Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 07, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Platform of the Russian Social
iProclamation Issued by Party Out-
Wnes Structure of Democracy and
r ..'Socialism Be Built -on the
r Ruins of Czardom.
MOSCOW, April G. Tho oantrrft com
mittee of the Social Revolutionary party
has drawn up a document containing the
imain points of its programme, and of
this hundreds of thousands of copies are
being printed for circulation in all parts
of European Russia.
The first and main point is the estab
lishment of a democratic republic, on the
ruins of the autocracy, and 'beside the
usual points of Social Democratic doc
trine, it includes many arguments, espe
cially directed to Russian conditions and
designed to appeal to the self-interest of
the Russian proletariat, both agricul
tural and Industrial. It voltes phrases
familiar to the American ear, such'-as
"initiative and referendum," public own
ership of public utilities." etc
The programme Is divided under two
heads, the first the politi-rogal domain
..A- .l.l. If 3n,nnnric tho Institution Of
a democratic republic with broad auton
omy for the provinces, municipalities and
communes; the widest application of the
federal principle to the relations between
the various nationalities; a direct, secret,
universal ballot without distinction as to
sex. nationality or religion; proportional
representation; direct popular legislation
with the initiative and referendum; eleo
tibility, responsibility and removability
of all officials; separation of church and
state; complete freedom of conscience,
speech, the press, assembly and associa
tion; right to strike; compulsory, popular
and gratuitous education, and abolition of
the standing army and substitution of a
national militfe.
Under the second head, national econ
omy domain, the party favors an eight
' hour day, with a reduction for the more
dangerous and unsanitary occupations; a
minimum wage scale; state Insurance for
all, the forms regulated by the insured,
at the expense of the state and em
ployers; regulation of factory construc
tion; prohibition of child labor below lfi
and of female labor at certain occupations
and professional organization of work
men with an Increasing share in the in
ternal management of institutions.
In agrarian policy the party declares
the earth is the common heritage of all
citizens and demands the socialization of
all land or such approach to abolition
of private ownership as Is practicable,
including the sequestration of crown,
church and state lands, turning them over
to the communes, and the limitation and
conversion of rents Into an income tax,
payable to the commune.
In the realm of finance the party fav
ors progressive income and inheritance
taxes inapplicable to small income; the
abolition of Indirect taxes and the pro
tective system excep- as to objects of
It also favors the common ownership
of all utilities, medical assistance gratis.
democratic principles and measures tend
ing to the independence of the working
classes of governmental bureaucracy.
The document closes with a warning to
Individuals against "state Socialism."
which it declares to be a system of half
measures, deluding workers, concentrat
ing industry and commerce in the hands
of the governing bureaucracy, and urges
the summoning of a constituent aasombly,
in which it proposes to conduct the cam
paign for the dissolution of the auto
cratic regime and the transformauon of
the existing order.
M. Witte Started Movement Whic.n
Made Procurator Furious.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 7. (12:45 A.
M.) The Inside history of the movement
for the freedom of the Orthodox church
from the bureaucracy of the Holy Synod
shows that it owes its initiation to Prosl
dont Witte at a meeting of the commit
tee of Ministers during the consideration
of the quostion of tolerance for all faiths,
which was raised by the ukase of Decem
ber 25, 1901. M. TVIttc delivered an elo
quont speech on the necessity of keeping
alive the faith among the Ignorant, poverty-stricken
mujlks, who comprise 12 ,
000.000 of the population of Russia, and
declared that for all the bltternoss and
despair of their lives religion was the only
compensation. Without faith, he said,
the foundation of the whole Russian state
would be destroyed.
Antonlus, the Metropolitan of St.
Petersburg, who was present, .was great
ly inipressed, and discussed with" M.
Witte the deplorable condition of tho
ohurch, and as a result of this discussion
M. Witte drew up a momorial to the
throne in favor of calling an ecclesias
tical council to reform the church admin
istrative system. This document was fol
lowed by a petition in a similar voin.
signed by Metropolitan Antonius and
bishops and priests.
Procurator Pobedonostseff is reported
to have been furious and to have locked
horns with M. Witte. He wrote to Em
peror Nicholas, advising that the whole
question of religious toleration be turned
over to the Holy Synod. Tho venerable
procurator, however, finding that he
could not even command a majority of
the synod for his proposition, and much
loss against convening a church council,
retired from the field beaten. His aide.
Stabler, tried to create the impression
that M. Pobedonostseff himself favored
the .council; but the procurator really
was so "chagrined that he is reported to
have resigned. This, however, is denied.
The Russky Slovo. in giving an account
of M. Pobedonostseffs defeat, says:
. "The dried-up Idol will fall soon or the
ohurch will be paralyzed."
Exchange of Samara Predicts Disas
ter From Further Delay.
SAMARA. Russia, April 6. The Ex
change here, representing commercial
conditions over a region inhabited by
-7.000.000 people, has telegraphed to
Bouligan, Minister of the Interior, that
the whole area Is in a condition of creat
excitement, and that a terriblo catas
trophe is only avoidable by immediately
summoning representatives of the people
In accordance with the terms of the Im
perial rescript.
The Exchange has demanded represen
tation on the commission which Is con
sidering the subject
i The peasants arc greatly aroused oyer
the reports that tho "intellectuals" are
seeking to return them to a 'condition of
Troops Prove Powerless to Prevent
Burning and Looting.
ST. PETERSBURG. April 6. The re
ports of peasant uprisings In the Baltic
provinces especially in Lithuania and
Courland. continue extremely disquiet
ing. Although Cossack and infantry pat
rols, are scattered through the country,
the troops are unable to stop the -plun-
dering of estates by the larger peasant
"bands. At Werra. where a. regiment of
Cossacks fired on a mob which had com
plete possession of the town, the rioters
were dispersed, bat they broke tip Into
smaller bands, which terrorized the neigh
boring landowners. Similar Incidents have
occurred at other places. The smaller
bands drive off cattle, burn barns and
fodder and help themselves to grain and
Dispatches from dozens of places toll of
pante produced by the depredations of
rovfos: bands of peasants.
The agrarian agitation is regarded
as the' result of Irritation of the peas
ants against tho controlling privileged
classes, the savago character of the
movement being due to the non-civilization
of Russian' village life and the
absence of peaceable means of protest.
Arsenic Causes Sickness Among Fac
tory Girls in Poland.
WARSAW, April C An extraordinary
case of wholesale poisoning has occurred
at a cotton mill at Pabianlze. Seventy
girls in the coloring department were tak
en suddenly ill and fell to the floor un
conscious. Thirty of them wore taken
to a hospital in a dangerous condition.
An investigation showed that the illness
of the girls was due to arsenic having
been sprinkled through the rooms by un
known miscreants.
Doctors' Greeting to Gorky.
MOSCOW, April 6. The last act of 'the
Congress of Doctors, from all parts of
Russia, which wae in session here yes
terday, was to dispatch a telegram to
Maxim Gorky, addressed to him as "a
valiant defender of the rights of man,"
and saying:
"Sympathizing with your misfortune,
the congress wishes you a speedy recov
ery, a suspension of the proceedings
against you, and the restoration of your
complete liberty."
Free Schools and a Constitution.
MOSCOW, April G. A general meeting
of representatives of the hlghor schools
of Russia here today adopted a series of
strong resolutions not only demanding a
revision of the whole educational system
of the Empire, including freeing tho
schools and universities from government
control, but declaring for a constitutional
Police Deny It as Usual.
ST. PETERSBURG. April 6. (6:40 P.
M.). Tho Chief of the Imperial Police at
Tsarskoe-Selo gives an absolute denial of
the report to the effect that a stranger
disguised as a Colonel of Cossacks, who
entered the palace on Monday, had been
arrested and that two small bombs were
found concealed upon his person.
Martial Law Rules Warsaw.
WARSAW. April C All persons partici
pating in disorders will hereafter be tried
by martial lawr The new regime began
yesterday, when two workmen were thus
tried and condemned to death. One of
them fired a revolver at a policeman and
the other struck a policeman with an iron
Peasants Strike Against Rent.
BORISOFF, Russia, April 6. At many
places in the Minsk government the peas
ants are refusing to pay rent for their
land, declaring that It belongs to thorn.
The landowners are poworless, as the
peasants threaten to destroy everything
if troops are summoned.
Ask Right to Petition.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 6. Tho
Zemstvos of the government of Orloff
have telegraphed to Minister of the In
terior Bouligan demanding that the gov
ernment be directed to revoke the prohi
bition of petitions on the subject of the
imperial rescript.
Nan Patterson's Father Summoned
Before Grand Jury.
NEW YORK, April L J. Randolph Pat
terson, fatlier of Nan Patterson, the show
girl, was summoned today to appear be
fore the grand jury again tomorrow. It
i9 stated that some of the letters found
in the possession of Mrs. J. Morgan. Smith
at Cincinnati were from Patterson.
Assistant District Attorney itand said
today that he expects nothing affocting
the Patterson case will be done at Cln
cinnatl until next week.
Smiths Are Well Treated.
CINCINNATI. April 6. By order of Dis
trict Attorney Jerome, of New York, J.
Morgan Smith and wife, who are in the
County Jail here, pending the result of
the contest over their extradition to New
York, were today placod on the list of
guests instead of. prisoners at the jail.
They aro still detained under arrest, but
they are to have the best food the market
affords and otherwise bo allowed every
thing to which they have been accustomed
except their liberty.
Canoes From Eva Marie.
VICTORIA. B. C, April G. A dispatch
from Clayoquot ways eight canoes have
been picltcfl up near there, together with
the topmost of a schooner and some
spears and dried salmon. Some brokon
boxes and camphorwood knees have been
found near Carmanah.' The camphorwood
knees arr- thought to come from the
schooner Penelope, lost a year ago near
Clallam. It is thought that the canoes.
spears, etc.. are from the schooner Eva
Marie, which two weeks ago had ten ca
noes and contents swept from her decks.
Find Tramp In Cellar.
A tired tramp caused quite a commo
tion about midnight by going to sloop
In the cellar of residence at 56 North
Seventh street. 'The tramp was seen
supping inwt k ceuar. ana it' was
thought he was trying to rob the house.
The police were notified, and upon In
vestigation the tramp was found asleep
on a pile or rags.
TViink He Is Telephonp ThJef.-
Earnest Seidler, about 25 years of
ge, was arrestod last night by Detec
tive Vaughn n suspicion of being the
man who has been robbing ttte tole-
nhnnn hnvnaJtii ?nrllan.1 On bio Trnn
-were found 14 slugs, shaped like
nickels, and a large chisel, such as has
been used In prying open the boxes.
Eating Salal Kills Sheep.
OREGON CITY.'Or., April 6.-Spedal.)
A great many sheep are dying In this
: section Qf the Valley, some lioeks borne
reduced by one-tmrd in number. The
cabse Is believed to have resulted from
the sheep eating salal bushes, which
prove injurious to their digestive organs.
Laborer Badly Injured. .
W. W. Brady, a laborer, iras Severely
Injured last night from a sack ot .wheat
iailUip on him while working at the
Columbia docks In Lower Ailbina: He
was taken to rho WUch Hasel rooming
house, where he has been staying.
Will !Lead Life-Savers.
ASTORIA. Or April 6. (Social.) Rob
ert Farley, who Is No. 1 of .the Point
Adams llfe-savlS crew, has been appoint
ed captain of the life-saving station that
will soon be established at Tillamook.
He Threatened the President.
MINNEAPOLIS. April C-Alexander E,
Granville Gordon was sentenced to one
soar In the Stillwater prison today. Ho
was charged with sanding a threatening
letter to.-'-Presldent itooseveit.
Japanese Again Advance to
Turn Flanks,
Oyama's Army in Crescent Forma
tion May Enyelop Him Nearly
Half a Million Men Will
Attack Russians.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 7. From the
latest official Information the belief is
growing that Linlevltch occupies a peril
ous position. The Japanese arc said to be
advancing against the Russian position in
crescent formation with an army totaling
475,000. General Oku Is said to be In com
mand of the left wing of the Japanese ad
vance. Generals Nogl and Nodzu the cen
ter, and Generals Kurokl and Kawamura
the right wing.
It is feared that General Linlevltch will
be compelled to withdraw from his pres
ent position with the loss of many men
and much war stores, finding that his po
sition has been turned. Roports.of a bat
tle aremomentarlly expected.
Returned Russian Soldiers Tell Inci
dents of tne Battle.
ST. PETERSBURG. April 7.-02:47 A.
M.). Invalided Russians who left Mukden
on March 26 report that the Hun River
bridge had not then been restored. The
Japanese, in removing Russian wounded
from Mukden carried them as far as the
river in bamboo litters and then entrained
them on the farther side. Chinese, It Is
paid by these returned soldiers, partly pil
laged the hospitals in Mukden on March
10, before the arrival of the Japanese, but
did not harm the wounded or attendants,
and acted most humanely toward the
Russian wounded on the field, assisting
the Japanese to gather them.
Russian medical army offlcors recog
nized in the Adjutant of General Oku's
fifth division a former professor of lan
guages In the seminary of Vladivostok.
They also met other Japanese officers who
formerly were In the Russian service in
The returned soldiers describe the con
fusion In tho evacuation of Mukden and
the fighting in tho narrow streets and at
the gates, where Japanese and Chinese
ambushed the last detachments and
where General Galcfeldt was -wounded and
The losses of the Japan ase, according to
the foreigners accompanying them, were
nearly 100,000. the eight divisions, for ex
ample, losing over 7000, yet not being con
sidered one of the heavy sufferers.. The
greatest losses were in the troops oppos
ing General Linlevltch. where the struggle
was much longer and of more Intensity.
The Japanese placed the number of guns
captured during the retreat at 22. and also
eaptured thousands of abandoned rifles
and immense quantities of boxed rifle am
munition, and, according to the Chinese,
tne Japanese are now arming tnelr re
serves with Russian rifles.
The Japanese army Is healthy, excel
lently clothed and well shod, and its mor
ale is excellent, according to those sol
diers. Japanese officers admitted that they
concentrated every last effort to win the
battle, and -threw their entire reserves
Into the fighting line, leaving the rear
communications entirely unprotected.
They realized that, had the Russians
thrown a heavy force, even of cavalry, in
the roar, their position would have been
critical, but they counted rightly on Rus
sian inertia and were confident of vic
Japanese Inflict Heavy Loss In De
fending Chincheatun.
TOKIO, April 6 (1 P. M.) Imperial
army headquarters, reporting today,
"Part of our Kaiyuan force engaged in
driving the enemy, occupied Kuyushu,
three miles northeast of Mienhuachieh
on the afternoon of April 4.
"On the afternoon of April 3 the enemy,
with mounted artillery and machine guns,
advanced south from the direction of
Lawo, on the Fenghua road, and on the
morning of April 4 opened a bombardment
on Chincheatun.
"Simultaneously a large force of infan
try advanced from the vicinity of the
main road, two other columns detouring
to cover both ourv flanks. They ap
proached within 400 meters of our posi
tion, but at 6 o'clock in the evening we
entirely repulsed them.
"Our casualties were 27 men wounded.
The enemy's loss is uncertain, but it is
ostimated at over 200 killed and
Rojestvensky Expected to Meet Togo
in Chinese Sea.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 6. The
Admiralty professes ' ignorance of
the exact whereabouts of Vice-Admiral
Rojestvensky's squadron, and has no In
formation showing that, the three vessels
sighted by the steamer Marmora (which
arrived at Colombo, Ceylon, yesterday,
3S0 miles southeast of Ceylon, April 4)
belonged to the Russian squadron. Never
theless, the belief prevails In naval circles
that tho squadron will go through the
Straits of Malacca, but that Admiral
Togo's heavy division will not be encoun
tered until Rojestvensky reaches the
Eastern Sea.
Sighted Off Southern Point of Min
danao Island.
CHICAGO, April C. A special to the
Dally News from Batavla. Java, says:
'Togo's fleet was sighted this morning
south of the Island of Mindanao, the
southern most of the Philippine group."
Russians Claim a' Success.
ST. PETERSBURG. April fit A dis
patch to the War Office from Chief of
Staff Karkovitch, dated today, says
that a Russian detachment attacked
a force of Japanese Infantry . about fivs
miles from Klltchjiou (Kilju) and that
the Japanese were dislodged from two
positions and dispersed by the Russian
fire and Cossack -attacks.
The dispatch adds that Japanese
detachments have appeared on the Man
darin road, between Changtufu and Mai
maikal. on the Russian front.
Another- Peace Rumor Denied.
ST. PETERSBURG. April C At the
German Embassy the statement that it
had advised the Foreign Office that it re
garded an early conclusion of peace as
probable was denied. The Embassy, it
was pointed out, simply roported the pre
vailing talk about peace In St. Peters
burg. The Embassy now shares the opin
ion expressed in these dispatches that
the" efforts In the direction of peace failed,
and that for the moment nothing is being
done. The general leellng exists in dipio-
matlc circles, however, that peace ha3
been brought appreciably nearer.
Corea Plays Dutiful Vassal.
TOKIO, April 6. Prince Yachaikak. as
special Ambassador bearing the congrat
ulations of the Emperor of Corea on the
success of the Japanese army at tho
battle of Mukden, was granted an au
dience by the Emperor at noon today,
when he delivered the autograph letter
which he carried. Later on he lunched
with the Emperor, who will not return
bis call.
Foreigners Anxious to Lend.
TOKIO, April 6. It Is expected that
one-half of the domestic loan will be
allotted to foreigners, whose bids exceed
the whole Issue. At this rate the treas
ury Is planning a fifth domestic loan of
100,000,000 yen (equivalent to $50,000,000). In
May. The terms of the issue, will be simi
lar to those of the fourth domestic loan.
Premium on Japanese Loan.
LONDON, April 7. The Toklo corre
spondent of the Times reports that ow
ing to heavy subscription only 5 per cent
of the domestic loan will be allotted at
the issue price, and consequently there
is much disappointment.
Missing Attache Turns Up.
VIENNA, April . It has been asserted
that the Austrian military attache with
tho Russian army. Count Szeptychl, who
was supposed to have been missing since
the battle of Mukden, is safe with Lieu
ten ant-General Rennenkampffs forces.
Police Cannot Be Enjoined From In
terfering With Business.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 6. Superior
Judge Seawell today dissolved all the
temporary injunctions which have been
obtained by the poolrooms of this city
to prevent the police from interfering
with their business. Ho also dismissed
the application for an order directing the
police to show cause why the Injunctions
should not bo made permanent.
This practically kills all attempts on
the part of thei poolroom proprietors to
keep their places open by legal methods,
and the police are now free to go ahead
and do what they please in order to
close them.
Will Build to Troutdale.
FAIRVIEW, Or., April 6. (Special.)
The railway engineers of the Oregon
Water Power & Railway Company, are
in tho field making the preliminary
survey of the proposed route from Ce
darvllle to Fairvlew, Troutdale and the
Columbia River. It is said that there
will in. all probability be very little
change from the original survey.
Mr. Keaddy, the right of way agent
for the company, will have but little
trouble in securing- the right of way
along the route proposed, as it has been
thoroughly demonstrated that the
Northern Pacific Company has abso
lutely nothing to do with the line, and
that as good service will bo given as
on the main line from Gresham. It has
also been assured that no deeds will
be required until the completion of the
road. If no condemnation proceedings
are made necessary "work will begin
about May 1. The line as surveyed will
require no bridges, cuts or fills be
tween Fairview and Cedarville. There
are deposits of good ballast along- the
route. When completed, this route will
provide a ride through the great scenic
part of Oregon, and will no doubt be
appreciated by tne public.
Umatilla Crops Look Well.
PENDLETON. Or.. April 6. (Special.)-
Farmers living In the light-land district
northwest of the city, report heavy rains
during the past week. Nearly the entire
acreage there had-to be resown to wheat
this Spring, the Winter-sown wheat hav
lng been frozen out during the cold weath
er in February. The new crop "is growing
satisfactorily, and farmers believe that,
with an abundance of rain next month, an
average crop will be grown. Fall-sown
wheat In other sections of Umatilla Coun
ty is In excellent condition, and farmers
entertain sanguine hopes for a large yield
Calls Wife a Bad Mother.
OREGON CITY, Or., April 6. Spe-
clal.) Alleging- that his wife Is an
unfit person to have the care and cus
tody of their children, and charging
that she has been in tho habit of fre
quenting saloons in this city and be
coming Orunk with men of bad reputa
tion, Stephen Hamilton In a petition
filed In the County Court today asks
that the two 'minor children. Myrtle
and Lloyd, aged 14 and 7 years, res
pectively, be placed in the Boys' and
Girls' Aid Society of Portland.
Chinese Are Not Welcome.
KALAMA, Wash., April 6. (Special.)
Immigration Inspector L. G. .Fuller.
of Kalama, took a trip to Vancouver
yesterday and arrested three Cnlna
men. Ah Yen, Toy Ging and Wong
Chins Iway, charged with being ille
gally in the United States. He brought
them to Kalama before United States
Commissioner Joseph Smith. They each
gave a cash bond of 9200 for their ap
pearance for trial, April 17. Judge A.
L. Miller, of Vancouver, will defend
Entries at Oregon City.
OREGON CITY. Or., April 6. (Spe
cial.) The total receipts of the Oregon
Land Office for the quarter ending
March 31, were 510,045.27. During- the
month there were made 25 timber and
stone land entries, aggregating 3449.55
acres for which wore paid 5S624.20
There were also made 11 final home
stead proofs, one school Indemnity of
160 acres and one soldiers declara
tory statement.
General Funston in Command.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 6. Brigadier
General Frederick Funston today at noon
relieved General Francis Moore of the
command of the Department of California
and the Division of the. Pacific All the
staff officers of both the division and the
department called on General Funston at
12 o'clock and the officers from the vari
ous posts of the department will make
their official calls within the next few
Schoolteacher Sues Directors.
EUGENE, Or.. April 6. (Special.)
The case of Miss Nan Shively against
the Cottage Grove school district is
again in the court. Miss Shlveley
has now sued the directors for
damages to the amount of $500. The
case Is' the outgrowth of the summary
discharge of Miss Shiveley after sne
had been engaged to teach in the High
School at Cottage Grove.
Clean Up Oregon City.
OREGON CITY, Or.. April 6. (Spe
cial.) There has been Issued by the
Women's Club of Oregon City a call
for a mass meeting of citizens to be
held at the Courthouse tomorrow even
ing for the purpose of considering civic
Improvement In Its various forms.
Minnesota for Rate Regulation.
ST. PAUL, April 6. A Joint investigat
ing committee of the Legislature sub
mitted a report today recommending a
memorial to Congress asking that the
Interstate Commerce Commission be given
control over the long and short haul
clauses regulating interstate commerce
and to abolish the private car industry.
The report avers that Minnesota pays
higher freight rates than Iowa and Illinois.
Electric Line to Go-Ctoerate
With Boats on Columbia.
Meeting at Lewiston Sees Many Sub
scriptions Quickly. Made to Pro
ject for Reaching Wheat
and Timber Belts.
LEWISTON, Idaho, April 6. An im
portant gathering of the commercial In
terests of the Lewiston region was held
here today, when at a big mass meeting
an organization was effected for the con
struction of the electric line from Lewis
ton to Grangevllle. in Idaho County, to
operate in connection with an independ
ent line of steamers that will ply be
tween Lewiston and the Portage Road
at Celllo, on the Columbia.
As the result of the organization made
today the business Interests of the re
gion to "be served by the electric line are
united, and $600,000 is being raised by the
people of this section,, which will com
prise the preliminary iund to carry out
the plans. Lewiston's quota of this fund
was placed at $75,000, and in a few min
utes tonight voluntary subscriptions cov
ered over half this amount.
The electric line will extend through
the Waha wheat belt, the Craig Moun
tain timber country and over the Nez
Perce and Camas prairies, and will be
about S5 miles In length. The steamer
Mountain Gem, owned by Lewiston and
Clarkston business men, will be the nu
cleus of the river fleet.
Among those assisting in the work of
the meeting today was Dr. N. G. Bla
lock -arid Captain Mariner, of Walla Wal
la, members of the Open River Associa
Evelyn Neablt Quickly Made Deal
With Brewery President.
SEATTLE, Wash.. April's. (Special.)
Pretty little Evelyn Florence Nesblt,
who Tuesday became the wife of Harry
Kendall Thaw, the young millionaire of
Pittsburg, for the sum of $253 agreed
to give the Seattle Brewing & Malting
Company the exclusive right to use her
picture to adorn the calendars issued
by the company last year.
The patrons of the brewery who have
saved the calendars of last year, have
an excellent likeness of this much-talked-of
young woman, taken espe
cially for the Seattle company in one
of her most fetching poses.
The young woman, who now has
millions at her command, wag not bur
dened with wealth in January. 1903,
when Edward F. Sweeney, of thl3 city,
president of the Seattle Brewing &
Malting Company, met her in New-
York, and she was glad to accept his
offer of $250 for the exclusive right
to use her picture.
Z. T. Tracy, Married a Few Hours,
Dies at Wife's Side.
FRESNO, Cal.. April 6. This after
noon Z. T. Tracy was thrown from a
buggy in a. runaway near Del Rey, and
received injuries from which he died.
With Tracy at the time" was his wife,
a bride of a few hours. Tho horse took
fright jfrom a brush pile and tore down
the road.
Tracy pulled at the lines but both
broke and the couple clung to the rig
at the mercy, of the frenzied animal. At
the corner the buggy overturned. Mrs,
Tracy was slightly Injured. She is al
most insane with grief.
Two Teams Sent Out to Pullman and
to Moscow.
Wash.. April 6. (Special.) Two debat
ing teams from Whitman College left
this city on the morning train for the
annual debates against Idaho State
University at Moscow and Washington
State College at Pullman. The Idaho
debate will be held tomorrow evening.
Whitman's team consists of Gaius
Greenslade, a veteran debater, Roy Per-
rlnger, '08, and Heber Ryan, '06.
(The team sent against the Agricul
tural college at Pullman is led by a
grl, Miss Linnle Marsh, of the senior
ciass oi wnuman. sne win oe assisted
by James Gilbrcath, a junior, and Har
old Ellis, a sophomore.
Portlander Will Build Sewer.
EUGENE. Or.. April 6. (Special.) An
adjourned meeting of the City Council
was held last night at which time bids
were opened for extensions to the sewer
system. Five bids were received, the
lowest being from J. P. O'Neill, of Port'
land, his bid being $14,537.20, and he was
therefore awarded the contract.
C C Letts, Chicago
F A Teaton, Boston
lira J Leary. Seattle
Mrs E P Feary, do
J M Spices and wife.
wellman. liinn
J L Wheeler. Sprgfld
G H Kuier. Tate. Oa
A J Hoch. Seattle
IF Howard. Chicago
G H Keeler, Tate. GaiG H Sanborn anfi wife,
if Switzler. N York A.stcrcla
A w Atherton. BostonlA Demarcen. Seattle
R J Macauley. ChlcaglF Jeurl. Los Angeles
Mrs H C Levy. C LcksG S Dement and ram
Miss A B Rose. Wis 1 Uy. Los Angeles
F C Robertson, SpknIE J Smith. Chicago
C S Wills. Boston IJ C Garretson. City
D R Dlx. St Paul It D Johnron. Spokane
E T McGovern. BostniW W Hlggtns. Chicago
It Smith. Denver IT M Schumacher, Salt
E Smith. Denver i.uce
E Delano. New York ill Kahn, Philadelphia
Miss C Delano, do C A Clapp. .Boston
Miss S Delano, do D Eccles Baker City
W "Weed. MlnneapolIs,J B McKeown. Chgo
L J Rodgers. N York E Altman, New York
E A Leopold and Ivi W Powell. Tacom
w!f. . Cincinnati. O IT W Hall. New York
Mrs A S Jlux. N YorkiMlss B Brownell.
A T Dunbar. San F I Boise. Idaho
H A Forbes. San Fran'J C Brown. New York
W B Joyce and wife. U is Catron, walla w
New York S B Calderhead. do
C F Todd. Lincoln iB F Simpson, do
& mother should be & 6ource of joy to-all, but 'the suffering and
danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery.
Mother's Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great
pain and danger of maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided
by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or
gloomy.; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are
overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the
serious accidents so common to the critical
hour are obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold,"
says many who have used it. $i.oo per
bottle at dniET stores. Book containing
valuable information of interest to all women, will
be sent to any address free upon .application to
Suggestions How to Find Relief from Such
While no woman is entirely free from I
periodical suffering-, it does not seem to
be the plan of nature that women
should suffer so severely. Menstrua
tion is a severe strain on a woman's
vitality. If it is painful or irregular
something is wrong which should be
set right or it will lead to a serious de
rangement of the whole female organ
ism. More than fifty thousand women
have testified in grateful letters to Mrs.
Pinkham that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound overcomes pain
ful and irregular menstruation.
It provides a safe and sure way of es
cape from distressing and dangerous
weaknesses and diseases.
The two following letters tell so con
vincingly what Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound will do for
women, they cannot fail to bring hope
to thousands of sufferers.
Miss Nellie Holmes of 640 N. Davi
sion Street, Buffalo, N. Y., writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" Your medicine is indeed an Ideal medicine
for women. I suffered misery for years with
painful periods, headaches, and beanng-dowii
pains. I consulted two different physicians
out failed to cet any relief. A friend from
' the East advised me to try Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I did so, and
no longer suffer as I did before. My periods
are natural ; every ache and pain is gone, and
mr general health is much Improved. I
advise all women who suffer to take Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound."
Mrs. Tillie Hart,of Larimore, N. D.,
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
"I might have hare been spared many
months of suffering and pain had I only
known of the efficacy of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Ask Mrs. PliWiam's Advlce-A Wwuaa Best Understands a Woman's Ills.
L S Rcaener. San F
D H Taylor, Rochestr
P L Wilson. Los Ang
H Harlan. City
M A Haines. San Fran
H N Johnson, do
P R Todd and wife.
New Haven
J S Leeds and wife, do
J Preston. New York
G Vt Boschke, S F
W N Ludwlc and
family. Chicago
A E Thayer. San Fran
G K Davis. San Fran
Mrs II C Darling;
Great Falls
G L Connor, do
Miss O M Darling-, do
T H Curtlss. Astoria
H E Lewis. San Fran
S Peterson. Boise
W A Williamson and C A Sargent. Alabama
wife, London IF R Clark, New York
I. Stadler. Helena IW L Paul. Chicago
J A Kellogjr. BllnghmlH V Shumway. do
D Burgess. San Fran ,G W Mervln. do
E Allen. San Fran I
J J La Plein. Kelso
Edna Smith. T Dallec
G W Phillips. H RIvr;
J M Stark. Independc
C Miller. N Yakima
J H Brldgeford. Seat
Belle Hall, Tacoma
D K McPherson. Spo
Frances White. For G
G S Reed. Gray. Mo
E E Ellsworth. City
J H Guerry. N Bend
J L Sharpsteln. W W
T R Wilson. Salem
Mrs J Spence. OaklndtJ LIndstrom. Aberdeen
J C Fesler. Illinois
A L Bratton. City
A D Glle. San Fran
A C Merrill. Tacoma
Mrs A D Glle. do
N Whealdon. T Dalles
R W Steele. W WallalW E Cole. Hood River
Mrs R V Steele, do
IJ H Gallagher? N Yam
W B Kurtr. T Dalles
Mrs C E Cooper,
J G McCleland. Spokn
U G Berry. Peoria
G w Thelln. Nelson
A T Eagan. St Louis
J A Denholm. Tacoma
W L Fuller. San DIegc
V Palmer. Elgin, or
G W Johnson. Salem
F C McReynolds, do
B F Jones. Toledo
Mrs T L Lynch. N Y
S H Scott. Salem
Mrs W J Reed. N Yak
Mrs L Stelner. do
JG S Mitchell. Iowa
Mrs G S Mitchell, do
C L Crlder. San Jose
C R Gondle. Illinois
Mrs G S Cook. Cal
E J Hunter and fam-!Mrs P Gondle. do
Ilv. Wallace. Idaho
G W King. Montague
Mrs F C Massle. G Pas
Mrs F A Fisher. Astor
H D Schmeltzer. Hills
A R Tozler. McCoy
F M Lantz. Estacada
Mrs F M Lantz, do
C W Taylor, Everett
R W McKeon, Seattle
J E Chappell. Golden
Wm Mellon. City
Mrs J E dhcprell, dolT E Ormstead. City
Bennie Chappell. do IRoss A Price. Clty
T H Johnston, Dufur !Levl Geer. London. Or
B F Laughlln. T Dallsi
R Workgraef. li CltyJF M Rublee. Lincoln.
C H Marsh. City I Neb
J H Seymour, AstorlalD V Kuykendall,
S Schneider, do Klamath Falls
C L Brown, do (O D Doane. The Dalls
Mrs C L Brown, do W Hanley. Burns
J T McCormack. CoosD Ruff. San Francisco
Bay J A Shaw, Albany
Mrs J Ranson, GrantalSqulre Farrar. Salem
Pass H G Van Dusen, Astr
I H Tafte. Celllo IP Commacher. acolt
W Mlchelbach. Dalles: E M Wlngate. Dallas
Mrs Mary McCall. As-lMrs G H Baker. Gold-
torla I endale
R H Whitehead. Med-IM Winter. City
ford U H Raley. Pendleton
G H Sutherland. W "VA J Stockman. Santa B
W Wallace. Bellnghm,C E Rogers. Doty
.7 H Pearl. La GrandciM J HIckey. City
J C Gulling. do J C Trltchell. Rosehrg
J W Walte, PendletonH G Haslam. Cathlmt
W L Thompson, do D Blanchard, Rainier
J M Bentley. do JF M Browne. Salem
R H Bentley, do jT Clarke. Spokane
R- N Bentley. do F T Wnghtman. Salm
Mrs J W McCormack.!s M Garland. Lebanon
Pendleton IC D Burgan. Minn
C E RedCeld. HeppnrlMrs C D Burgan. do
A A Davis. Medford IA S Ireland. Roseburg
J M Keene. Medford IMrs B S Bean. Eugene
P H Marlay, Mason lAlex Hall. City
City. Neb I
J A Barnes. Hlllsboro!
Mrs J A Barnes,do
G A Taggart. Rainier;
E Frederickson. Ho
qulam C E Ring. Hcquiam
Mrs E Wrlcht
L J Ramsey. City
H J Coons, City
W Metzger. Gresham
Levi Geer, London, Or
Clara Erion, Orient
John Palmer
J L Sheets. Stella
I Solomon. City
James Cryan. City
A Wcrnstaff. Astoria.
Wm Wornstaff, do
Mrs Womstaff. do
James Stride, Seattle
Margaret Erion. do
Mrs Loorga. San Fran
L O Strain. ButtevIIle
F W Krause. San Jo
J W Wallace. Inde
; pendence
F D Snyder. Buena V
Mrs Jf D Snyder, do
J Mays. Cltv
Miss Bliss. Dayton
T B Bidwell
Astoria W C Thomason
R Oler
J Rtckenbach. City
A T Houck. City
J G Rambaugh. N D
A J Rambaush. Mont
IMrs Rambaugh. do
Every mother feels a
great dread of the pain
and danger attendant upon
the most critical period
of her life. Becoming
Vegetable Compound sooner; fori have tried
so many remeaies wiinout nejp.
" I dreaded the approach or my menstrual
rjeriod everv month, as lemeant so much tain
and suffering, for me, but after I had used the
Compound two months i became regular ana
natural and am now perfectly well and free
from pain atmy mcjitbJy periods, l am very
grateful for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
tabls Compound has done for me."
Such, testimony should be accepted
by all women as convincing evidence
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound stands without a peer as a
remedy for all the distressing ills o
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound rests upon the
well-earned gratitude of American
When women are troubled with irreg
ular, suppressed or painful menstrua
tion, leucorrhcea, displacement or ul
ceration of the womb, that bearing
down feeling-, inflammation of the
ovaries, backache, bloating, (or flatu
lency), general debility, indigestion and
nervous prostration, or are beset with
such symptoms as dizziness, faintness,
lassitude, excitability, irritability, ner
vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy.
they should remember there is one tried
and true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound at once removes
such troubles. Refuse to buy any other
medicine, for you need the best.
Don't hesitate to write to Mrs.
Pinkham if there is anything
about your sickness you do not
understand. She will treat you
with kindness and her advice is
free. No woman ever reeretted
writing her and she has helped
thousands. Address Lynn, Mass.
Ed Tompkins ll T Asee
J Blaney. Grays RivrjJ W Josy, Salem
J C Parker, Dayton I N Foster. Seattle
R Henrlci. St Helens Mrs I N Foster, do
Mrs J B Christy. Ta- lC W Adams. Warren
coma H McKlel. Clatakanle
MUs Christy, do jw Ponton. Westport
L S Mason. Mayger JW C Thomas. Astoria
C Fernahan. Mayger IJ S Adams. Astoria
C Olsen. Spirit Lake C C Rullfson. Carroltn
F Odell. Spirit Lake 0 Halborn. Stella
C W Erickson. Inver iP Renter. Stella
J L Eggamon, Ska- B Davis. St Paul
mokawa L Chambers. St Paul
J Hochman, McMlnn-jL J Gray. Woodland
vllle Ik S Pullam. StePa.
J Harlon. Oregon CitylC G Sim. Stella
G F DrisqulII, RainlenG E Weber. Ashland
C Gold. Ralnlei iJ Allen. Celilo
L Farnsworth. Du- IE H Cllne. Marshland
buque IF Davis. Turner
Mrs L Farnsworth. doJ Welsh. Stella
J Freund. For Grove IMrs Welsh, do
F Gould. Eugene H It Billings. Astoria,
J Qulsley. Marshland HMrs Billings, do
T Wllllamnnn Snokam.1 S Tavlnr rVntrnfl
! Mrs Williamson, do IMrs J S Taylor, do
O P Jackson, do w Humoel. Astoria.
F Jackson. do B F Falter. Butte
H Frederick. H RlverlMrs Falter. do
J Wallace, Hoqulam IMlss Ruth Falter, di
W R Dotson. Mayger G Randall. New Era
S T Harrison, Astoria jC Bush. La Du
Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma.
American plan. Rates. S3 and up,
Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma.
First-class restaurant In connection.
j There's a unique
adaptability about
Pears' Soap. It makes
trie child enjoy its bath,
helps the mother pre
serve her complexion,
and the man of the
house finds nothing
quite so good for sha
ving. Have you used Pears'
Pears' the soap for the whole family.
These tiny Capsules are superior
TO Daisam or oopaioa,
Cubebsorlniectionsu.idlMHfj gURt IN 4& HUUriV
the same diseases withot
Sold iy all druggists.