Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 04, 1905, Image 1

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VOL. XLV. 2s0. 13,828.
Many . Issues Involved
at Chicago.
Shall City Own ItImmediately
or Wait Longer?
iHarlan Proposes to End Collusion of
Police With Thugs, While
Dunne Talks of Muni
cipal Ownership.
CHICAGO. April 3. At the pool
rooms the odds on the municipal elec
tion tonight are Ihinne 1 to 6 and Har
lan 3 to 1, but no great anxiety -was
exhibited by either side to place much
money at the Indicated prices. The
Prohibition and Socialist parties both
have candidates in the field.
. CHICAGO, April 3. Tho municipal- eloc
tlon which -will be decided hero tomorrow
Has. been the most hotly contested for
many .years, and any prediction as to the
outcome must take Into consideration so
many angles and side- issues, all having
an important bearing, that It Is difficult
lo predict with any degree of accuracy.
Republican managers say John M. Harlan
will be chosen Mayor by at least 'J),000
plurality, while the Democrats Insist
Judge Edward F. Dunne will have all
the way from 20.000 to 50,000 plurality.
While the chief issue-has been munici
pal ownership of the street , railways, it
has been clouded by many other issues.
Perhaps half the people who are shouting
for municipal ownership do not really
want it. Those who have Jiad experience
why-niu.nlcipajl ownership of the water
ifflrvle and lighting service of Chicago
a&rtMliiiy do not hope for .anything' better
under municipal ownership of the street
railways. They fear the traction service
would fall to the depths of the alleged
police protection and point to the decay
ing public buildings, rotting bridges and
deserted Streets' as fair examples of what
may be. expected In other lines if munici
pal ownership prevails.
Hearst Is Backing Dunne.
The hot campaign has been productive
of many animosities. Early in the fight
the Democrats raised the cry that Har
lan was backed by J. Piorpont Morgan
and "Wall street This was based upon
the fact tJiat the. Morgan syndicate re
cently financed the City Hallway reorgan
ization here, and It was claimed by the
Democrats that Harlan, If elected, would
turn the railways over to the Morgan
crowd. The Hearst papers were particu
larly active in this charge, and the Re
publicans then awoke to the fact that
William Randolph Hearst was the real
power behind Judge Dunne. The nom
ination of Judge Dunne gave Hearst an
opportunity to take an active hand in
molding Cnicago politics and policies. Be
tween Mayor Harrison and Hearst there
is a coldness, and Harrison took partic
ular pains to sec that Hearst had no part
in running the city government. Judge
Dunne, however, nominated against a
6trong man, was glad to accept help from
any quarter, with the result that Hearst
practically ran the campaign, and if
Dunne be elected tomorrow, Hearst will
have much to say about tho government
of Chicago.
Crime .Called a Side Issue.
All through the carapalgn'Judge Dunne
has insisted that the traction issue was
the solo feature to be considered. Asked
about what he would do toward ridding
the city of the sandbaggcrs and thugs and
murderers who have made Chicago the
most "notorious city in the world, he said
this was one of tho "small side issues,"
a matter to be considered by the head
of the police department. On the other
hand, John M. Harlan made one of his
strongest bids for public support by a
pledge to clear the city of licensed and
protected thugism. He argues that a
man or woman would prefer to wait a
few weeks for the settlement of the
traction issue, providing his or her life
were safe meanwhile. This is a most
vital question in Chicago. The life and
property of no nan or woman is safe
at any time. The crime syndicate is so
strongly entrenched and fortilied that It
will require extraordinary effort to dis
lodge it. This Is what John M. Harlan
proposes to tackle as one of the chief
issues' before the people of Chicago. Judge
Dunne, however, says it is a minor Issue.
Another strong point in favor of the
Republican candidate has been the open
ondorsoment by Judge Dunne of "Hlnky
Dink" McKenna, the notorious First
Ward Alderman, representative in the
City Council of the hoboes, riffraff, the
tough saloons, houses of ill-repute in
faot, of all the concentrated evil of a
great city. Mayor Harrison tolerated
"Hinky-Dink." but never endorsed him.
Judge Dunne, however, not only praised
him from the public platform, but pleaded
for votes for him. This has given the
Republicans a splendid lot of ammuni
tion and has been one of the great mis
takes made by the Democratic candi
date. A'iewing the campaign impartially, it is
acen (that Judge Dunne, the Democratic
candidate, stands, first and above all.
for "immediate municipal ownership."
Just what is meant by this has not been
made clear, but tho cry of "municipal
ownership" is pleasing and is being
yelled on the streets by thousands of men
who cannot spell or define it. In order to
carry this point. Judge Dunne is willing
to let in Hlnky-Dlnk and other gangster
Aldermen, pass by the thugs, bad water
and light service and general municipal
decay, treating them as "minor side is
sues to be treated by subordinates."
On the other hand, Harlan stands for
municipal ownership "when the people
have decided for It and It Is practicable."
But this is not his sole object. He stands
equally to the front for a clean moral
and physical city, protection for the lives
and property of citizens and visitors, bet
ter public buildings, repaired streots and
bridges and other utilities that may be put
in sorvice.
"Immediate municipal ownership" in
Chicago is fundamentally Impossible. The
traction issue has been taken out of the
campaign and thrown Into tho state
courts. This was a fine coup executed by
Mayor Harrison. Under this act the city
can do nothing with the tractions for at
least four or five years. It Is figured that
It would cost the city $150,000,000 to take
over the City -Railway and Union Trac
tion lines. The interest on this Invest
ment would considerably exceed 520,000 a
day, and the returns from the patronage
of the car lines show that the city would
be taking a very hazardous step in un
dertaking it. Judge Dunne intlmatos that
he would not be In favor of Immediate
ownership that Is, he would not favor
expending any money, but would at once
assume "control" of the car lines and
force decent service. In other words,
take control of the lines and force the
companies to meet the expenses. This
would be a satisfactory solution of the
problem, providing the companies acqui-
-csced. The chances are, however, this
not being the age of miracles, that they
would haston into tho courts instead and
the result would be lengthy and expen
sive litigation. With millions Invested,
the traction people may be expected to
put up a stiff fight.
Socialists Cut a Figure.
In figuring on the result of the 'elec
tion tomorrow the Socialists must be
taken Into consideration. This party has
recently, made a strong showing, has an
entire ticket in the field, and is conduct
ing an active campaign. Like the others.
It, too. Is for "municipal ownership," but
of the peculiar Socialist brand. It be
lieves in taking the traction companies
by the neck and taking away from them
anything the Socialists desire, meanwhllo
requiring them to pay the expenses without-
a word as to control of the proper
ties. In this respect their principles near
ly approach those enunciated by Judge
The Democrats arc charging that this
week Morgan and Wall street sent to the
aid of Hiirlan $3,000,000 in cash. According
to tin story. Wall street has recently in
vested, $26.0jO.OOO in the traction systems of
Chicago and this investment Is threat
ened, by the election of Judge Dunne.
None but the unthinking believe this story.
With equal reason It might be charged
that, if Judge Dunne Is elected, William
Randolph Hearst will be the real Mayor
and that the city will be run from his
newspaper offices here and elsewhere.
One powerful Influence in favor of Har
lan is the knowledge that President
Roosevelt has expressed a wish that
may be elected. Mr. Harlan's father Is" -the
Supreme Justice and President Roose
velt has long known all the members of
the Harlan family. The Republican can- i
dldate is a Harvard alumnus and all tho
college men in the city have rallied to his
Division in Both Parties.
Neither Harlan nor Dunne has the uni
ted support of his party. Once, when de
nied the nomination, Harlan ran as an
independent, and scored tho second high
est vote. At the last election he sup
,ported Graeme Stewart, the Republican
nominee, but it Is said factions of the Re
publican party aro planning to knife him.
This will likely be offset by similar tac
tics In the Democratic camp. Mayor Har
rison has possession of all the Demo
cratic machinery, is still a powerful fac
tor in his party, and has thousands of
Republican friends. This explains why
he has been elected so often always by
Republican votes. He has rather favored
Harlan not openly, of course, but his
coup in taking the traction Issue out
of the campaign was a decided blow to
the Dunne forces, as they bad banked
entirely upon that point.
Governor Dcnccn is a warm admirer of
Harlan and Is extending such aid as he
can consistently with his position. The
Governor is an ardent advocate of the
new charter and enlarged opportunities
for Chicago, and would prefer to see a
man of his own beliefs at the head of the
city government.
Professional politicians tho class that
belongs to any party where spoils are to
be distributed are much in dread of Har
lan. This explains, to a large degree,
any hostility to hlm.ln his own party. It
is certain he could not be "used." He
has a will and backbone of his own and
would be Mayor, if elected. All the crim
inal forces are solidly arrayed against
him, for he is pledged to drive them out
If he is chosen as executive of the city.
Prominent Washington Lawyer and
Associate Are indicted.
WASHINGTON, April 3. The Federal
grand jury today reported an indictment
against Andrew A. Lipscomb, a promi
nent attorney of this city, in connection
with the alleged embezzlement of 516,000
from the Washington Beneficial Endow
ment Association. The indictment In
cludes the name of Thomas M. Fields', who
with Mr. Lipscomb acted as receiver for
the association.
Several weeks ago Fields was Indicted
separately for embezzlement. After being
a fugitive from Justice for nearly a year
he was apprehended In a small village In
New York and brought here.
Morgan Controls Phoenix Bank.
NEW YORK, April 3. Although no offi
cial statement was made today, the news
was confirmed that the Phoenix National
Bank of this city will be operated by in
terests which have been affiliated with
J. P. Morgan & Co. F. EL Marshall, the
vice-president of the National Bank of
Commerce of St Louis, will in all prob
ability become tho president of the bank.
Beeldes these interests, August Belmont
& Co. and E. F. Swinncy, who is presi
dent of .the American Bankers Associa
tion and. a prominent banker of Kansas
City, will be identified with the manage
ment Some definite statoment will prob
ably, bo giveujout:ia,a lew daya.
T. Cader Powell Not to
Be Marshal..
President Said to Have Taken
Many Stories Against Powell Filed in
Washington, and Ho Is Said to
Have Been Summoned
From Nome.
ington, April 3. It is reported hero that
before his departure from the city
the President directed the removal of
T. Cader Powell, recently appointed
United States Marshal of Alaska by him.
and directed that the order of removal
be sent into Alaska after Mr. Powell,
who is now on his way across the ice
towards Nome. It is said that after in
vestigation the President was much dis
appointed In his selection of the Alaska
Marshal and incensed because he decided
he had been imposed upon by Powell's
recommendation for the office. He there
fore several weeks ago sent an order
recalling his appointee to Seattle, ex
pecting to reach him at that place, but
Powell had gone on to Valdez. The sec
ond order was then made and directed
to be served whenever Powell could be
found In Alaska. No absolute confirma
tion of this story can be gained at this
time, as it is impossible now to reach
the Attorney-General, butTlt Is stated on
high authority that the action has been
Since the appointment of Thomas Cader
Powell to the office of United States Mar
shal of Alaska there have been rumors
concerning him. and his removal has been
sevoral times predicted. Mr. Powell was
appointed practically upon the strength of
Senator Fulton's recommendation, and
the iMrtv officer went at once to Seattle
after having received his credentials.
From thore he wont to Valdez and
over the trail to Xome,-it Doing supposed
that he is cither now on the road inland
or has ended his journey.
The cause of Powell's removal can be
laid first to his own work and second to
the efforts of his political enemies in lay
ing bare those spots of his record which
would not bear the heat of the Roose
veltian gaze.
It Is said that after Powell had been
appointed W. A. Storey went gunning for
the scalp of the nowly-made federal of
ficer, made keen in his quest by wrongs
done him In the June election of 1S04.
It is related that when the cam
paign -opened and the primaries were
yet some distance away, Mr. Storey was
out for another term as Sheriff of Mult
nomah and it Is alleged that he con
tributed 5500 toward the campaign
fund with the understanding that he
was to haye the support of the Matthews-Powell
faction In tho conven
tion. When the time came Powell
balked and upon his suggestion to a
great extent James Stott was chosen
to stand up and be whipped by Tom
Word. This treachery caused a sore
place to rankle in the breast of Mr.
Storey and his friends, and as a result,
when the federal mantle fell upon Mr.
Powell they began to dig- up what
things he had done in the past, and
having accumulated an assortment, sent
their find to President Roosevelt.
It is said that the history submitted
to the executive went back to the time
when Powell was County Clerk, and per
haps beyond that time. At any rate Rob
ert Fife was brought Into the story,
after he had passed from sight for years.
In 1S91 it Is said that Fife, who was an
old Scotch abstracter nt tho court
house, discovered that Powell was an
embezzler and so reported the matter, but
no action was taken in regard to the ex
posee, and Fife soon left his place in
the courthouse.
Expert Examinations Made.
Two years later, In 3S33, It is said that
another expert accountant made an exam
ination of Powell's books and found that
he was from 56000 to 511,000 short. This
report, so it Is said, was made to Judge
J. C. Morcland, who was at that time
County Judge, but no notice was taken
of It, and up to the present time, though
the report Is still in existence, no ac
tion has been taken in regard to the
But at this time thore was such a de
mand for some kind of an investigation
that Powell was indicted for malfeasance
in office, charged with not having pub
lished his annual reports as required by
law. The trial was to have been held
before Judge M. G. Munley, the District
Attorney at that time being William
Hume. But the indictment was quashed
upon motion of the District Attorney,
it not appearing to him that there was
sufficient evidence to secure a convic
tion. This story was sent to- Washington
so it Is said and the matter being
brought up by the President, Senator
Fulton sent to Powell asking him about
his indictment and advising htm to get
a certificate from the Judge stating the
case and telling of the action of the
court in quashing the instrument owing
to lack of a case. Mr. Powell therefore
secured a certificate from Judge Mun
ley as to the fact that the indictment
had been quashed but no further state
ment was made. '
Therst .was . also a rumor ia .the cltjr
about tho time of the Indictment of
Mr. Powell and tho investigation of his
affairs, that he had borrowed- 53500
from the mother of his first. Vvifjx- os
tensibly to pay on the shortage found
In his accounts, but the story has It,
none of the money was ever seen by
the county. 'This rumor was also told
to the President, solt Is said.
Other Charges Made.
There wero other charges brought
against Mr. Powell, one of the most im
portant ones being that he was guilty
of election frauds at tho June electjon
of 1904. Affidavits, or application
blanks for voting qualifications have
been sent to Washington and are now
In the possession- of .the President, so It
Is said. The allegation accompanied
the3e affidavits that Powell, In com
pany with the other flvo freeholders
whose names were' affixed, had made
the documents in blank, thus violating
tho law In every particular. By this It
Is meant that numbers of blank affi
davits were made out and signed by
the six men, making it so that it was
easy for a man to vote if he wished to
perjure himself at the polls as was
done by the men who made the affi
davits. It Is those charges and more besides,
which are alleged to have been re
sponsible for the recall of Mr. PowelL
Distinguished Party Will End Tour
With Convention Here.
WASHINGTON, April 3. President
Moore, of the Good Roads Association,
today procured a promise from Secretary
Wllson to be a member of a party which
will travel from Chicago to Portland, Or.,
and diffuao good roads literature "On the
way. The train on which the. party will
leave will be run as a- good roads special
to the Lewis and Clark Exposition.
The party, which will Include Senators
and Representatives, officials of the Na
tional Good Roads Association, expert
government road engineers and Secretary
Wilson, will leave Chicago about May 1
or 2 and proceed to Portland by a cir
cuitous route. The party will reach Port
land In time for a Good Roads convention
there about Juno 14.
Trying Him for Lack of Fidelity.
DENVER. Anril 2. The trial nf v.
M. Johnson, president of the defunct
J?iacmy bavlngs Association of Den
ver, on a charsre of emhftzr.iPTnnri f
511.000 of the association's funds, began
in tho Criminal Court here today.
inere are a number of indictments
against Johnson and tho other officers
of the association. The Fidelity Asso
ciation is In the hands of receivers and
its depositors, numbering many hun
dreds, have received nothing on their
claims since' its doors were elosc.l
about a year ago.
Will Take Home Ambassador's Body.
N$W YORK ApfiVi 3. The United
States oruls-r qolumia anivod hi this,
oort today to carry w Mexico the body
OT Don ManilP-' Ajtnlrnr t'nn Marln
Ambassador5 a Wa&iington, who re-
cpntiy aieu m that city.
-The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 6S
den.; minimum, 41 deg. Precipitation,
TODAY'S Fair. Slightly cooler. Easterly
The War In tho Far East.
Russian fleet has finally started for Vladi
vostok. Page S.
Taft explains Roosevelt position on media
tion to Japan. Page 3.
Skirmishes at the front in Manchuria.
Page 3.
Terrorist blows up artillery, arsenal at 'Har
bin. Page 4.
Government encourages church reform move
ment. Page
Precautions against riots at 'Easter. Page 4.
- loreljrn.
Hungarians reject compromise offered by
Emperor. Fage 3.
Effect of Kaiser's speech at . Tangier.
Fage 4.
King Alfonso will marry English Princess.
Page 1.
President reorganizes Canal Commission.
Page 1.
President starts on his hunting trip. Page 2.
Palouse irrigation project depends on the
O. It. & 2. Fage 3.
Taft's scheme to convert opponents of his
Philippine policy. Page 4.
Hotly contested municipal campaign in Chi
cago ends today. Page 1.
Deadly explosion In Illinois mine attributed
to striking miners. Page 1.
How New York gas trust makes money.
Fage i.
Bo.Eton preachers still protest against taking
icocKcieuer s money. Fa go 3.
Good Roads train will run to Lewis and
Clark Fair. Page 1.
Pacific Coast.
Judge McBrldo holds that charter of Forest
Grove does not allow saloon to open under
license ordinance. Page 7.
City election results at Eugene and other
Valley towns. Page 7.
Supreme Court makes important life Insur
ance decision. Page 7.
Sullivan knocks out Yost in Tacoma In ninth
round. Page C.
Portland aad .Vicinity.
Star brewery becomes the property of the
Northern Brewing Company. Page 3.
Ministers' Association and Trades Council
agree to send a representative each to the
other's meetings. Page 10.
Disbarment proceedings are brought against
Attorney vatte. Fage 10.
Chamber of Commerce will establish infor
mation bureau. Tag 14.
John Coleman, murderer of Edna Hoffman.
after three attempts at suicide, is lodged
in the County JalL. Page 16.
Dr. Cardwell, after brief illness, dies.
Page 0:
King Is elected Mayor of St. Johns. Page G.
Columbia Stock Company, reorganized, wilt
continue a three-weeks engagement.
Page 16.
Jobbers will meet to discuss rates with rail
way men. Page 12.
Martin, of one of the big trunk lines, will
hear appeal for convention rates to Port
land. Page 14.
School Board answers criticism of archl-
. tects. Page 10.
Exhibitors are beginning to place their dis
plays In Exposition buildings. Page 14.
Commercial and Murine.
Sharp drop taken by local butter prices.
Page 15.
Condition of money market acts as restraint
on stock speculation. Page 15.
Crop conditions hold down wheat prices at
Chicago, rage lo.
Eastern . demand, for. California oranges.
Pago l.i.
Steamer Sandhurst due this. weekto-load
. hay. for China, - Pace. 6; J
Ganal Commission Is
President Issues Order Carry
ing Out Taft's Plan.
Commission Must Reside on Isthmus
Bed Taps Cut Out Powers of
Heads of the Depart
ments Defined.
WASHINGTON, April 3. The Presi
dent has carried but his plans for the
reorganization of the Isthmian Canal
Commission as to the personnel and
business methods, generally on the
lines of the legislation he suggested to
Congress at the last session, which
failed in the crush of business in the
closing hours. Today, within half an
hour after the President's departure
from "Washington, Secretary Taft, di
rectly In charge of canal matters, made
public the names of members of the
new Commission and the division of
duties among them. Only one member
of the old Commission was reappointed,
Benjamin 31. Harrod. Otherwise the
Commission is new from top to bottom,
for there is a top and bottom and con
siderable difference In the functions
and pay of the Commissioners. Find
ing he was obliged legally to appoint
seven Commissioners, the President did
so, but he carried out his own plan by
making three of them practically the
full Commission. The other four,
though bearing the title of Commis
sioners, not only receive a much lower
compensation, but are assigned much
smaller fields of activity.
Tho President has also carried out
his scheme of dividing the work of
canal building among the. Commission
ers, so that, nominally acting as a body
n itK.trd occasions, each individual
member would operate in a special
field. The head or the Commission Is
a tralnedrallway man, chosen for his
administrative abilities in the financial
and purchasing Held; the new Governor
of the zone Is a lawyer who also has
had to do with state affairs; the engi
neer Commissioner already is known
for his ability In the execution of the
practical work of canal-cutting. The
other members of the Commission are
placed to comply with the law atf to
the number of members, but are men
of high ability aa hydraulic engineers.
Secretary Taft told them today that
they were expected to show results
and that Is said to be the keynote of
the President's action of today.
Members of 'New Commission.
The personnel of the new commission Is
as follows: Theodore P. Shouts, chair
man; Charles IS. Magoon, Goverdor of
the canal zone; John F. Wallace, chief
engineer; Rear-Admiral M. T. Kndicott,
United States Navy; Brigadier-General
Peter C Halns, United States Array (re
tired); Colonel Oswald SI. Ernst, corps
engineer, United States Army; Benjamin
M. Harrod.
Secretary Taft also gave out
for publication a statement showing
the allotments of salaries to the new
commissioners, his own letter to the Presi
dent and one from the latter explaining
the plan of reorganization of the com
mission; the reasons therefor and tho par
ticular duties to be assigned to each com
missioner. The first reads as follows:
"The President has made an order al
lowing a salary of 57500, with traveling
expenses, to each member of tho commis
sion, and to the chairman of the commis
slon the additional compensation of 522,-
500; to the chief engineer the additional
compensation of JIT, 300, and to the Gover
nor of the zone the additional compensa
tion of $10,000. The head of each depart
ment is allowed the use of a furnished
house on the Isthmus and his traveling
expenses when traveling on the business
,of the commission. The total is $102,500.
The salaries and allowances under the
former commission amounted to 5120,000.
The total compensation of the Governor
of the zone and chief engineer are In ef
fect unchanged.
"Professor "William H. Burr and Mr.
William Barclay Parsons, civil engineers,
will be appointed as members of the con
sulting board of engineers."
Secretary Taft's letter to the President Is
as follows:
"Letter of Secretary Taft.
"War Department. Washington,
March 30. 1805.
Mr. Presldcntr-In the matter of the reor
ganization of the machine by which the Pana
ma Canal is to be built. I beg first to call
your attention to the extrcmo Importance of
fixing a definite plan with respect to which
you may feel reasonably certain, first, that it
can be practically executed and wlU result
in a navigable canal, and, second, that the
navigable canal will be the one best adapted
to the demands which may be made on It by
the commerce of the world.
The Act of Congress evidently contemplates
a canal with locks, the cost of which shall
be In the neighborhood of 5200,000.000. in
cluding tbe money already expended. It is
quite within the bounds of possibility that the
beet form of canal will be a sea-level canal.
with a tidal lock only at one end of It. and
that the cost of it may exceed the S2P0.000.-
000 in the mind of Congress by at least $100,
000,000 more.
The work of the Engineering Department of
the present commission has been largely de
voted to obtaining the data upon which the
plan of tho canal must be determined. These
data include topographical measurements, bor
ings, tbe character of the toll, the flow of
water In the rivers all stated with sufficient
exactness Xo secure tho. closest calculations by
experienced, engineers,, -though not on the
ground. It is probable that within the next
few month thcee data will have been so fully
ascertained by the Chief Engineer, Mr. Wal
lace, and his assistants. Chat they may be
submitted to a Board o Englaeers of the
highest standing for recommendation as to
the best plan upon which to proceed with the
It also has been made apparent by the
reports of Mr. Wallace and by the commis
sion that whatever plan is likely to be
adopted, the work of excavation and con
struction which 'would have to be done un
der any plan, may proceed without waste of
energy for a period quite long enough to
enable you to decide which is tbe best plan.
Taft's Plan of Management.
I suggest, therefore, that the first work
to be done Is the appointment of an advis
ory board of engineers, say seven or nine in
number, to be selected from the engineers
having especial knowledge of hydraulic en
gineering and canal construction, to whom
shall be submitted all possible Information
with respect to the projected Panama canal,
both that obtained by the French engineers
before our purchase of the plant, and the
data obtained by the chief engineer of the
present canal commission, together with all
Its projects suggested Tor the solution of th
problem which the canal commissioners deem
reasonably possible or practicable: that the
advisory board be Invited to Washington for
the purposes of agreeing on Its recommenda
tions in the premises, and that If possible
such recommendations be made before the
regular meeting of Congress in December;
that the recommendations be submitted to
the canal commissioners, as then constituted,
for Its approval or modification, and with
the recommendations of the canal commis
sion be submitted to the President for his
action and transmission to Congress. As
already suggested, this work of securing the
best plan and Us approval by Congress need
not delay in any way the preliminary work
adapted to any possible plan, or the highly
critical work of sanitation, the extreme Im
portance of Which has already been em
phasized In your previous Instructions to the
canal commission.
It is conceded, even by its own members,
that the present commission has not so de
veloped Itself into an executive body as to
give hope that It may be used successfully
as an Instrumentality for carrying on the
immense legislative burden Unsolved In the
construction of the canal, and It remains
for the President. In the failure of Congress,
to act, to reorganize the commission, both
by change In personnel and by certain In
structions as to Its Internal procedure and
distribution of powers and authority to se
cure greater rapidity and efficiency In the
doing of the work.
Tho secretary then takes in detail his
plan for the division of the work Into de
partments and his reasons therefor, all
of which details are accepted and set
forth In the President's order. The letter
concludes as follows:
The change of headquarters and power from
Washington to tho isthmus will doubtless re
quire a radlcat change in the office of the
commission In Washington. I am quite sure
that greater economy and more satisfactory
methods o accounting can be secured than
now exists. Machinery for purchase of sup
plies and a. force sufficient to maintain a du
plicate set of accounts and the necessary cor
respondent must necessarily be maintained
In Washington. bii little else Is needed. But
these changes may safely be left to the com
mission and executive committee, as newly
I beg to submit herewith the resignations of
all tho present Canal Commission, to take
effect at your pleasure.
I respectfully recommend the appointment
of a new commission and a designation of the
chairman of the commission, the Governor
of the zone and the Chief Engineer, and the
issuing of an executive order embodying tho
recommendations herein Respectfully yours.
Secretary of War.
The President.
Order of the President.
The President's action is Ittdicated in
tne following reply;
The White House. Washington. D. C.
April 1. 1W3
The nraetlcal result of the operations of the
Isthmian Canal Commlwlon appointed, acting
under previous legislative orders, has not
been satisfactory and requlrea a cnaiise m ..w
personnel of the Commusiou and in tne in
structlons for Its guidance.
The Commission will hold Quarterly sewioni
the flrat of January. April, July and October
of each year at the offices of the Governor of
the Isthmus of Panama, and will continue
each aesaloa as long as public business ma
reaulre. Further notice of such meetings snail
not be necessary to their regularity. The
Commission shall hold ppeclal ueesions at the
call of the chairman. 'Four members snail
constitute a quorum, and the action of such
majority ehall be the action of the Commission.
The Commission, under the eupervlwion and
direction of the Secretary of War and subject
to the aDoroval of the President. Is cnargeu
with the general duty of the adoption of plans
for the construction and maintenance of the
canal, and with tbe execution of the worK or
the same; with the purchase and delivery of
supplier, machinery and necessary plants: with
the employment of the necessary officers, em
ployes and laborers and with the fixing of
their salaries and wages; witn tne commercial
operation of the Panama Railroad Company
and Its steamship lines as common carriers;
with the utilization of the railroad aa a
means of constructing the canal: with tne
maklne of contracts for construction and ex
cavatlng, and with all other matters Incident
and necessary to the building of a waterway
across the isthmus of Panama, as provided
by the act of Congress of June 28. 1902.
Executive Committee to Control.
For convenience and to secure the unlnter
rnniPd murse of the work, an executive com
mittee of not less than three members of the
Commission shall be appointed toy tne com
mission to act In Dlace of the Commission dur
lng the intervals between the meeting of the
Commission, and to report us aoings in iuh
to the Commission at the next regular meeting.
Minutes of every transaction of the executive
committee shall be made, and one copy of the
minutes shall be forwarded to the Secretary
of War and another transmitted for the con
elderation of the Commission at Its next meex
lng. Regular meetings of the executive com
mittee shall be held at tne orncc or tne uov
ernor on the Isthmus of Panama at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon on each Monday and Wednes
day of every week, and further notice of such
meetings' shall not be neceasary to their le
gality. A majority of their number shall con
stitute a quorum for the transaction of the
business at such meetings. The action of
such majority shall be the action of the ex
ecutive committee.
Dutleti of the Chairman.
For convenience of executing the work to be
done there shall bo consUtutcd three executive
The head of the first department shall
be the chairman of the Commission, who shall
have direct and Immediate charge of
1. The fiscal affairs of the Commission.
2: The purchase and delivery of all material
and suppllep.
3. The accounts, bookkeeping and audits.
4. The commercial operations in the United
States of the Panama Railroad aad steamship
5. He shall have charge of the general con
cerns f the Commission, subject to the super
vision and direction of tbe Secretary of War,
and shall perform such other duties as may be
placed upon htm from time to time by th
Secretary of War. '
Duties of the Governor.
The head of the second department shall be
the Governor of the zone, with the dutie? and
powers indicated in the executive order of
May 9. 1004. which Includes In general:
1. The administration and enforcement of
law in the zone.
2. All matters of sanitation within the canal
zone, and also in the cities of Panama and
Colon and the harbors, etc.. so far as au
thorized by the treaty, the executive orders
and decrees of December 3, 1004, between the
United States and the Republic of Panama re
lating thereto.
3. The custody of all supplies needed for
sanitary purposes as may be assigned to this
department by the Commission.
4. Such other duties as be may be charged
with from time to time by the Secretary of
5. He ehall reside on the Isthmus and de
vote his enflre time to the service, except
when granted leave of absence by the Secre
tary o War.
Duties of Chief Engineer.
The head of the third department ehall be the
Chief Engineer. He ehall have full charge
on the Isthmus:
1. Of all the actual work of construction
carried on by the Commission on the Isthmus.
2. The custody of all the supplies and plant
of the Commission upon the isthmus.
5. Tho practical operation of the v railroad
(Concluded on Second Page-X
Cause of Explosion at
Zeigler Mine.
Scene of Letter's Long War
With the Union.
Mine Where Armed Guards Held
Strikers at Bay for Two Years
Becomes the Tomb of
Thirty-Four Men.
ZEIG1.ER. lit.. April 3.-(SpclaI -Thirty-live
minors were instantly kil-.-i
and perhaps as many more Injured, m.e
or less seriously, some of them, fatally
hy aterriflc and mysterious explosion 1 -the
mine here at 7 o'clock thfej mornlnc
The explosion came just as the night a- 1
day men were being shifted and It has r-4"-yet
been determined just how many me-,
were entombed in the shaft. There
no hope that any of them will be found
Although officials of the miners union
insist that the explosion was due to a:
cumulation of gas or accumulated dui
frequent causes for mine disasters, their
is a stronff suspicion that there may hav-
been another cause. There Is much talk
of dynamite and the similarity between
this disaster and those in the Colorad
mines is much commented upon.
Bribes for Admission to Mine.
Joseph Loiter, owner of the mines. a
rived tonight on a special train and. tfajs
the matter will be rigidly investigated
Governor Dencen lias been kept Inform? J
of the affair throughout the day and ha
taken steps to meet any emergency tha.
may arl.e.
Immediately after the troops were with
drawn, it Is sold that bribes as high a
$1000 wero offered to permit outsiders O
enter the mine?, but It is believed the?"
were refused. The statement was made
In Cartwndale this afternoon that m!n- 7
had offered 11030 for a position In th
mlne3 at Jilegler and thia story is nw
being Investigated.
Civil War for Two Yeara.
The picturesque was at Zeigler has at
tracted wide attention. The town is txvi
years old and has never witnessed a res;
ful day or night. There are about
houses clustered around the mine, and tt"
shaft aad tipple are surrounded by a hlg
stockade. During the labor war, gating
guns were kept mounted upon this stock
ade and searchlights played on the s-;
rounding: hills. Around the village, whlc.3
embraces twelve square miles', a telepho-
line connects tlfteen guard station?, a.
which pickets were stationed during; t-e
strike. Recently these were withdrawn
The strike was due to the use of min
ing machine?. Falling to reach an asrr .
ment, Leiter ordered the union miners t .
vacate, which they tlnally did. ctb!ls'
lng their camp just outside the dead ll;i-
Double Explosion Wrecks Shaft and
Kill3 Maj'ority of Men.
BENTON. 111.. April 3. Some 50 n: -ers
were entombed today in Jr3cr'i
Letter's mine at Zeigler by a terrific ex
plosion of gas. and It is probable that CJ
or 40 of the burled men are dead. Th a
far four bodies have been found Ttrc
explosion was due to the fact that tie
Leiter mines are not worked on Sunda c
thus allowing gas to accumulate n t .e
lower workings.
When between 35 and 45 miners hai
descended Into the mine today to resume
work, a terrific explosion blew the tim
bers about the mouth of the mine h.g'j
into the air. One of the steel c.i
was blown to the surface from the bol
tlm of a 500-foot shaft. The shock of t!e
explosion was felt at Benton. 1J mi!r
distant. One miner was kilted and feu
were severely injured at the mouth of
the shaft In which the explosion oc
curred. The work of rescue was begun at once
by miners who were arriving at ti e
time the explosion took place, but th
main shaft was so badly wrecked that
rescue work has to be carried on thrrugh
the air shafts. This has hindered the
work to such an extent that, when dark
ness fell, only three bodies and one In
jured man had been brought to the sur
Rescuers Can't Penetrate Far.
These bodies were found 40 feet from
the bottom of the air shaft and this Is
as far a3 the rescuers have been able ts
penetrate the shaft. A committee rf
union miners from Duquorn and othr
neighboring towns headed by District
President Morris, hastened to Zcigf?r
soon after the explosion occurred and
offered their aid.
The bodies of the dead are so bla k
encd that th.i- cannot at once be identi
fied. Roily Campbell is the Injured
miner brought out of the shaft and U i
said that he cannot live. He Is ton
scious. but he Is unable to givo any ex
planation of the accident.
There was much excitement amors
miners when the accident becamo known
because thehre had been a strike of long
duration and many conflicts had occurred
between strikers and nonunion mlne
An all-day Investigation tends to show
that the catastrophe was due to the ac
cidental explosion of accumulated gas
Up to 10 o clock tonight lo dead bodies
had been recovered. The work of rescue
Is made very difficult and dangerous I r
the foulness of the air In the mine. On' "
two of the bodies found show marks cf
the explosion. Death In the other
had evidently resulted from asphjxia
tlon. Joseph Leiter Is expected to re.vh
Zeigler tonight, although it was at fl;
Concluded oa Third rase.)