Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 06, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Chronicles of Men Who Would Be Mayor
Willis Fisher Is a Candidate Who Is Liberal, but Not Too Liberal; Conservative, but Not Too Conservative.
Perfect Grade of the Haughty
Seals Broken by Portland.
. ther
(Interview No. 6.)
I HAVE talked to sis; of the men -who
hope to bo the Mayor- There may be
others -who think they are called, but
of the six who have confided to me their
protestations of transcendent virtue and
fitness, probably one will be "The Cho
sen." The latest one to toll me the secrets of
his being -was Willis Fisher, a young man
of considerable popularity, ability and ex
perience. He makes no bones of the fact
that he's going into the primaries for the
Republican nomination, failing in which
he will turn to and work for the nomi
nee. Willis Fisher Is city salesman for Hex
ter. May & Co., In which capacity he has
been employed for the past five years. He
was born in Portland in 1856, his parents
being of the Immigration of 1852. His
father was a factor in the early history
of river navigation In these parts, and
died, in 1S79. The son was 13 years old
then, and was forced to go out and help
make the family living. He and his
brother were employed by a local news
paper at the munificent wage of $1.50 per
week each, as carriers, and the Fisher
family lived on that ?3 the week.
By degrees the boy advanced to better
engagements until he became a traveling
salesman some 15 years ago, and a sales
man he has remained. He has grown In
usefulness, however, year by year, and Is
looked upon as one of the most success
ful and influential men In the business.
Because of this high standing ho pre
sents the logical, candidacy of a particu
lar element, the same which elected a
Sheriff some months ago.
There is a respectably large influence
behind the ambitious young hardware
salesman, and he is likely to make some
thing of a disturbance among the other
Loyal to Republican Party.
In the first place, he "avers that he's a
Republican and doesn't want the Mayor
alty, unless it comes to him through the
regular party channels. He has been a
moving spirit in the Young Men's Re
publican Club and various other party or
ganizations. In the never-to-be-forgotten
campaign of '95, the greatest since that
of '60, he was watchful, useful and un
tiring in the cause of bis party. He is
known to the political workers of the
city as a valuable man and has proved
in countless ways that he knows the
rudiments of politics. Never before has
he filed any sortf of an application for
any 50rt of an office. He has been con
tent to watoh and pray while the other
fellows got the emoluments. This year
he has got the notion of being Mayor in
his system and many there are who en
courage him.
There are a number of sources from
which Willis Fisher may draw strength.
Personally, he has a large acquaintance
and is well considered as a well-behaved,
industrious, - intelligent citizen. He is
strong In a number of secret societies, and
it is said, can repeat yards of rituals.
This appeals to the "jlners,"
He can call hundreds of fellows by
their Christian names, and his hand
shake is as seductive as the exigencies
of the occasion demand. He will appeal
to the "little boy blue" element in poli
tics, the younglings who think the
sheep have been In the meadow and the
cows in the corn long enough. While
he's not exactly an Infant prodigy he
belongs to the decidedly youthful wing
of the Republican establishment. Never
before has he done more than work his
head off for the other fellows but this
time he Is out for the office, and if
there is any legitimate way to land it
1? willing to experiment with it.
uter discussing platforms and pre
election promises with six candidates
I'm inclined to believe they're all lia
ble under the law fo'r pirating Roose
velt's press notices and grandstand an
nouncements. I am wickedly reminded
of the time when the devil a saint
would be and the sequel. So I have
fallen into the stereotyped fashion of
asking the patriots whether or not they
favor giving every man a square deal.
If tney intend to give us a business ad
ministration and are opposed to graft
Always, also, I inquire if they favor
running the city just as economically
for the taxpayers as possible," and if
they do not favor the enforcement of
the laws. I also ask if they are not run
ning on their records.
Councilmen Will Down Bi
board Ordinance.
City Fathers Say Boards Are Lawful
and Legitimate and Favor Regu
lation but Not Absolute Pro
hibition of Them.
The billboard ordinance is doomed to
defeat when it comes up for final passage!
While, owing to the failure of the license
committee to report on it, the ordinance
did not come up before the Council yester
k. day, the views of the Councilmen fore
cast its end and even its supporters seem
to have lost heart.
As the Council stand on this question
there are six against the ordinance and
four in favor of it. Merrill, Rumelin,
Sharkey, Bherrett, Whiting and Zimmer
man will oppose the prohibition of bill
boards, and even amongst Albee, Bcntley,
Flegel and Foeller tho opposition may
find a vote or two. The general feeling
among the Councilmen, however. Is that
billboards should be permitted but under
certain restrictions and regulations. Each
member of the Council was interviewed
on the subject yesterday and gave the
following opinions:
Councilman Merrill I cannot see how
billboards can be prohibited, since you
cannot prevent a man from building one
oh his property if he so desires. They
are perfectly legitimate in every way.
I think, however, that they should be
regulated as regards height and con
struction. .
Councilman Rumelin There is no possi
ble way to prohibit billboards.. Every
man has a right to construct one on
his property and has the right to rent it,
and these rights you cannot take away.
I shall oppose the ordinance for that
Billboards Are Lawful.
Councilman Sharkey I shall never vote
to remove the billboards. They arelaw
ful and can't be restricted. They can
. be regulated, however, and this will prob
I ably be the outcome of the agitation.
Councilman Sherrett We ought to have
the billboards, but under some regula
tions. There Is no way to prohibit them
and I think that In many cases they
are a good thing, since they hide many of
the ugly spots,
f Councilman Whiting I am In favor of
the billboards remaining since they serve
to cover a multitude of sins. In many
cases the boards are things of beauty
compared to what would be exposed to
After much experience I am prepared
to say that every one of the aspirants
for Mayor are in the affirmative on all
the questions. It would be really re
freshing to find one who was against
economy, law, order and his record.
Liberal, but Not Too Liberal.
In the instance of Mr. Fisher, I am.
sorry to put him down among the others.
He stands for everything calculated to
hasten the mlllenium's coming, but he
doe3 not stand too strong. He thinks the
lion and the lamb will not share beds for
quite a spell yet, and therefore does not
view were they removed. Again I cannot
see how any property-owner can bo de
nied the right to construct such boards
on his property if he sees fit. I think
though that they should be regulated
as to size, and within the fire limits they
should be constructed of zinc or sheet
Iron as is done in other large cities.
Boards Are Legitimate.
Councilman Zimmerman I think the
Civic Improvement Board goes to ex
tremes when it endeavors to remove the
billboards. They are perfectly legitimate.
Councilman Albee I am in favor of the
removal of the billboards and will vote
that way. I can see no use for them
and think they should not be allowed.
Councilman Bentley-ince I Introduced
the ordinance you can see my position
on the question.
Councilman Flegel I will do all in my
power to aid in mitigating the evil, but
I am not so sure that it can be done -by pro
hibition. I think the better way to get
at the solution of the matter is to put
them under a -high license, so high as
to make them unprofitable. I do not moan
by that to make tho license absolutely
prohibitory, hut It can be fixed at a figure
sufficiently high to make the boards a
losing game.
Councilman Foeller I want to see the
billboards removed. They are unslghtly
and there are sufficient avenues of legiti
mate advertising without their use.
But It Took a Lawsuit to Make Her
Come to Time.
W. C. Meyers, of Seattle, is the latest
to learn that even yet the well-beaten
path of love still contains a few rocks and
bumps, but now after winning for the
second time the affections of Miss TIHie
La Chappelle,' of 595 Hood street, ' he
again see3 the world in- rosy hues.
When Miss La Chappelle visited Seattle
several months ago Meyers promptly foil
captive to her charms, and the wedding
day was as promptly set for June. After
her return to Portland she was reminded
of Meyers' affection for hqr through the
medium of diamond rings, and the prepa
rations for the future by the purchase of
When Meyers came to Portland to visit
her, a short time ago, however, he found
that her love had grown cold, so cold
in fact, that lacking explanation he was
led to ask for the return of the various
tokens. Including the furniture. This his
thought-to-be bride refused to do and
Meyers sought the services of Justice
Reld, but in a different was' from what
had been anticipated. But Miss La
Chappelle has confessed judgment and it
is said has also made another confession
which carried with it the fact that she
had made a mistake and was sorry and
that the wedding would take place in
June after all. The case has therefore
been removed from Justice Reid's juris
diction, and Meyers is very, very happy.
Louise Rivers, 11 years old, of New
Rochelle, N. Y-, broke tho local record
for jumping the ropo-by making a score
of 218, then fell screaming with pain and
died soon afterwards of . acute appendicitis.
favor a radical purging of society. In
other words, Mr. Fisher's declaration of
principles seems to be in nature of an
objurgation to have a good time, so long
as you don't get bad. He's liberal, but
not too liberal. Conservative, but not
too conservative. In spirit this is about
the position of Willis Fisher as I under
stood him, and as he talks quite to the
point and forcibly, both in public and
private, I take it I am not far wrong. So
he is asking his Republican brethren to
nominate him at tho primaries and en
trust him with the management of, the
city. Neither the greatest nor tho least.
Schedule of Events Is Made
Efforts Will Be Made to Have Repre
sentative Athletes Present to
Contest Schedule Has Wide
Range In Field of Sports.
The full schedule of the Lewis and
Clark athletic games and championship
contests has been completed, and will be
sent out immediately to all colleges and
athletic associations throughout the Uni
ted States by H. W. Kerrigan, manager
of athletics.
The announcement of the schedule fol
lows: Schedule of Events.
A. A. U. rules to covern all events under
their Jurisdiction:
June 5 Inter-scholastic baseball champion
ship. Local.
June 6 and 7 Individual gymnastic cham
pionship. Open.
June 8 Boxing championship. Open.
June 0 Public school gatnga. Local.
June 10 State of Oregon Intercollegiate
championship; track and field.
June 12 and 13 Interschol&stic relay races.
June 14 and 15 Open date.
June 1G and 17 Intercollegiate championship
track and field events. Opex.
June 10 and 17 Relay races. Open.
June 10-24 Lewis and Clark Pacific Coast
golf championship. Open.
June 19 Five-mile run championship, Lewis
and Clark. Open.
June 23-July 2 Handball championship.
Open. Yaeht races.
July 3 and 4 North Pacific championship,
track and field.
July 5 Fencing championship. Open.
July C Open date.
July 7 Long dive, high dive, standing broad
Jump, standing high jump championships. Open.
July 8 Handicap track and field events.
July 10 Lacrosse, Northwest championship.
July 11. 12 and 13 Y. M. C A. athletics.
Open to all Y. it. C A's.
July 14 and 15 P. A. A. championship.
July 17 Japanese field day.
July 18 to 23, inclusive Swimming, diving,
-water polo championships. Oprp.
July 25 to 50 North Pacific regatta and open
July 17 to SI Tennis. Open.
July 24 Turn Vcrien. Open. -
July 51 Automobile tests. . Open.
August 1 Open date. . - '
the best nor the worst, the voters will
have a chance to say their wishes con
cerning his aspirations, and having spok
en, Willis Fisher will hear the voice. Just
the same, he's after the nomination good
and hard, and figures that he has a good
chance of cocking his feet on the Mayor's
desk and bossing this big town around
after the June election. I know of five
other men who have the Same Idea, but
I'nnnot concerned with that phase of the
calling of the many and the choosing of
the few. Willis Fisher and some other
ambitious gentlemen will determine that
matter anon. A. A. G-.
August 2 arid 3 All-round individual cham
pionship, track and field. Open.
August 4 and 5 Lewis and Clark world'o
championship track and field. Open.
August 7 Amateur baseball, four teams.
August 0 and 10 Navy sports.
August 11 and 12 Handicap swimming
events. Open.
August 14 Professional events Hose races.
August 21 Indian athletic sports.
August 23 and 24 Fly-casting. Open to all
game associations. Aquatics and log-rolling
September 11 and 12 Soldiers field day.
September 13, 14 and 15 Cricket champion
ship Open. ,
September 16 Multnomah Athletic Club day
of Sports.
September 16 M. A. A. C. traek and field
games. Open.
September 18, 10, 20 and 21 Wrestling
championships. Open.
September 22, 23 and 24 Lacrosse champion
ahips. Open.
September 25, 20 and 27 Basket-ball cham
pionships. Open. Caledonian games.
September 28, 29 and SO Association foot
ball. Open.
October 2, 3, 4, 5, C and 7 Interscholastlc
college and club football.
Open to all amateur athletic associations of
tha A. A. U. and affiliated associations, under
direction of Multnomah Amatour Athletic Club,
Portland, Or., member of the P. A. A. of the
Amateur Athletic Union. -
George McMillen, Oregon commissioner
of the Amatour Athletic Union, under
whose Jurisdiction the events will be held,
expects to receive tho official sanction of
the A. A. TJ. for the games some tlmo to
day. Arrangements for the sports are
now progressing rapidly, and practically
all the committees which will have charge
of the various divisions ot the events have
been appointed. The M. A. A. C. Lewi3
and Clark athletic general committee was
appointed last night, and consists of H.
W. Kerrigan, chairman: H. H. Herdman,
F. E. Watklns, George McMillan and Ben
Ilolladay. This committee will have gen
eral supervision over the sports and will
direct tho work of the various sub-committees,
of which there arc about 23.
The next work of the committee will he
to arrange for the trophies and medals,
for which there is an appropriation of
about JGOW.
PIn-Knighta Defeat All-Stars.
In the league game played on the Port
land Bowling Alleys last night the Pin
Knights defeated the All-Stars by taking
two games out of the three. Buzan of
the Pin-Knights had the average of 1S7
and also had the highest single game
whon he rolled 2S2 in' the first. The
league game tonight will be played be
tween the Bankers and the Gambrlnus
How They Do It In the Southwest.
HOLLAND, Mich., April 5. A mystery
develops hero with the arrival from Las
Vegas, N. M., of the body of Charles
Defeyter. Relatives of the young man
understood that he had been killed In a
railroad wreck. When the body arrived
the words "Died of gunshot wounds" were
found penciled on the rough box inclosing
the casket. An investigation has been
Garvin's "Fade-Away" Ball Fools
San Francisco Left-Handers and
One Run in Second Inning Is
Their Little and Their All.
Yesterday's Scores.
Portland, 3; Ban Francisco, 1.
Tacoma, 4; Los Angeles. 2.
Seattle, 8; Oakland, 0.
Standing of 'the Teams.
Won. Lost. P. C.
San Francisco C 1 .S37
Oakland v.. .. -4 3, .571
Les Angeles 3 5 .500
Portland .3 S .500
Tacoma 3 4 .42S
Seattle- 1 6 .143
Br Will J. MacRae.
SAX FRANCISCO. April 5. -(Staff Cor
respondence.) Virgil Garvin pitched
the Portland Giants hack to the 500
mark this afternoon when he 'defeated
the Seals 3 to 1. Garvin was in rare
form. From the time that Walters, tho
first of Uncle Hank. Harris men to
face the big major league twirler,
stepped to the plate, until Gochnouer
was out in the ninth inning he held
them safe.
Only once aid the Seals get at all
dangerous. That was in the second
canto. A series of three singles was
the means of giving tho Seals their
only run. After this Inning this Frisco
bunch were a hopeless lot of ball toss
ers before the longr slender Texan.
First Inning Won Game.
The Giants duplicated San Francis
co's trick yesterday and took tho game
in the first inning. Roscoe Miller, an
other ex-National Leaguer, slid them
over the pan for 'the Seals. He was wild
in the opening chapter, and Van Buren
drew a free ticket to first. Manager
McCredie sent him to second on his In
field out. "With this run knocking at the
door, Miller blew up, and he passed
Larry Schlafley on four wide ones.
Then came Catcher McLean, the big
bear. He tore off a single that filled
tho stations. "While this all happened
tho 35-centers in the land of bleach
began a mournful chant for Miller to
get back to earth, but when they saw
Eddie Householder walking to tho plate
the chant became a wall, for Eddie's
proclivity for breaking up a game at
the right time was too well known to
be overlooked.
Eddie Smashes the Fence.
Householder has not been doing
much at the bat but he came through to
day with one of his famous timely wal
lops. It was a long, clean drive to center,
and it hit the fence with a crash that
sounded like a pistol shot. The mighty
spanking that Eddie give the ball won
the game, for Van Buren, Schlafley and
McLean made the circuit of the sacks
and all three registered, Householder
going Into second. Not content with
making one double-sacker, Householder
came back in the third inning and
poked out another.
After the second inning the game
settled down to a pitchers battle. Only
four hits were harvested oft Garvin
after tho Seals had reaped them in the
second chapter. The Giants on the
other hand were able to collect seven,
bringing the total to nine. McLean was
working with Garvin, and his game
was a marked, improvement over the
one he lost at Los Angeles. He was
able to put on all his steam and he
seems to have a whole boiler full when
he lets go the balL
Garvin also used his famous "fade
away" ball, a ball that renders all
left-handers helpless and most of the
right-handers too, for that matter.
Manager McCredie will send French
against the Seals tomorrow' and Wha
len will oppose him. The score:
Walters, cf..-. 4 0 1 2 l
Mohler. 2b..... 4 0 0 3 3
Spencer, rf . 4 0 0 4 0
Hlldebrand, If '. 4 0 0 2 0
Irwin, 3b 4 I 3 3 3
Nealon. -lb 4 0 1 s O
Goohnauer, ss 3 0 1 0 2
Wilson, c 3 0 15 0
Miller, p 3 0 0 0 2
Totalj 33 1 7 27 11
Van Buron, If 4 1 0 .2 0
McCredie, rf 0 1 'l l
Schlafley, 2b 4 X 0 2 7
McLane. o 4 12 5 1
Householder, cf 4 0 2 0 0
Atz. ss 4 O 0 3 2
Clark, lb 3 0 1 10 0
Garvin, p... 3 0 2 2 2
Runkle, 3b 4 01 2 0
Totals 35 5 9 27 13
Portland 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 3
Hits 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 I 9
San Francisco 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Hits ...-0 30100110 0
Stolen base Runkle.
Two-base hits Householder (2), Nealon.
Sacrifice hit Garvin.
First base on errors Portland. 1.
First base on called balls Oft Miller 3,
off Garvin 1.
Left on bases San Francisco 4, Portland S.
Struck out By Miller 2, by Garvin 5.
Double playa Schlafley to Clark, Goch
nauer to Mohler to Nealon.
Tlmo of game 1:40.
Umpire Davis.
Siwash Pitcher Keep Commuters
Maltreating Air, but Not the Ball.
OAKLAND, CaL, April 5. a Hall, tho
Seattle "pitcher, almost equaled the
record today. He prevented Oakland
from scoring either a run or a hit, and
but for an unfortunate curve, that
struck Batter Devercaux, he would not
have allowed, a single member of tho
home team to have reached first, base.
Soattle played an errorless game. The
visitors found Iberg's delivery easy and
earned their eight runs on hitting.
It took but one hour and 15 minutes
to play the game. Tho score: ,
Seattle 1 0110030 28 14 0
Oakland ....0 0000000 0 0 0 S
Batteries C. Hall and Frary; Iberg
and McMurray.
Umpire Klopf.
Tigers Win a Long Game by an Op
portune Combination.
LOS ANGELES, CaL, April 5. It re
quired 12 hard-fought Innings to decide
the game today, Tacoma batting out two
runs and victory In the first half of the
twelfth. L03 Angeles scored one each
in the first and second and after that
drew blanks.
The Tigers tied the' score in the
Is trie store where you can buy 1905 styles, no old stock,
4 Every article offered is the latest in style, "best in
quality and highest grade of manufacture. "We are
specialists, in that our entire energies and efforts are
exerted in securing the latest ideas of fashion, and the
Tery highest grades in manufacture. Our KENSING
TON and the CHESTERFIELD Clothing are without
question the highest grades, ready-for-wear clothes
produced in 'America few custom tailors can equal
them in perfection of fit, exquisiteness of style and skill
ful tailoring. Prices are not high. Suits for business
wear range from $18.00 to $40.00. Suits for DRESS.
FORjtfAL AND INFORMAL, $25.00 to $60.00. OVER
COATS in the Swell Top-Coat, $15.00 to $35.00. The
three-quarter length Dress Overcoat, $20.00 to $35.00.
The long Cravenette Raincoats from $18.00 to $35.00.
Fine TROUSERS, $4.00 to $10.00 a pair. Fine Shirts,
$1.00 to $4.00. Fine Neckwear, 50c to $3.00. Fine
Hosiery, 50c to $3.00 a pair. Fownes', Dent's and Lit
taur Dress Gloves, $1.50 to $3.50 a pair. Stetson, Roland,
Kensington and Chesterfield Hats, $3.00 to $12.00. A
goodly array of good things in men's apparel. (You're
invited to call and inspect them.
269-271 Morrison Street, Portland
seventh, and for five more innings they
ran a dead heat when a base on balls,
a sacrifice and an error and a double
play gave the game to, the visitors. Fita
patrick was hit on the hand by a pitched
ball and Tetlred In the ninth in favor of
Brown. The score:
Los Angeles.. ...1 1000000000 02 5 4
Tacoma 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2-4 D 4
Batteries Toren and Spies; Fltzpatrick,
Brown and Braham. Umpire Perrine.
One and Quarter Seconds Shaved Off
One and Three-Sixteenths Miles.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 5. Dr. Leggo,
the Derby winner, captured the handicap
and broko the California record for the
distance by a second and a quarter, cover
ing the one and three-sixteenths miles
in 1:53.
The Colt and Bombardier trailed the
field half way around the track when
the Doctor easily passed to the front. Ell
got tho place from Bombardier. The weath
er was clear and the track fast. The re
sults: Seven furlongs Ocyrohe won. War Times
second. Golden Ivy third; time, 1:27.
Futurity course Toupee won. Belle Reed
second, Pickaway third; time, 1:10.
Four and a half furlongs F. W. Barr
won, Father Catcham second, Ebel Thatcher
third; time. :54.
Mile and three-sixteenths, purse $1000 Dr.
Leggo won, EU second, Bombardier third;
time. 1:59.
Mile and a half Invictus won, Expedient
second. Inspector Munroe third; time, 2:36.
Seven furlongs Gold Enamel won, Sea Air
second, Truo Wing third; time, 1:26.
Montgomery Park Results.
MEMPHIS. April 5. Montgomery Park
Four Xurlongs Tinker won. Lady Navarre
second, Bustle Lady third; time, :40.
Mile and a. sixteenth Rough and Tumble
won. Ben Volio second Pettijohn third;
time, 1:50.
Country Club, selling stake, mile, gentle
man riders Censor "won. Maraschino sec
ond, Olonetz third; time, l:4Si.
Six furlongs Otto Stifel won. Eeonidas
second. Thistle Deo third: time, 1:151.
Seven furlongs Tho Cure won, Luretta
second, Lady Ellison third; time, 1:20.
Four and a half furlongs Wc won.
Charlatan second, Phyllis A. third; time, :57.
No Athletes Are Being "Grafted"
From Nevada or Elsewhere.
April 5. (Special.) There is no truth in
the report that Oregon has been following
questionable methods in organizing a track
team for the Lewis and Clark games.
The report that Oregon has been graft
ing athletes from Nevada and that the
"varsity track management Is to receive
a subsidy from the Lewis and Clark
Fair, are without foundation.
All of Oregon'3 track athletes have
been in college since last September and
tho eligibility rules of tho athletic counclL
preclude the possibility of grafts in the
athletics of the university.
Seattle Objects to Bottler.
"While the Seattle Athletic Club lias
agreed to the date of April 28 for the
boxing and wrestling tournament, it looks
as if they had a case of cold feet when.
It comes to accepting Bottler as the SI. A.
A. C's glove representative.
In a letter received yesterday by Edgar
Frank It Is said that Ed Bennett, the
SeatUe boxer, is out of the game at pres
ent on account of sickness, but that they
have another man they will use providing
Multnomah sends some man other than
Bottler. It Is hard to figure out how they
can find an excuse for rejecting any one
the Multnomahs" may delegate so long as
ho is of the weight and is a clubman.
Frank has replied to Seattle to this
effect and will try to get them to allow
Bottler to go up. If they should refuse
rather than have a disagreement Frank
will endeavor to arrange for a lighter
weight than 133. Ed Johnson and Edgar
Frank will represent Multnomah on the
To Supersede Colored Waiters
in Hotel Portland.
European Plan Will Be Adopted at
That Time and White Men Im
ported From East Will Take
Colored Waiters' Places.
With tho adoption of the European pKwt
on May 1, the places of the colored wait
ers at the Hotel Portland will bo taken
by white men, who will be imported from
the Eastern cities. White waiters have
been employed in the a la carte restaurant
at the hotel since the first of the month,
occupying the positions that were former
ly held by the colored men. There ara
about twenty waiters In the a la carto
restaurant. About thirty colored waltera
still remain In the American Tcst'aurant.
Colored waiters havo been employed ac
the Hotel Portland ever since It was
erected, which was nearly sixteen years
In practically all of the first-class ho
tels of tho "United States and Europo
that are run on the European plan, whlto
waiters aro employed, as they invariably
give the better service. It is neceesarv
for a waiter employed in a restaurant
conducted on the European plan to havo
an excellent memory and to be a good
accountant, as each guest requires a sep
arate bill. White men have been found
to be the most accurate, and for- this
reason they have been employed almost
exclusively. In restaurants conducted on
the American plan the colored waiters
give satisfactory service, as they aro re
lieved of the responsibility of accounting
for that which has been eaten by tho
"The change frqm tho American to the
European plan necessitates tho employ
ment of white men to act as waiters,"
said H. C. Bowers, manager of the Hotel
Portland, last evening. "In the American
restaurant the colored waiters have given
perfect service, you might say, and if it
was not for tho change wo would still
retain them. Two years ago, when wo
established the a la carte restaurant, we
decided to give the colored men a show,
and employed theih. Some of the waiters
in the a la carte restaurant have given
satisfactory service and others have not,
so we decided to employ white men ex
clusively." Swinging Hammer Kills Student.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 5. Frank Al
len, a student at the Lick School of Me
chanical Arts, has been accidentally killed
by a hammer thrown by Arnold Brown, a
fellow student. The heavy leaden mlssllo
struck the boy's skull near the base,
crashing through the bone. He was
taken to the Central Emergency Hospital,
where ho died without regaining con
sciousness. Brown was engaged in the
practice of swinging the hammer when
the accident happened.
Sued fop $1,200,000 by His Aunt.
NEW HAVEN. Conn,. April 5. Judga
S. L. Bronson, of this city, candidate for
Governor on the Democratic ticket in the
state election of 1900, is made defendant
In a suit of $1,200,000 damages, brought
by Miss Susan Bronson, of Waterbury,
an aunt of the defendant, who alleges
that as her agent and attorney for t?n
years defendant failed to make an ac
counting of the affairs of her estate.