Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 07, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Countlnc-Roora , ..Main 6C7
Managing Editor....; Main 638
Sunday Editor Main 6255
City Editor Main 166
Society Editor Main C235
Composing-Room Mala 6S3
Superintendent Building Red 2826
East Side Office East 61
bet. 6th and 7th) Tonight at 8:15 o'clock.
Pollard Lilliputian Opera Company, In "A
Gaiety Girl."
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Cpntlnuous vaudeville. 2:30, 7:30 and 9
P. M.
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30
P. M.
BAKER THEATER (3d and Tamhlll) Con
tinuous vaudeville. 2:30, 7:30 and 9 P.M.
Gathering Oregon Mosses and Flora,
Dr. M. T. Fllnn has Just returned from
a visit to Tygh Valley. In Eastern Oregon,
where he spent about a -week In gather
ing mosses for his collection. He did not
find the plant he was looking- for, owing
to the backwardness of the season, but
he secured some fine specimens of moss,
which he will mount. Dr. Fllnn has now
about 100 sheets of bosses mounted,
showing' what may be found In this lfno
of vegetation inside the city limits. Be
sides his .moss collection Dr. Fllnn con
tinues his collection of wild plants and
flora, of which he already has a consid
erable collection carefully mounted. He
says when he has been at the work two
or three years he will have quite a show
ing. A. S. Foster, of Washington, who
has made a collection of mosses in that
state, writes Dr. Fllnn that he will make
a display of his mosses at the Lewis and
nark Fair- Colonel L. L. Hawkins 1b
pry greatly interested- in Dr. Flinn's
work, especially as he has gathered much
moss from the Macleay Park, and it may
be that Dr. Fllnn will also make a show
ing of his collections at the Fair.
Veteran of Civii War Dies. Joseph
C. Henderson, who died at his home In
'olumbus. Wash.. March 30. of heart
failure, was born in Clark County, In
diana. Fobruary 2, 182G. He was married
August 12. JS51. t Lucy Ann Stark, who
survives him. He was a member of Com
pany C. Seventieth Indiana Volunteers
(Benjamin Harrison's regiment), and
served three years during the Civil war
In Joseph Hooker's division. He fought
In the battle at Lookout Mountain,
marched through Georgia and took part
in the grand review at Washington. In
1872 he went to Columbus, Wash., where
he resided until his death. Mr. Hender
son was an ardent Republican, and en
joyed the reputation of being a consist
ent Christian, and was esteemed as a
man of sterling intogrlty. His surviving
children are Mrs. W. W. Masiker. Keno
wlck. Wash.: Mrs. C. C. Masiker. Hood
River; O. L. Henderson. Beaverton; Ira
Henderson. Columbus, Wash., and Mrs.
W. L. Sanders. Columbus. Wash.
Priest Edits Magazine. The first
number of the Occidental Magazine and
Parishioners' Guide, a quarterly publica
tion, and edited and published by Rev.
M. J. Hickey at Wasco, Sherman County,
has been received. Father Hickey Is one
of the best known and respected priests
throughout Eastern Oregon and Washing
ton, and Is in charge of the new Catholic
mission church at Kingsley. about 25
miles from The Dalles, a church which
is to be dedicated April 29. The articles
In the little magazine are well selected,
and the pages bristle with information
which can be read with pleasure and
profit. Father Hickey, who is pastor of
the first Catholic church In Sherman
bounty, issues his magazine to aid him
in the mission work in which he is en
gaged; and the new quarterly will no
doubt be a welcome visitor in many
Civil Service Examinations. The
Tutted States Civil Sorvice Commission
nnounces an examination on May 3,
905; for clerk in the departmental service,
including positions in the departments at
Washington, D. C. This is a special ex.
amlnatlon and offers excellent opportun
ity for appointment for a number of per
sons of this city and state. On May 3,
also, the following examinations will take
place In this city: Topographic drafts
man (male), Panama Canal service, at
. salaries ranging from $300 to $1500 per an
num; dynamo tender. Quartermaster's
Department, San Francisco, Cal., salary
$TS0 per annum; inspector of construction.
Quartermaster's Department, at large,
salary $720 per annum. Persons wishing
to compete in any of these examinations
should call upon Z. A. Leigh, Fostofnce,
Visits Old Home. Martin E-lam. for
merly a well-known business man of East
Portland, but now a prosperous resident
of Milton, is visiting friends in the city.
Mr. Elam came to East Portland in 1864,
and had a livery stable on the corner of
Grand avenue and East Pine streets,
where the Odd Fellows' Hall now stands.
He went to Milton about 1870, where he
engaged in the flour mill business and
prospered, and was elected the first
Mayor of that place. Mr. Elam says they
never have had a saloon, but one can al
ways get something stronger than water
at the drugstores. "Never before was
the crop outlook about Milton better,"
said Mr. Elam, "only there is some rain
DoLUVJt Bill Raised to Ten. At the
East Side Bank, H. H. Xewhall, proprie
tor, a $1 bill was received yesterday which
had been raised to $10. The bill was taken
for $10 at the Portland grocery store, on
the northeast corner of Grand avenue
and East Burnslde street, but the pro
prietor now has no recollection as to who
gave him the bill. All he remembers Is
that he received It in the regular course
of business, and gave out groceries and
some change for and was completely dey
celved by it. The '-ork on the $1 bill Is
very crude, and could not deceive anyone
who Is accustomed to handling paper
money. The man who raised it to $10
evidently depended on the indifference of
the public.
v If you can raise from $100 to $1000, I
guarantee you io per cent interest and
permanent position as partner in new-
legal reserve company, under registration
act of Illinois. From- $100 to $500 monthlv
Income. I -can show you. -No speculation.
Tou'Il have to hurry. Apply room 205,
the Portland.
Bankrupt SXms.
Stock Musical Goods a Bargain.'
Must be sold. Your own price.
Popular and Classical Music.
Pianos, Guitars, Violins, Mandolins.
Wright's, 127 7th sL
Steamship Alliance sails from Couch
street dock Saturday, April S, at 8 P. M..
for Coos Bay and Eureka. Fare, Eureka,
cabin, $7.50; second-class, $5.00; Coos Bay,
cabin, $5.00; second-clasp, $3.00. F. P.
Baumgartner, Agent. Phone Main SCL
Rabbi Wise on "Christian Science."
"Christian Science" is the subject of an
address to be given Friday evening at S
o clock at Temple Both Israel by Dr.
Stephen S. Wise. AH interested arc in
vited. 7
Return From Arizona. Charles
Struble and wife have returned from
Arizona, where they spent the Winter
near Phoenix. They went for the health
of the former, who returns in robust con
Steamer Nome City sails dined for San
Francisco and Loa Angeles Saturday 6
f. .ai. J8Din, 512.W ana ?zl&0; steerage,
-.w iinu mcais ana oertns included,
j Thompson, agent, 125 Third street.
Arrested for Trespass. Mrs. Mary
L. Leader, of Arleta, has caused the ar
rest of .her husband on a. charge of tres
pass, which wiH be heard in Justice
waiaemar beton s court.
New Rabbi Will Preach. J. Shapo.
the new rabbi of Congregation Talmud
Torah, wi . preach at 7:30 o clock tonight
and 9 o clock tomorrow morning.
B. and R., homeopathics. now 307 Wash..
Knight Drug Co.. .agents. 'Phone 2693.
The Calumet Restaurant, 149 Seventh.
ine luncheon, 35c; dinner 50c
Odd Fellows' Annivebsart. The SSth.
anniversary of the Odd Fellows' order
will be april 26, and the subordinate
lodges of the city have appointed commit
tees to make arrangements for its ob
servance. Grand Sire R. E. Wright has
issued his proclamation to the lodges,
enjoining them to take action for the
appropriate commemoration of tho anni
versary. It is probable that several lodges
In the city will hold celebrations in their
Two Destinations of Portland's Pop.
ulation Are Described.
PORTLAND. April 6. (To the Editor.
I am not a believer in the efficacy of emo
tionalism In religion, yet have scant regard
for the scoffers at religion. But the present
hullabaloo. In my opinion properly so-called,
both sacred and profane, which soes In this
locality by the name of revivals, reform,
regeneration, salvation and the rest, is mere
froth temperamental froth. Such exhibi
tions do not reach the conscience or judg
ment, never have, never wilL The sinner
cannot cast off his habits as easily as one
casts off his 'dirty shirt. True reformation
contemplates that fierce struggle of the two
natures within us. It Is a hard fight, it is a
long fight and the victor on the side or
grace Is not in a. mood after his chastened
discipline to prance and snort from the
house tops.
The antics of some of these exporters are
not within the amenities of polite conduct.
At Third and Alder streets last evening I
lingered a few minutes, partly because I
could not push my way through the crowd,
partly through curiosity, when one of the
perfervid brethren singled me out, addressed
me personally with a statement that 1 had
failed to Join the chorus, and for my espe
cial benefit repeated the words of the choru
and then exhorted me to add my quota to
several bushel of lungfest. This. In my
opinion, is taking undue liberty with strang
ers. This is rude. Supposing In turn I
should bawl back at him and invite him
to join me in singing the Nicene creed from
the ritual of my creed and my church; nay,
supposing that I should persist in first re
peating the words so as to enlighten him
in his ignorance, and then whether he ac
cepted my invite or no, let her go hallelu
Jatlcally. What then Well. I would bo
attended to! Tet I pay taxes for the use of
these streets, whether the wandering evan
gelists do so or not,' and have the same
rights in this respect that they have.
Nor Is this vulgar Idiom or an overdone
paradox. If reported correctly, Evangolist
btough sal on Tuesday night that one-half
of this city was going to hell, probably
overlooking the fact that the ether half was
going daft.
The whole situation may be summarized
in the words of Daniel Webster: "There aro
lots of new things about it. and lots of true
things about it; but the trouble is that the
new things are not true, and the true things
are not new." CHARLES DUGGAN.
On the Consequences of Sin.
-MAR6HFIELD, Or.. April 6. (To the
Editor.) In The Oregonian of March 28 you
give resolutions passed by the churches cen
suring the course of The Oregonian in speak
ing of Minister Toy; and the course pursued
In the past in regard to the church teachings
in general.
I must say that my sympathies are with
The Oregonian. While 1 would not wish to
Ray a thing to prevent thp ministers from
persuading the people to live better lives,
yet there are phases of the subject which
need to be more carefully considered than
they generally are.
In the cafe of Minister Toy, and thousands
of other Christians, while yet In their ways
of wickedness, where they have through
their bad actions injured or caused' other per.
ions to suffer, the question is. Does the
blood of Jesus make good betweon the vio
lator and the person injured?
When I was a young man I had a friend
with whom I was quite intimate. He waa
about my age, and we ran together a good
deal. He waa a minister's son, and was
somewhat typical of what they are noted for.
He would do things which I would not. and
I would often expostulate with him for do
ing those things which ho knew to be
wrong. His answer always was that It was
right "To go It while you're young," and
have a good time In your youthful days.
He said It was his expectation when he got
older to become converted, and try at least
to close his life in the embraces of religion.
And. he used to say, "When I go In 7 est
poet there will be a whooplng-up old time;
and you know, 'There is more Joy b
heaven over one sinner that rtffenteth than
over ninety and nine who go not astray.
The Idea entertained by him was that he
could follow in the paths of sin to his heart's
content; and the greatest danger he had
to face was that he might meet death at
some time when he waa not prepared; but
he felt reasonably safe to take chances on
that, and through a process of repentance he
could escape all the consequences of his sins.
It had been instilled into his mind that a
righteous upright life did not count; in fact
the Joy in heavon was created by the sin
nerE coming In, and he wished to bo the
means of making joy in heaven.
I know nothing about Mlnlsier Toy's case,
but let him get up and tell how bad he has
been; and that now he is all safe, and he has
had nothing to do but to go through a lit
tle process of repentance, and the conse
quences of bis bad life are all gone, does not
euch preaching as that license sin? The
young person can say, I am not quite ready
to go forward as 1 wish to aee more of the
gaieties of life; and all the risk I take is
that I might die suddenly, but I will take
chances on that yet for a while: impurity
does not matter,' and even crime, so long as
you do not get caught In It, Is no bar to
balvatlon xull and free. Only one small re
quirement and one is washed "whiter than
snow." I will enjoy, myself a while longer.
Does not such teachings as that encourage
What position the ministers now occupy in
their preaching I do not know, but it is not
far back that I have heard It proclaimed
from the pulpit that a moral upright life
alone had no bearing upon the matter of
The church members all believe in a con
tinuation of life after the change called
death; so do L As to the evidence 1 have
to base that belief upon It docs not matter
here, but this proposition I wish to present.
If there Is a continuation of life after death
CI say "if" because I do not have the powor
to make anybody believe It who has not
had sufficient testimony to baso such a be
lief upon), what can we meet but the facts
of the matter? If memory awakens at all
it surely awakns to everything; and we. for
the first time, meet ourselves. And sin. with
Its consequences, where we have embraced it,'
is there for us to face. We cannot deny the
truth or set it aside. It will be eur own
property, and a part of what we are, so wc
will have to make the best of it; and like
one with a burned hand have to suffer it
out. Arc these not philosophical con
clusions? And do they not prompt a perjon
to put into his life as much of the good
and as little of the bad as he possibly can.
so when the final presentation of himself haa
to be made he need not feel ashamed of
his own record?
To the extent the revivalists are preaching
the dootrine that the life we lead is what
counts, I am with them. So long as they
leave tho gateway to repentance open after
death, . t-o that spirits In prison can be
preached to and helped out. I am with them.
So long as they preach that sin must be
followed by Its consequences, which cannot
be set aside, but must be worked out through
repentance, rcmors and restitution. I am
with them. It matters not what race of peo
ple, or what prophet they look to. but this
one thing is sure, sin brings Us own suffer
ing, both here and 4n the hereafter: and
kindly deeds and brotherly, actions bring
That there is always an opportunity -for a
soul to repent, no difference now far he
might stray or how long ho may remain;
and upon true repentance find the way open
for him to begin the work of his own re
demption is in keeping with the feelings of
the human heart as to what a Heavenly
Father's love should have provided for man
Very appropriate souvenirs In the
shape of small buttons bearing the pic
tures of the various public school
houses of Portland, are being given
away by Ellero Piano House to the
school children of tho cits.
The buttons are very handsome and
well worth keeping1.
All that Is necessary to secure one is
for the pupils to present their deport
ment cards at the store corner Park
and Washington streets.
All the delicacies of 'he season at tM
Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart
ments for parties. S05 Wash., near 6th.
Evangelists Report Many Con
Much Enthusiast Is Shown at tne
Various Gatherings Held Under
the Auspices of the Reviv
alists in Portland.
The evangelists' war against sin goes
on In the nine districts of the city
whero meetings are being-- conducted
by Dr. Chapman and his band of
preachers and according to the reports
of the leaders of the districts the num
ber of card converts is increasing: each
The noon meeting a the Marquam The
ater yesterday was well attended and
the sermon of Rev. Henry Ostrom was
listened to with marked attention. The
singins of John P. Hillis was excellent
and the audience joined with great en
thusiasm in the hymns under his lea
dership. An "old peoples' meeting" was held
at the First Presbytorian Church at 3
David Myers, an Early Settler in
David Myers, an Oregon pioneer, who
died at Sclo yesterday, was born in
Toungstown. Ohio, February 10. 1834.
In 1S49 he journeyed to California by
way of Panama, and looked over the
gold fields. He came from California
to the Northwest, arriving in Oregon
in 1853. He spent a year -at his trade
as mechanic, and then settled In Linn
County at Scio. w"hcre he bad resided
since that time. He was, during his
residence, engaged as a farmer, me
chanic and lumber manufacturer. He
entered local politics and was Com
mlssioncr of Linn County ivr several
In June, J SCI, he was married to
Margaret P. McDonald, herself a pio
neer of 1845, who died about 20 years
ago. Mr. Myers was well-known In
the locality in which he lived as an
energetic and trustworthy man and a
model-dtlren. -There survive him to
mourn his loss Jefferson Myers, presl-i'
dent of the Lewis and Clark State
Commission, of this city; Laura My
ers, of Portland; Mary Williams, of
San Francisco; Eva Swings, of Sclo;
Miss Maud Myers, of Salem; Miss
Myrtle Myers, of Scio; Miss Laja. My
ers, of Salem, and Edward D. Myers,
of Sclo.
o'clock and an interesting- sermon do
livercd by Rev. Mr. Ostrom before a
large nurabor of elderly folk, many of
whom had not been within - a church
edifice for years. Carriages were pro
vided for their conveyance to and from
the services, and many of those pres
ent showed their appreciation of tho
thoughtfulness of the evangelists by
testifying to the wonderful happiness
they had experienced in leading a
Christian life. John P. Hillis was tho
ieader of the singing and he rendered
several solos that brought tears to the
eyes of his listeners as scenes of their
childhood days were -brou.-rht to mind
by the worJs and music
The services In tho various churches
last night were not quite so well at
tended as some previous evenings ow
ing, no doubt, to the threatcnjnjr
weather conditions. At tho First Pre?
byterlan Church Dr. Chapman deliVyofed
a sermon from tho subject: "Say Good
bye to God and Die." It was the first
time that the speaker had preached the
sermon and it made a profound impres
sion upon his hearers. Fred Butler sang
"Nazareth" at the request of hundreds
-of churchgoers. His voice was in splen
did condition and the effect upon tho
congregation was wonderful. A word
should also be said of the singing
of the choir under the leadership of
Charles F. Allen. They sang "Even Me,'
with Mr. Butler leading in the solo
part and the words and voices of tho
groat choir made the auditorium ring
with tne song of praise. Following tho
services in tho church proper an Invl
tatlon was extended to former church
members to meet in the lecture-room
downstair.. Sufficient numbers of those
that had fallen from grace responded
to fill the room to overflowing, but
when the meeting adjourned every one
present had again promised to follow
In the footstops of Christ.
At noon today Rev. Charles Stelzle
will speak to the worklngmen at the
Portland Iron Works and tonight he
will be at the meeting of the Federated
Trades Council.
' The meeting at the Marquam at noon
today will be conducted by Rev. R. A.
Walton and the singing will be under
the direction of O. F. Pugh.
Decrepit Horse Will
Be Shot
HE had been away from home nine
months, and all that time she had
not heard from him. In fact, she had
thought him dead. But Wednesday he
returned to tho home on Powell-"Valley
road, and seemed to wish protection.
When she saw him enter the yard, her
heart filled with Joy, and a tear glis
tened In her eye.
"Why, you dear old fellow V she ex
claimed, "here Tve thought you dead
all those months, and you aro not at
all. Where have you been, and what
have you been doing?"
But he answered never a word, al
though he appeared to appreciate deep
ly what she said. She thought she
could read it in his eye3, and she felt
sure ho knew how much she cared for
She looked at him longingly, and
stroked his forehead. Still he did not
speak, although he seemed to desire to
do so. There was a far-away look in
his eyes. He showed plainly that he
was nearly ready to lay down the burdens
of this world.
After, leaving aim In the yard for a
time, she finally decided to call in De
tective Reslng and Secretary Shan-
ahan, of the Humane Society, and have
"him shot.
No, he was not a lost lover simply
an old horse that Mrs. Mary Hoover
sent away to be killed and put out of
misery nine months ago. Why he was
never executed is not known, but to
day he will bs shot by Detective Re-
sing, for he Is too old and crippled to
be of service, and death is the most
merciful thing .for him.
Stores Oppose Keeping Open Late
Hours Trade Is Not Sufficient.
From 30 Interviews obtained yesterday
from representative business men, it ap
pears that the consensus of opinion is
opposed to keeping stores open in this
city later than 6 or 6:20 P. M.. Monday
to Friday evenings, inclusive, during the
Lewis and Clark Exposition.
The reasons given are twofold: During
the Exposition period, people will no
doubt buy all the goods they wish during
the daytlmp, and will spend their evenings
at the Exposition; and clerks In the dif
ferent stores cannot be expected, physi
cally, to work longer than the hours now
In force. Only a fetv business men were
found who advocated keeping open stores
from June to the middle of October to 9
o'clock evenings, from Monday to Friday,
"It is all our employescan do at the
present time - to work all day until 6
P. 31.," said the representative of a de
partmental store. "Saturday nights, when
we keep open until 10 o clock, our em
ployes are tired out, and it Is a good
thing that the next day Is Sunday. We
realize that the Exposition will be a
valuable means of education to us all, and
we look forward to our employes along
with other people visiting the Exposition
and enJoyng themselves In the only leis
ure time at their disposals-evenings after
6 o'clock, when the work of the day 13
"We can take care of all trade from
Portland people during the working hours
now In force," said a Morrison-street
storekeeper. "The visitors will not haunt
the business district to buy goods eve
nings. They will be busy at the Expo
sition. This has been the experience of
merchants at the Chicago and St Louis
"It all depends upon trade," said the
proprietor of a meat market. - "If we find
the demand Is so great that we cannot
take care of our trade in the ordinary
business hours, we shall be forced to keep
open evenings until 9 o'clock."
"There Is something wrong with a busi
ness man who cannot earn his living
between sunrise and sundown," was the
way a Third-street business man put it.
"Our experience here In Portland dur
ing previous Exposition periods, when the
stores were open evenings, has been that
little or no business was done after 6
o'clock," stated a drygoods man. "It
would not pay to keep open any store
excepting possibly a drugstore until 9
"If I cannot sell all the goods I wish
and earn a living between the hours of
S A. M. and S P. M., I will quit the busi
ness," said a boot and shoe dealer.
"We are thinking of keeping open until
9 P. M. during the Exposition period, to
take care of the extre trado of visitors
who will nrrive in the city and leave it
on late trains. But we are waiting to aoe
what our neighbors do," was the state
ment of a retail grocer.
A representative 'of tho Retail Clerks'
Protective Association said hla union
would be opposed to keeping stores open
until 8 P. M., and that he was sure all
first-class firms would close stores at 6
P. M., excepting Saturdays.
Marriage License.
Nathan Rosenthal, SO; Mrs. Delia Eksteln,
Alfred T. Rlchter. 38: Flora A. Buswell, 36.
Fred M. Lautz, 20; Reta Pullen, 21.
To the wife of William J. Scott, 5T4 Delay,
a boy.
To the wife of William Nagle, 129 Stan
ton, a girl.
To the wife of Ralph Hannaford. 1220
East Taylor, a boy.
To the wife of Thad W. Vreeland, 210
Sell wood, a girl.
To the wife of Will Hemminger, 74T Mis
souri avenue, a ooy.
To the wife of Fred Kellas, S62 Mississippi
avenue, a glrL
To the wife of Robert Hydorn, 426 Third,
a boy.
To tho wife of W. T. Corcoran. 258
Eleventh, a girl.
April 3 .Wflllam Francis Scoble, Good Sa
maritan Hospital, aged 60 years.
April 2, Edna Hoffman. 42& North Fourth,
aged 3T years.
William Charles Mackey, Good Samaritan
Hospital, aged 50 years.
April 1, Mary Ann Ranlck, 864 Vancouver
avenue, aged 75 years.
April 3. Dolly H. Smith. 7S4 Kelly, aged
33 years.
April 4, Ellen Marie Gobi. 563 East Sher
man, 2 years.
April J. Jennie Martha Severance, 560
Borthwick. aged 63 years.
April 5, Nicholas Cartin, St. Vincent's Hoj
pltal, aged 70 yean.-
Bulldmc Permits.
George We-idler, Kearney, between Nine
teenth and Twentieth, repairs, S2000.
Lutheran Church, East Tenth, between
Grant and Sherman, repairs. 550.
M. A. Thompson, Yamhill and Twelfth,
dwelling, $3300.
B. Prenrlck. Mllwaukie, betwetn Tolman
and Henry, store, J 1000.
Ira Hill. East Main and Thlrty-ninth,
dwelling, S1000.
C. U. Bauer, Washington, between Seven
teenth and Chapman, foundation, 1500.
Physicians prescribe it because It's the
White Rock Water.
Agreeable in flavor, contains every
thing good for tho system; nothing in
jurious. Free Ports in Canaries.
MADRID, April 6. The Council of State
has decided, in favor of the creation of
free ports in the Canary Islands.
Does a Piano
Interest You?
Then call at our waxerooraa. We
are not giving them away, but we
would be pleased to quote you prices
and terms. We are confident we have
the finest stock of instruments on the
Coast. An inspection will cost you
nothing, and we assure you courteous
372-374 Morrison St., cor. W. Park.
Republicans to Be Gathered in
Decline to Adopt Motion to Appoint
a Committee to Confer With
Other Organizations of
the Party.
For nomination of candidates for the
new Republican city central committee,
which Is to be chosen at the nest prima
ries, the New Deal executive committee
last night instructed Its precinct workers
to call meetings of all registered Repub
licans In their respective precincts. In or
der that the rank and file of the party
might make the selections. About .60
braves were packed into a room at 103
Second street, and they chattered long
and loud, each brother trying to steer the
other clear of machine rule and to save
the herd outside the chamber from the
"collar" of the boeees.
Ex-Sheriff Storey proposed that the
meetings be held by precincts, and P. A.
JtfacPheraon by wards, and their opposing;
Ideas collided with a loud noise. After
the smoke had cleared away they discov
ered that they favored much the same
method, only each had a formula of h'a
own, for they each desired the nomination
of precinct committeemen to be made by
each precinct for itself.
"I've got no ax to grind," cried Storey,
"and I'm not seeking election to any
offlce. But I've got a little hatchet for
a man (Matthews), who pretended to be
my friend." The Matthews people prom
ised Storey the nomination for Sheriff a
year ago, but nominated Stott instead.
The meeting went into uproar, and sev
eral other big braves looked very tierce,
as if they, too. had tomahawks and scalp
ing knives, thirsty fo blood.
Charles F. l.ord proposed that the New
Deal appoint a committee to confer with
other Republican organizations for har
monious co-operation of all Republican
interests, but the brethren didn't favor
the plan, though Iyjrd tried to Impress on
them that they were not the only Repub
licans in Portland or on the face of the
Chairman S. C, Beach was delegated to
see that petitions for precinct committee
men from eaoh precinct should reach tne
City Auditor in order that there should
be no omissions. Walter Adams, from
the Seventh Ward, declared that such cen
tralization of authority in one man sa
vored of Joe Simon, but the brethren sat
down on hjm.
At the conclusion of the ceremonies.
each valiant, trotted up to the secretary
with a bounty of E0 oentfi for carrying on
tho New Deal cause.
Among the moat noted celebrities at the
meeting were: S. C. Beach. Tom Hlslop,
G. P. Moaer. "William A. Storey. Joseph
Paquet, w. B. Chase. George M. Orton,
Lou wagner. Eugeno Ferguson, "W. Y.
Masters, N. H. Bird. D. A. Patullo, Sam
"Wagner. Dr. Blersdorf. John M. Mann.
Owen Jones. Otto Kraemer, Dr. Norrts
R. Cox. George W. Joseph, PL. H. Kllham.
A. B.-- Ferrera, P. A. MacPherson, A. N
Gamble. J. T. Gregg. C. F. Lord, Kramet
Drake and E. T, Taggart.
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Dr. W. A. Wise has found a safe
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WISE BROS., Dentists
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tra will render It for you.
Everything to eat and drink, and
it costs no more In tho
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than elsewhere in tho city. Every
weekday night from 0:30 to 12.
A $t.00 FULL SET
FOR $0.00.
Evenlnps. Monday
and Thursday, until S.
Fred Prehn, D. D. S.
403 Dekum Bid.
your doctor will tell
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"Chiclet" with its dainty sweet, its cooling pep
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splendid relief.
to bs had at all the
W. h. ROSEXSTEIN, 121 California
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Th electric light has manifold advan
tages for lighting- 'stores, dwellings,
churehes an.l all public buildings. We
are prepared to undertake all nceoa
sany wiring, furnishing all supplies
and fittings.
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Western Electric Works
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