I THE MORNING OREGOriAff, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1905. JOBBERS ST SEA Rates Inland Are Not Yet Settled. WILL CONFER ONCE MORE Conditional Concessions Are Offered. WHAT THE RAILWAY MEN SAY Question of Distributive Tariffs Is One of the Most Difficult and Far-Reaching Problems to Solve. H The traffic directors of the transcontl nental linra have met with the representa tives of the North Pacific Coast Jobbers' and Manufacturers Association, have din cussed the question of a rearrangement of the distributive rates inland, and have parted for a time without definite action or promise of change. The question is left as much In the air ae It was after the meeting of three months ago, and the out come is not yet. No one knows what will be done, -whether or not the railroads will make the concessions asked for by the Northwest jobbers, not even the traffic men themselves. Yesterday afternoon, the various traffic men who have been gathering in the city for the past two or three days met with a large number of the Portland jobbers. Besides the local men, Seattle was repre sented in the conference by J. S. Gold smith, Tacoma by H. Hyde, and San Francisco by II. D. Lovelo.nO. Railroad Midnight Conference. The railroad representatives came Into the meeting strengthened by a long mid night conference held at the Portland Ho tel on the night previous, at which time the various phases of the questions at issue had been gone over In common, and from the standpoints of each corporation and from the view of the jobbers. As a result of this conference, as well as of the individual attention which has been given to the question by each man during the three months .elapsed since the first meet ing, certain concessions in differential rates and in class charges as to carload lots inland were made to the Jobbers and offered in at least partial solution of the questions at issue. What these conces sions were or what class of goods they affected was not disclosed by either the traffic men or the Jobbers, as no action was taken on them. Instead both parties agreed to exercise a twofold forbearance, one toward the other. The Jobbers not being able to tell at first glance whether or not the proposition made by the rail road men would work to their ultimate advantage, asked for time in which t consider what had been offered them. They also coupled with their request for time some proposals which the railroad men, in turn, wished to consider, the re sult of the session being that the matter will be taken up April 12 or 13 for a further consideration. Statement by Stubbs. J. C. Stubbs, who, as the father of the around-the-Horn rate standard theory and the dean of the traffic men, acted as the spokesman for the traffic men, stated it to be his belief that better results of ad justment could be reached with fewer numbers, and suggested that a small com mittee of the jobbers be n amort to meet with the railroad men on a subsequent date for consideration of the existing points of difference. This suggestion was adopted by the association, and a com mittee, consisting of J. S. Goldsmith, of Seattle; H. Hyde, of Tacoma; H. D. Love land, of San Francisco; L. A. Lewis, A. F. Biles. TV. H. Beharrell, T. D. Honey man, E. J. Newbegin, Hugh McGuire and "W. A. Mears, of Portland, was named to confer with the traffic men when the third meeting shall be held. The questions with which the meeting of yesterfday struggled are so intricate that it -will be a great, and -perhaps a slow, task to unravel them. Their rami fications reach to Denver, to Seattle. Ta coma, Spokane and to San Francisco. If the distributive rate out of Portland on one commodity is changed, it. In all probability, throws out of harmony the entire scheme of rate charges for a half dozen places. It is this interwoven en tanglement of interests, the formidable effect from the small cause, that Is mak ing the final adjustment, if there, be an adjustment, come so slowly from the hands of the traffic men. Difficulties in the- Way. "Few people realize what the traffic men are up against in this matter," ex plained Mr. Stubbs after the meeting last night. 4,I have been in this business for 35 years and. in ail my career I have never met with, a proposition which is so intricate, so interwoven and so difficult of adjustment. The traffic men are be tween the devil and the deep'blue sea, and the question is in the air. If we do one thing the inland country howls out loud; if we do the other the seacoast towns growl and complain. At the meet ing this afternoon a proposition was made to the jobbers involving the low ering of rates on some classes of freight and the raising of the charges on others. The merchants not knowing how the whole proposition would affect them, whether the advantage gained on the one hand would offset the Increase on the other, asked for time to consider. The railroads also -wished time to think over what had been, asked, and so It was sug gested by me and decided to "appoint a committee with which I could meet when I return from Spokane on Wednesday. There was no decision reached at the meeting, but this does not mean that none 'will be. We are working on the question and want to do what is right and just, but it is not a thing that can be sottled in a day. "We want, and intend, to do what is just to all," continued Mr. Stubbs. "I have made promises to Spokane and these I Intend to keep. I will do nothing and will agree to no changes which will nul lify any of the promises I have given to that city or any other; but what I can do to better conditions I will do in so far as it is possible in loyalty to the company which I represent." Status of Controversy. This statement tells in brief the status of the controversy. It may be that the rates out of Portland will be lowered In part at least, and It may be that but few changes will be made. Time and consideration will decide that point; time and consideration and legislation and its results. The Interstate Commerce Com mission and what it will be and do wor ries the railroads. The new Washington State Commission is a thorn in the cor porate side the wound from which has not yet been diagnosed. Its personnel Is unknown and its actions are very, very problematical. Jf the majority of the znen. appointed by -Governor Mead 'come from Seattle or Tacoma or that dis trict it would not be a serious matter should the distributive rates from the Coast be lowered, but if Spokane and her district has the ascendancy there would be immediate retribution visited upon the roads which made such changes. And besides these apparently simple troubles there are many others more intricate and more hard to solve. The effort will be to strike a happy medium, if such a thing exists, upon which the whole question may be hung to the delight of all, and this may happen at the conference of next weeli, though It is doubtful and a thing of uncertain hope. Mr. Stubbs will leave this evening for Seattle and Tacoma. Sunday he will go to Spokane and will remain there for a day or two and will return to Portland either on Wednesday morning or evening, as the trains run. J. M. Hannaford will leave today for the North, and it is not thought that he will be present at the next meeting, though it is possible. J. G. Wood worth will remain in Portland until the conference. In the meantime the committee ap pointed by the "jobbers" will work out me enecr. or tne concessions proposed oy the railroads, and will prepare statistics bearing upon ' the requests made by tho association. There Is an expressed hope on both sides that the next meeting will be productive of some action of a definite nature. BOOTH -KELLY INQUISITION. Federal Grand Jury Continues Work of Investigation. The investigation of the Booth-Kelly Company by the Federal grand jury was J.- C. Stubbs, Traffic IHrector Horriman Lines. continued yesterday, with Charles W. Eberleln, land agent of the Southern Pa cific, as chief witness The records of the purchases by the Booth-Kelly Company of railroad lands were fully gone into in an endeavor to establish the fact of a conspiracy on its part. It will be the aim of the Govern ment to show that when the lumber company purchased large bodies of tim ber land from the railroad company sim ultaneous with these purchases, which were composed entirely of odd-numbered sections, the adjoining even or Govern ment sections were located on by various entrymen. It is the assumption that tho Booth-Kelly Company had a considerable interest in these locations, since by pur chases from the railroad company and the locators they would come Into pos session of solid bodies of valuable tim ber. J. W. Cook. who. with his partner. J. 1. Jones, Js said to have sold J3.00O acres to the lumber company, was also before the jury yesterday and testified in regard to the sale. James Benson, a druggist of Cottage Grove, who made an entry on some timber land and later sold it to the Booth-Kelly Company, told of this trans action. It is believed that the greater portion of the Government's investigation of this company has been completed, and that the work being done now is simply the clearing up of details. MYSTERIOUS SHOT IS HEATH) Policeman Instructed to Swear to tho Warrant Against Lcnhart. Chief of Police Hunt yesterday in structed Captain Moore to have Patrol man Oelsner swear to a complaint charg ing H. Lenhart with discharging firearms in the city limits. Lenhart is proprietor' of the Star saloon, where at least one shot was fired by him. It Is alleged. Tuesday night. 'Richard Major Is said to have been In the establishment, and is supposed to have created a disturb ance. Lenhart claims to have fired a bullet into the floor to frighten Major. Patrolman Oelsner, on whose beat the shooting occurred, heard of it Tuesday night, but by arrangement with Captain Moore and Chief Hunt he does not re port at Police Headquarters after his hours of duty, as all other officers do. He Is a sickly man, and as streetcars are not running after midnight, he is per mitted to report off by telephone and go to his home, which is on his beat. When he has occasion to make a written report, which he rarely ever does, he sends It over by another officer. Patrolman Oelsner did not report the shooting to headquarters until Captain Moore heard of It in another manner and ordered him to send in a written report. Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald has be come interested in the case and will probably have Major arrested also, charg ing disorderly conduct. It is believed by the officials that there Is a sensational story behind the shooting case, and that a strong effort was made to suppress the entire affair. ' In Memory of Dr Cardwell. The semi-monthly meeting of the Port land Medical Society was held, in Elks' Hall last night. The principal event of the evening was the reading of a paper prepared by Dr. Richard Nunn upon "Clinical Observations of Ear, Eye. Nose and Throat Diseases In New York." The reading of the paper was followed by a discussion among those present. A committee was appointed to draft res olutions upon the death of Dr. H. W. Cardwell. Come to Look After Theater. M. E. Mayer, of the theatrical firm of Belasco & Mayer, owners of the Colum bia. Theater, and George H. Davis, who will probably beconje local manager of the Columbia when it opens under the Bel-asco-Mayer auspices, arrived here from San Francisco yesterday. They are at the Portland and will remain several days to decide upon the transfer of the theater property and the extensive altera tions to the theater which they propose. Taxes of Clatsop County. ASTORIA, Or., April 6. (Special.) The report of Sheriff Linvllle on the 1904 tax roll shows that up to the evening of April 13, the time when the charging of penalties and interest was commenced, the collections on a total roll of $200,10.54 amounted to $174,792.47. In addition to this, rebates in the sum of $4S31.92 were al lowed, making a total of $179,624.39 that the roll has been reduced. Hood's Sarsaparllla is peculiar to itself in merit and curative power. Take only Hood's. v BIG FOREIGN TRADE March Exports From Portland the Best of the Quarter. VALUE EXCEEDS $1,000,000 Only Two Months Last Year Showed a Larger Total Arrival of the Steamer Sandhurst Delayed San Francisco Charters. Domestic products valued at $1,122,555 were shipped from this port in March, according to the monthly summary state ment issued by Collector of Customs Pat terson yesterday. The showing was by far the most favorable made this year. In only two months of last year. October and December, was the aggregate larger, and it was only exceeded by three Winter months of 1?03. The March exports were worth $2S5.103 more than those of tho same month last year, and $359,791 more than those of March. 1903. The receipts from duties and other sources were also large, being 11,059 in . PROMINENT MEN PRESENT AT THE CONFERENCE ON f J. M. Hannaford, Second Vice-President Northern Pacific. excess of those of March, 1901, but were $10,220 under those of "the corresponding month of 1903. The following is the statement of Cus-tom-House transactions last month: Vessels entered from foreign ports 2 Vessels cleared for foreign ports 6 Vessels entered from domestic ports...... 7 Vessels cleared for domestic ports 37 Entries of merchandise for duty 118 entries of merchandise free of duty.... 21 Kn tries for warehouse 8 Entries for export to adjacent British provinces 7 Entries from warehouse for consumption 100 Entries from warehouse for transportation 34 Entries for immediate transportation without appraisement 133 Total number of entries of all kinds.... 427 Entries for consumption liquidated S3 Entries for warehouse liquidated 4 Certificates of registry granted... 1 Certificates of enrollment granted ....... 1 Licenses for coasting trade granted 2 Licenses to vessels under 20 tons granted. 2 Total number of documents to vessels is sued 6 Value of exports Domestic S1.122.RS5 Receipts from all sources Duties on imports $57. 067. HI Fines, penalties and forfeiture 25.55 Miscellaneous customs receipts ...... 35C00 Storage, labor and cartage ......... 03.83 Official fees 2S.S0 Total $57,673.61 Amount of refunds and drawbacks paid 153.14 NORWEGIANS HUNT WHALES. Orion Brings News of Schooner Don ahue, Seized by Uruguay. "VICTORIA, B. C, April C The steam whaler Orion, built at Christiania, Nor way, for the whaling station being es tablished on Vancouver Island, arrived today. Her crew is composed of Nor wegians, trained whalers, secured by Captain Balcom in Norway. At Montevideo, the Orion's master spoke with Captain Ryan, of the schooner Agnes G. Donahue, seized by a Uruguayan gunboat. The crew had been released. Captain Ryan and the schooner were still held, but it was stated at Montevideo that there was no case against the vessel, she being well outside the limits whqn seized. The crew had preferred claims for dam ages, and Captain Balcom, the owner, had asked $65,000 as compensation for the seizure. There were 400 skins on the seized sealer. SANDHURST. IS DELAYED. Will Not -Arrive Here Until Next Week. The British steamship Sandhurst, which is coming here to load hay for Islngtau, China, will not arrive until Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. The Ivydene, which has been taking oats at Seattle on the same account, did not sail until last night. The Sandhurst has been waiting for her berth at the Seattle dock, and would start loading this morning, but some necessary repairs must be made, which will delay her another day. Rumors were current yesterday that an other tramp steamer was to be laid on here for Hour and grain to Japan. It was said that offers of $4 to vessels had been made both to the Portland & Asiatic Company and to local shippers, but noth ing came of them. A fixture was made for Seattle loading at this rate. The steamer will take a full cargo of flour at the Centennial Mill. STRIKE MAY SPREAD FAR. Longshoremen's Troubles May Lead to General Conflict in Seattle. SEATTLE, Wash., April 6. It is now eight days since the commencement of the troubles between the Longshoremen's Union and the stevedoring firm of McCabe. & Hamilton, and peace seems further off than ever. The action of the Citizens' Alliance in securing a temporary restrain ing order prohibiting the strikers from placing pickets has caused considerable ill feeling and the Western Central Labor Union has taken the matter up for dis cussion at a special meeting. For a considerable time the relations between employers and the members of the var ious labor organizations of this city have been strained almost to the breaking point, and it Is believed that a general conflict Is imminent. Refuse to Load Ocean Monarch. TACOMA, Wash., April 6. The union longshoremen of Tacoma have boy cotted the steamer Ocean Monarch and refuse to load her, and pickets are keep ing men away from the dock. The long shoremen sent word to McCabe & Ham ilton, stevedores having tho vessel in charge, that they would not load the ship unless the firm would pay a fine of 10 cents an hour a man for the time re quired to place tho freight on the ship. John Chase, president of the local union, said: "We mean business. The fine must be paid or the ship will not be loaded. McCabe &. Hamilton cut the union scale of wages in Seattle and partly loaded the vessel there with nonunion men. The stevedores are willing to pay the regu lar wages here, but we cannot accept them and remain affiliated with our union. The fine goes." Only Frenchmen Chartered. SAN FRANCISCO, April 6. (Special.) Indications favor higher rates for grain freights soon owing to fine crop pros pects and the small amount of tonnage headed this way. About ten French ves sels are already under charter for new crop loading at this port at union rates of 22s 6d for wheat and 233 3d for "bar lely. Brltltsh owners are holding out for an advance of 2s 6d over the present rates, and no vessels of that nationality are reported fixed.- Marine Disasters Across the Pacific. HONG KONG, April 6. The Inland Sea steamer Natorlgawa, 142 tons, struck the northern breakwater while entering Osa ka harbor the other morning and sank Immediately, all her passengers and 22 of the crew, including the captain, being drowned. Foochow reports say 13 men were killed and 20 injured by the bursting of a boiler on the native-owned steamer Ting Mol. which ran between Yung Mun and Nantai. Marine Notes. The Hcnriette finished discharging Ant werp cargo at Centennial dock yester day. The steamer Northland arrived up late yesterday afternoon from San Francisco Jj. A. Lewim President North TacUlc Job bers' & Manufacturers' Association. and docked at Inman, Poulsen & Co.'e mill. The salmon ship Sargent shifted from the Can dock to Alnsworth dock yester day to finish loading her cargo. The barkentine Koko Head .has com pleted her lumber cargo at the dolphins and will sail tomorrow for Shanghai. The steamers Columbia for San Fran cisco, Roanoke for Port Los Angeles and San Pedro, and F. A. Kilburn, for San Francisco and way ports, left last eve ning. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA, April 0. Arrived down at 5 P. M. and sailed at S:30 A. M. Steamer Aurella, for San Francisco. Arrived at 6 A. M. and left up at 0:15 A. II. Steamer Northland, from San Francisco. Sailed at C A. M. Steamer Elmore, for Tillamook. Arrived at 4 P. M. Steamer Alliance, from Coos B&y. Condition of the bar at 3 P. M., smooth; wind northwest; weather partly cloudy. San Francisco. April 0. Sailed at noon Steamer Cascade, for Portland. Arrived at noon Brig I.urllno, from Portland. Arrived Schooner Charles E. Falk, from Grays Harbor; schooner Sophie Christensen, from Gray's Harbor. Sailed Steamer Sonoma, for Sydney; steamer Unlmak. for Karluk; steam er Sequoia, for Wlllapa Harbor; schooner Repeat, for Coos Bay; schooner "Whlttler, for Vancouver; Gamble, for Port Gamble; steam er Oregon, for Portland; steamer Santa Barbara, for Seattle; Newburg, for Grays Harbor; steamer Titanla, for Ladysmlth. New York, April 6. Arrived Prince Adel bert, from Genoa; United States, from Copen hagen. Queenstown. April 6. Arrived Baltic, from New York. Hong Kong. April 4. Sailed Coptic, for San Francisco. Entertainer Turns Evangelist. LONDON, April 6. A strange Incident occurred at the St. George Hall ballad concert Wednesday evening. According to the programme, an entertainer named Quentin Ashlyn was prevented from per forming owing to "Indisposition." Mr. Ashlyn, however, stood up and explained his "indisposition." Facing his audience, Mr. Ashlyn said: "Ladles and gentlemen, I am unable to give my usual entertain ment; the fact Is, I have recently been converted to God at the Albert Hall Mis sion, and I feel that my life must be' spent, not in amusing people who are, many of them, on the road to hell, but In the service of the Savior who died for me." The proprietors of St. George Hall have Invited Mr. Ashlyn to conduct a Gospel service there in the near future, and he has consented to do so. Japs to Dig Big Canal. SEATTLE. Wash.. April 6. (Special.) The offer made by Corwin S. Shank, the Seattle attorney, who saw Secretary of War Taf t on behalf of the Oriental Trad ing Company, of this city, which wants to furnish Japanese laborers for the Panama Canal, is under consideration by tho exec utive committee. Chairman Shonts, Gov ernor Magoon, of the canal zone, and En gineer Wallace. The Oriental Trading Company Is not the real principal. Be cause Chinese are excluded-, Jamaica blacks too few and Indolent, and whites unable to stand the climate, the Japanese company believes Japs wiil be employed. Shank came homo this morning, but will not give full details of his proposal. Grave Cnarge Is Dismissed. The charge of adultery, brought against F. H. Dolan and Josle Boland by Sophie Dolan, has been dismissed on motion of District Attorney Manning, the case hav ing been settled according to the usage customary In such cases. Yzzna fiuaIi J rath 2i2 d fjn a prove ?A fAc a accuracy ojT Ag ELGIN rciT Every Elgin Watch is fully guaranteed. All jewelers have Elgin Watches. "Timemakers . -and Timekeepers," an illustrated history of the watch, sent free upon request to Elgin national Watch Co., Elgin, ilu BIG BREWERY DEAL Cleveland Capitalists Said to Be Back of It. REASON FOR BOEHMKE'S VISIT Organization of the Northern Brew cry Company and the Acquire ment of the Star Plant Means Heavy Investment. Since the organization of the North ern Brewery Company last Monday which involved the taking over of the property of the Star Brewing Company, of Van couver, several interesting details have come to light. The dispatch from Cleveland, O., that appeared in The Oregonlan on March 16. stating that a new company had been formed there for the purpose of taking over the combined breweries of Portland, mentioned the names of T. H. Bourne, president of the Union National Bank of Cleveland, and Henry Boehmke, a prom- ' Inent capitalist of that city as the ones DISTRIBUTATIVE RATES W. A. Mears, Secretary. most interested- The same men were reported to be the promoters that so suc cessfully merged the breweries of Ohio under one management, but when the officers of the local brewing establish ments were asked about the deal all de nied any knowledge of the matter, and until the arrival of Mr. Boehmke and Allen R. Smart at the Hotel Portland one day last week no further attention was paid to the report. So quietly did the men of money work that even their presence was unknown except to the stockholders of the Star Brewery with whom they at once opened negotiations, and until Monday morning, when the articles of incorporation were drawn up, nothing definite was heard of what they had accqmplisned. Even the name of Mr. Boehmke was not men tioned at that time, and according to the story told by the Incorporators, the only change was In the name of the com pany and the sale of a portion of the stock owned by Gustav Friewald to sev eral of the employes and two Cleveland capitalists. It now develops that for the past year the Star Brewery Company has been quietly purchasing property both in this state and Washington to the extent of over $300,000, and that the plant of the brewing company at Vancouver. Wash.. has been Increased to such an extent that its capacity equals that of any brewery in Portland. Much Property Bought. Gustav Friewald, the president of the new company, says that during the past year the company has purchased property in several small towns In this state and In Washington besides investing $15,000 in the quarter block at East Third and East Burnside streets in Portland and acquir ing another quarter block In Vancouver. Wash., at a cost of $5000. Besides this Mr. Friewald has purchased in his own name a $10,000 piece of property at Oregon city upon which he will erect a three- story brick building, the lower floor of which will be used for saloon purposes. He has also Invested quite heavily In otner local property. At Vancouver. Wash., the company has Just completed a three-story brick cold- storage warehouse 35x40 feet which in creases the storage capacity of the plant to 16, barrels of beer. New tanks and machinery are now being put In which will enable the brewery to make more than 100,000 barrels of beer annually and a new 16-ton Ice plant was completed last week that will furnish the people of Vancouver with ice as well as keep the beer In the warehouse cool. It Is the Intention of the new Northern Brewery Company still further to increase the capacity of the brewery and to de velop the trade in all parts of the state Several well-known saloons about Port land will soon handle Its brew, and to control this trade the bottling establish ment on the East Side will be enlarged. Plans of Boehmke. The investment of Eastern capital has given the company a fresh start, and ac cording to the plans of Mr. Boehmke, who left for the East yesterday morning. every effort will be made to make the Star the largest brewery on tne Facinc Coast Just as soon as. possible. There are millions of dollars behind the new company that will enable it to increase the plant and build up a Dig trade. Adam Mueller will be the manager of the new company and C A. Paul Dachsel will be the treasurer. Mr. Dachsel has been an employe of the Star Brewery for tne past two years, but for many years was In the newspaper business in Mil waukee and surrounding towns. He has quite a reputation as a translator of German and Is the author of several t9 fl books. With the exception of Allen R. Smart, of Cleveland, the Eastern capital ists names do not appear in the list of officers, but in the directorate Mr. Boehmke has his name. Gustav Friewald will be the chairman of the board of directors and will act ex-offlcio as presl dent of the company. C. T. Stewart will be the assistant secretary and assistant treasurer. Jackson Takes an Appea!. G. W. Jackson, against whom Mrs. J. E. Dickey recently obtained a Judgment In Judge Cleland's Court for $10,400. has appealed the case to the Supreme Court. They lived together for a long time as husband and wife, and some years ago Jackson went to Manila and Mrs. Dickey followed him. He conducted a hotel and saloon, and Is reported to have made about $40,000. They returned to Portland and they separated. As a settlement he gave her a half-interest in a certificate of deposit for $20,000 in the Bank of Ladd & Tilton. Subsequently he tried to pre vent her from obtaining her portion of the money. She sued him and he entered a defense of threats and said she com pelled him against his will to sign over to her one-half of the certificate. Judge Cleland decided that there were no threats and that she was entitled to the money. Southern Pacific Improvement. Reports received at the office of Gen eral Manager Worthington show that since March 1 there have been 46.79 miles of new 80-pound rails laid on the Southern Pacific track north of Ash land. This work is in connection with an extensive plan of track Improve ment which is to be carried out on the Henry llahn. lines of the Southern Pacific In Oregon between Ashland and Oregon City, per haps during the year. Traffic condi tions are changing to such an extent that the old rails and light track of the Southern Pacific will not meet the requirements of the service for a much longer period of time. CHILDREN IF YOU HAVE ANY THIS WILL INTEREST YOU. "So many little girls and boys come Into our store who are weak, thin legged and hollow-cheeked," said a mem ber of Woodard, Clarke & Co., our well known druggists. "It seems a shame to allow them to remain so, for they will grow Into weak, sickly and nervous men and women, without the vitality to work or enjoy life." "If," continued this member, "the fath ers and mothers of such children would believe what we say of Vlnol, we would see a great difference in the appearance of the younger generation of this city. You know Vlnol is not a patent medi cine, and is just tho tonic growing chil dren need. It will make for them good, healthy flesh, sound bone, hard muscle and rich, red blood. "True. Vlnol is a cod liver oil prepa ration, but It does not contain a drop of oil, or any bad tasting feature. It Is so delicious that all children love it, yet it actually does contain all the medicinal curative elements found In fresh cods livers, and Is the most wholesome and best medicine for children we ever sold. "We have many letters from grateful mothers whose children owe their health, and even life, to Vlnol. The following letter from Mrs. C. Allen, of New Bedford. Mass., tells what Vlnol did for her children. 8he writes: "With two puny, ailing children. I was very much worried, and did not know what to do to create strength for them and to have them gain flesh. I tried almost everything, and as a last resort Vlnol, and the benefits from that was great In a very short time. They are rapidly gaining flesh and strength, and I am satisfied Vlnol will do as much for other children." It Is because we know what Vinol will do that we guarantee if it fails to make your children well, rugged and rosy, to refund your money. Woodard, Clarke & Co., druggists. 0 Sizes, 10c to 60c Each. A. SANTAKT.T.A Ss CO., Makers, Tamps, xl. GERSOK & HART, Distributer;, Portland, Or. The Misery of Piles Thousands know it and thousands dally submit, thro ugh their ienorance. to the torture of the knife. They are ignorant of the fact that there is an internal remedv that will nasirtvfflv and painlessly cure. Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific The Internal Remedy strikes at the prime causes of piles indi gestion, congestion of the liver and cons'ti- pation. These causes are removed and removed for good. Get a bottle today and see how well it proves the truth of this statement. For dvSDeosta. indJcpfmn. rnitQUnarinn. bfliousness. catarrh of the -tfnmarh and kindred ailments it is the greatest remedy mat nas ever yet benefited mankind. When these troubles are taken rar of and cured, Piles will be a thing of the past Dr. Perria Medical Co Helena, Mont, TK Pills That Make New Blood The case of Mr. Thomas F., Brown, of Araesbnry, Mass., shows how readily obstinate dis eases of the blood are cured by Dp. Williams' Pink Pills For Pale People. Mr. Brown says: " I had scrofula over my whole body. There was chronic Inflammation and a discharge of yellow pus. Mv physicians feared the disease would end in consump tion. Three months I , took their medicine without benefit. Then I began to use Dr. Williams Pink Pills and soon saw that the Inflam mation was going down. After I had taken eight boxes I was cured." Anasmia, erysipelas, rheuma tism and all weaknesses due to impoverished blood are quickly cured by these famous pills, fc SOLO 8Y ALL DRUGGISTS. Heels of New Rubber r What is physical culture? The development of muscles and sinews the Intelligence of diet the study of all hygienic propositions that are associated with the human anatomy. All of which has led to the application of rubber heels. Instructors in physical .culture wear O'Sullivan Heels and recommend them, for the reason that these new -rubber mua -cles assist In the development of strength by saying energy, and assist digestion by relieving the nerves. That which Is good for athletes Is also rood for the everyday plodder who Uft3 with his feet over a min pounds between each sunrise and sunset. Sealers can supply O'Sullivan's for 80c. pair, attached. Where they fall, tha O'Sullivan Eubber Co., Lowell, Mass., win forward a sample pair for 35c Nervous ;When you feel languid, tired, nervous and irritable, your vi tality is low your supply of nerve energy exhausted, and your system running down for lack of power, The organs of the body are .working poorly, or not at all, and you are not getting the nourishment needed. This soon impoverishes the blood and in stead of throwing on: the im purities, distributes it all through the body. This brings disease and misery. Feed the nerves with1 Dr. Miles' Nervine, a nerve food, a nerve medicine, that nourishes and strengthens the nerves, and see how quickly you .will get strong and vigorous. "My wife suffered with' nervousness previous to a recent attack of typhoid lever, but after her recovery from the fever, she was much worse, and could hardly control herself being: exceed ingly nervous when the least excited. She was very restless at night, and never had a good night's rest. She also suffered much from nervous head ache. Br. Mi! as' Nervine was recom mended by a friend. After the first three doses she had a good night's rest, and at tho end of the first week's treatment she was wonderfully im proved. Continued use of Nervine haa completed her entire cure." OTTO KOLB. 1021 Cherry St., Evansvllle. Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your druaclat, who will guarantee that tha first bottle will benoftt. If It falls, ha will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind "CLEANLINESS" b th watchword for health and vigor comfort and beauty. Mankind is learning Rot onlv the necessity hut tha ItiYtiru l Ileanliness. SAPOLXO. which ha wrought such changes In the home, &y bounces her sister triumph HAND SAPOLiO FOR TOILET AND BATH f fecial soap which eqerglres the whoU btdy, starts the drcuJarka and leaves an Cahltaraunc zlow. U snztn ad fom&z is Interested and shoaM know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirfing Spray Tb J.ew Ladles' Syringa jdsjji. aatest. iloitt convenient. Ilk Jr 4raxsht Ut It. If he cannot tnnjiiy tho MISri!!.. wmtEO other, hat urnd ct&xnD for il lustrated book "iltd.It SiTM rail nirtlcnLira and directions in. Talnable to ladlt- St. RVKIj CO., 41 Park Bow. New Tork. Woodard, Clarke & Co Portland. Oresos.