12 THE MORNING OKEGOKIAN, SATURDAY, APHIL 1, 1905. BULLET ENDS LIFE John Schofield Dies a Broken hearted Suicide, LOVE OF WOMAN THE CAUSE Young' Man Leaves a Pathetic Letter, Stating He Is Tired of Living, but Assigns No Other Cause for Act. SUICIDE'S PATHETIC FAREWELL. Mr. Case: I am tired of living, and don't know -what to do, so this Is the only way. I don't know what my folks will eay when they hear what I hay.j done, but I can't help it. 1 don't want J to live any longer. For the love of a woman, John Scho field purchased a revolver, went Into a basempnt and fired a bullet Into his fore head. Death resulted, and his lifeless form was found at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. A weapon by his side, with a bullet missing, told the grim story of the suicide, and a note In a book pur ported to say why the deed was done. He was 20 years of age. It Is known he was infatuated with a woman, al though he said nothing of this in his farewell message. Miss Mattie Doyle, formerly employed at the Merchants Hotel as a kitchen helper. Is being sought by Acting Cor oner H"Yiley, but as yet has not been found'.' "It is believed she knows a great deal concerning the youthful suicide, for it Is said that she sold to him the re volver with which he killed himself. During a portion of the time Miss Doyle was employed at the hotel Scho- John Schofleld, the Suicide. ,field also worked there. They are said to have been much in each other's com pany, and it Is believed that she was the object of his infatuation. "She has not worked at the hotel for some time. She is said still to be in Portland. - Of late Schofield had been employed about the home of R, E. Case, proprietor of the Merchants Hotel, at Rodney ave nue and Sellwood street. He slept in the basement and usually retired early. He left the house about 5 o'clock Thurs day afternoon, and it is not known when he returned. Mrs. Case went into the basement at 1 o'clock yesterday after noon and there found his body. At first there "was a suspicion of mur der, and when Deputy Coroner Baldwin went to investigate. Detective Vaughn accompanied him. It was soon discovered that he shot himself, as the note he left was found In his vest pocket, with other writing. Schofield had evidently premeditated his deed, for he had been despondent, and there was a sketch of his journey ngs In the note book. He made certain that he left enough information as to his identity and how he met death. Ho wrote that he had traveled with Ring ling's circus, had worked In "Wasco County harvest fields a while and had spent two weeks in a local hospital; im mediately after arriving here. That was about nine months ago. He was from Cleveland. O.. where he has relatives. No Inquest will be held. T AT THE THEATERS What the Precs Agent Say. "PINAFORE" AT THE MATINEE Nautical Opera This Afterncon--"The Geisha" Tonight at the Marquam. This afternoon at 2:15 o'clock a special matinee win te given oy tne .roiiara lh Iputian Opera Company at the Marquam Grand Theater, when Gilbert and Sulli van's beautiful nautical opera, "H. M. S. Pinafore." will be the bill. Tonight the picturesque Japanese opera, "The Geisha," will be given. Seats are, now selling for nejjt week's repertoire which will be as? follows: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. the Pol lard initial performance. "A Runaway Girl;" Friday night and Saturday mat inee, "A Gaiety Girl;" Saturday night. "An American Millionaire." Columbia Matinee Today. The -usual matinee will be given by the Columbia Stock Company at 2:15 P. M. today. This will be the last of these popular Saturday matinees, as the com pany will close its long season with to morrow night's performance. Hoyt's farce-comedy, "A Contonted Woman," which has kept audiences In such great good humor all week, Is the laetN attrac tion. Miss Countiss appears as a charming young wife who, boing Influenced to run against her husband In the race for Mayor In a woman's rights town, pro pds to have a most excitinc series of . , adventures during the hot campaign. Don ald Bowles Is the defeated candidate and all the other members appear in novel and striking character parts. Next week, after Sunday night's per formance, the Columbia will be dark, for the first time in 30 weeks. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Big Acts at the Star. Today and tomorrow are the last op portunities to see the wonderful Shenke family of acrobats at the Star. They are creating a big sensation, and no one should miss seeing this enormous a'cL Rlcardo Ruiz, the eminent Spanish con cert violinist, actually makes the violin talk. Rlcardo Ruiz changes his selec tions at every performance. To hear the senor play "Cavellcrla de Rustlcana" is a rare treat. 'The McCarvers, comedy sketch artists; Maude Carter, in "The Widow": Claudius, king of the banjo; Faroes and Washburn the New Tork HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Booms. $1.00 to 3.00 Per Day. AccordlnC to Location. 3. T. DAVlfii, lTr- St. Charles Hotel CO. ONCOBPOBATED.y FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 Flrst-Ciass Restaurant In Connection singing duo: up-to-date pictures and songs are all on the Star bill this week, which is the talk of the town. Every act a fea ture. Baker's Spring Vaudeville. Down at the Baker the finest showing of vaudeville ever made by a local theater is the bid for patronage. The public is royally patronizing the enterprising effort to give a legitimate show without illegiti mate advertising. The bill at the Baker this week Is: Walsh and Lion, in a com edy sketch. "The Burglar": John P- Bruce & Co., comedy sketch; Van, cartoonist; Pearson and Pearson, in the "Heathen Chinee": Arnaldo and Chappelle. In "Done and Undone"; Jean Wilson. In illustrated songs; the olograph in new moving pic tures. Y. M. C. A. Night School Exercises. The annual graduation exercises of the T. M. C. A. night school were held last evening in the auditorium of the association. Judge A. L. Frazer dollvered an address to the graduates on "The Formation of Character In Young Man hood." "When a child has arrived at an age when he begins to think for himself and to realize the. relation which he bears to the rest of mankind; when he becomes capable of self-research and self-culture, then It is that he Is the molder of his own character," said Judge Frazer. "It Is then for him to determine for himself whether his character shall be good or bad, strong or weak, open, generous and manly, or cowardly, dissembling and selfish. The total number of the students regis tered at the night school since September 15 has been 555. Of these 407 registered during the Fall term and 334 during the Winter term. A total of 47 different classes have been carried on In 31 sub jects. Twenty-four teachers have been employed during the year. To regulate the stomach, liver and bow els and promote digestion, take one of Carter's Little Liver Pills every night. Try them. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, March 31. Maximum tempera ture, 46 deg.; minimum. 40. River reading at 11 A. M., 7.4 feet; change in past 24 hours, 1.1. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., 0.S4 Inch; total since September 1. 1904, 27.57 inches; normal, CS.16; deficiency, 10.50. Total sunshine March 30, 1003, 0 hours and 20 min utes; possible, 12 hours and 41 mlnuteo. Ba rometer (reduced to eea level), at 5 P..,M., 30.00. PACIFIC COAST WEATER. 3 P 3 STATION'S. Baker City Blcmarck Boise Eureka Helena... Kamloops. B. C. North Head Pocatello ...,42!O.0O!l01SW (Cloudy . i4GiO.0O: . UCiO.OO 12E JCToudy PL cloudy (Rain 4 E . 54 0.01 l48lO.OoW,NW U;W Cloudv 40I0.O040IE .4S0.2S12'NW . 3SO.O0I 4'S . 48 0.31 S.SW .G4O.0Ol 4N .150 0.10' 4 SE .'00 0.00U2INW .JS8 0.001 12N . 000.00'16W . 44' T I S SW' 48 0.OS! 41CTE .'4s;o.88jio:w .'m T S;S PL cloudy Cloudy Clear Portland. . . Rain Red Bluff. ... v Clear Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City.. San Francisco.. . tokane Seattle Tatoosh Island... "Walla Walla Rain IClear rClear PL ckwdv Cloudy !ciody IRain T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During- the last 12 hours light rain ha fallen In Western Oregon and Western Washington, and there has been a slight rise In temperature in this section and also in the eastern portion of Oregon and in Southern Idaho. A maximum wind velocity of CO mile, from the toutheast, occurred during the last 12 hours at North Head, Wash. The indications arc for showers Saturday In Oregon. Washington and Northern Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS. , Forecasts made at Portland for 2S hours end ing at midnight, April 1: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy, with showers; eoutherly winds. Oregon and Washington Shower?; iwuthcrly shifting to westerly winds. Idaho Partly cloudy, with showers north por tion. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. HATES. "Rooms," "Room and Board." "Home keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, 'except "New Today," 80 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure, aj-ate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line of each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. siad left at this office, should always be inclosed Lu sealed envelope. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oreconlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements token through, the telephone. NEW TODAY. ATTENTi 200 feet front on 3d st., 100 feet deep. In Portland's center, with all buildings there on for $215,000: easy terms. Tou can wait a lifetime before you find an investment like this. F. FUCHS. 149 k 1st sL FREE LAND IN OREGON Under the "Carey Irrigation AcL" Deed direct from state. WRITE OR CAUL TODAY. Booklets and map free. B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder street, Portland.. Or. PERKINS I PORTLAND, OREGON First-Class Chek KesUuraat. Connected With Hotel. C O. DAVIS, Bee. ud Trout. :THE: ESMOND HOTEL CSCAfi AHDERSOX, Huagsr Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREQON 5HXJ5 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINX Rates European plan, 60c. 75c, 5 LOO. $1.30. 12.00 pr day. Sampl room In connection MEETING NOTICES. ALBINA LODGE, NO. 101. A F. & A M. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. E. A. degree. All M. M. cordially Invited. By order W. M. A J. HANDLAN, Sec. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 27, A. O. U. W. Members of Portland Lodge are requested to attend the funeral of Brother Harry Mathur, from Flnley's chapel today at 2 P. M. By order A. R. MANN, Master Workman. Attest: T. H. FEAREV, Recorder. SMITH At his late residence, near Lent.". Or.. March 30, 1905. Robert M. Smith, aged 00 years, 5 months and 20 days. Funeral will take place Sunday. April 2. at 2 P. M., from F. S. Dunnlng's chapel, corner East Alder and East Sixth streets. Friends Invited. DIED. DICK At the County Hospital; Friday. Ma.rch 31. at 2 P. M.. John Dlok. DICK In this city, March 31. 1905. John Dick, aged CO years, father of Mm. B. Lleehty, of this city. Notice of funeral here after. FUNERAL NOTICES. MATHER Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral serv ices of the late Harry Mather, whteh will be held at Finlpys chapel today at 2 P. M. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. DUNNTNO. MeENTEB GILBATJGn, successors to Donning Jfc Campion, under takers and embalmera, modern In every de tail. Till ud A'Uie. l'h on o Main 430. Ludy asslst&nt. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertakers and erabalmers, nave moved to their sew build ing. Third and Salmon.. Lady assistant. Telephone No. COT. J. P. FIN LEY et SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Offlce of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. r. 8. DUNNTNO, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telepbono East 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., UNDERTAKERS, Erabalmers, 273 Rus'l; East 1088; lady as't. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS. AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GON1AN OFFICE: A 83, S7, 96. B 8ft. 95, 08. C SC. 90. 91. D 84, 80, 93, 04, 96. . E 81. 83. 88. 04, 9G, 98. F 85. 91. 98. G 85. 95. 06. 97. - j If 90. 9386. 98. ' .15. 85. 80. 87. 89. 97. K 77, 78. 91. 95, 96, 96. L 9. 92. 85. M 83. 84. 85. 91. N 31. 75. O 81, 07. P 70. 80. 87, 90. Q 87. s . R 82. 88. 95, 98. S 95. T 88, 94, 97. V 71. 74. 97. ' W 75, 87. 88. X 65. 75. 88. 93, 98. Y 58. 86. 96, 97. 98. NEW TODAY. SAVINGS OF THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY Accepts your deposit account subject to check and allows you three per cent In terest on dally balances. Pays four per cent on. one year certifi cates of deposit,- not payable prior to maturity. DIRECTORS: . W. M. Ladd. T. T. Burkhart. J. Thorburn Ross. . Frank M. Warren. George H. Hill. Banking hours: 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Saturdays,. 10 A. 11. to 12 noon", Saturday evenings, a to S o'clock. 7 CHAMBER OF ' COMMERCE. PORTLAND . OREGON. STORE AND FACTORY BUILDING TO LEASE On account of contemplated move to new quarters. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO. Will lease Its present quarters to reliable tenant for a term of years. Fine three-story brick, suitable for manufacturing purposes. Upper stories built for carrying machinery and heavy stock. Corner storeroom, splendid show windows. Very reasonable terms to right party. Telephone Main 312. NEAR ST. JOHNS Acre tracts within walking distance of every mill and factory along the water front between the Columbia Univers ity and the point of the Peninsula, at prices that will yield handsome profits right now by subdividing into lots. This property will advance rapidly. FRANCIS L McKENNA. iloom-606 Commercial Block. - 5? AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater W.T.MIBIE RwItfKl MiEitsr Phone Main 868. The Pollard Lilliputian Opera Company Bargain Price Matinee Today at 2:15 o'Clock "XL M. S. PINAFORE." BRING THE CHILDREN. TONIGHT AT 8:15, "THE GEISHA." REPERTOIRE WEEK OF APRIL 3. 1905. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday Nights Their First Performance "A Runaway Girl" FRIDAY NIGHT SATURDAY MATINEE "A GAIETY GIRL." SATURDAY NIGHT "AN AMERICAN MILLIONAIRE." EVENING PRICES Parquet. 75c; parquet circle, 50c; balcony, 50c and 35c; entire gallery. 25c. MATINEE PRICES 23 and 50 cents. Seats Now Selling for Every Performance. COLUMBIA THEATER FAREWELL WEEK OF THE POPULAR COLTO1BL4. STOCK COMPANY. In Hoyt's screaming farce comedy, "A Contented Woman" Matinees today and tomorrow. Last perform ance tomorrow night. Farewell- of the Colum bia Stosk Company In Hoyt'a "A Contented Woman." Next week Theater dark. Evening. 50a, 35c. 25c. 15c; matinee, 25c 15c, 10c Down-town box offlce open all day, Dolly Varden candy shop, 327 Morrison, Main HO; evening at theater. Main 31L GRAND OUR CHALLENGE TO THE STAR THEATER STILL UNANSWERED! The Only Real and Original SHENKE FAMILY World's Greatest Acrobats, will positively appear Exclusively at the GRAND THEATER. ON OR ABOUT APRIL 10. Grand's contract dated March 8, 1005. Star'e alleged contract dated March 23. 1905. THE HIT OF HITSl Tonight and Dally Matinee, JAMES KEANE"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." TED E. BOX DEELY AND SIIEAN - 31R. AND MRS. J. T. POWERS THE LUCADOS RICE AND WALTERS ALF BONNER THE GRANDISCOPE Evening prices, lower floor. 20c; balcony, 10c Matinees (except Sundays and holidays), 10c Box seats. 25c STAR THEATER .vSSSS. Park and Wash Sts Tel. Main 5406 THE GREAT ORIGINAL SHENKE FAMILY Unrivaled Acrobats Supreme. SEN. RICARDO RUIZ Spanish Concert Violinist. 7 Other Headline Acts 7 Matinees 10c to Any Seat. Evenings 10c, 20c, 25c 1 BAKER THEATER 3d and Yamhill sts. Keating & Flood Mgrs. , Largest Vaudeville House In America. WALSH & LION. JOHN P. BROCE & CO. VAN. PEARSON & REARSON. ARNBLDO &. CHAPPELLE. JEAN WILSON. THE BIOGRAPH. Admlfslon Downstairs. 20c: upstairs, 10c Performances at 2:30. 7:30 and 9:15 P. M. Oregon Bowling Alleys ' Open Saturday Night In Merrill Building, Seventh and Oak Streets. SEVEN ALLEYS FOR PLAYERS SPECIAL ALLEY FOR LADIES. Comfortable galleries with chairs for Spectators. Two hotly-contested matches Van couver Barracks vs. Brunswick-Balkc-Colionder Co. Gambrlnus vs. AH Stars. Saturday Night, April 1. 1905. The public is Invited to attend. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTI of handling acreage; choice acre tracts for homes, within the city limits or outside; terms to suit. A. C Churchill & Co., 110 Second st. FOR SALE NEW EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, full basement with concrete floor, porce lain plumbing, washtubs. gas and electric ity, furnace, walls tinted, hardwood floors; cash or Installments; West Side. O. M. Smith, owner. 730 Chamber of Commerce. $375. A nice little cottage In the suburb, near the St. John's car line, for only $375. City water, street graded and sidewalks. Brown. 351 Stark st. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 10-room modern house and full lot, 349 29th sc.. near Savior. 50000; easy terms. For full particulars phone Main 316. FOR SALE ON INSTALLMENTS, A BAR gain for a few days; C-room house and two lots on E. 11th st.; price, SI 000. In quire at Vi Alder st. A HOTEL. GOOD LOCATION. AT NAH cotta. Wash., three 'lots, barns, four cows, $2000. For Information, Mrs. L. Hughee, Nahcotta. Wash. FOR SALE 5 ACRES ON CANNON ROAD, three miles out; fine place to build a home; garden and orchard; celling cheap. Apply 2S7 Morrison st. NEW 6-KOOM MODERN HOUSE, LARGE lot, JisCO; easy terms or discount for cash. Joe Nash, at Nashville station. Phone Union 1591. FOR SALE TOWN LOTS IN TOPPENISH. Wash.. 19 miles east of Yakima, on N. P. R. R.; no agents; sold by owner, Josephine Lllllc 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Ad<on. Lents. Or. Take ML Scott car. 5c FOR SALE NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE; good location; 51400, cash or Installments. O. M. Smith, 730 Chamber of Commerce ?2750 Modern, well-arranged S-room house; East Side, close In: streets Improved; fruit trees. Miller, 303 Chamber 'Commerce. FOR SALE $1050 WILL BUY 3 LOTS 50x100 each In Hanson's Second Addition. J. L. Wells Co.. 94 Grand ave. TWO LOTS. E. 12TH. NEAR TILLAMOOK, for sale, or will build to suit purchaser on easy terms. Phone East 675. f250 FOR SALE IN TREMONT. TWO LOTS 80x100. cleared; street graded, water, etc Address 36S N. 28th sL FOR SALE MODERN HOUSB OF 10 ROOMS 316 22d st. Price low. Owner. Mrs. W. A. Daly. 359 13th st. FOR SALE C-ROOM 2-STORY COTTAGE tin Portland Heights; sightly. Inquire S18 Dekum bldg. TOWNSEND, DRIGGS & CO.. REAL ESTATE. Insurance. Immigration. 2S9 Aider st., bet. 4th" and 5th. ACREAGE NEAR CAR-LI NB. 6 MILES. FROM Morrison sL bridge. C K. Ballard, Mil waukie. Or. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 41050; 6-ROOM HOUSE. 51PCO; terms to suit purchaser. Phono East 675. FOR SALE-CHOICE U-BLK. IN HOLLA day's Addition. Owner. ICO . 1st st. FOR SALE TWO LOTS. UNIVERSITY 1. ;pucJc Inonlra 2SX-JT.rha..A FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE NEW 6 AND S-ROOM HOUSE; bath, stationary wasteland, concrete base ment, gas and electric lights, furnace, house tinted, pasa pantry, large bedrooms, with closets in each, wood elevator, stationary washtubs in basement; on Unlon-avenuo car line, flve-mlnute service, near good school, lawn, streets Improved; houses now open for Inspection; cash or Installments. Inquire owner. H. E. Stemler. 122 3d St., or at res idence. C52 Union avc North, one block south of houses. FREE LAND! FREE LAND I A chance to secure a home and make money; enly coat Is for water right, which averages S10 per acre; under state controL For par ticulars writ or call at offlce of Columbia Southern Irrigation Co.. 530 Worcester block. GOVERNMENT LAND. OPEN FOR SETTLE ment; level bottom land; no stone of tim ber; water and soli first class. Room CO, Labbe bldg.. corner 2d and Washington. FOB SALE FARMS. STOCK. FARM AND FRUIT LANDS FOR SALE BY R. L. CATE & CO.. 113 2D ST. 000 ACRES Klickitat County. Washing ton; 200 acres In timothy, well watered by springs; a good place for the right man. and worth more than we are asking. 530 ACRES Polk County; 30 in hops, 100 cultivated and 400 pasture; good big house and barn, spring water piped to both; price low. 240 ACRES Near HUlsboro. mostly llT cultivation; a very desirable place. 120 ACRES Clark County. Washington; abundance of fruit, 500 cor da of wood standing; flume to river. SO ACRES Washington County; good new house. 40 ACRES Near HUlsboro., low price. 20 ACRES AH cultivated, seeded to grain. 10 ACRES Abundance of fruit, .some beaver dam land; good buildings; a money maker. 5 ACRES Finely Improved, close to car line; an ideal suburban place. 2 ACRES Unimproved, close in. lfc ACRES With two houses.-in town. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. SO acres of rich land, with 3 acres In cul tivation; 4-room house; family orchard; live water; only one-half mile from town on tho Columbia River and N. P. By. Price, JS00, with one-half down. 2SO acres. w(th 60 acres of beaverdam land. In firat-claas cultivation; 40 acrea of valuable flr timber; balance bruah land used for pasture; land lays nicely; plenty of live water; fenced and cross-fenced; good family orchard; 2-story modern house with furniture, valued J250O; two large frame barns, nicely equipped for the dairy busi ness; with this place go 3 horses, 2 cows. S bogs, all farming Implements, consisting of new hay press. 2 wagons, cart, 2 sets har ness, hay rake, mower, plows, harrows, cul tivator!?, tedder, spader and numerous small tools and dairying utensils; on county road and bank of Cowlitz River, with steamboat landing; one mile from town. Thin Is an Ideal farm for gardening and dalrylnr. Price, 10,000, with one-half down, balance on easy terms. Imus & Wllloughby. Kalama. Wash. A BARGAIN. I offer for two weekly only 20 acres of cholc fruit and berry land; 7 acres In wrawberrtes; very easily 550 fruit trees, all kinds; living water; 7-room hou.. barn packing-shed; near store, school and steamboat landing; only 2000 cash or terms. For par ticulars address J. C. Maclnnes, White Sal mon, ash. ' AN IDEAL HOME 150 ACRES ON THE Columbia River;; 75 acres under cultiva tion, balance can be cultivated; soli very fertile and productive; large C-room house, warehouse 74x120; Government light pay ing $10 month; boats land day or night: $7,000; Cowlitz Co. Land Co., Kelso, Wash. FOR SALE HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH ment In the Okanogan Valley; new house, running water; part broke, fenced and In crop; will sell for cost of Improvements. Address Box o94, Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE 74 ACRES OP TIMBER LAND on tidewater of Shoal Water Bay, Pacific County, Washington; timber, spruce and hemlock; Will sell cheap If taken at once. Address N 31. Oregonlan. FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WRITE me If you want a stock, dairy, grain or fruit farm. In tracts to suit purchaser; prises reasonable. Perry Ellis, Capehorn. Wash. GOVERNMENT LAND OPEN FOR SET tlement; level bottom land, no stone or timber; water and soil flrst class. Room y, Labbe bldg., cor. 2d and Washington. CHOICE STOCK. HOP AND GRAIN farms near Carlton, $15 to $60 per acre. W. E: Kidder, Carlton, Or. IMPROVED FARMS AND APPLE LANDS. R. L. Cate & Co.. 113 2d sL TIMBER LANDS. WANTED BOUNTY LAND, WARRANTS; many warrants have not yet been eatlsned. Address Harvey Spalding & Sone, Washing ton. D. C. HOMESTEADS GOOD WHEAT LANDS. For particulars address Lock Box No. 5S. Heppner, Or. HOMESTEAD. 19 MILES FROM CITY; BAR gala. D. E. Budd. 110 1st. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE AN S-ROOM HOUSE. BARN and 10 lots, on Mount Scott electric line, to exchange for 60 or 80 acres good land on car line, within S miles of the city. Call 309 McKay bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. $2000 to $10,000: also business properties. $5000 to $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. WhlUng tc Co.. 40S Ablngton bldg. WANTED SMALL FRACTIONAL PIECE near business; state location and price. Address D ?9, care Oregonlan. I WANT FOR CASH TWO 6 OR 7-ROOM houses: value of each about $1500. F. Fuchs. 140W 1st sL LAND SCRIP. WE HAVE PRACTICALLY THE ONLY valid forest reserve scrip on the market. Wo handle all kinds public land practice, Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP, TIM bered, farm or grazing land; all sizes, lowest prices. H. B. Compson, 61S Marquam bldr. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maginnls & Son. 22f Failing bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. ONE GOOD WORK TEAM, WEIGHT 2400 pounds, harness and wagon; one span of amall horses; express wagon and harness: cheap. 210 Montgomery; call between 12 and 1. $30 NEW BANJO FOR SALE AT $15: Washburn make. Call evenings between 8:30 and 10 o'clock from today until next Sunday. Inquire at ISO Cth. HORSES, WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL kinds of vehicles bought., sold and rented. Hubert & Hall.' 264 4th. Phone Main 2203. GOOD DRIVING HOItSE. CITY BROKE; plenty large for delivery wagon. Room 503, Marquam. Main 2219. FOR SALE SADDLE HORSES AND PONIES, safe for any one to ride. Portland Riding Club, 505- Alder. 15 HORSES BY W. E JACOBS. ONE STAL llon. 1050 lbs. 134 East 34th sL Phone Union 1632. 20 HEAD GOOD HEAVY HORSES. TWO heavy teams, harness and wagons. 154 N. 6th at. TWO SPAN HEAVY DRAFT MULES; GOOD travelers; sound. Wright. Phone Main "14,363. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. Pianos. MUST SELL $430 PIANO. USED A FEW weeks; $230 cash. Sixteen lessons included. Answer today. Cash only. Y 57, Oregonlan. 2 Fischer upright pianon. $75 each; 3 organs. $15; 3 city low. $250. 24IH 1st. cor. Main. NEW PIANO. HIGH GRADE. TO TRADE for board or board and room. J5. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. PAIR "OF 54 IN. X 16 FT. BOILERS, Ex tra heavy; complete Al condition. $1100; without stack. $1000, f. o. b. -S. D. Burns. 527 Brannan St., San Francisco. FOR SALE WATER POWER. ONE MILE from Washougal. on north bank of Columbia River; also good farm. D. H. Gary. Waeh ougal. Wash. v FOR SALE-OHxll WILLAMETTE DONKEY with cable and rigging. Bonn Lumber Co.. 320 Falling bldg. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND TENT, ALMOST new. 151 Lownfdale SL Phone Main 4656. FOR SALE CHEAP 65" ARMY BEDS AND aminos. J. Simon & Bra, 244 Front, ; TOB SALE. Mis cellaneonj. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAKT Repair It with Elaterlte; it rolls, &sr to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; beet for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co., room 2, Hamilton bldg. FOR SALS NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL. Hard and pool tables; easy payments; wo rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. " Brunswlck-Balka-Col-fender. 40 3d st. VERY CHEAP TF SOLD BEFORE MON day Cash register, total adder; Shell bl cyl Victor talking machine, records. 20S Clackamas, 3 blocks from Steel bridge. East Side. FOR SALE THREE PILE-DRIVING HAM mers; one 3000 pounds, one 2200 pounds and one 2000 pounds. For prices and par ticulars address Creech Bros.. Aberdeen, Wash. MACHINERY FOR SALE CHEAP PLAN er, band saw, turning lathe. Iron saw ta ble, mortar, shafting and belting; must be sold this week. 400 Hawthorne ave. PASTURE FOR STOCK ON SWAN ISLAND. Phone East 2017. HELP WANTED MALE. CAPABLK WOMEN WANTED. It you work, why not earn mors than a living? Bright, educated, earnest women havs a mission. That mission should be to build one's self and help others. Be Independent. Do good. The Vlavl Company already employs over 12.000 women. The work covers twenty-three countries of the world. We will entertain applications 'from capable women. Not canvassing, but a helpful. dlgnlQed work. Apply by mall cnly. Address THE VIAVI COMPANY, Lewis Building. Portland. Or. SECURE A GOOD POSITION IN CLERICAL, technical or commercial line We receive calls from the largest corporations, manufacturer's and mercantile houses throughout the United States for competent "salesmen, executive, clerical and technical men. paying from $75 to $300 a month. We help capable men to better positions without danger to their pres ent connection. We assure you of considera tion for evyy position you are competent to fill, no matter where located, and tell you how to bring your ability to the attention of hundreds of employers who need high-grade men. Business Men's Clearlng-House, 604-5 McKay bldg.. 102 3d sL, Portland. Or. SALESMAN TO HANDLE OUR LINE OF calendars, fans, blotters and advertising folders on commlmlon; season now open; re" erenoes required. Frederick Pollworth & Bro., printers and music typographers, 341 343 East Water st., Milwaukee, Wis. Nov elty department. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SOLICITOR FOR mechanical 'enterprise; good pay for right man; references. L 90, Oregonlan. WANTED IMMEDIATELY SINGERS. PER formers. musicians, for vaudeville circuit, dramatic companies, ladles' band, quartets, sketch teams, for Portland's World's Fair, vaudeville circuit. Newman's Vaudeville Cir cuit and School of Acting. 351,i Morrison. SALESMAN TRAVELING THROUGH THE country districts to sell manufacturer's line of blankets, flannels and dress goods on commission. The Lakewood Company. Box 414. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED 1000 R. R. MEN, NEW WORK. 100 other jobs; name your work and we have It; also station work. Canadian Em ployment Co., 240 Burnslde st. Phone Main 3074. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; 8 weeks completes; positions guaranteed; tuition earned while learning. Write for terms. Mo ler's Barber College, 644 Clay. San Francisco. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; complete course In 8 weeks; expert Instructions; positions guaranteed; for terms write Oilman College, 627 Clay St.. S. F. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Brett. Co., School of Practical Plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad--dress 4973-75 Easton ave., St. Louis, Mo. TEN FIRST-CLASS GASFITTERS; PERMA nent work guaranteed; wages from $3 to $3.50 per day for eight hours' work. Apply at once. Portland Gas Company. TO SOLICITORS AND AGENTS WE HAVE absolutely the best offers ever put In the field for canvassers. Sunset Magazine. 733 Mission St.. San Francisco. Cal. POSITIONS SECURED BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers, salesmen. Call today and Investigate. Portland Commercial Bureau, 722 Chamber cf Commerce. WANTED BOY. 18. AS BUNDLE WRAP per; boy. 18. assistant receiving clerk; city: references required. Clerks' Registration Bu reau, 285 Morrteon st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness; good pay to good men. Call or write 007 McKay bldg. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN FROM SO TO 35 years old. with knowledge of range riding . and some business experience; fair education. Y 96. Oregonlan. MEN TO LEARN THE DETECTIVE BfSI nen; paid while learning. Barrett, room 301, Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Open evenings. FOUR SHOEMAKERS WANTED FOR THE country. Apply to Chas. L. Mastlck & Co., leather and shoe findings, 75 Front st.. city. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS MECHANIC who has $500 to $1000 to invest In a good manufacturing business. E 90. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WITH SOME EXPERIENCE for general store. Southern Oregon; sal ary $60. 722 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY CLEAN. HONEST AND LOTS OF It, In our elck and accident policies; we want good agents. 401 Marquam bldg. WANTED UP-TO-DATE FOREMAN FOR A factory making boat oars, wheelbarrows, etc Address Lockbox 75, Portland, Or. WANTED FIRST-CLASS AMALGAMATOR; prefer man with some experience with cya nide plant. A 97. Oregonlan. WANTED TWO MATTRES3MAKERS AND two upholsterers. Washington Mattress & Furniture Co- Seattle. Wash. MAN WANTED TO WORK ON RANCH near city. $20. Denlson News Co., 326 Johnson st., opposite depot. WANTED MAN TO CHECK GOODS AND collect; must have $100; will pay $18 a week. Call 24814 Stark st. WANTED A GOOD ALL-ROUND PLUMBER and tinner; steady job to right man. J. H. Mllner, Marshfleld. Or. WANTED TWO GENTS. WELL EXPERI enced In canvassing; a enap. Rembrandt Studio. Ablngton bldg. WANTED A GOOD BUTCHER. THAT CAN do al' butcher work: German preferred. W. W Irwin. Aurora, Or. V ANTED SECOND WASHER BY APRIL 1; wages $12 per week. Mirror Steam Laundry. Hoqulam, Wash. WANTED TEAMS FOR HAULING LUM ber; $2 per 1000. Nordby Lumber Co., 103 Sherlock bldg. CARPENTER AND PAINTER WANTED 1N side work exchange for dental work. O 99, Oregonlan. LOGGING DONKEY ENGINEMAN. $2.75; edgerman. $2.50; others. Hansen. 2G N. 2d. WANTED BOYS. 16 TO 18. INDOOR FAC torj" work. 49 North Front, corner Davis. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT once; references required. 232 Stark sL Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber Col lege, 741 Howard st,. San Francisco. WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD CLOTHING, shoes. 50 3d. Phone Hood 1S62. DR. WALKER, 181 1ST. CURES ALL PRI vate diseases of men. WANTED A BOY. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, cor. 7th and Stark. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY TO TRAV el and solicit; good pay. M 05. Oregonlan. COMPETENT GIRL WANTED FOR GEN eral housework. 101 N. 24th. Phone 3116. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. Apply 564 Hoyt ot. WANTED GIRL, GOOD COOK, GOOD wages. Apply 192 Lownsdale st. WANTED GIRL FOR " GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 255 King st. WANTED WAITRESS. ST. HELEN'S HALL, cor. Ford and Park ave. A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL H0USE work. Call 3SQ Park W .' ' ' HELP WANTED FEMALE. i WANTED A STENOGRAPHER: ALSO JAP anese boy at J. N. Matsohek Candy Co.. 270 IsL Call at once; good wages. D 87; Oregonlan. MARRIED WOMAN TO CARE FOR ROOM-lgn-house In exchange for housekeeping rooms; no children. McC6y, 86 10th, near Stark. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS. WA1T ers. chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Blaofc 2881. GERMAN GIRL FOR COOK AND HOUSE work. small family, best wages to right person. 224 E. 2d North. S to 10 A. M. COUNTRY HOTEL COOKS. $30; FAMILY help. $30 down; waitress; Japanese flunkey. $28. Drake's. 205b Washington. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER CAN SE cure good ground floor detUt room an easy terms. R 98, Oregonlan office. WANTED TWO LADIES TO CANVASS: must be well experienced; a snap. Rem brandt Studio. Ablngton bldg. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; references required. Apply GW Bel mont st. Phone East 2276. EXPERIENCED LADY CASHIER AND bundle-wrapper for the Hub, 3d and Burn slde. Apply at once. WANTED LADY TO FILL PERMANENT position; salary, $50 per month. Mrs. B. L. Wlleox. general delivery- WANTED RELIABLE GIRL TO CARE FOR baby afternoons. ' Call mornings. 374 E. 10th, cor. Schuyler. GIRL WANTED IN PRIVATE FAMILY FOR general housework and plain cooking. Ap ply 427 AVashtngton st. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO AS sist with light housework; tnnall wagv. Phone Scott 5486. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework; none other need apply. 100 E'IGth st. EXPERIENCED BUTTONHOLE MAKER wanted. Jacoba Shirt Co.. Hamilton bkig.. 131 3d st. WANTED LADY DESIRING GOOD OFFICE position, who has capital to invest. F W. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good wages; city references. S23 Johnson. EXPERIENCED WAIST FINISHERS WANT, ed. Max. The Dekum. HE LI WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Ladles to learn oarber trade: 3 weeks completes; tuition earned while learn ing. Halrdresslng. manicuring and facial massage In 4 weeks; special terms row. Writ Moler System College. San Francisco. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, 22U& Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY RSPRESEN tatlves In Portland and throughout the state; we pay good money. Call or write 007 Mc Kay bldg.. WANTED OFFICE GIRL. START WORK Monday. $50 month for beginning to right party. Inquire Mlsa Rose. Main 2004. Sati, urday. NEAT YOUNG WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework in ."mall American family. Call at 72 N. 20th st. ELDERLY GERMAN LADY FOR LIGHT housework; good home; no washing. Apply 634 E. Sth st. S. YOUNG LADY WANTED AS CASHIER AT Penny Arcade. 300 Washington et. Call before 12 noon. WANTED YOUNG LADY AS BOOKKBEP er and stenographer. Call at 230 Vront st. WANTED A GIRL TO DO COOKING AND general housework. 213 N. 20th st. WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL HUUSR work and cooking. Phone Scott 5707. SITUATION XVANTE1J MALE. UuuK .-jivrfc and Clerks. WANTED THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED clothing talesman, at present with one ot the leading clothing houses of Seattle. Wab.. would like to get position in Portland; IT years' experience; best of references. Ad- , dress K 90. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED mining accountant; development manage ment preferred; 10 years British Columbia. Mexico and Middle West; no objection for eign service. X 94. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN BOOKKEEPER. DESIRES position: best references; good habits; un derstands voucher system thoroughly. N in. Oregonlan. , A YOUNG MAN. A GRADUATE OF iltll strong's Business College, desires a poiitfcm as bookeeper or offlce helper. B 99. Ore goaian. WANTED FOSITIOX AS COLLECTOR OR salesman; first-class references. P U7, Ore gonlan. Phone Main 4329. STENOGRAPHER. 6 YEARS' EXPERI ence, good references, wants posltlen of any kind. N 95, Oregonlan. FOHITION AS BOOKKEEPER BY YOUNfJ man. bank exptrlence; can furnish refer ences. G 99. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED POSITION IN DAIRY: CAN DO farm or garden work; have worked 2 yars In dairy; am young white man; state wage. Address J 90. Oregonlan. TELEPHONE DRAKE FOR COOKS. DISH washers. porters (white, colored. Chinese, farmhands, laborers, clerks, anybody. Drak. "06V: Washington. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN Of 3: wohM prefer work in wholesale we shipping house; can give good references'. Y 93, Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BY SOBER. INDU3 trlou? all around blacfcronlth; experienced shop, mill and camp work. C. B. Maxn. Ridgetleld. Wash. FIRST-CLASS GERMAN CAKE BAKER, good ornatnenter, 15 years' experience, wishf. pobitlon. L OS. Oregonlan. A JAPANESE BOY WISHES SITUATION TO do housework or wash dishes In any ptae. R 99, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY A GOOD ALL around butcher, city or country. Q 90. Oregonlan. GOOD. ALL-ROUND BAKER WANTS JO at once; 12 years" experience. Apply 2W Salmon fit. , YOUNG MAN. NOT AFRAID OF WORK, wishes a position at anything. Phone Main 3590. JAPANESE BOY WANTS PLACE TO DO ANY kind work, in any place. 144 Uth at. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG LATJY DESIRES POSITION AS stenographer; some experience; salary no object; good reference. Phone Main 4020. Domestics. SECOND GIRL WITH EXPERIENCE. 335 11th. eor. Market st. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED CAPABLE. MIDDLE aged woman housekeeper, girl to assist boarding-house, chambermaids, waitresses, house work girls. 230& Yamhill. Phone Black 2SSI. SITUATION WANTED AS NURSE. INFANT. Invalid or children, by very experienced girl, with best references. 230i Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. FASHIONABLE MILLINER 34S YAMHILL at. I will visit your home by the day. Spe cialty of remaking hats. EXPERIENCED DEMONSTRATOR DE sires position; can furnleh best of refer ences. L 96. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED LADY WISHES WORK IN rooming-house or hotel as chambermaid. H 99. Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED TO SELL lots on commission. In one of the choicest suburbs of Portland. Address P. O. Box 703. city. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED ROOMS In all parts of the city. Apply 202 Goodnougb building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phcne Main 6269. TO RENT 1-ROOM COTTAGE OR 0-ROQM house, at once, 285 Salmon st.