaired Immediately to the Utah site, at the ex treme east side of the grounds, and was greatly pleased with the plot, which stands on high ground and gives an excellent view of the entire Exposition. The plans which Mr. Clawson had with him showed a remarkably attractive structure of the Southern Colonial style of architecture. It is 95 feet long by 55 -feet wide. A part will be used for exhibits, and a liberal space will bo set apart for a reception room and suitable rooms for entertain ment. The part that will attract wide atten tion is the rear annex. The Utahns will install a full concentrating plant therein. The processes of reducing crude ores and extracting the metal values therefrom will be fully shown. The exhibit will be an active one, and will be open at all times to the public Ores from Utah mines, which are famous the world over, will be put through the concentrators, and a working demonstration made of how they take wealth away from the earth in Utah. Workmen will begin building at once. Mr. Clawson says there will be no delay In Installing the Utah exhibits. He re ports a live interest in the Fair in his state, andpredlcts an attendance there from that will surprise the' Exposition authorities. GOES TO BRING LIBERTY BELL Commissioner Sent by Exposition to Philadelphia After Famous Relic. The Exposition management is deter mined to have the famous old Liberty Bell as one of the exhibits at the Port land Fair. .Some months ago a petition signed by 10,000 schoolchildren of the city was sent to Philadelphia, the home of the bell, and at that time the City Coun cil was favorable to sending the bell, and talked much of a Junket to Portland be sides. But an election day has intervened. and the makf-up of both the Common and Select Council has been changed. In order to take no chances. Secretary and Director of Exploitation H. E. Reed has detailed J. P. Marshall as special commissioner to Philadelphia, with In structions not to return without the bell. It is believed no real difficulty will be encountered. After his work in Fhiladel phla is ended. Mr. Marshall will accom pany the National Good Roads delegation, which leaves CHlcago early in May and holds 40 district conventions en route to Portland. State Commission Enters New Homo The Lewis and Clark State Commission is now installed in the Oregon building at tne imposition grounds. The work of transferring the headquarters from the Stearns building was completed yesterday. and President Jefferson Myers is now at tending to the numerous affairs of the commission from his office in the state building. Within a few days the furnishings of the reception, lounging and resting-rooms on both floors will be Installed and will afford a suitable place for entertaining delegauuua Esarearrlvlng fronT day lousy to arrange displays. TRAIL INSPIRES THE BARDS SEVERAL TONS OF TOETIC EFFU SIONS ENTERED IN CONTEST FOB LEWIS AND CLARK PRIZE AWARD. VyHO will capture the prize for writing YV the poem on the Trail? This Is a question which the poets and versewrltors are asking and puzzling over. Most of them know who should win the prize. To many there is no question at all about it, for what was quite so appro priate, and catchy, and euphonious, and original, and clever, as that little effusion he or she submitted? The question is tnen, what will the corps of judges select as the fittest. That these same judges have some con Blderable material to select from Is at tested by voluminous-appearing files of poetry. Totaled up, there are several mil Hon words on the subject from various sources, borne of it is good. too. And. needless to say, some of it is bad atro cious, In fact. Ono noticeable thing about the competition, says Vice-President T. N. Fieischner is that Portland and Oregon people are not very well represented. Something must be wrong with the local oaros. unless some of them become Dusiea, tne prize will probably help some Eastern versewriter to meet the rent bill. The contest will close May 1, and the award will be made shortly thereafter. GEORGE GRIFFITH IS DEAD crossed the Plains to California AVI tli the Argonauts of '49. George Griffith, a Forty-niner, died at the home of W. J. Sally, 415 East Ankeny sireei. ounuay mgnt, rrom old age. "Uncle" George, as he was famlllarlv known in East Portland for the past 40 years, was born in RIcevllIe, Md., S2 years ago. ma latner bad a large plantation and was a slaveowner, and moved to Missouri wnen ueorge was .11 ycrs old. When 13 years old George Griffith joined a party of immigrants in command of Colonel William H. Frush and John Frush and started across the plains In 1849, first settling in California, where Mr. Griffith engaged in mining for several years. He came to Portland in 1852, but returnea to uaiirornia where he remained until 1E65, and then came back to OreKon. He had been a resident of Portland since 1865. For eight years he lived with W, F.tho railroad rates, which it is sure to do Allen, 12 years with W. J. Sally and 17 years at the home of Mrs. A. E, Frush and George Beck. He had no relatives on this Coast, but had two half brothers in Missouri. "Uncle" George never mar ried and lived a quiet life. He had a part in the exciting mining days of "49 in Cali fornia, but would, rarely ever speak . of any of his exploits. The funeral will take place .this afternoon from F. S. Dunnlngs undertaking chapel. East Sixth and Alder streets, at 2:30 o'clock. Says He AVas Kobbed at ileal. No arrests have been made in the case of J. W. Landom, who reported to the police yesterday that he was robbed of a time check for $1735 In a North End restaurant. He also said he was robbed of $35 In cash. He was seated at a table, he said, when a stranger sat down op posite him, dropped a napkin, stooped to pick it up and brushed Landom'sshoulder. When Landom finished his meal and started to pay for it, he discovered he was penniless. Your perrfsteat, vnnorlsg courit wllldU Pe expenunure necessary i eep ine iwu iu miu u uluUu, j tp vou, puny, xry, jLfeQ-iS -CQWHOfeWlPPt -L)QWejJ rarMJiarmlejs,. jreriniclije. A&d. jLha product 15 SOLVETHE OPEN RIVER PROBLEM Idaho Men Will Build Both Railway and Boats to Operate. PORTLAND AGREES TO HELP Chamber of Commerce Listens to the Representations of .AV. F. Kettenbach and Promises Assistance in AVork. Since the Portage road was first con ceived and - the Open River Association formed the question of securing boats and maintaining Independent traffic on the upper river has been a problem which public-spirited men of the Northwest who have Identified themselves with this move ment could not solve and today, with the Portage road nearing completion, the question remained for the people of Lewis ton and Grangeville, Idaho, to answer. W. F. Kettenbach, representing the North ern Idaho Interests, has brought 'the so lution to Portland and laid It before the Chamber of Commerce and the Open River Association. While the Open River people have been attempting to induce Portland firms to build and operate boats on the upper river, the Idaho people propose to build a line of railroad from Grangeville to Lewiston and build and operate three boats from Lewiston to Celilo. This removes the question of upper river transportation from under the shadow of the big stick which the railroads are holding over Portland and not only assures the construction of the boats but Insures a tonnage which will mean more to Portland in the course of time than the Open River Itself, for it will bring a rich and fertile empire within the radius of Portland markets which could never be developed without this proposed railroad. The two propositions are so vitally Interwoven that one without the other would amount to nothing. Idaho Subscribes Capital. For this reason the Idaho people who are subscribing the money for this under taking have at the outset indicted the Iron-bound clause which provides that the boats shall go with the railroad and the railroad with the boats. And If they succeed the open river will be all that Its name signifies. This is the situation as presented to President Wheelwright of the Chamber of Commerce and Henry Hahn of the Open River Association In conference with Mr. Kettenbach, president of the lewiston National Bank, yesterday afternoon. Mr, Hahn was not only inclined to favor the proposition for the reason that It would enlarge Portland's market field, but was more enthusiastically Impressed because it solved the question of upper river transportation. He admitted that the Open River Association was about at Its wit's end In the effort to secure boats for the upper run and had stated to Mr. Wheelwright that It looked as If- men ""'j.'""v TC -"vn into their pocK--and dig up the money wr- uic uuats, but if the people of Portland would give the small financial aid asked by the Idaho people the question would be solved and along with it a new empire opened up to development and brought to Portland's dobrs. Mr. Kettenbach explained the situation confronting the people of Lewiston and Grangeville and told of the effort they were making to develop their rich lands and get their produce to market. After going over the grounds carefully and studying the financial details Mr. Wheel wright promised the aid of the Chamber of Commerce and today there will be a meeting of the board of trus tees at which time a committee will be appointed to act In conjunction with EL H. LIbby, chairman of the board of trustees of the Idaho organization. These men will then co-operate with the Open River Association in the work. Portland's Moral Backing. It is not so much the money that the Idaho people want from Portland as it is moral influence and prestige. Mr. Kettenbach says that with Portland bus iness men backing them the Idaho asso ciation would be given a better standing In the financial world and command the serious consideration of capitalists. But they feel sure If Portland has some money Invested, there will be no danger of a change of heart In the future. "We know," said Mr. Kettenbach, "that wo can get this money to build this road and these three boats if we can only raise ?500,000. We are assured of that and the elements of speculation or chance are eliminated by the provision that not one cent of this money Is to be turned over to this corporation until the road Is completed. When once completed and In operation with the three steamboats run ning to Celilo there will be no question of dividends, for if any road will pay this one Is the road. But If the road should never declare a dividend no one would lose any money for we should have provided a market for our produce and Portland would get the goods. We are not asking people who have no In terests in the proposition to Invest their money." The people of Lewiston already own one boat for this upper river traffic and they will gladly donate. With the other two added they would be able to take care of an immense tonnage not only from Lewiston but all along the line. They would aid Walla Walla people who are going to build an electric line to the river. In fact it would benefit the resi dents all along the river. Portland men are not asked to raise any money, but when the construction of this road and the operation of these boats is so much to their interest Mr. Ketten bach says the people of his district would appreciate It if local men would sub scribe $75,000, not as a donation but an Investment which would pay them big interest on their money no matter If the railroad did no more than to regulate if built Mr. Kettenbach leaves today for Lewiston. He says that he has ac complished all he had In view when he came to Portland and will return to Northern Idaho carrying assurances to his people that Portland will aid them. WOULD KEEP UP' DREDGING Pilots Arant the Chinook to AVork on the Bar. There Is a movement on foot among the Columbia River bar pilots and others interested -In the mouth of the river to secure a reversal of the Government's decision regarding the dredge Chinook this year. Under present plans no work will be done on the bar by the Chinook this year and unless sent to some other point she will be out of commission. This action was decided upon the re ports of tho work performed by the Chinook last year, the department be lieving the results obtained did not justify the expenditure necessary to keep the however, contend through the work of the Chinook the channel over the .bar was deepened at least three feet and that she should be continued In the work. A conference Is now being arranged for by the pilots, the shipping Interests and Major W. C Langfltt at which time the latter will be gone Into thoroughly with a presentation of the shipping side of the question, and a strong endeavor made to have the dredge kept at work. The Chinook is now lying at Astoria and will be kept there In all probability until it is known just what will be done with her this Summer. UPHOLDS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Dr. AA'ise Says They Are the 3Iain stay of the Xatlon. "I have come to regard the profession of the teacher as the very highest and noblest," said Dr. Stephen 5. Wise, at a meeting of parents in the Brooklyn School last night, "for It Is his or her province to mold the character of the child a matter of supreme importance to the des tiny of the child. Prince Bismarck said after he had heard of the victory over the Austrlans, 'The scholarship has con quered.' Henry Van Dyke said of the teacher that he was the poorest paid, but had the highest reward. Certainly the teacher's calllngis the most sacred of all callings. One of the objects Is to lead the child to see the light. Two things are necessary to the successful teacher preparation and consecration. These mean everything. Love of the child means everything In the schoolwork. Without It there Is no enthusiasm for the work. There must be neatness and enthusiasm on the part of the teacher. "Too frequently it is thought that most any one can be a teacher, whereas none but those of the highest character are fitted, and the teacher should be free from all partisan or sectarian Influences. Fit ness and merit should behe measure. I should have a regular system of promo tion and reward and I should give pro motion and reward without the asking, and in the end, after years of service, I should provide the teacher with an am ple pension. The office of the teacher should be magnified, yes glorified, for the true teacher is a benefactor of the state, for he rears men and women, to become bulwarks of the state. One can tell from the child what Is wanting In the home. He Is an unerring register of the home and school. "I would make the public school the very best In the world. The private schools are a dangerous thing. On the other hand, the public schools are search ing, stimulating and mean more to this country than anything else. Woe, woe. to this country should the public schools cease to be public schools! The private schools are where the cigarette may be found' and the exclusively rich, but In the public school may be found the high and poor, all with the same opportuni ties." Miss A. L. Dimick, principal of the school, presided. Philip Kamm gave a violin solo and H. R. Albee a violin solo. AT THE ArAUDEVILLE THEATERS Grand. Fields and Hanson In a clever original act. "Music Conquered," ought to be seen at the Grand, as they are great. They act up to the adage "Mus.c Hath Charms," and give the idea a charming dress. The Oliver troupe are billed as the monarchs of the wire, and they live up to their name, for they present an act that's a thriller. One of the great spec tacular effects In va'duevllle Is undoubted ly that presented by Kardel and Zhardna. The young woman performer has at her background a starry sky, and flnshes of colored light thrown around her create Wstorlcal war pictures, also pictures of rarious jiuitran Presidents. Most ap plause was given t tne rot-traits of 'Lincoln and Roosevelt, and the view "The Spirit of '76." Deely and Shean. minstrels, have good voices, and they sing a most amusing variation of the song. "Teasing." Sylvester, Jones and Prlngle, three of the greatest singers in the business and travel where you will got an ovation, and they deserved It. Other acts: Gardner and Revere, sketch team; Alf Bonner, song Illustrator; Vero nee and Houston, singers and change artists, and the grandiscope. Star. In a dazzling European novelty act, Demora and Graceta, acrobats, are top liners this week at the Star. A man and woman, "they are splendid specimens of physical development, the man's chest expansion being more than ordinary even In vaudeville. They tumble very cleverly, and with her feet the woman holds aloft her partner who does a balancing act. Then the former partner goes through a number .of difficult and daring turns. Lois Ceclle Hobson. operatic soprano. Is one of the best high-class singers heard here for months. Her tones are well taken, and she deserves credit for delicate interpretation. Weston and Beaseley present a funny Irish sketch. "The Hon. O'Donovan Dunn. M. P." Three Million Homes Know What Liquozone Can Do. We judge from our records that one home in five, the country over, has some one whom Liquozone has cured. Some have been cured of little Ills; some know that their lives "have been saved by it. And most of those homes still use Liquo zone dally, as we do, to keep well. Those homes are scattered everywhere. Your neighbors and friends live "in some of them. If you will only ask about Liquozone there are plenty to tell you about it. Why will you suffer with any germ disease while millions know how to end it? Don't vou realize that a product which Ms used like this must have remarkable merit? We have never asked a soul to buy Liquozone. We have published no testimonials, no evidence of cures. We have simply asked the sick to let us buy the first bottle to let the product itself prove what It can do. And we ask that of you. If you need iL If you are still using drugs to cure germ troubles, let us, at our expense, show you something bet ter. What Liquozone Is, Liquozone is a product which In the past two years has sprung into world wide use In the treatment of germ dis eases. It is now used by the sick of nine nations, by physicians and hospitals everywhere. It Is dally used in millions of homes In America. The virtues of Liquozone are derived solely from gas, made In large part from the best oxygen producers. No drugs, no alcohol nothing but this gas enters into it. The process of making takes 14 days, and requires Immense apparatus. At the end of two weeks we get one cubic Inch of Liquozone for each 1250 cubic Inches of gas used. The attainment of this product has for more than 20 years been the con stant subject of scientific and chemical research. The main result is to get into a liquid, and thus Into the blood, a. powerful, yet mm , mmurj dm VS f&l WMfcM'0 M tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy h'rSr? rl Wy-f ? of a11 remedies t0 sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system 1 Sli &,0-. gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti- 9 Ipfc'"?'! Pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi- 1 ra" TI Wffi'fi &M pies and quality are known to physicians generally, and the II llifel I Wmf4W0Pi remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with' 11 Vk-'I ;W&&f3M the favor of many millions of well informed -persons who know II. .Ll &$$gm thatit rj " and its that "swm IJaly and Murphy are good singers and comedians, two of their songs being "Two Little Soldier Boys." and "BacK to nai tlmore."' and one Joke telling the only ob- stacle in the path of the Russians to beat the Japs, is worth hearing. Other acts: Knox Brothers, sketch team; John A. Drew, monologuist,' and the stereo scope, In Nile films. Baker. An exciting race against each 6ther and time is the star act of the two Hoffmans, cycle whirl artists. Against the sides of a circular spiral structure built on the stage the bicycle wheels of the Hoffmans dash, and the young" man's wheel is oftei on the edge of the rim. where the lenat oit or a -wrong turn would cause disaster. The girl Is an unusually graceful performer. Real istic pictures of the "yegg" bank rob bers are shown by the blograph. where tramps blow open a bank safe, loot it. shoot the watchman, escape after a shooting affray with citizens, and are ultimately captured by Hawkshaw, the detective. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Hagen are a welcome duo, particularly Mrs. Hagen," who has a pretty mezzo so prano voice. Her husband Is a Ger man comedian: who dispenses fun by the yard. The two Traviolas. hoop rollers and head balancers, do interest ing work, and when they beckon to their hoops the latter obediently re turn. Other acts: Jean Wilson, song illustrator; Memphis Kennedy, an amusing "Happy Hooligan"; Smith and Ellis, Irish comedy; and Gardner and Golden, singers and comedians. Ad. Men Arrange for Convention. The Pacific Coast advertising convention will be held In Portland the week fol lowing July 10. This date was decided upon last night at a meeting of the local advertising league, at which the list of that organization was swelled one-third by new members. A committee of five was annointed to make preliminary arrange ments for entertaining the guests, among so helpful so good for you under any con ditionthat even a well person feels Its constant benefit. We Paid $100,000 For the American rights to Liquozone and the rights in other countries have sold for proportionate sums. We mention this fact to Indicate the value of Liquozone the value to you. Men have never before paid such a price for any discovery used In the cure of sickness. We need not tell you that we proved Liquozone we'll before buying It. For years it was tested through physicians and hospitals In this country and others. It was employed in every stage of every germ disease; In all the most difficult cases obtainable. AVIth thousands of sick ones, considered Incurable, we proved that it did what medicine could not do. Then, and then only, did we pay the price. Since then we have spent nearly ?2, 00). 000 to make Liquozone known. We have bought the first bottle and given it free to every sick one we learned of. These people toM others, and the others told others. Th& result Is that Liquozone Is now more widely employed than any medicine ever was. And no one can doubt that it Is doing more for sick hu manity than all the drugs in use com bined. Kill Inside Germs The greatest value of Liquozone lies in the fact that it kills germs in the body without killing the tissues, too. And no man knows another way to do It. Any drug that kills germs is a poison, and it cannot be taken Internally. For that reason medicine is almost helpless in any germ disease. Liquozone is a germicide so certain that we publish on every bottle an offer of J1000 for a disease germ that it cannot kill. Yet It 13 not only, hannlesst but of The Laxative . KNOWN QUALITY There are two classes of remedies: those of known qual ity and which, are permanently beneficial in effect, acting .gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assist ance; and another class, composed of preparations of unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of I the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig SVrup Co., which represents the active principles of plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup, in wrncn tne wnoiesome tainornian Diue ngs are usea to con- their own personal knowledge is a most excellent laxative ? it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really renresents. n laxative remedv of There are two classes of purchasers : those who are informed as to the quality of what they buy and the reasonsfor the excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know, who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. To the credit of the druggists of the 'United States be it said nearly all of them value their integrity and the good will of their imitations of the manuiacuirea oy me iamornia. to buy the genuine article and one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup front of every package. Price, 50c whom will be the cleverest advertising men of the Coast. C. J. Owen, who represented the Port- i land league at the recent congress in San Jose, reported that a very succcsslul meeting was held. He was elected vice president of the Coast league for the State of Oregon. Addresses were deliv ered last night by G. W. Klefeer on out door advertising, and by H. C. Whlttler on illustrated displays. At the next meeting, which will take place in two weeks, a dinner will be given at the Commercial Club, to which each member of the league is to Invite a representative of some local business house doing advertising. A committee, consisting of H. S. Har court, C. J. Owen and R. M. Hall, was ap pointed to represent the league at the mcetinff of the Oregon Development League, at the invitation of Tom "Richard son. NICHOLSON IS EXTRADITED Goes to San Francisco to Answer Forgery Charge. Governor Chamberlain gave a 'decision favorable to Detective Whittaker in the case of forgery against Frank H. Nichol son and last night the officer left for San Francisco with his prisoner. Nicholson is wanted in San Francisco on several charges of forgery. He was employed by a newspaper in that city, and passed worthless paper, it is said, on people to whom he was Introduced by his city editor and assistant. While here .Nicholson was arrested on complaint of an attache of the Western Union Tele graph Company and his apprehension came about In a peculiar manner. Nicholson wired to his father In San Francisco asking for money. He used the Postal wire, but In making reply his father used the Western Union. When the message was left at the office, the com plainant saw It. This located Nicholson. and along with the money sent by tne .father were sent Instructions to arrest Who Else Will Try It Free? wonderful benefit better than anything else In the world for you. No one is so well that he cannot be helped by it. The reason is that germs are vegetables; and Liquozone like an excess of oxygen Is deadly to vegetal matter. To the hu man body Liquozone is exhilarating, vital izing, purifying the most needful, the most helpful thing possible. But to germs It Is certain destruction; and these facts are true of nothing else In existence. Germ Diseases These are the known germ diseases, all due to germs or to the poisons which germs create. These are the diseases to which medicine does not apply, for drugs cannot kill Inside germs. All that medicine can do for these troubles is to act as a tonic, aiding Na ture to overcome the germs. But those results are indirect and uncertain, depend ing on the patient's condition. A cure is always doubtful when drugs are used, and some of these diseases medicine never cures. Liquozone alone can destroy the cause of these troubles. It goes wherever the blood goes, so that no germ can escape It. The results are almost inevitable. Diseases which have resisted medicine ror years yield at once to Liquozone. "In curable" diseases are cured by it. In any stage of any disease in this list the results are so certain that we will gladly send to any patient who asks it an abso lute guaranty. Asthma AtxsccfEJ Anaemia Bronchitis Blood Poison Bright' Disease Bowel Troubles Coughs Colds Consumption Colic Croup Constipation Catarrh Cancer Dysentery Diarrhea Dandruff Dropsy Dyspepsia Eczema Erysipelas Evsre Gall Stones Hay Fever Influenza. Kidney DIeeasca Ia Grippe Leucorrhea Liver Troubles Malaria Neuralgia Many Heart Troubles Piles Pneumonia Pleurisy Quinsy Rheumatism Scrofula Syphilid Skin Diseases Stomach Troubles Throat Troubles Tuberculosis Tumors Ulcers and from actual experience remedy. We do not claim that known aualitv and excellence. reputation for professional customers too highly to offer rig oyrup vu., iuiu in uiucr to get its beneficial effects, Co. plainly printed on the per bottle. One size only. Nicholson as he was wanted in San Francisco on a charge of forgery. He was Immediately lodged in the City Jail. When Detective Whittaker arrived here for Nicholson it was not definitely known whether Governor Chamberlain would honor the requisition papers. He had an audience with Nicholson, who put up a pitiful tale of poverty; of a sick wife and baby and other woeful and distressing things. MRS. DELILAH- CLARK DIES Was Mother or Newton Clark, Grand Kccorder of A". O. "U. AV. Mrs. Delilah Clark, brother of Newton Clark, grand recorder of the A. O. U. W , of the Oregon jurisdiction, died yesterday mornlng at th home of her son. 400 Broadway. She was born in Ohio in 1S16 and had lived In Oregon for the past 13 years. Since the death of her husband. Thomas Clark, at Hood River, she had lived with her son. Newton Clark, In Portland. Her death was due to the In firmities of old age. The body will be sent to Hood River today for Interment. Hold Services Tor Holy AVcek. Special noon services are being held at the Men's Resort under the auspices of the Protestant Episcopal Church this week. Yesterday the address was given by British Consul James Laidlaw on "Some Practical Suggestions from Holy Week" before a large gathering of men. Several of the clergy were present with Bishop B. Wistar Morris. Today the address will be by AV. E. Tyrell. On Thursday Mayor Williams will be the speaker and AVallis Nash will talk Friday noon. Evening: services are being held at St. Mary's Church. Nineteenth and. Quimby streets. Last night Dr. Hops was the preacher, and this evening at 7:45 o'clock Dr. A. A. Morrison will de liver a Holy Week sermon. Goitre Gout Varicocele Gonorrhea Gleet Women's Diseases AH dlseaescs that begin with fevers all in flammationall catarrh all contagious dleeasea all the remilts of Impure or poisoned blood. In nervous debility Liquozone acta as a. I talizcr, accomplishing what no drugs can do. 50c Bottle Free If you need Liquozone and have never used it, please send us the coupon below. We will then send you an order on a local druggist for a full-sized bottle a sfk- bot tle and will pay the druggist ourselves for It. This applies only to the first bot tle, of course to those who have never used It. The acceptance of this offer places you under no obligations. We simply wish tcf convince you; to let the product itself show you what it can do. Then you can, judge by results as to whether you wish to continue. This offer Itself should convince you that Liquozone does as we claim. We would certainly not buy a bottle and give it to you If there was any doubt of results. You want these results; you want to be well and to keep well. Then be fair enough to yourself to accept our offer to day. Let us show you at our expense what this wonderful product means to you. Liquozone costs 50c and $1. CUT OUT THIS COUPON for this offer may not appear araln. Fl?t out the blanks and mall It to The Liquo zone Company, 45S-464 Wabash Ave., Chi cago. Ir-n I- ' "J uisjcMc i 1 I have never tried Liquozone, but If SL will supply me a 50c bottle free I wiPf take it. Any physician or hospital not yet using Liauozcne will be gladly eupplied for a test. S i 762 B. Give full addre?-write plainly