t -2 - . THE MQBNIBG OREGOiNIA-T, TUESDAY, APRIIi -11, 1905. ' j : 1 : ; ; CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. AMusrarrTvrs. fob sale beat, estate. fob sau farms. mp wanted male. heu wanted female; wanted agents. ' FOR SALE NEW 6 AND S-BOOM HOUSE; GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED SECURE A GOOD POSITION! WANTED LADY OF EDUCATION AND GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED TO SSI.L 1 "Rooms," "Booms and Board. Hons- Ur.m3m firand Thmbr W. T. FAhGLE bath. 'stationary washetand. concrete baoe- 120 acres with 20 under plow. S acres In Clerical. Technical or Commercial Line. refinement' as working housekeeper, by mW- lot on commission. In one of tne cocut- keeping; Booms." "Situations Wanted." 15 HlBiqUalH UldHU lilCdlCI Besldint Mtuetr ment. gas -and electric lights, furnace, home bay land, balance covered more or less Wo Assist Competent die-aged widower, without Incumbrance; suburbs of Portland. Address P. , . . n v PHONE MAIN S68. tinted, pass pantry, large bedrooms, with with brush and Umber: land lays nicely; Office men. Assistant bookkeepers duties light; no farm work; railway sta- t03. city. words or less. 15 cents; 16 to -0 vvoros, -o ht at g.15 o-Ci0cK Performance ".", acb. wood elevator, stationary soli rich; live water; 4-room house large Bookkeepers. General office clerks. "on and poatoffice adjacent. K 13, Orego- -nR PHOTOS cents; 21 to 25 word. S cents, etc No dls- The Brilliant Farclal Comedy Success EaahjS5? JIShL011 "tSuST barn,; 0ne-half acre orchard; in good com- Stenographers. Hotel clerks. nlam E?iEPmoneJ Ml DeXtErf bldg. . , j ,,.,, ,nw,. "Txrv rttr -ktttv J ' flYe"mlnVte service, near sooi school, munlty; close to school and only 3 miles Managers Railroad clerks. ' ; . and portraits, big money, sot uckuto tonnt for-addltlonal Insertions. IHE 3IARRUGE Or KITT1 lawn, rtreeta Improved; houses now open for from town on N P. Ry. and Columbia Correlnondent clerks TlmekDers. WANTED LADIES. AND GIRLS TO ASSIST - UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except With Max Flgman and an Excellent Sup- inspection; , cash or Installments. inquire River Price $000 with one-half down, AcwSSmimS CoHector" in a new line, of fancy work; $10 per week; LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW. GOOD -. ,. , . , j. , porting Company. owner. H. E. Btemler. 122 3d St.. or at res- balance on time. rfciVri, h nnin- ri.rbi experience unnecessary; work can be taken seller, big wages. 215 Commercial bile -New Today." SO cents for 15 words or less: PRICES-Lower floor. $1 and 75c Balcony. icence. Union ave. North, on. block acreS "iUi 20 acres under plow, bal- Entry cterks. . Bin clerks! home. Call at office. Morrison st.. the 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 - 75c and 50c Gallery. 25c and 35c Boxos south of houses. co "red with and timber; land General clerical, technic! commercial men. Cosmos, room 5. cents, etc.-nrst Insertion. Each additional &&V.iiir. Carriages at 10:40. FARMERS OR MANUFACTURERS AT- "rSSl&oShS Sod 5-rSon? house sSf-fo? McBWTo'oStod GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL ' Insertion, one-half; no further discount un- . 2 tentlon Advertiser has large tract, one Tml'bKm-SiK 5M 505 McKa BId.. 102 3d St.. Portland. to see us. Over 1000 posIUons every mont Boom. der one month. ' PTIflllWiRIA THFATFF? J"8.? qf PrUand' n rallrtad; build- lUlltU. "all taraS iSptomfSS lnclud- WANTED-YOUNG MEN TO, LEARN irteo rfSanadlai1 wilding Vew Furniture' . . -.ULUIVlOiA I II HA I Cl lags, station and townslte; great Induce- intr new mower hav rake mows steel har- watohmaVine- enravinr Jewelers, work. -norruoa. iiain iji. ,ew Building. New Furniture. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15 TONIGHT, ALL WEEK. MAT. SATURDAY. " af, Wa0'c or p0rtI,0n to ,parUc8 sec.k- row ndTay press? clos'e To " school, in On y prac leal wfrWngchool forewet WANTBP-.FIRST.CLASS rADr REPRESBV. V'vomf Yvv cents . per line, first Insertlfn: 10 cents per The New ommMa Stock Company. &tJE.tTiJrV soodommunltyf 4 miles from town on the ers.PM.oney made learning Seattle tS, huVmafueet - One of each additional Insertion. n UpWerfl play. .elS" SSdffi g, wUh' oSaSbancc' onS 8i?SK & EngravlngbchooUP g .par good money. Call or write COT Me- IkVaKat Entrance ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, nd- "1VOMAN AGAINST WOMAN." home sites for employes; no better farm terms. pea"'e- ? -g" One Block orld s r Main Entrance. dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this Evening. 50c. 35c 25e. 15c. Matinee. 25c. JgnWSiJPJ IMUS & WILLOUGHBT.- Kalama, Wash. WANTED HIGH-GRADE TRAVELING WriEtor Special BatoWei. c-xe 'rv " , , 16c. 10c Downtown box office open all day, this and make a fortune. C 10. Oregonlan. .. salesman for strong special line; must be a KELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. Address STATE ROOM INN office, should always be Inclosed in sealed Dolly Varden candy shop; Main 110. Evening 45x100 FEET 4-ROOM HOUSF BASFMFNT FABMS. FARMb. persistent, energetic worker, able to pro- ZT PHONE TlIAIN 5304 envelopes. 2o stamp Is required on such at theater; Main 311. - m UmiarSa 't wtennu oxiTA,RM . , duce results and earn $3600 and "Penses. MILKER; BOYS (FARM. RESTAURANT), ,ette. NEXT WBSK-VDORA THORNE." EStw AbinaT housf rjcely pnted.bkS thYn od WlSue VaUey ?or surens A,?dr6SS Who,csale' Box 133 Rock IsIand' dishwasher (furnace), confectioner, wait- NEW LANGE HOTEL. iciicxb. tlful lawn: easy walking distance from the j . w,ame"e vaue lor sure crops nj. resf! domestic (Wasco), cook (Condon). Suronean Dlan: electric lights and belts. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for r-n,,. T shOMt a "very durable mertr a and enjoyable and prosperous farm life." ti ,r.,..c, Drake's. 205 Washington. itSS? heat and "ilerobatt to wtw errors In advertisements taken tnrough the EMPIRE Pident'lfcer.. wklffln or aIdow with chlWrenhat Sn"VIPrinclS SeeSSd S ttTO .ihoSS LARGE COMPAN1l S eS50 aad r ay: -peelTnite; . , , eal "au4icr' wish employment. Price 41700. part cash. Ir"? a . securea oeiore me n boarding-house. . by" the week. Elegant cafe and bar In eoa- tclephone. CENTS balance on time Call on or addresa T T. vance' whlch ,s sur come. ..,. 5 hammer and saw carpenters, rough SITUATION WANTED MALE." nection. Corner 6th and Washington ita. I O ADMISSION Struble. 250 Main stT acrc3 near Carlton at one-half Its work flurae building. $3; others. . Sam Bauman. manager. F. Lange. prop. "W ADMISSION. , - at. . HANSEN'S OFFICE T. 2 15 N. 2D ST. Bookx-mr and Clerks. . AUCTION SALES TODAY. .MATINEE EVERY DAY AT 2:15 P. M. 11 acres nearer, on railroad. 80 acres cul- , . . THE CLAYTON One Show Every Night at 8:15 Pi M. tlyated. $4700. BOOKKEEPERS. STENOGRAPHERS AND N EXPERIENCED SALESMAN WHO HAS 15 N. 10th. cor. Burrwlde. nar Washington At the Portland auction rooms, 211 1st at. All This Week the Sensational Melodrama, ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTT wacr,ts' .Zml B 0 c' ,.'ih.; salesmen, see us for that pctlon you want. solA goods to tne whoieEaie and retail gro- -Strictly modern, newly decorated througa- bet Taylor and SaunonT Sale at 10 A. M tt-r-. -r. . " . . . ..' or handling acreage; choice acre tracts for chard. 1, acres In crop. See this and other some of our many openings will suit ou. cery trade ,n thls cUy. for a time. out; fine furnished rooms, slngh or em ulte. sham C T. Ford aucUonoer The Tlcket-of-LpaVP Man" horaes, within the city limits or outside; improved farms near Portland at $20 per Portland Commercial Bureau. .22 Chamber wants a position May 1; good references. F bath; location, neighborhood and convenience J, t',., aucuonoer. cLTioi J'i' . terms to sulU A. C, Churchill ti Co., 110 acre of Commerce. . Oregonlan. - unexcelled; terms reasonable. Phone Main By J. T. Wilson, at residence. 2S4 Poplar St.. An Excellent Stock. Special Scenery. 6ecoad oi. B. S. COOK & CO.. 251 ALDER ST. . 5353 spr. E. lltth, at 10 A. M.; O. W. P. cars. J. r WANTED IMMEDIATELY INTELLIGENT XOUNG MAN NOT AFRAID OF WORK. '. T. Wilson, auctioneer. . FOR RENT OR SALE DAIRY RANCH OF bO man for permanent, gentlemanly position: understands the hardware business, office THE AUDITORIUM "03 u 3D ST BET TAY- At Gllmaa's auction-rooms. 413 Washing- VJ rv L acres, all level land, with living water run- remuneration $100 per month: must Invest worJtt can do painting, is wllllag to do lor and Salmon. 1 'bfock south of Baker The ton street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gil- Uoral TU D! CI l,f FOI- SALE NEW EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. n,n through the place, 20 milch cows, new about $350; fully secured. Apply personally. anything. Phone Main 3247. Ask for C. S. ater-Elegantly new furnished, steam hat: man. auctioneer. nereat LaSti 1 lie Keai OnenkS! full basement with concrete floor, porce- separator and cans, good creamery close, also 104 1st at. hot. cold running water in room.-; free bath; ,. , , .. . . ,,. DTAvnvn oiMTt i ri'i t.' lain plumbing, washtuba. cas and-electric- school and postofnee, sawmill close, with YOUNG MEN WHO WRITE WELL AND rooms with Drlvate baths- elevator: $3.59 per PaViB!i?Ilta?0CUr'M0WCr BAND AND "1 t K waTlf flnted. hdwoo4 floors; Sd county road alongside otthe place. Is WANTED-1000 R. R. MEN. -NEW WORK. COmPoee a business-like letter get attention tafPg&gr&Sr rrr, at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co., rin w tfstip cash or installments; West Side. O. m! all fenced and croaa-fenced good family or- 100 other Jobs; name your work and we -when answering advertisement; we give pri- I auctloneens. MOBAN ANDWILSON. Smith, owner, 730 Chamber of Commerce. "1 "hwUh colti- a'Sso' "-yetrnS h,aT0 ":. aUn J!'0, n vate Instruction. F 1C. care Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH. HENBY CTXWE. mmLACT, -A2.-. I'yed"! 2 wlgo'mowlngchme $meat C" 240 BurasIde Phona Mala VAXTEDBY YOUNG LAWYER FROM and heat; 127 N. 22d sU b GlUaa MEETING NOTICES. Sg- A chaft? ur?a ITnancTke money a,nd a, to Jerous to rten. New Hpshlre. work In law office where he Se. walking , GBANDISCOPE. only co is forer ri tlon. with good ouulde range the year around. WOJTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER may use the statute books until October. H. pAnnJ ? Vafn iuoi st xronx COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. F. 20r MaxSsT r6ervcd ln $10 perLcref under Jut? conTrol Forr! " apply to I. McKown. rfmplete course In S weeks; expert In- Ladd. 287 Grant st. talr ground,. Phone Main 4001. 'AA AND A. M. Special communication seats -oC- tlculars write or call at office of Columbia care RhelnpfaH Hotel. etrucUons; positions guaranteed: for terms . mlqHnn nooiiq rv Pt.EAAXT Othis Tueeday) evening, Masonic Tern- 5 ' Southern Irrigation Co.. 533 Worcester block. ACRE5 ttvpfr CULTIVATIOV O rite Glllman College. 627 Clay. San Fran. MAN WITH MUCH EXPERIENCE IN 1D-tSlSvS if, o o'clock. Work In M. H. De- CT A O TUETATCn PARK A VT AUKJS. 23 UNDER CULTIVATION, O drugs and sundries, general merchandise and "J kGZrZTJ- iV iJ?T-l A. 3V S of VT. M. OI A K THEATER WASHINGTON ONE 7-YEAR-OLD HORSE, 120O. WORK of PorUand. 1 span horaes 2 WANTED M EN AND BOYS TO LEARN offices, desires position; have references. A w """fan .JL """uonf11 'laJ3 yBTs:PAGUE7 Secretary. TJ,V; double or single; one candy showcase; 6 ood wagons light and heaj good milch piumblpg trade. Coyne Bros. Co.. Schools of 17. Oregonlan. "" of business secUon. 53 EUa at. ' PEBLE AND DIA5IANT feet 2 inches longl 26 Inches deep. 30 Inches cow. all Wnds farm Implements, cherry or- Practical Plumbing. 4073-75 Easton ave.. SU Phone Main 150.. Singers and Dancers from Paris. high. One large ice box 5 feet wide. 3 chard. 100 treee. ground cannot be beat: Louis. Mo.; 107-0 W. 3d St., Cincinnati. O. GOOD SIDE LINE. BY SALESMAN COVER- ' " . OREGON LODGE OF PER- First Western Appearance. reft Tdoep 0 fee! h gL IS i'tln til nT 16 com and see; price $3250. -f , , v ' ' 1 Ing Oregon and 'California; Portland office THE CONDON HOTEL, COR. 5TH AND nrninN tiO 1 A. & A. S. ED ZOYABBAS AMETA cofTee bins, lead lined. 154 1st. haJeJ?,atf lFh01?1' ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN (SINGLE) TO references. 402 Mohawk bldg. Alder-Open for guests; newly furnished tmmmmsSk FECTION, J0. l, A. ex a. e. ,r,.c . wrtnT-v-crtx. can go with the 40 If wanted at a-reduced vp! nd iearn saa,i navlnir business who throughout; all modern conveniences; electrta tlpll KITE-Special meeUng In audi- nd Hve mherGreat Acts HOUSE AND FOUR ACRES ON A. & C. K. Bie:c$?eWOrerSnla1n,rnS Q ' A"rCM 've town Immediately: Call 10 A. M. WANTED BY A COMPETENT ACCOUNT- Usht. etc ; rates reasonable. T. D. Condon. rf torium. Scottish Bite Cathedral. ffloSS'SiT-M 9 P M B. and deep water Columbia River. 15 acres. "' 0rcgn'a- to 4 P. M.. room 7. 413 Washington. ant. a small set of books to keep at owner's "a"aser. LrjRLrd lls evening at 8 o'clock. Work APMISSIOn'iOc' TO ANY SEAT. traSf.' Lreslachlevetateted! TB.MESMRT 10 AS?E FIVE TEAMS TO HAUL LUMBER. PLANER conven enc- K - Oregonlan. thb OREGONIAN-ON THE EUROPEAN 3iK In Fourth. Fifth and Sixth De- ' near R. R.. good for farming. B. L.. Mltchl a cr!? Srnl?- J5n- ftSST fders. tallymen, mill and yardmen. $2 up; WINDOW TRIMMER AND SALESMAN IN Plan; rooms. -C0c. 7Cc $1 per day; beautiful IEilgrees. By order Ven. Master. BAKER THEATER cfy6 Its?' .tnce ISS' SS" cJSSuT W,th Iaa h0USC' ffiWfi ALASKA OIL G CO.-The annual LSM aSKr S8MUSJ?)25SIS KSHHtI'LI TO SOLICITORS AND AGENTS-WE HAVE SITUATION WANTED HY EXPERIENCED meeting of the stockholders of the above-named In America. The New BUI: offer; your own terms' or discount for 177 ShermSj t see owner. 11. ureDe. absolutely the best offers ever put in the German bartender. 60 N. 3d. HOTEL EMPIRE NEW BUILDING WITH company will be held In the office of the com- HUG LB BROTHERS. THE ALLYNS. cash, or cash. Joe Nash, owner; office res- field for canvassers. Sunset Magazine. 733 everything new throughout, elegantly fur- pany. No. 43 Concord building, on Wednesday, STANLEY AND ATLEEN. idencc Nashville Addition; take Mt. Scott v mPAT iinvp irn mrtva rv thp Mission st.. San Francisco. Cal. MlsceUaneous- nished. sunny rooms, all modern convent April 19. at 12 M.- INGOJIA. car. Phone Union 1501. r i r ji. " " - - ' . , . " encea; prices reasonable. 492 Washington. BRYDON H. NICOLL. Secretary. WINN ANDLEMAB un nV 'h. ,fv..?2?rJ3?U BOOKKEEPER. $75; STENOGRAPHER, $00; WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED MAN AND JEAX WILSON. DEAGOUS TBIO. CROOK COUNTY LANDS 5 CONTRACTS rte and office manager. $90; traveling saleeman; oth- wife . Position in hotel, city or country. clerk THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS. 1SHtj "ENCAMPMENT NO 1 I. O. IJIOGRAPH. , - payable monthly. 100 acres each, of the J.h..5 tIt? nn rfoVlrnmenf Hrtr nvl er openings. Business Men's Clearlng-House, and chambermaid; years of experience; will 3d, adjoining Baker Theater; $2.50 per weeit ORlameetlng thU (Tuesday) even! Admission 10c torV seat. Shows at 2:30". Columbia Southern Irrigation Company. monZ y Sr a 504-505 McKay bldg., 102 3d st. work together or separately; beet of refer- an'd up: brick building; fecial attention K'j3 7?& 'o'llock. 0Sellr 7:30 and ;ia P. M. tolASSk Jl'iMtotoS&&lS, wishl WANTE3 YOUNG MAV TO DRIVE BK- S 14. Oregonlan. given to traveling public. Phone Hood 657. Temple. Boyal Purple j" cTtarkV ,U GrJnd8talt & Scha,k- cat f vam tv rr rnirvv t be4 cquafn' e? In "city YOUNG MAN. WITH REFERENCES. QUICK HH COSMOS 3 E. COR. 4TH AND MOR- come. ja. h,. bttAKO, acripe. . . ft f ft 1 - FOR SALE FARM IN CLARK COUNTY, Hnt. s3 commercial dualities. Apply at figures, some experience In office and 5",: p . i , . K - - nBV Lewis ana Clark Observatory isjfssfsj 3ESr srsa-sus: BSrgrvgsaflj ar JT3as sp-sssm!! 2?S!ShSS B:V- HAWTIIOR.NE TEBKACE SSlW.'fe.SSSi "Wi SS S? 5.gg-KSBa.l"g5g- '" SUBSCRIPTION BOOK qqqd GERMAV AMERICAS BOY WN'TS ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS 7 'o1' B- Portland. Cash or Installments. man uemery. uwner. national Motel. work; high class proposition; good pay. OOD GERMAN -AMERICAN BOI WANTS MOM, EV SP1TP OR ,.IVGtP mr i' EX0Ol,rtfeO3Ud,eyBVanS'aSt,a N'ow open, endelcar and get VVatt. owner. 410 McKay bldg. Phone FOR SALE74 ACRES OF TIMB E RL AND XVnlaf Westidar Sr&SlRrTO wif , "SSS April w. .un. ot Hawthorn Terrace, one block from car on tidewater of Shoal Water Bay, Pacific numoer. u uregoman. . easy walkins distance to Fair grounds and line. No climbing. Electric elevator. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE 4-ROOM COT- County. Washington: timber, spruce and DO Yoa WORK AT PORTLAND WORLD'S HARDWOOD OR SOFTWOOD FLOORING business district. X 21. Oregonlan. nrFD Most magnificent view In America. See iSe two mIm aSkwr hemlock; will sell Hheap IX taken at once. "SJtS Amateur actoW slngere musicians, laid, or small houw built; labor only; day- DIED- beautiful effect of powerfursearchllght from 2ro n22d .. modcrT rly new Address N 81. Oregonlan. fy'Pnl'xliBThtleal work or contract. Q 22, Oregonlan. HOTEL OXFORD. 6TH AND OAK (EURO- 7 . . tP of tower. Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. rooms very large and newlv natwred- ha renin Circuit VilU, Morrion . ' pean) The most comfortable rooms la the WILLIAMS April 10. at h s late residence. 306 ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. at $1250. Address H 10 carToegonlan FOR SALE OR RENT-1C0 ACRES IN CUL- Circuit. 3ol Morrison. ALL-ROUND MACHINIST. GENERAL RE- city; everything new and modern; bell Goodnough. bldg., Tom Williams. Funeral no- " tlvatlon. good buildings, stock, machinery. "WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- Pa'r work; wishes work in or out of the connections with cafe and bar. tlce later. ' STOP THAT RENT LEAK-NEW. MODERN ',mJj?s-?k- PT'nJAi' and throughout state to solicit bual- city. J 22. Oregonlan. . MADBLEY A Oatman Station. April 10, 1905. -v Tv I S-room house, Hawthorne ave. and 31st St.. Postofflce. Address S. King. Eagle Creek. Or. neSs. good pay lo g00d men. Call or write. 301 HARRISON NICELY FURNISHED attlie residence of his daughter, Mrs. L L. .If 11111111 t-r"A tTI 8 SfPlOriP wlth ample grounds; for sale, rtiitlng terms. 607 McKay bldg. JAPANESE. GOOD COOK. WANTS A SIT- rooms in private ramlly for gentleman. at Huff, Charles H. Madeley, aged 76 years. 5 fill IS II I I I I II 1 1 I III Ki I8 10 per cent down, 10 per cent monthly. Piatt , T uatlon. hotel or restaurant. I have refer- modern conveniences, lo minutes' walk tj months, 4 days. Funeral, notice hereafter. VISIHVj ft I VJII tiV,HVIIJ & Piatt, 400 Commercial block. FOB ALE. EN TO LEARN T.HE D ETECTIE BUSI- ence. 204 Davis st. business center; reaavmable. B;?T1 4HtamhffP,imi By kOSE EYTINGE FOR SALE BY OWNER-MODERN 6-ROOM Ilorsea. Vehicles and Harness. SoTutky bldg!. Idnd Morrison! Open W'ANTED SITUATION. BY SOBER. STEADY 347 11TH ST.-ONE OR TWO NICE ROOMS. j4gSa At Parsons' Hall, Thursday, ffife:? one 7-year-cld horse, 1200, work , J- stone, m n. -1 18 years and 5 months. Funeral notice later. Anrll13 2 45 PM price $2100. See sa'me STm'st ;ub'e or, rinl rHlS " "h1 WASTED-A TOUXG IX A CLERICAL rent. Phone Main 24l)d T Mpni IO, .'tO r. IVJ. 1bi st. North. 2 inches long. 20 inches deep, 36 Inches high. porftion. salary $100 per month: must Invest WANTED-BY JAPANESE BOY. COOKING ,rc Tor J-easons In ElocuUon Apply 2Gt 13th St. One large tee box. 5 feet wide 3 feet deep. 0 $1C00 money secured. K 12. care Orego- and housework. Address T 12. Oregonlan. THE ELM. 121 AND 125 13TH. COR. WASH FUNERAL NOTICES. SIGHTLY CORNER. EAST 8TH AND EV- feet, ,h,sli: ,il.U,n cans; 13 coffce Wns' nlan. Ington Elegant rooms, single or en .mite erett; whole, or fractional: will trade for tead 54 let. JAPANESE BOYS WANT TO DO - SOME- modern; tourists solicited. Mrs. Robertson. FOGG At the residence. 1401 E. Stark St.. NEW TODAY. lumse of six or seven rooms and pay dlf- TTTZ CAT ZZ .,fC WANTED COMPETENT MAN STENO- thing as day work. Phone Clay 884. manager. Anrll S. 1305. Charles S. Fogg, son of Mr. ference. Owner. 00 E. 9th. North. F?11 i C7ir a Sc uuHT grapher; state experience and references. and Mre AdnaSV Fogg aged 20 years and 4 horses, weight 2600 and 2S00; five sets heavy .wind River Lumber Co.. Cascade Locks. Or. WANT ED A WELLDIGGER. CALL AT ELEGANTLY-FURNISHED. SINGLE OR EN month 'Funeral willtake T place Wednesday. O IT A I STCTATIT WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. arne: Columbia Stable cor. Front and ! Perkins Restaurant. snlte. hot and cold water in each room, p.- - April 12, at" 2 P. M-. from the Methodist G Al I 1 E 10-room modern house and full kit. 340 2th Columbia sts.. J. J. Cusack. LOGGERS. MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS. - celaln bath on each floor; free pttofte. a-: Episcopal Church at Mount Tabor. Friends "w - t.. near Savier; $0000; easy terms. For full wr,ov? harves atT laborers, other work. See us. U. S. Em- ... . uth- gt- . Jnvlted. . FOR SALE BY particulars phone Main 316. Hnd?of vehicfebough "Idld wnUdT Ploment Co.. 103 Morrison. Main 1322. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ELC- KLm frltL trH7 MvaAtime TULT TITI C rilAnAMTCC C XKW 6-ROOM HOUSE (NEVER BEEN OC- Hubert & Hall. 204 4th. Phone Main 2208. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN TO ACT A3 SECRE- Bookkeepers and Stenographers. trie light, with use of phone and bath; ctese SyM monl' anfl daS 1111 1111" I if A AlN I If fV fispied) in Holladaj-s Add., near both car rirv nnOKP BROWN hopse good tarj. by large corporation: aalar $75 month; . in; very reasonable. 240 Park cor, 8l,.T,m,c .Lff,iw - MILL. UUrtlVttlULL U lines, for tale cheap; must raise money at NLflh; flnV Vviiii w r? must Invest $500. O 22. Oregonlan. WANTED-POSITIOX BY LADY STENOG- Main. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully imce c u Oregonlan. weight and size, fine traveler. 503 Mar- "" rapher. with several years' experience In U??dt w . !.m lf5; f o ? IKI l III quanu Main..l9. AVANTED MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS stneographlc and general office work. E 22. FOR RENT TWO PARTLY FURNISHED t? Tnat Tn T-ll I lAUO T LU. NEARLY NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE: BATH. won,.P, BV ,v P JACOBS OVF .r caulking castlron and running water plpee. Oregonlan. rooms. East Side, close In; ladlea employe M. today. Interment Lone Fir. swnon tt n 5, TB r ,. a basement; rent $13. E. 16th st.. IV, blocks nSPSLV iii ? -ftV S VrT Call 222 1st. cor. 1st and Salmon. during the day preferred. Phone Bast 1474 LEETE In this city. April 9, 1005. at her late &SL mS J.Vti? ?i ? from Mr "ne: $130- HatfleM & Smith. 105 Y ' u"1 Jst- ror' Dressmakers. T residence. 36S Multnomah St.. Amanda J. n,?110 T.Ul'.n (JkJl,- ith 8t- room 32. Union 1632. WANTED Al MILL BENCH HANDS: . TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SU1T- Leete. aged 57 yearn 1 month and IS days. Tt ?,f i,0V Jit J,o'"UV - nnci, ,n,...n ZTZ wp.,rT. 1UMl wages $Ts0 per S-hour day. Palo Alto Plain Shirtwaist 75c. able for light housekeeping U dealred. 57a Friends and acquaintances are respectfully "f. L?nJj- lne p,ac iJ FOR SALE-5 ACRES ON CANNON ROAD. H?rSlr?' h?sDiJ J? UJ.nf Planing MHls Palo Alto. Cal. Shirtwaist suits made to order. Mill st. Must be sea to be appreciated. invited to attend the funeral services, which a". chle "ranch. Terms can be ar- three miles out; nne place to build a home; works double; only $i0. 301 Front st., Planing .miiis. aio auo. .ai. Children's clothing a specialty. -will be held at the above residence at 2 TZC-rhn kit r -nt Ti,r foP3,0,11 ld orcliard; telling cheap. Apply r00tn 5' '. GOOD JOB PRINTER WANTED; MUST BE Phone Main 3247. THE TEMPLE. 343 YAMHILL ST.. OFPU- P.M. today, interment Rlvervlew. igfOSSg (M. lA' Morrison 8t- ' FOR SALE-GOOD DRIVING AND" RIDING sober reliable Address Times, Jackson- Mlsce'laneous. roratseaVoablT nLJ KELLY-The funeral of Mrs. Kelly will take $1000 New cottage of 4 rooms with 50xS4. BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT 5 horse, weight 800; well broke. Phone Main vllle. Or., stating wages, etc. Mlscclnneons. rooms, rates reasonable, transient. Or6 Wedn'esday at SoAflT InteenT?t 'et-J. 30th St., south of Hawthorne ave. blocks from Hotel Portland; every modern 1217' STENOGRAPHER WITH KNOWLEDGE OF SITUATIONS WANTED-STRONG. CAPA- FURNISHED ROOMS. CLOSE IN; rOR'E- & GhathoJc0 &rW."M &t "l 000 100x100 feet. N. E. cor. E. Pine and . V 21. care LARGEST STOCK .OF NEW AND 2D-HAND oj oJnce? salaryf $60. naOl er.' E. 30th. High ground. Few minutes to E. Z . vehicles on r.oast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. .22 Chamber of Commerce. houseworkers, nurses. 230V- Yamhill. Phone .. ' DUNNING, McENTEE & GTLBAUGH, Ankenycar. (E. P 242.) FOR SALE TOWN LOTS INTOPPENISH. TiAVnMArtE rnofTRT WAPOV WITH 1 Black 2S31. " 255 11TH ST.-SUNNY. LARGE ROOMS. successors to Dunning: & Campion, nnder- $1250 New house 4 rooms, lot 60x100 feet. Wash.. ID miles east of Yakima. onN. P H.AD A -Ja A,G, ' ITH ttftV WANTED FEMALE bath, gas, beautiful grounde; solid com Lkers and embalmers modern In everr de- S.1 est. Pdmont. close to tMe big carbarn. R. R,; no agents; sold by owne?. Josephine top, and open buggy. 49 N. 4th. HELP WANTLD IJIA WANTED BY LADY WITH 8 YEARS' EX- fort; reasonable. West 761. u Tv?JZr vi. iJJ , Terms, $600 cash, balance on time. (A. 820.) LUHe. ' JOBeDnul8 nnrcpKPVPFRq rn0KS perience. demonstrator or solicitor on road tall. 7th and Pine, Phone Main 430. Lady $1450 New- house C rooms, bath, pantry. Pianos. ,IEDrh7m5ald ,th firm- H Oregonlan. LARGE. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. Sl lT- asslstant. , . full basement, cement foundation, lot 50x100 GOING EAST; WILL SELL ONE OF BEST 'vr-m .. -nr t. a fov-riic-- T eencv 230U , YamhiU Phone Black able for one or two gentlemen; $5 for une feet, near the company's barn at West Pled- residences Holladay Park AM., considerable NEVV f400 P,A' ,S-IK85:n?I?:ITHy Luw Agenc, 30 lamnm. t-none wiac EXPERIENCED RELIABLE GIRL DESIRES $7.30 for two. 335 E. 6th st. -FmVATtn irt)TArAV ro rrndprfnira mont A- 315 ,ess cost- Inquire cor. 21th and Clack- sons free; Fischer $.5. .41 1st, cor Main. situation family cook, no second work. 230 EDWARD ITOLMAN CO., Undertakers and $1800 House 0 rooms and tot 50x100 feet araas. Mk u-,vTrnnnnn cw T?T E GIRL FOR Yamhill. Phone Black- 2S81. 775 IRVING ST. FURNISHED ROOMS; MOD- embalmers. have moved to their new build- on Union ave.. near Failing st. (A. 318.) . Miscellaneous. ANTED GOOD. C AP.U Lb uiKb uit , em convenIence3; wlth or without bird. Ing. Third and Salmon. Lady aeslstant. $l000 House 8 rooms, brick basement. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS- e,T. v..Tt. ctv.nvn Tr.x-r, riir ftLinr Jnd wn Phone Scott 063 SITUATION WANTED BY A SWEDISH GIRL private family; reasonable. Telephone No. 5D7. large broad piazra. lot 72x150 feet, 3 blocks Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. fFJSSS f- good location and wages. Phone Scott OoJ. tf general housework; can't speak Eng- . .tw j.eiepn f rom Montavllla car. at Claremont st. Easy Addlton. Lenta. Or. Take Mt. Scott car. 5c. a.r. l.?"' Tffi hL Tnvq TV ALI nnvvciIBS OF STAGS ,lsb' Call 033 Thurman et. SUITE OF FINE FURNISHED ROOMS P'R terms (S L 1"0 ) ' tables, with privilege of bu Ing. modern bar LESSONs IN ALU ukacmbjj vt: oxaujc. couple, private, bath and phone free. Phona J. P. FIN LEY & SON. Funeral Directors. $1500-House 5 foonw. modern, bath, large W100 WAREHOUSE PROPERTY: ?S500; fxi?ThVJ'TiC1' Brunswlck-Balko-Col- work ,Se: T?nr&$uZrwn SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED Main 5560. 424 Jefferson. cor. 3d and Madison. Of flee of County Cor- pantry gas sewer lot 50x100 feet on U West Side. L. B. Thompson & Co.. 228 3d ' lender. 49 3d st. Newman s bchool of Acting. 351 Mornwn. German lady; competent cook and house- . oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. , car line cor. Williams ave. and Alberta st. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? WANTED ARTIST' S MODEL FOR BXPOSI- deeper. Phone Clay 607. FeferyRCon F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East ft WANTED REAL ESTATE. SSSSl &tS&TT'SiJSR 6thco Alder. Wynssistant-.TelephoneEaat. fe 2& lA" WE Vgggp gLfflfe A NEAT. TIDY GIRLFOR GENERAL J-.Oregon 1 ZELLEB-BYBNES CO., UNDERTAKERS, &6-HoW V K brick foundation. gnte U W. ratf. fc, FOR SALE-A NUMBER OF THOROUGH- SCall k TU'TtfirvSSS. wo:rkGIaoodAg?riraVnAkFO?B licited; reasonable. Embalmers, 273 Bus'l; East 1088; lady ae't. n ce fruit, small barn, lot 50x100 feet, one Ablngton bldg. Durham cattle, cheap for cash. Ad- N ISth st twiuire W - CHEAP FURNISHED - .blfnft5!LlS,J5?y1 d1 Can (2i? , dress H. J. Southard, manager. Warren. COMPETENT DRESSMAKER WITH EX- ' ISUl at' andlodgfng .MS i 18th ,& tato $ 00 J OOxlOO feet, cor. L. 8th and E. t.vd rcrxv Columbia County, Oregon. perience of waiting on customers. Portland COMPETENT CHAMBERMAID WISHES PO- from Fair grounds. NEW TODAY. 611. LAND SCRIP; J bloak & Suit Co., 3S6 AVashlngton. sitJonfllrnU 2?m r home.S SI. N 1 ykr'tltOOt. I WANTED A COMPETENT NURSE OR nJWr .ISf . ."THE NEW PENNSYLVANIA' Housro S3 D' H' Gary' WMh- ZJg5g$& cltK al9 "S&Si "ear Waah!"Kton- v 1 . . , v meBt- lot leet. Morris st.. near Union Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. . gonian ' NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ONE An Income For 100 Years ave. Terms, one-third cash, balance on time, vortt tf-SERVE KANT a fp vn n-rw FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 324 WANTED A GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN- ' or two gentlemen; rent reasonable. 270 Mont. (A-3-aC- . .... Sarinteed lani fcrip on hnd readyto Chamber of Commerce or phone Main 2363. ' eral housework In German family. 574 E. WOMAN WANTS WASHING AND IRONING gomery. upstairs. TI 1 ( r f a " ?.4C,i0TH?U,S,trtC,r1O,2Rrfte and fbrna,ce locate. Maglnnls & SonT 22.' Falling bldg. Taylor st. Phone East 2005. by the day. 427 Front. , ' - (ha A IOC II tJarr'Alalim with lot SOxlOO feet. Schuyler st.. near 10th .T,.t NICELY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT E III AIHSKn 1 CLI UlCUlTl st-.,',3Mf4 . ' HELP WASTED-MALE. WANTED-GOOD GIRL OB GENERAL T room. $4 Per week; private family; cHtraI. 1111 niUOU I VUUII.UIIB $3500 House 6 rooms, grate, furnace, barn. TTmFR Tvn housework and cooking, small family, good WANTED TO BFVT 391 Yamhill st , t r ,ot 30x100 feet' 377 Wams ave.. near 03MBEB LANDS. MAN, OFFICE WORK: SALARY $75 AND "ages. Apply 380 12th st. WANTED TO BENT. jJOjjmmuju nnri I hll r i BI2adJfa JS3i FOR SALE lOO ACRES FIRST-CLASS commission: must Invest $100; money se- ' . v. PP,,.mp rmr T-r pibf for WILLAMETTE. 144 6TH ST. BET. MOR - OIIU L03I LO. JnntrfnTr' hf'-S curcd-: R21.0reBonlan. Attl tl Patrj' FIRST-CLASS ROOMS risen and Alder; cheapest and best toeated UIIV1 WUI full basement, ot 88x100 feet, two bloeks cUnty. Washington, one mile from tidewa- t Mim ftmhS acfle ,n- can be booked now wlth n- c- rooms ln clty" LOPATIOV OF PROPERTIES- 5iwMal , a d 38t Slv .(uS" ,8') ter. Address K JohnMn. Astoria. Or. FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING SALESMAN: T. Hamilton. 3,6 Yamhill. Bowers. Portland Hotel, or The Lewis & .r nnTJ . tDg LOCATION OF FROFLRXlLh. $3800 Modern house 7 rooihs. bath, base- . must be a hustler; salary $25 week. 722 .- r tttttit v-rvr r Fqq thav ;!y Clark Hotel Co.. 133 6th st.. Oregonlan bldg. LOWER FLOOR. LARGE ROOM. SL1TABI.S . KAYAK DISTRICT SOUTHERN ALASKA, ment. brick foundation, electric lights, good can locate homesteads.'tlmber claims. Cen- Chamber of Commerce. in ranrff- 7tori 144 The Lcw,s & Clark Hotel Co. is the only for one or two men; call any day this week. gwTS. barn lot 50x100 feet, close to car. IE. P. trai Oregon. T. M. CConnell. Prinevllle. Or. SKw-t2SP!t A M rooming company that I am Interested ln. . 2SS Water st. ASSETS: 244.) . I BARBERS, ATTENTION FINE 3 CHA1K Washington st.. 10 A. M. - H. C. BOWERS. 1. 12,000 acres of oil land. TITLES INSURED. shop for sale. lowrent. good locaUon. R 12. WoC.tiit..ct mT mvng tv FURNISHED ROOMS. $1 AND $2 WEEK; I ABSTRACTS FURNISHED. TO EXCHANGE. care Oregonlan. SSttVM WANTED '' 4. S-romed headquarters building ln town. The Title GOarantee & TrUSt Co EXCHANGE AN S-ROOM HOUSE BARN PLUMBER'S HELPER WANTED; ONE M.. The Sllverfleld Co. la all parte of the city. rT.)t,tx. c.DVIggn n(v,Mg -., I gSSMHK--. 7 of Commerce. ffg figSjffg- g " WSSS? ffi I liCffSt. FREE LAND IN OREGON &lCSoaS5? ro"CS D 0rfg- COrPOraUO"- Fh?e Ma" NICBLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH 30 Be. drill crew in Alki U I Under the "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed yv, ACRES OF EASTERN BRETON VALLEY t Morrison. WaOTED-GIRL FOR OBJCEILVL HOOS& WANTED UNFURNISHED 25-ROOM ROOM- phone and bath. $1.50 per week and HfL 111 31 Men now at work on coaL rect from state, WRITE OR CALL .P orId for ertv o Sor' f"13" tmllr' sood nome' In-U,r - Ing and boarding-house In good location of N. 7th st. l Coal veins , o w thlckT TODAY. Booklets and map frcs. B. S. Cook 1 Joror ttul 66 Labbe hW d Ji,d WANTED - A GOOD ARCHITECTURAL B. Main. city; state rent wanted and where located. CTr --.. k halSoaU-doU.. & Co.. 251 Alder street. Portland. Or. S ' es Jacobborger. 008 Mc- BXPERIEXCED BUTTONHOLE MAKER Ph Wopperer. 232 Front st.. city. "eS 1? S ",yr0.disclrne5: , .,,vr I : zz wanted. Jacobs Shirt Co.. Hamilton bldg.. WANT ED TO RENT DURING THE FAIR. Main 5504. It l!gkg3Zm FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-FARMS. w?rk se'Y P andy Yoo'Ew? fLJ f.?uS fJ "WBLL-FURNIS ED ROOMS. WALKING IM OFFICERS: SEVERAL CHOICE RESIDENCES. WITH . m galley! ' WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- dress J 14, Oregonlan. tance of Fair grounde, on M car Mae. W5T Thne S LiDDv President- Clark Davis. lawns, fruit trees, flowers, etc.; $1600 to GOOD IMPROVED FARM OF SO ACRES al hounework; good wages; references. .14, : Irving st. Vice-President an'd General Manager; Chas! $3000. Towngend. Drlgga & Co.. 280 Alder st. within eight miles of Portland; flne soil, no RELIABLE ODDFELLOWS IN GOOD STAND- ErtM. WANTED-TO BENT 3 OR 4 FURNISHED g- ' A! Baker Seccmd Vlceesldent- W J ones or gravel; very desirable; price ing; hustlers only. Call room 8. 2SS Waah- ... t Pnx.nrrfvr mux -n nn housekeeping rooms, wnall cottage preferred. 3S0 ALDER ST PLEASANT FRONT Hotohklsl' Trultec- H. R l2rlman. Secre- FOR SALE NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE; J25 per acre. Parrlsh. Watklns & Co.f 250 nKton. WANTED-A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO or 7-room house; no children. Address Y 21. rooms, with or without board; all convenl- Srr- John Schram TreLuTe Bober? Mo ood location; $1400. cash or Installments. Alder st, SSfif1?? and S " - care Oregonlan. ences. SVr ' f O. M. Smith, 730 Chamber of Commerce. TOUK O MAN WITH gj GWD Bt th st. WANTED A FLAT. 10 TO 15 ROOMS. UN- 271 7TII ST.-NICELT FURNISHED ROOM it wirmakUu SundVods lee ul fch 6-ROOM HOUSE. NEW AND MODERN. SUN- fpT dalrVrfieS fl5nf n VniUm- gonlkn?"end 18. Ore- NTED-A NEAP GIRL FOR LIGHT furnished; must be eloae .In. suitable for for rent; suitable for two; gas, bath, phone. it will maKe ou nurwreas. toee us. inch nvaide between 34th and 35th sts. $1800 tiV VaIIpv cot hurt In a runawnv PiTr housework. 515 20th St., Portland Heights. roomers. Mrs. Miller. Phone Hood 80. -opertyI Honest, capable management. gartoid Smtth. 3C5a4th St.? rcm" sST fher ulaS.1 aG. JamleSntffeS WANTED-SIGNPAINTBR; MUST BE FIRST- AVTC;TV .,. - . FQR t, t . NICE LARGE FRONT BAY-A VINDOW TOOM. One-Dollar Shares for 20 Cents. Or. cla; shop man. Foster & Klelser. 346 Mor- WANTED-SIX ?UNG LA.DS FOR II-- BY A WORKINGMAN, GOOD BOARD; VEG- use of bath, phone and gas 32. W. Park. 7 NEW MODERN COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS. 12 rlson. lus'on show. Inquire Blitz. 208 Morrison st tables three times a day; eingle room. 51 t,t nnn,,g .Z PADT! A Km OPPirP blocks east ot Morrison bridge. $2450; easy J60 ACRES. 1 MILES FROM KALAMA. 25 . , vrn,,rvpt.n,,.,-prn rrnir Ttvn tv 19- Oregonlan. 2 NICELY FL RMSH ED Rf. $1.50 AND rUKILAnU UrrlLt terms. Kroner, 165 3d st.. room B. la cultlvaUonT balance good timber; 6-room WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BRICK MOLDER. ,ANTED7Evf J11? w faZ . $2 per week. Inquire 4. East 6th. near Pin Pnom 109 ?hr!orl R..IMln house, barn and outbuildings; soil good; Apply McMahon Bros.. 4Sd and Division ts. family. Apply In morning. 81. Johnson st. WANTED TO RENT A B OR 6-ROOM COT- "Krrl ,.BVNPn front Room PPr KOOm lU J. nerlOCK Building sCSO-MODERN StROOM HOUSE. WITH title clear; $150a C J. Lee, Kalama. . AVTFrt nnqTLASS ALTER VTIOV t,isor flV: mB3t b' centrar located. R Jf.1 nth 1R'M T 1 Call at Office or Telephone or Write ior " J3 gllSIJrfiloS,ON- aandE H B Lm4th and Washhigton! vate faml.y. $S per month. 16, Park t. Particulars. Miller. a3 Chamoer ot commerce. free GOVERNMENT LAND OPEN FOR ages. -15 commercial mock. TWO FUUN1SHED FRONT ROOMS TO RENT TELEPHONE MAIN 1446. NEAR THE EXPOSITION GROUNDS-SIX- octUement; level valley land; soil and water FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT WANTED EXPERIENCED ARM H AIT- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. to respectable parties. 330 Harrison st. " room modern house for sale on easy terms. first-class; no stone or timber. GO Labbe once; references required. 232 Stark st. reas at the Zlnsiey Kestaurant, so jst st- T.t. ......... . r Ttt 40 Commercial block. hidsr 2d and Washington . WELL-FI'RNISHLD ROOM. WALKING Die- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Patt. 406 Commercial diock. bWs.. 2d and Washington. WANTD-A FIRST-CLASS. EXPBRI & NCED WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- tance from "51" car line. 667 Irving . jmo.mx.j.o v. xxo-xili for SALE-TWO LOTS ON E. 12TH. NEAR A SNAP. solicitor. Apply 212 ilcKay bldg.. city. work. 29iT 24th North. Phone Main 6230. . Onr wcords are compleU and up to data, Tillamook, or will build to salt purchaser; $6.50 per acre. 360 acres, near Cape Horn. : . .t,TOt- tT Cheapest and best-located rooms In Portland, We fnrnleh abstracts promptly. easy erms. Phone East 675. Wash.; on Washougal River. Inquire 6S5 WANTED MAN FOR KITCHEN WORK; WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL OR THE PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. 211 1ST $1 week up. Oilman. 1st and Alder sta. MftHrPtt A "P Tnivo . Second street. must be competent 53 N. 18th st. woman as nurse for child. -o3 -1st N. 6t.. pays top-notch spot cash price for all T.T JlUlilwAuii XiUAxHO rtOCK IN CENTRAL ALBINA ADblTLO-V- , kinds of furniture. Phono Mala 6655. 3 I1?BA TRANSIENT BOOMS. PRIVATE; On improved Portland Beal -tata. choice for cottages; 'Vrincipals1: $100040 ACRES. 10 CLEARED, FENCED, WANTED-BOYS. 16 TO 18. STEADY FAC- ADY TO ASSIST .IN TAILORING APPLY quiet; S depot cars to door. 428 3d. EECTtSTKACT TRCST CO. ' inquire 440 3d st. house .barn, gartenrds Kran- tory work. 49 Front, corner Davis. 231 Alder St.. between 1st and -d. . ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURN 13 HED ; S14-215 Chamber of Cosunenw. FOR SALE-MODERN HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS, rlson. e ' ' . WANTED 2 GOOD BOTS WITH WHEELS. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- adulta only. 260 14th. near Jegeraon. 815 22d st. Price low. Owner. Mrs. W. A Apply Immediately at 303 Stark. eral housework. 400 Holladay ave. n...-.-T- ... . T. viTi-vrwiT vttrvihfti rotvs GE0 BLACK J: f.a-?wS DRIVER. YOUNG MAN FAMILIAR WITH A CAPABLE WOMANFOR HOUSEWORK JgEg SFSfc elnflr J: Jgg, PUBLIC ACrOUNTANT 2C.an' Orego- city. 344 Washington, 11 A. M. byJh22nCai SXTlW HANDBR8 ST.-ONEfl LARGE FUR rUDLilv AIVUUI sAHB cui blds "icsianu, ou- uommer lan. w ANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD CLOTHING COMPETENT GIRL WANTED FOR GEN- and equipments cost $7500; now producing ntehed front room on first floor; $10. 318 Worcester Block . A SNAP. shoes. 60 3d. Phone Hood 1862. ' eral housework. 161 N. 24th st. ,250 per month above expenses and ineas- FURVISHFD FROVT Rvr Tni'V5TrvTi TffllGGS & CO REAL "EST ATEt SR.'Vt ter acre 160 acres near Carw Worn - . Ing: money wanted for extension. Write, TWO riL-t,L.x 1 1 KMbHbU t ko.nt ROOM. General pracUce. InvestlgaUons. rSunte? immlgmtlo'n. S&M&r. hS. VhTov Washougal River" &!r?685 WANTED-A SHOEMAKER FOR CUS- GIRL TO WAIT ON THE TABLE. BAU- stft'.ng Interest wanted, to X 14. care Ore- close In. 275 Clay St.. cor. 4th. Estate work. Special and periodical audits. 4th and 5th. Second street. torn repairing. 532 Savier sL mann Hotel. 41- North IBth. gonian. NICELY FURNISHED rqOMS NEW ghnC ggt ACREAGE NEAR CAR-LINE. 6 MILES FROM 160 ACRES NEAR FOREST GROVE; 71 MAN TO SPADE UP YARD. 404 COLUM- NEAT SECOND GIRL; REFERENCES. AP- WANTED - MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING house. 270 14th et. Morrison st- bridge. C K. Ballard.. Mil- acres near Oregon City, very cheap. Shoe bla, before 8 A. M. ply 10 to 12. 0 N. 10th st. and ehoes; hifhest price paid. Call at the C.T ,,PVT,, TTTTPVTTrrvrr -rttrt waukle. Or. Store. 270 Washington st. "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 617. Rooms With Board. FOR SALE GENTS irUKrslbiiLNt iJUbl- """ ho"uub.u prTri-c xjt ppr TYPESETTER WANTED' LADY top . . ness and $1400- stock, doing a good busl- WITH STORE AND ROOMS. BUY FARMS DIRECT FBOM FABMBrF vkuitotmen. - ferred. B 17. Oregonlan. WANTED-TO KNOW OF A GOOD LOCAL- THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST. ness; best of location; will sell on terms r near 12th; a bargain. 334 Mill laFge or -mall cSl Joseph ParteM3d lty to start tlnshop or run shop on shares. Rooms single or en suite, with board. Phoa .P the right man. Address Box Johnson st.. near. J--in, a oargam. n n, larg primal. Call Joseph Parker. 95 3d .axted A BOY WITH WHEEL. APPLY WANTED EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESSES. city or country. O 12. care Oregonlan. Main 1802. CCS, Roseburg. Or. , . ; 288 Washington. Room 26, Hamilton bldg. 5; ; . : 5-ROOM COTTAGE: SNAP IF SOLD NOW. 5 ACRES. SECTION LINE ROAD. $400: 7 : WANTED - GOOD SECOND-HAND TOP FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. FOR Inquire forenoons at 221 Morrison -St.. miles Courthouse. L E. Thompson & Co., WANTED BABBER AT 222 2D ST.; WANTED GOOD SEWING GIRLS AT 175 buggy. Call at 290 3d st. or phone Main gentlemen; bath. gas. telephone. 52S Co- STORES FOR RENT room 12. j y 228.3d. steady work. . 17th. cor. YamhllL 5331. lumbla st. On Washington st, desirable location. Ap- CHEAP ONE OR TWO SIGHTLY COTTAGES IMPROVED FARMS AND APPLE LANDS. BOYS WANTED INQUIRE PACIFIC COAST WANTED A GOOD SECOND GIRL. MRS. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD; $5 FEB ply 314 Chamber of Commerce. car lines. 326 E. lltlf U Owner at place I E. I Cat & Co. 113 2d at, J Biscuit Co. ' Snow, 184 N. 20th. tie ot all JJnds. Phona East 2233. week. 502 Clay st. Phono Main C000 t t