Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 18, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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cupid's mm
Portland Girl Becomes Bride
of -William E. Empey in;
Los Angeles. -
Lillian Gallagher Visits the Metrop
olis of Southern California,
"Where She Is lied to Altar
by Armour's Agent.
That delicious little rascal -who is
usually pictured -with wings and a bow
and arrow, and who is known
to the world as Cupid, has en
amored a Portland girl. Even as
a blindfolded person will wander in
strange places, so Cupid, who, tradition
says, is blind, has led this Portland girl
through the fantastic world of romance
and back into the world of reality, where
things are of a rosy hue because of the
Cupid's victim is pretty Lillian Galla
gher, daughter of M. J. Gallagher, United
States Inspector of Customs, who resides
with his family at 11S Bancroft street.
About a month ago Cupid whispered in
Miss Gallagher's ear: "You better go and
visit friends in Los Angeles." And then,
in a quick aside. Cupid talked to himself
something in this fashion: "I've had
your case on my docket fpr the past five
years, but rush of business has pre
vented me from attending to It. Now I'll
make up for lost time." Miss Gallagher
listened to Cupid's hint and hesitated. Be
ing a woman, of course hesltatancy
meant loss. Cupid won.
William E. Empey's Recollection.
About the same time Cupid whirled
away on his baby wings to Los Angeles,
and there he entered the apartments of
William E. Empey, and caused that
gentleman to clean out his trunk. While
Mr. Empey was engaged in doing this
he found a mice nest in one corner, built
out of slips of paper chewed from old
letters that had been at the bottom of
the case. The mice nest suggested a
home and comfort and all those things.
Mr. Empey removed the mice, and then,
out of curiosity, began to examine the
nest. In it he found a bit of paper.
There was scrawled upon it a remnant
of a signature. The signature brought
to Mr. Empey's mind thoughts of other
days. He remembered that a. little less
than five years before, when ho was
treasurer of the Alhambra Theater, of
San Francisco, he met a Miss Lillian
Gallagher, of Portland, Or., who was vis
iting friends in the city. They had taken
a mutual liking to each other and had
corresponded for a time, but Cupid had
been too busy to bring about a culmina
tion of the match. When Mr. Empey re
membered this he began to think. The
more he thought the more he concluded
he would like to meet Miss Gallagher
again. He sat down to his desk and
wrote to the girL In time he received
an answer in Los Angeles, where he had
removed on account of business duties.
They 3Icet in Los Angeles.
Without telling- Mr. Empey that she
was going to Los Angeles, Miss Gallagher
made the Journey. But here, again,
Cupid showed that he was making up for
lost time. On the day when Miss Gal
lagher reached Los Angeles it happened
that Mr. Empey was at the depot at
tending to some business. The first per
son Miss .Gallagher saw was Empey. The
only person Empey saw thereafter was
Miss Gallagher. They walked up the
-street That evening they met again.
Cupid was hiding behind a palm, and he
very dextrously shot a couple of arrows
with such true marksmanship that Mr.
Empey and Miss Gallagher became, then
and there, engaged.
The other day the wedding took place,
Dean J. J. Wilkin's of St, Paul's pro
CathedraL of Los Angeles, performing
the ceremony. The wedding took place
a week sooner than was at first intended,
as the couple wished to keep their mar
riage a secret from their friends for the
present. But their friends discovered the
deception and congratulations followed
thick and fast. The couple took a short
tour and are at home at 7G0 West Seventh
street, Los Angeles.
Mrs. M. J. Gallagher, of this city, said
yesterday that her daughter was now
Mrs. Empey, and vouched for the ro
mance. Mr. Empey is the confidential
agent of the Armour car lines company
and has a host of friends throughout
California. But an Armour confidential
agent even is under the thumb of Dan
Cupid, president of the love trust.
Scholars Try to Keep Japanese From
Entering the Building.
OMAHA, April 17. The hundred pupils
of Lowell School, in South Omaha, today
revolted as the result of the presence of
two Japanese boys in the school. The
two Japanese are sons of strikebreakers
at the packing-houses, who were brought
to this city during the strike a year ago.
A number of the larger pupils lined up
and refused to permit others to enter
the school buildings. A force of police
was called and it required an hour to re
store order.
Escapernong is - the finest product of
the Scuppernong, a native grape, identi
fied with the earliest settlement of the
country. It is a delicious, refreshing
white wine, moderately sweet, but with
sufficient natural fruit acidity to make
a perfect table wine, having an exquisite
fruit aroma and "bouauet." W.J. Van
Schuyver & Co., Inc., distributors.
Pacific- Squadron Cruisers to
Be Sent.
Secretary of - .Navy Morton Advises
Exposition That Various Ves-.
sels Will Be Ordered Here
During Summer. ,
That several of the warships of the Pa
cific squadron will be in port during the
Lewis and Clark Exposition, is the intel
ligence communicated to the Exposition
headquarters yesterday by Secretary of
the Navy Morton. He does not state just
what boats will be sent here, as he tis
unable to decide at this time. Emergen
cies may arise that will necessitate a re
distribution of the fleet, and the only
thing that Secretary Morton is able to
Btate with certainty is that several of
the finest cruisers will be sent here for
stays of varying length.
This announcement is especially pleas
ing to President Goode and his staff, as
it was thought for a time that warships
were going to be at a premium as far as
the Exposition was concerned. Recently
orders were Issued to the United States
steamship Boston 'to come here for the
opening ceremonies, but as that was the
only war vessel to receive such orders it
HoIIaday Park Addition
Holladay Park Addition Is the most attractive residence district in Portland.
New, select and highly improved. City water and sewers all In. Streets fully
improved. Cement curbs and sidewalks laid. Gas and Electric lights pro
vided all In advance of building.
Lots SOxlOO Feet, S500 to $900 Each
The Title Guarantee k Trust Co
6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, ORE.
was feared that the others were to be
needed elsewhere in different cruises.
War vessels in the harbor will be an
unusual attraction and something entirely
new to expositions. As comparatively few
people have ever had the experience of
seeing one of Uncle Sam's fighting vessels,
their presence will be especially interest
ing. While in port the cruisers will keep
"open house," and visitors will be welcome
at all times. Small launches will afford
communication with the mainland, as the
boats wlil anchor well out In the river.
The position of the boats In port will
leave them in plain view of the Exposition
grounds. A number of pleasant functions
will be given in honor of the officers and
crews of different boats.
said the pompous
'Viscount Hardcas-
"Now, me good man,"
tie, London." on the register, "what are your
term? here?" "Cash Jn advance." replied
the shrewd hotel clerk, promptly." Fhlladel-
pnia rrese.
Members of the Graduating Class Receive Their Diplomas as Doctors of Medicine
't. ' ' ' mm l T
Joseph A. Applewhite, A. B. B. S. Anne. J. B. Biiderback, Ph. G. Robert Tildes Boals. Henry B. Day. Komoc Hold. ' Bobert Grieve.
Cora B. !Lcmon.
Fred A. Iieoallen.
Berths Taylor ration.
Fred Peacock.
Xcrritt Edmund Beltzei.
Thomas W. Boss.
The commencement exercises of the
1905 graduating class of the Medical De
partment, University of Oregon, were
held in the Kigh School Assembly Hall
last night in the presence of many friends
and guests of the graduates.
Judge M. C. George, who delivered the
annual address took occasion in a humor
ous way to point out to the new doc
tors just what was expected of them and
what they might expect, and incidentally
advised the audience of what they might
expect from all doctors, including the
graduates. To his mind the medical pro
fession was 'the most learned of all, but
he thought a trouble often found In
the graduate was that he had acquired
too much knowledge. "Still," the speaker
said, "when he gets toned down and that
does not take long, he is a mighty useful
member of society and we are always
glad to have hjm with us." Judge George
then reviewed the history of medicine and
surgery, showing its rapid development of
late years and its effect on the world.
The degrees were conferred by Profes
sor P. L. Campbell, president of the
university, and as the black-gowned
wearers of the mortar-board stepped up
to receive their diplomas they were
greeted with hearty applause. Dr. O. S.
JBinswanger in his presentation of the
Saylor and the anatomy medals called
attention to the high and unusual dis
tinction achieved by Joseph' A. Applewhite
in having won both medals. The anat
omy medal is given to the student secur-
P ' 'JmvmmLwSmr JHbHB
jSflnSilHHIflHfew 7
J. Howard Snirely.
Harry Archy Start, A. B.
Frederick G corse Ulmaa, Tk. G.
Glenn Wheeler.
Percy Joseph Wiley.
Photos by.E. W Moore. Seventh and Washington.
Those receiving degrees were: Joseph
A. Applewhite. A." B.: R. S. Armes. J.
B. Biiderback. Ph. G.; Robert Tilden
Boals. Henry B. Day, Roscoe Field. Rob
ert Grieve, Albert Chester Hanson,
Thomas W. Hester. B. S., LL. B.; Har
vey O. Hickman, George Wright Hill.
William Wilson Pratt HOlt. A. B.; Ja
cob Frederick Hwsch; E. Lloyd Irvine.
Cora B. Lemon. Fred A. Lieuallen.
Bertha Taylor Patton. Fred Peacock,
Merrltt Edmund Reitzel. John C. Rosa,
Thomas W. Ross. J. Howard Snlvely.
Harry Archy Start, A. B.; Frederick
George Ulman. Ph. G'.; Glenn Wheeler,
Percy Joseph Wiley.
ing the highest average in that -branch
of the science, while the Saylor medal is
awarded to the student with the highest
average in all classes. It is the first
time In the history of the medals that
both, have gone to the, seme student.
In his charge to the graduates Dr.
George B. Story urged a strict observ
ance of' the ethics of the profession and
the necessity of further advancement by M. D. The programme was Interspersed
continual study and thought. The vale- with musical selections rendered by the
dictory was delivered, by John C. Ross,! Spitzner-Konrad orchestra.
Bankers Defeat All-Stars.
In last night's games of the Port
land Tenpin League the Bankers took:
three straight from the All-Stars and
tied the latter for second place. The
total scores for the three games were:
Bankers, 25SS; All-Stars, 2511. Capen,
Captain of the Bankers had the aver
age, 206, and also scored the biggest
single game In the third, making- 234.
Paul Kneyse tied the- alley record of
245 at the Oregon alleys yesterday. In
six games he hold the high average of
It 13 no longer necessary to take blue
bills to rouse the liver to action. Car
ter's Little Liver Pills-are much better.
Don't forget this. '