THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1905. s ALTAR, HIS THEME Rt Rev. Abbot Thomas Speaks at Cathedral. LOVE, GOD'S MASTERPIECE Declares That the Altar of the Church Shows the Divine Love for Man, and Aeks Its Remembrance. Right-Rev. Abbot Thomas, of Mount Angel, was the preacher at vespers last night at the Cathedral of the Immacu late Conception, and chose as his sub ject, "The Altar." He specially ad dressed the members of the altar society of the Cathedral parish, and among the clergy present was Archbishop Christie. The musical service was an Impressive one, solos being sung by Miss Elizabeth A. Harwass and Dom J. Zan. There was a large congregation. Abbot Thomas gave an eloquent lecture, and said In part: "Pointing to the altar which has been raised in this sanctuary, I raise my voice in earnest appeal and say: 'Behold, tills altar will bo a testimony unto you; a tes timony of your faith in Him who has made this altar the place of his daily oblation; a testimony of your hope in him who hides his glory and majesty upon this altar, in order without fear and trembling that we alljnay approach him. Orators tell us of the altar of our coun try where her best and noblest sons wil lingly sacrifice their hopes, ambitions and aye, their lives. "We hear lofty words spoken of the altar of the human heart, upon which we offer sacrifice either to virtue or vice, and the pages will re main unknown until God shows them to the world In his owi good time. "There is also the altar of love and hatred. Love Is the grandest creation. God's masterpiece. "When God created love he consulted his heart rather than his intellect Hatred Is love's opposite. The altar of the Catholic Church is the altar of God's love for man, in the man ger at Bethlehem, at the Last Supper at Jerusalem, and upon Mount Calvary. Be from God's altar you have rejoiced in time of prosperity and there, too, your tears have flowed in the hour of sorrow. There you have formed your resolutions, made your promises and felt the streams of heavenly grace overflowing your soul. The poverty of the altar shall proclaim the fact that you remember the beauty and comfort of your own home, but for get the beauty and comfort of the house of God. Its splendor snail announce to all that enter this church that God's busi ness is dear to your heart, and that you love the beauty of God's home on earth." In closing the abbot made a plea for new members for the Altar Society and called the latter "a priceless diamond." I0HB0N STOCK MARKET DULL Money Grows Cheaper and American Securities Are Higher. LONDON, April 9. The stock market developed dullness during the week, ow ing to the various new bond issues at tracting more attention from the public Investor than speculative shares. The dis appearance of the hopes of peace between Russia and Japan, which, caused Paris to sell here also added to the depression, while the Moroccan question and the hpme political situation had an effect upon the sensitive market, which was reflected in the decline In the price ot consols during the week. Money for the time being Is fairly cheap now that dividends "have been disbursed and the Japanese loan calls paid, but there Is some doubt that there will be a plethora at the present time, owing to the fact that Paris is absorbing all the gold on the open market, presumably for Russia, and not much Is likely to arrive at the Bank of England. Should the war be concluded soon, however, the position will bo reversed and gold probably will be sent to the continent from London. American securities have shaken oft the recent depression under the efforts of the Wall-street bulls, and quotations were generally higher during the week. Canadian Pacifies and Steel preferred leading with a rise of six points each. Public Interest here is still moderate, de spite the optimistic reports from Amer ica regarding general prosperity and splendid trade conditions. Multnomah Club Shoot. The second weekly meeting of the Multnomah Rod and Gun Club found smaller percentages recorded yesterday than in the first meeting. The score yes terday :was: Shot at. Broke. P.C. Collier 100 84 .84 Abraham 100 81 .81 Winters . 100 77 .77 Carlson 100 74 .74 Cooke 6a 48 Caldwell 70 46 .66 Ijong r 100 64 .64 Klernan 50 31 .62 Halver 0 SO .60 Llpman S9 .60 Thornton 100 60 .60 WpIIr 100 52 .52 Buckley 100 27 .27 finpars 10 2 .20 Kodal 10 1 .10 The last two weekly club shoots may he regarded as simply practice events, "but next Sunday the club will begin the series for the Inman medal. From that time on bigger scores may be expected. Trials of a Game Warden. Milwaukee Sentinel. 'rut-ma Wnrflens lead a strenuous exis tehee, it is paid, and I know that some of v.nm lmvp to tx -nrp.ttv shrewd to carry out the work for which they are appoint ed, said M. L. Ferguson. "T true tnld a storv In a little town out on the other edge of tho state the other day which bears out this statement. a c-Qrno xffardnn found a man EDearlnx pickerel through the Ice. At the side of the little snanty in wmcn iu usuiuk yod lav a inrim ntekerel. The came warden stole to the hut and -threw open the door. , ' Did you spear thlsickereirte asked. " -Did you know it Is against the lawr " Well, you see that the fish isn't dead," tVin nc5iirAfl resrvmse. 1 have been spearing catfish, and that pickerel kept getting in the way. i naa to jau it bbhi ly and lay it on the ice until I finish fish ing. Then I will put it wick." "Tho game warden walked off." DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, April .-Maximum tempera- tore. 66 dee.; minimum, 4Z. iuver reaaing at 11 At M.. 5.1 feet; change in part 24 hours, n a iwai TM-ectoltatlon. C P. M. to 5 P. II.. trace; total since September 1, 1904. 27.05 tnrhoa? normal 89.32: deficiency. ll.CT. Total sunshine April 8, 1905, 7 hours and 38 minutes; possible. 13 hours and 11 minutes. Barometer f reduced to sea level), at O F. M., 80.01. WEATHER. CONDITION'S. a ilrM!rhflrce, of moderate energy has devel oped over the Great Salt Lake Basin, causing minn in scattered Txirtlona of Eastern Oregon. Knstpra "Washlneton. Southern Idaho and Northern "Utah. Light showers have also oc curred today In the Sound country. The weather thin evening: Is generally clear In this district west of the Cascades, and cloudy and threatening In the sections east of this range of mountains. The indications are for generally fair weather A CLEAN KITCHEN IB THE MASK OF A' GOOD HOUSEKEEPER. lFO WOMAN, HOWEVER, WANTS TO LIVE EST HER KITCHEN, OR TO BREAK HER BACK TRYING- TO KEEP IT CLEAN. COVER THE FLOOR WITH LINOLEUM, AND YOU CUT THE KITCHEN WORK IN TWO. OUR BIG STOCK OF LINOLEUMS AND OIL CLOTHS WILL MAKE SELECTION EASY. PRICES RANGE FROM 40c TO $1.75 PER SQUARE YARD. . , EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J, G. MACK & CO. 86-88 THIRD STREET fUL 1EXXSCXAX, Zrea. Sovopeaa Plan THE BEST WAY TO Slzen to accommodate 4. 6, 8. 16 and in this district Monday, except In Southern Idaho, where showers -will probably continue. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. Is. 2? 3 2- f a so STATIONS. 5 I 5 g. I r 1 Vf f Baker C!ty. 440.0024tN 4SO.O0j2O&W 54f T (l21N 56!0.001241NW Cloudy Bismarck......... Ipt- cloudy Boise IRaln Eureka Helena........... North Head..... Pocatello.. Portland... Red Bluff.. ....... Roseburg.... Sacramento ICIear 321 T 14N 50 0.00I24INW Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear 54 0.141 GSW SS T U31NW 7ZO.O0 58 0.00 eso.oo! IPt, cloudr Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Salt Lake City San Francisco. 020.06 1500.001 Pt, cloudy Spokane 52 0.00 Clear Clear dear Seattle 56 0. Si 520.00 Tatoosh Island "Walla "Walla -MSiO.oO! Cloudy T trace. "WEATHER FORECASTS. Pnwi maAr, at Portland for 28 hour ending at midnight, April 10: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy; north westerly winds. western Oregon ana western aeningun Partly cloudy: brisk northwesterly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Cloudy and threatening. Southem Idaho Cloudy ana threatening, wun showers. A. B. WOLLABER. Acting District Forecaster. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At residence. 407 Alder St.. at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gllraan, auctioneer. Ttr T T Wllunn ai salesroom ISO 1st fit., at 10 A. M. J. T. "Wlleon, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. tr i-KTxnvn TrYrwn m 10. JC OF P. Ttfltr- ular convention tonight at 8 o'clock, in Pythian Hall, ejgnui soar, .nurrjuam uuiiuui. jvoquiro Rank. Visiting Knights cordially Invited. L. VET6EY. C. C. FRED P.fHOLM, K. of R. and S. MARTHA "WASHINGTON CHAP TER, NO. 14, O. E. S. Stated commu nication this (Monday), April 20, 8 P. M. By order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND, Sec REPUBLICAN VOTERS Meeting of regis tered Republican voters of Ninth "Word will be held at 518 Williams ave.. as follows: Precinct 53, 8 P. M.; Precinct 02. 0 P. M., April 10. Precinct .51. 8 P. M.; Precinct 60, O P. II., April 11. Precinct 49, 8 P. M.; Precinct 48. 9 P. M., April 12. HARMONY LODGE. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Mon day) evening, 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Third and Alder sts. "Work In F. C. Decree. A cordial Invitation to all M. M. By ordor "W. M. RUFUS R. BALL, Sec DIED. KELLY In this city, April 9, 1903. Bridget Kelly, wife of Michael Kelly, of Sycamore, Otv, aged 69 years. Funeral notice later. KELLY In this city. April 0, 1905. at the liome of her daughter. Mrs. Applegate, 197 Cook avc. Bridget Kelly, aged ttt years. Remains at Zeller-Byrnes Co. 'a parlors. Fu neral announcement hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. SYMPSON In this city, April 6. 1005. J. S. Sympson aged 34 years. Funeral will take place today at 2 P. M., from Dunning. Mc Entee & Gllbaugh's chapel, 7th and Pine sts. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. T DUNNING, McENTEE GILBAUGH, successors to Dunning & Campion, under takers and embalmers, modern In every de tail. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HO T.MAN CO Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 597. J. P. FINLEY A SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. P. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., UNDERTAKERS, Embalmers, 273 Bas'l; East 10SS; lady as't. NEW TODAY. FREE LAND IN OREGON Under the "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from state. "WRITE OR CALL TODAY. Booklets and map free. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder street, Portland, Or. G. W. XJfGWLES, lfe $1.00, $1.50, $2.0Oper Day SEE PORTLAND Is byTally-Ho, "-Cabriolet, Boulevard Wagon, or Landau. PHONE" MAES' 222 UNITED CARRIAGE CfMfAHT- 28 people. 1Kb 2nd HOBBISOK Sts. AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater AyfiSJ, PHONE MAIN 868. TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT, M ai FIgman And an excellent supporting company In the famous farcical comedy eucccss. "THE MARRIAGE OF KITTY." Prices Lower floor, except last 3 rows. 51; last 3 rows. "5c Balcony, 75e and 50c Gal lery, 25c and 35c Boxes and loges, $7.50. COLUMBIA THEATER TONIGHT, ALL "WEEK, MAT. SATURDAY, The New Columbia Stock Company, In the powerful play. "WOMAN AGAINST WOMAN." Evening, 50c 35c 25c, 15c Matinee, 25c, 15c 10c Downtown box office open all day, Dolly Varden candy shop: Main 110. Evening at theater; Main 311. NEXT "WEEK "DORA, THORNE." Fill PI PP Geo. L. Baker, i-lTll irVL Resident Manager. 1g CENTS XJ ADMISSION. MATINEE EVERY DAY AT 2:15 P. M. One Show Evr vir-v,t ,. c.i t nc All This "WeekSthe Sensational Melodrama, "The Ticket-of-Leave Man" An Excellent Stock. Special Scenery. GRAND Here at Last! The Real Shenks! DIAMOND QUARTETTE. RAND AND BYRON. GEO. W. LESLIE. MOHAN AND "WILSON. HENRY CUVE. ALF. BONNER. fiiLivnisrnpp. Admission 10c Xew seats reserved in front fcu actus c STAR THEATER PARK -VXD 1,1 t-'A LrV "WASHINGTON. PERLE AND DLVMANT Singers and Dancers from Paris. First Western Appearance. ED ZOYARRAS AMETA JONES AND ROBINSON And Five Other Great Acts. SHOWS 2:30, 7:30, 0 P. M. ADMISSION 10c TO ANY SEAT. BAKER THEATER Third and Yamhill sts.. Keating & Flood, "o.atio. "iiBesi YLuaeviiie a. neater in America. The New Bill; 2IUGLE BROTHERS. THE ALLYN8 STANLEY AND A1LEEN. INGOMA. WINN AND LEMAR. JEAN WILSON. DEAGOUS TRIO Admission 10c to any seat. Shows at 2:30, Lewis and Clark Observatory If llfTtrAWVd frrr-n-n a PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get off at Hawthorn Terrace, one block from car line No climbing. Electric elevator. Most magnificent view In America. See beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from luji ut lunci. upcu v A. Ju. to U tr. J4. ADMISSION, 10 CENTS. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms." "Rooms and Board." "Houso keeplnar Rooms," "Situations Wonted," IB words or less. 15 cents; 1G to 20 words, 20 cents; 1 to 25 words. 25 oents, etc No dis count lor additional insertions. IADER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," SO cents for 15 words or leas: 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc. Cirst Insertion. Each additional insertion, cne-naii; no zurther discount tin der one month. lODAl ' (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per une oi eaco aauiuonat uaseruon. A"VRWKn TO A niTT?TT(;VfTX"To . dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office 6hould always be inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not bo responsible for errors in advertisements t--Ti through tfie teJeplione. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE AT GREAT SACRIFICE Improved Front-street block, lot 200xl50x 210. 200 feet river front. Cost S&Q.OOO: win sell for SGo.000. Long leases; paya over 8 per cent net. i-rincipis only. Address H 14. care oregonian. FOR SALE GENTS FURNISHING BUST ness and S1400 stock, doing a good bus! ness; best of location; 'will sell on terms to suit to the right man. Address Box COS. Roseburg. Or. FOR SALE 1CHEAP Quarter block, Portland Heights; gran-i -I err. Apply to owner, 303 Chamber of Commerce. NEW TODAY. "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON." (CAPITAL, $300,000) Wishes Its depositors .to feel at liberty to consult It when they aesire lnxormauon or advice regarding investments. Our book or "ILLUSTRATIONS." "Will interest you. Send for It. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 109 Third Street. ' . BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary "We Bring Buyer and SeUer Together." List your farm with us. if you wish to sell or exchange. Dally we receive many inquiries lor zarma in Oregon. .Buyers come irom ine East in numbers this year; we are on the ground and in center of section from which they come, and are in close touch with them through our method of advertising. Our fa cilities are unsurpassed. We operate under a new plan, by which buyer and seller save money. They are placed In direct communica tion. Hundreds of listings tnrougnout country, every one from owner directly. We deal with owners only. Exchange list large Many want to exchange Eastern for western Xarms. Ex change often brings Quicker results than direct sale Send for plan. Hlles & Myers, 014 Matthews bldg.. Milwaukee, Wis. Water Front 950 feet of choice water-front with 46 acres joining tho drydock on the south, and 400 feet joining the Penin sular Lumber Company on the south, with eight acres of land. FRANCIS I. M'KBNNA, Boom 606 Commercial Block. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate, City and Farm Insurance in AI! Lines A. H. BIRRELL, 202-3 McKay bldg., Third and Stark. MORTGAGE LOAN 5 Pvrtlasd real cstat at lowest rata. Titles laturvd. Abstracts rurnlth. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., X ChiBr cr CVi m in rc. Money at 6 Per Cent To loan In sums to suit, direct rom owner: no expense. Address P 15, Ore- gonian. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE NEW 6 AND 8-ROOM HOUSE; both, stationary washatand, concrete oage rnent, gas and electric lights, furnace, house tinted, pate pantry, large bedrooms, with closets in each, wood elevator, stationary washtuba in basement: on Union-avenue car Une, five-minute service, near good school, lawn, fftreetn improved; houses now open for inspection; cash or installments. Inquire owner, H. B. Etentler. 122 3d t.. or at res idence, 652 Unlon ave. North, one block south ot houses. FARMERS OR MANUFACTURERS AT- tentlon Advertiser has large tract, one hour's ride of Portland, on railroad; build ings, station and townslto; great induce ments, as whole or portion to parties seek ing location for manufacturing; not in flated values, but less than $30 per acre; will subdivide nicely, affording beautiful home sites for employes; no better farm investment; with 125 acres cultivated. Buy this and make a fortune. C 10, Oregonlan. ACRE TRACTS WB MAKE A SPECIALTY of handling acreage; choice acre tracts for homes, within the city limits or outside: terms to suit. A. C Churchill & Co.. 110 Second st. FOR SALE NEW EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, full basement with concrete floor, porce lain plumbing, washtubs, gas and electric ity, furnace, walls tinted, hardwood floors; cash or Installments; "West Side. O. M. Smith, owner. -730 Chamber of Commerce. FREE LAND I FREE LAND I A chance to secure a home and make money; only cost is for water right, which avarages 910 per acre; under state control. For par ticulars write or call at office of Columbia Southern Irrigation Co., S3Q Worcester block. ONE 7-YEAR-OLD HORSE, 1200. "WORK double or single; ono candy showcase; 0 feet 2 inches long. 26 Inches deep. 80 Inches high. One large ice box, 5 feet wide, 3 feet deep, 6 feet high: 15 tin tea cans: 16 coffee bins. lead lined, lot 1st. CROOK COUNTY LANDS 5 CONTRACTS payable monthly. 1C0 acres each, of the Columbia Southern Irrigation Company. Deschutes. Crook County. Oregon: will sell In amounts to suit. Grindstaff & Schalk. 246 Stark bU BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE t-ROOM COT- tagc and lot, two blocics from 2ast AnKeny car on 22d et., modern, houne nearly new, rooms very large and newly papered; bargain at $1250. Address 11 lu, care oregonlan. FOR SALE BY. OWNER-MODERN 6-ROOM house, 8-foot basement, cement floor, corner 60x100; will rent for $30 per month, easy terms; price $2100. See same at 134 East 2lst bU. North. SIX ACRES OF CHOICE LAND INSIDE city limits and adjoining car line; can be platted Into lots, but will be sold together obeap for cash. Address A is, uregonian. CHARMING HOME. CLOSE TO CAR, 250x loo; choice xruit trees, snruooery; nouse ana lmprovementa alone worth $5000; for $3500; easy terms. F. Fucns, 144 1st . SIGHTLY CORNER. EAST STH AND Ev erett; whole, or fractional; wiU trade for house of six or seven rooms and pay dif ference. Owner. 00 E. 8th. North. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 10-room modern house and full lot. 34.0 29th St., near Savler; $0000; easy terms. For full particulars phone Main 310. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE (NEVER BEEN oc cupied) In Holladays Add., near both car lines, for talc cheap: must raise money at once. C 14, uregonian. 25 ACRES LAND AT MONTAVILLA. 3 blocks from car line, $400 per acre; 0 acres -mlIe car line; $300 per acre. Alpine Co.. 152 1st. NEARLY NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE: BATH. basement: rent $13. E. 10th st.. IK blocks from car line; $1300. Hatfield & Smith, 165 4tn st., room az. FOR SALE 5 ACRES ON CANNON ROAD. three miles out: fine place to build a home: garden and orchard; celling cheap. Apply ZS7 .Morrison st. 8-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 125x115. FRUIT trees, one block to Monta villa car. $1000; great snap. Townsend. Drlggs & Co.. 239 Alder. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. "W. P. electric line. O. R. Add! ton. Lents. Or. Take lit. Scott car. 5c FOR SALE 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, A line location; price $1800: small payment down; balance to suit, fhone union 3503. FOR SALE NEW FrVE-ROOM COTTAGE; good location; $1400, cash or installments. O. M. Smith, 730 Chamber or commerce. $2200 GOOD HOUSE AND TWO BEAUTT ful lots, plenty fruit, garden all In, "Wlll- lams-ave. car. .Miner, aus cnam. com. nyelde, between 34th and 36th sts.. $1800, NEW MODERN COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS, 12 blocks east of Morrison bridge, $2450; easy . . Vrr,mw lfi'.li ft A . mom T $26,000100x100. BEST INVESTMENT FOR the money in the city; 12th and Alder. Louis Salomon. 112 i" st. FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS. 815 22d st. Price low. owner, aim. V . A. Daly. S59 13th st. TOWNSEND, DRIGGS & CO.. REAL ESTATE, insurance. . Immigration. 253 Alder St., bet. 4ta ana a in. ACREAGE NEAR CAR-LINE, MILES FROM Morrison st. bridge. C K. Ballard. Mil waukle. Or. CHEAP ONE OR TWO SIGHTLY COTTAOES car lines. 326 E. 11th st. Owner at place. ACRE "WITH HOU3E, $S00; BEAUTIFULLY surrounded. uaK urove. v xi, Oregonlan. 100x100 "WAREHOUSE PROPERTY: $8500; FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE TOWN LOTS IN TOPPEN1SH. wash., J mues east or laxima. on N. p. R. R.; no agents; sold by owner, Josephine LUlie. GOING EAST; WILL SELL ONE OF BEST residences Holiaoay Park Add., conslderabla less than cost. Inquire cdr. 24th and Clack amas. FOR SALE 8-ROOM COR. HOUSE AND part of lot; ono or the nicest corners in South Portland. Inquire 224 Pine or 706 1st. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME AT A sacrifice. C. Ben RIesland, 002 Commer cial bldg. FOB SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 120 acres with 20 under plow. 8 acres hay land, balance covered more or less with brush and timber; land lays nicely; soil rich; live water; 4-room house, large barn; one-half aere orchard; In good com munity; close to school and only 3 miles from town on N. P. Ry. and Columbia River. Price $900. with one-half down, balance on time. 80 acres with 26 acres under plow, bal ance covered with brush and timber; land lays exceptionally good with rich soil; live water; family orchard; good 5-room house, large barn; with this place goes 4 head of cattle, all farming Implements, includ ing now mower, hay rake, plows, steel har rows and hay press: close to school, in good community. 4 miles from town on the N. P. Ry. and Columbia River. Price $2150, with one-half down, balance on easy terms. 1MUS & "WILLOUGHBY, Kalama, Wash. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. "WISDOM CRIETH! "Go not elsewhere than old Willamette Valjey for sure crops and enjoyable and prosperous farm life.' These gilt-edge tracts will "make a young man a Prince" if secured before the ad vance, which is sure to come. 152 acres near Carlton at one-half its value. 114 acres nearer, on railroad, SO acres cul tivated, $4700. 80 acres, -mIle station, bouse, barn, or chard. 17 acres in crop. See this and other Improved farms near Portland at $20 per acre. B. S. COOK & CO.. 251 ALDER ST. FOR RENT OR SALE DAIRY RANCH OF 80 acres, all level land, with living water run ning through the place, 20 milch cows, new separator and cans, good creamery close, also school and postofflce, sawmill close, with good county road alongside of the place, is all fenced and cross-fenced, good family or chard, dwelllng-bouso and barns, good span of brood mares, with colts; also 2-year and 1-yeor-old colts; 2 wagons, mowing machine and all farming tools, too numerous to men tion, with good outside range the year around. For further Information apply to I. MoKown, care Rhelnpfalz Hotel. 70 ACRES OF VIRGIN LAND ONLY 1 muea rrom town or White Salmon, wun., 40 acres of extra choice fruit and berry soil, balance hillside pasture. There are several p rings on hillside: all orchard land sublrrlgated. Land adjoining sells for $125 per acre. It Is near school and store. Mall delivered. Price, $20 per acre: terms $900 cash, balance to suit. White Salmon Land Co., "White Salmon, "Wash. 40 ACRES. 23 UNDER CULTIVATION, 9 muea soutn ox Romano, l span horses, u good wagons, light and heavy, good milch cow, all kinds farm Implement, cherry or chard. 100 trees, ground cannot be beat; com and see; prico $3250. I have 10 acres improved, adjoining, which can go with the 40 If wanted at a reduced figure; houses and barns on the 40. Address B 11. care Oregonlan. AN IDEAL HOME 150 ACRES ON THE Columbia River; 75 acres under cultiva tion, balance can be cultivated; soil very fertile and productive; large 6-room house, warehouse 74x120; Government light pay ing $10 month; boats land day. or night; $7000; Cowlitz Co. Land Co.. Kelso, "Wash. FOR SALE FARM IN CLARK COUNTY, tvtuju., j acres, -w in ciuurauoo, nno or chard, new buildings, 2 miles from steamboat landing, 5 miles from railroad, free mall de livery. Owner, National Hotel. FOR SALE 74 ACRES OF TrMBERLAND on tidewater of Shoal water Bay. Paclflo County. "Washington; timber, spruce and hemlock; will sell cheap If taken at once. Address N 31, Oregonlan. CHOICE IRRIGATED SNAKE RIVER BOT- tom lanes, on ranroaa. w to 400 acres, at $25 per acre, free water, will produce an nually more than prfce. Townsend, Driggs & Co.. 260 Alder. GOOD IMPROVED FARM OF SO ACRES within eight miles of Portland: fine soil, no Btones or gravel; very desirable-; price 125 per acre. Parrish, "Watklns & Co.. 250 Alder st. 160 ACRES, 1 MILES FROM "KALAMA. 25 in cumvauon. oaanca gooa umDer: 6-room house, barn and outbuildings; soil good; title clear; $4500. C J. Lee. Kalama. "Wash. FOR SALE OR RENT ICO ACRES IN CCL- tivation, gooa Dutiainxs, stocx, machinery, ij-mlle from O. W. P. Ry. station, store. Postofflce. Address S. King, Eagle Creek, Or. A SNAP. $6.50 per acre, 160 acres, near Cape Horn. "Wash., on "Washougal River. Inquire 6S5 Second street. 100 ACRES NEAR FOREST GROVE; 71 acres near Oregon city, very cheap. Shoo Store, 270 "Washington Rt. BUY FARMS DIRECT FROM FARMERS: large or sman. wan josepn iancer, 5 3d st. N.; saloon. C ACRES, SECTION LINE ROAD. $400: 7 miles Courthouse. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 223 3d. IMPROVED FARMS AND APPLE LANDS. R. L. Cate & Co.. 113 2d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. FOR IMMEDIATE CASH . CtTSTmrRR- nouse about 8 rooms and two or more full lots, preferably Mt. Tabor or equally sight ly location. For quick sale list at once with Townsena, unggs it co., zsa Alder st. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, $2000 to $io.oou: also Dusineeo properties, $0000 to $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. whiting & Co 408 Ablngton bldg. "WANTED RESIDENCE LOT; WILL Ex change business property, best in the world, St. Johns. L. B. French. 603 McKay bldg. LAND SCRIP. WB HAVE PRACTICALLY THE ONLY valid forest reserve scrip on the market. We handle all kinds publlo land practice. Collins Land Co Concord bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SASiTA FE AND OTH. r guaranteed land ecrip on hand ready to locate. et son. i railing Didg. TIMBER LANDS. TWO HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS fm. ,,Tq A. riOA fWl font wtrnnrt.Trflvtli (ImhA. will sou cheap. N. P. Nielsen, Hotel Rheln pfalz. XO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE AN 8-ROOM HOUSE, BARN and 10 lots, on Mount Scott electrlo line. to exchange for CO or SO acres good land on car line, within s muea or the city. Call 300 McKay bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicle and Harness. FOR SALE TWO TEAMS DRAUGHT horses, weight 2800 and 2S0O; five seta heavy harness. Columbia Stable, cor. Front and Columbia sts., J. J. Cusack. HORSES, WAGONS. HARNES3, ALL kinds of vehicles bought, sold and rented. Hubert & Hall. 204 4th. Phone Main 2205. FOR SALE GOOD HEAVY WORK TEAM, harness and wagon. "Woodlawn. Frank Ku blk. Phone Scott 5000. 15 HORSES BY W. E. JACOBS. ONE STAL llon. 1050 pounds. 134 E. 34th st. Phone Union 1632. HORSE, SOUND. TRUE, WEIGHT 1100, works double; only $80. SOiJfc Front et., room 5. FOR SALE GOOD DRIVING AND RIDING horse, weight 800; well broke. Phone- Main 1217. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on r.oast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. Pianos. NEW $400 PIANO. $185; 6 MONTHS LES sons tree; Fischer $75. 2414 1st, cor Main. Miscellaneous. PRINTERS AT A BARGAIN. PEERLESS press, 6 fonts Shaefter. 6 Quentell. case long primer, border, ornaments, galleys, cases, etc.; mum be sold this week. Address F 19, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE WATER TOWER. ONE MILE from "Washougal. on north bank of Columbia River; also good farm. D. H. Gary, Wash ougal. Wash. FOR SALE. MlscelxaBeoas. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL. Hard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern box fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Col. lender. 40 3d st. ES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elate rite; it rolls. ujy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Ircn, tin or Bhlngles; beat for new roots. Elaterlto Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN NO. 6 RBM Ington typewriter and No. 2 Smith Premier, both nearly new. Address R 11, Oregonlan. COW. PART ALDERNEY, CHEAP INQUUtB first house on right, south, Anabel Station, Mount Scott road. HELP WANTED 3TAT.T:. SECURE A GOOD POSITION! In Clerical, Technical or Commercial Line. We Assist Competent Office men. Assistant bookkeepers Bookkeepers. General office clerks. Stenographers. Hotel clerks. Managers. Railroad clerks. Correspondent clerks, Timekeepers. Accountants. Collectors. Cashiers. Shipping clerks. Entry clerks. Bill clerks. General clerical, technical, commercial men. Apply BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE, 504-505 McKay Bldg.. 102 3d St.. Portland. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED, unmarried men. between ages of 18 and 35, citizens of United Staten, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Olflcer, 3d and Oak sts., Port land Or. WANTED A TRAVELING SALESMAN OF good address and well posted In Implement and machinery lines; none but an experi enced man with good references need ap ply; give reference and salary wanted. Ad dress lock-box 755. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN watchmaking, engraving, jewelers- worK. Only practical working school for Jewel ers. Money made learning. Seattle Watchmaking & Engraving School. P.-I. bldg.. Seattle. WANTED HIGH-GRADE TRAVELING salesman for strong special line: must be a persistent, energetic worker, able to pro duce results and earn $3000 and expenses. Address Wholesale, Box 155. Rock Island, HI. i BOOKKEEPERS. STENOGRAPHERS AND paIo?men, eee us for that position you want. Some of our many openings will suit you. Portland Commercial Bureau, 772 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 1000 R. R. MEN. NEW WORK. 100 other Jobs; name your work and we have it; also station work. Canadian Em ployment Co.. 24D Burnslde st. Phone Main 3074. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; complete course In 8 weeks; expert In structions; positions guaranteed; for terms write GUlman College, 627 Clay, San Fran. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbln trade. Coyne Bros. Co.. School or Practical Piumomg. send ror catalogue. Aa dress 4073-75 Easton ave., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED COMPETENT SALESMAN TO handle silk mufflers and Indian handker chiefs as a side line, on commission; refer ences. Address J 13. Oregonlan. TO SOLICITORS AND AGENTS "WE HAVE absolutely the beat offers ever put in the field for canvassers. Sunset Magazine. 738 Mission St.. San Francisco. Cal BOOKKEEPER. 573; STENOGRAPHER, $60; office manager. $00; traveling salesman; oth er openings. Business .Men's cieanng-uouse. 6O4-B05 ilcKay bldg.. iix;io ao "WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throughout state to solicit busi ness; good pay to good men. can or write. 607 McKay oiag. GOOD CITY ADVERTISING SOLICITORS wanted: liberal commission. Clyde's Spe cial .Newspaper Agency, oao uuamoer commerce. MEN TO LEARN THE DETECTIVE Busi ness; paid while learning. Barrett, room B01 Allskr bldg., 3d and Morrison. Open evenings. WANTED A YOUNG MAN IN A CLERICAL position, salary $100 per month; must Invest $1000, money secured. K. u. care urego nian. WANTED COMPETENT MAN STBNO- grapher; state experience and references. Wind River Lumber Co., Cascade Locks. Or. LESSONS IN ALL BRANCHES OF STAGS work, 75c: and secure you positions at Fair. Newman s facnooi or Acting, ooij .-uomeon. LOGGERS. MILLH AND S, . FARMHANDS, laborers, other work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co.. 103 Morrison. Main IS 22. WANTED Al MILL BENCH HANDS: wages $3.50 per 8-hour day. Palo Alto Planing Mills, Palo Alto. Oal. MAN. OFFICE WORK, SALARY $75 AND commission; must invest money scourea. R 21, Oregonlan. BARBERS. ATTENTION FINE 3-CHAIK shop for sale, low rent, good location. R 12, care Oregonlan. WANTED A YOUNG MAN TO LEARN business of priceman in wnoiesaie nouse. 18, Oregonlan. BOY. IB. STRONG. RESPECTABLE. TO learn florist's business. 22d and E. Morrison. greenhouees. WANTED PLATEN PRESS FEEDER. IN dependent Printing Co. (not in the trust), 248 Ash st. YOUNG MAN "WITH $S0 FOR GOOD Busi ness, auena ouice, snip goous. 10, ure- goniua. WANTED SIGNPAINTER; MUST BE FIRST- claa shop man. Foster & Klclser, 846 Mor rison. "WANTED KAPJUK1ENCED ARM WAIT- ress at tho Zlnsley Restaurant, 230 1st sc. FIR8T-CLA SS SALESMAN. CITY. COUN try: big wages. 216 Commercial block. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT Once; references required. 232 Stark st. WANTED 2 GOOD BOYS WITH WHEELS Apply Immediately at 363 Stark. WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD CLOTHING, shoes. DO 3d. Phone Hood 1S6Z. WANTED AN OFFICE BOY FOR WHOL3- sale house. O IS. Oregonlan. MAN TO SPADE UP YARD. 494 COLUM bis, before 8 A. M. DR. WALKER, 181 1ST-. CURES ALL FBI- vate diseases of men. FIRST-CLASS BENCH MEN WANTED. AP- piy 227 Davis st. WANTED BARBER AT 222 2D ST.; STEADY work. TTCT.P WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. family of two; must be good cook, can Monday, 705 cnamoer or commerce mag. GOOD COOK: FAMILY 3: GOOD WAGES. Call Saturday or Sunday morning or any evening after 6 o clock, at SCto aalmon. WANTED A GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN- eral houiwwork in German family. 574 E. Taylor at. Phone East zcw. WANTED YOUNG LADY DISPLAY GOODS in window. ew .ungiana department btore. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU6E- work; references. Apply 600 Belmont st. Phone East 2276. 2 YOUNG WOMEN WANTED AS DISH washers; must be clean. 306 Ankeny St., op posite Postofflce. GOOD DINING-ROOM GIRL AND CHAM- bermald In a small private boarding-house Call 251 7th. WANTED YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER, new beginner, small salary. Apply Ablngton bldg. EXPERIENCED BUTTONHOLE MAKER wanted. Jacobs Shirt Co., Hamilton bldg. 131 3d at. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework in family of two. Apply 594 E. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL, FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 575 Hoyt st., cor. I8tn. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. 400 Holladay ave. NURSE GIRL; GOOD WAGES TO RIGHT party, can mornings, K1 E. Ash. A CAPABLE WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK by the day. Call 331 Salmon st. GIRL TO "WAIT ON THE TABLE. BAU- mann Hotel. 412 North 19th. TYPESETTER WANTED; LADY PRE- ferred. R 17. Oregonlan. A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB- work. 330 Park et. HELP WANTED FEMAUE. "WANTED LADY OF EDUCATION AND refinement as working housekeeper, by mio-dle-aged widower, without incumbrance; duties light; no farm work; railway sta tion and postoffice adjacent. K 13. Orego nlan. DO YOU WORK AT PORTLAND WORLD'S Fair? Amateur actors, singers, musicians, easy work: big salary. Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 351a Morrison. GIRLS D7 YOU WANT "WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions rrery manta. Call and register. Canadian Parlors. 223 Morrison. Main 1323. "WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework: must be good cook: tour la family; no children; good wages. 554 East Morrison et., cor. 13th. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN. GEN- eral housework, small family In suburbs; one who can do plain pewing. Address Mrs. D. A. Gibson. Mt. Tabor. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY RBPRESEN- tatlves in Portland and throughout the statex we pay good money. Call or write 007 Mc Kay bldg.. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WA1T- ers, chambermaids, general workers. be Louis Agency, 230V- Yamhill. Fhone Btaek 2SS1. WANTED GOOD. CAPABLE GIRL FOR general housework; must be good cook; good location and wages. Phone Scott 86. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. PHONB .East 1DS4. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. IF YOU WANT A MONEYMAKER. WRITB The Oregon Crystallized Photo & Picture Co.. 43 2d St.. Portland. Or. SITUATION WANTED tat.t: Bookkeeper nnd Clerks. YOUNG MEN "WHO WRITE "WELL AND compose a business-like letter get attention when answering advertisement: we give pri vate Instruction. F 16. care Oregonlan. MAN WITH MUCH EXPERIENCB IN drugs and sundries, general merejKMdtee aad offices, dsslrea position; have references. A 17. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. RELIAKt.B collector, office man, desires position, first class city or country references. L 10. Ore gonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED BY MIDDLE-AG ED MAN AND wife, position in hotel, city or country. clerX: and chambermaid; years ot experience; wtu work together or separately; beet of refer ence. S 14, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. "WITH REFERENCES. QUICK at ngures, some experience in orace and strictly temperate, wants any position with chance of advancement. R 9. Oregonlan. AN ENGINEER (BRITISH) IS OPEN TO take charge of engine plant, etc; If salt able opening offered would Invest It neces sary. F 13. Oregonlan. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT. RAPID. Ac curate commercial and railroad stenographer and correspondent desires position. L 11. Oregonlan. JAPANESE. GOOD COOK. WANTS A SIT- uation. hotel or restaurant. I have refer ence. 264 Davis st. 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE STEAM EN- gmeer; can givo test of references, uss Couch st. WANTED SITUATION. BY SOBER. STEADY man to care for horses. J. Stone, 111 N. 7th sC SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED German bartender. 60 N. 3d. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS LADY BOOK- keeper; best of references; 8 years expe rience. W 12. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG LADY A3 cashier and assistant bookkeeper. V 12. Ore gonlan. Dressmakers. Plain Shirtwaists 75c. Shirtwaist suits made to order. Children's clothing a specialty. Phone Main 3247. Miscellaneous. WANTED BY LADY "WITH 8 TEARS Ex perience, demonstrator or solicitor en rel with good firm. H 21. Oregonlan. A MIDDLE-AGED "WOMAN "WOULD LIKE to take charge of a rooming-house of 1C or 20 rooms. 223 Market, room 27. SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED German lady: competent cook and housekeep er. Phone Hood 1602. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG LADY as olerk in bakery: experienced. Fhen Main 1024. YOUNG "WOMAN "WANTS PLACE TO "WORK mornings for board and room. V 10. Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY WANTS gonian. WOMAN WANTS HOUSE-CLEANING BY the day. Phone Hood 543. room 6. WANTED AGENTS. GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED TO 8BLX, lots on commission, in one of the choicest suburbs of Portland. Addre&e P. O. Bss 703, city. EXPERIENCED CANVASSERS FOR PH0T03 and portraits; big money. 801 Dekum bldg. LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW. GOOD seller, big wages. 215 Commercial bile WANTED TO RENT. FIRST-CLASS ROOMS Close In, can be booked now with II. C. Bowers, Portland Hotel, or The Lewis i Clark Hotel Co.. 133 6th st.. Oregonlan bldg. The Lewis & Clark Hotel Co. Is the only rooming company that I am interested la, H. C. BOWERS. WANTED ROOMS Tn all parts of the city. Apply 202 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Fhone Main 6266. WANTED UNFURNISHED 25-ROOM ROOM lng and boarding-house in good location of city; state rent wanted and where located. Joseph Wopperer, 202 Front st.. city. WANTED TO RENT DURING THE FAIR, a furnished 10 to 15-room house, with priv ilege of renting rooms; references given. Address J 14. Oregonlan. WANTED UNFURNISHED FLAT. WEST OF 10th st. and not south of Taylor; three adults; best references. H IS. Oregonlan. WANTED A FLAT. 10 TO 15 ROOMS. UN fumlshed; must be close In. sultabta for roomers. Mrs. Miller. Phone Hood 8l. WANTED MODERN 10 OR 12 ROOMS. FUR nished. near Fair Grounds; will pay well, no boarding-house. M 8. Oregonlan. BY LADY. ROOM. BOARD. PRIVATE FAM lly. modern conveniences. West Side; refer ences; permanent. L 14, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT A 5 OR 6-ROOM COT tage or flat; must be centrally located. R 40. Oregon an. WANTED SUBURBAN COTTAGE; NICB yard and fruit, near car line. Phone West 1602. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 211 1ST rL. pays top-notch spot cash price- for all kinds of furniture. Phone Main 56S5. $2500 LOAN WANTED ON MANUFACTUR ing plant In growing railway town, center of prosperous lumbering and farming com munity: freehold site buildings, machinery and equipments cost $7500; now producing $250 per month above expenses, and increas ing: money wanted for extension. WriKi, stating interest wanted, to X 14, care Ore gonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 017. WANTED TO KNOW OF A GOOD LOCAL ity to start tinshop or run shop on shares, city or country. O 12, care Oregonlan. WANTED BUILDING LOAN 5 YEARS. LOW interest: Improved city block. Addreja Q 18, Oregonlan. WB CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233.