ZDHE MOENING OBEGONIAtt, SA-TUKDAY, 'APRIL' 1, 1905. 13 WANTED TO RENT. "WANTED TWO OK THREE CONNECTING rooms, furnished for light housekeeping, young couple; no children; permanent. Ad dress H 08. Oregonlan. BIX O'CLOCK DINNERS FOR MAX AND wife, weekly, vicinity ot 14th and Market. D 08. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT A C OR 6-ROOM COT tago or fiat; must be centrally located. R 40. Oregonlan. "WANTED BOARD AND ROOM "WITH FAM lly, by young man ot good habits. V93. Ore gonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. if HE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 211 1ST St., pays top-notch spot cash price for all kind of furniture. Phone Main 6655. HORSES "WANTED WANT TO BUT DRAFT bred range mares, entire band or carload lots; give description and price. Box 78, Callaway, Custer County. Neb. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid.. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 017. RELINQUISHMENT OF HOMESTEAD CLAIM wanted; describe. Address Winter, box "A,' Hood River. Or. WANTED SECOND-HAND -LATHE FOR wood-turning, foot power. U. Mohler, 1508 B. Hoyt, city. ABOUT 26 HORSE-POWER GASOLINE N glne and 8-lnch centrifugal pump. S 03, Oregonlan. WANTED GASOLINE OR NAPHTHA launoh. Alpine Co., 152 1st st- Main 1917. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2283. rOR BENT. Roams. NEW LAN OB HOTEL. European plan; electrlo lights and bells, steam- heat and elevator; baths free to guests; rates 60c, 76c and $1 per day; special rates by the week. Elegant cafe and bar In con nection. Corner 6th and Washington sts. Ra'n Bauman, manager. F. Lange, prop. THE CLAYTON. . 16 N. 10th, cor. Burnslde. near Washing ion Strictly modern, newly decorated throughout; fine furnished rooms, single or en suite; bath, location, neighborhood and conveniences unexcelled; terms reasonable. Phone Main 5069. THE AUDITORIUM. 20S 3D ST.. BET. TAY lor and Salmon, 1 block south of Baker The aterElegantly new furnished, steam heat; hot. cold running water In rooms; free bath; rooms with private baths; elevator; $3.00 per week and up; $1 day; tourists solicited. HOTEL ATALON (EUROPEAN). 413 WASH ington st., four blocks west of Imperial Ho telNewly furnished room?, tingle or en suite; hot and cold water; steam heat, eleo rlrlc light, bath and all modern conveniences; tourists solicited. NICELY FURNISHEla ROOMS, BATH, gas and heat; 127 N. 22d st, bet. Ollsan and Hoyt, ono block from Washington or Morrison car line; easy walking distance from Fair .grounds. Phone Main 400 L. THE MONNASTES. 253 1ST ST. (S. W. cor. Jefferson) Single rooms from $1 to ?3; furnished housekeeping suites fiom $1.73 to $5 per week; rooms per night, &0c and 25c; tourists solicited. THE OREGONIAN ON THE EUROPEAN plan; rooms, 60c, 75c. $1 per day; beautiful brick corner; large, light, sunny rooms by the week, $2 to $0 per week, 41 Hi North Sd, cor. Couch. JTHE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS, 100 3d, adjoining Baker Theater; $2.50 per week and up; brick building; special attention given to traveling public. Phone Hood 067. FRONT PARLOR WITH FIREPLACE, bay window, east front, private family; best residence district; 10 minutes' walk from Hotel Portland- Q 05, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED NEWLY' DEC o rated large alcove room, suitable two gen tlemen: also single room; reasonable perma nent; telephone; close in. 42S Yamhill. THE COSMtfe. S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR riion; beet down-town rooms in the city; heat and service night and day; rates $3.50 per week and up, including bath; il day. HOTEL OXFORD. 6TH AND OAK (EURO pean) The most comfortablo rooms in the city; everything new and modern; bell connections with cafe and bar. ROOM IN NEW MODERN FLAT, CLOSET; door Into hall; no children; best residence district West Side; walking distance. N 07. Oregonlan. THE ELM, 121 AND 126 1STH, COR. WASH ington Elegant rooms, single or en suite, modern; tourists solicited. Mrs. Robertson, manager. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ELEC trie light, with use of phone and bath; close In; very reasonable. 240 Park st., cor. Main. 251 ALDER, NEAR 3D ST. -NEW BRICK building, pleasant, furnished rooms; new, up-to-date; $2.60 to $4 week, 60c to $1 day. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT able for light housekeeping if desired. 570 Mill Et. Must be sen to bo appreciated. THE TEMPLE. 343 YAMHILL ST., Op posite Hotel Portland Nicely furnished rooms, rates reasonable; transient. TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS AND rooms at $1.50 per week up. 1 block from Washington. SG Park st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN NEW modern flat, private family, dlose in; no children. 202 Clay. , 100 12TH ONE NICELY FURNISHED room; modern accommodations; private family; no sign; $12. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOM FOR A couple with or without kitchen; new beds. Room 2, 146 10th. GOOD, "CLEAN, CHEAP FURNISHED rooms and lodgings. 315 ISth st., S blocks from Fair grounds. 170 10TH LARGE. HANDSOMELY FUR Hished front room, eultable for two gentle men or couple. VERY COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS in private family; all modern conveniences. Phone Main 2488. FOR RENT NICELY" FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for two, close in, gas and bath. Phone Main 65 Co. LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO GENTLE nen or man and wife; bath, phone, reference. C35 Irving st. 500 FLANDERS ST. TWO LARGE, LIGHT front rooms on first floer, furnished or un furnished. THE .SHERMAN. 123 12TH AND WASHING toa Nicely furnished rooms by day, week or month. $15 PER MONTH; LARGE FRONT PARLOR, nicely furnished ; also small room. $10. - 1S1 13th et. FOR RENT 162 2D. NEAR MORRISON Nicely furnished front rooms, suitable for two. FURNISHED ROOMS $6 PER MONTH AND up; 2 blocks from Hotel Portland. 864 Tay lor. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: EASY walking distance; very reasonable. 62S Clay. SUITE OF TWO ROOMS. GROUND FLOOR. . or single rooms; neat, clean. 4G7 East Pine. MRS. SMITH. 104 ISTH ST.. HAS NICELY furnished room for rent, all convenelnces. V 102 18TH ST. A NICELY FURNISHED . room, private family; modern conveniences. Cheapest and best-located rooms In Portland, $1 week up. G Urn an, 1st and Alder :. 41 ELLA NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, single or on suite; bath, heat, phone. THE LEWIS. 103 10TH ST. ROOMS, SIN. gle and en suite. Phone Main 4334. ROOMS IN AN ELEGANT HOME. BOARD if desired; reasonable. East 2643. BEDROOMS. CLEAN. BRIGHT AND PLEAS ant. 105 16th st., cor. Taylor. 2 FINELY FURNISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS, private family. 309 Market st. NEWLY" FURNISHED ROOMS, RENT REA eonable. 234 Morrison st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM 'TO rent. 331 Larrabcc st. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR RENT. 410 E. Ash St., close car line. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, new house. 270 14th st. A NJ3ATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, small. 190 W. Park. FOR BENT. Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAI-A-SELECT FAMILY HO tel. 105-167 10th st., cor. Morrison There are a few vacancies; fine rooms, nicely furnished, steam heat throughout the house; porcelain bath, plenty of hot wator, handsome dining-room, table and service first-class. v THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL. Market eu. bet. 3d and 4th; steam heat, elec tric light, porcelain baths; el&gant outside rooms with first-class board two people, $43, $60 and $65 month. Telephone Main 656L PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 1GTH YEAR; rooms with board; use of sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Arab el Ru&selL superintendent. 510 Flanders. THE HARTMAN, 42G ALDER AND 76 W. Park Single and double rooms, good home cooking by white labor; transienta solicited. HOTEL BROWN, 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator; bllllard-room; transients; both car lines. FIRST-CLASS TABLE BOARD BY THE day. week or month, at the Helena dining rooms, 271 5th St., opposite City Hall. v FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD. NOB Hill district: modern; reasonable. 573 Irving, st. Phone Main 6420. NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS, with all modern conveniences; phone, bath, etc.; centrally located; with or without board. ,263 Ctb. HOTEL BERG. 13TH AND ' ALDER NEW management, neatly furnished rooms, first class board, free baths, steam heat. ROOMS WITH BOARD COMFORTABLE, well-furnished rooms, with good homo cook ing; reasonable; central. 221 13th. BLAKELY HALL. 270 CTH ST. PLEASANT rooms, with flrst-claes board; fine location; new furniture. LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH 2 BEDS.PRI vate family; suitable for 2; first-class board. 211 Park st. NEAR FAIR SUITE ROOMS WITH BOARD. $75, for two; bath, electric lights. Phone Main 3S76. THE SOUTHERN, S74 YAMHILL ST. Rooms single or en suite, with, board. Phone Main 1802. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board, good service, reasonable. 304 Alder st. DESIRABLE suite or single room, excellent board, modern, private house. 120 N. 18 th. THIS OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. 515 MORRISON ROOMS WITH BOARD, hot and cold water. Phone Mala 4314. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD. $6 PER week. 002 Clay et. Phono Main 5099. NICE ROOMS, WITH GOOD BOARD; WOULD like 2 gentlemen. 208 11th t. Flats. AN ELEGANTLY AND COMPLETELY FUR nlsbed modern fiat of 6 rooms for rent; no children. Inquire 331 Mill. Phone 584S. ELEGANTLY BURNISHED FLAT FOR rent, 2 months: centrally located; no chil dren. D S3. Oregonlan. FOR RENT A LOWER FLAT 4. ROOMS; modern conveniences, at 466 7th et. Call at Palley Bros.. 170 2d st. FURNISHED FLAT, 5 ROOMS, CLOSE IN; adults; references. Phone East 200. Housekeeping Rooms. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM hlll New house, elegantly furnished apart ments; In suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms; hot and csld water; gas range In each kitchen; steam heat and baths; free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms in nicest brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc. Logan blk., 10S Union ave Phone Union 3263. GOOD, FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING, suite, $3 week; single housekeeping room, $2 week; sleeping-room, $1; close In. S6 10th, near Stark. DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, freshly painted; large and airy; gas. tele phone, bath; first-class location. 534 Mor rison. SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, wits gas stove furnished; only $1.75 per week. r St2 E. Yamhill st. 4&7 TAYLOR ST. NICELY FURNISHED front suite, new dwelling, modern conveni ences, light housekeeping, free phone. TURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES, from $10 up; also transient and board. Hotel Northern. 12th and Marshall. THREE CONNECTING COMPLETELY FUR nished housekeeping rooms. In private fam ily. Phone Main 4110; no children. $1.75 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN, FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; bath and laun dry. 1S4 Sherman, near Front. RLBASANT HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, FUR nished; bath, phone, gas, gas stove, heat, references. 065 Irving st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. SIN gle or in suites, at 644 Pettygrore, comer 16th st., near Fair grounds. 447 5TH TWO OR THREE CLEAN, COM pletely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas range, bath, phone; adults. FOUR NICELY AND COMPLETELY FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, ground floor, ard. 227 Montgomery. LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED FRONT housekeeping rooms; gas, heat. 105 N. 10th, cor. Kearney. ISO 13TH FOUR COMPLETELY FUR nished rooms with piano, first floor; very desirable for adults. THREE PLEASANT FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, modern, front, private fam ily. 655 Yamhill et. 2 OR MORE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, very desirable; West End. 708 Everett st. FURNISHED SUITE. LRGE LIGHT rooms, very convenient, short walking dis tance. 331 14th st. 389 CTH ST. WELL FURNISHED House keeping apartments; light front rooms; good location; homelike. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON-TWO parlors, furnished complete for housekeeping; gas, bath, phone. TWO WELL-FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE keeplng rooms; reasonable. 354 So. 7th st., corner of Mill. FOUR NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEp. lng rooms; bath, gas, heat, very convenient. m N. 2lMt st. 427 SALMON TWO BEAUTIFUL MODERN housekeeping suites; one ot three rooms, the other of two. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng, with use of bath and phone. 327 West Park. COMPLETELY" FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing room, gas stove. 105 N. 10th St., near Irving. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; bath, electric light. THE HALL. N. E. COR. CTH AND HALL Housekeeping suites; also single rooms. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite, first or second floor. 592 2d st. Xlonsea. MODERN HOUSE. 5 LARGE ROOMS AND reception hall, gas, 289 Clackamas st., $25. Portland Trust Co., 109 3d st. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 16S5. Office. 110 N. 3d st. MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE. GAS. BATH, West Side, $25. Near Harrison st. Powers Furnlturo Co.. 1st and .Taylor. $16 FOR RENT. G-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 914 Gantenbein ave. William Denbolm. 225 Falling bldg., city. FOR RENT. APRIL 1 GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE on B. Taylor, near 23d; $25. F. W. Torglor. 106 Sherlock bldg. MODERN 5-ROOM CORNER COTTAGE, close In; $20; East Side. Osbom Hotel. Grand and Ju. Ash. FOR RENT LIGHT. CORNER HOUSE. SIX rooms and bath; centrally located. Inquire 505 Everett. HOUSE TO RENT C-ROOM MODERN HOUSE to adults only; East Side. Phone Scott 5417. MODERN COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS 3S3 MADI son, near 7tb st; $35 rent. John Kloster- FINE 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON EAST BIDE. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM. COTTAGE. 67 E. 18th North; Phone Union 1101. FOR RENT NICE 4-ROQM COTTAGE. 6S7 7th st. Inquire 355 Grant st. C FOB RENT. Houses. FOR RENT BY THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY. Very stylish 6-room flat, modern conveni ences. 327 Mill st.. $45. Magnificent, new and modern 7-roora bouse, beautiful corner lot, E. Salmon and 36th St.; $23. Very nice C-room flat, 4 Union ave.; $18. , Beautiful 5-room cottage. large 'lot, abundance of fruit, berries and shrubbery, extremely coxy place. 403 Ellce street. Up per AlMna; $14. Six-room flat on Base Line, near Pretty man ave.; $10. Four-room cottage, large barn, poultry houses, yard. Incubator and brooder, regular poultry ranch. 14 large lots, nearly acres, three blocks electric cars, Oak Grove; $10. Apply 149 First st. FOR SALE OR RENT BEST LOCATION, close In, elegant new, modern, 8-room house, with Majestic range, . gas stove and shades. Call at 591 E. Salmon. Phone East 2937. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. GAS, BATH AND large barn In good condition, close In on West Side, a snap at $30. Powers Furni ture Co., 1st and Taylor. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. WEST SIDE LARGE yard and barn, with one-year lease; $5 Win ter time, $7 Summer. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST., Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. 7-ROOM HOUSE, NEWLY RENOVATED and papered. Vancouver ave., only $15. Powers Furnjture Co., 1st and Taylor. Furnished Houses. MY BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME OF 7 rooms, for six or seven months; best loca tion in city, and on car line. Call 212 Allsky bldg. A FURNISHED 5-ROOM COTTAGE. APPLY at once. 22S 11th. or 135 5th. Houses for Bent, Furniture for Sale. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, AT 211 1st st.. will buy your furniture, spot cash, or will sell your furniture for you at your residence or at salesrooms. 211 1st St., on commission. . PHONE MAIN 5655. WE- HAVE THE FINEST 25-ROOM HOUSE, furniture for sale, in the city; a new build ing and furniture, all modern conveniences; good lease guaranteed, five blocks from Portland Hotel; now paying big money; a snap at $8600. Northrup & King, 200 Com mercial block. 65 ROOMS; RENT 60; LEASE; CENTRAL location; all full now; reasons for selling; furniture for sale, price $3600 spot cash; only cash buyers need apply. B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder st. SNAP SOME FURNITURE FOR SALE cheap; table, gas plate heating stove, oh airs, etc. Look this up. Call 690 Couch st.. or phone Front 671. after 4. P. M. BIGHT ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED; ALSO rooms in basement; first-oiasa place fer room, era; olght boarders; a bargain; 11 health, must sell. 002 Clay. NICELY FURNISHED 5-ROOM FLAT. MOR rison st.; furniture for sale at a bargain. Call 403 Ablngton bldg., after 6 P. M. FURNITURE OF 12-ROOM HOUSE: VBVET carpets, hardwood furniture; location first class; no agents. T 98, Oregonlan, FINE FURNITURE 9-ROOM BOARDING housea, for sale; 7th; income $225 month. A 93, Oregonlan. Snmmcr Resorts. FOR RENT ONE OF . THE BEST KNOWN and most popular pleasure resorts and Summer hotels In the Northwest for the season; accommodations for 125 guests; furnished; first-class patronage. Address with references. K 85, Oregonlan. Store. FOR RENT NEW STORE BUILDING ON Salmon, between 4th and Cth; lease. Call or addres3 R, A. Merry. 2S7 Salmon st. FOR RENT NICE LARGE STORE. COR. Park and Oak. Inquire Star Theater. O faces. OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT, SECOND floor. The Drew, 162 2d st., near Morrison. OFFICES AND NEWLY FURNISHED lodge halls. AliakJ bldg.. 3d and Morrison. FOR RENTNICE LARGE OFFICES ON ffiTH St., near Washington. Inquire Star Theater. Winter and Summer Resorts. HOTEL MOORE; CLATSOP BEACH. SEA. side, will be open during Fall and Winter. PERSONAL. GREAT FACE SPECIALIST HERE W. Au gustus Pratt, B. S., M. D.. the world-famous American Face Specialist of New York and Chicago, with his chief plastic operator, will positively remedy all defects of features, very wrinkle and all facial blemishes by his celebrated Immediate process. Selllng-Hlrsch building. Washington, bet. West Park and 10th sts.. where engagements can now be made. Write or call Dr. Pratt Institute, phono Main 706. Hours: 9 A. M. to 8. p. M., dally and Sunday. A REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR THE present address of G. W. Hasklns, formerly of The Dalles, removed, to Portland In Aug ust, 1904; also for the address of Mrs. M. Sappington, formerly ot HlllsboTO, Rainier and Fossil, Or. Call or address Miss Mao Ladd, 402 Washington st, Portland, Or. REMOVAL NOTICE MADAME VAUGHN, only graduate dermatologist In Northwest, permanently removes birthmarks, pitting, wrinkles, saggings, scars, eczema, pimples, moles, freckles and all blemishes. Derma tology taught for professional purposes. Re moved to -suites 51. 52 and 53. SeUing-Hlrsch bldg., Washington St., bet. W. Park and 10th. Phone Main 706. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE. GRADUATE dermatologist; scientific. feaiural. correction 1st, beautlfier and restorer of youthtulneos, may be consulted dally free; every affliction ot the human face and scalp successfully treated; mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc, removed. Sanitarium and school of der matology In connection. Parlors 364 Morri son. Telephone Hood 2S2. 77 WOMEN WANTED SUFFEHING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhea (white) and all diseases of woo men. old or young, cured by old Dr. K easier, 230 Yam hill 6t, Portland, Or. Private waiting-room for ladies. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS, VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE and all affections ot private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker, 181 1st st. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our palnleas method ot treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free; private and strictly confidential. X Ra dium Institute, 3d and Morrison. Allsky bldg. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 A month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cord ray "a. A FEW BOXES OF SEXINE PILLS WILL make a new man of you; price, $1 a box, C for $5; with full guarantee. Address or call J A. Clemenson. druggist, oor. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland, Or. ENJOY LIFE BY GETTING PBRFKCT strength by using Palmo Tablets, the nerve and manhood builder. Trice 50c a box, 0 for $2.50. Address Brooke Drug Co., 67 N. 3d St.. Portland. Or. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts' Nerve Globules. Ono month's treat ment, $2; 3 months. $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. . Agents. Wood ant. Clarke & Co.. Portland. Or. SEXINE PILLS PUT NEW LIFE IN EVERY part ot your body; price $1 a box. c for $6 with full guarantt-p. Address or call J a' Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill st.. Portland. Or. LADIES. ATTENTION I ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for sale by leading drugglsts $2 per box; safe and reliable, s. G. Skid more & Co., special agents. 151 3d st. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las, repairing and recovery. two store. Washington and 6th and Morrison and 6th. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style. 23c; 250 business cards Si Brown & Schmale. 220 1st. Portland. Or." YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and '2d. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor. 127 11th. Tel. Main 4S38. Watches, diamonds, easy payments; diamonds bought. W. H. Leah. 513 Dekum. Clay SOU. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50C AT HOLLA baugb's. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. - BALM QF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS caaefl 4S4 Alder fit. Phone. Main 4532, SPECIAL NOTIC2C Proposals larlted. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Db partment of the- Interior. OSce of Indian Affairs. Washington. D. C, March 13. 1003. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for beef, flour, etc," as the csso may be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Af fairs, 265-267 South Canal street, Chicago. 111., will be received until 1 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday. April 25, 1005, for furnishing for the Indian service, beef, flour, bacon, beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea and other articles of subsistence; also for groceries, soap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural Implements, paints, oils, glass, tinware, wagons, har ness, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc, school supplies, and a long list of miscella neous articles. Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposals for rubber goods, hardware, etc." as the case may be, and directed to the Commissioner ot Indian Affairs, C02 South Seventh street, St. Louis, Mo., will be re ceived until 1 o'clock V. M., of Thursday, April 27, 1003, for furnishing for the Indian service, rubber goods, boots and shoes, hard ware and medical supplies. Sealed propo sals. Indorsed "Proposals for blankets, wool en and cotton goods, clothing, etc," as the case may be, and directed to the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 119-121 Woos ter street. New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday. May 16. 1905, for furnishing for the Indian service, blankets, woolen and cotton goods, cloth ing, notions, bats and caps. Bids must be made out on Government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary Information for bidders will be furnished on appllcatoln to the In dian Office, Washington, D. C; the U. 3. Indian warehouses, 119-121 Wooster street. New York City; 265-267 South Canal street. Chicago, 111.; sis Howard street. Omaha. Neb.; 602 South Seventh street, St. Louis, Mo.; 23 Washington street. San Francisco, CaL; the Commissaries ot Subsistence, U. 8. . A., at Cheyenne, Wyo., and St. Paul, Minn.; the Quartermaster, U. S. A., Seattle, Wash.; and the Postmasters at Sioux CUy, Tucson, Portland, Spokane and Tacoma. Bids will be opened at the hour and daye above stated, and bidders are Invited to be present at the opening. The department reserves the right to determine the point of delivery and to re Jjct any and all bids, or any part of any bid. F. E. Leupp, Commlsdloner. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District ot Oregon. In the matter of the estate of S. N. Ras mussen, bankrupt. The undersigned will re ceive sealed bids for the stock and fixtures pertaining to this ostate at Dayton, Or., amounting to about $6000 and the stock of goods and fixtures at Sheridan, Or., amounting to about $4000 (both stocks consisting principally of hardware, tin ware, farm Implements, harness and ve hicles), until Monday, April 3. 1903, at 12 o'clook noon. Separate bids will be received for the stocks and a cash deposit ot 10 per cent of the bid will be required. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. The inventory may be seen at my office, and the stocks may be Inspected by applying to H. S. McCutchan, at Dayton, and F. K. Helder, at Sheridan. Bated at Portland Or.. March 20. 1903. R. L. Sabln, trustee. Front and Ankeny ets. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION. OFFICE of Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Wright, Wash., March 3L 1003. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock A, M. Monday, May 1, 1006, and then opened In the presence ot attending Didders for constructing- reinforced concrete reservoir of 200,000 gallons capacity, pump ing station. Installing motor-driven triplex pump, and laying and connecting water mains at Fort Wright, Wash. Plans and specifications and full information will be furnished on application at this office, at the Chief Quartermaster's office, San Fran cisco, Cel., or at the Quartermaster's offices in Seattle, Wash., or, Portland, Or. The United States reserves the right ro accept or reject any or all proposals or. any part thereof. Envelopes should be Indorsed "Pro posals for Construction,, and addressed to the undersigned. Edw. A. Shuttleworth, Captain Quartermaster, U. S. A. PROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRANSPORTA tion. Depot Quartermaster's Office, 26 New Montgomery st., San Francisco, CaL. March 8. 1003. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will received at this office until 11 A. M. Thurs day. April 0, 1006, for fiscal year ending June SO. 1006, as follows: Between (either direction) San Francisco, Honolulu, Guam. Midway Islands, Nagasaki and Manila; be tween Honolulu, Guam, Midway Islands, Nagasaki and Manila; between Guam, Midway Islands. Nagasaki and Ma nUaI , between Midway Islands, Nagasaki and Manila, and between Nagasaki and Ma nila. Bids to specify rates for transporta tion between the afore-mentioned ports for passengers freight (including livestock) and remains of officers, soldiers and employes ot the Government. Full Information will ba furnished on application to Major C. A. Devol. Quartermaster. U. S. Army. Depot Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FOR PIPE AND FITTINGS Office Depot Quartermaster. 36 New Mont gomery street. San Francisco. CaL. March 28 1005j Sealed, proposals, in triplicate, subject to usual conditions, will be re ceived here until 10 o'clock A. M., Pacific standard time. Friday. April 7. 1905. and then opened, for furnishing pipe and fit tings for Manila. P. I. United States re serves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Fur ther Information furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals to be marked: "Proposals for Pipe and Fittings. No. 2423." and addressed to Major C A. Derol. Q. M.. U. a A., Depot Quarter master. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS ter, Astoria, Or.. March 31. 10O5. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will bo received at this office until 10 o'clock A. M. April 20, 1005. and then opened, for the construction at Fort Columbia, Wash., ot a frame ordnance storehouse, a fire apparatus building and a wagon ehed; and the construction at Fort Stevens, Or., of a frame ordnance store house. United States reserves tlw right to reject any or all proposals. Plans can be seen and specifications obtained at this of fice. Information furnished on application. Envelopes should be marked "Proposals for Construction" and addressed Captain Good ale, Quartermaster, Astoria, Or. OFFICE OF C. a M., VANCOUVER BAR racks. Wash., April 1. 1005 Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock. A. M.. May 1, 1005. for furnishing fuel at military posts In this department for fisoal year commencing July 1, 1005. Information furnished here or by quartermasters at posts. U. S. re serves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for Fuel at ' addressed F. G. Hodgson, C. Q. M. ' SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE Re ceived at the office of the Light-House Inspector, Portland. Or., until 12 o'clock M.. April 8. 1005, and then opened, for fur nishing and delivering fuel and provisions for vessols and stations In the Thirteenth Light-House District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1906, in accordance with specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other Information, may bo had upon application to Commander L. C. Hellner. U. S. N. Inspector. MOHAIR THE UNDERSIGNED WILL Re ceive sealed bids for the sale of Mohair pool (about 6000 pounds) at Sublimity. Or., bids to bo In by 4 P. M. April 3. 1005. Wo re serve the right to reject any or all bids Adam Burnes. W. H. King. E. C. Denneyl sub-committee. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids for the construction of a bank building at Prinevllle. Or., will be received at the Belvedere Hotel. Portland until Saturday, April 1, 1003, at 2 P. if.' where plans and specifications can be seen! B. F. Allen, president 1st Natl. Bank Prinevllle Miscellaneous. OFFICE OF OREGON & CALIFORNLV RAIL road Company Notice ot stockholders meet leg Stockholaers are hereby notified that the annual meeting of tbo stockholders of the Oregon Sc. California Railroad Company will be held at the otfico of tho company. 543 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Or., on Tuesday, the 11th day of April. 1003. at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., for tho purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, and the trans ection of such other business as may legally ccme before the meeting. W. W. COTTON. Secretary. Portland. Or.. March 10, 1005. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE ORE gonl&n will pay $10 reward for the ar rest and conviction of any one caught steal ing The Oregonlan from the doors ot Its subscribers. Circulation Manager. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same day Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory LOST AN OPPORTUNITY. IF YOU DON'T sample Wooetcr's Boston Coffee, cor. 7th and Morrison sts. , BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE A GOOD FURNITURE, HARP ware and undertaking business In a flour ishing town. Address Box 37. Lebanon. FOR SALE OLD ESTABLISHED MANU faoturtng and jobbing business; price, $3650 T 6S, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 2-CHAIR BARBER SHOP IN good country town. For particulars address F 04. Oregonlan. WANTED-MAN WITH $1100 TO GO INTO the jheep business; no bonus. Call Msvt StarkTSt. n FOR RENT STORE ON MORRISON ST -suitable for any business. Call 248 Stark. FOR SALE CHEAP, GROCERY STORE IN gopd. location. Call 232 N. 14th st. BUSINESS CHANCES. HOTEL AND BAR (0 ROOMS. FINE BAR and dining-room. 70 steady boarders, 10 years lease. $5d per month rent; clears $500 per month; It you want something for your money, don't wait; nothing like this ever offered; $4300 takes building and all; $2300 cash, balance can stand. Ex. with Ford, 105 4th, room 39. Russel bldg. For Sale One of tho best paying restau rants In the city; cost $2400 to furnish place; business causes owner to leave city soon; will sell for $1600, part time; this place Is doing a. fine business and a money maker; will bear the strictest Investiga tion. See Ford. 163 4th, room 39. GOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS WB ARE In touch with all lines ot business throughout the Northwest and are in dally receipt of Information regarding business opportunities. Every proposition submitted to us thorough ly Investigated before presentation, and must be bonafidc Parties looking for permanent business locations In city or country are In vited to call on the Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. MARKET LAYOUT FOR SOMEONE WHO wants to make money. I want a partner with a few hundred dollars to take half interest In one of the best-paying markets in the city. Handling butter, eggs, poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, etc I have more busi ness than I can take care of. This is a snap; you must hurry; first come first served. Address' O S3. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A LARGE TEAMING Busi ness, well established In Portland, doing over $30,000 per year business; net Income $3,500; will Invoice over $4000; price $3300; reason for selling, have other business that takes up too much time; a bargain; Investi gate It, Address A 800, Oregonlan. WANTED THREE ENERGETIC Busi ness men to represent Oregon corporation at Fresno, San Jose and Sacramento, CaL This is & position of trust and requires the representative to take at least $1000 In stock; salary. $1S00 per year. Address V 07. care Oregonlan. $7000 BUYS UP-TO-DATE STOCK OF GRO cerles, provisions, crockery, glassware, etc, with modern two-story brick building in one of best towns in the Willamette Volley; the building alone worth the price. Inquire W. W. Espey, room 1, Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE in good location In small town on railroad, or will exchango for other property; stock, ranch In Eastern or Southern Oregon pre ferred; value $3500; will give good discount for cash. Address P 03. care Oregonlan. $3600 SPOT CASH BUYS FURNITURE OVER 60 rooms; rent $50; lease; Income $300 mo.; reasons for selling; location good for business any time, a genuine gold mine during Fair; none but cash buyers need apply. B. S. Cook & Co., 231 Alder St., Portland, Or. FOR SALE STOCK GENERAL MER cbandlse, splendid farming and lumbering town; population 1000; big opening, pros perous business, $4000 to $6000 cosh neces sary. Address P. O. Box 175. Springfield. Or. ESTABLISHED SADDLERY BUSINESS for sale In Seattle; stock, machinery and fixtures amount to about $2500; reason for selling, Mr. Holloway Is superintending his gold mine at Goldfield. Nev. Apply to John Clark Saddlery Co., 104 Front st. FOR SALE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DO lng a good business In a thriving, thickly settled fruit country; a good proposition for a printer who can do his own writing. Ad dress box 316, Pendleton, Or. PARTNER WANTED WITH $1000 TO take half-interest In toboggan slide near Observation Tower; best Investment to make money. Address Fred Lemcke, S66 Upshur st. WANTED MAN TO TAKE STOCK IN ORE gon corporation and act as secretary and treasurer; salary, $150 per month; this Is a fine opportunity for bright business man; stato age and reference. Address G S3, Ore gonlan. $3500 CASH BUYS A BUSINESS DOING $25,000 per year business; net Income $3600 p,er, year; this will Invoice more than price asked; must sell at once. Address B 500, Oregonlan. FAIR GROUNDS FURNITURE 11 ROOMS; good location for business; cheap. 14 rooms, unfurnished. 20 rooms, unfurnished. Ground for booths to lease. S66 Upshur. Main 6278. FOR SALE DERMATOLOGY. HAIRDRESS lng. manicuring parlors, with electric, gal vanic baths; fixtures new; eplendld location; selling account ot sickness. AV OS, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT AND DELICATESSEN FOR sale on Washington st,; free water, cheap rent; long lease; parties must 6elL Inquire 44 N. 0th. Phone Main 4016, forenoon. STEADY MAN. WITH GOOD REFERENCE, to take interest in excursion boat; no expe rience or license neeessury; only boat on river. O. H. Childs, Seaside, Or. $250, HALF CASH. BALANCE FROM Busi ness, half Interest In established business; $75 monthly, absolutely secured. Interview necessary. 'A OS. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A BLACKSMITH SHOP, WITH lathe, drill, press, etc; a first-class proposi tion; Investigate; must be sold at once. J. J. Reld, Rutus. Or. BAKERY AND RESTAURANT FOR SALE; brick building, center location; only one In town of 2000; rent reasonable P. A. Coch ran. Woodburn, Or. , EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. OLD Es tablished grocery In heart ot city; good stand, fine location, low .rent; a bargain. N 98, Oregonlan. $2000 WELL-ESTABLISHED MANUFACTUR tng business; will clear $250 a month: will bear fullest Investigation. Address Q 08, Oregonlan. WE HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND SHARES of Oregon Securities Company stock for sale L. Y. Keady & Co.. 804-806 The Dekura. FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY. CIGAR AND fruit stand; 6th st. good location, cheap rent, with lease; living rooms. O S7. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE OLD ESTABLISHED MEAT and poultry market, doing good business; good reasons for selling. Call 112 First st. FOR BALK BY OWNER HOME BAKERY, on Morrison st.: will be money-maker during Fair. Phone Main 5736, afternoon only. QUARTZ AND PLACER CLAIMS FOR sale In Cracker Creek district, from $1000 to $50,000. A. P. Smith, Bourne. Or. WANT TO BUY STOCK OF MERCHANDISE from $6000 to $20,00; must be cheap Ad dress P. O. Box 464. Chchalls, Wash. FOR SALE COUNTRY STORE. GENERAL merchandise, near car line. 20 miles from Portland. Address M 87, Oregonlan. WANTED BARBER WITH 3 OR 4-CHAIR outfit; have lease in hotel at World's Fair; good proposition. G 08, Oregonlan. MANUFACTURING 3USINES3 RARE chance; man with $450 can make $150 a month. Call 248 Stark st. TWO ROOMS IN NEW HOUSE, WEST Side, all modern conveniences; rent rea sonable. Phone Main 5342. CANDY AND CONFECTIONERY STORE ON prlnclpal street, doing good business; fully equipped. O 07, Oregonlan. NEW GROCERY, CENTRALLY" LOCATED; a money-maker; for sale by C Ben Rles land. 602 Commercial blk. FOR SALE RESTAURANT DOING GOOD business, Fair grounds; sickness causa of selling. Phone Main C278- FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD BUSINESS. IF taken at once; experience unnecessary, in quire owner, 30S Front. FOR SALE $3000 STOCK DRY GOODS, clothing and shoes; Investigate Address Box I. Prosser. Wash. BARBER SHOP. 3 CHAIRS, ESTABLISH ed trade, good location to Fair, cheap rent. P 99. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP. AD dress R 04. caro Oregonlan. FOR SALE BEST LUNCHROOM IN CITY, at 246 Yamhill. FINANCIAL. . LdANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people: lowest rates; strictly confi dential. Employes Loan Co., room. 716, the Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL aried people; lowest rates; confidential; will advance money .on any good security. Room 218 Ablngton bldg. Phone Red 1728. $5 LOANS AND UPWARDS. ON ALL KINDS of security, without delay. W. a. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Clay 1814. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates, s. W. King, room 45, Washington bldg. Hood 415. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO S300 on all securities. R. L Eckciscn St Co room 5. Washington bldg. Clay 73. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. H. Thomas, state agt.. Multnomah Co., 400 Cham. Com. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Co. lands. . D. F. Riley, 600 Cham, ot Commerce. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before pay-day can get It from us; no commission or Interest In advance; no mortgagee or ln dorser required. Repay weekly, monthly or semi-monthly In amounts from $1 and up wards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one pay-day. and have six months time, if desired. NELSON & KIND LEY, 30$ McKay bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; also CHATTEL LOANS '' on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 205 Ablngton building. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO nlan bldg.. loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motormen, conductors or otaer salaried employes, just on his note in sams of $10 to $100. Returnable In convenient weekly or monthly payments. Payments sus pended In case' of sickness. Confidential. No Inquiries. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his notel without mortgage Confidential. Month, -montn. Week. $30 Repay to us $13.33 or $0.65 er $3.23 $25 Repay to us $ 6.65 or $3.35 or il.63 $15 Ropay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 2D. MONEY ADVANCE!) SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc, without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, 223 Ablngton bldg. Clay 175S. FIVE PER CENT MONEY WB BUY. build you a home or 'loan on your pro: monthly payments; Investigate: open : day evening. 17 Labbe bldg., 227 Wash. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND (I PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 307, the Failing bldg. PRIVATE PARTY makes real estate, personal, chattel, salary loans. 504 Marquam bldg. BUSINESS ' DIRECTORY. Art. WB HAVE WITH US ONE OF CALITOR nla's greatest artists. Call and see her at 331 14th su Grace Cady. Business Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND. TOUCH TYPBWRIT lng. famous budget bookkeeping, actual busi ness practice; positions found for graduates; day and night school. Holmes Business Col lege. Y. M. C. A. bldg. Main CIS. Assaycrs and Analysts. THE J. H. FISK ASSAYING OFFICE ANA lytlcal chemists and metallurgists. Priees: gold and sliver, $1; copper, 50c. 204 Wash. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 20S STARK ST. Best facilities; prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 22S Stark st. J. A. MOE, ASSAYER AND ANALYTICAL chemist. 8th and Ankeny sts, Attorneys-at-Law. U. S. G. MARQUAM, 404 COMMERCIAL bldg, I make specialty of defeating tax tltlvs. Carpet Cleaners. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and compressed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor without removal. Main 3331. Bast 2504. WE CLEAN YOUR CARPETS ON TUB floor; guarantee to raise no dust. Phoua Clay 3U1 for a free demonstration. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. BCCKNER, ofilce, store fixtures, seneral jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 014. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHBLVEa. houses DUllt and repaired. 203 4th. CUy 174. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL 0., dealers, bt cools; foundry and smelter coke 329 B st. Chiropodist and Manicuring. DRS. O. O. FLETCHER AND J. A. EBNBR Bxpert painless chiropodist, Kennisoti tern of New York. Corns removed without pain; bunions and ingrowing nailA a special ty. 316 Allsky bldg., cor. 3d and Morrlsun sts. Phone Red 3086. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVBNY. THE only scientific chiropodists; parlors rootna 2va Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main 1801. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. CHIROPODY AND MANICURING BY young lady graduate, patrons are guaran teed skillful treatment. 10 Benson bfock, oor. 5th and Morrison. Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Robbing, noted bunion specialists. 360 Washington. Hood 904. J. LINDELL. expert chiropodist, all Instru ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Black 2356. Clairvoyants. THE GREAT. ONLY AND ORIGINAL BUDAH BERNIQUB. SPECIAL. 3 DAYS ONLY. READING, 25c. TRANCE CLAUIVOTANT. BORN WITH A DOUBLE VEIL. EDUCATED IN EGYPT AND INDLV. TELLS YOUR NAME. TBLLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU WILL MARRY. Positively mentioning your sweetheart's full aarae. Settles love quarrels and promptly reunites the separated, no matter how long standing. London's; most famous palmist and clair voyant. Is acknowledged by press and pub lic the greatest living DhlAD TRANCB MEDIUM. Sho tells what you came for before you utter a word; does not ask questions, bo matter what your trouble may be. Call and she will guide you with certainty higher than huniia power. Tells you the truth, good or bad. 291 MORRISON, COR. 5TH, SAM 8 FLOOR AS BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS. CLAIRVOYANT. VAN CORTLAND. $10 COMPLETE LIFE READING FOR 50c 813 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH ST. I do hereby agree and guarantee to make no charge If I fall to tell your name, occupation and what you called for. I promise to tell you whether husband, wife or sweetheart is true or false; whom and when you will marry, and how to win the man. or woman you love; in fact, 1 will tell you every hope, fear or ambition bet ter than you can tell yourself, or make no charge. HOURS 0 to S P. M.. daily and Sunday. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. 313 Washington St. Also private entrance on Sixth street. TRANCB CLAIRVOYANT. 25c 25c, 26c, 26c; SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, 303 WABIUNGTON ST.. COlt. TH. SPECIAL. S DAYS ONLY, HEADING, 25c THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR LOR HB WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME, ACQ, OCCUPATION. YUR MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME, AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY, and what you o a. lied for, without asking a question will tell thi name of your sweetheart or a Hi thing you want to know. He sends you away much wiser and happier than when you called. How can I have good luck? How can I succeed In business? How can I make my home nappy? How can I marry the one I choose? How can I marry well? How soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I make anyone love me? How can I get a letter? How can I get a good position? 303 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. MMB. DR. HBRZOG. FROM BERLIN. Sci entific revealer. tells lite from eradle to grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad vice, sure help, mistake Impossible; restores lost love and unites separated by sympathy; locates buried treasure. Fee, $1; letter. $2. 207 Park. Hardware. Portland Hardware Co. solicits opportunity to quote prices. 135 1st, cor. Alder. Main 1834. DAYTON HARDWARE CO. keep fine line and odd goods in hardware. 104 1st. Hotel. Restaurant and Camp Ranges. Crlbban & Sexton Co.. 17th and Upshur sts. Largest stock hotel, restaurant, camp ranges, gasoline stoves and refrigerators in city. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING SAW mlllo. logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, castings. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. C ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc 248 Grand ave Dayon Hdw. Co.. Agts. W. F. & J. Barnes Co. Star lathes, scroll saws, etc 104 1st. Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost fraternal society of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Mltchel. Sup. Sec, 612-815 Marquam bkig. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., PURCHASERS OF Tildes, pelts. wooL furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 342 Front st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGKR. PURCHASER OB hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, t allow, ctd. rubber and old metal and geseml eorrmCwtoa merchant. Front st., near Main, PorUanC. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. ShesJnck bidiv. Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front and Davis st. Port land. Or. Electric Goods. Telephones. .Etc DAYTON HARDWARE CO. OFFER LOW prices. 104 1st st. ' Mala 122L Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfrs.. leather and saddlery hardware. &0-SS 1st. Mala 22t. Lr: BREYMAN LEATHER CO, WH OLE sale saddles and harness mfra.. saddierx hardware, leather, all kinds. 72-74 its u "St IAjk, - and Findings. J. A. STROWBRlDi LEATHER CO. Ks tabllshed 1S5S. Leather and. ttndlngs; Stockton sole leather and cut stevk. tu-1 line Eastern Jumbod. ly Front st. THE BREYMAN CO.. LEATHER MFRS-. bo and shoe uppers. andlBgi, afee s.or supplies, leather of all kinds. 72-74 3th. Northwest Vluvl Co. LEWIS BLDG., PARK AND MORRISON Call or send stamp for Health Bodx. Osteopathy. DRS. ADDIX & NORTHRUP, 41 DEKUM bldg. Phone Main 340. Examtaattoa free. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; Infringement eaea. fl4 Dekum. Paints, Oils and Glass RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints. OiU. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d aad Taylor. DAYTON HARDWARE CO.. AGENTS LLN eeln Faint 4t Color Co. 104 1st. X'hyslclans and Surgeons. DR. MRS. CARBY-TALBOTT. DISEASES of women. Office 7M Qulmby st., aar 2oO. Rubber stamps. P. C STAMP WORKS. Mt ALDBR. TEL. Main 71U. Rubber stamps. aJa. tr.c..i. Safes. DIBBOLD Manganese circle doors. bao.rV comfort; DieboM fireproof and butUt -rx... the best; repairs and Jail work. Davb. M ;c THK MAN WHO KNOWS THE OOOD AND bad points ot all .safes bus the HrrU.g-Uall-Marvia. 7tt th st-. Portland. Or. Secsad-lland Machinery. J. SIMON Jfc URu, DEALERS IN T..T. kinds second-hand machinery, p.pc. caa.e. belting, hardware; highest prlc polo. iJr scrap iron and sotals. 21 Front. Ma..i 2003 Showcase.. Bank and Store- Flxtarcs. THB LUTKE MANUFACTURING CC COR. 6th aad Hoyt. Phone Mala WftS. PORTLAND SHOWCASE Jk FIXTURK 0 34S 1st. near Market. Phoae. Black 31J4. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE, 3S YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable msdium; all in trouble caL and get her valuable advice or all attain oi life, business, love, troubles; abseat friends a specialty. 165 4th st. Russet bids.; hours 0 to C MRS. LADD FIN NI CAN CAC Bis CONSULT-, ed dally at 412 Alder, cor. litis. Main 179l MRS. C CORNBLIUS. removed to 143 6th St.. room -21; sittings dally. Hood 1940. LARS EN. the Palmist, returned. ScieatlSa readings. 50c. 1H2 3d St.. Bear Morrison, st. Storage. STORAGE WAREHOUSE. GOOD LCXWnCN. low rate of Insurance. Apply 144 N. Isc it. Storage and Transfer. SAFKS. PIANOS AND FURNITURE! moved, peeked ready for shlpptag aad ship ped; all work guaranteed; large 3-stoy brick fireproof warehouse for storage Orfics 128 1st, C. M. Olsen. Psoas Mala 347. C. O. PICK. OFFICB S3 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 396. Pianos and furaltata moved and packed for shlpneat; commod. ous fireproof brick warehouse. Front ac-L Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT SI N. FRONT St.. household goods aad furalture; pJaB-4.1. trunks, tool cheats, sewing; machlna aad aU movable articles at reasonable) prioee. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO., 51 THIRD ST. wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rested, sold ard. repaired. Coast Agency 231 Stark. Tel. I4C7 Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLBSALK GROCFl. cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. C - BANKS. WKLLS. FARGO & CO.. BANX Corner Second aad Washtegtsm. F. L. LIPMAN Frefcl?at (San Fraacloeo) R. LEA BARNES Caahi? WALTER A. HOLT Ass4sat Cajfc.er (Portland) General banking buataoss transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit Issued, available in all parts of the world. THB CANADLVN BANK OF COMMSRCE Head Office. Toronto, Canada. Capital paid up $8,700,000 Reserve 3,300,0 Transact! a general banking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward ami Interest allowed on Mini mad monthly bakuu-es. Rat on application. 241 WASHINGTON ST. 35. A. WYLD. Manager Portland Branch UNITKD 8TATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORXLwVIJ. UKWKi. Northwest Cor. Third and Oak Sts. ' Transacts a general baaklnx buslni RMS, Drafts lamed available la all cities ot tbr United States aad Europe. Hons Kong as Manila. Collections made en favorable terms. President J". C. AINSWORTTI Vlee-l'reoMeat W. B. AYETt Cashier R. W. St'HMEE Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agsat of the United States. President -V L. MILLS Cashier J- "W- NsTWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier -.B. T. STEVBN3 Letter, of credit issued available la En rope anB the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. CMcagtr. S Louie. St. Paul. Omaha. Saa Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Fraakfext-on-tho-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Cooettaagao, Chrlstlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg-. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, NO. 109 THIRD ST. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. CAPITAL. $308,080. We conduct a general banking buaanesa. We receive savings deposits. We lssu time cer tificates and certificates of deposit pay ah upon 18 days' call, 30 days' call or 99 days call, with Interest at 3. S and 4 p-sr ctsat per annum, respectively. Call or sead for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BEN J. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK .VW-Presldeat B. LEE PAGET Seeretarr J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Soeretarv LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S3. Tran;acts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favoraV terms. Letters of credit Issued available ui Europe and all points in the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St Louis. Denver. Omaha. Son Francisco and. various points In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Mont a no and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berttn, Frank, fort. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Afanlla and Honolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-Preside R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT .Assistant CashW? TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING "BGSINBSS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit tsoaed. avail able In. all parts of the world. Collections a specialty.