.1 1ft JHE MOKNIKQ OKEOOiaAy. THURSDAY, PRIL 6, 1905. TO FIGHT CASE Attorney Vaughn Pre pares for Battle. LAWYERS WATCH OUTCOME Attorney Tries to Have-Judge Hogue Indicted. CHANGE OF VENUE. IS ASKED Subornation of Perjury I&ay Be , Charged as Ontcomo of Hear ing, Which Has Been Post poned Until "Tuesday. VAUGHN CONTEMPT CASE. Attorney W. T. Vaughn, -under arrest on a. chargro of contempt of court pre ferred by Municipal Judge Hogue, at tempts to cause District Attorney Man ning1 to indict Hogue for subornation of perjury. Vaughn represents that Hogue attempted to compel Edward Gloss to swear to statements that -CHess never made. ' District Attorney Manning and Judge Hogue confer, the Judge explains how Glees signed the affidavit, and no Indict ment Is filed on the charge sought to be made by Vaughn. It Is understood none trill be. Vaughn Is arraigned in court. His counsel raise a question of jurisdiction, desiring to secure a change of venue, and the case Is set 'for further hearing next Tuesday. In an endeavor to causo the arrest of Municipal Judge Hogue, Attorney W. T. Vaughn visited District Attorney Man ning at the latter"s offices and sought to have an Indictment Hied against the Judge for subornation oi perjury. He represent ed that Edward Gless had been forced to elgn an affidavit containing statements never made by Gless. No action "was taken, except that a consultation took place. It Is understood that the District Attorney will not take any further part in the case. Attorney Vaughn's action Is regarded as an attempt to retaliate upon Judge Hogue, as the latter last Saturday asked that Vaughn ho Indicted for subornation of perjury, and himself placed a charge of contempt of court against the attorney later. Vaughn is now under arrest on the charge, and his case is yet to be disposed of. The testimony of Edward Gless Is to be given in the case, and upon It is said to depend the action, if any, of the Dis trict Attorney. Gless first called upon Deputy City At torney Fitzgerald and swore to a com plaint, charging violations of ordinances against two young men, "who -were de fended by Attorney Vaughn. When Gless took the witness stand, he declared his complaint to be untrue. Judge Hogue then caused a charge of perjury to be laid against him. Later, Giess confessed that Vaughn had approached him and swears that the lawyer asked him to "be easy" on his clients. Based upon Gless' declarations, Judge Hogue dictated the affidavit signed by Gless. The latter did not sign the document until three state ments were stricken from it. He then said lie was willing to affix his signature. This took place before many -witnesses. Vaughn Will Contest Case. That Attorney Vaughn proposes to contest every inch, of ground in the contempt case, is manifest from the ifirst hearing of the affair, "which, oc curred yesterday morning. T. G. Greene, chief counsel for the defense, contended that Judge Ho-rue nas no jurisdiction, and will make a strong effort to secure a change of venue. In order that authorities may be cited, and arguments made, a postponement -was taken until next Tuesday at 11 A. . This is a case in which the bar of "Portland takes great interest, not be causof .the standing of the 'defendant, wb'riBa "well-known attprney, but for t.he"1reason that many believe a prece dent is apt to be set against the legal profession. Attorney Vaughn's contempt of court, if such it proves to be, consists in ap proaching' complainants and asking them to make their testimony against ills clients vague, in order that they might be dismissed when the case went to trial. The alleged act of Vaughn is Bald to nave taken place In a side room of the Municipal Court, but Judge Hogue holds that the contempt, as al leged, oocurred In his presence. Ho has authorities to show this, but Vaughn holds -otherwise and is to make argu ment, through ills counsel, Tuesday. May Get Change of Venue. On the decision of Judge Hogue as to the point stated, depends where the trial will occur. If the actwas commit ted In the presence of the court. Judge Hogue will try it himself, but if not, another court may take the case. Deputy District Attorney H. B. Adams was present in court yesterday to hear the testimony in the contempt pro ceedings, and In this there was great significance. District Attorney Manning &eft the city yesterday for an indefinite period, and It Is said that Mr. Adams lias power to file an indictment against Attorney Vaughn for subornation of perjury, Bhould It develop that the -testimony warrants such action. May File Indictment. "Will you. file an indictment against Sir. Vaughn, for subornation of per jury?" was asked of Mr. Adams. "I cannot say," ho replied. T will listen to the testimony and then de cide. The law gives me that right." The contempt proceedings grew out of the cases of using profane and abus ive language, preferred by Edward Gless against Sam Swarthout and Fred Carlson. There was also a charge against Carlson of violating the ordi nance which prohibits the dumping of refuse on the street. Carlson is In For est Grove, but Swarthout was present in court and his case was heard yester day. Gless and his wife testified that Swarthout and Carlson used unprint able language repeatedly, but Swart hout and his father denied the allega tion. Gless and his wife conduct a rooming-house in South Portland, and young Swarthout and Carlson had apartments there. It is said that until Carlson ar rived at the house, Swarthout was all right, but that Immediately thereafter the air frequently became tainted with profane and obscene langukge. This case also will bo continued next Tuesday. Murderer May Cheat Gallows. - John -T. Coleman murderer of Edna HOTEL Fifth-tend Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms. $1.60 to 3.00 rer Day According to Location, J. r. DAVUS, Pres. St. Charles Hotel , - CO. nfOOHPOBATED.'. FRONT AND MORRISON STREBTS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaurant In Connection Hoffman, baa contracted a severe cold since his incarceration in the County Jail and the attending physician says if pneu monia set in. with Coleman's throat in Its present condition there would be little chance for recovers'. The wound In his throat is still bleeding and he has coughed up considerable blood. The coughing ir ritates the wound. Coleman wants to die, and consequently does not try to re strain the cough. The only way to keep him quiet is to administer opiates. Cole man sleeps well, and the Sheriffs force Is -using every effort to pull him through. TELLS OF MOTTNTAIN CLIMBING Interesting Lectures Given by Miss Gertrude Metcalfe. Membqr of the Unitarian Woman's Al liance and a largo number of their friends assembled yesterday at S P. 1L at the Mazama clubrooms in the City Hall, to listen to an admirable lecture by Miss Gertrude Metcalfe. The subject, treated In scholarly style. was "Mountain Sunshlno and Mountain Snow." Miss Metcalfe gavo a glowing description of some of the best-known mountain peaks and her listeners wero highly enthusiastic Special mention was made of Mount Rainier, which. Miss- Met calfe said, is not only the highest and the largest mountain in Oregon, Wash ington or California, but the most mag nificent of all In scenery. The only other snow-clad mountain on the Pacific Coast to be compared with It, in respect of ris ing from a plain comparatively low, Is Mount Shasta. Rainier sweeps in superb -outlines almost from the level of the plains to a height of 14,528 feet. The area of glacier and perpetual snow comprises 22,500 acres. Reference was made to Paradise Park, a garden .spot of the gods. "People visit ing this park," said Miss Metcalfe, "never eay that they have been to Paradise Park. 'I have been to Paradise' Is the way they express it." The speaker also dwelt upon the pleasure of mountain climbing, declaring that such a trip Is not a difficult one for the women, as they may make it as easy as they like. A gen eral camp fire, under the direction of the outing committee, on the Mazama trips-, is always an Important feature, and here the party gathers for music and lectures. after the day's outing. The lecture by Miss Metcalfe was of special interest, as the annual field out ing of the Mazamas will be held July 13 to 28 at Mount Rainier, headquarters be ing established at Paradise Park. At the close of the afternoon the women passed an enjoyable hour, looking at the excel lent Mazama views, pressed flowers and record books. For the study of the fauna and flora Mlas Metcalfe said that Paradise Park presents rare opportunities. CHANGE THE ASSESSMENT PLAN A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge Holds Spe cial Session In Portland April 12. A special session of the A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge will be held In Elks' Hall. Sixth and Morrison streets, next Thurs day, April 13. Grand Secretary Newton Clark has made arrangements with the railroad companies for reduced rates for the representatives to this session of the Grand Dodge. The special session has been called for the purpose of adopting the new assessment plan In advance of the regular session, which takes place in Portland In July. The object is to dis pose of the question of changing the as sessment as soon as possible, and hence the special session has been called for that purpose. There seems little doubt but the new plan will bo adopted, although at the last Grand Dodge session it was rejected. Since then there has been much missionary work in the Oregon jurisdiction, besides double assessments levied on the mem bers for several months past and for April seems to show the members that the present assessment plan does not meet the cost of insurance. The new plan has been adopted In Texas, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia, California, Wis consin, Illinois, New York, West Vir ginia Connecticut, Tennessee, Utah Ohio, Arkansas, Maine, Colorado, Louisiana, British Columbia, Kentucky, Delaware, Rhode Island, Maryland, Indiana, Arizona and New Mexico, Quebec and the Mari time Provinces, Montana, Michigan and North Dakota. In Massachusetts, Mis souri, Manitoba, Washington and Nebras ka there has been strife, and they have not adopted the plan. The new plan in creases the cost to those in the higher ages, but provisions aro made for these so they can have insurance even if they cannot pay the increased rates of the new plans. t Is set forth that the new assessment plan Is necessary to insure the perpetuity of the order. STATE BOARD SOON TO MEET Horticulturists to Gather in Portland on Monday. The semi-annual meeting of the State Board of Horticulture will be held in Portland on Monday. It is expected that all of the members of the board will be present to discuss the fruit conditions throughout the state. The fine weather that has been prevail ing for Bome time is causing a little un easiness among the fruitgrowers, who fear that cold weather will como after the blooms are out and thus kill the fruit. The more optimistic, however, are hopeful that no harm will result from tho early appearance of the blossoms. George H- Lamberson, secretary of the board, is in Salem today, hurrying the bi-annual report of the board through the press at the State Printer's office. Here tofore it has been -usual for the reports to be out by the 1st of February at the latest, but for some reason the printers have been dilatory and the book 13 not yet in the hands of the fruitgrowers of the state. Mr. Damberson will finish tne Index today and -tomorrow, and as PERKINS PORTLAND, -OREGON First-CIass Cheek Krstannmi. Connected With Hotel. " C O. DAVIS, gee. and Xreu, THE ESMOND HOTEL GSCAR ilDBIOI, tiu&gar ' Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREQON FREE 'BUB TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Hates European plan, BOc. TSc. $1.00. f 1.59, f20Q par dy. fir, mole rooms la oonnocUoJU printed and bound. It Is hoped by hard work to have copies here for all of tho members of the commission when they meet Monday morning. DAILY MEIEOBOLOGICAIi BEFOET. PORTLAND, Or., April 5. Maximum tem perature, 69 deg.; minimum, -45 dcg. River reading at 11 A M., 5.0 feet; change In past" 24 hours, none. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 3 P. M.. none; total since Septem ber 1, 10W, 27.65 Inches; normal elnce Sep tember J. 1004, 38.82 inches; deficiency. 11.17 Inches. Total sunshlno April 4, 1005, 12 hours and 58 minutes; possible, 12 hours and 58 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M., 20.01. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. 03 So SO 3 Wind. o o a STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka ......... Helena Xamloops. B. C. North Head Pocatello Portland ........ Red Bluff Boseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City.. San Francisco... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island... Walla Walla OlO.OO SE NE NE Cloudy Clear PL Cldy. Clear C40.00 7010.00 5S 0.00 OSO.OO 6jW i-ilsE 4tSW 5 SW 4 5 14 X Clear Clear Cloudy 10.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 Clear Clear Clear 0.00 0.00 (Clear 0.00 4INE Clear 0.0(H 4 W Clear 0.00 10!W Clear 0.00 0.00 12iNE 14ISW PL Cldy. Cloudy Cloudy PL Cldy. 0.0: 2SS 740.00 4SW WEATHER CONDITIONS. Since yesterday light showers have oc curred along the Washington Coast and the weather is cloudy and threatening over the greater portion of Washington and North ern Idaho. Elsewhere lb the Pacific States It continues clear and pleasant. It is much cooler In the Sound Country and slightly warmer in Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho. The indications are for showers Thursday in Washington and Northern Idaho and for generally fair weather elsewhere. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for tho 2S htyirs ending at midnight April C: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy with possibly showers. Winds mostly southerly. Western Oregon Partly cloudy with show ers near coast and possibly showers in In terior of north portion. Southerly winds. Washington and Northern Idaho Showers. Southerly winds. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Fair. EDWARD A BEALS. District Forecaster. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Oilman's Auction Rooms, 413 Washing ton sL, at JO o'clock A. M. 6. L. N. Oilman. Auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House, cor. Alder and Pork. Sale at 10 A M. Geo. Baker & Co., Auctioneers. At the Portland Auction Roome, 211 First sL, bet. Salmon and Taylor. Sale at 10" A. il. sharp, c L. Ford. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114. A F. & A M. Stated communication this (Thursday) evening 8 o'cl-xsk, Masonlo Temple. Work in M. M. degree. All Masons Invited. B. S. PAGUE. Secretary. All Masonic lodge officers ftt the city 01 -roruana are requested to meet the Custodian of Work at 8 o'clock Temple for instruction. G. L. GRAY, Custodian. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMPMENT. NO. 28. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Thursday) evening, corner Grand aye. and East Pino st Work in Golden Rule degree. ROBT. ANDREWS, R. S. DIED. SIMONSON In this city. April 5, 1005 by accidental drowning, James H. SImonsln. aged 23 years. Funeral notice hereafter. FJTNERAXi NOTICES. LETAt ML Tabor, April 5. 6 A. M., Mar thaA. Lent, aged 72 years 17 days. Funeral services at her late residence. West ave.. ML Tabor. Oils (Thursday) afternoon 2:30. Friends of the family respectfully invited. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. JENKINS Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of William W. Jenkins, which will be held at Flnleys chapel at 2:30 P. M. to day. IntermenL Lone Fir Cemetery. PATTERSON On bar 72d birthday. Mary E Patterson, at her home, 80S Williams avel Funeral at 2 o'clock; April 6. DUNNING. McENXEE & 'GILBAUGH, successors to Dunning & Campion, under takers and embalmers, modern In every de tail. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWABD HOLMAN CO.. Undertaker,! and embalmers, have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady as6litani. Telephone No. 597. J. P. PINLEY & SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 0. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. ZELLEB-BYBNES CO., UNDERTAKERS, Embalmers, 273 Ras"l; East 1088; lady as't' NEW TODAY. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Oct records are complete sad 9 to ditx. W fjttnlsh abstracts promptly. M0BTGAQE LOANS On lmgrpred Portland Km1 Estate. EECUBIXX ABSTRACT X XBUSX CO, Xll-XlS CTii-nbw at Commerc. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block General practice. InvestJyations. Estate gfecai and peciodle&LftBilto. AacCSESSEKXS. Marquam Grand Theater i!iSr Phono Main 80S. The Pollard Lilliputian Opera Company Tonight at 8:15 last performance of "A RUNAWAY GIRL." Friday Night and Saturday Matinee "A Gaiety GlrL" Saturday Night "An American Millionaire." Matinee Prices 25c and 50c Evening Prices 25c, 35c, 50c. 75c Seats now selling for the entire week. STAR THEATER sIiton. PANAHASIKA BIRD AND CAT SHOW. FEBRTNGTON AND BOYLE. THE DBMONIEOS. MARVELOUS ROUSELL. BILLY TAN. MORGAN AND CHESTER. ROSCOE ARBUCKLB. EDISON'S PROJECTOSCOPE. SHOWS 2:30. 7:30, 9 P. M. . ADMISSION 10c TO ANY SEAT. ii t A IVJ Matlnea and Evening CONGRESS OF NOVELTIES. BARTLETT AND COLLINS. LEE LONG FOO. SAMSON AND ZACCHO. ORVILLE PITCHER. THE KELTD3 TRIO. MURRAY HILL. MR. ALF BONNER. JHB GRANDISCOPE. General admission, 10c Box seats, 23c BAKER THEATER Third and Yamhill sts. Keating & Flood. Managers. Largest: Vaudeville Housa in America. THE MUSICAL THORS. II" LAIN AND MLAIN. POWERS AND THEOBALD. FROSCO. ROBERTL AL HAZARD. JEAN WILSON. THE BIOGRAPH. Admission 10c entire house. Performances at 2:30, 7:30 and 0:15 P. M. EMPIRE opens rmL SUNDAY -j fk CENTS MATINEE III ADMISSION op?SyG TheTickt-of-Uave Man 2 SHOWS DAILY ggXV:f Browning Recital By ROSE EYTINGE At Parsons' Hall, Thursday, April 6, 2.45 P. M. For Lessons In Elocution Apply 201 ISth St. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car ahd get off at Hawthorn Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator. Most magnificent view In America. ADMISSION, 10 CENTS. CLASSIFIED A3). RATES. "Booms," "Rooms and Board," "House keeping Booms," "Situations Wonted." 15 words or 'less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," SO cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measare agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line of each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always b Inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stump is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE GENTS' FURNISHING Busi ness and $1400 stock, doing a good busi ness; best of location; will sell on terms to suit to the right man. Address Box 06S, Roeeburg, Or. FOR SALE BY OWNER, HOME BAKERY, I on Morrison sL; will be money-maker during Fair. Phone Main 0730, afternoon ony. REE LAND IN OREGON Under the "Carey Irrigation AcL" Deed direct from state. "WRITE OR CALL TODAY. Booklets and map free. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder a tree L Portland, Or. FOR SALE CHEAP Quarter block, Portland Heights; grand view. Apply to oiv'aer. 800- Chamber of Commerce. lOK iJALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE NEW EIOHT-ROOM HOUSE, full basement with concrete floor, oorce- lain plumbing, washtubs, gas and electric- lty, furnace, walls tinted, hardwood floors; cash or Installments; West Side. O. M. Smith, owner. 730 Chamber of Commerce. FINE, LARGE BUSINESS LOT NEAR MOR rlson; nice new 7-room house and lot. East Everett: 20x100, close In, on 7th street, good for flats; fine building lots on 10th and East Everett at a bargain. Northrup & King, 211 Commercial block. FOR SALE IN SUNNYSIDE, NEAR MOR rison st. Corner lot 50x100 with good C-room house, bath, hot and cold water, barn and flowers; price, $1800; one-third down, balance .installments. Call at 251 Alder st. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS 10-ROOM MOD ern house and full lot. 340 28th sL. near Savler, $6000; easy terms. For full par ticulars phone Main 316. $1200 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BASEMENT and attic; any old terms. Will build any thing you want on installments. 612 Com mercial bldg. Main 1040. 6-ROOM HOUSE. WITH OR WITHOUT FUR nlture. In Montavllla, 4 blocks from car Una. Inquire of the owner, Mrs. Beds Blberg, 11 4 th sL -N., Portland. FOR SALE 5 ACRES ON CANNON ROAD, tbreo miles out; fine place to build a home; garden and orchard; selling cheap. Apply 2S7 Morrison aL A BARGAIN OTU ST BE SOLD, PARTIES leaving city; C-room cottage, furnished, mod em Improvements; on car line. 618 Mar quam building. FOR SALE 2 ACRES AT GLENWOOD Park, on EL Johns line; cheap buy. Inquire of owner, S22& Washington sL, near 7tb. Boom 5. FOR SALE TOWN LOTS IN TOPPENISH. Wash.. 19 miles east of Yakima, on N. P. B. B.; no agents; sold by owner, Josephine Llllie. GOING EAST; WILL SELL ONE OF BEST residences Holladay Park Add., considerable le?s than cost. Inquire cor. 24th and Clack amas. 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. B. Addlton, Lents. Or. Take ML Scott car. 3c FOR SALE NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE; good location; $1400, cash or installments. O. M. Smith. 730 Chamber of Commerce. $2200 GOOD HOUSE AND TWO BEAUTI ful lots, plenty fruit, garden all In. WU1-lams-ave. car. Miller, 303 Cham. Com. FOR SALE CHEAP C-ROOM HOUSE, block, central, located between two car lines. No agonts. L 100, Oregonlan. FOR SALEMODERN HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS 315 22d sL Price low. Owner, Mro. W. aT Daly. 359 13th sL FOR SALE 6-ROOM 2-STORY COTTAGE on Portland Heights; sightly. Inquire 816 Dekum bldg. TOWNSEND. DRIGGS & CO:, REAL ESTATE, Insurance, immigration. 280 Alder sL. beL 4th and 5th. ACREAGE NEAR CAR-LINE. 6 MILES FROM Morrison sL bridge. C K, Ballard. Mil waukle. Or. CHEAP ONE OR TWO SIGHTLY COTTAGES --S-K,-- liaise, , ..Q?rar,tlax3grUj FOB SALE REAL ESTATS. FOR SALE NEW 6 AND S-ROOM HOUSE; bath, stationary washstand. concrete base ment, gas and electric lights, furnace, house tinted, pass pantry, largo bedrooms, with closets in each, wood elevator, stationary washtubs In basement; on Union-avenue car line, flve-mlnute service, near good school, lawn, streets Improved; houses now open for Inspection; cash or Installments. Inquire owner, II. E. Stcmler. 122 3d sL, or at res idence, 632 Union are. North, one block south of houses. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of handling acreage; choice acre trr.cta for homes; within the city limits or outside; terms to suit A. C. Churchill ic Co. 110 Second sL. NEW. MODERN. 6-ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE In, East Side, $1850; 8-room house and 2 lots, close in. East Side, $1030; corner lot, Karl and Mllwackle sts.. $330; 320 acres fine timber, near Portland; 7 acres front ing on Tremont st.. $3000; 6-room modern house. B. 20th, $2450; easy terms. Owner, 605 E. Washington sL Phone East 1626. FREE LAND! FREE LAND! A chance to secure & home and make money; only coat Is for water right, which averages $10 per acre; under state control. For par ticulars write or call at office of Columbia Southern Irrigation Co., 530 Worcester block. $300 CASH. $15 PER MONTH. BUYS 6-ROOM plastered house; lot 50x138; 3l Johns. Ad dress box 235. St. Johns. WEST SIDE CORNER. PAYING IS PER cent on $4700. Owner, S07 Corbett sL 6. car south. FOR SALE 3 LOTS WITH COTTAGES, $600 each. B 9. Oregonlan. FOB SALE FARMS. I GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 80 acres with 10 under plow, 40 acres of good timber, balance brush land; soil' Is rich and land lays nicely; live water, good boxhouse and barn; on good county road, 14 -miles from town on railroad ana. navi gable stream. Prlca $500, with one-half down, 160 acres of rich land, all lays nicely with about 4 acres In cultivation; live water; house and barn; 400 cords of cedar besides other timber; on county road 8 miles from Kelso. Price $000, with $250 niuuuuunui, jvaiama, wash. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 80 acres rich land; 2-story house, 5 rooms first floor; flnoorchard; rails from R. R. and boat landing; church on farm; good county road; prito, $S00; $500 cash. A snap 20 acres; good 5-room house; good coll; good spring; 1 miles from Kalarna; can't be beat for chickens or frulL $400 buys 20 acres good fruit or garden land, mile from Kalama; all slashed; 400 cords of wood on land; must be taken soon; all cash. We hare other lands la tracts from ono acre up at reasonablo prices. KALAMA LAND & LN VESTMENT CO.. Kalnmn, Wash. Office In Bulletin bldg. AN IDEAL HOME 150 ACRES ON THE Columbia Blver; 75 acres under cultiva tion, balance can be cultivated; soli very fertile and productive; large 6-room house, warehouse 74x120; Government light pay ing $10 month; boats land day or night: $7000; Cowlltx Co. Land Co., Kelso, Wash. FOR SALE 74 ACRES OF TIMBERLAND on tidewater of Shoal Water Bay, Paclflo County. Washington; timber, spruce and hemlock; will sell cheap if taken at once. Address N 81. Oregonlan. 160 ACRES. 1 MILES FROM KALAMA. 25 In cultivation, balance good timber; 6-room house, barn and outbuildings; soil good' title clear; $4500. C J. Lee. Kalama. Wash. $15 PER ACRE! HALF CASH. BALANCE easy terms. 820-acre Morrow County wheat ranch. In cultivation, good soil, near mar ket Address W. P. Myers, lone. Or. 30 ACRES LEVEL LAND, FENCED. 12 acres in cultivation, good buildings, $1300; Yi cash; 2H miles from LaCenter. Owner, Geo. Holaway, LaCenter, Wash. $25 PER ACRE HAVE 275 ACRES FINEST bottom land In the state; close to Portland; railroad ties and piling will more than pay for the land. O 9, Oregonlan. GOVERNMENT LAND OPEN FOR SETTLE ment; level bottom land, no stone or timber;, water and soil flrst-cIassL Room 66, Labe bldg., cor. 2d and "Washington. A SNAP. $6.50 per acre, 100 acres, near Capo Horn. Wash., on Washougal River. Inquire 6S5 Second stroeL 160 ACRES LEVEL, RICH. IRRIGABLE land, 7 miles from town; Malheur County; near river; $3.50 per acre. H 10, Oregonlan. STOCK FARM; NOTHING BETTER; 915 acres. 600 bottom; fronts Columbia River; $20 a ares. D 3, Oregonlan. IMPROVED FARMS AND APPLE .LANDS. R. L. Cate & Co.. 113 2d sL 90 ACRES. HALF BOTTOM LAND. AD dress Q 1. Oregonlan. FOR BENT FABMS. FOR RENT 100 ACRES ON THE POW ell's Valler road, near Portland; best berry and vegetable land; rent may be worked out the first year. For sale or renL 10 acres, fruit and chicken ranch, a mile from Vancouver. Apply to S. M. Beard, Vancouver. Wash. TIMBER LANDS. 120 I ACRES FINE PILING, CONVENIENT, for $2400; you can make $10,000 handling this. O. W. Eastham, Oregon City. CAN LOCATE YOU FIRST-CLASS HOME steads and timber claims. Central Oregon. T. M. O'Connell, Prinevllle. Or. LAND BCBIP. WE HAVE PRACTICALLY THE ONLY valid forest reserve scrip on tho market We handle all kinds public land practice. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Tim bered, farm or grazing land; all sizes, lowest prices. H. B. Compson, 018 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE. BANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on band ready to locate. Maginnls & Son. 22f Falling bldg. WANTED HEAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, $2000 to $10,000: also business properties, $3000 to $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 403 Ablngton bldg. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE AN 8-ROOM HOUSE. BABN and 10 lots, on Mount Scott electric line, to exchange for 60 or 80 acres good land on car line, within 8 miles of the city. Call S09 McKay bldg. WHAT HAVE YOl? TO TRADE FOR A nice lot 50x100 feeL E. Sth and Skldmore sts.; price $175. or $150 cash. For par ticulars phone Main 1040. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR HOMB stead, containing 3.000,000 feet timber, In Columbia County, 8 miles from Pittsburg. 351 EL 8th sL FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE. $300 CHESTNUT SADDLE gelding, by Alexis, age 7, height 15.1, thor oughly gentle and broken for man or lady; usod to cars and automobiles; guaranteed absolutely Bound. A E. Donovan, veterin arian. Vancouver Barracks, Wash. ONE GOOD WORK TEAM, WEIGHT 2400 pounds, harness and wagon; one span of small horses; express wagon and harness; cheap. 210 Montgomery; call between Yi and 1. HORSES, WAGONS. HARNESS, ALL kinds of vehicles bougbL sold and rented. Hubert &. Hall. 2C4 4th. Phone Main 2208. CITY BROKE, NICE. GENTLE DRIVING horse, weight about 1100 pounds. 503 Mar quam bldg. Main 2219. 15 HORSE6 BY W. E, JACOBS. ONE STAL llon. 1050 pounds. 134 E. 34th sL Phone Union 1632. HORSES FOR SALE; DRAFT HORSES AND medium horses for sale by W. W. Irwin, Aurora, Or. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. Pianos. NEW $400 PIANO. $186; 6 MONTHS' LES sons free: Fischer $75. 2414 1st. cor Main. WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH KIMBALL piano, practically new. L 8, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? lay; needs no painting cr coating; good over eld Iron, tin or shingles: best for' new roofs. FOR SALE. HlsceUa-teoes. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND Bil liard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modem bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Col lender, 49 3d st. FOR SALE WATER POWER, ONE MLB from Washougal, on north bank of Columbia River; also good farm. D. H. Gary, Wash ougal. Wash. SECOND-HAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds at lowest prices, cash or Install ments. Fisher Music Co.. 130 3d sL FOR SALE-OHxll WILLAMETTE DONKEY with cable and rigging. Bonn Lumber Co., 320 Falling bldg. GASOLINE LAUNCH. 18 FEET, 2 H. P.. with house and complete equlpmenL 84 Front eL HELP WANTED MALE. SECURE A GOOD POSITION! In Clerical. Technical or Commercial Line. We Assist Competent Office men. Assistant' bookkeepers Bookkeepers. General office clerks. Stenographers. Hotel clerks. Managers. Railroad clerks. Correspondent clerks, Timekeepers. Accountants. Collectors. Cashiers. Shipping clerks. Entry clerks. Bill clerks. General clerical, technical, commercial men. Apply BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 504-505 McKay Bldg.. 102 3d sL. Portland. BOOKKEEPERS. STENOGRAPHERS AND salesmen, see us for that position you want. Some of our many openings will suit you. Portland Commercial Bureau, 722 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN (single) to travel and learn, good paying business, who can leave town Immediately. Call 10 to 4 P. M.. room 10. 413,$ Wash ington. WANTED 1000 R. R. MEN, NEW WORK. 100 other Jobs; name your work and we shave It; also station work. Canadian Em ployment Co., 240 Burnslde st. Phone Main -3074. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; complete course In 8 weeks; expert In structions; positions guaranteed; for terms write Gillman College, 627 Clay, San Fran. WANTED TWO GOOD SALESMEN AND collectors; only those able to furnish bond and willing to .hustle need apply. Call on Mr. C. B. Allen, manager, 402 Washington sL WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co., School of Practical Plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad dress 4073-73 Easton a vs.. SL Louis. Mo. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; 8 weeks completes; positions guaranteed; tuition earned while learning. Write for terms. Mo lei's Barber College. 644 Clay. San Francisco. SAWYER, SMALL CIRCULAR MILL. CLOSE in; railroad rockmen, laborers, trackmen, ? and $2.25. free fare: many others. HANSEN'S OFFICE. 26 N. 2D SL TO SOLICITORS AND AGENTS WE HAVE absolutely the best offers ever put In the. field for canvassers. Sunset Magazine. 73S Mission sL. San Francisco. Col. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING REPRESEN tatives; commission; Exposition Journal; other publications. Clyde's Special Agency, 638 Chamber of Commerce. DO YOU WORK AT PORTLAND WORLD'S Fair? Amateur actors, singers, musicians; easy work, big salary. Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 3316 Morrison. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness; good pay to good men. Call or write 007 McKay bldg. WANTED QUICK ADVERTISING HUS tlers; annual club booklet; immediate com missions. Clyde's Agency, 633 Chamber of Commerce. MAN AND WIFE. DAIRY; PLANERMAN. $2.50, country; bench hand, $3; party to haul 1500 .cords wood. Pioneer Employment, 213 Morrison. WANTED YOUNG MAN, 17 OR 18 YEARS, for wholesale house; must write good hand and be familiar with city. J 10, Oregonlan. WANTED 1 FIRST-CLASS MARKERS AND distributers for laundry In Butte; see party herej wages $18 per week. G 8, Oregonlan.. WANTED YOUNG MAN EXPERIENCED IN bank work; one capable of handling Individ ual ledger preferred. Address box 19, city. LOGGERS. MILT .HANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, other work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co.. 193 Morrison. Main 1322 TRUSTWORTHY YOUNG MAN FOR BOT tllng and delivery In liquor store: give ad dress or phone number. E 10, Oregonlan. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN, WITH bicycle, to travel. Call 10 to 2 P. M., 437 E. 15th North; Irvlngton car. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS UPHOLSTER er and carpetlayer. Address Buren & Hamilton, Salem, Or. EDGERMAN. $3: LUMBER TEAMSTER, city. $2. U. S. Employment Co., 193 Mor rison. Main 1322. BOY WANTED; 12 TO 15 YEARS. LEWIS and Clark Official Photo Co., C02 Good nough bldg. WANTED WORKINGMAN WITH MEANS as partner In paying business. Y 8, Ore gonlan. ENERGETIC SALESMAN FOR PORTLAND and vicinity. Address 245 Washington sL room 1. WANTBD-tBOY TO FEED PRESS AND RUN enands. Independent Printing Co., 243 Ash. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUN .try; big wages. 216 Commercial block. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT references reoulred. 232 Stark sL WANTED 'MARRIED MAN TO WORK ON ranch. 629 Chamber of Commerce. Men wanted to leam barber trade. Barber Cot lege, 741 Howard sL. San Francisco. YOUNG MAN WANTED FOR KITCHEN. 302 East Morrison, Just across bridge. WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD CLOTHINU shoes. 50 3d. Phone Hood 1862. DR. WALKER, 181 1S1-. CURES ALL PRI vate diseases of men. WANTED GOOD BLACKSMITH. 234 FRONT. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; good cook; references. Call mornings from 10 to 1 o'clock. 429 Market st.. near 11th. PRIVATE CLASS SHORTHAND SPEEDY, easily read, easily learned; special rate. Call after 7 evening; suite 20S, Allsky, 3d and Morrison. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRESSN tatlves in Portland and throughout the state; we pay good money. Call or write 607 Mo Kay bldg.. WANTED COMPETENT WOMAN TO COOK In mine boarding-house; references must be furnished. Address W. B. Dennis, Black butte. Or. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS. WAIT era, chambermaids, general workers. SL Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. WANTED YOUNG LADY AS CLERK AND stenographer, afternoons and evenings. Ad dregg. In own handwriting. W 10, Oregonlan. GOOD COOK; FAMILY 3; GOOD WAGES. Call Saturday oc Sunday morning or any evening after 6 o clock, at 350 Salmon. WANTED STRICTLY CAPABLE FAMILY cook, with first-class references; $40. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE SPECIAL Inducements to young ladles to leam bar ber's trade. 267 Flanders eL WANTED A GIRL TO DO COOKING AND general housework in small family. For particulars call 471 Main. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSE work; must bo good plain cook. 52S Irving, near 16th. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR general housework; 2 In family. L 9, Ore gonlan. 1 GIRL WANTED TO DO LIGHT HOUSE work. Call at 719 EC Main; wages $12 mo. TEN GIRLS FOR STAGE WORK. APPLY at room 316, Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED A RELIABLE GIRL TO ASSIST ln housework In small family. 393 11th. WANTED GIRL TO WORK FOR BOARD; will pay small wages. 248 N. 20th st CHAMBERMAID FOR HALF-DAY'S WORK at the Monaster, cor. 1st and Jefferson. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST LN SECOND work and care of child. 160 23d. WANTED RESTAURANT WAITRESS" AT Jintxli.S-321 Washington. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED. If you work, why not earn mors than a UvingT Bright, educated, earnest urcmen have & mission. That mission ehould be to build one's selt end help others. Be independent Do good. The Vlavl Company already employs over 12.000 women. The work covers twenty-three countries of the world. We' will entertain applications from capabU women. Not canvassing, but a helpful, dignified work. Apply by mail only. Address THE VLVVI COMPANY. Lewis Building. Portland. Or. WANTED Ladles to leam barber trade: S weeks completes: tuition earned while learn ing. Halrdresslng, manicuring and facial massage In 4 weeks; special terms now. Writs Moler System College. San Francisco. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN SMALL FAM Uy; must know how to cook and not be afraid of work; suitable wages for girl of this klnu. Call 690 Tillamook St.; take Irvlngton car on 3d st. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, 2t Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; must be good cook; four In family; no children: good wages. 534, East Morrison sL, cor. 13th. WANTED WOMEN TO TAKE WASHING home. Call 472 Salmon. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS LADY BAR bers-. P 9. Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD SKIRT HAND. APPLY room 217 Allsky bldg. WANTED LADY TO ASSIST IN TAILORING. Apply 231 Alder st. WANTED LADY COOK. 275 BURNSIDE ST. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. COOK. $30 (MAN $35); CANDYMAKER (retail), waitresses; one Wasco, $4; farm hand. Drake. 203 Washington. FIRST-CLASS OPERATOR ON SKIRTS. Call for Armstrong, dress goods counter. Meier it Frank's. SITUATION WANTED TtTAT.-p, Bookaeebers and Clerks. WANTED SITUATION AS CASHIER. BOOK keeper or like position where thorough knowledge of office work required; can han dle correspondence, take charge of ofnee; competent young, sober. B 10, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. 28, DESIRES POSITION IV gents' furnishing store; have had 3 years ex perience. Q 8, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED POSITION BY PRACTICAL miner to open and develop mining property; age 38; have had 20 years experience prac tical mining; 17 years on Pacific Coast 3 years' earlier experience in Cornwall, Eng land; best of references. D 7, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. WELL EDUCATED, WITH general all-round knowledge of electricity. Including manufacture of storage batteries desires position, traveling or otherwise; good references. S 0, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION WITH PRIVATE FAM ily as choreman: can take- good care of team and buggy; wilt work in garden and mlllc one or two cows; sober, Industrious and re liable. H 9, Oregonlan. I WANT WORK: WILLING TO WORK AT anything; machinist by trade; willing to give up trade for any other kind of work; office work or handy man. Phona Mala 3S6S. W. M., 552 Petty grove st. YOUNG MAN, WITH REFERENCES. QUICK at figures, some experience In office and strictly temperato, wants any position -with chance of advancement R 9, Oregonlan. WANTED A POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER, single, 24 years of age; best of references furnished. Address box J, Lawrence. Kan. WANTED BY SOBER, STEADY MAN. TO take care horses; good references. J. Stone. Washington Hotel. 18 YEARS" EXPERIENCE STEAM EN glneer; can give best of referent eg. 2MS Couch sL YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS S1TI tlon. help cook and housework. R 1, Or gonlan. YOUNG MAN. NOT AFRAID OF WORK i wishes a position at anything. Phone.; A SOBER, RELIABLE WHITH COOK WAS l S Situation. Address C C. f., 327 1st st. JAPANESE GOOD COOK WANTS POSITION ln family. P. O. Box S07. I WANT A JOB AS COOK. CITY OR COUN try. Ned Kowa. 45 1st at N. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER. WITH several years experience, wishes position out Of city; best of references. O 10, Oregonlan COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. WITH 4 years experience, desires position, L 7. Ore gonlan. EXPERT BOOKKEEPER AND STENOORA pher desires position. F 9, Oregonlan. Domestics. NORWEGIAN GIRL WANTS GENERAL housework in private family; speaks but little English. 335 Couch sL BY YOUNG LADY, TO DO LIGHT HOUSE work; no cooking. Box 721. Oregon City, Or. SWEDISH GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; wages 25. Call 449 Washington st WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK TO DO 31"? the day. Telephone Scott 2858. Houses: eeperm. REFINED WOMAN HOUSEKEEPER. GOOD woman, ahamberwork. experienced nurse girl, capable housework glrlst, waitresses. 280 YamhllL Phono Black 2S81. SITUATION WANTED BY VERY COMPB tent lady as housekeeper: will go In the country; mus.t be respectable. D 8. Oregonlan. A MIDDLE-AGED. REFINED WOMAN AS housekeeper or to do chamberwork. Apply 402 4th st. Dressmakers. NEW YORK DRESSMAKER WISHES work by day; terras. $3; tailor-made suits and evening gowns a specialty. Address Naw York Dressmaker. 150 11th st. Miscellaneous. WORK WANTED FOR 5 EXPERIENCED waitresses, chambermaids, cooks, house work; laundry, stores; anybody. Drake. 205 Washington. LADY COOK AND DISHWASHER WOULD like work together In camp; good references. Inquire room 35, Belmont House, lot anl Taylor. YOUNG LADY. STRANGER HERE, WISHES position as cashier, clerk or'offlce work; good reference. Address F 10, Oregonlan. A GOOD CrOK IN AMERICAN FAMILY CR second wor and laundress. L 10, Owronlaru PLACE WANTED BY A YOUNG LADY T" work for board and room. M 10. Oregonlan. LADY DESntES POSITION AS SIURT POL isher In laundry- Telephone Union i25- YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS CASH ler or clerk. R 1, Oregonlan. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. Phono Front 1381. WANTED AGENTS. BEST MONET-MAKER FOR AGENTS ON earth. New article, new plan. teusehoTd necessity; 2.000.000 sold; resells to same pev ple over and over again; 110,000 sold tn Minneapolis; agenti make from $10 to $20 dally; our new-selling plan beats- all ethers, agents- outfit 10c. Domestic Mfg. Co., desk 10. Minneapolis, Minn. GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED TO SELL lots on commission. In one of the choicest suburbs of Portland. Address P. O. Box 703, city. EXPERIENCED CANVASSERS FOR PHOTOS and portraits; big money. 801 Dekum bldg. LADY AGENT SOMETHING NBW. GOOD seller, big wages. 215 Commercial blk 3 GOOD AGENTS FOR PHOTO COUPONS. A i snap. Rembrandt Studio. Ablngten bWg ' WANTED TO BENT. WANTED TO RENT SMALL FURNISHED flat on Washington or Morrison st. wi;i view to buying later on. Address wtth particulars, P 10, Oregonlan.. V WANTED TO RENT 10 OR 12-ROOM furnished house; would board owners. Phono Front 211.