Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 04, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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President Starts for Rest in
demurrer Js general in Its character and
Its main objection Is that the Indictment
is insufficient.
With a Few -Chosen Friends, He
Leaves for the Southwest to Meet
Rough- Riders, Hunt Wolves,
Bear and Cougar.
"WASHINGTON, April 3.-"Wlth cheera
ar.i J good wishes resounding at the Ponn-a-
Ivania. depot, the President at 9:05 A. M.
today, on a special train, started" a trip
through the South. Among those -at the
station were many Irienaa of the Presi
dent, Including: Postmaster-General Cor
teljou and Secretary Metcalf. or the De
S artinent of Commerce and Labor.
The special train consists of three cars,
the- President's private -ar Rockele. the
Pullman sleeper Forest, and" the combina
t '0,1 baggage and buffot car Viceroy. At
tr ird to the train, to be run as far as
Baltimore as a buffer, was a day coach.
, " train is handsomely fitted, and con
tains every known appliance to Insure the
"mfort and safety of the passengers.
r'ie train was scheduled to leave at 9
oclk. but it was a minute after that
v m when the President arrived at the
-ation. Ue Iwd been delayed at the
V bte House for a few minutes In sign
. s some Important papers. I5yen after
r boarded his car. some papers were
v .id to him for his signature. It was
Just lire minutes after the scheduled time
.r cepprrure' when the train drew out of
fv station.
Members of the Party.
I the party besides the President were
Secretary Loeb, General S. B. M. Young.
Ii. Alexander Lambert, Lieutenant G. R.
I crtesquc. one of the President's aides;
M C. Lata and J. L. McGrcw. stenog
rarVrs to the President; H. A. Stach
meyer, photographer, and representatives
cf the newspaper press associations.
The trip is being primarily made to en
able the President to attend the reunion
of his old regiment, the Hough Riders.
wLich Is to be held at San Antonio, Tex.,
next Friday, and to hunt big game in
Oklahoma and Colorado. Incidentally the
President will deliver notable addresses
at several places en joute. His first Im
portant stop will be made at Louisville.
Ky.f tomorrow morning, where he will be
tre guest of the city for a few hours. He
will go directly to St. Louis, and thence
via the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rail
road to San Antonio, stopping at several
j laces on the way. Among them Sherman
and Dallas, Tex.
Wolf-Hunt in Oklahoma.
After leaving San Antonio, the President
will go to Oklahoma for a wolf hunt, and
Trill proceed thence to Colorado to hunt
lig game In the mountains. Unless it
should be necessary on account of unfore
se'n circumstances to curtail the trip, the
President will be absent from Washington
about two months. Definite plans for the
ti.'p after ho shall leave Oklahoma have
r. t been made, the purpose, of the Presi
dent being to adjust his plans to the con
ditions as they may exist at the time,
"ft bile lie expects to be in the wilds of
Colorado for a considerable time, he will
keep In Constant touch with. Washington
ry means of couriers to the nearest tele
graph station, and thus will be enabled to
attend to such important business as may
demand his personal attention.
Dr. Lambert, who accompanies the
President, is his physician, and has hunted
throughout the country the President will
President Roosevelt's delay in arriving
at the railway station today was due to
an accident which happened to one of
the horses attached to his carriage, soon
rfter leaving the White House. The off-1-crse
fell, becoming entangled In the har
ness. The accident amounted to little,
and the President was In no wise Injured.
It occasioned a delay of about five min
utes, After the horse got up the trip to
the station was made without incident.
President Exuberant With Joy at
Prospect of Outing.
HARRISBURG. Pa.. April S. President
Roosevelt's special train arrived here at
1? 53 and left here for the West at 1 P. M.
There was a large crowd at the station.
I don't exactly say that I need a rest,
''-t I am going to take one in the open.
- ndtr God's blue heaven." said President
Tl ios n-elt, standing on the platform bv
t special train at the Pennsylvania sta
tion and conversing with Congressman
Olmstead and others. In the presence of
r great crowd that gathered at the sta
tion to meet him. It wag suggested to
tiie President that things would go along
i i a smooth manner, even if he were
i bsent.
Oil, things will be all right," said he.
1 have left Taft sitting on the lid keep
's: down that Santo Domingo matter."
L?trr he said:
I am going to have an outing. 1 am
K "g to get away where I won't oven
t'-uiK of a fourth-class Postmaster."
When the train came in. the President
sond on the rear platform,, waving his
I and to the crowd and fairly beaming good nature.
When the train stopped he stepped from
t platform with the remark to a secret
?rrvice officer:
Pass right along now. and if this
t r wd Isn't too big. I'll shake with all of
"u "' At tills there was a rush to shake
" -inds with him. His last remark as
"i-e train left the station was a hearty
So long, boys; good-bye." "
President Has Party Photographed
on Horseshoe Bend.
PITTSBURG, April 3. The special
hearing President Roosevelt and party
"ived In Pittsburg at 8:45 o'clock.
The trip from Washington was without
incident except at Horseshoe Bend,
where during a drizzling rain the Pres-
dent stopped the train and had the
party photographed.
In this city the President appeared
o ! the rear platform of the car and
was enthusiastically greeted by a large
rrowd. The President spoke briefly.
The train left at 9:13 P. ai.
Connors Fails to Demand Prompt
Trial, and Files Demurrer.
CHICAGO, April -Superintendent J.
T Connors, of Armour & Co., under in
tment for alleged Interfering with Fed-f.-al
grand jury witnesses, failed to ap
; ar In person before Judge Landis today,
aid thus failing to observe the formality
f arraignment, was unable to push a
rouon for an Immediate trial. Judge
Landis said that he would not bo in Chl
f ago again for at least two weeks from
today. The case was continued until
Sat'irday morning.
When counsel for Mr. Connors realized
that they would be unable to force the
i ae to an Immediate hearing M,r. Urlon
fued a demurrer to the indictment The
Equitably Affairs Under Scrutiny
Alexander's Reply to Hyde.
NEW YORK, April 3. The most Im
portant development In the Equitable
Life Assurance Society's affairs toJay
was the announcement tonight by Gov
ernor Hlgglns, at Albany, and by Pres
ident James W. Alexander, of the so
ciety, in this city, that the State Su
perintendent of Insurance, Francis
Hondrioks, had bifrun an Investigation
of the company's affairs. This was fol
lowed by the introduction in the State
Senate tonight of a resolution provid
ing for a legislative Investigation of
the Equitable. The resolution was pre
sented by Senator
Mr. Hendricku returned to Albany
last night after several days spent in
conference with those interested in
Equitable matters in this city. The
Governor's announcement came "less
than 12 hours after the superintendent
had reached his Albany office and was
followed by a formal announcement
from Mr. Hendricks office in this city
tonight to the same effect. This action
by the stae authorities follows a re
quest made by Mr. Alexander to Su
perintendent Hendricks by letter Feb
ruary 21 and by Mr. Hyde In a letter,
announcement of which was made last
Saturday night.
In an autnorlzed statement the first
Mr. Alexander has made since the State
Superintendent was called into the con
troversythe president of the Equit
able says that the Investigation by Mr.
Hendricks "is now in progress. Its re
sult," he adds, "will establish the truth
or falsity of many matters which are
now being alleged on the one hand and
controverted on the other."
He also takes occasion to deny some
of the statements made formally by
Mr. Hyde last Saturday night. Mr.
Alexander's statement follows:
It has been my eottled purpo?e to avoid a
for a possible a dlwiisslon In the public press
nf the merits of any phaoe of the controversies
now ftxistuiK within the Equitable Life Assur
ance Society. It Is properly a matter of con
cern with me to avoid any expression which
will embarrass the board of directors In the
'dlscharce of He duties or that will give rise to
Irematurtt Judgment on any matter affectlns
the society or any Individual. I am confirmed
In this resolve by the fact that an examina
tion of the society wan asked for by me through
a letter addressed to the Superintendent of
Insurance an February 21, 19CJ. This exami
nation le now in progress. Its result will es
tablish the truth or falelty of many matters
which are now being alleged on the one hantl
and controverted on the other.
In a signed statement Issued by the vice
president of the society. James H. Hyde, on
Saturday, April 1. 1905, certain statements
were made which I cannot allow to pars un
challenged. He cays that the charges that
havc-freen made against him have their origin
In an effort by Individuals to obtain control
of the Eaui table Society and lis assets. On
the part of myself and other officers of the
society who are associated with me la this
movement, I desire to deny that our action
is influenced by any motive except a desire to
discharge our duty as officers of the society.
Mr. Hyde further says that he has exer
cised no power except with the president's
concurrence. In reply, I assert that Mr.
Hyde's usurpation of the president's authority
and his habitual action without the consent or
the knowledge of the president of the society
are amonr the subjects of serious crltlcin
against his conduct as an officer of the so
ciety. Mr. HydeV request for an examination of
the society's affairs by the Superintendent of
Insurance must be viewed as an acquiescence
in my course In this respect, which a few days
ago Mr. Hyde was disposed to regard as taken
without authority.
I have thus far made no denial of the fre
quent assertion that, as one of the trustee of
the Hyde stock, I am vested with the voting
power upon It. The trust exprecsly provide
that no vote shall be cast upon the Hyde
shares at any election of the society by the
three trustees, except for a person approved
by James H. Hyde, who is also one of the
The section under which Mr. Hen
vlricks today began his investigation
is 39 of the insurance law, which pro
vides that the Superintendent of" In
surance may, as often as he deems It
expedient, "appoint one or more per
sons as examlrters to examine into the
affairs of any such corporation and its
books with reference to Its busines.".
Every such corporation, its officers and.
agents shall produce its books and all
papers In its or their possession relat
ing to its business or affairs for the
inspection and examination of such ex
aminers whenever required." The law
als6 provides for a hearing to the cor
poration on the examiners' report be
fore filing such roport.
The announcement of an investiga
tion was preceded by a statement that
the hearing before the Superintendent
of Insurance on the application of the
Crhnmlns' policyholders committee,
which has been set for tomorrow, has
been postponed.
(Continued from First Page.)
on the isthmus, with the special view to its
utilization in canal construction work.
4. He shall reside on the Isthmus and devote
his entire time to the service, except when
granted leave of absence by the Secretary of
All officers and employes shall be appointed
and their salaries shall be fixed by the head
of the department In which they are engaged.
Their appointment and salary shall be sub
ject to the approval cither of the Commission
or. If the Commission Is not in session, of the
executive committee. The employment of lu.
borers where the contract of employment I
made In the United States, or outside of the
isthmus, shall be negotiated and concluded by
the chairman of the Commission, subject to
'the approval of tlie executive committee.
Where the employment of laborers Is effected
on the Isthmus, It shall be conducted under
the supervision of the Chief Engineer, subject
to the approval of the executive committee.
Letting of Supply Contracts.
Contracts for the purchase of. supplies or for
construction involving an estimated expendi
ture exceeding 10.000 shall only be made after
due public advertisement In newspapers of gen
eral circulation, and shall be awarded to the
lowest responsible bidder, except In case of
emergency, when, with the approval of the
Secretary of War. advertising may be dis
pensed with. In the making of contracts for
supplies or construction Involving an esti
mated expenditure of more than $1000 and less
than $10,000, competitive bids should be sc
oured by invitation or advertisement when
ever practicable.
As soon as practicable after the date of this
order the Isthmian Canal Commission, as here
after constituted, shall hold a session In the
City of Washington for th general purposes
of preparing t1w number and character of of
ficers and employes to serve In the Clly of
Washington In the work of the Commission.
The Commission Is especially charged with the
duty of maintaining a complete system of ac
count on the lMhmus, which shall be dupli
cated In Washington, so that there may be
always In Washington the proper means of In
forming the President, the Secretary of War
and Congress of the amount of work done,
the cost of the same, the amount of money
available, the amount of money expended and
the general financial condition of th Enter
prise. Board of Consulting .Engineer.
There will hereafter bo appointed by the
President nine civil engineers ot the highest
standing, having experience- in work of canal
construction and hydraulics, to constitute a
board of consulting engineers, to whloh will
be submitted by the Isthmian Canal Commis
sion for is consideration and advice the im
portant engineering questions arising In the
selection of the best plan for the construction
of the canal. The recommendations of the
board of consulting engineers shall be consid
ered by the Isthmian Canal Commission, and,
with the recommends-tlons of the Commission,
shall finally be submitted through the Secre
tary of War to the President for his decision.
The executive officers of the. Commission
shall make duplicate reports on the work nnd
operating of their respective department to
the Sccreuo of War and the Isthmian Canal
Commission from time to time and as often
as may be required by the Secretary of War
will make to the President a report at least
annually and as orten as he may deem advis
able or the President may require. All ex
ecutive orders relating to the subject of the
Panama Canal, except ro far a they may hs
inconsistent with the present order, remain In
Change Comes Right Away.
The order closes with the announce
ment of the appointment of the com
mission. The appointment of Judge Ma
goon as Governor of the Canal Zone
shall take effect on the date of his ar
rival on the Isthmus and the resigna
tion of the present incumbent of said
office shall thereupon take effect. The
commissions of Messrs. Shonts, Magoon,
EnJicott, Hnins and Harrod were de
livered to them today and they took
the oath qf office as Isthmian Canal
Commissioners. They immediately
called upon Secretary of "War Taft, and
it Is expected they will enter upon j
their ;lutles at once.
Will Reorganize Forces.
After their induction into office and their
consultation with Secretary Taft. the
Commissioners met in the office of Gover
nor Magoon and had a brief talk over the
reorganization plans. They was of neces
sity preliminary, because most of the new
Commissioners were unfamiliar by per
sonal experience with the mechanism the
old Commission has created. It is Jald
that" there Is no disposition to make sud
den changes in it. though In the end a
more or less complete reorganization is
expected. Under the President's order,
the actual headquarters of the commission
will be In Panama and there probably will
be a considerable transfer of employes
from Washington to that place, leaving
here only a sufficient force to carry on the
work of the admiMstratlvo branch and to j
keep the duplicate accounts. Chairman
Shonts, with Governor Magoon and En- ,
glneer Wallace, will spend most of his
time in the Zone, but as the admlnlstra- !
tlve officers are directly in Mr. Shonts"
charge, he will be In Washington more
or less. The purchasing agent of the
commission will probably be established
in Xew York.
Rear-Admiral Endicott and Colonel
Ernst are at present charged with Im
portant duties In connection with the
Navy and Army. The Admiral Is chief of
the Xaval Bureau of Wards and Docks
and Colpnel Ernst is not only In charge
of Important river and harbor worka in
the neighborhood of Chicago, but is presi
dent of the Mississippi River Commission
and a number of the International Deep
Water Way Commission, which is to meet
during the Summer at Toronto. Their
continued presence on the Isthmus is- not
necessary and It probably will be quite
sufficient If they are there only long
enough to attend the regular meeting at
Panama. This will enable Admiral En
dicott to meet the President's wishes and
continue as the head of the Bureau of
Tarda and Docks. Colonel Ernst will be
relieved ot the river and 'harbor work In
the Chicago division by Colonel W. H.
Blxby, Corps of Engineers, now on sick
leave. Engineer Walters, who is now on
his way from Panama, will be here
Wednesday or Thursday. Colonel Erjisi
will continue to act as president of the
Mississippi River Commission and member
of the International Deep -Water Water
way Commission.
Governor. Magoon will .be required to
reside permanently on the isthmus and
has" resigned his present position as law
officer of the Bureau of Insular Affairs.
It Is the present Intention to refrain from
filling the vacancy thus created. The In
sular Bureau, like the other Bureaus of
the War Department, will call on the
Judge-Advocate-General's office for any
necessary legal advice.
Executive Committee Elected.
Later in the day the new body met in
the office of the commission and perfected
Its organization. The first action taken
was the appointment of an executive
committee, composed of Chairman Shonts,
Governor Magoon and Chief Engineer
Wallace. The question of the disposition
of the minor officials and the clerical
force was left open.
Mr. Shonts left here tonight for a brief
visit to the West to finish up some private
matters demanding his attention.
7heDifferea t St are "
Great Special Sale of
Jill Humors
Arc impure matters which the Bkin,
liver, kidneys and other prgans can
not take care cf without helpj there it
uch an accumulation of them.
They litter the whole system.
Pimples, boils, eczema and other
eruptions, loss of appetite, that tired
feeling"; bilious turns, fits of indiges
tion, dull headaches and many other
troubles are due to them.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Remove all humors, overcome all
their effects, strengthen, tone and
invigorate the whole system.
"I had salt rhemn on my hands to that J
could not work. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla
and It drove out the humor. I continued
its use till the sores disappeared." Mbs.
Ika O. Bbowx, Rumford Falls, Me.
Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to
cure and keeps the promise.
Thousands of yards in the unparalleled offering today. Beautiful
corset cover embroideries, just arrived yesterday and offered today
at prices that must bring you early to the store. All new embroi
deries, fresh as the morning from their overland trip. Cambrics,
Nainsooks and Swisses the most wanted sorts for use as trimmings
by the busy needleworkers who are fashioning Spring undergarments.
The greatest values in town. For your convenience in choosing
we've divided these splendid embroideries into three lots, priced as
LOT 1 Consists of usual 45c and 50c values; special at, yd. 25?
LOT 2 Consists of usual 65c and 75c values; special at, yd.
LOT 3 Consists of usual 90c and .$1.00 values; special at, yd. 48
Come and see for yourself. Get here promptly, but give your
self plenty of time to look over the grand exposition. Thousauds of
yards fine picking for early, persistent, bright-eyed shoppers.
The showing is so vast further description is useless Come and share.
First Floor Neckwear Aisles.
A lot of pretty, new Linen Collars in very newest styles, two and
three rows of lavender hemstitching, little beauties for tasty neck-
dressings; worth 25c each, special today for, each 12V?
A rare -bargain. in these beautiful, wide white laces. You'll want to
share these. Select from values up to 25c a yard today at 106
Result of I. C. School
Vote, 5 P. M. Monday
jRegrinald Carter, Bell Boy,
The orto 132444
Arthur Taylor, M. fc A. Sho-
gren. 117JJ8S
Mae Hughes. Knight Shoe
Company SOOO
Guy xe rue, Portland De
livery Company 27,0S
Arthur Iilndborsr. Lilndborje
Grocery 6J3S
P. H. Battin, Wndhams A
Kerr Bros 4,220
3T 7422
.Scattering 7QJ3S3
Total 454,405
Second Floor.
"Under the Auspices of Portland
T. W. C. A.
. Tea. Coffee. Chocolate.
Milk Served From Bottles.
Puree of Green Peas.
Veal Loaf, With Saratoga Chips.
Creamed Egg; "With Asparagus Tips.
Poached Eggs. Shirred Eggs.
Ham Sandwiches.
Hot Rolls. Bread and Butter
Crescent and Star Tea Cakes.
Great Special Millinery Sale Today
Hats That Won't Last Long at the Price
Second Floor, Annes Biiou Millinerv Parlors.
Olds, "Wortmau & King Millinery is splendid
its leadership is assured. No other house studies
fashions so jealously, or with such success. Our
staff of designers is made up yf leaders in their
line, and we make, right here iuVour own store, some
of the most oyannfTig models in) the stocks-rmodels
that rival the French creations,iboth in charm and
exclusiveness. 'Tis this different sort of hat show
ing we invite your attention to today a showing
of hats at prices that mean a loss to us monetarily
but the profit of many friends.
200 new and very stylish Turbans, Sailors and
Dress Shapes, made to sell up to .$4.00. As a
special inducement today j-ou may select and
until lot is closed at, each ?1.9S
In the Rug Store Fourth Floor
One must see the rugs to fully appreciate what this sale means
Handsome Oriental Rugs, in small, medium and carpet sizes, including
Fehrehan, Cobestan, Khiva, Bokhara, Shiraz, Daj-hestan, Shirekin.
Savouk, Kirnair, Shah, Analolias, Bergamas, Kazak, Mossouls, etc.
Reduced this way a rare chance for collectors and connoisseurs to
save m adding to their collections of rug gems :
Positively cured, by these
Iiittlo Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Djspepria,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Small PIH. Small DoHt
Small Price.
special .
special .
value, special.,
value, special.,
value, special.,
value, special.,
value, special.,
value, special . .
value, special . .
value, special . .
value, special,
value,' special
value, special
value, special
value, special
value, special
Buy Baby a Go-Carf
Get the little household Prince
out into the Spring sunshine.
Baby is a human bud and needs
the warmth and sunshine that
Nature brings these days just as
the buds in your garden need them
to opeu out and grow. You can't
put too much sunshine into baby's
life. Buy a Go-Cart today and
trundle him out.
Baby Go-Carts, folding, adjusta
ble, all rubber tires, priced at,
each, Irom $d.7o to $lZ.r9
iBaby Go-Carts with reclining
backs, adjustable foot rest, au
tomobile gear; complete with
cushions and parasol; prices,
each, $11, $13, $14 up to $40
"We arc adding hundreds of nw
names every month to ouf satlBfled
list of customers. "We would like to
add yours.
Y. M. C. A. Brdfi. Fourth & VamhlH
Rajah Pongee Silks at 75c Yard
Silk Store South Annex, First Floor.
The closing quotation yesterday and opening quotation today at S A. M.
on Rajah Silks was, and is, as above 75c the yard. Watch the ticker
today. Having decided to discontinue the sale of the above brand
of silks, we shall offer them as sold during the closing hours of yes
terdayat the yard, present price 75p
The above includes our entire stock of Rajah Pongee Silks, sold regu
larly at $1.25 yard, all colors included. A poworful magnet to draw
silk-buyers to the South Annex Salons. All elsewhere quotations
on Rajahs will be bettered at this Silk Store. Present quotations,
the j-ard 75
South Annex First Floor.
This sale should be of more than ordinary interest, coming n if
does, at the opening of the Spring season, when making of Spring
Gowns occupies the thoughts and busies the fingers of multitudes of
dressmakers and home sewers. We quote example bargains:
$2.00 Novelty Imported Spring Suitings, in Panamas, English Mohairs,
Silk and Wool Mixtures, in all colors and the newest styles; specially
priced, per yard 1... $1.49
$1.50 54-inch all-wool Tailor Suiting and 45-inch Novelty English Mo
hairs, all new colors and patterns, splendid fabrics for shirtwaist
suits, waists, coats and skirts; specially priced at, per yard....98
Colored French Voiles, all pure wool, with the new finish
$1.75 quality, 54-inch, specially priced, per yard $1.46
$1.50 quality, 46-inch, specially priced, per yard $1.22
$1.25 quality, 43-inch, specially priced, per yard 9S
Every color is included in these lines, both street and evening
shades; also blacks.
I -$1.00
Novelty Mohair Suitings, in neat stripes, dots and shepherd
checks, all colors in the lijie; special!- priced, per yard 69d
50c all-wool Albatross, all colors, and new mixed Tailor Suitings; spe
cially priced, per yard 39
2200 yards imported black English Mohair Sicilian, fast dye and richly
finished; splendid 85c value, special, only, per yard 59
Going to Buy Shoes This Week?
The "Fair-Way" Shoe Store South Annex, First Floor.
MEN'S $4.00 SHOES $3.29 Men's Lace Shoes, tan Russian calf,
Blucher cut, latest Spring style; regular value $4.00, special $3.29
MEN'S $4.00 OXFORDS $2.89 Men's Genuine Patent Colt Blucher
Cut Oxfords, new potato last, very stylish; regular value $4.00,
special, pair $2.89
MEN'S $3.50 SHOES $2.59 Men's Lace Shoes, chocolate, Blucher cut.
straight last, thoroughly made by honest shoemakers; regular value
$3.50, special, pair $2.59
MEN'S $1.50 SLIPPERS S9 CENTS Men's Imitation Alligator Slip- i
pcrs, splendid stock to wear; regular valnes $1.2o and $l.o0, pair 89c
WOMEN'S $3.50 OXFORDS $2.69 Women's Vici Kid Lace Blucher
Oxfords, four large eyelets, patent tip; regular value $3.50, pr. $2.69
WOMEN'S $3.50 OXFORDS $2.74 Women's Patent Colt Oxford Ties,
dull mat kid tops, Louis XV heel, made on a high-arch last that will
keep its shape; regular value $3.50, special, pair $2.74
WOMEN'S $3.50 LOW SHOES $2.69 Women's Medium All-Around
Low Shoe, medium heel and toe, vici kid, patent tip, turned soles;
regular value $3.50, special, pair $2.69
Splendid Values in Pretty Spring
Wash Fabrics and Domestics
A cluster of bargain's that mean
emphatic savings to this week's
buyers. It mightbe well to clip
this list and bring it with you to
the store.
15c India Linon 10c.
Very fine, sheer India Linon, 40
inches wide; regular value 15c,
special, yard 10
35c Piques 25c.
White Piques with fancy jacquard
figures, variety of pretty up-to-date
styles; regular value 35c,
special, yard 25
25c Fancy Waistings 18c.
Fancy Silk Finish Waistings with
handsomely embroidered dots
and figures: regular value 25c,
special, yard 18
$1.00 Bleached Damask 88c.
Fine quality Bleached Damask, 72
inches wide, pretty patterns;
regular valnc $L00, special,
yard 88
Fancy Voiles 12V2c Yard.
15,000 yards Fancy Voiles snow
flake suitings and spot crepes;
special at, the yard..I..121
See our fascinatingly pretty
new styles m Printed Organdies,
Printed Irish Dimities, Printed
Mulls, India Mulls and French
Printed Nets; lowest prices in the
Sheets 48c Each.
200 dozen Full Size Sheets, SliOO
inches, made of heavy, round
thread sheeting, warranted to
wear satisfactorily; special,
each 48
14c Pillow Cases 10c.
Pillow Cases made of wire smooth I
sheeting; regular value 14c,
special, each 10?
16c Pillow Cases 1212c
Extra Weight Pillow Cases, made'
ox oest quality sneetmg: regu
lar value ibe, special J.3y2
Art Section Second Floor.
A large shipment just received yesterday on sale today. Five lots, priced!
12, 35, 45 60 and 75